As E3 looms there's a sense that it's no longer the indispensable behemoth it once was, the central point of the gaming year. Even so, it's still a big deal, as media and fan interest ramps up and gaming companies flood into Los Angeles to flaunt their wares. Nintendo, and some third-parties making games for its systems, are among the companies making a big push. With the first press conferences and live events not far off, however, the question is are you excited about E3 and, more tellingly, Nintendo's potential impact at the event?
As we have shown in our guide there's a lot happening, and as a result we've stocked up on coffee, sugary sweets and Nintendo hype train images. We also have a team getting ready to jet into LA, presumably with some comfortable shoes for all that show floor walking. More events and press conferences have potential Nintendo interest than we've seen for a number of years, with various confirmed (and potential surprise) Switch games having a chance of featuring. That said, we'll be live blogging EA (for example) with a strange sense of schadenfreude, as there's a lingering suspicion that the Switch version of FIFA could be largely sidelined; we shall see. Nevertheless, there's some interesting potential third-party interest for Nintendo fans over the coming week.
Then, of course, we have Nintendo's plans. There's some disappointment at stream schedules pegging the Nintendo Spotlight at 25-30 minutes, but as some added context we'll then have a full day of Treehouse demonstrations and a Splatoon 2 Invitational on the first day. It's difficult to tell whether there'll be a number of snappy reveals in the Spotlight, or whether Nintendo is planning to focus on a core group of games, many of which we may already know about. The Spotlight will primarily be focused on Switch, according to Nintendo's own announcements, while 3DS will get some coverage in the Treehouse broadcasts. Day two will be busy with two Invitational events (ARMS and Pokkén Tournament DX), and day three looks set to be a full run of Treehouse demos.
That's three full days from Nintendo, with quite a lot of variety, along with those prospects of the Switch featuring in presentations by Ubisoft and perhaps EA, with others like Bethesda (Skyrim) and potentially Devolver Digital weighing in. Then there'll be all the press releases and announcements by other companies that aren't part of live streams, along with all the booths and appointments on the show floor.
The question is, are you excited about this? Are you optimistic as a Nintendo fan going into this E3, apathetic or pessimistic? We're interested in your views, so hit up the polls and comments below to let us know.
Comments 154
Mario Odyssy alone is almost enough for my excitement
Not expecting much from Nintendo. Mainly I think they'll just focus on their currently revealed games and will have 1 or 2 surprises, and maaaaybe some info on the Virtual Console?
I'm looking forward to it as I always do but I don't know if it's going to be great. I mean for starters it's only 30 minutes. They couldn't make it an hour? Nothing was stopping them from doing so. I want to see lots of surprises from Nintendo and 3rd party support. I don't want to see them dwell on games we already know about and have seen, so no ARMS, Pokken Tournament DX or Splatoon 2 please. Above all else I'd like to see a new Metroid game.
The day I don't look forward to a Nintendo e3 presentation, is the day I sell my SNES.
Let me make some predictions on my crystal ball.....Smash Bros 4 DX!!! Hang on...I'm getting another vision...Pikmin World....
I can't wait anymore!
Not sure if Nintendo will "win" E3, but I definitely expect some exciting reveals.
Moderately excited for both Sony and Nintendo. Don't care for anything else unless Microsoft throws a new Banjo or Sea of Thieves release date into the mix.
I expect Nintendo to stick to their recent approach of focusing on games releasing this year so I'm not expecting too many big surprises. I'll be happy with whatever they show, Super Mario Odyssey alone is exciting enough.
Not really excited at all to be honest.
Im mainly interested in Nintendo reveals, and their main lineup really doesn't interest me at all.
So, im hoping for some surprises on the sideline
How 2 enjoy E3 guide:
Expect it to be on par with Iwata-era regular Directs.
Nintendo will win E3. I mean, it's hard not to considering their chief opponents. They only lose when they beat themselves (2008, 2015).
I hope for some new games from Nintendo that we don't already know are coming, but looking at the last few E3s they will mostly show things we already know.
Maybe they will announce some release dates for all those indie titles they showcased already.
Is there an option for "F&@k yes I'm excited!"?
I am most excited for Sony's conference. It is the one that is likely to have unannounced games I am most interested in, and will feature the largest number of announced games I want to see more of. I am looking forward to Nintendo's for Mario alone, and that is the game I am overall most interested in at the moment. I do not expect them to feature much else I am interested in though. I think Nintendo will have a successful E3 within the confines they have spelled out, namely a focus on 2017 games. As such, I do not expect any big announcements, at least ones that would catch my interest. I think Fire Emblem will be the big feature as far as games not launching this year goes. I'm not really interested in the tournaments, but I will watch some of the Treehouse.
Also, I watched a lot of the treehouse stuff for Zelda last year, because it was so different from past games. I can't really see me doing that for Odyssey, unless they show some crazy new game mechanic a la Super Mario Sunshine.
