When Nintendo introduced a sort-of SpotPass service for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on Switch, through 'gifts' obtained by launching the game from news posts, the mind wandered to exciting possibilities. New weapons? A new hat? Something new?
Well, that might happen eventually, but for now we get apples and similar delights. The latest 'Tips from the Wild' news post offers up three Bird Eggs, and the tip that you should try putting one in a hot spring...

Of course, as before you need to watch where you are standing when you load the game, eggs falling from the sky and all that. Our heroic Link was standing in Rito Village, so naturally one of the eggs cracked on the wooden flooring.
Still, it's easy to crack under pressure.
Comments 46
That is eggcelent!
This must be some sort of yoke.............
I don't know anymore with Nintendo, next to their joke of a MyNintendo site, if I want o cry or laugh. /shrug
Nintendo is cheap, giving us common items that are worthless...
What they should do is patched this game up so there are special events on Xmas, New Year and other holidays: like in Animal crossing.
i reallydon´t se the point. any more or at all ...
This is eggceptable...
A little neggligent though
This is a cracking item distribution. xD
I hope the eggs help some one.
You've got to pay for the good stuff. They only give away meaningless stuff for free. It's still not right that Wii U aren't included.
Here comes the egg puns. There just had to be too many eggciting people.
Is it just me or did you guys forget to post the news about the sweet gift of honey. It doesn't seem like you guys reported it like you done with the others.
Damn all the egg puns have been made already...
My eggsistence in this comment section has become unnecessary. Might as well eggsit
😂😂😂😂😂to everyone who was thinking, you would get some special items or weapons! Do you still don´t realize, that this is some kind of help-channel? You get some tipps and then some items related to these tipps.
Well, its always Nice with a little Eggstra
I'm eggstatic about this news!
Cue the eggasperating debate about whether or not this is fair to WiiU owners.
I normally just poach them from elsewhere. Not sure I see the point in scrambling around...
Egg puns make a fine eggs-ample of why we need to eggs-honorate yolk-crackers.
Also, good on Nintendo for keeping up with the DLC. Would like something that ties to the X-mas DLC or pumpkins for fall. Fine with either.
@Nincompoop that is dumb. They have a season pass. The game not good enough for you? You people are never happy are you? They don't have to do anything. You are one of those self entitled princesses aren't you? That would complain about birthday gifts that weren't up to your snobbishly high standard.
I'm not going to scramble away from Mario + Rabbids for this deggscusting "reward". This boils my legend-loving chaps if they think omelette this one slide.
Why are they even bothering with this?
I was hoping to ovoid the scramble to fill the thread with egg yolks, should've known better
I have negglected this game for a while, it all boiled down to no free time.
I'll give it another crack this evening.
@Nincompoop Well, not sure about the "cheap" part... but the patch idea would be amazing and make the world seem even more alive!. That would really bring me back - this, not that much.
But what about the AAA third party...ooops sorry wrong comment section!
@bimmy-lee Yep I get the feeling he feels he's been left with egg on his face.
Beaten by a mile to all the egg puns. Egg+ for effort!
Going back to my shell now....
Eggsheunt all.
I was hoping so much that it would have been something completely different than eggs. It would have been a perfect headline.
I find hoping for extra content from a simple nice gesture nauseating if I am brutally honest. The feature is the newsletter NOT the gift ya greedy sods!
What happens if you put an egg in a hot spring? I've never tried that.
Egg of the Wild.
@WiltonRoots - I read on the internet that there's an artificial egg shortage in Hyrule, and Reggie has been secretly stealing one or two eggs a day for months from WiiU players and stashing them in Amiibo to present to Switch players.
Livin' on the Egg..........
as ive recently got my switch im loving these little tips
This has to be some kind of Beta testing for a future Nintendo feature. Its just toooo basic right now lol
White's the matter with a little freebie?
These yolks are too much.
At least they haven't gave us any rock salt yet (they want to avoid salty fans) or mighty bananas (so split).
@R4z0rGr1nd3r Did you bought your girlfriend a dozen eggs for her birthday?
That's it. Everyone has officially gone cucco for cucco puffs. I'll just...show myself the eggsit now...
...hmm..don't know that, thanks for eggsplaining...
@Sir_Anthony Get Oeuf-er it.
At least we don't have to shell out for it.
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