Super Mario Odyssey received universal acclaim when the review embargo dropped yesterday, with many outlets across the world giving it top marks, along with our own 10/10, of course.
That's all added up to a mighty overall score of 98.92% (at the time of writing) on the longstanding game review score aggregator GameRankings, putting it in first place ahead of Super Mario Galaxy, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Super Mario Galaxy 2.
Of course, Metacritic does have a slightly different formula for calculating their Metascores, along with different outlets which are tracked. So the picture is a little bit different there, with Super Mario Odyssey in 7th place. Its Metascore of 97 actually ties it with Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2.
Do you think the critical acclaim which Super Mario Odyssey has received so far is deserved? Let us know your thoughts with a comment below.
Comments 192
I'm fine with this.
Maybe right now but I bet it'll drop slightly over the coming weeks. Someone will try to spoil the party. It's far too early to give it that crown, it's only been 24 hours. All it takes is an attention seeking publication or site like PLAY! Zine to affect its average score.
Gotta love that 7.5 review that says if you enjoy the game you're a zombie that's been taken over by Cappy. Great stuff Not even trying to hide the click bait. It's my personal review pet peeve when the reviewer slams other people for enjoying the game.
Wait until Jim Sterling puts up a review.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I don't see why, considering Galaxy never did.
@eShopper He's apparently done writing reviews by his own admittance. I always hated the guy's attitude which reflected heavily on his reviews. Kind of like the Kayne West of reviewers. Needs to get over himself.
Even better than BOTW I think.
Yeah, listen to Metacritic and Tony Hawk 2 is a better game than both Odyssey, Galaxy 1 & 2 AND Breath of the Wild.
@eShopper He’s not reviewing games anymore. He shifted his focus to other content.
I have to say it stands head and shoulders above anything else I've ever played.
This game alone justifys the purchase of a nintendo switch (if you didn't already need a reason)
I don't need to hear from any Game Critique.
Even the games rated 100 for them, i have different perception, maybe lower or higher than their judgement.
Even they said if certain games are Recommended (Great score) , if the games are not matching with my ceriterias, i will never got interested nor even bought them.
@Marios-love-child If you're his love child...who was the mom? This information must be known.
I don't think anything can ever really topple Mario 64 in my mind. Probably to see them both for the first time side-by-side, Odyssey would be objectively better but in context it's just not as mind blowing.
To go from playing 2D SNES games (or 3D games looking like Starwing) to the first open-world 3D platformer I'd ever seen that turns out to still hold its own 20 years later seems like something that can't really happen again.
Aggregate sites have no credibility.
Breath of the Wild was, too. Briefly, anyway. Critics have become more critical in recent years. It won't last.
It's also funny to think that Odyssey is just about universally considered a perfect genre-defining experience, and now Sonic Forces has to follow that act. Yikes.
Some reviews have not been submitted yet so this headline is made too early, honestly! Besides, it almost ignores Metacritic.
The game is fantastic. Whether it's the best game ever or only the 7th best game doesn't really matter. Nintendo are clearly back in a big way.
Surely, the Switch's launch year has been better than anyone could have expected. In my opinion, we haven't had a better year for Nintendo games.
Oh, and can we finally put an end to the "Switch has no games" narrative?
Interesting on the Gamerankings list how very few Xbox exclusives there are at the top. The first one is 23rd and was on the original Xbox (Halo 1), then after that there's hardly anything...
Buying it today and calling out of work tommorow for a 3 day weekend. I’ll know how good it is soon...
People, please don't sweat if this game gets a low score that drops its aggregate score. There are enough over-inflated reviews out there, we shouldn't complain about reviewers giving their honest opinion.
Early reviews are often a reaction to the hype and the name included in the title, I appreciate more gamers' reactions and retrospectives. For instance, Breath of the Wild is NOT the best Zelda game but the hype was too much to handle it objectively.
@Pazuzu666 Don't dis THPS2 on my watch, buddy. That's an excellent game.
@BlueOcean Luckily, reviewers tend to analyze the game as is, independently of how it compares to the spirit of the franchise. Same reason why DmC was critically acclaimed on release.
I doubt I'll be more impressed then Zelda BOTW but I'm open minded, so maybe. I'm buying it after work today and will be playing it for the first time tonight. Good to hear its so highly thought of already.
@joedick When a reviewer calls me a zombie for enjoying the game regardless of the score, I'm gonna be a tad bit pissy sorry. Honest opinions should not revolve around saying other people and reviewers are stupid or a "zombie" for not feeling the same way they do about the game. So that guy can shove his 7.5 up somewhere not sunny.
@MarcelRguez I don't think that's always the case, honestly. So many reviewers think more of the name in the title and what the readers and the publisher is expecting you to say. Players' words are often more meaningful but a demo is always helpful and welcome. Unfortunately, Nintendo doesn't release demos normally.
@BlueOcean Don't think that's true (or demonstrable), but you do you.
Can't... get... this... darn... cellophane.. off ... fast... enough... My copy just landed on the doormat. Last Mario I played was in fact Mario 64, just like the last Zelda I'd played before BotW was Ocarina of Time. I reckon 2017 won that one; looking forward to seeing how the Mario games compare, but the high ratings so far simply reinforce the feeling that the Switch is having an unbelievable first year.
Picked it up this morning. Currently suffering through the longest workday ever. Absolutely can't wait to get home and play it! (Yes, I know I could have brought my Switch to work, but I want this on the TV and in an uninterrupted multi-hour session)
I guess it'll never match the greatness that is Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 or Grand Theft Auto IV, lol.
Lets wait for the attention-whoring negative review fromJim Sterling.
@MarcelRguez Yes, obviously we don't agree. Let's move on.