Super Mario Odysseys sold me on getting a switch. bring back mario to the origin of N64, Sunshine and Galaxies. is a nice change for once.
if they reveal anything new in spotlight. it's likely to release this year.
im not expecting anything like Animal Crossing or Metroid. although, i love to be proven wrong.
im i excited for Nintendo's E3. yeah only for Odyssey, Splatoon 2, Arms, Xenoblade 2. and Ever Oasis. anything else is extra.
i do look forward seeing microsoft's and sony's E3 more than Nintendo's + third parties as well!
I don't really care about the 'results' or whatever but I just love all the little bits of info that come out of E3! I'm so, so, so excited. Nintendo will definitely show off something new so whatever it is, I'll probably enjoy checking it out. Sony will have lots to show as well and I don't care about xbox but I'm interested to learn about the Scorpio. Good times coming soon!!!!
It's a close call for me between Nintendo and EA. EA have both Star Wars Battlefront II and the new Need For Speed [and possibly other Star Wars games though I'm not expecting much from that].
Nintendo have Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, Pilotwings + Wave Race if the leak is true, and quite possibly other unannounced stuff too.
Another vote for Sony here. I'm hoping for a great Nintendo showing, but for many years now I've decided not to go into E3 with many expectations for them. If they have a strong lineup I'll be chuffed to bits and pleasantly surprised. Really looking forward to seeing some Mario Odyssey though of course!
Sony, by comparison, almost always manage to surprise me. Their renewed focus on games for the last couple years has worked out brilliantly and I'm expecting more of the same. Even just The Last of Us 2 and Spider-Man would be good enough, but if they announce Bloodborne 2 as well then they'll be a tough one to beat for me.
We need more surprise Wii u ports. Mario oddysse will be great. The rest is Sony
I'm excited about the stuff that's almost guaranteed to be featured, like Xeno 2, because I really want to know more about them. I'm not expecting that much in the way of surprises, though.
Botw won them e3 recently so maybe mario odyssey will be enough. I'm excited for their surprises though.
Knowing Nintendo, I'm sure we'll get a few epic surprises here and there. Though, I'm STILL waiting for Mother 3 to happen Nintendo. You can't just release Beginnings over here all of the sudden and then stop, give us the third game! Even if it has to be on Wii U. >.<
Yep, but nowhere near as excited as I was ten, fifteen years ago for Nintendo E3.
That Mario image freaks me out every time... While I don't really get why they've tried to make him look more realistic in the first place, the weird disconnect between his needlessly realistic hair and clothing texture and his cartoony features actually just makes him look like an inanimate object, like a creepy doll or something.
Anyway, in regards to the question, no I don't really get that hyped for E3 because I find all the forced hype very tiresome. "Oh my God, Nintendo just announced a new Kirby game for the first time since err... the last one! This is the greatest day ever! Nintendo FTW! Take that Sony and Microsoft" etc.
I'm not really excited for anyone's E3, mainly because 95% of what will be shown is either years out, or titles already announced with extra footage. Even release dates that are given are never set in stone. I'll catch up on the cliff notes when it's all said and done, maybe watch a few trailers.
@KirbyTheVampire @SLIGEACH_EIRE I agree with both of you. To be honest, I can see a strong temptation on their part to play it safe and talk about Mario, Xenoblade, the stuff already known about that won't have people up in arms. I think the Rabbids game was supposed to be the big shocker. But it's seriously about time for Retro to announce something.
This could be good or great, maybe the winner this year. Biggest question I guess is whether Mario can draw the attention anywhere near what Zelda did last year. I think it could, and there are other games to back it up this time.
I'm so excited yet nervous to wait Nintendo Direct again on E3 2017.
Hopefully some Good Surprises from Nintendo.
@Cheski funny thing is the games Sony showed last year still aren't out
I'm cautiously optimistic. Not sure how they can fit all the previously announced Switch games, as well as new ones, in just 30 minutes.
It's 30 minutes long I don't see much happening
For me right now it goes Sony > Bethesda > Nintendo >> Microsoft > Ubisoft >>> EA. Nintendo will pull through with what they have, but I'm not expecting many surprises.
I don't do tattoos but if I did it would definitely involve Nintendo. With that being said, I am strangely excited about Microsoft revealing Scorpio. I love it when a company gets somewhat shown up and responds the way they seem to have. I believe the fact that to the PS4 what slightly more powerful than XboxOne really had a negative impact. Microsoft is probably building a monster, and not that I'm interested in buying one. Just like to see what they have come up with.
I'm not sure. I'm keeping my expectations low. I think we should all have learned something from the Pokemon Direct that has proven true for several E3s in a row for Nintendo: don't expect any massive reveals, and at a bare minimum, you won't be disappointed. I bought all that stupid Stars hype heading into the Direct, and boy do I feel silly now.
