On what Steve (a reviewer on these pages) is calling 'Switchmas Eve', he shares his love for the system that's soon to be replaced by the Nintendo Switch. He raises a glass to the Wii U.

It's Switchmas Eve, and like a child waiting for Father Christmas I couldn't be more excited for what the Nintendo Switch Presentation is about to bring. A place in my home is already prepared for Nintendo's next console; my launch day plans are already set and I'm more excited for the Switch than I have been for any Nintendo console to date. Yet while I may be devoting most of my time to my obsession with the latest and greatest, the Switch will occupy a space in my heart right next to Nintendo's most misunderstood and underappreciated console.
I remember the morning of the 18th of November, 2012, very well. I queued up with about four other Nintendo fans outside of my local GameStop and we all got to chatting about what we were most excited about for the Wii U. We all shared enthusiasm about the innovative GamePad and what it would mean for Mario, Zelda, Metroid and everything in-between. That day I picked up everything that interested me without hesitation: New Super Mario Bros U, Scribblenauts Unlimited, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Assassin's Creed III, ZombiU and yes, even Tank! Tank! Tank!.
I got home and hurriedly unboxed and hooked up my new console; unfortunately, I fell victim to the Wii U's infamous day one update. I watched my GamePad with anticipation as minutes turned to hours before getting to experience any of what would make it so special; in hindsight it was almost a metaphor for how the console would spend its life. It always felt like there wasn't much to do, but there was always an exciting prospect on the horizon, just out of reach. Looking back, however, I can't help but remember my experiences with my Wii U fondly.

I love Nintendo Land. It's bright, cheery, colourful and was just a great way to introduce Nintendo fans to HD visuals. Each of the minigames was unique and fun in its own way, but the one that I spent the most time on was The Legend of Zelda: Battle Quest. Whether I was the archer or a swordsman I had a blast each and every time, and still do to this day. The little taste of some of Nintendo's best franchises all rolled into one package was something truly special to me. To this day I still occasionally return to play Takamaru's Ninja Castle and Metroid Blast, too. Nintendo Land only served to spark my enthusiasm for the Wii U.
Not everything on the console was a hit, obviously, but some solid launch-window releases like Lego City: Undercover and Need for Speed: Most Wanted U kept me company along with some higher-profile games like Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and Game & Wario. The next big game I played was Pikmin 3; I remember spending hours obsessively exploring every nook and cranny I could. In the end I found it to be just as fun to watch as it was to play. My wife and I would take turns playing, though she was much better at it than I. We would laugh every time Alpha would say, "Britt-o-ney". We would take pictures with the KopPad when we weren't too busy collecting fruit or trying to upgrade the S.S. Drake.
A little over a month later I was playing through my first English playthrough of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, after having completed the Japanese GameCube version a decade prior. It renewed my interest in seeing the greatest of Nintendo's franchises in HD for the first time, since the stunning E3 demo they showed showcasing Link battling Gohma in the Temple of Time. When I finished, it was time for another software drought. A few sporadic releases would save the Wii U from total silence until November when Super Mario 3D World released. Unlike many of my colleagues, I didn't much care for 3D World, but it, along with NES Remix, would get me through to the end of the year.

By 2014 I had accepted the Wii U would never be what I had hoped for back in 2012. Releases weren't coming fast enough, and those that did arrive didn't hold my interest for long. Not only did I have competing consoles now, but I had gotten married and started a family. The Wii U wasn't for everyone, but now as a father it was more for me than it ever could have been otherwise. Having an infant to take care of meant I couldn't just sit down in front of my TV. I had to play games when I could and that's when the appeal of the Wii U's unique off-TV gameplay really sunk in for me.
In those early days of parenthood I sunk more time into my Wii U than I ever have before or since. Instead of being another box hooked up to my TV, the Wii U became a device that was connected to me. I spent hours in beautiful worlds I could hold in my hands. Link, Mario and Yoshi joined me on countless adventures during sleepless nights. The Wii U became less about the console experience and more about the ability to keep games part of my life while my world was changing.
