![Nintendo Switch.jpg](https://images.nintendolife.com/df3f5a326709b/nintendo-switch.original.jpg)
2017 is a vital year for Nintendo; we think that's beyond dispute. 2016 did have highlights and moments of significant interest for the company, particularly in mobile and with notable Pokémon releases across smart devices and 3DS, but it'll also be remembered as a year in which Nintendo went into a bit of a holding pattern - keeping its business ticking ahead of significant moments to come.
This year, then, needs to see Nintendo deliver. Its Switch system will arrive in March (with a major unveiling due on 12th / 13th January), we'll see more new games on mobile such as Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem, and the 3DS isn't quite done yet; the overall picture for the big N could be very different 12 months from now.
A few of our writers have already shared their hopes and fears for the year, and before we get into the pre-Switch event editorial cycle we'd like to know where you stand. Are you optimistic about Nintendo's 2017? It's a big question, as the big N will need the enthusiasm of fans this year, in addition to a larger audience of intrigued gamers.
Hit up the polls and comments below to let us know how you feel about the year ahead.
Comments 169
To be honest, it's too early to tell. I'll know how I feel about the rest of the year once we have the switch event out of the way. I suspect it'll be positive though.
Ganbatte, Nintendo !!
Mr. Tatsumi Kimishima, show your secret magics of Nintendo !
Mr. Reggie, please do something great for Nintendo of America (So many customers upset right now).
Mr. Shigeru Miyamoto, make even great 1st party games !
I'm hyped and optimistic. I was for the Wii U, was never really disappointed in it, and I expect the Switch to be even better.
I think too many disappointments in the past has curbed my enthusiasm. I'm taking a wait and see approach.
I just hope they can meet supply and demand better. Also, really go after third party developers. I've had a lot of consoles and I always end up going back to Nintendo. In my opinion, they have the best games on the market. They have more charm and have that pick up and play quality. They just need more of them. I have a lot of hope for the big N. Just market better and listen to the fans . 😊
Nintendo has my trust. I have high hopes for them. Even with the WiiU sales it's still my favorite console this gen over my Ps4, One, vita and 3ds.
Nintendo just needs to market the Switch right, have some great games ready without the major droughts, Right price, and right amount of third party titles.
Like the gamecube so many excellent titles getting overlooked.
I think we can all agree that we want nintendo to succeed.
I think Nintendo should keep up momentum all year, after the switch reveal there should be loads of hands on and press events and advertising for it. Then after its release there should be a Direct in about end of April then have a massive E3 show. Nintendo need to keep up excitement and interest in its games and consoles.
It all depends on the January event and the Switch tour that follows.
@MegaMari0 I know at least one person who doesn't.
More excited for Nintendo this year than most recent years. Can't wait to hear all the details about the switch on the 12th. Biggest concern I have is supply constraints. Definitely want a switch day one and perhaps 2 of them if I can!
Really looking forward to Switch , will buy on launch day no matter what happens on the 13th.
Honestly, I'm not very optimistic. Nintendo has constantly shot itself in the foot with the releases on new hardware. The 3DS was too expensive with very few games at launch. The WiiU was thought to be an add on for the Wii. Poor communication with poor execution by Nintendo. Until they earn my trust again, I will be skeptical of the Switch's potential.
I'm confident that this year will be great for Nintendo, probably the best that they've had since the Wii. I think they'd really have to mess up with something in particular (price, battery) for the Switch to flat out fail. Zelda and Mario are already pinned for 2017 and that's excellent - and who knows what else we'll have in the Switch's first year, considering the complete shift in resources we've seen the past year or two.
Most excited about the Switch event mainly because it's the soonest. BotW looks to be one of the most exciting games of this year AND the last.
Yes I'm cautiously optimistic. Get a few games full of Nintendo charm ready for day 1 then advertise, advertise and advertise. Please. For once.
@NewAdvent Completely agree. I'm the same. I'm looking forward to Zelda: BOTW more than the Switch itself right now. January 13th should tell us a lot.
