The Switch is off to a strong start on its eShop; as of yet there's been very few shovelware titles and yet a veritable feast of excellent games to sink our collective teeth into. But which of these are the very cream of the crop? Thankfully we're back with our almost-new series to sort the gold from the gunk aptly named the Nintendo Life eShop Selects.
This month we've got four fantastic eShop delights to show off to you, two of which have been graced with a Nintendo Life eShop Select award with a shiny badge any everything, and two extremely worthwhile runners-up.
Honourable Mentions:
The Nintendo Life eShop Selects WINNERS - June 2017
Have you already got your hands on any of these games? Let us know what you think of them down there in the comments.
Comments 42
Got Mighty Gunvolt Burst - there aren't many other run'n'guns on Switch yet, so it was a must.
Haven't bought most of these because I just bought ARMS and now I'm saving for Splatoon 2
Hard pass on Oceanhorn for me as it looks pretty terrible but picked up the other three.
ugh.. you couldn't pay me to play Oceanhorn again. My vote is for GoNNer.
Shantae is great. Just few things before I 100% it.
Might get GoNNER after the reviews it's been getting, but I just bought Snake Pass, gonna get Bomberman when the discount hits and then it's already time for Splatoon 2, and then Rabbids, FIFA, MARIO, XENOBLADE, ALL THE BEAUTIFUL INDIES AND SUCH!!!
I don't think I ever had this conundrum with Wii U or even Wii.
Good job Nintendo.
And for the end, moment of silence for Steep. I really wished that they would have managed to port that one.
I love these eShop summaries. It helps me make sure nothing slipped through!
Just beat Mighty Gunvolt Burst with both characters. Mostly fun, fighting all the boss robots in the end is pretty brutal though.
Playing through Shantae now, she's great fun as well!
Passed on Oceanhorn due to the sea of negative reviews and passed on Gonner, just not my style.
I haven't picked up any of these yet but all of them at least interest me with Shantae being on my to buy next list with Gonner, Oceonhorn and Burst on my to buy in a sale list.
@MisterMan This statement makes me wonder: why not also let us vote in a poll every month, and maybe include a "reader's choice" award to this whole set up? Thoughts, @AlexOlney?
Really enjoying this new, recap of the month, series. Awesome job!
Bit click-baity, seeing as it's only the Switch eShop.
Mighty Gunvolt is the most fun I've had on the system yet (not meant as a slight even though it's a "budget" title). Something about the animation of Shantae throws me off, I mean it looks great, but I feel like there'd be a gameplay disconnect for me (someone please convince me otherwise, really want a good platformer). Ocean Horn's art direction looks...sorta really really ugly. The cover art and the cut scenes being the most atrocious example of this.
Downloading Gonner after work.
I've got Shantae, might get Gonner at some point.
The title had me hoping for some eshop discounts.......
Still only have Zelda for my Switch and recently my Wii U has been randomly shutting down so I'm worried about my gaming options
I recently picked up Oceanhorn and Mighty Gunvolt Burst. Both are fun games but I'm feeling we are not getting very high quality retail games on Switch and that the Eshop is loading up on what it can to satisfy. I'm not a fan of Splatoon. Zelda was excellent. MarioKart is excellent but really a quick move over to Switch that we have already played before. It just seems that the Switch is falling back into the same issues which plagued us on Wii-U and Wii. I don't think the 3rd party support is as successful as we have been told. I want Switch to succeed. I hope we see some changes soon
This is all well and good, but...nothing was profiled for the Wii U and 3DS eshops.
Wii eShop >>> WiiU eShop >>>>>> Switch eShop
A 6/10 game is considered an honorable mention? I guess anything else was rated less than those mentioned
GoNNER is clearly the best here long term. Shantae has lost the plot for me and is utterly outclassed by Shovel Knight, Cave Story, and Wonder Boy. Those games will always be cherished on my Switch... Sadly Shantae has simply become second-rate, though I guess that has pretty much always held true.
While there was a time when my wife and kids enjoyed the series, with HGH and PC they lost all interest pretty quickly. We are heavy platformer players and run the whole gamut, but Shantae has fallen deep into the heap and is now irrelevant.
All those games look fantastic! I would be more than happy to play any of those!
Going to get Shantae and Mighty Gunvolt later...trying not to build a backlog on Switch but Breath of the Wild is making it hard. 😕
@Rontanamo_Bay @Drac_Mazoku Procedurely generated games can be almost entirely handcrafted. This doesn't equate to randomly designed at all. People design games like GoNNER, flat out. Saying otherwise is ignorant.
Like any element of game design, using procedurally generated features depends on relevance to the fundamental goals. A game like GoNNER does not attempt to be a platformer in the Cave Story sense, a meticulously crafted once in a lifetime experience. This kind of game is about combat and survival. Really, it is as much a shmup in spirit, using platformer mechanics as the vehicle. As such "randomly" sequencing the level segments and generating enemies is plenty appropriate.