Because of all this, the Wii U became my primary console despite a serious dearth of new games. My new life meant my backlog was growing at a pace it never had before, but it was okay, because the console was designed for people like me; people who wanted to game but might not have the ability to do so on their own terms. Rather than bemoan the Wii U's underpowered nature, I would marvel at just how lovely Yoshi's Woolly World looked both on- and off-TV. I lost my mind and called all my friends when Ryu and Cloud were announced for Smash. I played online races on Link's motorcycle in Mario Kart 8; I even geeked out over what an HD Animal Crossing could like with Animal Crossing Plaza.
The Wii U was far from a perfect console, but it was the perfect one for me. When I couldn't play games how I wanted to, I could still use it to stay in touch with my favourite pastime. Looking back on the Wii U as the sun sets on it, I realize I crossed that horizon many times and shared some of my favourite experiences in gaming with it. Because of that, I'll always love Nintendo's best worst console.
Comments 86
I beg your pardon, but's what's a Wii U?
Got my Wii U on launch day in 2012. Loved some of its games like Pikmin 3 but I'm totally ready to throw it into the closet and get a Switch.
My 3DS however will stay by my side forever lol
Lol, I look forward to a similar article when the Switch is launched!
I must admit that I was a little skeptical about the Wii U and held back until I saw how it got on despite being a huge Nintendo fan & owning every portable (and iteration of that portable) there has been so far. I got the gimmick & even thought it might sell.. but I didn't feel Nintendo was trying to be different enough & their picture of Link on Smash Bros Wii & Link on Wii U really put me off (really, this isn't just a Wii... it's a Wii that's a little bit more powerful).
I absolutely believe that Nintendo has learned their lesson and the Switch will be different. In 6/7 years time when the Nintendo Super Swatch is released, I'll be able to share a story about the time I bought a Switch & Nintendo took it's crown back from Sony.
I have to buy the Switch anyway... it's a handheld. Would ruin my cred if I didn't get one.
@Phin68 I hear it's this cool tablet thing you can buy for your Wii.
I feel the same way. I have lots of games for the Wii U, pretty much all of Nintendo's first-party efforts. So naturally there are many many great gaming experiences to reflect upon, with Smash, Mario 3D World, Mario Kart, Pikmin 3, Splatoon, Xenoblade X and more recently Paper Mario Color Splash being particular high points for me.
Also, my little children basically got their gaming chops on the Wii U and 3DS. The past few years for them have been what the N64 was for me. So I'm sure they'll remember the Wii U with fondness too.
Also, it's easy to forget, but this was the generation where Nintendo finally got an account system in place, and where Miiverse was introduced. Both sea change moments for Nintendo in my opinion.
I love my WiiU and always will
The Wii U is far from a flawless console, but it has one of the best libraries that I've encountered. I'm also one of the ten people who actually enjoys the Gamepad.
I love my Wii U. I got it within the first month of its launch and built a fantastic Wii U library of 43 games for it. I have many underrated gems such as the Batman Arkham games (which 2 screens make a huge improvement in unlike the PS4). Also getting Star Fox Zero, Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, Super Mario 3d World, Wind Waker HD, Black Ops 2 and many others made for a fantastic experience. Unfortunately with the absence of both Star Fox Zero and Zelda Wii U (which became breath of the wild) which they were supposed to both launch in Fall 2015 I knew the wii U was finished when both of those games became delayed from that period. Star Fox eventually arrived but it was not as great a game as it was supposed to be even though there is nothing wrong with it I just wished it had a new story not the same as the originals.
Overall, I have been waiting since December 2015 for the Switch to arrive as that was when the Wii U was no longer in Nintendo's eyes anymore. I love my Wii U and all of its games I have for it. I know that I will cherish it with everyone I can as I have done so in the past with great party gems like Wii Party U (which is one of my top five wii u games!)
