Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for Switch is not too far away now, launching on 1st December. The Japanese Twitter account has been doing a good job keeping us up to date with events and now we get our first look at Uka, who is one of the weaponised life forms in the game - known as Blades.
Interestingly this character has been designed by none other than Nakaba Higurashi; she has done a lot of work for Monolith Soft over the years and is the lead character designer for the Baten Kaitos series. Uka will be voiced by Mao Ichimichi (aka M·A·O.) who has done voice work in Monster Hunter Stories among many other things in her career.
We have to say we really like the character design of Uka, especially the fact that she has a duo of foxes riding on her shoulder. Let us know what you think with a comment below. Are you looking forward to Xenoblade Chronicles 2?
[source twitter.com]
Comments 106
Somehow all the Xenoblades have passed me by. I am really excited to jump in with Chronicles 2!
No comment.
I seen a Japanese video of her, I think it was late last night or early this morning and thought, WEIRD. Yep, that's the same clip.
Loved Chronicles, one of my all time favourites.
Didn't enjoy X at all, bored me to tears and turned out to be one of my biggest letdowns in gaming. Was super hyped for it after Chronicles and it took ages to arrive after the original reveal.
I'm optimistic about XC2 though, with it being a sequel to the original and all that but I'm not hyped in the slightest. If it turns out to be nothing special like X then so be it, I'll be done with the series and go back to playing the many others quality games on Switch. That wasn't the case on Wii U you either liked it or tough,that's all you're getting for 6 months.
That is one seriously Japanese videogame character right there. Kind of a cross between Krystal and Kos-mos.
This game looks so bazaar... in a good way
...Is she wearing a pixel bra?
We will get to see how much Nintendo has changed this gen from the last. On Wii U that skimpy bra would definitely not make it to the west and would be changed into a knitted polo neck sweater
Yeah...not gonna lie...if you ask me, the character design in general looks bloody awful...
There is absolutely no coherence:
50s Diving suits, knight armor, cyborgs and a mishmash of mythological creatures...
Meh. Disappointed by the amount of fanservice in the game.
This looks terrible to be honest...
I've been vocal as to how much I'm looking forward to meaty RPGs on the Switch which is why I'm double dipping on Skyrim. But as a person that never played XC1, will that stop me from enjoying XC2?
I do quite like the foxes. It’s everything else about her design I don’t like.
Oh no. The character design in this game is freaking all over the place. With every new character revealed, I keep getting driven more and more away from this game. Maybe it's just not for me.
I'm a fan of the female figure as much as the next guy, but there's something about this kind of objectification that bothers me. I think back to Sharla in the first Xenoblade and how she was an articulate, intelligent, unassuming and mild person and they arbitrarily dressed her up in clothing that barely covered her on either end. It just didn't fit the kind of person she was. She didn't act seductive or even sexy in any way. The whole aesthetic just came off as kind of stupid. I was hoping for less of that in this game, but it's not looking like that's the case.
@Balladeer She looks like an anime version of a who from whoville.
That animal nose on such a human like face really doesn't work. Actually scares the heck out of me. Hopefully she looks a little better in game (can't view video yet).
Otherwise if I can equip visual gear, she's getting the first helmet (or paper bag whichever comes first).
Still got the Limited Edition preordered and ready to sink another 100+ hrs into it.
Even when on the go, thanks Switch!
Well, they certainly have the pandering to minority audiences down to a T.
Um... looks weird.
But at least not really disturbing as Pyra with her Big Boobs...
I'm still waiting for Handsome looking Male characters with Muscular body, Non Robot and he is not a Villain.
Too bad if he is a bad guy...
Not all that great, but still Super excited for X2
It's going to take me a while to stop saying "Uka Uka" since I'm so used to saying it twice with Crash! lol I don't like her design, though.
Still not too hyped about this game, unfortunately. I enjoyed what I played of Xenoblade, and X is of my favorite games, but I'm still not sure about this one. I'll probably end up getting it at a later time, but honestly I was expecting to be real hyped for it and get it day one, but that just isn't the case...
@NinjaWaddleDee Kinda wish you hadn’t pointed that out, but... yes.
That is hideously overdesigned. I was tentatively interested in this Xenoblade game but all the fanservice in X really dampened my enjoyment of it. I thought it had the most insufferably irritating group of characters I could think of.
@Balladeer YAWHOO VOREEEES YAWHOOO VOREEESS welcome cringefest welcome here.
