It's not an uncommon opinion to believe Street Fighter II is a game that's been re-badged, milked, and dead-horse-beaten to the point that it's beyond a joke. That's not to say it's not worthy of its legendary status amongst not only fighting games but video games as an art form, but sometimes enough's enough.
But that's not enough for Capcom, and so Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers is heading to Nintendo Switch very soon, for better or for worse. One of the new features Capcom have added to give this Nintendo outing more worth is to add a new mode called Way of the Hado, where you control Ryu from a first-person perspective and attempt to destroy wave after wave of minions using motion controls, although sadly the minions in question aren't those malodorous yellow money printers.
To say the minigame is limited in its appeal is a gross understatement, and as you can see from the video above, it's presented in a state that works, but not when you want it to. Make sure you give it a watch and let us know what you think of this Hadouken-riddled waggle party in the comments down below.
Comments 55
'Way of the Dodo' more like.
@OorWullie Or 'Way of the please, no'...
Wiimote 2.0, terrible controllers. I wish they had a bundle where your Switch came with a Pro Controller instead of these.
The inevitable Skyward Sword HD better have Pro Controller support and not force you to use these jokes.
Still don't understand why they'd go for the trouble to port the SFIV engine in order to build... this. They might trick themselves into thinking it justifies the price tag, but anyone with half a brain can see through it.
@8-Bit_Zorldo And only for 34'99!
I like the concept, but motion controls can be tough. Seems like there is a little learning curve with timing and movements, but could be fun.
I bet it still gets a 9/10!
@Menchi187 that would require them to basically reprogram the entire game, you know they're not going to put that much effort into an HD remaster, or let another company like Tantalus do it either. Miyamoto would have their heads on pikes for messing with his waggles.
@ThanosReXXX Or the Way of the Uh-Oh...
@ThanosReXXX Hehe,nice one.How about
'Way of the Hadonuffo this"
Still don't know why they didn't just port ultimate Street Fighter IV or less powerful version of Street Fighter V with more content?
Way of Ouch Duh !
@RedMageLanakyn If Mitch reviews it I'm disowning this site.
RE Zelda: They can reprogram it then. No one wants to flail their joycons to play Zelda. The Wii proved that when Skyward Sword sold less than 4 million copies on a system with over 100 million units.
They did it in reverse for Twilight Princess, started with the controller and mirrored and reprogrammed the entire game to get in motion controls. To this day the Gamecube version is still preferred over the Wii version.
@Grandpa_Pixel Good one too.
@OorWullie Good one as well, but personally, I always like to make a play on words phonetically match exactly with the original, so no more syllables than the amount that it originally has.
Turns out this mode is as horrible as I thought it would be.
@Menchi187 I'm pretty sure this is entirely Capcom's fault. As bad as 1-2-Switch was I have never read complaints about bad motion controls.
In general Nintendo seems to see motion controls as an optional benefit instead of something mandatory this time around (see Arms for example). But for a potential Skyward Sword HD I can't see how they would get around the motion controls, because it was an important gameplay mechanic.
@Menchi187 I 100% agree with you, and i would pay extra for a version of SS without motion controls. But we both know they won't do it, especially since they now have a system that encourages waggles since they're bundled with it. I'll consider it a consolation if we get the Prime trilogy, those games are actually decent with wiimotes.
But they had to tack on some piece of crud to try and say this is a new game and not some old lazy port with a ridiculously expensive price tag slapped on it.
@Menchi187 You apparently haven't seen ARMS
@Nintendoforlife The accuracy of the controls, which is what I'm assuming you're alluding to, isn't the issue that me and many others had with it.
If you're talking about "no one wants to flail around with it" then you must've missed the fact it's the most lauded Switch game next to 1-2-Switch
shock! surprise! Street Fighter: Arms-clone Edition isn't very good? I'm just stunned.
Who here doesn't believe this mode was added after they found out about Arms and decided their fighting game needed that too?
Either that or it's the "Westerners like first person games, so they'll buy this" edition.
Many people have said it, but it's still true: this should not be priced at full price, as it's just not worth it. On the ps3 you can download Sf2, sf3 and sf4 for less than the price of this game if you catch them in one of the regular sales, or two of the above if you can't. A gallery, two "new" characters and a naff mode that nobody asked for don't justify a £35-£40 price tag. £10-£15 and then we'll talk.
@Menchi187 What's the issue then?
Gotta justify that $40 price tag somehow, right?
Wii games from 10 years ago functioned better than this. If it worked well, this mode looks pretty fun though. Not paying 40 bucks for this game anyway. 20 maybe.
I have never play this game in my life other than in arcades when I wait for a movie. If I can get it at $30, is it worth buying it? I really want to play it.
@Nintendoforlife The complete unnecessity of it. People don't want to flail when playing Zelda. It's that simple. It's the biggest reported complaint with the game.
You can't equate playing Wii Sports Boxing/Punch Out Wii/ARMS to playing Zelda with the same controls. It works for those small, quick party games. Zelda, no.
...At least it is Ok. Well Capcom you can give us MvC:I to make up for it.
@Menchi187 You have a very weird definition of what constitutes a party game.
