Last week brought the latest notable Switch retail release in the UK, with Pokkén Tournament DX making its mark. It's the second 'deluxe' title from Nintendo in terms of taking a Wii U game and throwing in extra content, and it's had a decent start.
Pokkén Tournament DX arrived in 5th place in the all-format chart, making it the second best-selling new release last week - Project Cars 2 took second place behind the ever-popular Destiny 2. It's not a bad outcome for the Pokémon fighting game, and notably it fared better than the multi-platform release Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite, which could only manage 12th.
A few other evergreen Switch titles continue to shift copies - Mario Kart 8 Deluxe secured 11th place, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle was in 17th and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (also on Wii U) grabbed 19th place. Ubisoft's Rayman Legends: Definitive Edition fell 15 places to finish in 26th, Splatoon 2 continued in 29th, and 1-2-Switch re-entered the charts in 38th place. Overall, that's a solid contingent of Switch titles in the top 40.
The 3DS also had two new entries in the charts courtesy of the retail editions of Pokémon Gold and Silver. Gold won the battle in taking 18th place, while Silver was a few spots behind in 21st. Aside from that there was, unfortunately, a pretty drastic drop-off in sales of Metroid: Samus Returns; after making its debut in 8th place it tumbled down to 35th. Mario Kart 7 wraps things up in 40th position.
Plenty of Nintendo and system-exclusive games in the top 40, then, with a number of them showing those precious 'evergreen' qualities.
Comments 42
I had a feeling Metroid Samus Return would drop massively far down the list. Everyone who wanted it bought it last week and that's the Metroid fans. It's not a franchise that will ever grow much beyond them and I have a feeling unless something big happens in the US sales wise, this is not going to sell well enough to guarantee others in the 2D series.
@FragRed I agree, it's a fantastic game but there wasn't enough adverts on the TV. I've seen the same Miitopia adverts a million times and that wasn't even a great game. It's the same with 1-2 Switch. Nintendo needs to realise people want good games and they don't even have the excuse of 'the kids don't want shooter games like Metroid' because who do you think are keeping Destiny 2 at number 1?
@FragRed I hope it does well in the US
I'm interested in how well Pokken DX does in future weeks but beating Capcom was a wonderful victory.
As for Metroid, looks like the US is our only hope for the chance of future 2D games.
Great games doesn't have to be measured with Shooting and Conflicts.
Even Peaceful games (100% No Combat, No Conflicts, No Killing, No Violence) like Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles on PS4 could be a Great games.
Yeah, I found Yonder PS4 caught my attention last Friday while i'm browsing on to getting know New Release titles.
Well we'll see how it performs in the US and how well Prime 4 sells to know if this is it for the metroid franchise
@Grumblevolcano you are forgetting about France. France is way stronger for Nintendo over the UK
I can't help but wonder what the sales of Samus Returns would've been like if it were a Switch game. It's such a shame that a title of such phenomenal quality didn't get the recognition it deserves. Let's see how Prime 4 does.
What about having a complete chart?
You can even colour code it to make Nintendo titles stand out.
What happened with Dragonball Xenoverse 2?
Are there UK Switch gamers who are fans of JP games?
It didn't even break the top 40... and that really worries me.
I'm glad I bought Metroid on a whim this week to support the series. It is a shame to watch it tumble. Perhaps not unexpected after I was handed Metroid tshirt upon purchase when the game had already been out for over a week.
It's a pity to see Metroid fall so far so quickly. I had hoped it would at least stay in the top 20. 3DS games haven't done too well this year in general, I think Fire Emblem's been the only other title to make the top 10. Hopefully this doesn't reflect on on Nintendo's decision to keep the 2D side of the series going.
Pre-ordered Metroid from Amazon - said it was out for delivery for a week then they just cancelled and refunded me. Weird. That's one sale lost
Still need to get Metroid and Xenoverse 2. Mario's the big title i'm waiting for at the moment. Still need to get Splatoon 2 too.
Not many copies are going to sell if they're not stocked in the first place. My local Game where I bought my copy had 6 copies of it in, most of which just to fulfill in store preorders. No shelf presence at all doesn't help :/
@JaxonH When I went to pick up Pokken DX yesterday I didn't see Xenoverse 2 at all, it was as if the game didn't come out on Friday.
USFII outsold MvC4 in its first week of sales in the UK
5th for Pokken in the UK? Am I alone in thinking that's pretty darn good. I was not expecting this to make any impact.
Disappointed by Metroid's drop off but really not surprising. Metroid has never been as big a franchise as other Nintendo properties and probably even less so in the UK. Obviously to paint a true picture we'd need data from the U.S. and several Mainland European countries to gauge how successful it has been.
