This writer recently had a bit of a whinge about SNES Mini pre-orders and the pending stockopalypse, which some agreed with and others didn't. Nevertheless, it's still the case that The Super NES Classic Edition (NA) / The Nintendo Classic Mini: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (PAL) (and The Nintendo Classic Mini: Super Famicom) are exciting, with a number of fantastic games included along with the first official release of Star Fox 2. It's going to be a hot product, will get Nintendo a lot of press (the reveal certainly achieved that goal) and happy owners will likely flood social media with photos when it arrives.
Of course, even if Nintendo absolutely nails the whole supply and demand thing, it's a limited time product, or at least it seems so based on precedent with the NES Mini and in the careful wording from Nintendo itself.
Super Nintendo Entertainment System: Super NES Classic Edition is currently planned to ship from Sept. 29 until the end of calendar year 2017. At this time, we have nothing to announce regarding any possible shipments beyond this year.
Nintendo has acknowledged and apologised to those that missed out on the NES system in 2016, of course, but there's a way it can take its upcoming Switch Virtual Console (or whatever it'll be called) and be clever with the offering. Tied into the Nintendo Online Service, it's exciting to think of what could be done when it all begins in earnest in 2018.
A Virtual NES / SNES Mini
Here's what we already know. When Nintendo revealed new details on the Switch Online Service it pushed the product back from Fall this year to '2018', in the process also giving pricing and boosting the offering. After the original pitch of one retro game available for a month to then be swapped out, your $19.99USD deal for 12 months of access will now include the availability of multiple titles in the 'Classic Game Collection'. Three NES games were initially confirmed, again with some online features to be added, and as the collection grows you get to keep the downloads for as long as you're a paid user of the service.
So far, so much like a less expensive, retro-centric PS Plus-style service. When the announcement was made, however, we suggested various ways this service could bring a new approach to retro gaming, switching up the model for a prospective Virtual Console. Sure, 'new' VC platforms like the GameCube, for example, could still command premium download prices - older content, however, could expand upon the free options already in the paid online service, offering bundles and low cost purchases. For starters, the NES and SNES Mini can live on well after their hardware is off the shelves and safely stored (and yes, played) by collectors and lucky owners.
A key point about these Mini systems, of course, is that underneath the cool design and exterior we have solid but common boards running a bit of software loaded with ROMS. That's how consoles work, yes, we know, but in theory - with emulation - that same overarching 'app' that we treat as an operating system on the Minis can become (likely in amended form) a product on Switch.
A Buyer's Choice
Let's remember that the same technology driving the Switch GPU has been used in the past and present to run all sorts of emulation apps on NVIDIA Shield hardware, and Nintendo will already be working on its retro offerings for Switch in terms of the NES and presumably beyond. Special apps like those in the mock-up above - think also of how something like Mega Man Legacy Collection brings multiple titles together - that'd be sold on the eShop from 2018 would do multiple things. It would get attention for riffing on the Classic / Mini brand, and also give us another way to enjoy quality emulations in HD quality. Remember that the NES Mini did a much nicer job of outputting classic games than the Wii U Virtual Console, for example, with those different filters and a crisp HD output doing the work. We'd love to see that level of quality transition to the Switch.
If there's an overarching app to run these Classic games, the buying model could also be different. For example those that aren't members of the Nintendo Online Service could buy the set of 21 SNES games for about $50USD, as a suggestion; cheaper than a SNES Mini system but catering for the fact Nintendo is a business (like any other) that wants to make money. In addition games could be sold individually, albeit buying every title that way would cost more money, therefore incentivising the SNES Mini bundle. Think of a blend of Humble Bundle and a service like Zen Pinball 2 on Wii U for an idea of how the model could work. Members of the Nintendo Online Service, of course, could receive additional discounts and perks, making these 'Classic / Mini' branded downloads an extra beyond the 'free' games added each month.
Will Nintendo Shake Up the Virtual Console?
So what are the downsides to an idea like this? From a business perspective Nintendo may not want to tie limited period nostalgia hardware to its eShop offerings, especially if it decides to manufacture more SNES Mini units into 2018. In addition there could be the perception that it would damage any future devices in the 'Classic / Mini' range, with the possibility that some Switch gamers would assume download equivalents were coming and hold off from buying the actual hardware.