Nintendo have made their fair share of mistakes in the past, but I can't help but think that a lot of the criticism they get is just as much the critic's fault as it is theirs, with a lot of it being due to people jumping to conclusions when they have no reason to do so.
Nintendo do appear to be learning from their mistakes... they just need to be given the opportunity to prove it without people dwelling on their past mistakes.
Yes, I'm optimistic. Can't be worse than Nintendo's performance in 2016.
I honestly don't think this year is going to go well. Switch isn't going to be compelling enough to bring third parties back and I have serious concerns about the specs behind the system.
That said I think Switch can do well if Nintendo markets it correctly, but I'm certain we'll be plagued with artificial stock shortages. I've had enough of the Nintendo rat race and won't even be bothering to pick a Switch up (won't be joining the pre-order rush) until at least Christmas.
I just want Nintendo to do everything they do but the opposite and they will be fine.
A nice Nintendo box for my Nintendo first party machine
The day I am not excited for new Nintendo hardware its the day I retire.
It's not really the console's quality and suches I'm worried about. No, I'm worried it won't matter how good or bad it turns out to be. The gaming consumer base has changed so much from what it was when the Wii became a success.
Around the same time came the rise of the other kind of casual gamer; those that exclusively play the annually released sports, car, and shooter games. Their number is not to be underestimated and without them on board the Switch is likely to be viewed as a moderate sales success at best.
But then, those same people would probably give an arm and a leg to get those games rolling on the go. Ergo, the battery life has to be good and Nintendo are pretty much going to have to deliver on every single lofty promise they make, at a good price point at that. Unlike politicians, they can't afford to get away with compromising their goals here.
I'm as cautiously neutral as Nintendo and their head-in-the-sand business tactics has given any man reason to in the past decade.
As with any Nintendo hardware event, I am always cautiously optimistic.
Nintendo has a habit of being in its own way. Meaning they wait too late to strike and when they have a gold mine they seem to hold it back in one way or the other. The switch needs to have efficient stock for the demand and it will need a killer app. Mario Kart just won't do. They need Zelda and also a Metroid game in the first year in my opinion. They are four contenders in this market and Nintendo cannot afford to slip up continually. Plus going with an older chip model will not help at all. They need new integra chip inside of that unit.
your right that nintendo needs to advertise. They need to advertise the big and small games on their system. Advertising goes a long way and someone needs to tell Nintendo that the old way of thinking is over.
I'm cautiously optimistic, but Nintendo is hard to predict. It should be much clearer whether 2017 will be good for Nintendo after 13th January.
Nope. Unless the reveal blows me away, I'm keeping my money.
I cant wait to play Zelda Breath of Wild, if "Technical Difficulties" doesn't stop it from going on the Wii U. If it does I think I will have lost hope in Nintendo.
I'm not really interested in the Switch until we see some actual game play, and if they get the games to back the system. I remember the Sega Saturn being more powerful, but the Playstation got the developers so destroyed Sega
I took a day off to see the presentation at 05:00 in the morning. Can't wait!
I am death.
And by that, I mean Nintendo has me by the throat - looking forward to the presentation on January! Probably gonna take the day off for it too! Yaaaaah!
Optimistic certainly. The Switch is a chance to right so many wrongs about their gaming philosophy and how they wish to capture gamers. Next Thursday will be a blast.
Um, what's with the first poll? XD Are people more excited about the launch or the unveiling? Or "year one game lineup" that has yet to be announced beyond hints and rumours for the most part? One choice seems more encompassing than the others here.
Personally, I took a freakin' loan to secure me a day one purchase of Switch (for the given definition of day one that the retailer will manage to live up to, at least). I think it's safe to say I'm optimistic enough. X^)
I'm optimistic for my family and I. It would take some real serious missteps for us not to line up on day one for the Switch.
