It’s pretty safe to say that the My Nintendo rewards service has been disappointing to many, although it has been showing some signs of improvement in more recent months as the rewards have been ever so slowly getting better. Whether or not that upward trend has been continued will be up to you to decide, but Nintendo has updated the site with even more rewards now to tempt you into spending more coins.
The new additions are primarily centered around Kirby—for his 25th anniversary—and Star Fox—for the upcoming debut of Star Fox 2. There’s some decent stuff being offered here, so have a look and see if anything interests you:
Platinum Points:
- 40% discount on Dillon’s Rolling Western (3DS) – 400 Platinum Points
- Video – Kirby: Right Back At Ya! (3DS) – 100 Platinum Points
- Miitomo – Viking clothes (3 colors) – 150 Platinum Points
- Miitomo – Almond and chocolate donut (3 colors) – 150 Platinum Points
- Wallpaper – Kirby’s 25th Anniversary – 50 Platinum Points
- Wallpaper – Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Inkling) – 50 Platinum Points
- Wallpaper – August Calendar – Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – 50 Platinum Points
Gold Points:
- 3DS Theme: Kirby’s 25th Anniversary – 20 Gold Points
- 30% discount on Star Fox 64 3D (3DS) – 90 Gold Points
- 30% discount on Star Fox Zero (Wii U) – 100 Gold Points
- 40% discount on Dillon’s Rolling Western: The Last Ranger (3DS) – 40 Gold Points
- 40% discount on Pandora’s Tower (Wii U) – 60 Gold Points
- 40% discount on Star Fox Command (Wii U) – 30 Gold Points
- 50% discount on EarthBound Beginnings (Wii U) – 30 Gold Points
What do you think? Will you be picking anything up? How long do you think it’ll take until Nintendo starts full on giving games away like before? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 69
I'll pass, again.
No actual game purchases with gold coins? le sigh
We're already cheated as is if we don't buy digitally... >.>
@Lalivero physical purchases are far cheaper than digital now. I used to go all digital for every game, but got sick of the 20% price jump
Yup...discounts, as usual...ugh... -.-
Gotta love how the only "rewards" we get are ones that require us to spend more money. My Nintendo has been such an unbelievable letdown.
I continue to buy pre-owned. Two young ladies at university, I can barely do pre-owned. Seriously, I'm eagerly hoping that Mario Kart 7 will become a Nintendo Selects title just so the pre-owned price will drop.
I'd be pretty excited if they would offer 50% off a title for one-day-only and switch up the title every other week.
@russellohh I'm referring to the fact that we get cheated/penalized for not purchasing games digitally as far as this 'rewards'(if you can even use that word here) system goes. Why am I only allowed 12 gold points for a retail Switch game just because I bought the packaged version while someone gets 60 for downloading the same game?
The gold points are obviously going to be used for the more sought after rewards because they actually require you to buy games, should the system do anything halfway decent for once, and here we are barely getting jack for being just as 'loyal', simply because we'd rather have our games in our hands.
Trust me, having Best Buy's gamer club membership, I'm well aware we can get physical games cheaper. :3
I'll probably get the Kirby 3DS theme.
If you have never played Pandora's Tower, I highly recommend it. One of my favorite games.
I looked at that and thought 40% was a great deal but I have been looking for a physical copy for my collection for a while now. Might just have to bite the bullet for now because I would really love to play it.
In America we didn't even get the small free games that Europe got, which would be really appreciated...
I really hate this thing.
Edit: If anyone wants the Dillon's rolling western or Star Fox 3D discounts, they aren't available for America.
I'm still waiting for SF643D to become a Select. For some reason, Nintendo still sees fit to charge $40 for a port of a game I got for my birthday 20 years ago. I might go ahead and actually use this My Nintendo "reward" on it, seeing as how this is the cheapest it will probably ever be, and I need to use these gold points on something.
The only one even mildly tempting for me is Pandora's Tower. I watched some of the earlier cutscenes ages ago, and it looks like something I would enjoy. The problem is, it's digital....
This is just stupid.
It's a loyalty program. Loyal customers are up to date customers. Loyal customers are best rewarded with up to date rewards.
Ergo, where are the switch discounts?
I've got 200 gold coins in my main UK account and have already amassed 500 gold coins in my new US account I set up 3 weeks ago.There's still plenty time left before they expire but I doubt I'll ever get to spend all of them as it's a guarantee that when Switch discounts do finally arrive it will be for games like MK8D and ARMS etc,games that we already own.