Well... I kinda like it, to be honest. The designs have never been the best thing from the series, though.
I have really good vibes with this game. And I'm glad most people don't, because then they'll get surprised when they realise it's such a good game. It happened with the first one, nobody expected anything until it arrived. After that, the hype created killed the sequel, as people expected way too much. It was an AWESOME game, but people had the expectations too high. So then, it's a good thing that with this one we are coming back to the first situation...
Her design is atrocious.
It looks...inoffensive? (but that nose My God) I'm still super excited for XC2, and won't let the fan service bring down the experience for me. If I was bothered by fan service I would have never played some of my favorite games of all time.
Well, at least now I'll have more time for other games this December. Not a fan of the female objectification in this one.
Wow you people are harsh. Try designing a character once. Not to mention, we have no idea the story behind X2 aside from a sequel to X1. XCX was a hodge podge because it WAS a hodge podge. It was supposed to be the last of the human race, and all its quirky cultures which I thought worked fairly well.
@Ledgendt fan service how?
@onex Just because someone designed it, doesn't make it good character design.
@AlexOlney Your "No Comment" shouldn't be in this here comment section.
Perhaps you should make a section for No Commenteers? Where you can leave Comments about having No Comment on the matter?
That motion capture though.
What on earth is this?
I'm all for ambitious designs, but this is possibly the worst spot to stop on the design spectrum between Kemono <-> Anthro
Either go with a full furred body with a longer muzzle or stick with a completely human face... but never put an animal nose (and mouth) on a completely human face.
Shoot me, bash me, ban me, but I like it.
To be honest, I actually prefer this bizarreness. It's better than FFXIV's design. I don't know what is it with this game that's turning people off.
@Octane Either you have a bad taste in things or you 're just boring.
@arpaktiko Boring for not liking bad character design? I'm certainly not the only one sharing this opinion.
Aww such a harsh reception I hope she kicks ass and everybody wants her in their party
I can't wait for the cosplay for this character.
I like!
the only half decent sentient weapon was Fi. But... this... is urgh. Just make it a flipping fox creature, not a half woman half fox thing. Make the alien creatures completely alien! not a rubbish episode of star trek where the budget ran put when it came to make up. You're not beholden to any formula game developer! Still getting this, but i truly truly despise this type of character design.
Pyra > Uka
How did you find Chronicles on the 3DS? I really enjoyed it on the Wii but I also have it on the 3DS and wonder if it was worth replaying it on the 3DS just for the novelty of playing it on a handheld and if it holds up on the small screen.
Like you I also think XCX is the better game btw.
@Rumncoke25 You should have absolutely no problem jumping straight into XC2. It’s a new story, set in a different world, with all new characters. That said all the Xeno- games are loosely connected and shares many of the same themes both ethical, philosophical, metaphysical and religious among others. XC and XCX also have a similar battle system.
The games in the series that are translated to English (that I know of) are Xenogears (ps1), Xenosaga I-III (ps2), Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii, new3ds), and Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U).
I was looking forward to this game, but some of these character designs (especially Pyra) are really turning me off.
Japan. Why do you make it so hard for me to like your games sometimes?
@Manjushri I like it better than X. X had awful music and a boring story. and too many menus.
@snaplocket I never played the first. I did really like the world and gameplay in X, but the characters, story and music just didn't hit the right tone for me.
> A Weaponised Life Form
You misspelled sexualized
I'm sure everything non-character related will be great in this game, but this is why Xenoblade 1 will still be the best one.
@Snaplocket Yeah I took her out of the party as soon as possible. The other two party members weren't as bad, but I do remember straight up not using certain gear.
What is this I don't even....
@Dr_Corndog @thesilverbrick @Ledgendt I assume you all feel the same way about Bayonetta correct?
@Nintendoforlife Not exactly. Bayonetta's flamboyant and seductive personality lend themselves to her appearance and attire. Sharla was more or less an unassuming, humble medic who just happened to have a pretty face. In fact, when Reyn hit on her over and over again throughout the course of the game, she politely let him down, often acting a little confused as to why he found her attractive. The bare buttcheeks and deep cleavage really didn't fit the character or the narrative. They were just gratuitous.
@thesilverbrick So basically how the character acts determines when it's ok and not ok is what you're saying.
@Snaplocket Didn't seem to bother me, but I get that.