My plan and advice: Don't believe the leaks and hype, expect to learn nothing more than new details about previously released games, and enjoy the surprises we get for what they are..... assuming they're actually good surprises, anyway! Last thing we need is more Federation Force-esque reveals to make everyone bitter.
They'll have a decent one. If anything, at LEAST it'll be better than 2015. Hopefully.
30 minutes may not seem like a lot, but if you figure about 10 minutes for Mario, maybe another 10 for Rabbids and other known 2017 releases, that still leaves about 10 minutes. If Nintendo goes the Rapid Fire route like they did in the last full Direct, they could still leave time for some announcements or surprises.
About the big rivals in general...Microsoft wants to wow with Scorpio, but where are the games? PlayStation will have the 3rd parties more so this year, even if the Switch is gaining traction on that (still not convinced it is). It's going to be about the lineup through the end of the year, I think.
I am getting goose-bumps thinking about Mario Odyssey. Hopefully the game I have been waiting since 1996 for! My odds on favourite at stealing game of E3. Oh, and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 better be there.
@ericflapjack That's true. The last one surprised me.
Well can't wait until it Tuesday
I don't know. Nintendo presents things to us throughout the year with Directs and other showcases. E3 is where the rest of the world takes stock, but I like to remember that whatever Nintendo do, it isn't the sum total of their output. Still hoping for a few surprises, though. I'd like Nintendo to ride the Switch wave.
@Cheski You pretty much summarized how I feel. If Nintendo's spotlight was longer I would be a little more excited, but as of now I am just expecting them to focus on the new Mario more than anything else. However, say the game is as good as BOTW, we shouldn't have anything to complain about for the rest of the year.
I'm not expecting anything but release dates and a focus on Winter Sales... plus it doesn't matter what is announced because we all know ARMS will be out next week!
Can't wait to see what ALL the companies bring to the table for the next year. Obviously Nintendo, but really want Sony to blow it out of the water with PSVR, and what will Scorpio be like?
It's all so exciting! But, I'm playing it cool as Pims & Cucumber.
I'm trying to play it cool but man, E3 for me is like Christmas morning to a 6 year old. I can't not be hyped no matter how low I try to set my expectations.
I can't be arsed with it this year. I love Mario games, but we've already seen the game before so it's not new. I know Nintendo will not announce any games I actually want and instead 'surprise' everyone with a Miitopia announcement or something. So I'll just treat it as a normal day and read any of the news articles from the show that take my fancy.
I'll be excited if they announce Metroid, Animal Crossing, or a new F-Zero. Outside of those titles, it will be just another day in my life.
I really hope to see an Animal Crossing announcement for the Switch. As pathetic as it sounds my whole happiness with their E3 is hanging on that. Really though I think Nintendo needs to knock this out of the park. They need to keep that momentum going with some big game announcements because there are customers (like me) that have no incentive to buy the Switch as of yet.
I'm long past the point where I get excited about E3. Rarely do you actually see game content anymore. It's just a bunch of pre-rendered trailers mixed with whatever LA celebrity wasn't doing anything for the afternoon in an attempt for Ubisoft to say "HEY LOOK! WE'RE RELEVANT!"
You could say I'm jaded, and... yeah, this is the very definition of jaded. You are correct.
@MotaroRIP I would love an Animal Crossing game for the Switch. It needs to happen.
I think that E3, at least from Nintendo's side, will be disappointing. Not 2015 disappointing, but still pretty bad.
They've told us that this E3 will be all about 2017 titles, and they've already told us we're getting Fire Emblem Warriors, Super Mario Odyssey, Pokkén Tournament DX, Splatoon 2, ARMS and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 this year, that's 6 games already that we know are supposed to be coming this year, that's one game per month for the rest of the year just from Nintendo themselves.
Add onto that the two Zelda DLC packs, and the known existence of Mario + Rabbids, and Nintendo has a pretty jam packed year, and that's before factoring in any third party, or indie titles. There just doesn't seem like there's room for a big surprise. At most, I could see Virtual Console been revealed, with the first games been available after the direct, but even that feels like a stretch.
It's a weird feeling because as a Nintendo fan, I'm excited for 2017, it's one of the best line-ups we've had in years, but as an E3 fan, I'm incredibly disappointed because Nintendo has already had two very low-key E3's in a row. With so few announcements in both 2015 and 2016, you'd think after that they'd be ready to go all out, showing that the Switch isn't going to be another Wii U, and that it's not only got a strong 2017, but will also continue that strength into 2018 and beyond.
I'm so ready for E3 2017! I can't wait until next week!
Across Nintendo's and Sony's showings I'm very confident I'll be walking out (well, not really since I'm not actually going to E3 haha) with a grin that stretches across my face and touches my ears.
Oh, and Super Mario Odyssey hype or bust. Oh man, I'm pretty hyped!