That's certainly a valid concern and potential sticking point, though we do feel that there's not a 1-to-1 overlap between potential NES / SNES Mini buyers and Switch owners. In addition, the appeal of the hardware goes beyond the games included, but also revolves around nostalgia, the design and the collectability. Any Switch download alternatives could also be held back until the relevant hardware is discontinued (like the 2018 examples we're citing), making it an additional means to monetise the hype around these devices and their collection of classics outputting in HD with various filters, save states etc.
Finally, what are the odds of this actually happening? Perhaps slim. Beyond the fact Nintendo would have to judge whether it makes commercial sense, there'd be the technicalities of recreating the performance of the NES / SNES Mini hardware through emulation on Switch. We suspect it'd be more than feasible, but could potentially demand resources and staff time that Nintendo wouldn't consider worthwhile.
Nevertheless, we'd love to see it happen. The Switch could potentially be a wonderful way to enjoy retro games, and initiatives and bundles like this could certainly add to its appeal.
Let us know what you think, or alternative ideas you may have, down in the comments.
Comments 109
I just want to be able to pay an upgrade fee for all the games I already own on 3DS and Wii U.
This sounds amazing. Getting all of these games bundled together into one softwRe package!!
Oh man, what a great idea, I'd totally buy the NES Mini/SNES Mini VC roms if they provided a bundle like that for Switch, especially since most of us have various titles available on each on our WiiU VC already, would be nicer to have a bundle or even give it with the subscription
Now if only the Zen Pinball people would recognize the demand for a Switch version of Zen Pinball 3...
I love the idea. Release it 3 months after the SNES classic sells out. Nintendo gets back some of its bad press from the lack of supply and yet another reason for people to buy the Switch for those that haven't.
That'd be great.
They need to do something about the VC service now. No new VC for 3ds since December last year, exception being the upcoming gold and silver but to be honest those don't excite me nearly as much as other titles. Look at titles on WiiU like the tg16 games, Japan has them on 3ds so why not here? Why does WiiU get star tropics 1 and 2, double dragon 3 and bayou Billy among many others but not 3ds?
I would actually like to see physical releases.
Nes Classics Vol. 1, Vol. 2
;SNES Classics Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3
;N64 Classics Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3
;The Gameboy Collection
;The Virtual Boy Compendium
All the way up until the gamecube, where I'd imagine space would be a problem. Those would be worthy of individually released remasters. Here's looking at you Sunshine, Baten Kaitos, ***********PSO*********** etc.
I'd like a physical cartridge release of both. I'd pay full retail of $59.99 for the 30 NES games and then again for the 21 SNES games. Unless Nintendo is going to offer me a free transfer of what I have already and I dont see that happening this time around.
NES and SNES classic on Switch VC is just theoretical/speculation/rumor?
I feel click-baited via that marked up pic and headline
They SHOULD give us a free upgrade for digital purchases we've bought up to 3 times prior at this point, but it's Nintendo.
They'll tout the fact they finally have a unified account system, 7 years later than they shoulda had it and still give us no real benefits from it....
They should do something along the lines of Rare Replay with these, but the problem is that it's Nintendo, so it makes too much sense for them to actually do it.
While I'd totally love the idea, I absolutely don't think Nintendo would do this. Nintendo tends to defy logic when it comes to most decisions and this one just is too awesome to become reality. I'm just crossing my fingers that I can get my hands on the SNES Mini when it debuts.
The novelty item is what was cool about the mini consoles, but I'm all for this. Star Fox 2 should at the very least show up on VC eventually. It is the least Nintendo could do if they brain fart again on the SNES Classic.
@gspro15198 Me too, I'd rather not have to pay for them again if possible because I already paid for most of them to be upgraded from Wii to Wii U
I'd love to see this as an option, not just for the NES and SNES, but N64, and perhaps GameCube as well, and then multiple collections to cover as many games as possible. But this should be just one option, as I'd love to see individual games being sold as well (account bound please Nintendo) as another option, and then the additional option of paying $20 for Switch Online for access to NES and hopefully SNES games.
Btw, does anyone else feel it's not a coincidence that the SNES mini is getting discontinued end of 2017, and that Switch Online should start at the start of 2018?