Currently I’m loving Mario-O but can you really judge an open world to a platformer to a shooter to a racer? Plus fanboys and trolls have a tendency to affect the biggest publicised games scores.
Odyssey is a wonderful game. BOTW is a wonderful game. MK8, Arms, Splatoon 2 and Mario v Rabbids are fantastic games in their own right. The Switch is a fun thing to play. But I wouldn’t put the weight of the world on a title by saying they are better or worse. They’re just great games.
@frogopus Think you got the quotes mixed up lol. I've never even played Tony Hawk. As far as the review I've been talking about I don't think you understand. I don't care what country the review is from. If you resort to insulting other people's views who are enjoying the game for their own reasons because apparently your view is law, then your review means nothing to me and you shouldn't be reviewing.
So far it is awesome and I can easily say its my favourite game on Switch thus far .
@MrGawain I totally agree with your last comment. It is one of the more sensible on the thread. Great games are great games but there's an obsession about what is the best even though every person likes and dislikes certain genres and styles. It's all so subjective.
How many times have I read "This is one of the best games ever made"? Too many times. So many times that the sentence has become absolutely meaningless.
Anxiously awaiting delivery.
@Joker13z Fair enough, my friend. Having looked at the blurb on MC, I see your point. I think it's fine to give it a low score if they feel the challenge isn't there, though I agree they were a bit douchy in how it was explained.
I just wanna run home.
Letsa go
@joedick Yeah exactly my thoughts. They can give it whatever score they want for whatever reasons they want as long as they explain it. But when a reviewer acts like that about it, their opinion immediately becomes invalid for me.
Metacritic don't do just a regular average. They actually weight different sites as having more important opinions, lol.
Sleaziest thing I've ever found out. It'd be so easy to just do an average.
Well, all reviews are and should be a subjective opinion. Nothing else makes sense.
And I really do not care for what cumulative score Super Mario Odyssey gets in the end. It's so meaningless anyway.
But I think the 7.5 reviewer could have a valid point, though. And that is the absent of a real challenge in Odyssey. I haven't played the game yet, so I can't say for sure? I Am going to play it when I get home.
But most of the reviews talk about this fantastic "playground" in Odyssey, where there really isn't any punishment for dying. It sounds like a lot of hand holding, and something like what we see in LEGO games.
All this doesn't have to be a problem, if the game makes up for that in other ways. And it is certainly great for causal gamers, who likes it easy.
But if you expect some old school challenge like in Super Mario World or even Super Mario 64, then Odyssey doesn't seem to deliver. And with those expectations, a 7.5 could be deserved?!?
I don't no? I have to play it myself, before I can judge it.
@justin233 Yup that's me today!
@Joker13z Yeah I read that too. What a moron
Exactly. Every great game is the "new" greatest of all time. Same problem in sports. Our memories are so short and it's really hard to compare across generations. Mario Odyssey can be great but review scores are half hype anyway. Almost entirely subjective, etc. etc. etc.
Personally, I still know that Lufia II is the greatest game of all time. On the aggregator site that is my brain it is a perfect 10 across the board.
To be clear, I'll get the game, I have every main Mario game, but here's another review if anyone's interested, it's positive but also more critical.
An interesting read.
Sites/reviewers who give a game slightly less than the others (like God forbid, an 8 or something...) aren't always necessarily attention-whoring. They might just not be sheep who get sucked into the "BEST GAME EVER!" hive-mind like all the rest. People who complain about them lowering a Metacritic score never seem to complain about all the biased sycophantic pre-programmed fanboy reviews who are going to give certain hyped Nintendo games 10/10 even if they turned out to be just a title screen.
@dres If you're going to defend someone talking down to others like this:
"Though a really neat game, Super Mario Odyssey is an utterly underwhelming adventure for every long-term Super Mario fan in existence. Unless Cappy brainwashed you. In that case, you are a satisfied zombie customer now. No, seriously, only a zombie would find a healthy challenge in this pleasant but disappointingly easy Super Mario Walk-in-the-park. Sorry - Odyssey."
Then we have nothing to discuss lol.
@Haywired Read what I just quoted from the review and come back to me lol. I don't give a crap about the score for the record.
If there's a 10/10 review that treats people the same way as this 7.5 review then their opinion is invalid as well. It goes both ways.
@speedracer216 Yep.
@BlueOcean good read. Thanks
@1UP_MARIO Welcome!
@JamesR While I agree and think the Switch has had a good library of content since August, Once Doom, Skyrim, LA Noire, Resident Evil Rev 1/2, and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 are out there will truly be no argument. Shooters, Platformers, RPGS, Fighters, MUSOUs, Nintendo IPs will all be well represented by end of year.
From what I've played so far it's better than the Galaxy games and up there with Mario64, possibly even better but we'll see. What I can say is that it's the most fun I've had with a game for a very long time
Played for about 2 hours, and I really like it, and I hate almost everything, so it's doing all right by me. And if TW's review was anything to go by and it's actually going to get better, well I kind of find that hard to believe, but bring it on.
I'm only 2 hours in, but this is SMG3 to me. I keep seeing people on here asking for SMG3 but I'm pretty sure this is it. OK maybe it doesn't have the small round planet gravity aspect, but if it had been called SMG3 I certainly wouldn't have complained.
My son did watch 1 Youtuber give it a 7 out of 10, ProJared maybe?, and my son said the guy said it was too easy. And I suppose if people want Mario to be Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze - the game I could never get past world 2-2 on - then they are going to be disappointed. But they should realize that's their own disappointment based on their own expectations, I don't feel this game was ever presented as hard, just exploring. Is Minecraft hard in creative mode?