I'm excited in the sense that it's E3 of course. I'm looking forward to both Sony's and Nintendo's presentations. But Nintendo needs a strong presentation. Last year doesn't really count, having only Zelda (yes, yes there were other announcements, but come on, it was really just Zelda). So that leaves us with the recollection of E3 2015, which in my mind, was one of their worst presentations, period. If you've buried it in your soul, I'm sorry I just reminded you of that horrible day, which officially marked the collapse of support for Nintendo's own platform. Not to mention that Nintendo was nearly burned to the ground following Federation Force's announcement as well as Animal Crossing amiibo festival. Yes, the very time Nintendo officially trolled us into thinking it was a real Animal Crossing. There were so many bad ideas, and ways to present those bad ideas, that I hope they got them all out at once, and we never see brain farts like that again.
I think Nintendo will find a return to form here, and we'll walk away at least moderately impressed. They have plenty to harvest from.
P.S. I still don't think Metroid will happen, but I'd rather be pleasantly surprised, than disappointed.
Mario Galaxy HD (and/or maybe SM64 HD)... "out now" during E3... leading up to Odyssey.
I'm bracing myself for the upcoming disappointment that is Nintendo. I can't see them winning anything, they'd rather sleep on their old beloved franchises than do anything good with it that the audience wants. After years of waiting for F-Zero at E3, I'm done waiting. I'm not expecting it anymore.
Obviously Nintendo will win E3, in my eyes they always do.
I can't wait for more details about odyssey. But I also hope they give me a game that gets the switch out of the dock more. And I don't think Metroid will come the same year as Mario, so I think we'll be disappointed on that front.
Oh and I'd like a new kid Icarus uprising game please.
I don't see why there's such an obsession with the brevity of the presentation. Breath of the Wild was hyped through letting people play the game and talk about it on the internet, not through dry, pre-recorded video presentations. And that turned out okay.
I'm looking forward to it as I always do and like the new online content Nintendo put out. Even so I still wish they'd do a traditional stage show like they used to with Reggie hyping everyone up!
The notion that we need to prepare ourselves for disappointment over an E3 event is concerning. The purpose of E3 is to excite people and to get people interested in their new console. Yet we are told to not expect any surprises which has been the case every year (even bad E3s).
Even under a thirty minute presentation that only covers 2017 titles, there's no reason not to expect one or two nice surprises that excites gamers and perhaps other miscellaneous details. Remember at E3 2010, we got Kirby's Epic Yarn and Donkey Kong Country Return which were highly acclaimed and came out in the same year.
Remember that this E3 will be critical to Switch's future success. If Nintendo cannot deliver a good E3 when they so need it, why should third-parties on the fence come on over and support Nintendo with new exclusives (or better ports than other systems)?
The moment E3 becomes a time to expect disappointment is when it is time to give up on Nintendo. This is something that Nintendo does not need.
@Shiryu I'm with you on this one!
@astarisborn94 It's honestly not that critical. Switch has a ton of momentum right now, and Super Mario Odyssey will dominate E3 buzz (alongside God of War and Spider-Man). Even with a lack of surprises and a bad E3, the Switch still has a great lineup this year with 4 major system selling titles to sell the system over the holidays.
We'll also get our look into 2018 in a fall Direct, before the brunt of the holiday shopping season.
Like others said, don't expect too much in the way of surprises. Considering Mario Odyssey is featuring and the E3 2017 Spotlight is just 30 min, I doubt they would do anything beyond showcase games coming out this year. In recent years Nintendo has announced new games at other times of the year, so I expect the same pattern to continue.
The 30 minute spotlight will consist of hypnotoad telling us to buy more switches. All glory to the hypnotoad!
Ultimately, I think PS will have the best show again this year. Microsoft has disappointed me every year lately, and unless there are super secret 2017 games, I'm not super jazzed about Switch's lineup this year (other than FE Warriors and Xenoblade)
I'm excited for E3, but my expectations across the board are quite low. I feel like Microsoft will focus way too much on Scorpio, and Nintendo will only put the spotlight on previously revealed games coming this year. Sony doesn't have much room for new game reveals as they have way too many already revealed games and 3rd party marketing deals to go over.
Biggest thing I'm looking forward to is whether Sony announces a PS4 exclusive Monster Hunter, just for the meltdowns. I know, I sound jaded as hell.
I expect at least 3-4 announcements at the Treehouse Live that are not shown at the Spotlight prior. Whether those Treehouse announcements are of any weight is the question, but if anyone is looking forward to all of Nintendo's E3 announcements, then watching the Treehouse should be a must.
The new 4Chan rumor is that the PS4's Monster Hunter exclusive will be a westernized (open world) version of the franchise that is based on the upcoming Paul W.S. Anderson Monster Hunter film.
If that was actually the case, then I'd actually be quite glad that that game was a PS4 exclusive. No need to have shovelware based off of an inevitably low-quality movie.