And speaking of Switch Online, I am still hoping it'll include all the NES/SNES games library that they'll put on the Switch. I know it might not be likely (they might only put up a portion), but hey, a guy can dream right?
Now those are 2 icons I would LOVE to see on my menu screen!
The biggest appeal to the mini consoles are the adorable consoles themselves, not the games. Who bought a NES mini to play Super Mario Bros. as the main reason for their purchase? We have had a dozen opportunities to buy and play these games. Give me the little plastic thing. I don't need to have this virtual library on a Switch. Just make enough minis to meet demand.
I don't care what they do with VC, how they sell it and it which cost. All I want from them is to see it soon and frequent releases from multiple consoles, not just NES and SNES. I'm talking N64, GC, GB and GBA.
As for SNES Mini, I don't really care for it since I've already got all the games I care about on Wii or WiiU. I only ever cared about NES Mini because I don't have a NES. Plus, these mini consoles are the very reason we've yet to see Switch's VC, no doubt about that.
I'm still not convinced Nintendo is going to do the Virtual Console proper justice on Switch--when it eventually launches on the system at some arbitrary point in the future. . . .
And, I'm absolutely convinced the reason people still haven't seen any kind of Virtual Console on Switch yet is because Nintendo knew it had the SNES Mini in the works and wanted to get everyone to spend their hard earned money on it before they were given the alternative option to just buy all these games on the Switch Virtual Console.
If that's the case, it's a pretty douche move from Nintendo.
I'd prefer one app covering NES/SNES/GB, reading your purchases, and then applying those to the games you already own digitally. But that would suggest a VC launching with three entire libraries (mostly) intact, a highly unlikely dream at this point.
@DeltaPeng Hardly click-bait, for 1: "Could" is in the title, and 2: it's clearly labelled as "Feature", meaning this isn't news, it's an opinion piece or approx. Grow up.
Nothing beats playing these games with the original controller. I'm all for the Switch whenever THAT becomes for purchase in 2021 or whenever but I still hope they make enough of these.
I'm just curious whenever we get VC on Switch what surprises we'll get. DK64 on Wii U VC was really surprising to me and I loved it.
I'd totally jump for Switch Cart releases of the NES Classic Range and SNES Classic Range regardless of whether I own the Mini Consoles.
Although they could entice some additional double dipping if they were to add a few more games in each.
This was one of my ideas As well back when they were talking about the NES Classic being a limited run.
i do hope, they bring Star Fox 2 to the VC. it's would be a pretty bad idea to make that an Snes mini exclusives.
not saying they wont. but after the SNES is all finished and such. i do hope they bring it on to Switch, 3DS, and MAYBE Wii U?
It's a nice idea, and some of these games will more than likely come to the Switch in one form or another, but it will not be the same as one of the Mini's, as in: at ALL.
The whole retro feel is actually weakened by multiple degrees when playing old games on newer systems. On the other hand, having a physical representation of the ACTUAL console that you used to play these games on, strengthens the feel by multiple degrees, and also having the actual, wired controllers adds another layer to it.
Having bought Ultra Street Fighter II for thirty beans (no regrets!), it would be weird getting all 21 SNES classics on Switch, including SF II Turbo, for only an extra $20. That's part of the reason why I don't see it happening. The licensed games, in particular, are perhaps unlikely to be bundled together in that way. Nintendo's own games, however, could certainly be packaged up. I would love to see various SNES compilations in physical cart form. It wouldn't need to be 20 per cart - just five or six on each would be amazing.
As long as the emulation is better than the WiiU which was, frankly, woefull.
I'd be down for a $60 NES Classics physical release, and a $60 SNES Classics physical release.
But whatever they do, just release VC. I want to compile one ultimate, final collection that can be played in HD on the go, or on the TV, or in tabletop with split joycon. SNES and GBA and N64 and GameCube are musts.
@Fandabidozi agreed even my old dreamcast does a better job of emulating the NES.
@JaxonH Yeah, indeed. That GameCube VC seems LONG overdue...
I know it would've taken away from some of the retro feel of the console, but it was a missed opportunity not to put the NES Remix games on the NES Mini. And to not make a SNES Remix for the SNES Mini. Here's hoping they make one on Switch.
Wii U is a VC power console, even moreso with a modded vWii where it can play GameCube and Wii from the SD card (And with Wii U Pro Controller or Xbox One controller). And I love it as my ultimate VC console.