GoNNER wants to be replayed, yet still surprising and stressing your skills. Your run may last 5 minutes or an hour, but each attempt will be unique rather than stale and tired. I don't think many people play this game and curse the procedural aspects, of all things. It sounds pretty weird to hear from people dismissing GoNNER out of hand.
Loved the Pirate's Curse, so I'll eventually get half-genie hero. The only problem I had with the Pirate's Curse was the final dungeon, which felt as though it was made just to kill the player. Does anyone know if the final dungeon for half-genie hero is similar? It won't dissuade me from getting it, just wondering though.
@Rontanamo_Bay The game is designed by people. The levels are not purely randomly generated. Procedurally generated does not mean randomly generated.
Liking one thing does not devalue all others. GoNNER is a good game, worth trying. One of the best on the Switch Eshop, especially for fans of 2D action games.
You do understand many procedurally generated games are a string of individually designed segments, right?
Never played a Shantae game before, but I'm definitely going to get Mighty Gunvolt soon.
I vote for that too 👍
Feature: Nintendo Life Wii U eShop Selects - June 2017
The Nintendo Life eShop Selects WINNER - June 2017
Darksiders: Warmastered Edition (7/10 - Review was overly harsh)
So....where is shantae physical?
Well Gunvolt and Shantae are my two favorite indie series, so I can say I completely agree with these results.
@Drac_Mazoku @Rontanamo_Bay I'm with you so tired of all these rogue like indies way too many!
@ACK obviously you like GONNER and titles of its ilk. That's cool it your choice. But if others don't you don't need to convince them their opinions are wrong.
Shantae is great @OfNullAndVoid I didn't play Pirates Curse but the last level wasn't bad at all not much death there.
I been playing NBA Playgrounds which has distracted me from Mighty Gunvolt Blast but that's next.
Oh yesss and I got arms sat there waiting too after picking it up this week. Who sssaid backlog!!!
@Priceless_Spork: Definitely. The Wii U eshop is still seeing some activity as well. That will likely die down in the next few months, but it's still getting games!
4 good eShop games out of 4!
We got ARMS + 4 good Nindies + 5 Neo Geo games + Updates on Breath of the Wild, Super Bomberman R, Snake Pass, Blaster Master Zero, VOEZ, and New Frontier Days: Founding Pioneers.
Not a bad month.
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse was one of the best Wii U 2D adventure-platformers. I'm waiting for the physical version of the Switch game. Might take a look at GoNNER and Oceanhorn as well. I never was into Mega Man or any of its clones, so the Gunvolts and No. 9's are nothing for me.
Probably in a small minority here, but I really prefer to read articles than watch videos.
It's a shame Half-Genie Hero isn't half-price cross-buy if you already have the Wii U version. I want to play the DLC, but buying everything again seems too much.
@OfNullAndVoid - It's not a very difficult game at all. I wouldn't quite go with the "easy" verdict many people have of the experience (there are some fairly difficult jumps), but it's about what you'd expect from a medium-difficulty platformer, rather than the very sharp difficulty spike in Pirate's Curse.
@cmk8 Yeah, I almost never watch the videos, much prefer written articles.
@Filth_Element @MetalKingShield Thanks for the info. The final dungeon felt rather disappointing to me due to the sudden jump in difficulty. Fortunately it wasn't to long, so memorization was easy, and I was able to make it through.
I'll definitely put this one on my wish list. I'll also have to consider Shantae (the original) and Risky's revenge, since I haven't played those either.
@OfNullAndVoid - For what it's worth, Pirate's Curse and Risky's Revenge are the great ones, Half-Genie Hero is "good" and the Game Boy original is more like a curiosity. Restore Points are essential, in my opinion.
@Priceless_Spork (Plays the first 15 notes of Captain Toad's theme song)
Luckily For you, the Great Captain Toad has had the honor of playing Of Mice and Sand. And can say it's a Pretty great Oregon trail cross Sim city game, to my surprise.
My current play time: 12 hours Beaten the game? No
Any questions about the game, ask away.
Mr. Shifty got too much hate for such a minor setback. Ya it suffers from frame rate issues at times but you can barely notice it. It's a great game and a fun challenge
Shantae: 1/2 Genie Hero is awesome, liked it so much on PS4 I double dipped and bought the Switch version for the on-the-go as well as home console play. Mighty Gunvolt Burt surprised me. The $10 price made it a relatively low-risk purchase and I'm glad I decided to give it a try. Very fun retro-inspired shooter. Even better than Blaster Master Zero.
Gonner's visuals are ugly as hell. And I'm otherwise not personally interested in 2D platforming genres. We really, really need more diversity in the eshop
@Priceless_Spork About 416 blocks.
Hmm I can't effectively tell about the text on old 3ds.
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