FIRst let me say I'm not excited about E3 as of yet. I almost forgotten it was time. As a teen I dreamed of being able to go. Now it's open and i didn't want to waste vacation time to go.
There is info I do look forward to, and I'll probably be get more into it when I start to see what there is. I'm more of a person to get hyped by what I see rather than start out hyped. For that reason, it's close between Sony and Nintendo for who I am looking forward to.
Sony always has exclusives that I know i will want to play. I love my Switch, but I have only been interested in about 1 in 3 or 4 titles I have seen so far. But I want to see what Nintendo has planned. I WANT to see Mario, xenoblade, fire emblem, and Dragon quest.
THe wild card is seeing what is on the horizon. I won't speculate, I've been told Big N has been known to disappoint those that come in with expectations. I'm new so i haven't played many franchises, but would love to try animal crossing , Metroid, and Smash Bros on Switch
Please, Nintendo and Capcom: Any news regarding Monster Hunter will be greatly appreciated!
I'm excited for E3 but I'm not expecting much. Just keeping my expectations low because, you know.
"As a teen I dreamed of being able to go. Now it's open and i didn't want to waste vacation time to go."
Very true. Sure you get to see the hottest new games, but your time is mostly spent by standing in line. Granted that's made easier with portable games, but still.
@timson72 Gravity Rush 2, Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last Guardian and Resident Evil 7 were all shown off at during Sony's part of E3 last year, and have since released.
I think Super Mario Odyssey alone will be enough to make Nintendo's E3 worthwhile and memorable--as long as something isn't drastically wrong with the game (I'm confident it will be just fine and dandy)--but I'm hoping Nintendo can do a whole lot more to entertain, surprise, and bring a smile to our faces as well. It will have all the obvious stuff: Splatoon 2, ARMS, Pokken Tournament DX, Breath of the Wild DLC, etc., but I'd also like a couple of meaningful surprises too. And, I really want to see a proper reveal of the Virtual Console once and for all--it had better be frikin' amazing too--as well as the long-overdue announcement of the English version of Mother 3 for Switch and/or 3DS (ideally for both; maybe even cross-buy).
I'm skeptical, I do own a Switch and love it but if focus only on the already announced games the Switch will not win any new persona to buy, which is my main concern.
I think Sony will win E3 again. But I hope to be wrong.
I am not sure yet what to expect from the E3 , i want to see more from Nintendo (new IPS) not just remakes. Give us a new smashbros (even if it is made from the same engine)
I do like the style of the new Mario tho. But for me i need more anouncement's for what the future plans are for the switch, not only this year but also the next.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I'm excited too, but a bit disappointed to hear that's less than 30 min now
Indeed, if its only 30 minutes i want less talk and more action.
@greengecko007 more than half haven't,and may not before end of this year,not hating on Sony just E3 and the hypefest it's become.
@timson72 I don't see how that's a bad thing. Show some games that have already been announced, and announce some games that are further in the future to get people interested. That's been a pretty winning formula for E3 presentations, and the best Nintendo presentations used to do the same thing. Smash for Wii U was at E3 over a year before it came out, but I loved seeing it and liked forward to the small updates after it was announced.
@Shiryu : As one that has appreciated your YouTube vids and articles here . . . MAY THAT DAY NEVER COME!!
I think Nintendo will have the best E3 of the bunch, but I do not expect any surprises at this point.
Just show me anything from Xenoblade 2, and I'll be hyped
I'm excited, but I'm also staying cautious. Nintendo is unpredictable in these events, sometimes they do something brilliant and sometimes they're being awful. Hopefully they'll do something that'll convince me to grab a Switch.
I'll only be excited after a new Metroid Prime like game is announced.
@greengecko007 rather they announced games that are coming in next 12 months.
I think people are putting too much worry about the 30 minute spotlight. IMO, the spotlight may be where the main announcements happen, but it's in the Treehouse events where all the meat of conference occurs. It's like last year, the main event was just the Zelda Trailer, but it was in the Treehouse that we actually saw all the good stuff (and some like me re-watched like there was no tomorrow ).
@bluedogrulez oh I'm pretty sure sure the surprises will be there... x)
It's weird, the Switch will likely go down as my favorite console of all time (I love the hardware, but obviously needs more games to be the best of all time) and yet, I couldn't care less about this E3.
Mario Odessey is a given. When's the last time anyone played and hated a Mario game? So regardless of what they show, I will be buying it.
I have a feeling they will focus on ARMS and Splatoon. Which, I'm not overly interested in either. I am passing on Arms, undecided on Splatoon, but I've already got to play both of those games, so I don't know what more they could show at E3 to get me excited.
Finally, I'm definitely not expecting it, but new Metroid, Smash Bros, or some other big name IP could pique my interest, but I think that is unlikely.
I was hugely disappointed to hear Nintendo say that they are unsure of their plans for the Virtual Console. Even if their free classic game service takes off sooner rather than later, they still claim that only NES is a certainty, and everything else is TBD. Honestly I'd take the old Virtual Console, warts and all, over this new service based on what I've heard.
