So, unless you've been living under a rock for the last few weeks, you'll probably have heard that it is Amazon Prime Day today. Now in its third year, this is the day when the online retail giant offers you even "greater savings than you might find on Black Friday" - at least that's what they claim.
We'll be rounding up some of the best (general) gaming and technology related deals for you below. Based on our findings last year there should some decent gaming-related bargains to be had, but to begin with we might see more sales on general electronics. We'll be updating this page as new deals go live, so you might want to check back tomorrow if none of these are for you.
Remember, you will need an Amazon Prime subscription to take advantage of these offers, but if you don't have one then simply click this link and you will be able to activate a 30 day free trial.
Please note that some external links on this page are affiliate links, which means if you click them and make a purchase we may receive a small percentage of the sale. Please read our FTC Disclosure for more information.
UK Amazon Prime Day Deals:
US Amazon Prime Day Deals:
That's it for now, not a lot of great deals for gamers, but that might all change tomorrow. Anyway, let us know if you spot any other decent deals in the comments below.
Comments 74
Nothing for the US so... Yeah.
Jeez, I understand the AmazonLife comments... why are there ads for laptops and Amazon Echo on this site in an article?
@Octane most people who buy Nintendo products also buy other techie products, it's not like we've included random fashion deals. They are of general interest to all our readers.
@NewAdvent To be honest the subscription is worth it if you buy video games on Amazon. It's 20% off all pre-orders on video games so even if you buy 7 or 8 games a year you'll be saving money. Prime Day is just a side bonus.
You're promoting Sony consoles! Just like... uhm... my avatar.
@Elanczewski I imagine a decent % of our users also have a PS4. I know pretty much every staff member does
No, I did not know today is Prime day. No, I have not been living under a rock.
@antdickens Well, to be honest, most people who buy Nintendo products also buy clothes. So why not!?
Pokemon Go Plus is available for £29.99
Frozen and Big Hero 6 for 3DS £15.99
Venom Steering Wheels for Switch at £12.98
Just Dance for Switch £42
Um, not a great deal of deals, perhaps in the tech section it will be better.
@antdickens That comment made me laugh! We've included tech deals but not fashion coz you're gamers and obviously not interested in fashion😀
@Sakura thanks, we've added Pokemon Go Plus!
@AcidGhost haha, that's not quite what I meant(!) more that fashion would be totally off topic
@8-Bit_Zorldo Then when not just title the artless "UK Prime deals" or put a note that says that the US is tomorrow? Is kinda odd.
Just as I suspected, no Nintendo product deals.
Gosh you can get a PS4 Pro and 3 games for the same price as a Switch and 2 games, and that doesn't include a Pro Controller (which is essential in my opinion). As good as the Switch seems (from someone who doesn't own one), objectively it really is difficult to defend the pricing.
@8-Bit_Zorldo it doesn't say that anywhere on the main page before you get here.
I'm actually glad for an "article" like this because it's easier for me to look through a plain text list of specials than how the Amazon site usually displays it.
This might just be the most ridiculous excuse-to-use-affiliate-links-article I've seen.
Man, these prices suck. Hopefully NA's deals are better.
Edit: Okay, the Galaxy-style New 3DS XL is actually $174.99 for Prime members. That's pretty good; if I had the money I'd buy it.
Not much so far, if anything decent shows up I'll use my brothers account.
Telling readers this is a paid for ad might keep good faith too.
I get the impression that if the eShop update and this was happening at the same time, then the Amazon article promoting affiliate links to playstations would take priority.
@antdickens I'm not one of the AmazonLife people, I like when websites give me links to buy things that saves me money, or in Ntindo's constant limited stock fiascos links that let me buy things period, but I have to agree w/ the others on the PS4 links. That's what PS is for, no? If you start putting Switch deals on PS sammy is going to die of a heart attack and Tasuki is going to drop the ban hammer on you.
I'm ok w/ the TVs, but I also think the Amazon hardware is a bit much. Amazon Fire tablets are going on sale and they don't even have the Ntneido mobile games on Fire OS. Why give them sales for their Alexa hardware?
I'm all for you guys making money, link away, but sticking to hardware that can be used w/ Ntinedo games would be nice. If not, expect the negative AmazonLife comments and deal w/ them appropriately, man up and say your'e just in it for the money. Just link to the Nintnedo products, and include a link on the bottom to Amazon, all Prime members know it's Prime day, and it doens't matter for the non-Prime people anyway, they can't get the deals.
