It's rather hard to believe, but Yooka-Laylee is only a couple weeks away from its grand debut. The Kickstarter project aims to bring the dream of the collect-a-thon platformer back to the forefront, and based on all that's been revealed so far, it seems that Playtonic has done an excellent job of creating a spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie. Of course, such a game is right at home on the Nintendo Switch, though release details have been hard to come by.
Playtonic's Andy Robinson recently sat down with Game Reactor to discuss the process of developing Yooka-Laylee while also forming Playtonic along the way, and the Switch naturally came up in the discussion. Robinson was tight-lipped on details, though he was keen to mention that the team is working to get it out as soon as possible:
It's a bit too early to go into specifics with this version, but rest assured we're working directly with Nintendo to get it out as soon as possible for our many fans and Kickstarter backers on that platform. We're big Nintendo fans here, so it's very exciting to be working on Nintendo Switch.
Nonetheless, it seems like it may be a bit of a wait before we get the chance to play this on the go. Perhaps a summer release is on the cards?
What do you think? How long will Yooka-Laylee take to arrive on Switch? Will you be getting it for other platforms instead? Drop us a comment in the section below.
Comments 84
Nobody backed the project with the intention of getting a Nintendo Switch version of the game.
Just saying.
This is nothing new really. They have been dancing around this topic for a while now. Really need this game.
Ahh, nothing like vague, PR talk to make me feel secure about my Kickstarter pledge. I was fine with the Wii U version being cancelled, but I don't really much like the non-specifics they're giving.
@Shepdawg1 If it comes out any later than August, they might as well not bother. I wonder what the hold up is, he makes it sound like they've still got their work cut out for them.
I may have already preordered it digitally on Xbox One to get to play that sweet Toybox Demo but given the portability of the Switch, I'd be happy to double-dip on this one when it comes out. Hope it doesn't take too long.
I'm thinking this is going to be the game to tide me over from The time I finish Zelda until Mario Odyssey is out. I kind of doubt I'll play it much once Mario is out though.
More physical media, please.
@SwitchVogel Exactly. That's what worries me. I'm willing to be more patient if they'd be more specific. They've been really clear with their announcements up until the announcement that the Wii U version was cancelled. Since then, they've been vague about Nintendo and it really bothers me.
@SwitchVogel could be that Nintendo was super late handing out dev kits to anyone. Launching across 6 platforms isn't easy work, so they're probably trying to make sure the launch goes smoothly for the 5 they had time to polish.
@Shepdawg1 They don't have specifics so they don't say anything specific; it's not a conspiracy. The only reason they bring it up at all is to placate supporters. You'll get information from them soon enough - most likely after the other 5 platforms have launched and are stable.
It's not a game I'm desperate to play so happy for it to just get here when it gets here. I'll have plenty of other games to keep me occupied in the meantime.
This game being cancelled on Wii U left a bitter taste in my mouth that's still difficult for me to get over. A large portion of the game's kickstarter funding came from people who opted for the Wii U version and knowing that every system BESIDE Wii U will soon be getting this game, and that no Nintendo system will be seeing this game anytime soon, just feels bad and kind of killed the anticipation for me.
Yes, I understand the reason they gave for cancelling the Wii U version. I don't hold Nintendo blameless in the situation. I just wish it had turned out differently is all.
Watch it end up being cancelled because the Switch can't handle it...or something.
Preordered on PS4 because I want to play it asap. Super excited for this one!
@ThePoochyKid That's because the Switch wasn't even on the radar yet when the Kickstarter was happening. Once it was I was happy to see them shift over to the Switch.
I hope the wait isn't too long. I am really looking forward to this game and i will wait to be able to play it anywhere. I like the switch more than the xbox honestly so if i get it for the xbox I'll feel like I'm going backwards.
When this game comes out on a card i will get it.
@nintendolife BTW the "Pre-Order on Amazon" on the right hand side brings up the Xbox and PS4 versions not the switch version as there is no such thing on amazon as yet
Backed Xbox version but would buy a switch version in a heart beat.
I was never gonna get this on Wii U or Switch. I was going for the PS4 from the get go. Not exactly a day 1 purchase for me too. I'll get it eventually.
I don't give a crap when it's done, just get it happening. I want this game on switch.
Your mii is an exact replica of mine. It kind of freaked me out while I was scrolling through the comments.
Uh-huh. I don't really feel like getting this after Playtonic said that the Wii U couldn't handle it and the JonTron シットstorm.