My kid still imagines himself as Link and runs around with his new softish Wind Waker Master Sword (I think he has grown out of his costume). Pokemon is everywhere now that they are playing Sun and Moon and my wife and I remain diligent with Pokemon GO. It's Star Wars, Pixar/Disney, and Nintendo and they all have equal footing in the imaginations of both my 7-year-old and 11-year-old children.
How much are they into it? I just ordered our second copy of Metroid Prime Federation Force so I can play it co-op with them and we played Star Fox Zero again because we got the Falco amiibo for Xmas. Black arwing with extra power and fragility is fun! We still play Nintendo Land regularly.
That being said, I'm still nervous about the Switch and this launch. I've seen another wave of excitement from a wider audience that includes the type that is usually only interested in PS4/XB1 or PC mature gaming. That's impressive for Nintendo, but as the details roll out I'm not confident about Nintendo's ability to entice that crowd, and I'm not even sure quite what the target is going to be.
It can still go sour quick for everyone else. For us, I'm sure we'll give it another go because the Wii U era was a complete success for us up until it puttered out with some shoddy games and/or too short games from Nintendo.
I am hopeful, but far from optimistic.
Sure, a few games like Zelda will almost certainly be great. But at the moment, I don't know anything about the Switch or its upcoming games to get me hyped. This could change within the next two weeks, but I currently have more concerns than anything else. Especially with 3DS support winding down.
Wait, so, 30% are excited about the Switch Direct and 35% are excited about the launch of the Switch? Wow, people. You're almost as excited about an announcement than the actual console? That's sad.
@dorkeybubblehead I came here to say as much.
Might it have been better to put out this poll 'after' Jan 12th?
Could always do a follow up poll i suppose then compare and contrast the two NLIfe?
It seems like people are genuinely excited for the Switch. If Nintendo can hit that $250.00 price point then it will be a hit. Everyone is going to look at it as a second place to play games, whether they have a smart phone or a PS4 / XBOX ONE. Nintendo has to convince both of those markets. I own a Wii U and a PS4, I really want a SWITCH, but at $300+ I see myself waiting; and at this point The Big N has to get that install base up as fast as they can.
Nintendo always does right by me so I'm not too worried about 2017. But I do hope that they have significant momentum with the NS. I really want to see a wide variety of games on the system.
I just wish Nintendo would quit shooting itself in the foot so that we wouldn't have to worry about the success of their console every generation. It should be a given. Nintendo is the only one to blame for their own failures. The only company in Nintendo's way is Nintendo. I just hope they can turn it around to a degree. It looks like it'll at least be better than the Wii U, so that's a start.
2017's GOTY will be for nintendo for sure
I'm concerned Nintendo still hasn't given up on their pipe dream of reclaiming the non gaming casual market and having that as their main market.
I am very pessimistic! I hope Nintendo proves me wrong.
But until they do, thank God for my Xbox One, 3DS and PS Vita.
@abbyhitter Considering how little we know about it, it makes more sense to be excited for the actual unveiling than the launch.
I think the Switch will do at least ok, but on a personal level, I'm not very keen on the whole concept. The Switch is gameplay-wise the most conventional hardware Nintendo will release since the GameCube. Maybe that's what the majority wants, but I dare say "meh".
It's innovation lies solely on the hybrid factor. No innovations on controls ("gimmicks" if you like) but also not a powerhouse. It's boring if you ask me. I'm sad 2nd screen seems to be getting the boot.
I can't help thinking of it as a very juiced up PS Vita and not something Nintendo-ey enough.
It'll do well if you ask me. Not the best thing in the world, but definitely better than 2016 without a doubt.
@DarkKirby but for that you need power, marketing hype and a teenage cool factor to make the 50 million or so "hardcore douchbags" spend the money. Nintendo are going for something much bigger. Gaming for everyone, at a reasonable price which includes those douchbags that just wanna play annual releases of shoot-em-ball-goal-ups.----just realised I completely misread your comment!! Haha. Yes let's go for the non-gaming casual douchbags as well.
Frankly, as a fifteen year old kid with divorced parents, the Switch appeals to me on many levels.