@8-Bit_Zorldo everybody attaches their own value to things. Playing on a train is pretty low on my priority list.
@GravyThief ps4 doesn't come with a screen, hd rumble, cleverly designed tech for a portable console or Nintendo fun.
I hate Amazon and ordering online in general. I realize I'm in the extreme minority here. But idc. I've been screwed now twice in a row by them. (They've tried to make amends by giving me a 10 dollar credit with them but I doubt I'll ever use it.)
@GravyThief it really is especially from a casuals point of view.
@cfgk24 I agree on Nintendo fun, which is why I'll only consider the Switch as my next console, despite I think it's expensive for what it is.
I would like to see how much the other stuff you mention really costs. Also I'm sure the Nvidia licence fee isn't insignificant.
I've heard that 2DS XL is included, but I don't remember where I've read that.
A SNES Classic Edition pre-order, an Amazon Echo for sub-$100, Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers for sub-$20, and some music deals, is all I'm hoping for.
@rjejr I feel the article is very clearly labelled and you don't have to click on any of the deals that aren't relevant for you. Obviously we wanted to include as many useful deals as possible, including some general gaming and electrical items, similar to what what we've been doing for Black Friday and Prime Day for the past couple years. They'll be more 3DS/Switch specific things going up tomorrow.
@ericflapjack you're welcome
@antdickens The article itself is labeled but the link from the main page just says Amazon deals. I don't see where it says it's UK only for now.
@Octane A cynic would note that they're all big ticket items with affiliate links. Luckily, I'm no cynic.
Aprecciate the article & work put into this for 2 regions at that. It's easier to come here and check out all relevant links for electronics & gaming then even amazons site. Ignore the haters don't even understand how any of this could even bother people when it's making things more convenient for us. Amazon US deals coming soon. Would be silly to label the article as U.K. Only.
@Kalmaro the US section says coming soon - the US deals should start coming online in a few more hours. Just a shame time zones exist
@MarioPhD biggest discounts on the bigger items, but I know what you are saying!
...And this is Nintendo related how? At least add a disclaimer telling us it's an ad...
@antdickens I definitely get it, and appreciate your response to my light ribbing. I don't mind, since I know some folks aren't as deal-hungry as me, so this would be convenient for them. Hope they add some decent Nintendo stuff soon.
For everyone else, I strongly recommend the NintenDeal account on Twitter. They pick up on just about everything good out there Nintendo-related!
@MarioPhD haha no problem. Yeah, twitter can certainly be a good place to get a constant stream of offers. I think we'll see some good SD Card and other accessories offers tomorrow. Not sure about actual games though.
@antdickens We did get Lego City for $30 last night on a Lightning Deal, so I almost bit, but the promise of more or better deals stopped me. Prime Day tends to suck for my shopping needs/wants, but we'll see!
Hoping for a good micro SD card deal. Want a 128GB card for my Switch.
So far a couple deals for PS4 games and Smash 3DS have come up for the US but that's about it.
@MetaRyan They won't be. IIRC, since they started (2 years ago?) the deals have been all extremely underwhelming, even when factoring in how huge they hype "Prime Day."
I wouldn't have Amazon prime if it wasn't one of the few ways to actually get decent shipping up to where I live.
@Lone_Beagle I couldn't agree more.
There's a Switch case (Venom) also included as an upcoming deal now in the UK. Something a bit more relevant to the site to include I think!
@antdickens "They'll be more 3DS/Switch specific things going up tomorrow."
As long as those things are on PS too. Can't wait to see the look on sammy's face, that boy blows a gasket any time anybody mentions anything not Sony related.
Might be time for a glass of wine, old friend.
@rjejr different sites, different policies
@k8sMum Funny you should say that...
see my post #95 here
@antdickens "different sites, different policies"
That sounds ominous. Which reminds me, where are all the Xbox ads? Don't Nintnedo and Sony gamers also buy Xbox and play games on them?
@rjejr nope, that's why we closed Pure Xbox!
@GravyThief But no matter how hard you try, your pro will never fit in your pocket... or play Zelda
Hey everyone, good news! Prime Day includes 50% off on Nintendo Switch, SNES Classic, and New 2DS! Just click this link: www.fake.nope and input your bank details!