Add all that to the spotlight only being a half hour and the near certainty that previously announced games will be the focus and I'm no longer really excited for the show. But I'm still holding on to hope.
Not really interested in E3 this year. Just on the lookout for any Japanese niche games that might be revealed, regardless of what hardware there on. I expect Sony will steal the show
The great queation here is "why would they make it an hour?".
It's about editing. If they're do a digital event enyway, they might as well be concise about what they're showing, as a half-hour event is by all measures more likely to be watching by a large crowd than a full hour event.
They can just upload supporting material for those are are interested enough to want to know more bout the individual announcement.
@Pod @SLIGEACH_EIRE I think back to that Nindies showcase. That was what, 7 minutes long? But it announced a ton of games and had interesting details on each. Hopefully they do something similar here, and simply make efficient use of our time.
Just short of 18 minutes
Announce a METROID game and the fall console wars are yours to lose Nintendo...
Looking forward to it as ever. I'd love to see the Sony one but it's 2am and I'm in work at 8.30. Will catch the Nintendo one and maybe the MS one.
My take on E3 2017:
1. Nintendo will focus most of the time on the announced Switch games for 2017, but i'm expecting at least 2 new first party game announcements, 1 for Holiday 2017 and 1 for Spring 2018.
2. Third party studios won't have much this E3 because of their experience with the Wii U. It's until now that they're seeing how successful the Switch is, Nintendo will have to carry the first year. Next year we will see third party studios supporting the Switch way more.
3. The Nintendo 3DS will get at least 2 new first party game announcements during the Treehouse Live for the Fall and Holiday 2017.
4. Indie developers will announce a lot more games for the Switch, especially this early on and while third party studios aren't embracing the system yet.
All I want is Metroid. And they let me down every year.
This is the first E3 in years i am not really excited about. I am hoping for a new Tomb Raider but beside that i am chill.
Am I the only die hard Mario fan that is NOT thoroughly impressed with Odyssey? I'm not really thrilled about any part of the game being set in a real human city. Not very thrilled about collecting triangle-shaped bits (??) And the Southwest chili motif just isn't appealing to me. It almost seems to have been created by an entirely different group of people. I'm hoping to see more this E3 but so far, I'm not dying to get this game...
@electrolite77 Ah... I must be mixing up my videos =) Thanks for the correction. Still, I remember watching it and thinking it was jam packed with information. Very little filler.
I'm cautiously optimistic. After the amazing E32014, followed by the horrible E3 2015 and E3 2016, I'm not sure what to expect anymore. Still, I figure they will go out guns blazing to support the switch as much as possible in this one.
E3 is always a competition as well as a showcase.
This year Nintendo will finish dead last. Unfortunately.
I just hope they don't repeat last year when they showed the Zelda trailer, a half hour of one-on-one Pokemon battling, and then got to Zelda gameplay.
Odyssey is the big title this year. Here's hoping Ultra Sun/Moon are nowhere to be seen.
I think Nintendo will do okay. There's already buzz around the stuff we know they'll feature, so they've got that going for them. If they drop a few surprises, they'll be golden.
30 minutes doesn't seem like a whole lot, but I think it's smart. People don't watch longer things as much as they used to, so this will be enough to get social media going and that's what they need (well that and to make more Switches, but E3 neither helps nor harms that).
Mostly hyped for the pc gaming show as there will be something xcom related. No idea what's going to come out of nintendo, but it's always a good idea to keep expectations low with them
I don't really know what to expect from E3 in general, but Mario Odyssey has me excited!
I used to look forward to Nintendos conference over everybody's. But I'm not excited because they aren't making the games I really want. I can't wait for Mario, but I don't think ill get a metroid anytime soon.
I'm excited, but not enough to let hype take over. I do think Nintendo will have a nice E3, Mario Odyssey is a heavy hitter.
They already have a robust lineup for the rest of the year. So I'm not expecting too much new, or else they start eating into future announcements.
But that doesn't mean it won't be exciting. We have a new Fire Emblem to look forward to And get information on! We have a new Monster Hunter to look forward to an announcement of! We still have a brand new Xenoblade sequel to get a release date for! We have Mario to be properly revealed! We have Fire Emblem Warriors, and Splatoon 2, and Arms and Pokken and we know Mario Kingdom Battle is coming soon too!
Heck, they could not announce a single new game and we'd still be flush til year's end. With loads of hype.
But we will get a few new announcements. The fall Direct though, that's when we'll start seeing a bunch of new stuff... once most of their announced games have released
All I know is that for every new party or motion control game that gets announced, a part of me will die inside.
I have my last full week of GCSEs next week. I haven't really had a chance to be excited about E3
At the very least I want a VC announcement.
Best possible scenario Animal Crossing, Wave Race & Kid Icarus.
They should have some VC news at the very least.