Whilst I have no issues with it being on the 3DS instead of the Switch (based on when development probably began, budgetery limits and release date requirements it was probably the right call to release on the 3DS); it would be a good idea if they consider a port as it seems there are quite a number of people holding off buying it purely because it is not on the Switch.
Pokken's done pretty well for itself.
Of course no surprises as to what this week's No.1 is likely to be.
Folks shouldn't worry about Samus Returns. Once again, this is a case of calculated shipments. They didn't flood the market with copies, just like quite a few other Nintendo releases in the past month or so.
Massive sales numbers are not the goal with these releases, but rather selling through initial stocks and then releasing another set amount in a second printing. All the while, the digital sales (which no one has numbers for) keep building up.
Same here.
Xenoverse 2 is not popular in Indonesia.
@BraveFencerZan That may well be true with other games, but I can still pretty easily go and buy this game without having to do much looking, at least in my local area. So I don't think Nintendo necessarily sold through it's initial shipment, it just seems that people who wanted the game bought it week one.
If Italy equals European territory and if European territory equals UK, then I'm glad to have contributed. Twice, in fact, as I got Gold and my girlfriend got Silver instead.
Meanwhile, we're now legally allowed to laugh our backsides off with the most unexpected sales comparison ever. Feel free to enjoy the karma biting Capcom where it deserved to be bited.
@FragRed Of course, they havent completely sold through their initial shipment yet. The point is they didn't pay to produce so much that it'll never make its money back.
It's already sold-through 70% of its first shipment in Japan. This is better than selling through 20% of a much bigger shipment and having a bunch of un-sold copies floating around the bargain bin.
Pokken did very well considering it's a port of the Wii U game.
Nice to see Destiny up there still. Great multiplayer game to play with family and friends you can't see often. Until FIFA kills everything.
Sad some mediocre rehashed game is the only Switch game on the top 10. Probably crash out of it by next week like Metroid.
MvC Infinite is trash so...not surprised. No X-Men = no purchase.
@nessisonett yeah, but destiny 2 gets lots of sales because of the online structure/play. Playing in a 3 man team fron NY, with my cousin in Spain and my brother in NC is the draw for us... it is tons of fun.
@Spennymoor That's too bad it's actually a really great remake i'm about 12 hours in and 66% for completion percentage.
It annoys me seeing really awful 1-2 Switch adverts in the UK but none for Pokken. It would sell really well if people knew it existed.
A little while ago one of those awful 1-2-Switch adverts came on TV (where two people were just furiously waggling their joycons at each other...). As the resident Nintendo fan, my whole family mocked me for it and I had to assure them that this isn't what the Switch is all about Nintendo is determined to make 1-2-Switch a thing like Wii Sports. It's not going to happen.
While I understand that this website is UK centric, I would prefer charts from other European countries (France and/or Germany), since the UK really isn’t Nintendo’s domain.
8 Switch games in the Top 40 Individual SKU chart is quite impressive, given Nintendo's relative weakness in the region.
@Agramonte Which is exactly why Nintendo should have built up the same amount of hype with Splatoon 2. The market is saturated with team based shooters but it sells.
@Grumblevolcano I think your on to something. I've had it pre order from Amazon and it seams to be shipped today for tommorow aka tueaday. It should of been in my hands last Friday...
Why is Capcom being so dumb not supporting the Switch? Is MVC would've comed to the Switch it would have sold SO much better.
We have had 4 underperforming sequels released over the last month:
Destiny 2: Launch sales down 58% over Destiny 1. Even if you include digital sales, Destiny 2's sales total after 3 weeks are still well below the launch sales of Destiny 1.
Knack 2: Launch sales down 67% over Knack 1. Knack is a meme, not a franchise, so who cares??
Project Cars 2: Launch sales down 74% over Project Cars 1.
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite: Launch sales are below that of USF2 on Switch. Easily one if the biggest sales flops if this generation.
I expect Star Wars Battlefront 2 to be the next underperforming sequel.
I have to say, I am well hooked on this game!
@joealejos On a platform known for Super Smash Bros, aka the crossover to rule them all?
@westman98 I imagine a lot of the reason Destiny 2 is down on the first game is because the casual crowd that got caught up in the hype for the first game have not come back. It's just the more hardcore gamers who played hundreds if not thousands of hours. Others will of course be waiting for the PC release obviously.
In addition I get the feeling a lot of people were just burnt on previous installments on these franchises, though Project Cars is also going to be up against more hyped games such as Forza and Gran Tourismo Sport this year so that will have played a part.
Destiny sold on Bungie's name and legacy alone. After it was clear that Destiny was not going to be the next Halo, casual fans moved on, while hardcore fans who stuck around to play The Taken King/Rise of Iron upgraded to Destiny 2.
@dougphisig just got around to re-ordering it from
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