But I want the collection on Switch... a console that also provides the games portably (And in HD at that). I like the N64 and GameCube I have on Wii U, but I don't carry my Wii U with me everywhere I go. I've been wanting a portable GameCube for so long, and it's only fitting it should be on Switch, which has an all star lineup for the history books.
Mannnn imagine online on GameCube Virtual Console like Timesplitters 2 would be incredible although tbh just LAN play would be great. Online Melee would be too smart for Nintendo as they could get away with charging almost full price for it.
@StayFresh I expect this has always been the plan, it wouldnt give them rep points back tho, as it would be a publicity stunt to drive demand for switch consoles.
I was watching Game Scoop over at IGN last night and even those guys said "I'd gladly Pay $80 for all of these games digitally on my Switch"
I'm on that boat, pass me the goodies nintendo. I don't want another console, just let me play them on my switch.
This will never happen! The only thing going on the Nintendo switch is more Neo Geo games.
I really hope this becomes a reality, I want to experience NES and SNES titles on the Switch. As Virtual Console, of course.
@ThanosReXXX I definitely agree that the form factor is a massive reason that the Classic mini range has connected with so many people. Having that console under the TV and that controller in your hand makes it an exciting and genuinely emotional experience for some - and people love coming home from the shops with a cool impulse buy to open and try out. (supply allowing)
However, a VC bundle would certainly make a lot of sense in the context of the Classic mini hype - much easier to sell the idea to people once they've been sold on a core part of it already. And it brings so much press and public awareness along with it to bear on the Switch.
I'm not sure Nintendo even needs loads of people to get their hands on the Classic Minis - by Christmas this year they will have already done the job: Reminding loads of 30 - 45 year olds how much they love nintendo and playing video games. I've had plenty such conversations since Switch and NES mini.
And lets face it, there's nothing Gen X-ers love more than sharing their childhood joys with their unsuspecting offspring. I know, I've done it plenty. And what will those offspring want more than retro Nintendo games consoles - Shiney new cool Nintendo consoles.
I think Nintendo knows what they're doing. They might have made a few mistakes along the way but they've done a great job of selling the idea of Switch and their retro catalogue so far.
This is what I was thinking when the NES Classic sold out?
Why can't they just make their whole VC catalogue available via the subscription service, they could have different levels of membership (i.e. premium membership to give access to full range and then lesser memberships limited to perhaps a single VC console).
@Deanster101 Maybe they will. I'm looking forward to finding out.
@Exy Maybe they did.The uploaded on Facebook and Youtubr a trailer for Pinball FX 3 (Zen Pinball is called Pinball FX on other consoles).The trailer on Facebook has a Switch logo,the one on Youtube doesn't.
There are tons of retro games for download on the 3ds. So why wouldn't they do the same on the switch. The online features and downloadable games have, thus far, kept me from giving up my 3ds in favor of the switch.
Make them available on the Switch. That's all I ever asked for.
Most have been saying for years they hated the overpriced retro model of the vc. It certainly makes sense to revitalize it now.
I feel these NES, and Super NES games will be featured as part of the online service. I think they will even have a similar lay out/ nice menu. NO BRAINER. I think we will see Virtual Console as well. Its just growing pains for folks who got in early. Heck I don't even play mine lately. Waiting for Splatoon. I knew 2018 was the year to get in, but I just couldn't wait. What I hope to see is a comeback of Virtual Arcade.
This has to happen, but given how stupidly stubborn NOA is....hackers'll do it before Nintendo does.
@JaxonH True, modding is an option, and as you may know by now, I've already enjoyed many games and systems on my modded Wii, and still do, GameCube titles as well, and also the rare Triforce titles, which should be included in any serious Nintendo fan's collection, but official VC for GameCube is something that is still not a reality, but should already have been on the Wii U.
The few remakes that we got were great, but there are so many more great GameCube titles, so it really is well overdue to give them their moment to shine.
Although it is somewhat handier to put everything on the Wii U by means of vWii, I've chosen to keep my modded Wii connected. I don't even like how Wii games look on the Wii U: the colors seem pale/washed out, and the entire screen even has a bit of a rosy hue. Don't know if that's specific to my Wii U, or if that's a common issue.