@Nintendoforlife I'm not saying it's right or wrong. I'm saying it feels entirely out of place. Bayonetta is clearly acting in a seductive manner. Everything from her body language to her dialogue oozes sexuality. It would only follow that her clothing would match that attitude. Sharla never stood in a single seductive pose nor uttered any lines of dialogue that were meant to arouse. There was simply nothing sexual about her character, yet her outfits showed off everything they could without giving the game an M rating. It felt tacked on and objectifying.
@Snaplocket What appeared to be derogatory to you?
@thesilverbrick I sort of understand your point, but I'm not sure I am with you on the whole their "personality" determines if they are being objectified or not. Anyways thanks for the response.
@Nintendoforlife I'm trying to say that a character that is intended to be sexual usually looks and acts the part, like Bayonetta. Sharla sure looks the part, but she doesn't say or do a single sensual thing in the entire game. It's almost as if they just dressed her that way to show off her boobs and butt, and that's all she's remembered for now. It's dumb and lazy. They didn't do that to any of the male characters. Why weren't Dunban and Reyn dressed scantily?
Holy... wow, that is some SERIOUS objectification right there.
I'm not against fanservice, but you literally just introduced your character in her underwear on all fours with a pan around to her rear end.
Pyra's outfit is ridiculously scanty, but I could still roll with it. This is a whole nother level.
@thesilverbrick Yeah, but you're pratcially saying "if she does not act the part it's unneccesary", however, "if she DOES act the part it's no longer unneccesary and you're fine with it".
@Snaplocket Ahh ok well think of my response in the tone of a lawyer asking a defendant a question.
@Nintendoforlife I'm saying if she does act the part I have an easier time believing she herself would choose to dress the way she does. I'm not at all surprised that Bayonetta chooses to dress in a way that matches her sexualised personality. I am, however, a bit confused as to why a character like Sharla (who does nor says absolutely nothing sexy) is dressed the way she is in Xenoblade. It'd be like seeing someone on a pirate ship dressed like a cowboy or a spartan soldier. It makes no sense.
@Snaplocket Im aware that you could strip every character down to his or her underwear, but that was more or less an optional easter egg. Nearly every single outfit for Sharla in the game showed her bare butt and tons of cleavage. The heavier sets of armor covered Reyn and Dunban entirely. There was no such option for Sharla.
@thesilverbrick You're really beating around the bush at this point. It's a yes or no question, are you or are you not "fine" with the clothes Bayonetta wears in her game? All I need is a Yes or No.
@Nintendoforlife I'm fine with her clothing because they fit the character and narrative. They seem like something she would choose to wear. So, yes. I have already said as much.
@thesilverbrick Ok then and i'm not with you on that. End of discussion. Again thank you for your initial response.
@Nintendoforlife Can I ask your opinion on all this? You just seem to be asking a bunch of questions, and I'm not quite sure where you even stand. Just curious.
@thesilverbrick It's unneccesary to me plain and simple. I guess one might say it's "in the hopes of creating an iconic character aka samus". But that's not what I look for in terms of characters, and to be honest I rarely pay attention to the costumes of any character. I also realize the culture overseas is very different from the culture here in the States. And it might be worth noting this particular design was done by a Female not a male.
@Snaplocket I don't see the correlation. You're not going to like a movie better once you find out whether a Man or Woman directed it either (at least I hope not). So I didn't really expect your opinion change.
@Nintendoforlife I can absolutely respect your opinion. And I think I need to clarify. I've never played Bayonetta. The game reviewed incredibly well and appeared at a time when there was precious little to play on Wii U, but I held back from buying it. Frankly, the game has a bit more violence, swearing and moral issues than I am comfortable with, so I passed. Among those issues was the over-sexualization of the main character. I must clarify that I'm not condemning anybody who did play the game, nor do I have any sense of superiority, I just felt this particular game and its contents were not for me. As a rule, I like characters in the video games I play to be fully clothed, so I'm not the biggest fan of Bayonetta's attire, but I will say I find it a little more palatable than, say, slapping a skimpy outfit on Sharla just because she's a woman. Like I said, I feel like, given what I know about Bayonetta, she is the kind of character that might choose to dress the way she does. But when I look at Sharla and some of her outfits, part of me instinctively sees her as a victim, being forced into an outfit a character like her wouldn't ever realistically to wear just so that she can be ogled. Obviously, she is entirely fictional, but it still doesn't sit right with me. It's like the developers didn't find her character compelling enough until she was in clothing that revealed her private parts. It's sad.
I don't mind the design. My first thought was Ashton Anchors.