@NinChocolate I would be happy to throw both my 3DS and Wii U into a close if the Switch plays both roles well. My Wii U is out there collecting dust anyway, and even if I still use the 3DS I am already getting annoyed by its limitations.
@nsmon25 I want to get another couple of hundred hours onto Pokémon Sun before my 3DS sees the closet. Tom Cruise will have to wait until he gets my 3DS.
@Tyranexx 11!
That header is ballin' yo!
@Manjushri That's probably because it doesn't understand you. It's Japanese, say "sayonara".
@Hikingguy That's both an heartwarming & saddening story. While it may always hurt, I'm glad you can remember all the fun you had together.
Q : Why I still love Wii U ?
A: Because it has Backward compatible with Wii. That's very helpful, I can play my Wii games with better display. I will always Love Wii U.
As a Nintendo fan since the 80's and a gamer across many different non-Nintendo systems, Wii U is one of my favorite systems ever. Similarly to Steve, Wii U came along at a time in my life when family was becoming increasingly more important to me, and despite its flaws and quirks and Nintendo's missteps, Wii U has been this magical unifying force that brings various members of my family together in a really fun way and allows me to share my passion for gaming with them. I've just had a lot of really great memories with this system that never could have come to be if all I had were a PS4 or an Xbox One or a PC rig, and for that reason, the console's premature death is a bit sad for me.
I'll keep it plugged in and chugging away for the foreseeable future, though. I know it'll get some good use even if its release schedule is essentially dead.
I love the Wii U. I hope the Switch jumps over the high bar of quality set by what fantastic games were there. More importantly though, I hope it brings us back to a time where the games do the talking rather than Nintendo focusing on radical new ways to play them. By that I mean that the quality of the exclusive software can stand on its own without waggling/multiple screens (or even VR for that matter).
I hope the Switch brings us back to the basics.
Still got Xenoblade Chronicles, Golden Sun and Earthbound to finish so unless digital purchases carry over to the Switch along with save data I'll be playing my WiiU for a long time yet.
@BenBertoli I tricked some sap into making it for me
Still offer a better gaming experience then my ps4 and One. If it wasn't for my external hard drive dying on me I still be heavily playing TMS and Xenoblade x. Plus the Wiiu offered some of the best games this gen on bayonetta 2,zombiu, smash bros, mk8, DKTF, Wonderful 101, and more.
Nintendo just needed to get off their lazy asses and promoted it like they did with splatoon.
The WiiU. A wasted console because of Nintendo
I've loved owning a WiiU, and I know I'll be playing it for years alongside the Switch.
Still gotta play W101 & Xenoblade...
I plan on keeping my Wii U near the main TV so that it can be easily plugged up whenever the new Shovel Knight content comes out or I have people over that want to play Smash or MK8. Aside from that, I'm sure I'll replay the games I loved such as Pikmin 3, Super Mario 3D World, and others if there's ever a dry period for me in new game releases. With the PS4's 2017 lineup so far though, that doesn't look to be any time soon.
I have such a huge catalog in my Wii U library that I'm not even sure if I'll get a Switch yet. It looks very promising though and I can't wait until the 12th to learn more about it.
Best Library this generation hands down.
Pikmin 3, Donkey Kong TF, Mario 3D World, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Xenoblade CX, NSMBU, Splatoon, Hyrule Warriors, I even enjoyed StarFox quite a bit.
Every time I see someone acknowledge how great Nintendo Land was for them I'm somehow gratified. But then, there was no crtic love for it at the start and I do understand why. I mean, the presentation was just incredibly odd and it had the look and stigma of a mini game collection even though it was far more than that. My family also dips back into the Metroid and Zelda iterations, still haven't mastered all the stages.
That was a sweet spot for our family and a highlight in all of our past gaming. Not sure the Switch is going to do that for us.