Either way, my Wii connected with high end, gold plated component cables, gives a much, much better picture on my TV, so that is still my go to retro system collection in a box.
I don't know about the look of older games on the Wii U, since I haven't tried any, but if the visual effect is the same in those too (which I imagine it is, because they're all played in vWii mode) then I'm in no particular hurry to move my considerably large collection of games and so on from the Wii to the Wii U.
It is odd, though. Normally, HDMI should be superior to component cables, and all cables I use for my equipment are high quality, so I honestly have no idea how they were able to make it look worse than the original Wii.
@KIREEK That is a great idea. Releasing them in bundles could be quite convenient to other people. It'll spare Nintendo the stress of releasing a bunch of games over a long period of time.
I've said this since last year that they should release a cartridge version of the nes mini games, and now snes mini for those not able to get the product. And for both Switch and 3ds.
I got the nes mini coz i liked the mini console and being able to play with the original controller. I'm getting snes mini for same reason (although I have the wii club nintendo snes pads already).
It is definitely a nostalgia purchase for me
@TJM All true and of course there's a method to the madness, so to speak.
And don't get me wrong: I actually like the Virtual Console, so no argument there, but for me, there's no better experience then playing games on the system that they belong to. Even though I've modded my Wii many years ago already, I still had to get used to playing retro games on it, because of the "feel" of it all.
I'm quite the purist/traditionalist in that regard, so these Mini's are perfect for me, since I never owned any 8 or 16 bit systems myself. I never needed to either, since my cousins owned all of them, and when we were young, we were almost like brothers, so I was there often, so I could play all the games anyway.
Apart from that, I was more of a home computer guy (Commodore Amiga), and first entered the Nintendo arena with the release of the N64.
So, for me it's nice to be able to revisit these systems and actually own them in a form that is convenient, because of their size and the packed-in games. Now here's hoping I'll still be able to score one. Pre-orders are up again tomorrow over here, but the first run today was gone in mere minutes...
Idk. Games look fantastic on my Wii U. GameCube games render in full 1080p, which is insane. They're super crisp and HD... many look like Wii U games. Paper Mario Thousand Year Door looks as good as Color Splash. Straight up gorgeous.
I highly recommend it. I know it's easy to fall into the "eh, what I have is good enough" cycle. But it's really not. Trust me, once you experience GC in full HD with a proper wireless controller... you'll never go back. And it's a wise choice as far as future proofing goes too. One less system to keep hooked up (does literally everything Wii does and better, and so much more). And can still run VisualBoy for GBA, or SNES9X for SNES.
Thanks for telling me about those Triforce arcade games though. I added them to my collection a year or two ago after you mentioned them.
@JaxonH You're welcome. Did you get the entire Triforce bundle or just the Mario Kart GP and F-Zero games? Then again: the complete collection is only interesting if you're into soccer...
What are you using on vWii for the GameCube titles? Nintendont or something else?
As for my picture quality comment: I only tried the Wii mode on the Wii U with actual retail copies of Wii games, so I haven't modded it yet. And these look worse on my Wii U than on my Wii. I have the channels side by side, so I can pause the games at the same time and compare screens while the same games are running on both systems.
So, currently, it's not a case of it being good enough, Wii games simply look better on my Wii thus far, at least color and sharpness-wise, so I honestly have no idea what's up with that. It puzzles me as much as the next guy, but I'm not about to mod my Wii U just to be able to do further tests. I'll wait until it is out of warranty (I was a VERY late adapter) and then I'll consider modding it, just like I did with my Wii.
The waiting for a Virtual Console on the Switch is killing me.
I've wanted to know what the plan was for the VC since day one, and assuming all would be explained with the online service. @OfNullAndVoid I do think SNES Classic running for last part of 2017 and the online service beginning in 2018 is more than coincidence.
That said, I really wish I knew if the money I spent on my Wii, now Wii U games are to be transferred to Switch or not. I get that they are a business (not expecting a free transfer) but they should at least be telling the customers what they are getting with Switch.
That said, I wouldn't mind this bundle idea in the editorial. The Netflix concept isn't a bad one either. I really just want to know the game plan.