Why can't they let us spend the coins on anything we want?Give every game on the Eshop a price in gold coins.It will surely encourage more spending on the Eshop.
Might grab earthbound zero. And the platinum point wallpapers because platinum points are free.
Otherwise where are the switch rewards?! I spent over $900 Aus so far and give the 12 points on the last game I bought. Splatoon 2.
@erv This.
Also, add to it the fact that these "up-to-date" customers generally have a bunch of gold coins because they already bought the games on offer, meaning their coins are officially useless.
@erv We also need more gold coins from physical copies. Why do they give so much less than digital? It just punishes those of us who like to have a physical collection.
Is it sad that while looking at the rewards I totally forgot what Miitomo was for a solid 20 seconds?
EDIT: On topic... these rewards are pathetic to say the least. Discounts for decently old games, a video, wallpapers, and a theme for the 3ds. I have no clue how many points I have, but looking at whats in store I really don't care TBH.
We probably won't be getting any Nintendo Switch related rewards until 2018, when Nintendo Switch Online launches.
OH my gosh that's just a terrible new batch of stuff.
You guys just can't catch a break.
Well my copy of Pandoras tower was broken a couple months back so I guess I can spend some gold coins on that. Better then letting them expire I guess
@burninmylight "For some reason, Nintendo still sees fit to charge $40 for a port of a game I got for my birthday 20 years ago."
That made me laugh and then laugh again when I remembered I too got it for my birthday 20 years ago
I got runner 2 last week for 200 golden coins that were about to expire.
I've been grabbing the themes, background, and Digital Only Game discounts rather then let my points expire...sometimes the discount is enough to the game (even if it's a mediocre VC game). When it comes to discounts on physically available games I don't normally bother but I've been wanting Pandora's Tower and the 40% discount it's cheaper then I can find it locally so I jumped on it.
Yeah, we deserve just as many Gold Coins as those who buy digitally!
Yeah, how come it isn't a Select, yet freakin' OLAF'S QUEST is? SF643D is the one that should be on there!
Also, the thing that really bugs me about MyNintendo (besides the generally crappy "rewards") is the themes now costing GOLD Coins. True, these themes are available on the Theme Shop, but they only cost two dollars, so putting up a few for free (aside from some Platinum Coins) on MyNintendo would NOT hurt Nintendo.
I'll get all the Kirby stuff.
Hahahah called it! I made a sarcastic comment 5 months ago that I was still waiting for the Kirby: Right Back At Ya! for 100 coins per episode. Glad to see that Nintendo is still listening to his fanbase
Sigh.. For once I wish I had more Gold Points, if only for the Kirby theme
@OdnetninAges They did offer that for a little while e.g. Super Mario Land for 50 coins. Most of the other games on offer were kind of rubbish though.
Not for the UK...
I have so many gold coins with nothing to buy so I have been blowing them on the videos (Kid Icarus, Pikmin, Kirby) so my daughter can watch them on my 3ds. It is understandable why Nintendo offers more rewards for digitally bought games because they make more profit off them and it is their own store they are supporting. It is way cheaper to have a customer use their digital service than releasing a game physically through a supply chain.
Just had 30 Gold Coins expire that I was going to use to buy something but didn't due to lack of interest. My Nintendo is awful. Why do they even expire in such a short time?
The European version now offering games for gold coins is pretty good though. I'd have spent them if they were offering the same here.
You really might want to clearly specify the region, guys...
Like others have said, you could specify the region. I have 1800 Platinum Points and 20 Gold Points expiring at the end of the month and nothing to spend them on again. So far I think I've spent all of my gold points on 3DS Themes rather than let them just expire. Hoping for something I can buy when they update it mid-month...
These are for NA only, but surprise surprise, @SwitchVogel couldn't be bothered to tell us that. I'm so sick of this biased crap. If this were Europe-only the title of the article would damn well make that clear so as not to confuse any Americans.
Yeeps. Disappointed yet again. Looks like my Gold Points will be wasted once more. Oh well, let's just get some drab wallpapers...
Hahahaha, "awesome" discounts.
It would certainly be a good information to have on these articles as I assumed these lackluster discounts were for europeans too.
in europe its not been so bad if you are a 3ds owner.........and like themes mainly I guess.
Awful. Awful.
