The Fate/ series spans an impressive range of genres; beginning with an erotic visual novel (!) in 2004, it’s carried its unique narrative brand — focusing on events called Holy Grail Wars — through dungeon crawlers, JRPGs, fighting games, and more. The latest, ambitiously named game in the series — Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star — takes it into the hack-and-slash genre and, thanks to XSEED and Marvelous’ Switch port of the recent PS4 release, to a Nintendo system for the first time. We got to go hands-on with this upcoming Switch title at XSEED’s booth at E3 this year, and had a great time — though at first glance it looks derivative, there are a lot of little touches here that make Fate worth a second look.
Fate/EXTELLA is a ‘battlefield hack and slash’, where you’ll control your character from a third-person perspective and slice your way through hordes of mob enemies in a bid to reach the boss. Along the way you’ll need to conquer different sectors of the map, by beating enough baddies to draw out the ‘Aggressors’ which control them — fell the Aggressors, and the sector is yours.
In that sense, it’s very similar to the Dynasty Warriors/Musou games, and also to another game we tried out the day before — Fire Emblem Warriors. The basic controls certainly echo these titles; ‘Y’ performs a quick but weak attack, ‘X’ handles the heavier hits, and ‘A’ unleashes your ‘Extella Maneuver’ — a special attack that damages every enemy in the area, and can be chained as many times you hit the button (and have charge meter for!).
Fate/EXTELLA has a large roster of playable characters: 16 total, with 3 main characters and 13 with smaller side-stories. We played through a single stage as both Nero — the pyromaniac Roman emperor reborn as an anime heroine in a crimson dress — and the ‘Master’ character stored insider her ring. This dynamic between Master (your avatar-style player character) and ’Servants’ (the various bishōjo’d historical figures you’ll control, including King Arthur, Alexander the Great, and Medusa) is something that really sets Fate apart, and we loved what we saw of it in our demo. The conversations between our character and Nero helped flesh out the story and their relationship as we rampaged through enemy hordes, and the dialogue — as we’ve come to expect from XSEED — was well-written and surprisingly cheeky. The historical/mythological nature of the characters means they each have unique ways of speaking, too, and in the stage we played we saw Nero’s imperial elegance juxtaposed with Irish hero Cú Chulainn’s rough and raucous wording.
Those conversations can continue after the action as well: a ‘My Room’ mode that we got a brief look at lets you talk over story beats and deepen bonds with your Servant in one-on-one chats in the Fire Emblem support conversations vein. You can also swap your Servant’s clothes here, and since the Switch version includes all costume DLC from the PS4 version, as well as some brand new threads, there are plenty to choose from. In terms of style, they reminded us of the modules designed for Hatsune Miku and friends in the Project Diva games: bright, bold, and appealingly eccentric.
Back on the battlefield, Fate/EXTELLA plays a bit differently from its influences in a few key ways. First, Nero was a much nimbler heroine than we’d expected given other games in the genre; a super-speedy dash (mapped to ‘R’) and sky-high jump (‘B’) both let us zip around enemies effortlessly, and those maneuvers can be combined into acrobatic air-dashes that felt fantastic. These also made it easy to zoom out of harm’s way and readjust, and in that sense Fate seems to give more ‘breathing room’ than similar games.
Second, there’s an appreciable difference in level layout that helps focus the action. Whereas Musou games like Hyrule and Fire Emblem Warriors have bounded outposts connected by footpaths and corridors, Fate’s sectors are discontinuous — a map will consist of several different sectors, but the paths between them are warps rather than routes. Reaching a warp point of a sector (generally found at one or several compass directions of the room) and pressing ‘B’ will send you flying onward to the next one, with no enemies or obstacles between. It sounds like a small change, but it makes a big difference; not only are the airborne sequences awesome to watch, it also makes for a faster-paced feel, and zipping around the map from sector to sector — slicing up foes at brief stops before dashing off to the next area — is a real rush.
Finally, for all its complex story and mythological grounding, Fate/EXTELLA doesn’t seem to take itself too seriously, and the lighthearted tone of the mission we played stood out from the wartime drama of Dynasty Warriors and its ilk. About halfway through the level, for instance, we heard the far-off sound of peppy J-Pop — not exactly expected given the Greco-Roman ruins setting the stage so far — and followed it to a mid-level boss: a digital idol gone bad. We had to fight off her loyal fans — robots brainwashed into doing her evil bidding — as the catchy anime ED-esque theme song played over the action; we were smiling the whole time.
We didn’t make it all the way to the end boss of the demo level, but what we were able to play left us excited for the full release. Fate/EXTELLA looked great and ran smoothly, and while we were playing in handheld mode the docked Switch at the kiosk next to us seemed to be doing a fine job of keeping up with the action as well. Our only disappointment was the lack of multiplayer — hack and slashes are always more fun with a friend! — but a Free Mode that lets you drop any character into any mission should help provide a bit of replay value after the main story’s done.
Marvelous is launching Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star on July 21st in Europe, with XSEED handling the North American release on July 25th.
Comments 40
Wont find the time at launch due to arms and splatoon , but looks pretty cool.