@ThanosReXXX I never had a Wii, so I've been playing a lot of Wii games on the Wii U. I can't speak about the differences in terms of image quality, but I do find it weird that some games don't even cover the whole screen. Question: when you mod the console, what happens to online play? Cause I wouldn't want to lose access yet
@gortsi well, it only affects the Wii mode, not the Wii U gameplay services, so for Wii U online gaming, there'll be no risk involved.
And I would think that nothing happens with online in the Wii mode either, since that's just the same as a modded Wii, but that's not really relevant anymore, because most (if not all) online functionality on the Wii has been discontinued.
But since I haven't modded my Wii U yet, you'd be better off asking @JaxonH. He's the one with experience in that regard.
I would guess that someone somewhere has already got all of nintendos back catalogue functioning on the switch. These emulators are old now and have been adapted numerous times to numerous devices. The switch isnt so different. I dont think its that hard and nintendo could do it more efficiently than some dude in his mancave using online resources they half understand.
It's nothing like the retail discs. Although to say they look worse is a stretch imo... at worst they're equal, and at least the retail discs output in 1080p, which is more than can be said for the Wii. And yes, Nintendon't.
Also, cheats downloadable right there in the Wiiflow menu, and widescreen for GameCube as well. It's all one could possibly ask or hope for,
Why cant they just bind to account like Google play?
I really don't care how they approach it. Waiting till 2018 is terrible. Just get the vc service going already!! And have it be robust and with new systems like GameCube and Dreamcast added!! There are thousands of classics out there that can be made available to us if Nintendo would just put some serious effort into this service!! Hamster is not waiting and with Namco Museum due 7/29 apparently Namco isn't waiting either!! I really wish Sega would jump in with keeping in mind that the Switch still has a small library...Sega would be raking it in!!! I mean hamster is doing fine with it so far and their games arguably aren't nearly as popular as the classic library Sega owns!! Instead they choose to do that Sega forever crap on mobile with crappy emulation ugh!!
@JaxonH Well, like I said: I can compare them side by side and the colors are definitely better on the Wii with component cables, and then there's that rosy hue. It's very faint but it is quite easily visible, especially if I compare the Wii vs the vWii home screen.
Ah, WiiFlow. Never was a fan of that one. Tried that and USB Loader GX, but in the end, I chose to go with the far superior Configurable USB Loader.
More user friendly and better integration of all apps, Nintendont too, wide screen and all that included. (although I use separate apps for the older retro systems, such as USB-modified versions of Wii64 and WiiSX, the PSX emulator)
Care to chime in with @gortsi's question? You'd know more about that than me.
No thanks you can keep your VC content and paid subscription service its all a joke. You sell multiple snes and nes mini's to the same buyers addresses supply the scalpers so they can double or triple the price. no thanks Nintendo 25 years of purchasing bye bye.
ideally, if you registered the nes or snes mini, you would get those games on switch.
Really the most important thing about VC for me is that we get it, and it supports up through GBA and Gamecube era and has a decent line up of games from those systems. I know some people have the nostalgia for systems like Turbografx 16 and NeoGeo but frankly those strike me as obscure novelties, not highly demanded franchise. We already saw some GBA titles on the Wii U, so we know it can be done.
I think the appeal of playing these retro games EITHER on the TV or on the go is a major selling point for the Switch that Nintendo has thus far missed out on.
Finally I feel they should repeat what they did with the Wii U and offer a discount for games players have already purchased on previous VCs. (or in a dream world just let us redownload those games straight up with just a conversion cost)
I really love the Switch, much more than previous Nintendo consoles for a long time. Which is why I really really want more content, new and old, brought to the system.
@gazza0708 What would you have Nintendo do? Background checks on buyers? Limit 1 per customer? How would they do that? If you should be angry at anyone, be angry at the scalpers, not Nintendo.
@Heavyarms55 @ use there ip it isnt hard lots of companies do it there's no excuse. Nintendo encourage it.
Or — OR — they could start making the NES Classic Edition again, and make enough SNES Classic Editions for everyone who wants one. Otherwise known as "good business sense"
Ya, unfortunately if you want to run GC/Wii from SD, Wiiflow is the only option. Config had a mod to work with Wii U but every version I've tried blank screens, and GX doesn't load GC from SD. So Wiiflow is only option. But it works splendidly. Once I adjusted I realized how awesome it is.
