The Nintendo Switch is just days away, and Nintendo's taking steps to ensure that new owners know exactly what they're doing when they unbox the hardware.
A new official video provides a simple guided walkthrough of the initial setup - none of it is complicated, but the big N is nevertheless ticking all the boxes it can.

Yeah, they skimmed over the end user agreement like everyone does...
Comments 66
"After connecting to the internet," enjoy not having a web browser.
IGN Zelda review: too much grass
I feel like they're not doing a good job explaining what I should do if I disagree with the End-User License agreement.
It's 4 days until launch and we still haven't seen what the eShop looks like! And is the switch even gonna have achievements? I shall hope so! I'm guessing we'll see the eShop tomorrow from the nindies showcase.
Oh, and here's my impressions of the switch London event I went to yesterday, copied from my facebook post and edited...
The Switch event was really good! Although we only had 2 hours there, we played a lot but the time went by soo quick! Got to feel the console and play it... we played zelda breath of the wild, 1-2 switch, ARMS and Splatoon 2. However, didn't have time to play snipperclips and mario kart 8 deluxe (already have MK8 on Wii U anyway).
I like how the console feels, the screen, the joy cons feels comfy and the HD rumble vibration was really good. When I undocked the console whilst playing Zelda BOTW, I thought the screen looked amazing! However, one thing I was dissapointed with this event, is that I only had 10 mins to play zelda and my time felt rushed. And 1-2 switch, I was impressed by how fun it was with my friend! We was able to play quick draw, cow milk and counting balls... soo much fun!! And splatoon 2, I'm really looking forward to it, the joy cons in the grip feels very comfortable. And arms was fun as well.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Don't worry I will... on my phone, iPad, laptop, PC, PS4, Xbox One & PS Vita.
Can't believe only 4 days..after waiting so long 😊
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Do we really need another web browser?
That was nice
One thing I'm still wondering: How do you turn it on in docked mode? I know there's a power button on the console itself, but I haven't seen a power button on the Joycons. Gamepad has a power button (which doesn't always turn my WiiU on, forcing me to go turn it on manually...), PS4 turns the power on when you hit the PS button. I'm assuming the Home button is also a power button when docked...but I'm curious!
Is the User ID confirmed as essentially a gamertag? Been curious about whether or not nicknames or user IDs would be seen online. Or is this something we just don't know yet?
I hope we get to see what the eShop looks like during tomorrow's Nindie Direct.
Anyone struggling with waiting for this?
@FragRed That just goes to show how bad it is that the Switch doesn't have one.
@Azooooz Only if you're looking for excuses/justifications not to get/want a Switch!
Going to be playing Zelda Breath of The Wild on March 3 can't wait, On the Wii U. I don't really see the point in spending over $400 dollars plus tax just to play the same game on a switch. I don't care for portable console gaming at all, so why should I have to pay for a feature that I am never going to use? I might eventually pickup a Switch in a few years when they get a price drop and more games that interest me. Until then I am fine with my Wii U backlog and Ps4.
Thanks, I don't worry, I will enjoy the console for its principal use: Play Videogames!!
Web browser?, oh, I have PC/Laptop, Smartphone; there play music, videos, visit NintendoLife, etc; oh, also I download images, and I edit them; then, dont worry ^.^
@SLIGEACH_EIRE What's the point of a web browser on a console when you can have a much better web experience on a cell phone and a computer.
But who knows, maybe Opera will come around and make a web browser for the Switch since they seem to like to put their browser on every device they can.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE joke's on you - I will. XD
@mowerdude If you really won't be gaming on the go, I think that's a great decision for you. The game WILL be enhanced on the Switch and I really do look forward to finding out just how much more immersive the game is with the beefed up audio, but I pretty damn sure it's going to be a great experience on the Wii U as well! As if Nintendo would release a Zelda game that wasn't a smooth experience! Have fun!
Your reasoning is solid and that's refreshing to hear.