I had originally backed for the Wii U version, and was only too happy to move my pledge to Switch, since it's probably going to become my primary console (that and my 3DS are taking most of my gaming time, my Xbox One hasn't even been looked at in months and may be sold soon), but all this useless PR talk is starting to get on my nerves. I understand that development started later, and that of course it will take longer to get the Switch version, but I doubt anyone would complain if they said "Hopefully it'll release sometime this spring/summer/autumn/winter"; if they at least gave backers an idea rather than that non-committal "soon", I'm sure people would be much happier (at least, I know I would).
I think it'll be interesting to see the reviews on PS4/Xbox One as they'll be out long before the Switch version.
I am all for this game, but this is stupid, if it doesn't come out in april don't bother. Doing this waiting thing looses players, i was going to get it but they have one month after initial release, if it not out then, sorry playtonic you took too long :/
When is Nintendo buying playtonic! They just need to get in and do it.
I might pick it up sometime if it ever hits the €5 mark in a psn sale.
This game is promising so much i can smell the disappointment.
Do people who back the game get any benefit for doing so? I personally don't know how to even back a game. Or is it lose lose all the way? 😉.
That about sums up the mood this morning.
Yeah sure. They have such a pedigree!!
I'm being sarcastic...
I backed this on Wii U
Switch got announced and I wanted them to develop for that instead, then they did. I switched my back kit to switch instantly
Win win
I did
@Mart1ndo what? You're being sarcastic about their pedigree?
Do you even know who is working at Playtonic? The best of the best.
The company may be new, but the talent working there might have been making amazing games before you were even born.
If the game takes too long I will probably end up getting it on my Xbox even though I like the idea of a portable Banjo Kazooie type of a game. It sounds like it is going to be a bit of a wait, and I am not particularly good at waiting for games I really want to play.
I can see Xbox and PlayStation making this a free game of the month or heavily discounted when this finally comes out on Switch.
Didn't expect this game on the Switch! Great to hear for the Switch owners. I'll go with the PC version
Translation: "We didn't have a bloody clue what we were doing developing for the Wiiu (which we made a promise that we could do) and now we don't have a bloody clue what we are doing good developing for the switch. However, please rest assured were working as fast as possible to rush out a barely functioning port, sub 30FPS, with no platform specific features to shut up our fans and investors."
Yeah. Still salty about this one.
The guys should know that if they can get this out on Switch as early as possible they have the opportunity to: get some sales off the launch hype of the Switch; get some sales because there aren't many Switch games currently available; target a different, more kid oriented demographic that suits this game perfectly; establish a new IP on a new console when apparently the audience is more accepting of new IPs (says UBiSoft) therefore setting up a sequel and other future projects; and have the game advertise itself by being played on trains and planes all other the world. They need to get this out on Switch as close to the other console releases as humanly possible. May be they should phone up the StamperBros and ask for some late night whippings in order to get this game out asap!!
Some of the commenters here need to try calling up a few old buddies of their own and putting a game of this caliber together from scratch, targetting release on three consoles and PC, then having one of the three consoles discontinued in mid-development and having to shift to a completely new one with a unique architecture that's tough to get dev kits for. Let's see how long they have to delay.
These are good people and skilled artists who love Nintendo as much as we do, and are working as hard as they can under indie constraints to see their game standing strong on Nintendo's flagship console, just like in the good ol' days. I know we all have a persecution complex as Nintendo fans, but anyone who's souring themselves on this is doing themselves, Playtonic, and all of us a disservice for a grievance that's entirely in their own head.
Anyway, for the sake of commenting on the news itself, the game's looking brilliant as ever, and I look forward to hearing further updates ASAP as they're able to tame the beast with two Joy-Cons and get this thing out there. Time lost is money lost, and I do so want both Playtonic and the Switch itself to get as good a start as they can.
@GiooiG Seriously, when will Xbox and Playstation owners (I have an Xbox ONE S) also, realise.
The money we pay each month is NOT to pay for online gaming or party chat. When those features first started many many years ago, yes it cost money setting up servers, and getting the infrastructure in place. Fast forward to today, and apparently it costs around 80 U. K. pence, per player to provide those services.
The money we pay, allows those 2 companies to approach Devs., who may have had a game out for a year or so, and have earned the majority of revenue from that game already, to offer them a large lump sum of GUARANTEED money, so that they can then, "Give the game away".
WE pay for the games they offer each Month, and I just wish more people would understand this. Most gamers do, but there are still those that think Microsoft and Sony are GIVING us FREE games.
Is it petty of me that I find the controversies surrounding this game far more intriguing than the game itself? I don't intend to be mean-spirited, but I've followed this game much more often now after the huge outpour of interesting emotions of all kinds. If it makes me wrong, I don't wish to be right.