Whenever the VC does eventually launch on Switch i just hope we finally get GameCube games on it, would be nice if they were touched up in some way to make them look good on modern tv's, putting them into widescreen at the very least.
My tv definately handles hdmi input better than component. Wii games come through sharper on my wii u than wii. I think it's your tv and how it processes the signals.
I hate this idea. why? I want physical media.
Meh, who wants retro games on Switch? Running the latest PC games on Switch is the way to go.
Geforce Now has just been launched for the Mac, soon it will come to Switch. I bet Nintendo and Nvidia had planned this all along.
If they do this then they are losing out on all the people like me who are not interested in the Switch but missed the snes and are therefore wanting a snes mini. There are probably only a few of us but surely selling out of minis is more profit than not selling switches!
This is what I've been thinking they should have done with the nes mini. I'm hoping they do this on the eshop and on cartridge.
Logical ideas for how Nintendo could handle the vc will just make me more disappointed by what actually appears.
Although the longer this goes on I just want the games. Which plays into Nintendo's hands I guess.
@maruse amen!!
I have racked my brains about why nintendo are doing the Snes classic in almost the same manner as the Nes classic when that really was a bit of a disaster for fans and I think the reason is to drum up interest in the switch VC. I bet in 2018 a statement will go out saying how sorry they are people missed out on the classics but shucks you can get them all on switch now priced individually. It makes sense really.
I'd rather Nintendo just do these retro collections as Switch cartridges to be honest.
I want N64 and gc games on the go simply as that. Also fire emblem gba.
@JaxonH This is the version I use. It's a modified version, and works flawlessly with both USB and SD media.
I know it works on the Wii U, because a friend of mine also uses it.
You could always give it a try if you like tinkering...
More info on it here.
@cleveland124 I've already looked into that previously when I first noticed the difference. All my other consoles and media devices that connect through HDMI look brilliant on my screen (Panasonic Viera 42" Plasma HDTV), and that includes the Wii U when playing its own games, so only the Wii U in Wii mode is giving me this weird problem.
And I use high quality cables for all devices connected to my screen, so although it could be something with the cable, that would seem unlikely to me.
If I would have never had a Wii, then I probably wouldn't even have noticed, but now that I can see them side by side, the difference is clear instantly.
It's hard to comprehend that with each eShop - from Wii to Switch - things keep getting progressively worse. The WiiU's eShop packed with retro goodies, WiiU's (while good) less so, the less said for the Switch's the better.
Better, not worse, surely?
No, yours won't work on Wii U. Nothing that works on Wii works on Wii U. It's all separate custom mods, and I spend 7 straight days trying to find loaders that work on Wii U, and config supposedly exists in theory but when you actually TRY it it doesn't work. It black screens every time. Says in big bold letters "WII U MOD VERSION, CONFIRMED WORKING" and then you try it and it doesn't work.
No matter, I hate config anyways, was always my least favorite loader. Wiiflow does everything you could possibly hope or want or need, and the recent builds of it are just as configurable. Best loader I've ever used, and I've used them all. Thank goodness it's the only one that works on Wii U and actually loads from SD.
@JaxonH That's weird, though. Must be something else, then. It works perfectly fine on my friend's Wii U. I suppose it could have something to do with the way the Wii U is soft modded. I know there are several ways to do it, much like with the Wii.
Back then, I started out with only a disc loader (NeoGamma) for both Wii games and GameCube multi-game discs, and only around a year later, I decided to do another mod and add USB/HDD support. Much handier, even though the disc loader worked perfectly fine for both systems as well. And the older retro systems were on my SD card.
Now all is transferred to the external HDD, and I haven't looked back since.
And you hate Cfg USB Loader? That's a bit much, in my opinion. I don't hate any of the USB loaders, and I've tried them all, but I just found Cfg USB Loader to be more user-friendly and more to my taste style-wise.
@gspro15198 I agree wholeheartedly.
@Toadie Don't expect Gamecube games on Switch. It's not strong enough to handle it. Switch isn't a native Gamecube machine. Emulation takes a lot of power of CPU. You have to wait for the next Nintendo system that's for sure
More than anything, I just want the controllers. Hopefully there will be more than enough of those things.
@Dang69 My opinion is valid, but thanks for being rude nonetheless.