Incidentally, now that I'm on unpopular opinions, my family upped our 3DS count to 2 and acquired a couple of copies of the actually completely and unabashedly awesome Metroid Prime Federation Force.. Again with that presentation, though. The chibi thing should have been hidden from Western audiences who love their Retro Metroid Prime and rejected Other M. It's too bad people are missing out, though. All the missions being co-op with online or local and often inventive is just crazy-fun.
Anyway, Wii U delivered just fine for this family even though it failed plenty, so I'm sad it didn't get another yearful of deeper games but I'll pay the console tax for Switch without much hesitation. Nintendo hasn't even come close to failing us yet.
It may have been a commercial failure, but in terms of fun it is a resounding success, which is the most important thing.
The Nintendo Wii U: A system of great potential that was never fully understood even by Nintendo themselves. A system with great library, but ridiculous droughts. Still one of my favorite system of all time. Even if I recently got a PS4 and enjoy the games on it, it'll never top the Wii U in terms of endless entertainment. Way too much fun on that two-screened, not-an-upgrade-for-the-Wii game console.
..why does this feel like a " it's not U, it's Mii " break-up? ...
Here's Wii vs. Wii U in a nutshell:
Everyone I know that played Wii at my house later went out and bought one. Everyone.
Everyone I know that played Wii U at my house kinda shrugged their shoulders and never played it again, let alone purchase one. Except that 1 guy.
The Switch hype is real right now, but I fear it's ultimately too similar to Wii U and a little too late in a 2017 post Wii U world to really make an impact outside of the core fanbase.
Is off tv play something the masses are willing to shell out 250 for when they already have a PS4 or XB? And let's not even pretend a casual is going to give it a second look; it's main appeal is playing AAA core games on the go. Not exactly a feature the Wii Sports crowd is lining up to see.
The Wii U is special to me as well. I was diagnosed with a salivary gland tumor in 2012. After my first surgery and all that jazz I bought a Wii U the month it came out. And so the Wii U represents a high point for me in a year that was very down. It gave me something to concentrate on and to this day nothing brings video game joy to me quite the way that Nintendo games do! I still play my Wii U regularly and am in the process of catching up on some games that I missed.
@aaronsullivan I'm so glad someone else loved Federation Force. I had such a blast playing that game co-op with a friend. And I couldn't agree more. The game was tremendously entertaining, but the visual style was inexcusable.
It has Monster Hunter on big screen, enough said.
@DanteSolablood Stan?
I wonder what kind of "Appertizer" games for Switch bundle ? I mean games like Wii Sports, Nintendoland, etc. Maybe not even AAA games, but still quite interesting to play.
I for one am looking forward to when Switch gets some sort of replacement for Smash so I can finally throw the Wii U to the storage. Good riddance I say.
@roy130390 No? I think you have me mistaken for another nerd sir.
Nice article, we purchased two Wii U's on day one and it has been the console to get the most attention since it is sad that there are so many missed opportunities of what could have been concerning Wii U but still there was and is a home console Monster Hunter , Pikmin 3, Captain Toad, Hyrule Warriors, Mario Maker, Splatoon, Xenoblade X, Mario Kart 8, Nintendo Land, Smash Bros., and my personal fav Bayonetta 1and2 plus so much more . We do plan on getting the Switch but I can safely say our Wii U's are not going anywhere for awhile to come .
I feel the same way. It has easily been my primary console resting above the PS4 in my entertainment center. As a father of 3, the gamepad has been invaluable. I own nearly 60 retail releases and around 40 eshop/virtual console titles. I never treated the WiiU as my second console, because it still is number one in this household.
Great read!
I can really relate to this as a father of 2.
My Wii U has allowed me to keep gaming when it otherwise would never had happened!
Wii U's logo sbould have been:
"Wii U, the console that allows you to be a parent and feel like a kid again all at once."
Bought a launch Wii U and never regretted it. Love that machine.
I even picked up a 2nd Wii U last year to make sure I keep access to my games if anything happens to the hardware.
