Today, during the Sonic Panel at Austin's SXSW Gaming event Sonic Team revealed that Project Sonic 2017 will officially be called Sonic Forces.
This comes from the fact that the game will explore the "Forces of Good and Evil" - it's possible we could see something similar to Sonic Adventure 2 and its different storylines.
It was also revealed that Sonic Forces would be running on the "Hedgehog Engine 2" with the first Hedgehog Engine being the one used for Sonic Generations. The wisp mechanic from Sonic Colors will also be used in the game, while the level-design will be non-linear like Generations, in which there were multiple paths through the levels.

Sonic Forces is planned for release on Switch sometime this year, and the team confirmed that we'll hear more specific details come E3 2017.
[source youtu.be]
Comments 73
Sonic Federation Force
I am cautiously excited.
Wasn't the Hedgehog engine first used in Sonic Unleashed 2008? Also this game looks amazing
"Hedgehog Engine 2"
Sounds like they may have characters from the comics in it.
Sonic Forces his way back to relevancy
Not sure if I should wait till I get a Switch for this or just buy it on PS4. I mean it's nice to play it on the go and Mario Odessy looks good. Tough decision. Sonic: unleashed, colours and generations were all good so I have high hopes. The feels.
Looks very pretty with new voice acting, new engine, and refined gameplay mechanics....COUGH MARIO SPORTS SUPERSTARS
As much as I'd like to be excited I have just been beaten down by bad Sonic games
I hope that means the next big game will come with hedgehog engine 3 &Knuckles
I wish they'd forget about Wisps already. They should only exist in the Colors series imo.
Fingers crossed this game pulls through and is at least as good as Generations.
@MintFox & Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series?
Why is everyone laughing about Hedgehog Engine 2?
It' the new version of the Hedgehog Engine folks. No different from Dunia Engine 2. Or Unity 5.
More like Sonic Farces
Are the stories in Sonic games any good?
I hope the hedgehog engine 2 is built with support for blast processing.
@Xaessya So bobble head galactic forces chase Sonic around with a football?
The wisps are awful though. They're hardly ever executed very well and just take the gameplay away from the player tbh
Um... Woohoo...
I can't get excited over a Sonic game any more. This looks to be yet another mediocre game.
I know that one guy from IGN was under fire for saying that Sonic was never good... but he's really not that wrong.
Hopefully this game is actually good.
Well at least its coming to Switch.
@-Green- Depends what you're looking for. Some can be bad like 06 and Shadow. Adventure 2 is probably the best story driven one but it doesn't have much competition. The majority are simple light hearted adventures such as gens, colours, heroes, lost world and rush. I always thought that the story in Sonic was developed through other media: comics and tv.
@Exy It really depends on the game. I would argue that Sonic is one of the most story-driven platformers franchises out there, with story drifting between very solid (Sonic Adventure series in particular) and child-safe Marioesque "stop the bad guy" storylines (Sonic Colors, Heroes, etc.)
That said, this game looks great even from just that small bit of grainy footage. SO excited for tomorrow.
" The wisp mechanic from Sonic Colors will also be used in the game"
@ThePoochyKid Did you see the gameplay trailer?
The background looks good so far.
Too bad... Sonic must run so quickly so no chance to enjoy the beauty of HD landscape for long time.
Sonic will be the ball.
Its genius!
This is going to be 💩 isn't it?
I was hanging onto hope that it would be like Sonic Adventure 2 :s
@MintFox your comment was amazing
I've never been a Sonic fan, but I don't hate him.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't people asking for the old school nostalgia that was the fast-paced (ultra fast-paced?) multi-path platformer games back then?
I haven't seen much of Sonic games since Adventures 2, but that looks like the same tired 3D runner that was used on Unleashed (and as I've heard many others).
Nonetheless, I'm always hoping it will be something that will please Sonic fans.
crush 40 hype anyone?
Apparently it's an "evolution of Colors and Generations." That's exactly what it looks like, and that's great news. Need to stick with what works, and that's what works.
YES!!! Looks exactly like the day stages from Unleashed, which is my favorite video game! Can't wait for this!!
Apparently it has 3 gameplay styles. So probably classic, modern, and something else.
@Xaessya As a person who has fully beaten SA2 all 180 emblems (small boast). I can see what you mean more (exploration/control). I think 06 scared them away from that formula. The boost formula is pretty fun too. I reccomend trying generations if you haven't already. They said Sonic's friends in the stream so hopefully Shadow, Blaze and tails are playable.
@PikachuForeva Zelda on the go is enough for anyone adventure rpm fan. In a few months, there will be tons of great indies to go with more first party games. Then e3...
So the game will focus on light & dark? Does that mean "Shadow with a gun" is confirmed for the new Sonic?
I have not been able to enjoy a sonic game that wasn't 2d. Mario/Nintendo set the bar so high for 3D platforms that its ruined me for some games.