I don't know, I can't knock a game for being easy. I see the word "challenge" and I think, you want a challenge, go to grad school, raise some kids. Games to me are meant to be fun, and so far this one is. There are plenty of "Souls" games to go play if you need a challenge, it's a 3D Mario game, it should be fun.
Also, I really didn't like Mario 64, and I don't even see any resemblance. Maybe the triple jump but that's about it. I see Galaxy, with some Jax and Daxter edge grabbing and Ratchet and Clank wrench throwing crate bashing, and Cappy is a much better sidekick than FLUDD. He makes some funny comments if you take the time to read them. This game makes me happy playing again.
Yooka-Layle made me happy for 1 1/2 world's before it all came crashing down. Anybody playing YL for the first time after this is going to be SOOOOO disappointed. Really, don't even bother, there's no point.
Bought it this morning before work and I'm gonna have to wait to late this evening before I can play it... It's torture
Arbitrary review scores aside, Odyssey is great and I am enjoying it immensely.
@rjejr yeah, I got a serious Galaxy vibe from Odyssey as well. It is so good.
I didn't like Super Mario Galaxy games because of the tiny worlds, the motion controls an the camera always close and barely moveable but I loved Super Mario 64 and Sunshine. SM64 is one of the games I have played (100%) more times in my life. That and Super Mario World. An evolved sequel to Super Mario 64 is what I would love, castle included and no NY cities and proportionate human beings in a Mario game, please.
@frogopus Tony Hawk 2 is a near perfect game that is still a lot of fun to play.
It's one of the few games of that generation that did stand the test of time.
SLIGEACH_EIRE: "Someone will try to spoil the party."
Hahaha... This made my day.
I'll just let it sink in...
@Joker13z Joking aside, I actually liked his reviews when he was taking them seriously. He's a good writer.
Any idea why? I remember him saying a while back he loved the art of writing reviews and wanted to keep it alive, even if it wasn't worth it views-wise.
@eShopper Guess we differ on our opinions on him haha. I could never stand the guy, especially his videos.
As for him quitting, he wrote a whole article about it awhile back. From what I remember the blame was put mostly on reactions to his Zelda BOTW review. Something about being tired of the criticism and backlash. Which confused me because I thought he lived for that stuff.
This game is superb. I just can't stop playing it. I just can't even stop thinking about it!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Play-Zine's summary read so bad how can anyone take that score seriously. The summary sounds more like a 3/10 then 7.5.
Still waiting to play it! Amazon better deliver on time today!!!
I'll be the judge of that myself. I don't want to end up with another BotW (as much as I love that game, it's simply not a 10/10 imo)
@thesilverbrick I was thinking the same thing. It's sad to see the current situation with Mario and Sonic which were once pretty equal rivals in the 90's. Fast forward to 2017 and you have a masterpiece like Mario Oddysey going head to head with Sonic Forces. Mario is still king while Sonic is hanging by a very crummy thread.
@Spoony_Tech "The summary sounds more like a 3/10"
If you read the whole review
you'll see that it's not a 3/10 review. One of the things that worries me is that the game lacks challenge, it's short and it focuses on dull collecting. It sounds like a few steps backwards compared to wonderful Super Mario 64 and Sunshine.
@Joker13z Momrio! xD
This is a more important release than BoTW for sure. Whereas that game re-wrote the rule book for Zelda, Odyssey is exactly what the Mario franchise has needed for a very long time, and it's appeal stretches to just about anyone who can play games.
@BlueOcean Thanks for that link. The review sounds like their honest opinion and I can't fault that. I've seen far worse reviews that actually do sound like click bait.
Why do you even care? Just let it be in the dock, and treat it like a compact little home console or what ever you like.
Stop being such a fool, man. It's the great games that matter, nothing else.
I noticed this already yesterday ^^
@Spoony_Tech You're welcome. To be honest, I also thought it was clickbait before reading it. Prejudices are bad. After reading the text, it sounds totally sincere.
I've put about 9 hours into Odyssey so far and have to say that it may be a genuine GOAT contender. It's that good. It has also dethroned BOTW as my personal GOTY, which I thought would be borderline impossible. All I know is Nintendo has released two of the greatest games ever made within the same year, and I could not be happier about that.
@Mart1ndo You want a Switch with the unique selling point removed?! That's insane! That would be like selling the 3DS without the 3D!
Oh... wait...
@invictus4000 Sonic has been in a downward spiral for years now. Occasionally, there is a passable 3D Sonic game and the fanbase claims it's a masterpiece, when really, all the game did was just not suck completely. Meanwhile, every major 3D Mario platformer has launched to universal critical acclaim and is held up as a gold standard for 3D platforming. It's sad to see two mascots that were once comparable rivals go in such opposite directions.
A few of you at the top really pointed out such a big problem with aggregate review sites. The mention of just "Jim Sterling" really clarifies it. In our click-heavy video driven world where clicbate is what sells and being contrarian is click bate, there's tons of unscrupulous people who know that torpedoing aggregate scores just for the sake of doing so makes them money or fame, and the fact that certain individuals can be counted on to reliably do so with consistency, kind of breaks any meaning these aggregates have.
@Mart1ndo I think you missed the obvious joke...
@BlueOcean It's still a matter of opinion. Breath of the Wild is my favorite Zelda game, and I agree with the early reviews. That doesn't invalidate my opinion.
I can't wait to see how the Switch revision is. More power with Tegra X2 (more power, low power consumption)? Better battery life? A Vita form without detachable joycons? A Super Dock with extra power within? There are so many things Nintendo could improve or change about Switch.
In my opinion, it should be a Vita-styled revision with Tegra X2 and a proper D-pad and you still could buy the joycons and dock if you want them or just plug the HDMI cable in without a dock which is just a glorified piece of hollow plastic.