Being able to transfer the switch between both houses is a huge plus, rather than just leaving it at one house like I have to with my Wii U. Especially considering additional docks may become purchasable after launch.
@Samurai_Goroh I'm sort of in the same boat as a huge DS fan that enjoyed the way that brought different games and ways of playing to the forefront (awesome visual novels, and I enjoyed Layton & Brain training). I do wonder if the Switch is for me...
It's too early to tell. The video for the Switch may have been viewed a mass amount of times and the hype for it is good, but January 12 could tell another story. What nintendo will be doing, will depend on the launch of the system...if the sales are strong and as long as they don't have a shortage of it, which I fear that there will be a large shortage of it, which will not help them. All in all, it's going to depend on the sales of the Switch for nintendo. January 12th better be good for them, lots of exclusives for the system, not just ports and re-releases from the Wii U, but good exclusives and a chance for them to make a comeback. The Switch won't hold up in the CONSOLE WAR, it will not come close and it's going to be known as a secondary console no matter what...people already tuned in to the PS4 or XBONE, and those ones aren't going to get rid of them to make a move to Switch. What nintendo needs, is people to buy the Switch that aren't just nintendo fans, and after what they did with the Wii U, they're going to have trouble even getting those people to move over to it. March is not the best time to release a console...even with it being close to tax returns, summer vacations and the easter holiday...it's just not the best time...which means their main focus, after launch, should be what they will do for the 2017 holiday season, and they're also going to have to have a strong E3 comeback. I know they can have another flop of a system, but they shouldn't have it, or people will lose faith with them even more. Keep the 3rd parties happy nintendo!
I have hopes for the Switch, but when I read about third-party retail titles NOT coming to Switch (while indies arrive right and center) that hope is quickly fading! Needless to say Nintendo NEEDS both indies AND retail!
I'm a little worried but to me this may be the best Nintendo year in a long time.
@Folkloner I figured you'd be here to say that your optimism will rely completely and utterly on whether or not TetriSwitch is announced next week....
My only true concern is fan backlash after the live-stream. There's bound to be a few titbits that grind people's gears the wrong way, as a lot of folk seem to be obsessed with it being a super-powerhouse that will run any and all games thrown it's way.
To me personally, i feels like the second coming of GameBoy with a huge (hybrid) twist.
I pre ordered my Switch today. I was thinking if I waited till after the 12th, there would be a pre order rush, and might miss out on launch. So I'm happy.
I'm hopeful that a strong product will win the day despite the force of nature that is Reggie's staggering incompetence.
The pessimism in some of these comments is sad.
I think Nintendo is already doing a decent job of conveying that the Switch is a brand new console via its preview video and in print advertising I have seen pop up in various retailers - something they didn't do and that dogged the Wii U throughout its lifespan.
I believe a lot of its success or failure will depend on its launch lineup of games and stock supply. The Wii U launched with zero games that created any kind of buzz and lacked their trademark characters (aside from a rushed New Super Mario Bros U game) that would get people's attention. Even if they were ports, having a Mario Kart, Splatoon or Smash Bros would go a long ways since not many people have a Wii U to play those games on as it is. Coupled with a new Mario platformer and the BOTW, and I think Nintendo could have a great launch. I, unlike some others, think that launching in March is a decent idea - it misses out on the buzz of an E3 reveal, but it comes out when people are getting their tax refunds and are itching to buy something new after the drought of post-Christmas shopping has worn off.
So, in all, I am cautious, but optimistic.
@dorkeybubblehead Just give me the NTSC NES Version with new music, a 2 to 8 player local and online multiplayer mode, and online scoreboards and i'll be happy.
@Folkloner and amiibo skins for each block type.
I want to be excited for the Switch, but the games for it is my number one worry there. Understandably, the Wii U didn't capture that magic that most of the preceding systems had (but I still enjoyed the Wii U and its games), though looking at what games were there (despite being a teaser), I am both pleased and worried. That new 3D Mario, Mario Kart, and the obvious Zelda title is nice to see, but the very little quantity and lack of confirmation of those titles I want are what holds back my optimism. What else is there? Are those games I want truly in development? Is Skyrim and NBA truly coming to the Switch? And what about GameCube VC? Are there going to be more than just the usual launch titles for their system at the time? I am hoping that the upcoming event will shed some light on these questions of mine.