@Luffymcduck Same here,i hope that at least the Kirby home theme comes to Europe.
I already saw the Kirby 3D episode in a Nintendo Zone,that transformation is so weird.
As many already said, this program has been a waste and a half.
These discounts are way to take to make them even remotely interesting.
You're not triggering impulse purchases with a 30% discount.
@Fooligan Think I'll get Pandora's Tower, looks cool.
@erv 2DS, 3DS and Wii U total install base: over 80 million.
Switch install base: 4.7 million.
A lot of people don't have a Switch, and won't be getting one, but still own other Nintendo systems.
I'll get Pandora's tower since I don't have it yet
Kirby contents been removed as far as i can see. It was there yesterday.
This is all thats where the Kirby stuff was yesterday.
I know it's hard to grasp for many Americans that there is a world outside of the US, but since this is a European site could you specify next time if something's for the US only? Thanks.
I'm picking up the Kirby theme and maybe the Pikmin3 map packs. Have so much platinum and gold, may as well use it for something.
30% discount on a $30 purchase is lame, gold coins should at least warrant 50% off.
What a joke; they really do arrogantly believe their games are too good to offer up on real sales, so they pull nonsense like this. Meanwhile, Sony et al. throws up 90% off sales and gives free games to members. And sure those games are tied to your subscription, but they're usually more varied than just "40% discount off this $5 game that came out 25 years ago."
Honestly Switch is better off not having My Nintendo rewards.
I guess now I have an excuse to pickup Earthbound Beginnings & Pandora's Tower. Even though I haven't touched my Wii U since the Switch released.
I could say Nintendo tried with this new program, but that's being far too generous.
I have 500 gold coins. I don't want any of those games enough to pay even half price for them. However, if they were free copies of the game instead of discounts, but cost 500 coins (instead of 30-100 coins for a discount) I would grab one of the following: Star Fox Command, Pandora's Tower, or Earthbound Beginnings.
But let me guess, "Switch Awards Coming Soon"?
I have a hair over 3000 Platinum Points and 70 Gold points. And there they sit. They'll probably expire, there's literally nothing worth getting.
Gold points still suck. Platinum rewards aren't two bad.
@PigmaskFan "Yeah, how come it isn't a Select, yet freakin' OLAF'S QUEST is? SF643D is the one that should be on there!"
I forgot all about that! I was truly beginning to think Nintendo hated Star Fox up until recently (Star Fox 2 being finished and released for the SNES Classic) and wanted to let the IP die.
Well I do really want SF643D, I just really DIDN'T want to pay $40 for it, seeing as how I don't consider it a $40 game (and my parents definitely paid more than $40 for it a couple of decades ago).
But I just looked on Amazon, and an "new" copy of the game is $90 USD there.... so yeah, this "reward" is the cheapest it's ever getting for me. ~_~
It's the game that cemented my status as a diehard Nintendo fan for life. My 20-year-old cart is still hangin' in there with the best of them, but I'm ready to retire it (and my N64 period, but grrr, it's the only way I can play No Mercy!). Me not having SF643D just doesn't feel right, but I can't justify the price!
Part of me wants to know Nintendo notices our feedback and plans to make adjustments.
A bigger part of me thinks we'd have to be in Japan for Nintendo to listen.
It's very simple.
Don't make us EARN discounts. All other console storefronts do this regularly. God forbid we have a flash sale.
Rather than offer up a selection of discounts for popular titles that those of us who wanted them have purchased by now, let us earn eShop credit or, gasp, physical rewards. And don't let gold points earned vanish. Some of us like myself, aren't using them because your discounts are duds.
Earthbound Beginnings is definitely worth that price.
Just thought I'd add that since you don't mention it anywhere.
I'd get that Kirby theme if it shows up on the European site.
They'll never admit that MyNintendo (in NOA at least) is a garbage fire compared to Club Nintendo's heyday.
And THAT'S factoring NOA's Club Nintendo was weaksauce next to the other regions.
Besides spending some worthless platinum points for 30% off Castlevania NES for my 3DS, the program has been a total disaster.
Probably I'll get the wallpapers so I have something to do with my Platinum Coins.
Otherwise, nothing interesting, just My Nintendo being as dissapointing as ever. I miss club Nintendo...
I wish they would bring back the digital deluxe program in which 10% of your purchases went back into your eshop wallet. It'd be much better than the crap we have with mynintendo
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