@Mart1ndo A TV-only Switch won't happen for a long time as it would confuse the marketing and, unlike 3D, the portability is an almost universally beloved feature. I could see a budget home console version releasing nearer to the end of its life-cycle or when sales start to slow down, but not before then.
But, you know, if you're OK missing out on classic Nintendo titles for 3+ years, go for it. I kind of get it, since I think I'm done buying pure home consoles, so I'll probably miss out on the PS5/PS6/whatever.
For now...
@JamesR 'Switch has no games'. Even the haters must realise how stupid they sound just saying it. Compare the 1st year software line up to the same time period of the twins,or even last gen consoles and see how they explain that statement then.They're running out absurd things to say even now,but i do admit i find it quite amusing
It would be enough to see one of the best rated games of all time this year- best rated game in a decade or more. But to see two... in the same year, on the same platform, by the same company... one with an aggregate making it the highest scoring game in history...
That's truly a sight to behold.
@Mart1ndo Might as well tackle that, then. At absolute worst, if Nintendo never releases a home console Switch, you might be able to snag a first-generation Switch at a reduced price. Even if you never use the portability, you'll still have a generation worth of Nintendo games to catch up on.
AND just finished the campaign. Such an amazing game (could have been a bit longer), now to not rest until I have all the collectibles
@PlayedNSlayed I don't think that they mean that Switch has no games but that most of them are Wii U ports or indie multiplatform games. That is slowly changing with Arms, Mario + Rabbids and Super Mario Odyssey. The truth is that PS4 didn't have many games at launch either, Xbox One had a few (Ryse, Forza, Killer Instinct, Dead Rising).
Hey, enlighten me, what is this unique selling point you mention, I can't see what's unique about the switch tbh, I must be missing something
Probably not.
@Joker13z I actually like the guy, I met him once and he was a nice guy. I don’t always agree with him, but he does touch on valid points that reviewers who work for a website don’t touch on.
Back to the game, I love it, which is an understatement. Nintendo are on a role at the moment.
If Nintendo waited until January, they would probably have two guaranteed back-to-back GotY winners, with BotW and now Odyssey. I love how they're not holding back though.
@ImagineerNik Wow you’ve proper rushed through it! I’ve been playing since 2pm and I’m only just at the Sand Kingdom. I like to take my time and take it all in, plus get the collectibles on my way through the game.
gamerankings only has 31 reviews in it's aggregate score, whilst metacritic has 67... sooo... let's ASSYOUME nothing, and just say it was well received.
Still waiting on those «Critical acclaim? I’ll show them!» reviews. Only one of those so far (the «if you like this, you`re a zombie, unlike me» review).
@NinjaWaddleDee not for me.
Just noticed on the inside of the box it has the lyrics to the song, nice touch.
Do u know what? I think I'm going to start buying physical copies from now on because I'm an amazon member and I purchased mario odyssey for £39.99 which is a huge saving! Granted I got £2 off for being with amazon but even at £41.99 that is a great price.
So I'm going to start comparing prices as there are waaaay too many games I want and not enough money in my bank account lol
Erm seriously now...are you trolling? Everyone throws that term about but seriously just read what you just said...
You just asked for a console version only for the switch when it already is a console FIRST. Or am I missing your point?
@BlueOcean personally botw is way better then every Zelda game I've ever played, and I started gaming 1989
Personal preference but botw has mechanics that far trump other Zelda games, for me just exploring a,d walking about I had as much fun as playing ocarina of time.
But each to their own and all that lol
That's not the impression I got at all. Sure, the OMG HATE reactions to his positive review of BotW was a factor, but the main thing was time. He's focusing on a lot of different kinds of content now, like Commentocracy, Loose Boys, etc. and doesn't want the constant stress of having to finish games quickly to get the review out in a reasonable amount of time. Not to mention, many publishers won't send him advance copies anymore since he won't guarantee them a 10/10. No, really.
I'm fine with his direction, tbh. He still does "Jimpressions" on the games. Just his candid thoughts as he plays it.
@Deathwalka Have you only just noticed that prime deal? Also that deal sucks for us Brits who have Prime, as in the US they get 20% off preorders
@Hughesy you think that deal sucks??
Man no pleasing some people lol
I'm loving saving a tenner on each game, so every 4 games I could purchase and extra title with my savings which I think is awesome!
I mean look at the amount of great games Nintendo are dishing out, honestly il take any saving I can at the moment haha
@SmaMan You're probably more right than I am about it all. I personally think the man is a giant dbag so I'm probably biased haha. That and I never regularly followed his content except when people made such a fuss about it so I looked stuff up.
So yeah, whoever I was talking to about it, Smaman is probably right.
It'll drop like Breath of the Wild did. Doesn't change that BotW is the best game ever made (and I hate the Zelda franchise, before people accuse me of fanboyism). Probably still an amazing game. Ratings are whatever :3
The game is so great down to every detail that the idle animations are actually funny and worth watching on a loop. When I stop my game and just watch idle animation and giggle like I'm 12, you got a mega hit.
I just prayyyy they don't remove the cap throwing mechanic in future games - even if they do remove the possession powers. Feels so much more Mario than just punching enemies.
@Hughesy I've been playing it since midnight. Haven't rushed anything as I tried to get as many collectables as possible in each area before moving on. There's loads to do post main game
The 'Switch has no games' crew are still out there. They're just now reduced to pretending some Switch games don't count because they've been on other systems or are made by an 'indie' developer.
Went and bought it last night at midnight.
I saved up and bought my NES all by myself as a five year old in 1989, and when the blue light from World 1-1 hit my face for the first time, it was love at first sight.
Last night felt very much like that lol
@Joker13z Absolutely, I read that one too and just thought,"wow, what a jerk, I guess he's calling myself and my children names."