I am, considering they dumped Wii U development in early 2016, they've had a lot of time to build up a catalog of games for the Switch. From what I've seen so far, it's a great concept. I look forward to seeing what they have to say at the next Direct.
I'm positive the 3DS will get the all-star send-off it deserves. The Switch will be fine too, if Nintendo can curb its arrogance and court third-parties for real this time.
For anyone whose read my comments the last year, you probably could have guess my choice for question 3 was:
"I'm concerned, but still hope it'll be positive"
I'm not totally in the doomed category, mostly because the 3DS is still going strong and we have the Mario Sports title coming in the spring.
But I'm really afraid Switch is going to cost $400, have less than a 3 hour portable battery life, be mostly a port machine, still lack a trophy system, and will sadly make it so you have to pay to play online like you do for PS4/XB1.
I'd rather my bar be super low so Nintendo can hurdler over it on Jan. 12.
Dear, Mr. Iwata on Heaven. Please watch over Nintendo and us. Please lend us your bless onto Nintendo Switch. We know Mr. Iwata probably will watch the presentation of Switch from Heaven. May the Switch boost up Nintendo reputation, financial and amount of fans. Thank you, Mr. Iwata...
Not very optimistic. I think Nintendo will still put most of their focus into the Wii crowd, the people now playing games on their phones and tablets. I really think we'll just see the same sort of games that were on Wii U continue on Switch. It's got to the point they regularly mock people who like play long games on their own, the sort of people that bought their consoles before the Wii.
I don't understand the blind optimistic attitudes towards the Switch launch. All we know about is the overall concept. We still know nothing about very important information like the specs, price, and specific tech details like touch or no touch. There's just way too much that we don't know to be excited for launch. I am very excited for the January event though. I'm sure with a March launch not that far off, everything will be addressed during the event. I just roll my eyes when it comes to product/company loyalty. Prove to me that the product is great and I'll show you my money. Until then, I'm not showing you even an intent to buy.
Nintendo hasn't changed the way it's done business in over 30 years. The continued failure to have enough NES Classic Editions shows that they still don't get the supply side of the business. Releasing a low processing prowered system, nothing new there. And no understanding of what their fans want and 3rd party support "might" still be issues. Good games, yes, but they are few. And if there is no 3rd party support to plug in the delay holes,...well, here we go again.
At the moment I'm Nintendomistic, but even that is wearing thin.
Nintendomistic - Not negative, but not getting ones hopes up or falling for the hype of any Nintendo game or system, due to past Nintendo business practices.
Still excited only for 3ds titles, since I already own a 3ds. I'll be getting excited over the Switch only after I can safely evaluate it as something worth buying. Pokemon BW2 arrived very late into the lifespan of the DS, so we could still see some late gems for the 3ds too. EO5's announcement is something I'm excitedly awaiting if nothing else.
@abbyhitter ....that's because we don't know anything besides a concept. I'll get excited when I know the details. The details will hopefully be shown during the event, hence the excitement for the event and not the actual console release.
Price? Specs? Touch screen? Launch games? More powerful when docked vs undocked? Battery life? What if it turns out to cost $600 for a slightly stronger Wii U with a portable screen that only last 90 minutes while undocked, that will only be supported by Nintendo?
In regards to the question about concerns about Nintendo, I'm still concerned about long term 3rd party support for the Switch. I'm sure at launch it will have some 3rd party support but I'm concerned will it last. I'm optimistic about the Switch because Nintendo can pour all its resources into one system, and I love the idea of a home console/portable system. That is really appealing to me.