The Wii U has some great games, lovely remakes and the backward compatibility with Wii and GameCube (hack/Nintendont) gives me instant access to some of the best years of Nintendo games.
The VC on Wii and Wii U is the icing on the cake adding even more Nintendo greatness (and the Wii VC doesn't stop there and gives you access to even more great retro machines).
This machine gives me access to 30 years of gaming greatness. Is easily connected to a modern tv and even has its own portable screen. It's a monster console.
@DanteSolablood Oh, I thought that "Tom Cruise is my closet " was a reference to the South Park episode in which Tom Cruise refuses to come out of Stan's closet, lol.
@roy130390 Oh, no... I don't watch South Park, just a similar joke.
As a huge Nintendo fan who just didn't caych on to the Wii motion control craze I absolutely adore the Wii U. The first party titles alone make it worth it. I know for a lot of people who became gamers in the past five to ten years there may not be as much of a Nintendo loyalty as there was during the 90s and early 2000s. Well I believe Nintendo is an incredibly strong and well-respected brand comma I don't feel like the experience that they cater to resonates with the core video game Market. This isn't to say that there is not an opportunity for Nintendo to regain some of that however unfortunately many people who do enjoy Nintendo at younger stages in their life phase out into other IPs as they age and the parents aren't the ones making the buying decisions anymore. That rabble aside the WiiU is incredible. I know a lot of people like Super Mario maker, but games such as Super Mario 3D World, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Mario Kart 8, Splatoon and at least a half a dozen other titles make picking the system up completely worth it. Nintendo historically has and always will continue to zig when the rest of the market zags. That strategy is a huge gamble, but pays off just as equally as large when it hits. The fantastic thing about Nintendo is that even if the market doesn't necessarily receive it well, it's definitely never going to be a bad product. They've done a fantastic job of, no matter what, making sure that what they put into the market is polished. That is something that is incredibly difficult to do at the rate of consistency that Nintendo achieves.
Why do I think we'll be having a similar article in a few years time about Switch?
i hate fanboys!.... always loved my wii u!
Those games and off-tv play
I got my Wii U for Christmas 2014. It was the Super Mario 3D World / Nintendo Land bundle.
I regret nothing. There are still games I want to get for the thing.
I have always been mostly a PC gamer, even though I had consoles like the SNES, n64 or the Xbox 360. The Wii U was the first and only console that partly changed that.
So it is safe to say that this is my favorit console of all time.
Love WiiU. Had great fun with it and will keep it for sure
I love my Wii U <3 <3 <3
I also have bought the Wii U on day one, and I also will always remember it as a great system. Especially since it also contains my Wii's library and that I think I'll still play it a lot, even with the Switch around. Hyrule Warriors will see to that all by itself...
The Wii u was a great console from 2012-2014 but since then is been a joke!
2014-2017 the lost years!
The Wii U made me care about video games for the first time since the SNES.
When I bought a PS4 I remembered why I stopped caring in the first place.
Make me care again Switch!
It's going to have to last until Nintendo decides to stop screwing around with the Switch and make a real console.
We got one a year ago, the kids love just dance 2017 and super Mario maker. Splatoon! Affordable space adventures.
For me I love watch dogs and assassins creed black flag. I want to like xenoblade x but it's not making it easy.
I got bummed out about having to buy the virtual console stuff again to get the "Wii u versions" but that's how it goes.
Thank you Nintendo and please don't turn all backend services off just yet for the Wii u!
Since I didn't own a Wii, I'll always fondly remember trawling the eShop and VC on Wii U for old gems I missed (looking at you, Eathbound, you scamp!). Plus, it brought me and my nieced closer together each xmas with Mario Kart 8. Frustrating account system really needs shaking up and My Nintendo doesnt fill me with hope that Nintendo will nake it easy.