I think it’s 10/10 is justified. It’s the first game that’s actually given me this type of joyous feeling that I can’t describe! This year has been my favourite year for gaming ever solely because of this and Breath of the Wild! Oh and the super awesome wicked Switch!
@Deathwalka What? You save £2 with Prime pre orders, not £10. Prime in the US you get 20% off, so yes the deal sucks for the UK.
@MrGawain Well said! You could compare entries in their own series maybe but you can’t really compare different genres.
@Mart1ndo Nope, Nintendo has abandoned strictly home console hardware. The Tegra is a mobile chip, and any future SKU of the NS will likely have the Tegra successors. Your best bet is either pretend you're playing a home console like a lot of people are able to convince themselves of, or wait until an NS emulator is created someday so you can play SMO on PC. Personally, I would just wait for the next significant SKU upgrade of the NS a couple or maybe a few years down the line. Hopefully that will have more oomph, the library will have expanded, and the OS ecosystem should improve by then.
@Hughesy lol it's not £2 that's just an additional amount I get
All titles as it stands right now are cheaper on amazon prime
Compared to the digital shop counterpart there is nearly always a £50 -40 drop
But I pay for monthly prime but that's an awesome perk for an avid switch gamer as there are so many games I want but can't justify spending nearly £500 on those games
I bet its way too easy
Tony Hawk's 2 has a better story, complex characters, huge replay value, different challenges. Just accept it.
It's funny because TH2 actually was perfect for its purpose, but reading some comments in Metacritic saying "best game ever" is just a kind of joke.
I do worry 2018 won't be as good for the Switch, surely 2017 cannot be beaten for the Switch?
I think the replayability will be better on this Mario simply because it has online leaderboards and being a score chaser myself that makes a huge difference over other Mario games.
@Honelith I'm not sure if it can be topped but if Metroid Prime 4 and Pokemon release next year along with Retro's new game and the big summer game Nintendo has yet to tell us about, it could be mighty close.
To soon to tell, give it a week or so. I mean, I would have given Zelda: BoTW a 10/10 when I first started playing, but after everything was said and done, a 7 or 8 would have been fair (IMO).
I haven't played the game but everybody keeps giving the game pure 10's...that's kinda fishy and drunk on hype. Projared's review seemed more honest and realistic (he gave it an 8).
Once I'll play it I'll see how is right.
About 3 and a half hours in, I love the game. I basically have nothing negative to say about it yet. But best game? I don't think there CAN be a best game. Beyond sales numbers and review averages you cannot measure that. And sales and review averages still only tell you so much.
It's not a 10 to me but it's a good game.
Can't talk, playing Odyssey!
Waiting for Jim sterling to ruin the party. Douche is so anti-nintendo
Last time I checked Metacritic it was 97%. I believe Zelda was 98%, though the amount of reviewers may differ. A few complaints I heard is that collecting Moons gets tedious (Maybe a bit like Korok-seeds, a bit to much? I don't know, haven't played Odyssey yet) and that the game is very easy. In fact one of the reviewers gave it 75% and said it was for zombies (that made me laugh).
I personally was almost on the brink of getting the Switch deal, but then the deal was gone. Yes, it is awfully expensive again. I'll wait a little longer.
The game does sound gigantic though. 15 worlds and more then 800 Moons, sounds great!
I hope NL makes a video covering Odyssey's bad reviews like they did with BotW.
Just wait until Jim Sterling rates it
Odyssey is a lovely game but for some reason I'm hooked on Waifu Emblem Warriors even though I bought them both at the same time and tried them out for a few hours. Somehow I'm liking Waifu Emblem more and I'm sure it's just me.
As for GOTY. Zelda over Odyssey.
@MrYuzhai He praised Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Xenoblade Chronicles X though. He has some different opinions but not anti-Nintendo.
Ironically, it seems someone with too much time on his hands (and not enough reason in life) decided to stoke the fires with a fake review according to his latest video.
And certain "fans" fell for it hook, line and sinker from an imaginary Lakitu.
I’ve only played an hour so far, and I’ve smiled the whole time. Reminds me of Mario 64, which is a very good thing indeed
@JTMnM They did?
@JTMnM Thanks!
Fantastic game… But, it’s beyond the easiest game I’ve ever played, after 6 hours I had been to 7 worlds and had collected 150+ moons… There is zero challenge in the game and it’s a huge shame… I’ll give it 9/10 … A perfect score if it was harder like it should of been
Been playing for the past few days. I'm on the Luncheon Kingdom. It is a wonderful 10/10 for me. The pacing of the game is better than any prior Mario game.
To be clear: 10/10 doesn't mean the game is perfect. It means that if you wish to bucket games into 10 groups of ascending quality, this game would be with the best games.
I truly believe the ending of the Metro Kingdom is the best thing ever in gaming.
@JamesR it has over 200 games already- anyone who says that is a twonk of the highest order. 👊
FedEx screwed me, I have to flip a Mario coin all weekend, since the coin from Best Buy shipped separately, came first and the game won't be here until Tuesday. Don't know what happened in NY, but that is where my package was delayed. Ha ha.
@Yasaal FE is great, it transitioned very well to Dynasty format.
No way in hell this game is better than Breath of the Wild.
Got a chance to play for an hour last night and this morning with my 4 year old. So far, its a blast. While she's not that hard to please, she absolutely freaked (in a good way) when we "captured" a frog and then the dinosaur. She isn't too fond of different outfits for Mario. I personally like the feature
My feelings on the game so far? It's probably as close to a next gen Mario 64 we will probably ever get (unless they actually remake the game). Is it GOTY or better than BoTW? I'll reserve that judgement for when I'm done with the game. But so far, kudos to Nintendo!