I said after the Wii U no more launch purchases. I thought we would be playing Zelda by now though... so yeah. If the switch can reveal a good launch lineup I might get it still. I'm really only waiting to see what really dumb thing nintendo does this time. It just seems that they cant ever make just an all around good system. Something is always lacking. I'm just waiting to see what it will be this time.
I am feeling optimistic about this year. I'm just hoping that it is as good as I think it is. I just think that the idea of being able to have a console that can deliver both at home and on the road is awesome. I have always wanted a console like it, so while I'm at home I can either dock it or play it undocked while continuing play when I leave the house. I just hope it turns out alright and we get some solid 3rd party support.
I wish it came with that Pro Controller. I'm so over giant, tablet sized controllers. Had enough of that on the Wii U tbh. Not getting NX anytime soon. If anything I'll be getting a PS4 this year.
@bezerker99 you're aware that the joy-cons + frame = pro controller, yes?
I'm excited for this year, because c'mon it's Nintendo! they may make really dumb choices sometimes (so much that it boggles the mind) but the games, THE GAMES!
I will be getting a Switch, just not at Launch, not because I don't have faith in the hardware or software, just because I don't have time, and I'd rather spend my money on it when I can spend time with it.
@dorkeybubblehead but there is a separate PRO controller.
Nintendo needs a strong lineup throughout the year, not just in March, for the Switch to be successful.
my concerns for the 2017 can be summed up in three characters 3-D-S
I love my 3DS but it needs to die to really sell the Switch. for example, if we believe game freak (and ignoring pokemon stars rumour) there is a chance the next core entry in Pokémon might not come to the Switch. The Switch needs both the home and handheld brands to be a success, if Switch fails to get Pokémon, Yokai and Monster Hunter it will fail in Japan which of cause will be the core market for the device.
My main concern is that they won't give it proper marketing support. IMO, this is half the reason why the Wii U failed.....
No concerns here just can't wait for zelda wiiu or switch
@dorkeybubblehead but that's not the PRO Controller. Which is more of a regular style controller....more of what I'm after.
Personally I am fairly optimistic concerning what the Switch can provide for me.
What worries me is the general reception of the Switch and whether sales will be high enough to ensure enough third party games. I think it's fairly clear that if you want to be absolutely certain you can play the multiplats, then you need to look at PS4/Xbox1. A Nintendo console for Nintendo games is fine for me, but it won't suit everyone.
However, if the games are good and it's cheap enough, then I think there could be a decent market, with some having it as a secondary console. It's all to play for and I like some of the indications of a change in direction such as the slick trailer and openworld of Zelda.
Not Nintendoomed just yet, but realising that Nintendo has to deliver on the potential.
I'm concerned about shortages at launch, otherwise I'm incredibly optimistic!
I'm VERY excited for the Switch, but that may be a psychological reaction. The Switch is the only thing capable of carrying me through the next four years as an American citizen.
Just DON'T make stock shortages.
It's the future of Nintendo, how is that ever not exciting?
Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Splatoon. . .this is their new home now. Get N or get out!
@UK-Nintendo I swear you're just an elaborate troll account.
@gatorboi352 your scaring me.
@NinChocolate No one's necessarily not excited for Nintendo games, we're just hoping that the system is capable enough and sells well enough that there will be good 3rd party support. After all, Nintendo isn't the only company that makes quality games.
If Nintendo plays their cards just right with the Switch and still shows some love to the 3DS, then I think it'll be a fairly solid year.
I just want good third party support, a good first year of AAA first party games to garner interest for people on the fence, and ultimately that the Switch sells well.
@KirbyTheVampire <--- this guy gets it.
@UK-Nintendo This was literally your comment:
"I just want Nintendo to do everything they do but the opposite and they will be fine.
A nice Nintendo box for my Nintendo first party machine"
I mean...
This is going to be a good year for Nintendo. 2017 is here, I'm ready for Switch details and will be picking one up on launch day.