Since I didn't own a Wii, I'll always fondly remember trawling the eShop and VC on Wii U for old gems I missed (looking at you, Eathbound, you scamp!). Plus, it brought me and my nieced closer together each xmas with Mario Kart 8. Frustrating account system really needs shaking up and My Nintendo doesnt fill me with hope that Nintendo will nake it easy.
Since I didn't own a Wii, I'll always fondly remember trawling the eShop and VC on Wii U for old gems I missed (looking at you, Eathbound, you scamp!). Plus, it brought me and my nieced closer together each xmas with Mario Kart 8. Frustrating account system really needs shaking up and My Nintendo doesnt fill me with hope that Nintendo will nake it easy.
I bet Wii U is going to become a rare gem in near future.
Shiryu Wii U day -1 in Europe:
Nice write up, Steve.
My experience with WiiU was mostly positive - great games being released at a somewhat "human" pace that allowed me to buy most of what interested me, great support from indies up until some point, great community of people (still love Miiverse). However, it's my experience with Nintendo as a company that really sucked this generation: awful distribution, terrible pricing decisions (asking people to pay fees to play games that are already in your console is simply monstrous), dodgy practices when it comes to manipulating demand/sales of products, especially physical games in unexplicable super-limited editions, the replacement of a service that was bad (Club Nintendo) with one that is even worse (MyNintendo). Most of all, I hated that the Switch/NX was announced so soon and that all the attention and all the resources where shifted to the new console just 2.5 years into the WiiU lifespan, leaving the console in a miserable condition for basically it's last year and a half...
Got my Wii U on December 7th 2012, and have loved it ever since for the exact same reasons as the writer of this article.
I got married in 2013, and had my first child in January 2014 and second in January 2016, so gaming time is so, so very limited for me, as my time and attention predominantly lies with my wife and children first and foremost, my business, and my home.
On those oh soooooooo rare special times when my wife is out, or she is so engrossed in her own work, or I cannot sleep or am up very stupid early, I enjoy a gaming session on the big screen TV usually on my Xbox One if I'm honest as off screen play isn't an option for that; however, I was sold on the Wii U the moment they announced it and the controller due to the off screen play if nothing else.
As glorious and fantastic as Wii U games look in HD on a 42 inch TV, were it not for the GamePad off screen play functionality, I would have never really got any gaming done, especially, as the writer also states, in those early days of parenthood, as I would just never have the time to play anything (I still don't really), or a TV free to play games on. Because of it, I got to play and experience games that I otherwise probably never would have looked at twice, as I knew my time was so limited that I would never have time to even open them, let alone complete them.
So for that (as well as some of the best games ever made), I will always be grateful to my Wii U, for allowing me to to enjoy pretty much my only hobby as much as I was able to, whilst still being a Husband and Father and not gobbling up my family time. In a nutshell, the Wii U/GamePad was a God send for me personally, I only wish it had come out 25 years ago lol.
My ONLY gripe with the Wii U is my own personal back catalogue of games for it, as I have games that I will probably never, ever complete, such as Xenoblade Chronicles X, Watchdogs and Assassins Creed Black Flag (both of which I haven't even opened yet let alone started and finished). There are games that I have had since their launch and still haven't completed yet (but will do one day I hope) such as Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze and Windwaker. And then there are games that I have had since their launch that I am DESPERATE to start but have just never got around to it such as Paper Mario Colour Splash and Twilight Princess (this one I am REALLY eager to start), but instead, they sit there, day after day, still shrink wrapped, still waiting to be fired up. Then there are the games that I have played, but they will never get their moneys worth because I moved onto something else such as Super Smash Bros.
Do I need a Switch day one? No, not at all, with about 30 retail games, I literally have enough to keep me occupied on the Wii U for another 2-3 years I'd say.
Will I get a Switch on day one? Absolutely
The Wii U was a good console that was doomed by poor marketing. Had the Wii U been even called the Wii Pro or Wii Plus it might of made it, much like the PS4 Pro and Xbox One S will succeed. The only real difference between those and Wii U was marketing and public relations.