I haven't got a chance to play it yet, but I am sure it will deliver on my hopes and dreams!
@MrYuzhai @SeniorDingDong @eShopper Jim Sterling gave it a positive impression. (language warning)
Don't you feel silly now
Um, no?
@eShopper Awwww, well you should!
@Mart1ndo Then why not spend that much for multiple good games on an underpowered console!?
@Mart1ndo In short, never.
The sixth generation showed that 3 standard home consoles just can't survive. Nintendo's sweet spot is offering something unique to stand partially alongside its competitors. With portability becoming a popular aspect of many consumer electronics, I have a feeling that the Switch's design will set a standard.
Hmm, what is so unique, please tell, maybe you know something i dont
@EDF The easy ability to switch from handheld to TV without any additional accessories.
That is until Chris Grant accidentally deletes he's save and gives Mario a 0.1 instead of a 9.5
Why is that so unique to switch, Ninty were late to the party with hybrid gaming, a few companies already had hybrids, the morpheos 300 springs to mind, it also was a tablet with detachable controllers that connects to TV just like switch or on the go. It came out in 2013, there are other devices aswell that came first. So no the switch isn't unique, but still it's a great device
@eShopper What's the deal with Jim Sterling? Not familiar with that name.
I got the game with the anticipation that I would like it at least as much as the Galaxy games, but 8 hours into the game I still can't decide if I even like the game.
So far the gameplay has been pretty solid but it just feels like the game is lacking in personality (e.g. the "state-the-obvious" hat character is the only one generally talking) and the moons don't generally feel challenging to obtain. I had my hopes up for the music as well but unfortunately it seems like Nintendo is sticking to their "this will make do" habit for composing (unfortunately something most games are guilty of anyway however).
Maybe I've been spoiled by Breath of the Wild and maybe I had my hopes too high that Nintendo would deviate further from old habits.
I really want to like it and I'm hoping that when I beat Odyssey I have a better opinion of it, but so far unfortunately I'm really struggling to enjoy it.
@Mart1ndo Just to clear, I didn't intend the comment yesterday against you, I was just stating matter of factly that the era of Nintendo home consoles as we know them has come to an end, most likely. Most of the customer base from the Wii era dropped off with the Wii U, so now Nintendo is chasing them.
After putting several hours into this, I can tell this is not even going to be close to my favorite Mario game of all time. It's a great game, but I think it is currently overrated. I'd give it a 8.5 or 9, I think.
One thing that really bugs me, is it's pretty clear Nintendo wants you to play with split Joy-Con. Playing handheld (80% of the time, for me) makes the motion controls pretty atrocious. Wish there were a few more control options. Zelda wins GoTY for me, hands down.
EDIT: I've unlocked 4 worlds so far, and I have a long way to go, so obviously my opinion still has time to change. I just don't see it competing for the greatest of all time award.
Lol they will have to chase hard, my mother ain't buying a switch like she did wii, Another version of wii fit would kill her at her age now lol
@Mart1ndo Well I understand the portability factor isn't for everyone but thats the thing about a hybrid system, sacrifices have to be made on both ends. Although I agree if the portability isn't a huge selling point to you then perhaps best wait for a price drop or some bundle offers.
I will say though I didn't think the portability would be a huge factor for me but damn I've been loving it.
@MsgBoardGamer Mostly because the term is marketing fluff. It's nothing new to have a portable console with home console amenities. The PSP-2000 could also be used as a "home console" using the proprietary component cable connectors 10 years ago. The Sega Nomad also had this capability using it's composite AV connector 22 years ago. But no one labelled them as "hybrid consoles" just because they have TV out, especially since they weren't marketed that way. (Granted, the Nomad was literally a "home console that can be taken on the go," so it actually fits that moniker.)
The only real difference this time is that the CPU/GPU are under clocked on the NS when it's on battery power to save energy- the dock doesn't provide any performance boost, it just lets the NS know it can operate at stock clocks. And of course, can't get around the fact it uses distinctly mobile device based hardware.
There's nothing wrong with the NS being a portable console, and a fine one at that, with a good 1st year library already having been built and more to come... But it's stretching the truth to imply it functions near the level of it's competitors based on the "hybrid" terminology often used to describe it... It's on a different level in more ways than one.
@Mart1ndo To be fair, not everyone wants a "powerhouse" like Xbox or PS4 either. But it seems that all 3 consoles found a sizable market anyway.
I believe I’m at the final battle now... I knew I should have paced myself. At least I can still collect the moons I missed and whatnot. The game is fantastic.
It's a fun game but far too easy - like "climb a tree — get a moon!"; "do a backflip - oh look another moon!"
You just trip over moons and it makes it far too passive an experience where you just ride along and don't think too much.
A fun ride but just not a patch on 64. I do love the homages though.
I'm not far enough in the game to definitively declare whether it is the best game of the year or not, but it's certainly up there.
@YoshiTails After controls, that would be my second biggest complaint. There's just too many moons. If there were 5-10 per level, it might be different, and finding a moon would feel special. Instead, this might be the first time I don't give in to the completionist in me to find them all.
Having played about 7 hours in, I'd opine that this is a very good game. Not a great game and definitely not a game I would call the greatest.
For whatever reason, I'm finding just a tad bit more struggle with camera and controls in tight spots. Not quite as tight as the Galaxy games. Maybe its playing the game with the joycons. Honestly the control IS very good. But just seems a tad off and enough to knock it out of a perfect score.