Love playing this on my Ps4 gald i can take on the go now sure there the vita verison but ehhh switch verison with all dlc plus bonus outfit for nero sold day one!
wanted this on ps4 but day one on switch for me
Visually looks more like the Vita version than the PS4 version, which is a bit unfortunate for the Switch but I'm glad it's getting games like these.
Hopefully we'll get more Fates and Touhou, along with other games from Vita developers.
Interesting, i didn't realize it was a ps4 game, i thought it looked like a 3ds game that changed target platform to switch! Maybe unfortunate that a musou clone releases right before FE Warriors....
I winder if this or battle chasers is the more interesting off-beat rpg?
I'm getting this before even Splatoon, because I sure love me some hack'n'slash!
Day 1 for me!
Looks similar to Valkyrie Drive on Vita or Senran Kagura in terms of pacing and mechanic's.
I may pick this up next month though Binding of Isaac is out next month and I haven't even started Disgaea 5 yet, plus Splatoon 2.
Graphics look so early PS3, Ill buy it anyways
I enjoyed this game a fair bit on my PS4, but I don't know if I want to get this on my Switch, especially since Fire Emblem Warriors is happening.
Oh, it's similar to dynasty warriors? Between the recent Hyule Warriors and upcoming Fire Emblem Warriors... nah, I'll pass. One less game on the old wish list!
Looking forward to it.
I really enjoyed Fate/EXTRA, so this was a pleasant surprise! Thought for sure I'd have to buy a PS4 to play this one.
Love the Fate series, day one for me.
It is necessity to have played previous game in the Fate series to get the story in this one?
@Luna_110 Not at all.
Looks like waifubait beat 'em up trash, but it's not like the anime isn't and I love that; plus you can play as Iskander sooo...
@World lol, the rest of the post turned out differently then I expected.
I was hoping it would look better than the Vita version, but I will stick with the Vita copy because it is easier to play on the go compared to the monster size of the Switch for my business trips.
Yep this is the vita version, I should know i have it. Tbh most Japanese games are made for vita but slightly improved when released on ps4. Very enjoyable game, though not the best example of a vita game to switch, I am sure many more vita games will come to switch, watch out for a game called Uppers, also Drive Girls
@LemonSlice that about sums up my feelings on the entire Fate series, basically.
I kind of like this, I wasn't expecting to withso many upcoming musou entries but I think the fate series adds enough to keep it different. I doubt it is a day one, but definitely somethjng to pick up
Not sure what to make of this, I already didn't exactly like Hyrule Warriors, I merely kept at it for the Zelda fanservice found within. I get an Oneechanbara vibe from this, you play it for the boobs and other female skin showings and beyond that it's a very basic affair. Doesn't seem to be the kind of thing I'd love to play, but at the same time I want to support devs who at least try to bring games to the Switch... There's already Splatoon coming out around the same time, so we'll see about it after it releases. If they made a demo of this available on the eShop, that could definitely help my purchase decision.
Doesn't look bad, but I have way too many games on my radar for this year to pay attention to this.
So how does it run? 30 FPS? 60? Smooth framerate or does it stutter a lot with many enemies on screen?
I've never played a game in this series before but I do like the Warriors games and am really excited for FE Warriors. I am definitely thinking about getting this but those graphics seem a bit dated and the environments seem very empty and sparse. Maybe it's just the video that makes it look that way, a demo on eshop would certainly make this easier.
Played this on the Vita. The story was frankly awful and embarrassing, but the gameplay was great!
Pre-ordered. Can't wait!
I have never heard of this series until recently and already have it preordered. Yes, I'm one of those people who buy way too many video games (I'll probably play it for less than a couple hours and put it away).
@NicolausCamp Not 60fps but it was smooth; never got distracted by framerate while playing
Sadly this game comes out after splatoon 2...
I just can't see myself playing ANYTHING ELSE once Splatoon2 hits my switch...
It looks like japanese s***, something to avoid. Good for lesser minds I suppose.
Well, it's one of the many Dynasty Warriors but with X series skinned over it games, like Hyrule Warriors, and like the upcoming Husbando Emblem Warriors, but with Fate/Stay characters.
And it came out the PS4 and Vita months ago, although I suppose if you wanted a portal version, this will at least be better than the Vita version.
Oh, I thought this was an JRPG. Well, if it is different enough from FE Warriors I might put it back on my wishlist.
Managed to get the amiami limited edition for this one! love that case!
Glad to see so many Vita gamers here. Welcome. Need Vita gamers supporting Switch, to at least ensure we have a steady flow of Japanese games.
Ya I saw that LE from Japan and it's slick. Awesome box and case.
@Tetsuro LOL you have a "Japanese Sh*t" screen name...oh the dissonance of it all!
"It's 'just' the Vita version" - you guys should just...stop it, ACK the Switch is not "just a <blank>" and just...walk it back.
Clearly not "just the Vita version":
@Tetsuro Nope, I took it from an anime by Matsumoto/Rintaro, when Japan was explosing culturally (80s), now it's a suffering country.
I don't buy 'anything' japanese related.
This looks interesting. I like the changes to the standard musou play mechanics/terrain. Preordered.
FE Warriors looks way too similar to Dynasty/Hyrule Warriors, to me.
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