So the main girl isn't the only living blade?I'll be surprised if there isnt going to be a Fi costume in the game.
@Nintendoforlife I do, actually. Shame, because the Bayonetta games look like a lot of fun.
Gotta admit, I am a bit weirded out by this Japanese Sword Waifu...
Character design was the biggest letdown for me since the game was announced. I'm glad they made it better, like it was pointed out in an earlier article, but the kind of things we are seeing here is exactly why I'm not looking foward to this game.
Just expressing my opinion, of course. The game wasn't made for myself, but surely some other people will enjoy it.
Honestly guys, have you seen some of the things that come out of Japan? This is straight rated G, get a grip lol
She reminds me of Ashton from "Star Ocean: The Second Story."
er... uh...
@AlexOlney But why tho?
Overall the characters art direction in this game is aweful but,... it is getting somewhat interesting. At least is not cliché and it might become cult overtime.
Just a quick thought from my wife who is Japanese. Basically for non catholic Japan sexualised characters do not carry the guilty weight and also, and this I can comprehend, for her the fact that those are games, fictional, characters changes it all. It's like all is allowed in manga or games contexts. They seem to be more playful and light about it. This is not a response to you but a detour.
Man, all these amazing Blades, and I can't even play as them. Sigh. Gotta play as mr. Teenage Shonen Hero with his bland face. Rip. I don't know, just can't find the hype for Xenoblade Chronicles 2 when I'm forced to play solely as the blandest MC I've seen in ages :/
@Draxa on my end, it's not the lewdness that is the issue (I agree with you, this is quite tame by Japanese standards). It's the nerdy-virgin-my-swordu-isu-a-waifu vibe that is a bit unsettling.
Well this certainly is different. lol
Man...I loved the first two XC games and for the life of me, I cant place what's putting me off to this game. Maybe it's the randomness of the character designs and the switch to the more cartoony anime art style. One thing is for sure though: I HATE the main character's design (12 year old boy dressed like the tin man).
@Einherjar I'm in the same boat as you on character design. This one looks to be the worst thus far. It looks like a bad furry OC off of deviant art. I really don't know what they were going for with the character designs this time around. They range from typical self insert character anime designs to this with almost no inbetween
@Oat If i remember correctly, they hired some Mangaka to design their characters. And yeah, most certainly not my style :/
Which is a shame really, as both Chronicles and X looked pretty good on the design front. It was all pretty thematically fitting while this one feels just all over the place...
But oh well, if the character design stays its only offense, i can live with that ^^
This is just hideous. A fur vest (what kind of animal-lover wears fur?) over a bikini and f**k-me boots?
@AlexOlney Are you rendered speechless?
I’m not buying the game now! Just kidding - I was never going to buy it.
I just can’t get into the series.
@LUIGITORNADO Xenoblade X is not for casuals that don't take time to learn how to play the game.
The character design is fine BY ITSELF, however this game's art direction is all over the place.
It's like every character is designed by a totally different artist, and it throws off the overall flow.
@Anti-Matter capitilization LUL
Well that's... a thing... wait a sec... listens
That fox has the same squeal sounds as the rats from Give Me Deus Ex! (GMDX)
Rex confirmed augmented.
Like @OorWullie said, we'll know soon whether Nintendo has changed from the Wii U to the Switch when dealing with games in the west. This design would be censored in the recent past, so I'm definitely curious to see if Nintendo lets this go through. I have no problem with this design and the designs in XC2 in general (though I find them a step down from the original). I would like to experience the game's original content if I do decide to pick up the game.
Yeah I'm looking forward for this game alright.
@rennandovale lol it's not for anyone that wants to be bogged down with menus.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE 'I saw' old chap. Not 'I seen'.
@Aaron09 'Bizarre' is the word you are looking for.
I have a feeling that this game will be meh.
Everything I have seen so far looks very underwhelming.
@HappyMaskedGuy Oops lol
I am enjoying the creativity this game is overflowing with. It seems every nation/faction has its own style and history, making the game seem rich with history.
Looking forward to it!
I think its great and will fit well into the grand scheme of things. Cant wait to play!
Nice try, but not even kitsune chicks in bikinis could win me back at this point.
...I mean, depending on how the in-game model looks, and if she has a decent voice actress that isn't stupidly annoying...
Bah, who am I kidding? I might actually care about Tales of Xenoblades eventually because of this...just gotta give the boys on Pixiv time to "convince me"...
She's meh, bring back Melia.
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