Also, for me, there is too much empty space between nodes within the worlds. There's a little bit of town and a couple of small adventure areas in the distance and a larger adventure area also in the distance. I had originally feared this from initial screens and videos. Was hoping maybe it would end up more filled in for final release or other worlds might be different. But not so. For me, this kind of layout takes me out of the fantasy. It reminds me that its a game with this section plopped here and that section plopped there with a bunch of nothing in between. I would rather have an overworld map like SMW or the 3D world games where it shows the entire world close together in a master planned tightly packed bundle of fantasy fun!
Lastly, I gave the New Donk City art scheme a good go. Tried to be subjective. But I just hate it. For me this just doesnt belong in a Mario game. Again, it zaps me right out of the universe.
Just my opinion. Though I do feel there is a lot of fan service in these 10/10 reviews all over the place. 8.0, maybe 8.5 tops for me.
@Mart1ndo Maybe a few years? If you're stingy on price, you may as well wait for a price drop.
Gamerankings' and Metacritic's "all-time" lists are heavily weighted towards modern games, so I wouldn't pay too much attention to them.
For example, according to Gamerankings, Skyward Sword is better than A Link to the Past. Because Skyward Sword has the benefit of all the modern, sycophantic, hype-augmented "10/10 'cus Zelda" reviews (boy do they have egg on their faces...) Whereas A Link to the Past doesn't have this luxury, as it's mostly hype-free retro reviews for Virtual Console versions (years after the game's original release), which always get marked down slightly for age.
I must be the only one who is kind of disappointed in Odyssey. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a very good game, but it just feels like more of the same in a year when Zelda took a huge leap. Oh well, looking forward to Zelda DLC more than ever now.
Mario odyssey feels like to me the first truth sequel to Super Mario 64! Which is something truly incredible !
For me it's more like Mario 64 -> Sunshine -> Odyssey.
These are the true 3d platform-adventure games, and it's nice to see the genre back.
Galaxy 1+2 and 3d world where also fantastic games in my book. But they where more like old school 2d Mario in structure. Smaller more tighter linear levels and pure platform fun. The "adventure" part about exploring huge levels and worlds, where all gone.
Especially the 3d world + land games, where almost pure New Super Mario 2d transformed to 3d. Still really great games though
After the last Mario Sunshine and the first "Jak and Daxter" game, there haven't really been many good 3d platform-adventure games around.
Sega tried with Sonic unleashed, and we also got Yooka-Laylee. But not much else.
The later Jak games and also Ratchet & Clank have to much emphasis on shooting and action. They are more action-adventure than platform-adventure.
So Odyssey really was needed, in my opinion.
"After the last Mario Sunshine and the first "Jak and Daxter" game, there haven't really been many good 3d platform-adventure games around....So Odyssey really was needed, in my opinion"
Totally agree. Don't get me wrong I think the galaxy games are a high point in gaming history but it's brilliant to be playing this type of adventure platformer again. Big levels with no time limit and plenty of incentive to just run around discovering things and revelling in the controls and the magic of it all.
@MsgBoardGamer So it's end of story because you say so? Despite his valid arguments? Not that you didn't have valid points yourself, but that's a fairly silly way to end a conversation.
The main point is, that the switch is a portable system. That's inherent to the device itself - just like the GBA, DS, PSP, Vita, etc... That part can't be argued otherwise. Is it also a home console? My argument is that it is not inherently a home console (That is, it could easily be marketed and sold as a portable only, but not the other way around) but due to Nintendo's marketing, them insisting it is the Wii U successor, and the included accessories, etc... it is clear that this is Nintendo's home console replacement.
That's very different than arguing there is something inherent to the device itself that makes it a home console. The hybrid mumbo jumbo is just (effective) marketing. And as @PlywoodStick mentioned, there's several other systems that have done the same thing, albeit, with less effective marketing and a slightly less elegant solution.
@dres It's odd, I actually really liked 3D World because it felt like traditional Mario, but in 3D. I'll agree that the Galaxy games weren't quite as open as 64 / Sunshine, but I still felt like there was a lot to explore and discover.
As you said, this game was definitely needed, as it's filling a game that has been ignored (Except for you, Yooka Laylee) for many years. I still don't agree that this is a 10/10 (Controls, camera angles, over abundance of moons, etc... bring it down to an 8.5-9 for me) but it is a solid return to form for our favorite plumber and I do hope we get another Super Mario on the Switch.
Yeah, I agree. As I said, I also really enjoyed the Galaxy games and 3D World. They where some of the best "pure" 3d platforming games around, and also one of my favorites. I also hope they make more of those in the future. 3D World was a blast in multiplayer
But this time around, it was time again for are real 3d platform-adventure with Mario. So I am happy that Nintendo went down that road again. I like both type of games.
@Fake-E-Lee Everyone should buy every game to learn if it's something they will like?
Jim Sterling had positive things to say about it.
You read that right.
Not even Jim censored-ing Sterling, son, could bring himself to hate this game.
Xbox One, PS4, you've had your fair share of GOTYs throughout the last few years.
It's time for the eternal underdogs to shine this time around.
Oh good, people are using a subjective term for a divisive game. And surprise surprise, people are debating it. Silly humans, opinions vary from person to person! As long as we've infested this planet, you'd think that would be universal knowledge by now, but apparently, it's not.
@dystome yeah Mario64 was insane at the time and for me can’t be beat however Odyssey is really great
is strange that Super Mario odyssey only made it to nr.7
on Spanish Game chart list well is rated very high in Japan and i guess rest of europe
Atleast i Ordered mine super mario odyssey and it will arrive shortly
Latest and greatest games, hmm so that makes it a home console, nah. Switch had a compromised version of the latest and greatest version of fifa, why, because it couldn't handle the home console version so it got a handheld version. Doom won't be the home console ports, Bethesda already stated that it will be a dumbdowned version. Switch is no different from other devices that have TV out, they all do the same thing regardless if Ninty have released their latest games on it, that doesn't stop it from been a handheld, twist and pop it all you want with spin, not only is it a handheld console but more like a tablet inside and out, just because it has TV out don't make it a home console first
It's a handheld and a home Console. Both. That's the point.