@Manjushri Nothing in the vid should have any impact on your experience.
Yes, at least in spla2oon.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE the switch does indeed have a web browser. it just can only be used offline to view manuals and guides and such. it probably can't be used for normal online web browsing to slow down hacking efforts.
the amount of false information you spread in one day on this site is staggering btw.
@mowerdude which is sane and fine. If you don't need a hybrid console for seamless crossplay and aren't interested in the exclusives so far, other consoles can make your day by themselves. It's more eyerollworthy when folks claim NOBODY needs Switch precisely for what it stands out in. I mean, bless your schedules and spare time capacity, guys, but not everyone is in the same boat.
@FragRed whenever someone uses this insanely ridiculous counter argument, I think back to the Earthbound strategy guide Nintendo made for the release of Earthbound on Wii U VC.
That strategy guide was accessible by, wait for it, the Wii U internet browser.
Keep justifying this if you guys want to, but it's inexcusable at the end of the day.
The Switch is simply a rushed launch.
@gatorboi352 Except the Switch will have a web application, as you can use it to connect to hotspots and Nintendo already explained that that will be possible after the day one update.
The reason that Nintendo didn't implement a browser is probably because they wanted to make the OS as lightweight as possible, so that more resources are available for games.
I am going to thoroughly enjoy not having or even thinking about a web browser thanks.
I'm glad it doesn't have a web browser since that's one of the exploits for Wii U. Plus I've never used the browsers on the Wii U. Not even my ps4's browser.
Keep justifying this if you guys want to, but it's inexcusable at the end of the day.
The Switch is simply a rushed launch.
So glad they rushed it. Roll on Friday. As for the web browser, it will come but personally I don't need it.
@GiooiG Friday can't come soon enough; Zelda on Wii U is going to be glorious... and I saved $300 not getting the Switch version!
No browser means more resource available to other important things like games and a snappier UI.
Let me show you how I roll.
I don't have a smart TV cause I'm not stupid to pay extra for something I don't need when my Blu ray player has those features.
It's slow and cumbersome to surf the internet on such devices anyways. My PC, phone and laptop are more superior at it then all current consoles.
Therefore, I appreciate not having a useless feature to tie up valuable limited resources.
Plus, it's more intuitive to pause my game and look at my smart phone then it is to move back and forth from game and browser on a console.
That's actually clumsy and takes up unnecessary resources.
@gatorboi352 @GiooiG Friday can't come soon enough; Zelda on Wii U is going to be glorious... and I saved $300 not getting the Switch version!
Congratulations, I saved £25,000 not buying a new car.
Wait, you have to take off the joy-cons in order to put it in the dock for the first time? Okay, but why? Interference?
waits for second time use guide
I know this is silly to say the least to most of us. Nintendo is again counting on the mainstream(aka those that don't play games) to get on board. Those people are who this video is for.
I had a geology teacher hat reminds me a lot of this voice lol
@Fbigabig Appreciate that man!
@Sakura right?! This seems stupid. Why do I have to take them off? Such an inconvenience. I was planning on just leaving them on while docked the system. I did t even plan on using the system off the dock.
I have mine preorder, but I'd be lying if I said I was really excited about this system. In all my years since the NES I have never felt the way I do with this Launch. Very dissapointing in so many ways. Everything feels rushed. It's like the Wii U Launch again. At this point in the game we really shouldn't have to be waiting for features that should be there on day one.
I'm calling it now. This thing will be another failure. There's no way that all this unpreparedness will lead them to the top again with this system. I just don't get why they can't get it together.
That click sound is totally a potential ASMR trigger.
@Tendogamerxxx @Sakura I'm assuming you have to take them off so you can use them to navigate the menus. If you have a Pro Controller then you might not need to take them off. Or maybe you still will as that will be synced after the initial set up.
@pandarino What's ASMR ?