I'll buy this when it hits the bargain bin, no sooner. As much as I love Capcom, I simply struggle to understand this (SF2 edition 5,467) decision (barring outright greed).
They could've created the first first-person fighting game/mode with motion controls. They could've created something great, if only the would've really put some effort into it.
Instead, Capcom did what they always do: try to squeeze money out of their products with little to no effort.
Capcom are really the opposite of a quality games producer, maybe they should be banned from the eshop. Wasn't Nintendo supposed to curate the eshop titles more strictly?
Good thing ARMS is coming and it will be a high-quality title.
@Menchi187 Zangeki no reginleiv was a lot of fun. And it didn't require flailing. It's too bad the controls had some issues. I'm guessing most game companies don't have any programmers with a background in signal processing which makes motion controls tough to pull off well.
Can Alex please do some actual research on the game before making the video... like actually reading the title on the packaging and title screen instead of making up his own crappy name? That doesn't make Capcom or the game look stupid, only the person who thinks its funny to make up a crappy long name. And I'll call out anyone who does so.
I have been reading lots of criticism about this game. The other consoles people say Capcom is screwing again with their fans, and more specific the Street Fighter fans, because their player base are on the other platforms,. Some points considering the Switch owners will have to expend extra for a pro controller to play it, or expend much more for an arcade joystick - while their fan base on other platforms already have these "requirements" to fully enjoy and master the gameplay.
And here comes my point, made evident with the Way of the Hado mini game: this release is for the casual people who played lots of SF2 back in their gold days on the 90s! Certainly it can be on a hardcore scene and even the competitive scene, but I believe Capcom is focusing on the casual people - their main market for this game, IMO - at it may be the "demographic" for most of Switch owners.
Way of the Hado is to be a silly little fun, outside all the seriousness that a competitive SF match can get! It is Capcom making fun of their game, and also making fun of us because their package could be more interesting in game modes - a weak point in this game considering the price tag.
So, people, have fun being silly while you mimic Ryu's most iconic moves and specials! This is it! Forget a little about about all the seriousness of a brawler and have fun like it was the Wii times once again!
this release is for the casual people who played lots of SF2 back in their gold days on the 90s!
If such people ignored the Virtual Console releases, they wouldn't buy this either.
... what pains me is that they clearly have the MT Framework working perfectly with "Street Fighter IV" models (as seen on the movement tutorial) but have yet failed to bring "Ultra Street Fighter IV" to Switch. One day at a time...
you know Capcom will use this to say "no third party interest on switch"
I'll just play the game and pretend this mode ever exist.
This mode is just all flavors of embarrassment...
Its the third generation of consoles with motion controllers and Capcom still hasn't figured out the basics...
Still better than some Wii Game Motion Controls that required specific motions...
More like "Way of the hell, no!"
In all seriousness, why didn't they make this mode a DLC instead of putting it in the game?
@G-Boy First time I saw somebody request a bonus feature be removed from the game to be made as DLC.
This will add a lot onto the download size and (as has been said) the price. I'd rather they'd just given us a cheaper download of the 2D game.
Way of the heck no
Way of the Nono
Way of the go home
Way of the waggleduken
I wish they'd port USFIV but they've moved on from that I guess. How does the 3DS have a main series game but not the Wii, Wii U, or Switch?
A glorified engine test disguised as a game. The game part didn't do a great job.
I hate motion controls, and this looks terrible.
I figured this minigame would be nothing more than a stain on SF2. We didn't ask for this, Capcom.
That video gave me so much anxiety, I couldn't even finish it. Almost got sick to my stomach. Terrible implementation of motion controls.
Eh, I love motion controls when done properly and where it fits. When it's tacked on it almost never works out. Was at least hoping it would work properly though, even if tacked on.
Even so, I'm getting the game for the classic SF, not this.
Awwwww, I love motion controls, but I'll still buy this game
It amazes me that Spike Chunsoft could do a great job with similar motion controls in a Wii launch game (DBZ: Budokai Tenkaichi 2), yet Capcom can't figure it out over 10 years later with a more advanced version of the tech.
@Menchi187 Sorry, but I really like "Skyword Sword" and the way they implemented the controls. When motion controls are done especially well, they make the gameplay even better than other versions of the same game or similar games with traditional controls like with Skyward Sword, Punch-Out Wii, DBZ: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 & 3, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (but not the sequel), Red Steel 2, No More Heroes 1 & 2, New Play Control Pikmin 1 & 2, World of Goo, Rage of the Gladiator, several sports games, every FPS on the Wii (including the Metroid Prime Trilogy), etc.
So frustrating. I'd happily buy SF2 again for the right price. The mini game could have been a fun extra (even if it doesn't justify the price), shame they've botched it so badly.
At least Capcom isn't trying to sell this minigame as a $40 standalone game.
That would not go over well.
Good to see Third party companies still think that Nintendo fans want motion controls.
To be fair, they bought the Wii in droves, with motion controls, didn't WiiU which didn't have them really, but are again with Switch, which is pushing them.
Wait, I don't blame Capcom. I blame the consumer.
@Menchi187 You sure have a phobia for motion controls. You ought to play ARMS; that game was well-received and not lauded.
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