@MsgBoardGamer I've made posts months ago as well, on this very topic. I hardly expect everyone to remember my position. Valid points were made counter to your position, so to simply attempt to end a discussion with a "End of story, because I say so" comment is not right. If you no longer wish to discuss because we're off topic or whatever, that's fine, but it's certainly not end of story.
Much of your argument for the Switch being a home console (Which, you'll recall I agree with) also applies to the Sega Nomad, and to a lesser extent the PC Engine GT / LT. They played the latest and greatest. I also think there is a strong case for saying that the Switch is compromised by virtue of running mobile hardware - of course they could have had more power, better graphics, etc.. if it were a dedicated home console.
The only part I disagree with is that there is something inherent to the device that makes it a home console. It is a portable console with a really cool dock. Nintendo has positioned it as the Wii U's successor and market it as a hybrid device, making it their home console, but that's not something physically inherent to the device.
@MsgBoardGamer I'll admit, my memory was fuzzy and I thought the Nomad released before then. Still, I don't think that discredits the argument. It was still playing home console games on the go. Of course, if your criteria is the latest and greatest only, then it would be disqualified.
As for the pc engine, it didn't have TV out without modding, but it was playing full blown console games traditionally played on the TV.
Then of course there were other standard portables that could hook up to your TV. You also have things like the Shield and Shield TV. The real difference is in how those devices, and the Switch, were marketed.
EDIT: Also, no one doubted the Wii and Wii U were home consoles because they simply weren't portable. The Wii and sacrificed power for low cost. The Switch sacrifices power for portability.
Why does people not get, that the Switch is a true hybrid console?!? How hard can it be, folks?
It offer's three different play modes: Handheld, Tabletop and TV mode, out of the box. It has detachable controllers, witch complements all these modes, even with 2 players. The Switch was designed to work equally good in all three modes, and the hybrid concept was the primary functionality behind the console.
PSP and other pure portable console's, that offered TV out in the past, where mainly designed as handheld console's first. The TV-out functionality was a bonus feature, but not the primary focus.
Also, both home-console and portable gamers have to make compromises with the Switch, because it's a true hybrid.
It's not as pocket or battery friendly as pure portable consoles, and it's not as powerful or offers big hard drive solutions like pure home-consoles. All because it's a Hybrid.
Even the Switch games are designed for the hybrid concept, offering different functionality and enhancements for the different modes. Like better resolution in TV mode, or touch functionality in portable mode.
Some games are best enjoyed on TV, like Odyssey or Splatoon witch enhanced motion controls, and even Zelda. These games are TV games first, and portable second.
We will also see some more mobile oriented games for the Switch, that will be better in portable mode, using the touch screen to the fullest, and being designed for shorter play sessions.
I didn't see this kind of special enhancements for different play modes, in games for previous portable consoles that had TV-out. Because they where simply just portable consoles, with a secondary TV-out feature. It wasn't in the main concept behind those consoles.
The games all ran with the same resolution like the portable hardware, and didn't offer improved or special designed control options in TV mode. It was exactly the same, no matter witch mode it was in.
Metacritic is a bit of a joke... they seem to accept the reviews of anyone who calls themselves a critic regardless of whether or not they actually understand what they're actually talking about, or how to properly review a game.
The bottom 4 reviews for odyssey (the only ones below 90%) basically boil down to this...
A. Sped through the story doing the bare minimum, and reviewed it as if that was the entire game.
B. A very positive review, but then complains that they didn't push it further.
C. Basically contradicts themselves by saying that it is too short, but there is also too much to do.
D. Gets hung up on minor negatives that don't really effect the game at all, and doesn't explain their final conclusion.
All of these just seem like poor quality reviews that should be ignored.
@MsgBoardGamer Your definition of home console - the latest and greatest experiences by that company - is subjective at best. And that's fine - at least you've explained what you think makes a home console a home console. And that's exactly my point - it's arbitrary. The only reason it's a home console, is because Nintendo markets it as one.
As for the Shield and Shield Tablet, they certainly played tons of games locally, it wasn't all streaming. If only PC games count, then sure, they were streaming only. But that would discredit thousands of Android games, some of which look and play quite great.
Finally, I don't agree with you definition of home console, so this will be my last post on the subject (Feel free to continue if you wish) to explain what I believe a home/portable is, since it's clear we disagree on that part. Whether a console is a portable or home console has nothing to do with the types of games, age of games, etc... It is describing the devices itself. The Nomad is no less of a portable/home console hybrid simply because it launched after the Saturn released. The Shield / Tablet is no less a handheld, or hybrid in the case of the tablet, because they play Android games. Just like the OUYA was no less a home console because it only played Android games. There are plenty of Retro home consoles, and no one debates whether they are home consoles simply because they play old games. So I disagree that the definition of home console must include the latest and greatest games from a particular company.
There are several examples of "hybrid" devices, but the technology of the time did not allow for as seamless of an experience as the switch and they weren't marketed as such, but that's the only real difference. Of course you can attempt to discredit each one in one form or another if your definition of hybrid was created to fit the Switch and only Switch, but the idea has been around for quite some time.
I agree with you here. I am primarily a handheld player and the motion controls really don't suit this playstyle. It would be fine if there was an alternative button combination but the only way to throw cappy upward is to use motion controls. Whilst the game is brilliant and great fun to play, controller issues such as this should have cost the score at least 0.5.
I just don’t see it. SM Odyssey is a good game, but it’s completely overrated.
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