Hey, don't forget for some specific 3DS audiences. If 3DS retired too early, there will no more Girly games, Unique casual games, Touchscreen games. Games like Style Savvy or somewhat like that still important for Nintendo, if I can say the other main foundation of Nintendo customers. If you think Switch doesn't deserve for HD Girly games, the Girls and Girlie game fans (It doesn't matter Boy or Girl) will complain. Remember, games can't be monopolized by males, girls need proper games also. I'm a male gamer but have some interest with girly and cute games. It will be unfair if the model of the games should be designed just only for male gamers, how about girl gamers or girlie games lover ?
Sorry if I talked about gender equality for gaming.
@gatorboi352 and I stand by it. Some of their decisions they made were simply annoying.
@yomanation That's true. Sales would be good for first party support as well. Regardless, I think they'll put a good effort in since there's a lot riding on this system, but I'd like to see them go all out. The Wii U's first party library was a bit disappointing IMO, and that's part of the reason why I didn't buy it. If we're gonna see a ton of great first party games, I'm sold.
@Anti-Matter power to the girly games also the HD girly games. That's the most important market to concentrate on. Nintendo needs that market. Big time
@yomanation Correct. In oder to do well, Switch will need 3rd party support. Lots of it.
Wii U simply shows that Nintendo cannot sustain a business model of pumping out hardware simply to play their own 1st party software on (despite what some commenters around here choose to believe).
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I take the same approach. I love Nintendo's first party games, but their treatment of the WiiU in 2016 has made me cautious of the Switch.
I don't think anyone should be so optimistic about the Switch as to completely dismiss the pessimism, nor do I think anyone should be so pessimistic about the Switch as to completely dismiss the optimism.
@KirbyTheVampire well, there are third parties making a business from publishing on Nintendo and there are third parties whose business does not rely on revenue from Nintendo's platforms. For years the top 10 selling games at retail at any given time have largely been off of Nintendo's systems. Typically this is the multiplatform third party support people are referring to that they say Nintendo needs. I'm sure Nintendo has looked at those usual top 10 franchises/developers in the planning of the Switch with Nvidia. What I'm certain of is that the Nintendo Switch will be a different system because it is being marketed primarily with first party content. The success of any system today relys upon its primary message. It really has to given the competition. Third party support on Nintendo -in my opinion- is secondary messaging when it comes to Nintendo's business, and always has been. Secondary (in my nobody opinion) is still a contributing factor in key areas, but it is not the motivation of Nintendo's core business, and far less than it is the motivation of competing video game consoles. So if there isn't excitement for Nintendo's own content, then anything else is not going to make the console successful, barring a third party exclusive has a Japan-Yokoi Watch effect on a globa scale, but that'd be unpredictable
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I hear you there man! I'm very cautious through conditioning, I bought a Wii u day one so I've felt some testing times for Nintendo the last few years.
Tbh I'm yet to be sold on the whole concept, I need more before I can get excited. I'm unlikely to buy a switch before next Christmas at this rate, for Nintendo to need to 'sell' their next hardware to a fan like me shows how far they have slipped. I'm optimistic in nature, cautious through experience 😉
I'm most excited for the January presentation, mainly because it's coming up soon
Day One-er here! Nintendo is beginning their rebirth imho.
Consolidated game-developing for ONE system is going to flip the script. look out world: Nintendo is back!
Ask me on January 13th
I must be the only one who voted for mobile games. It's at 0% right now. I know I should be excited for the Switch, but all I know about it is that it has a Zelda game that I'm not interested in. When it comes to fantasy Nintendo franchises, I follow Fire Emblem. Which means that the phone game is inexplicably enticing me more. Hopefully the January reveal will detail some games for me to get excited about.
@LArachelDisciple I actually voted for mobile games as well.
And that's the thing that will be interesting. Social media has rumours everywhere but how many of those people will actually buy the switch?
I think Zelda botw is going to be a milestone for Nintendo and probably more important than the concept switch brings with it.
@Hillgirl1986 Absolutely agree. No matter how many hours i've spent playing Bloodborne or TITANFALL could quite easily live without my other consoles. My Wii U I really couldn't. Always most happy when using it over anything else.