Definition of feature per Merriam Webster, 4b:
a featured article, story, or department in a newspaper or magazine. (example) An account of the fire was the feature in the Sunday newspaper.
Hardly seems to indicate 'speculation', but sounds more synonymous to 'highlight' (can't call it a rumor, because it's not true and starting here). It's not obvious in any form that it's speculation at first glance, especially with a non-obvious photoshopped picture at the forefront.
And using the word 'could' doesn't mean much either. I could say FF7 remake 'could' make it to Switch, and post a photoshopped picture of the Switch with the FF7 remake, and it'd be 'true' (though very unlikely, since 'could' just means a possibility).
I highly consider this clickbait-y since it isn't based on developer/company news but all just the dreams / opinions /speculation of the writer. Which they can have and write about, that's fine, but I'm saying they should be more clear about it and properly categorize actual news vs opinion pieces.
Just crossing my fingers for what they bring to the table for the online subscription service. The Switch is an amazing console for retro gaming with Neo Geo games. + Kireeks comment on Snes/New classic physical cart bundles is amazing!
I just want the Virtual console as it was on Wii, simple and plain. I don't like every game in Snes classic mini, there are games that I like and are not on it, I just want to be able to buy the retrogames (both Sega and Nintendo ones) that I like as I did on Wii.
Really I don't think it can be that hard it's exactly the same thing they already did on Wii, on Wii U, on 3DS...
@ThanosReXXX thanks man, I still play Cod online on the Wii, it's awesome that Activision hasn't pulled those down yet!
@gortsi No problem. You're welcome.
To be honest I don't want anymore Hardware. I wasn't interested in NES Mini or the SNES Mini. I don't even know that I would be interested in the Software versions. I would have to look at the games list again. I'm just moving forward with gaming and not to interested in moving Backwards. However anything PCEngine always interests me. If a PCEngine Mini ever came out I would really want one. If they offered a software version I would consider that too. But what are the Chances of that? I do love this retro movement of new games were getting in retro style though.
And miss the chance to add 700+ games on the mini consoles, and play that all in my confy chair, feeling the original controls in my hands ? No thanks, bring VC from NGC or whatever ...
@Alucard83 I'm not sure that's true, Nintendo have been talking about adding GC games even since the Wii U games, if it wasn't technically possible they would just come out and say so.
Great idea, but very unlikely in my opinion. I'd buy it in a heartbeat if they did do this but it would be an absolute miracle.
I fear Nintendo has really painted themselves into a corner with the Virtual Console. On one hand, a lot of people complained about the upgrade fee from the Wii to the Wii U, and I wonder how many would be willing to pay another small fee to play those same games on the Switch all over again. On the other hand, with the Wii U's small user base, they could possibly get away with it, but then you'd run the risk of old Wii owners (who skipped the Wii U) complaining about paying again for the same game. With no current option to do any kind of transferring between the Wii/Wii U and the Switch, how would it even know we bought those games in the first place? I think our purchases are recorded on our Nintendo Network IDs, but even then, that is really iffy how they could actually track what we bought.
I think this is a reason why we have heard virtually nothing about the Virtual Console to this point, because Nintendo doesn't know how to proceed after having it on three different platforms now with minimal transferring between systems.
I completely agree. Most if not all of my excitement for the SNES mini is being able to buy and own these games for a far cheaper price than buying all of them individually on Nintendo's outdated Virtual Console service (that and getting to play the snes versions of Yoshi's Island, Star Fox, and Star Fox 2 legally). If they were to introduce bundles to the VC it would be a godsend. They already do bundles with dlc (look at fire emblem) so I don't understand why Nintendo is so stubborn with VC. They're just roms being sold back to us again but it really feels like Nintendo up until recently has been incredibly stingy.
A good idea but Nintendo won't do something like this , if anything they will most likely just do individualy priced games I can't imagine they'll do something where the user could get a bargain!
@gspro15198 "I just want to be able to play all the games I already own on 3DS and Wii U."
I wouldn't get this. Nintendo already decided it wasn't interested in my consumerism when they prematurely stopped supplying NES Classic Minis.
@gspro15198 Agreed, Nintendo needs to unify their virtual console releases!
@DeltaPeng Thnx for taking the time to dictionary. You're still wrong tho. Bye!
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