It looks kinda like Sonic Unleashed. Hopefully it turns out to be something special.
This could be great if they they follow the right formula.
@ThePoochyKid Sonic 1-3 and Sonic and knuckles was fantastic games.
@Donutman yeah I know Zelda is also one of my favourite game series. MM is my personal favourite. But there's like three things stopping me getting it so far: 1. Studying 2. The price of the switch and accessories is quite high 3. It's just Zelda at the moment and OMG the amiibo prices are through the roof from scalpers buying them all. I just want Epona 😭. But, smash link costs a lot online because and he's sold out in the U.K. Nintendo store.
I'm so hyped. This is what I've been wanting from Sonic Team. I hope parkour will be implemented in some more refined way. I loved it in Lost World and think it could be improved for Sonic Forces. This and Sonic Mania will be great for Switch because now I can play Sonic anywhere!! YEAAAHHHHH
@Donutman also I agree Nintendo has definitely made some of the best platformers ever. Mario galaxy 1 is amazing. Played that game to death. But I always came back to Sonic games for the music, characters and gameplay. I always hold the run button down in platformers fast paced gameplay is just something I enjoy.
I hope for them and Cream and Silver.
I did enjoy him even with his faults.
I'm looking forward to this. It's got Sonic and the music will probably be awesome so I'm probably satisfied, unless...
11 years since Sonic 06...
@Xaessya me too. But, I think they might just be cameos like in gens. I think they said there was gonna be a new character or something. Also classic Sonic is from the past so there will be time elements. You never know Silver could be involved. I think they might just stick to the main ones though like Sonic, tails and knuckles. Maybe Shadow or Blaze because they're really popular.
...Sonic isn't your only franchise SEGA.
Reminds me of Sonic and the Secret Rings.
I think this is the first time I've been excited for a Sonic game since... well, God knows when! As long as it's like Generations and Colors, which it looks like it is since it's made by the same team, then it should be good.
Sonic Mania looks better to me. Sonic Forces looks like Sonic Unleashed 2 which is not a good thing. (Hopefully this turns out well)
It looks good but, so do most Sonic Gameplay trailers.😶
I like the approach Sega is taking with Sonic Mania and Sonic Forces. Both games Imo would appeal to both of their massively divided fanbase (specifically the classic fans vs the modern fans). I would argue Sonic Mania would mostly appeal to classic fans, while Sonic Forces would appeal to modern fans. It's a win-win really. As for me, as long as Sonic Forces plays similarly to Generations or Colors, then I have no complaint. That said, excited to try out both.
Yes. Just all of the yes.
@wiggleronacid There hasn't been a main sonic game since god knows when. The Sonic Boom games were spinoffs
@Bobb Sonic Mania is in the style of the genesis games. This is more like generations/colors (the most well received modern sonic games!).
@Slim1999 I'm not trying to imply all Sonic is bad, I'm saying that the first 5 games (1, 2, 3, Knuckles, & CD), Colors, and Generations are simply mediocre games. The concept of a Sonic game in and of itself is deeply flawed. Personally, I don't think it's possible to have a good Sonic game while keeping the core concept of Sonic the same.
However, Sonic Mania doesn't look bad. It might be the best Sonic game yet.
@PikachuForeva The 30 seconds of gameplay they showed? Yeah, it looks like standard 3D Sonic mediocre-ness.
I know this is proposed to be the 'big' Sonic title of the year, but I am so hyped for Sonic Mania (perhaps I'm in a minority) it's hard to care too much a about this one. I hope it's great and does well though. We'll see if it grabs my attention....
They are cheering for this? Whats's wrong with them.
@-Green- that depends on who you ask.
Looks like Sonic Unleashed 2 without the Werehog, which means it's going to be a great game.
Current i got the switch. You can bring it anywhere.
I having my TV in the living room. So i get to take the switch out and continue playing on the bed, with any comfortable gaming angle.
Best deal if the house have a power trip. You wouldnt get a corrupted saved files XD
I personally would prefer Sonic Mania. Sonic games like this usually nosedive even though they look pretty. Bring on the old school doing what sonic does best... you will have to wait a bit longer for Sonic Mania it's been delayed till summer now
I'll have to see it in action before I get excited.
@PikachuForeva You'd be correct, the Hedgehog engine was first used for Sonic Unleashed.
Awful name, but the footage shown above looked good even if it was off-screen.
The game title itself is a dead giveaway! 3D Sonic games should be illegal, they are freaking garbage, every last one if them.
Sonic Mania is where its at.
I really think my only Sonic fix will be that of Sonic Mania. I don't need 3D Sonic.
The wisps are back AGAIN?! WHY?! Ugh. I didn't hate the wisps in colors, but they shouldn't have been used again.
The wisps are fine... in Sonic Colors. Not in Generations or Lost World though. If they can make the colour powers like in Sonic Colors it should be fine.
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