You also don't get to keep the games on PS if your membership expires
I don't mean to put a dampener on it but I'm not seeing the brilliance. I hope it's good but all I see in another indie game. I'm not known for buying indie games
I don't think Rare were making games before I was born. Thanks for thinking that though.
Sucks that we have to wait but I'm still happy to be a backer. I'd rather have it on Switch than Wii U anyway. Sad to see so many kind of turn on these guys though as soon as they had to make this decision to move onto Switch.
I'm starting to think this game is gonna disappoint no matter what platform it releases on or when...
These guys are from Rare, so I've grown used to seeing delays from them long ago. It will be worth the wait.
It sure will be weird getting my soundtrack/artbook before the game, though. lol.
Oh for the love of...
If you look at what this same guy said about the Wii U version it's practically word for word the same statement only with "Switch" where "Wii U" used to be. And we all know how that turned out.
"MCV got the breakdown from writer Andy Robinson and Technical art director Mark Stevenson on why this decision was taken.
Robinson: We naturally have so many backers who opted for Wii U. Because of the size of the team, we couldn't take on all the consoles. You can imagine from a developer stand-point, that porting from PC to PS4 and Xbox One is slightly more straightforward than porting to Wii U.
I also think it feels right playing it on a Nintendo system to some people.
But the other versions will be fantastic as well.
Stevenson: We wanted to make sure that Wii U gets the right attention. There is a lot of nostalgia around Banjo, Banjo heralds from Rare's Nintendo's days, and we are all massive Nintendo fans as well."
The reason this is taking so long is b/c these guys are probably still looking for people to make the game for the cheapest price. They farmed out both the Xbox One and PS4 versions to Team 17 so they could focus on the Wii U version.
I have seen more 'salesman BS' from this lot than ubisoft and Ea put together. I saw a box copy of the PS4 version in game at the weekend, by the time it comes they'll be no point releasing it and there'll just end criticising the lack of sales on the system.
Doesn't sound like a 'Big Nintendo fan' to me.
Sorry to edit, Just had to add that they will probably charge £10 more for the switch version as well!!
I could buy this on PC, but I think I'll hold out for the Switch version.
Am I the only one who doesn't really care about what Playtonic does? I buy games that look fun, exciting, and high-quality, which this does, and not because of their developer.
Am I looking forward to it? Yes. Do I care it won't be out the same day as other systems? No. I'm still playing Zelda and while I'm excited for Yooka Laylee, it isn't enough to get me to stop playing Zelda.
@Equinox they cancelled the wiiu version because it's a dead console. It has no future. You act like they are the only ones who cancelled a game for the system in the last year.
@rjejr I think it's due to Nintendo sending out dev kits at the last minute which we know they did. Heck the developer of axiom verge still doesn't have one last I checked.
@Mart1ndo I can't remember the last time I saw a super polished 3d indie platformer.
Do we know if Team 17 is coding this directly with their own tools/engine or are they using middle-ware like UE4 etc? I ask because these guys are notorious coders who like to write pretty close to the metal or at least they used to back in the Amiga days.. If it's the same team they are really talented.. not so sure they are from what I have seen of this game.. I think the reviews are going to be all over the place and expect a 6.8-7.4 at best average rating.. hoping for the best but it doesn't look focused..
@GoldenGamer88 I did it too just to play the sandbox waiting for the Switch version. I cancelled it after.
I don't like having to wait an extra long time to play games. This is one of the reasons gaming on Nintendo isn't really viable for a lot of people. Even the cross-platform games it does get tend to be horribly late, expensive and/or nerfed in some way. Meh.
Regardless, I am not interested in playing this on anything other than my Switch, so hurry up boys and get it done.
Will wait to buy it used. I absolutely refuse to give Playtonic any of my money after the stunt they pulled with JonTron and censoring comments on Steam forums.
Are they making it or is Team 17 making it? Originally they promised the Wii U version to be made in house, but that turned out to be lies.
@Joeynator3000 you can't be that breath of the wild has better graphics plays just fine on the switche
I can wait it out but Retail option please!!
Take your time, work hard, make a quality product, and I may buy a copy.
Good to see people still think of Kickstarter support as pre-ordering a game rather than making an investment with no guarantee of the outcome.
People online seem to view the world as such a simple place where everything is black and white with no grey. Goodies and baddies, evil lies and dastardly plans to manipulate the masses. In the real world it is more likely that a bunch of old geeks in a small studio in England had grand plans, struggled a bit to realise them as quickly as they hoped and then realised that they'd probably end up bankrupt if they stuck with their original goal of devoting all of their resources to a now dead system. I'm guessing everyone online always achieves everything they said they would work-wise and has never let anyone down. We'd all fall on our swords and go down with a sinking ship too.
