Love is in the air with the first Pokémon GO event of 2017, which is focused around Valentine's Day.
From today, players will find that candy is easier to obtain, spawn rates for certain monsters have increased and the chance of hatching rare monsters from eggs is improved.
Here's the official PR:
Niantic, Inc. and The Pokémon Company International are spreading the love to Trainers around the globe with Pokémon GO's first in-game event of 2017. From February 8, 2017 at 11:00 A.M. PST to February 15, 2017 at 11:00 A.M. PST, players will receive double the amount of Candy when catching, hatching and transferring Pokémon, while Buddy Pokémon will find Candy twice as fast for their Trainers. In the spirit of Valentine's Day, adorable pink Pokémon including Chansey, Clefable, Porygon, and others will have increased spawn rates. In addition, Pokémon like Cleffa, Igglybuff, and Smoochum will have a higher chance of hatching from Eggs. Trainers can also celebrate together by deploying Lure Modules that will attract Pokémon for six hours, as opposed to thirty minutes, for the duration of the event.
What do you make of this new event? Let us know with a comment below.
[source pokemongolive.com]
Comments 21
Perfect... Clefable is one of the few I still need and I only need a few more candies for the rest.
No mention of the rumoured introduction of Espeon and Umbreon though.
Ugh. You want to show the love? Then let me catch a new generation of Pokémon.
Oh snap, looks like my tank CP1543 Chansey will no longer be so formidable
Six hours? Wow
Wow, 6 hours of Lure Module madness is overkill. I might actually pick it up again this weekend
@Rumncoke25 ....They STILL haven't released them? So glad I stopped playing this months ago.
Pokemon Go was always pretty passive for me, and now that I've moved, I'm no longer within reach of a gym. I find I turn the app on and have very little to do unless I'm planning to trek out into the winter weather. No thank you. Playing FE Heroes indoors instead.
Yeah this is getting tedious now. They need to introduce all of the next generation, rather than drip feed. Glad the rumour about Umbreon and Espeon isn't happening. Who needs to have two more gen 2 pokemon that can't be caught by regular means?
Though I do appreciate the higher spawn of Chansey because I don't have that. They need to increase spawn rates of all the rarer pokemon permanently like Tangela because I've never even seen one. Double candy is always good, but I'd rather have double exp than six hour lures. Lures don't attract anything particularly good, only the common ones. The "increased chance" of hatching those other pokemon is bull though. There is no "chance of hatching" when the eggs are pre-determined when you acquire them. So all the eggs I hatch during this event will have the same chance as they were before the event. Any new eggs will have a bigger chance of containing a baby...but you can never tell which eggs are new or most recently found anyway.
Ahahaha, oh wow.
This event is going to translate to seeing endless Blisseys in gyms when they finally release the (severely overdue) second generation of Pokémon.
Perfect though because I was actually waiting on transferring specific Pokémon for extra candies.
6 hours is pretty cool.
Like the rest of you, my evidence is only anecdotal, BUT Pokemon go performance on my phone took a dive when they released the next gen babies. Maybe that's why they're holding off releasing the rest of gen 2? Stability issues? The platform they built is too ropey to handle it?
Chansey and Lickitung are two of the four Pokemon I still need, and fortunately, they're both pink. Hopefully I can track them down during this event.
Boooo! Get on with it!
Lol, I think I'm impatient as I only really need a few babies now. Other than them I've been complete for months. Even the Facebook group I'm with is pretty silent now, we need MORE things to do or more Pokémon.
Wish I hadn't run out of data until the 13th. Haven't got most of the boosted pokes yet.
Hope I can finally get Chansey then.
I'm not too miffed about not having the 2nd generation yet. For me, Pokemon Go is my evening walking companion. Regardless of what's out there, I'm going to have a nice relaxing walk, and a bit of fun too.
And despite this becoming a nightly routine, there's still tons of Pokemon from Gen 1 I haven't caught/evolved yet. I say they need to take their time. People forget part of the reason the game felt lackluster is because they decided to release this game as Early Access. (And we're technically still in the beta...)
Decent event but unless they plan on adding in every Pokémon from gen 2-7 at once then what's the holdup?
I can say I noticed a lot of performance issues since then too. Gym battles become very intolerable on my somewhat dated phone, an LG G3.
When's Gardevoir?
After beautiful weather it started chucking it down today when I could really do with walking my Seel. Typical 😂
Haters can hate, but I still play Pokemon Go daily. I am not obsessive about it, but it gives me something to do on walks. I am still slowly building up my pokedex.
would be nice if the event pokemon where distributed evenly.
the only event pokemon i found today where slowpokes, they where everywhere.
they're common enough already, so it's actually annoying to have their spawn rates increased.
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