The mind boggling thing was that Nintendo pretty much invented the method with the DS and it's endless updates (DS, DSlite, DSi, DSi XL) and perfected it with the 3DS and it's endless runs of special editions.
I love my Wii u. I didn't buy it to play third party games. I bought it to play Nintendo games. I have other consoles for that and a very powerful PC and laptop. Now, before someone says, "See! You're the problem and reason why third party doesn't support Nintendo cause of your snobby attitude!"-No! It's third parties fault for gimping and doing a piss poor port that gets them lack of support. Not mine. Not to mention a lot of those third party games had piss poor quality on their day one release.
I have countless hours of fun spent with family and friends on the Wii u that I will absolutely cherish.
I look forward to the Switch, but the Wii u will never be disconnected.
@thesilverbrick You know, the Treehouse presentation on Federation Force revealed the potential, but few cared after the huge backlash over the video. Kept it in the back of my mind in case we ever bought a second 3DS.
Meanwhile, my two kids (7 and 11) got excited about Metroid Prime and started playing all three. My 7-year-old clued into how FF let you play from the soldier's point of view and got excited about the game all by himself. Then, he started lugging around my 3DS XL everywhere more and more. Sun and Moon gave us the excuse to buy a second 3DS this past Xmas and I bought him FF. It didn't take long for me to buy a second copy.
I think it could have been salvaged had they just done a model swap for the mech pilots, technicians, Samus and the commander — probably only needed to scale the heads! Seriously! In fact, someone should get on hacking that right away.
Now if only the 3DS controls weren't so cramped. Maybe Nintendo will make a bigger portable console that I can also play, as preferred, on the TV.
Cherish that memory. Very sorry for your loss.
Still my favorite console so far. Which is funny because I didn't think anything could dethrone the dreamcast for me.
I still love the Wii U a lot! I recently got a Playstation 4 Pro and to be honest, now that I can finally compare the Wii U to another current generation console, I'm shocked how much undeserved hate the Wii U has gotten!
The Wii U has better interface, forums/communities and digital shop compared to the PS4. The Wii U also has a second screen (I love that feature, being able to log on to the Wii U without using the TV). The PS4 has however a much more comfortable controller, if you compare it to the Wii U Pro controller (it's basically not possible to compare the GamePad to the PS4 controller). And the PS4 let's you personalise the interface more, kind of how you can on the 3DS.
I recently got Xenoblade Chronicles X (I'm a little behind, yes) and I'm looking forward tom play it on my Wii U
Got the Windwaker bundle when it came out and have loved the Wii U ever since. I'm not blind to it's serious short comings but I had fun with it and to me that's all that mattered.
@GuruOfGreatness Nice post. I fear I am in a very similar boat to you. Bought my Wii U primarily for off-screen play so that I could retain some sense of self with a young family, and it's ultimately led me onto a dangerous path of games obsession.
Not only do I have more games unstarted than started, it got me so into gaming that I also bought a PS3, a N3DS, and most recently an Xbox One, plus a ton of Wii and Steam games, a new monitor, a Steam Link, a second Wii U!!! I must have a backlog worth at least 10 years in terms of the time needed to get me through them.
FIFA 13 is still my most played game on my Wii U, according to my log, at c.145 hours. Mario Kart 8 (my all time favourite game) is second on c.105 hours. If I hadn't got sucked into to those obsessions those hours would have loved to have been spent on Smash, Bayonetta, W101, Splatoon, Lego City, Xenoblade X, Art Academy Atelier etc.
With the Switch looming there seems to have been a rise in the amount of people taking digs at the Wii U again. For a while it enjoyed a period where the general consensus was 'misunderstood beauty', and I hope that returns soon. Nintendo as a company have been all over the place for the past 5 years or so, but the Wii U itself, warts and all of an OS, was, and always will be, a gem.