@faint If I was Nintendo I wouldn't even bother sending Playtonic a dev kit, why should they, what has Playtonic ever published on any Nintendo console ever? Sure Rare did, but Playtonic isn't Rare. Playtonic is a couple of guys who collected $2 million on Kickstarter to make a Wii U game then gave some of that money to Team 17 to make the game on PS4 and Xbox One. If anybody should get a Switch dev kit it's Team 17, then maybe Switch will get the game.
Have you ever, in the 18 months that Playtonic kept saying they were busy making the game on Wii U, seen the game running on Wii U? Any playable demo at any game show or strip mall anywhere? A trailer that we know for certain was running on Wii U? I get the feeling they spent all their time counting their money and making the game on PC but never actually had it running on Wii U. If the game was as close as they say, just couldn't optimize it or whatever, let's see a Wii U demo of what they had working. Give Wii U owners the Toy box for free to tide us over, surely that works? 18 months of Wii U development, did they had most of the game mostly running on Wii U. I can't recall even a single screen shot.
No dev kit for them, Switch owners don't need to be getting this game for $40 at the same time it's going on PS+ and Xbox Gold and $5 on Steam. Probably be $50 on the Switch cart.
@Equinox "this game cant be more advanced than Zelda on WiiU"
You seriously underestimate Rare's ability to push a console past its graphical limits. DKC trilogy were easily some of the best looking games on SNES, same with Banjo-Tooie and Conker on N64, and Star Fox Adventures on GameCube. These guys are talented. With that said, I highly doubt the Switch won't be able to handle a port.
Also, XCX and BOTW being massive in scope does not mean they were graphically impressive. Yooka-Laylee, based on gameplay videos, DEFINITELY has better and more demanding graphics, at least to maintain whatever FPS they're shooting for. Not that I care, mind you, just that a game's size does not mean it can handle better graphics. Also, Switch is the easiest console to port to, while the Wii U was a nightmare to port to. It probably wasn't worth their effort to downgrade every aspect of a game in an already difficult port when the Switch became available.
@Equinox These are the core Rare employees from their late '90s/early 2000s prime; these are the guys who pushed those console limitations. That's why I said "Rare's ability."
I disagree they used Nintendo fans. They made it clear in their messaging that this was for 3D platforming fans. Unfortunately, that means many of us were/are Nintendo fans, but a ton of us are also Sony and SEGA fans, too. I doubt that they never intended to release it on Wii U; in fact, Nintendo isn't blameless in this at all. Had they given out dev kits sooner or included the companies behind two record-breaking Kickstarter campaigns in their initial kit supplies like they should have, then this would have been canceled at LEAST a half a year prior, which would be a lot more reasonable. That probably means no delay for Yooka-Laylee Switch, too. As it stands for Bloodstained, it's completely reasonable anyway since it's a 2018 release, when the Switch install base is projected to be larger than the Wii U's in just that short period of time. Looking at this without any context outside of "promised to develop for X console" is short-sighted and myopic. This is still a business, and Kickstarter makes it clear this is both allowed and acceptable. We knew the risks of backing a game for a dead console. It made sense to shift development from Wii U to Switch in every possible way, as unfortunate as that is for Wii U backers without other consoles.
They should be delaying all versions so that it comes out everywhere at the same time.
All they are doing is just cannibalizing the Nintendo sales by releasing it later.
We've seen this happen many times with releases on the WiiU.
Then, they will blame Nintendo owners for poor sales and not bring other games to the platform.
Besides, after the "stunt" they pulled, sales aren't going to be as good as they once could have been.
Unless the gamers are mostly P.C. Liberals...
I'm really looking forward to this game but I won't be buying it on other systems. I'm gonna wait for the Switch version. Until then, I still have so much more Zelda to explore, and then Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Arms and Splatoon 2....not to mention the Nindies I want.
@Gold_Ranger You're crazy if you think Playtonic won't release future games on the Switch. They are massive Nintendo fans, contrary to people's beliefs after this.
this game is dead to me. would've bought at launch but not anymore. might buy it for less than $10.
and 'It's a bit too early to go into specifics with this version' WTF?
I can't see myself owning this game on any other console but the Nintendo Switch. I can wait a little extra to get it on my system of preference.
Even though I never had the game pledged on Kickstarter, I already preordered it on PS4 but I want that sweet Nintendo portable goodness so I'll just wait until they show a release date. Really excited for this game!