I'm hoping for news about Smash for Switch (no need for game footage).
Fire Emblem Warriors news and footage.
DB Xenoverse 2 footage
Some news about 2018's Fire Emblem for the Switch. And maybe a Metroid surprise (and please God do not make it a 1st person view exclusive)
@Shiryu I like that enthusiasm!
While I always want to see more 3DS games for my never-ending backlog, this E3 for me is all about Mario. Is this game going to make me go get a switch before the holidays or are we looking at a game that has me stick with the full-time portable for FE Warriors and keep it for the Radiant Historias of the world for late 2017 and beyond?
I'm definitely more excited to learn about Mario Odyssey than I ever was Breath of the Wild, and that's not to take anything away from BoTW.
E3 is always a time to be very excited and also a little nervous too. Very excited to see what Nintendo has in store and interested in what everyone else has to offer. Unfortunately I'll be missing out on most of E3 due work, thought it started on Wednesday, which would been perfect for me. Luckily I'll be able to catch Nintendo's direct live, only a couple more sleeps to go!
Looking forward to learning more about Mario Odyssey.
Also have my fingers crossed for some MK8 DLC for Switch (more courses and battle maps, please), Smash Deluxe, and a new HD Animal Crossing for Switch.
I also need to know if my VC games will forever be locked to the Wii U.
A lot can be said and announced in 30 minutes. What worries me is that bit about only 2017 games being shown. And with Arms, Splatoon 2, xenoblade 2, pokken dx and Mario Odyssey already coming this year, that leaves little new to be announced. Im fairly certain the Switch has some incredible games being made for it right now, like a new Metroid, new Pikmin, Retros new game, probably a new ip of some sort. BUT all of these are unlikely 2017 games.
So if anyone is expecting lots of surprises they are in for a disapointing E3.
I just want a release date for Mario Odyssey and I'll be happy.
It's hard to say there is any excitement beyond Mario Odyssey, because we have been talking of Splatoon and Arms for a long time. If they focus on these two games for E3 I think it could be a bit of a disappointment. I hope a shock us with tons of AAA Nintendo titles we have no clue about. I need something with a grind to it.
C'mon F-Zero GX remaster with online and brown joy cons
I'm excited but not overly excited... I mean, it's only 30 minutes long. Unless they ONLY showcase a bunch of game trailers without interviews and filler, I don't see a lot of games being possibly announced in only half and hour.
Besides Nintendo I'm hopeful we can see third parties showing more interest in the Switch.
Probably (totally) not happening but I'm still hoping to get announcements about Darksiders 3 (and maybe even a Darksiders 1, 2 collection) and Darksouls for the Switch. One can hope, it's free.
Eh, Mario Oddysey looks like an iterative combo of Sonic Adventure 1 and Mario Galaxy, in a way... But it's the first new and original 3D Mario title since almost 10 years ago... So I'm intrigued. It's funny, I used to be extremely hyped by anything Mario related. My tastes changed a lot over time...
I'll be interested to see if AMD shows off some of their plans in the PC gaming outlet. Apple already leaked some details on the Vega architecture... Which will render the Scorpio's Polaris based graphics obsolete before the Scorpio even releases... Yeah, Nintendo is the only console manufacturer whose presentation I'm interested in.
PC gaming has moved on to 1440p/60 FPS already, forget 1080p/60 FPS. In a couple years, it will go up to 2160p/60 FPS as a standard... So yeah. At least Nintendo keeps it interesting otherwise. However, Nintendo is not as interesting as they were 10-20 years ago. Say what you will about only wanting to know what's releasing this year... Ocarina of Time was revealed (as Zelda 64) three and a half years in advance, with regular updates... Nothing wrong with that, I think.
I have not been this excited an E3 in years. I think Nintendo will do awesome, possibly even "win" the show. I have no expectations as far as specific games go but I highly doubt I will be disappointed.
I am a bit ambivalent at the moment... I am enjoying Disgaea, but all I really wanted from Nintendo this year was an Animal Crossing or Pokemon RPG on switch announcement. Since neither of them look very likely, I guess I will watch for interest, but not with any high expectations.
( I am looking forward to games like Mario Odyssey, but I am not super hyped at the moment, it is something I can wait for )
Nintendo are just playing it low key. Yeah ok, half an hour spotlight. Can't show much in that time hey Nintendo
Reigning in my excitement to avoid disappointment.
Fascinated to see what's coming.
I suppose I'm the minority who isn't at all interested in Odyssey... All I'm interested in is what Nintendo is offering APART from Splatoon, ARMS and Odyssey. Maybe, maybe not we will get some good news.
E3 is rubbish.
Yeah it was great. Really enjoyed that one.
Would like to see Luigi rendered in those Odyssey textures along with other Super Mario characters.
Hoping to see new vr games on scorpio...and we will see what nintendo brings. Smash for switch i doubt when we have arms and pokemon fighting games.