@Manjushri I feel more like the goodbye started in 2015. 2014 brought us Mario Kart 8, Smash, Bayonetta, Captain Toad (just about, dependent on region), XCX and Zelda hype. It just all fell apart in 2015 in my eyes, not that Splatoon and XCX aren't highlights of course.
I love my Wii u, some of my favorite games ever are Wii u games.
I liked it too. In fact, I just came here after playing Splatoon online for 2 hours. It also didn't die on me like my PS4 did after 1.5 years of use. It also never sounded like a jet engine.
Sharing the love. I am not migrating to the Switch at launch. I got more games than I could finish on my Wii U. Huge backlog of great games. Some of my favorites are:
NSMB 2, DKC TF, Wind Waker HD, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Affordable Space Adventures, Nintendoland, Mario Kart 8, Smash, Captain Toad, Hyrule Warriors.
Also enjoyed those early third-party games like Zombie U, Batman Arkham City Armored Edition, Ninja Gaiden 3, Assassin's Creed IV.
The ones I didn't like as much as i would've liked to were Super Mario 3D World, Star Fox Zero, Twilight Princess HD, ZombiU, the Wonderful 101, Sonic Lost World, and Splattoon (sorry, just didn't like it)
The ones I'm looking forward to playing Pikmin 3, Bayonetta 2, Paper Mario.
And some other indie games I loved include Shovel Knight, Guacamelee, Freedom Planet, Steamworld Dig, UnEpic, Axiom Verge, The Fall, Shantae.
I'm leaving stuff out, too. In hindsight, this was truly a great and varied console. And I think I won't abandon it until the end of the year when I might consider grabbing the Switch with an HD Metroid Bundle.
@Anti-Matter This kind comment is not needed...besides, he was banned anyways.
Well and even if I buy a Switch, if I'm out, and my wife or someone else is home, the WiiU is always available as a home console, so she could do Wii Fit or play something else, whereas no one can play the Switch if it's in my bag at work...
I'm so sorry for being upset last time.
Clownshoes replied me with his disgust feeling about Nintendo, especially my love for Wii U.
@Anti-Matter Yeah I heard he was being....er, well anyways he's done here.
@Anti-Matter I would hold any comments that contain the word "cancer". You know especially when there are people like me who actually have a cancer and people who still and always will feel the loss of their most precious one like @Hikingguy
Oh, i'm so sorry about that.
Damn right!
(Oh, I have to make an article comment?)
Wii U is my second favorite console, right behind the GameCube. Long live the U!
(How was that? That was good, right? OK.)
@Anti-Matter All good, it's not like you knew and you did not commit a crime. Just saying it may hurt some, but I get how you meant it (I dislike trolls too >.>)
@Hikingguy I thank you as well. I have been fighting this for 17 years already (since I was ten) so I'm used to it. But real stories like yours still pain me so much. There is nothing that can compare to the pain of losing someone. Death is something inevitable for us all, but if I saw a child suffering I rather Death to take my life than the little one. They don't deserve it and it's unfair. You are such awesome person for not giving up. And though it may sound laughable for some, I'm glad Wii U can bring the good memories of your son. I'm sure it's not the only thing that reminds you of him, but it's something of a great achievement. Nintendo was always about connecting people and family together. May your son rest in peace and even though I don't exactly believe in things like Hell and Heaven and my words won't ease your pain and suffering, if there is truly something like Heaven I hope he is all happy and playing all the games he loved when he was still here with us:).
I've been gaming since the Colecovision was my Christmas gift in 1982. The Wii U I bought about 6 months after launch has been one of the most fun group video game machine I've ever played. Nobody cares about hardware stats when they're playing mario kart and spot the sneak together laughing and having a riot. People who don't play games played my Wii U with me and had a great time doing it. It was mis marketed, and mis named, but it was a great, fun console to play. Since it didn't have its own Zelda title, I will definitely buy Breath of the Wild for the Wii U. And when I complete it, then I'll probably get a Switch.
@Hikingguy honestly, you just made me cry and this is why i just signed up. i hope you are okay.
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