The reaction to the ARMS Global Testpunch demo has been great so far, many who had written ARMS off as a shallow waggle-fest experience have been won over by the deep gameplay and fun on offer. The Testpunch has proved to be a great vehicle by Nintendo for getting folks on board with this new IP.
With 7 playable characters in the Testpunch there has been a lot of variety too, but fan favourite Twintelle was not in that initial roster - which seems strange considering how crazy the internet has gone over this fighter with weaponised hair rather than stretchy arms.
The good news is that Twintelle will be playable in the Testpunch this weekend, as revealed by ARMS Japanese Twitter account:
There is no news on being able to play as Kid Cobra or indeed Byte and Barq yet, but we are sure their time will come.
Comments 31
Well, pretty sure who my Ribbon Girl will be facing quite a lot this weekend. Still don't get why everybody is so crazy about her.
@GoldenGamer88 I told you before why butt you must have forgotten.
Ribbon Girl ftw
@GoldenGamer88 It's her ass, that's why.
@GoldenGamer88 Funny that they go crazy on an android...
Let the waifu wars begin!
Darn, that's all I'll be fighting all weekend I guess. That'll get old. A lot of people seemingly turned on by this cartoon woman.
Butts aside, she looks like a pretty interesting character with the slow motion ability. Was she also able to float in the air or is that a side effect of the time manipulation?
Can't wait for the testpunch!
@Rebusmind Glad to hear somebody talk about how her play style looks interesting instead of wanting her to be "wafu" or whatever the crap it is.
It almost feels like they've started the content rollout two weeks early
@chardir that's an interesting way to think about it
@Elanczewski @SLIGEACH_EIRE Makes sense, not really into butts. Especially not those of androids ...
@GoldenGamer88 @Azooooz What's this talk about androids? Wasn't the official story for Spring Man, that he was a normal guy that suddenly woke up with stretchy arms one day?
The only artificially created characters seem to be Helix and Byte and Bark. Twintelle in particular seems to be more magic than robot.
I really want to play as Byte and Barq...
But the more characters the better.
"many who had written ARMS off as a shallow waggle-fest experience have been won over by the deep gameplay and fun on offer"
According to forum comments, many who had preordered the game found it boring and deceided to cancel it.
Oh. Goodie. Twintell's in the testpunch. So every match will be Twintelle vs Twintelle vs Twintelle vs. Me.
Cool, I'm wondering about her float mechanic so I'll be giving her a try. I think she and the Dragon Ramen Noodle Bowl Min Min will be my mains anyway.
Sorry, lovely Twintelle, I've already fallen for Ribbon girl. Jump, jump, airdash into opponent, dive down, extend grab, make love. It's a beautiful thing. Reject her and get slapamanded!
That said, Kid Cobra stands for everything I like and despise. He's perfect. (Fast jumps, quick dashes, snake arms, and spinning top skateboards... To selfie sticks, streaming, saggy pants, and different colored eyes...)
My son won't be pleased with this at all, though... He's 7, so he's all about bots over booty. Double for dog bots.
Twintelle is kinda remind me of this :

Well, I know who I'll main. Mechanica and Twintelle!
@GoldenGamer88 besides people loving her butt, I honestly think she's my favorite design alongside Mechanica
All jokes aside why I like Twintelle is her character design, color scheme, play style (really cool slowing down attacks when she dodges), as well as the fact that she's black (I'm a black gamer myself so that's always a plus for me)
As always, #minmin4thewinwin.
@Kirbyfan Either the internet is all adolescents or it fosters adolescence. I don't get it either and I love booty of all sizes.
EDIT: Speaking of her hair I love how it looks like those twisted lollipops. Brilliant stuff.
I'm definitely going to see how she plays this weekend. Hope Kid Cobra is also playable.
She looks an Ashoka Tanno rip-off and the hair thing has been done before in various game series.
No thanks, I don't want to play as a racist depiction of a woman of color with weaponized hair...
Hmmm. A racist depiction? I'm black myself and love her design. She sort of reminds me of Bayonetta.
Maybe it's something I'm missing, can you elaborate? Is it her figure?
Do you feel the same about Minmin?
I main Twintelle for the articles.
@ACK those lollipops are delicious...
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