They need at least a few big reveals to "win" E3 and I'm kind of nervous that they won't deliver. All I want from them is Animal Crossing for the Switch but I'm trying not to get my hopes up.
Only way Mario Odyssey would be good for me is if they take a break from Bowser & his kids as the main enemy like they did in #2 with the Toad King. Maybe have Donkey Kong & family as the enemy or somebody totally new. Otherwise it'll feel like another remake of SMB 3.
Hope they spend very little time on Arms & Splatoon & focus mainly on games coming out the last 3rd & 4th of the year. Hope there's 1 or 2 cool games coming out then that we haven't heard about, even if they're ports.
A little blurb of a new Metroid game coming out in 2018 would take it from a decent show to a great one.
I'm sure something will grab my attention at E3. Let's see how it goes.
After year on year of disappointment i will not allow myself to get hyped for Nintendo at E3. They never give us what we want and its always lame. I want to completely eat my words and see a Metroid. if it doesnt even get teased this year then its never going to happen, its been expected for the last three already.
People here is cautious, and rightly so. I'm just waiting for the Spotlight, but like anyone else I'm not expecting big announcements. I hope they will give out some new stuff though, because it will strenghten Nintendo Switch momentum.
If this e3 gives me a release date for monster Hunter I'll be happy. If it gives me a new one on switch I'll be even happier.
There's great stuff coming regardless.
@BradC40 Thank you. I'm sick of the Koopalings too. A Metroid teaser would probably amount to a shot of the visor with a music sting at this point, since that would be all the development time Nintendo could have possibly devoted to it this year. They've got a stacked line-up.
The only thing Microsoft has announced that I've been excited about in recent years is Dragonscale. Then it got cancelled! Boooo...
Halo 5 was weak. I've barely turned on my xbone in months and since PS4 started accepting external hard drives, it's been my system of choice between the two.
Microsoft has to announce something pretty groundbreaking and exciting for me to care anymore.
Give me Stair Fax: Dinner Plate or give me death
I think Nintendo will do exceptionally well this year thanks to the Switch. But I've never once agreed with, nor supported the notion behind "win E3". While, yes, it is a competition, it's not something that can be judged as anything outside of the successful/unsuccessful spectrum.
Its all subjective - different games appeal to different people. So they're just hoping enough of their games stick to as many people's tastes as possible. They might "win your attention", but it's not going to be anything more than that.
For me, the other companies don't typically make games that I'm interested in. And they normally feel half-a**ed or lazy (excluding a few exceptions), so they're never normally in a position to showcase a lot of games I'm interested in. But that hardly means Nintendo "wins" every time from my point of view. It just means they have the better chance to catch and keep my interest for the remainder of the year.
@Shiryu I have zero reasons to watch Nintendo's presentation. SNES games are still great, but Switch was such a letdown.
@Mahe How can you figure that out from a console with just 3 months on the market?
@Shiryu Let's see... I didn't like the initial reveal. I didn't like the January presentation. The time since then has done nothing to change my opinion, including the predictably bad E3 showing.
I know the games that have been revealed. I know what the hardware is like. Why would my opinion suddenly change? It's not like Nintendo will suddenly deliver a Wii-like blowout of games, after this disappointing E3 showing. The Switch has a bad road ahead of it for the foreseeable future.
@Mahe We agree to disagree. But thats why people have different options else it would be a very boring world indeed. As for the future it is not written anywhere, it can go either way. One thing is certain: there is at least one new big game for every month of the year up to December and for a console with just 3 months old, I am more than happy to keep on playing all the way to 2018.
@Shiryu Sure thing. Meanwhile, I'll be playing on systems that have several big games per month. It's nice to have choice.
@Mahe Tell me about it... tell me and my state of the art top PC rig.
@Shiryu Here's the thing, if you're playing on Switch, you're not playing Metroid: Samus Returns, Pokemon Ultra Sun / Moon, Etrian Odyssey V, Layton's Mystery Journey or many other games that aren't coming to Switch or PC.
I will much rather have my choice of games on 2DS and PS4 than the scraps Switch is getting.
@Mahe But that is why I never leave home without my 3DS. Currently playing the "new" Kunio game! ^_^
@Shiryu Yup, so many games on 2DS and 3DS!
@Mahe I need to find time for "Ever Oasis".
@Shiryu That does seem interesting gameplay-wise, but I'm really hyped for Miitopia.
@Mahe Yeah I'd much rather have that remake of a decades old Metroid game instead of that kick ass brand new one that's coming out.
When I first started reading your comments, I thought you were a Sony fanboy. Turns out you're a butthurt 3DS owner.
@Awesome_Man You know what? I'm going to be enjoying a new Metroid in just a few months, and it looks great.
Meanwhile, you get nothing. NOTHING! Enjoy your title screen for Other M Federation Force 2, out in 2020 for Switch 2 launch!
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