@antdickens Good one. And good point.
Didn't see much a Nintendo stuff but due to the glitches I paid $24 for Garden Warfare 2, MMLC2, and Digimon World Next Order
Apparently Crash was only $6 too bad I missed it
Its showing $25 off a new 3ds XL as a deal.
Oooh, that Anker PowerCore+ USB-C PD is the one to buy people! It uses Power Delivery like Switch (aka hella speed charging, like 0-100% in less than 4 hours while playing Zelda on max brightness, max volume and wifi on)
Unfortunately it's sold out and delisted. Fortunately, there's an even better offer and you don't even need Prime. Behold, the Aukey 30,000mAh USB-C PD Power Bank. For just $59.99 all day every day.
@NewAdvent honestly I agree, I don't know why anyone would pay for Prime JUST for delivery and discounts, the discounts are crap compared to Shopto's prices, £40 for Mario, £38 for Rabbids, £40 for Xeno 2 etc...
I'm a Prime sub purely for Top Gear, everying else is just gravy.
Surprise, surprise. No Nintendo stuff.
I laughed when I read that.
Bought a big bottle of Riunite lambrusco a couple days ago. Haven't been in a liquor store in years, but I've found it's the only way I can get through the newscasts now. I take a swig every time this administration does something stupid.
Figure I'll need a new liver in about 6 weeks...
Have amazon sorted out their shameful UK tax avoidance yet? Didn't think so. Won't be buying from them.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I'm guessing it's due to it being the first day. Over here in NA we don't really have much in gaming sales for Amazon pertaining to the Prime sale, so far, other than the Nintendo 3DS (and no other gaming stuff not even from Microsoft or Sony).
Sony's listed headphones are just multimedia since they don't mention that it's specifically for or tailored towards gaming.
Slim pickings in general for both regions it seems.
@antdickens Do any of you have access to a Canadian Prime account? I find that quite often Canada has different sales than US for Amazon. They generally don't overlap (like that Splatoon 2 sale).
Smash Bros for 3DS was up on the U.S., but sold out almost immediately.
I may pick up a PS4 today, considering I already have Amazon Prime.
Prime Day is always dogsh*t. Why do people care?
They offered me a free trial, so I bought a Dualshock 4 controller for 25% off. As soon as it arrives. I'm cancelling the trial.
Thanks for the microSD link! I bought the 128gb for $36, which imo is a pretty great deal.
@ninkza Not EVERY one. uncrosses legs
@k8sMum Oh wow you're a genius. I was at a dinner the other night talking about how the last time I drank wine was back in the 80's, a friend and I would buy a big bottle of lambrusco and drink it in the walk to the video arcade. I said it was Ernest & Gioulo Gallo, but I knew that wasn't right but it sounded good. But it was Riuniti Lambrusco. Are you really drinking that now? I kind of find it hard to believe it still exists. Life is short, you should drink something that doesn't taste just like Welch's grape juice.
That Galaxy New 3DS XL is tempting for $175 but I've seen it at price multiple times before.
And the New 2DS XL is $150 next month.
But hey, Nintendo got included, so that's something.
Got a pressure cooker. lol.
Although too late this year, one thing Primeday did have was 20% off all Warehouse Deals. Hence I managed to pick up a new DJI Phantom 3 drone for £320 vs. the new price of £428. Plus also saved 30% on a couple of microSD cards.
There were a couple of deals on 3DS games; however as the Switch is in short supply plus games are limited & in demand, can people really expect to have seen great deals on Nintendo stuff yesterday?
Riuniti, for me, is rather like mashed potatoes...comfort wine, lol. o
Actually, with what's coming out of the admin the last couple of days, I may just move on to vodka tonics w/lime. May as well protect myself against rickets whilst the world burns.
Well for what it's worth... I nabbed Hey Pikmin for $6 and I know the same deal was going on with Ever Oasis. If I knew how to embed a picture I'd show you proof! That alone for me was worth it... then again I already had a Prime subscription
EDIT: not worth PRIME subscription... but worth my time checking the site for deals .
@k8sMum I might have to stop my 4 weekends in a row beer run w/ a bottle of Riuniti Lambrusco on Saturday night if I can find one.
I've never had mashed potatoes give me a killer headache though.
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