@Tendogamerxxx Well, we've seen the joy-con on the tablet while it's docked so they don't always have to be removed, I don't think. I was just curious why they prompt you to disconnect them when you place it in the dock for the first time. Just curiosity.
@OorWullie Good call! Never occured to me (facepalm)
@Dj64Mk7 Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) is a physical sensation characterized by a pleasurable tingling that typically begins in the head and scalp, and often moves down the spine and through the limbs.
Sounds weird but it's true, YouTube is full of stuff trying to trigger this kind of physical response.
Yeah guys they say to take the joy cons off for the first dock because not everyone will have a Pro Controller to continue the setup so if you jjst have those 2 joycons...er...well ya gotta take em off to continue setting it up.
Its struck me that this system should be explained phonetically at this point. Christ.
Really, who reads EULA's anyway?? (Gets stares from moderators)
Uh oh...
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Another Switch article, another predictable negative comment from our resident doom and gloom, glass-half-empty kill-joy........
Launches aren't much of a clue as to whether a machine will do well. It may be missing some big features but it's got plenty of games and there's time to get everything up and running before the big end of year sales season. I wouldn't like to predict how Switch will do. We're in Uncharted territory here.
@Dj64Mk7 An anagram of Arms
@Aslanmagic "Not enough water"
Also, did people really use the 3DS/Wii U web browser? They are horribly slow. I'd much rather use my phone/tablet/laptop. I will not miss the Switch not having a web browser.
@GiooiG sorry I'm not following the correlation here.
@123akis I think someone would have leaked achievement support by now, given that review systems have been with reviewers, publications and lucky fans for a good week or more now.
Yeah, embargos and all that, but not everyone says quiet....
@pandarino I don't get it ... how does this work?
I love it when people say "portability isn't important to me so I'll just get Zelda for Wii U." Lol then why the hell did you buy a Wii U then? Man I swear it's a chore for some people to use their brains for a couple of seconds before they spout off at the mouth.
Okay, that's it, I cannot contain my hype anymore. I'm abandoning Nintendo Life until the 3rd.
It's not you, it's me.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE You know how many time I used the internet browser on the Wii U or 3DS ? 0 times. Like many others you just complain just to complain. Netflix and other streaming it used more than the browser and I do see them coming later in months.
Another reason for not having an internet browser is because of the explotes. The Wii U and 3DS proved that you can use the internet browser to inject code. They do patch them out but more exploits can be found. I have my phone, macbook and PC to surf the net. So why include something that can be used to possible run pirated games or access to the system when only a small percentage who use that feature. I rather they spend time on new features and fixes in the os over them spending time trying to update and fix the browser. Before you spew your list of complaints it seems you are using the internet just fine without a switch browser.
@electrolite77 "We're in Uncharted territory here."
No, that's Playsta*shot*
Honestly, I'd rather Nintendo focus their efforts. And set less RAM aside for the OS.
On the Wii U, quite a lot was reserved because the browser was allowed to run with six tabs while a game was suspended.
This time, we got no news channels, forecast channel, everybody votes channel, astrology channel, browser, miiverse, TVii, or any of all the other services that weren't actually video games.
I kind of look forward to Nintendo focusing on games, even if I did personally use the browsers on my Wii and Wii U quite a lot.
@Dj64Mk7 this explains it way better than I could do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=752doTtSMKs
Do I charge it before turning it on? :/
@SirRandall You know how many time I used the internet browser on the Wii U? A billion times. I think it's great and this response if from the Wii U.
@pandarino Nice. Thanks!
no direct, just a first time user video. soft launch verified.
Didn't know the web browser would still be a discussion. I myself simply used my phone when I was stuck on something on my Wii U. The browsers on the 3DS and Wii U were less than stellar in my opinion.
@Cosmic-K9 The Wii U browser isn't slow?? It's probably the best console browser.
I can't stand that voice... I'll wait for the European version of this video.
....another video showing us the setup and menus!!!!!!
Thanks, Nintendo!!!!!!
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