Graceful Explosion Machine.jpg

It's Nintendo Download Update time, dear readers, and the North American line-up includes three download-only options on the Switch along with a retail release and demo. The Wii U is quite well served too, including two Virtual Console release, while the 3DS also has a couple of options. Let's get to it, shall we?

Nintendo Switch eShop

Graceful Explosion Machine (Vertex Pop, $12.99) - A title unique to Switch so far, it offers brightly coloured, tightly controlled and compulsive shmup action. On the surface it's a simple shooter, yet its weapon types and focus on playing with 'style' add replayability and depth; we got drawn in by this one in our Graceful Explosion Machine review.

Alpha Mission II (HAMSTER, $7.99) - Known as ASO II: The Last Guardian in Japan, this 1991 vertically-scrolling shooter was one of the earliest titles for SNK's Neo Geo console, and served as a sequel to the 1985 arcade original. As this is an ACA release there'll be the usual customisation and online leaderboards included.

Vroom in the Night Sky (POISOFT, $9.99) - This is a 'magical bike action game' that involves plenty of collecting and riding to checkpoints; we were not fans in our Vroom in the Night Sky review.

Nintendo Switch Retail Download

LEGO City: Undercover (WB Games, $59.99) - Originally a Wii U exclusive, this quirky open-world title now arrives on Switch and other current-gen consoles. Essentially the same game, minus the second-screen GamePad features, we'll have a review with you soon.

Nintendo Switch Demo

Just Dance 2017 (Ubisoft, free)

Wii U eShop

Animal Gods (Still Games, $12.80) - This ambitious and visually appealing top-down title was Kickstarted in late 2014 and has, pleasingly, now been delivered. You travel through a range of intriguing environments and dungeons to lift a curse, and there's an unlockable difficulty level once you clear the game once. We'll let you know what we think in a review.

Wii U Virtual Console

World Sports Competition (Konami, $5.99) - Well, here's a thing, a TurboGrafx-16 release on the Wii U Virtual Console, in this case an athletics game with six categories of events. We thought it was pretty average in this decade-old review; time flies.

Super Star Soldier (Konami, $5.99) - And another one! This one is a shmup, one of the most common genres of that era; we quite liked this on the Wii Virtual Console.

3DS eShop

Dragon Sinker (KEMCO, $9.99) - This is a publisher that's brought a lot of RPGs to the 3DS eShop, with this one falling into the '8-bit' style. You search for legendary weapons, 'collect' jobs and try to "free the world from the rule of Wyrmvarg". Sounds like a good weekend's work.

New Nintendo 3DS eShop

Pinball Breakout (nuGAME, $7.00) - As the name suggests this one combines block-breaking gameplay with pinball mechanics; it was previously released on Wii U.

As always Nintendo of America wants you to check out the eShop and the official sales and deals website for discount details.

That's the line-up for this week's Nintendo Download Update in North America. Let us know what you plan to download in the poll and comments below.

What will you be downloading this week?

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