Wow chill. I think most people agree they are not exactly free but that wasn't my point.
I'm still getting this for Switch even if I have to wait a little longer and probably pay a little extra. Will probably be still playing BOTW till then.
I backed on Kickstarter for the Wii U and I feel like the only person who isn't mad to change my platform to Switch. I don't mind waiting longer because I'm still playing Zelda anyway. It's coming, it's going to be a good game, cool your jets.
Still waiting on confirmation of whether this will see a physical release on Switch...
@NowhereMan11 How much is Playtonic paying you for the extended PR talk on their behalf?
...but, seriously, how many developers have claimed time after time how much they loooove Nintendo but refuse to bring anything to Nintendo platforms, or, if they do, it's a mess that clearly isn't worth anyone's time? Being a 'massive fan' holds next to no merit with how loosely it has been tossed around for some time.
I can understand with it being tough to get Switch devkits, but anyone who likes to toss around about the Wii U being dead as a reason... how long has that been known? Why the heck even waste time starting the project when the Wii U has basically been DOA for a long, long time, if that truly is a reason? Now, as has been pointed out a million times above, if this doesn't release ASAP, it's gonna just be another full priced game on Switch months later when it'll already have likely dropped considerably on every other platform and most who want it will have it elsewhere; and why bother at that point? Then (Ninty in this case) fans will once again be blamed for something that really isn't their fault when sales aren't as expected; after a promising start.
As @rjejr pointed out, there's something seemingly very shady about the way Playtonic handled the Wii U situation, and now I'm not 100% sure on the Switch, honestly.
It's a shame, too, considering I rarely care for anything Kickstarter related, and this group is already stirring controversy when I wanted to believe they were another gem in the rough like WayForward with Shantae.
@Lalivero $512,894.73, thank you very much. And yes, it was long known to be a dead console, but the NX rumors weren't out when this game was announced. Considering cancellations happen at a decent rate on Kickstarter, consumers should have been equally skeptical to back it for a dead console.
Also, I'd rather have people complain about a later release on Switch than a clearly inferior product on Wii U, because it's pretty clear that people, especially gamers, will complain about anything and everything. And sure, that's fine, you don't have to believe there'll be another Playtonic game on a Nintendo console; I'll choose to believe that there will be, and I'll buy it when it's out. The timing of the cancellation is unfortunate, but for the better. And considering that physical releases were planned for X1 and PS4, which also have significantly more hardware sales than Wii U, I'm fairly certain that an overwhelming majority of their backers chose to back it for one of those two consoles to begin with. The fact that backers wanted to change their PS4 or X1 pledges to Switch tells me that its sales won't be nearly as bad as doom and gloomers will make it out to be to prove a point.
I;m just glad it's releasing this soon- I have it backed on GOG (or Steam- one of them). I have another game I backed in 2012 that I'm still waiting for (SpaceVenture- still gets updates, not canceled).
Mayve Nintendo will 2nd party then into making a sequel to DK64
I still hope this turns out to be great on Switch despite all the bait-and-switch and other troubling decisions Playtonic has had to make. It's never a good thing to see a promising project fail, regardless of the developer's purposeful actions or mistakes.
I've never really been interested in this game and the only reason I would buy this over any other is due in part to the portability of the switch.. that pick up/play anywhere aspect.. Other than I wouldn't buy it personally..
Pretty much lost interest in this game a while back. It will now be a port of a port... or at least a port - and a probably rushed port for the Switch.
I will wait and see but will no longer support inferior products.
It's very easy to find the PC Toy Box + on the internet, just do an internet search. No need to pre-order it. I'm pretty sure the game won't be anything special, judging by the Toy Box and footage of the game. The first world looks alright, but the later worlds look rubbish, plus the 'mini-games' to earn Pagies don't look much fun.
They've been incredibly anti-consumer as well with refunds, banning people from commenting on the Steam forum for politely asking for a refund until 2 weeks after the game comes out etc. A Hat In Time will wipe the floor with it, as should Mario Oddysey. Speaking as someone who completed the Hat In Time beta as well as Toy Box +.
Well, apart from the fact the Wii U which was a stretch goal got cancelled but was upgraded to the Switch instead.
WHEN is this game coming out !?!?!
I finished BotW, I need my next Switch fix!
@ThePoochyKid Speak for yourself. I absolutely traded my Wii u for the Switch with hopes of playing in on the Switch. A beautiful plat-former I can take on the road with me??? Damn right I'm hoping it comes to the switch!!!!
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