While I'm optimistic about the Switch('s games), I hope that Nintendo doesn't do anything severely boneheaded like exclude gyro controls or revert to that N64-era Lakitu Cam shenanigans in Mario and Zelda.
As for third party? Hopefully those good Japanese companies that helped the 3DS will get on board (looking at you Capcom!), and hopefully the good indies will see the Switch as an opportunity to promote local multiplayer. Towerfall, anyone?
I think Nintendo will have a very bad 2017. The Switch will only appeal to the fanbs. I really don't think the handheld crowd will crossover. They very likely already own tablets, and basically that's what the Switch is.
I think the fanbs that buy the Switch will be very impress and have a very good 2017.
So Nintendo to loose and fanbs for the win in 2017.
I'm most looking forward to the Switch launch. As long as Nintendo stays "doing well" enough to keep making games, I'm happy. I don't need them to be in first or whatever. Just okay enough to be Nintendo.
I hope this thing is awesome. I love Nintendo of course.
I hope they get sports/Car games because they are a blast and Im not a hardcore d-bag.
Im concerned that the switch has too many breakable parts. Children might damage it trying to undock it or parents just wont let them play with it unless its durable.
Im worried Sony will undercut the Switch in price.
I dont want my 3ds to ever die. I'm in too deep. Giant backlogs will prevent me from buying a a Switch until the system runs its course in 3 years. That's when I will buy the SwitchU.
I think it will be loved and bought by most of you though so thats good. Not sure about it's mass success however.
@NX64 I just sold my Xbox in anticipation of the Switch. I always used to think I was missing out on only having Nintendo but Nintendo has soul. They have their problems but their games are masterpieces. Just hope they get their act together and meet demand with games and consoles.
I'm excited for the Switch. There's no way Nintendo hadn't learned at least SOMEthing from the Wii U and when their intentions failed. The Switch reveal (and arguably the longass time they're letting us simmer) is proof they making a point to push this system right.
Like many here I'm cautiously optimistic. I want to be excited about the Switch but Nintendo keeps repeating the same mistakes with every console launch. I find it hard to get excited about their home consoles in the same way that I get excited about their handhelds. Whatever happens, I'm waiting at least a year before I consider buying a Switch. The only thing that will change my mind is if I see VERY consistent support from 1st AND 3rd parties that assure me that we won't have a Wii U 2.0
[shrugs shoulders]
Do what you want people. I suppose I'm blessed that a $250 purchase isn't some life-defining decision for me.
It's simple- I like playing games. I particular enjoy Nintendo games. So I'm buying a Switch. Simple as that.
Might as well just settle it that you're not buying one then. Nintendo do will never have enough 3rd party support that people stop complaining. It's just not gonna happen.
So... ya. Might be time to just stop playing Nintendo games all together. That or just buy a PS4/X1 for 3rd party games and Switch for 1st party and never have a reason to be worried or complain again, cause you'll have 90% of the best games in the industry.
But no console will give you everything, and Nintendo console with full 3rd party support is just as much a pipe dream as buying a PS4 and getting all of Nintendo's games
I understand what you're saying, I do.
But whatever happens happens. I love Nintendo, I want them to be around as long as I live. I want them to be successful. But there's nothing we can do that will change anything.
Besides, Nintendo has had successful handhelds for 30 years. One major fail and people are acting like it's life or death for Nintendo? Look at the Sony parallel. They dominate home consoles like Nintendo dominates handhelds. Their weakest suit- handhelds- failed with the Vita. Exactly how Nintendo's weakest suit- home consoles- failed with Wii U.
But I never hear this kind of drama for them. Just Nintendo. Everything's a crisis around here, every day. They gotta do this, they gotta do that. Words like cautious, concerned, worried, etc.
I mean, come on. When did playing video games become reality TV. For goodness sakes it's just a consumer product. Don't like it? Then gtfo for goodness sake. People act like Wii U was the catastrophe of all catastrophes... I mean ya it wasn't the best, but it happens sometimes. That's how it goes. Still a decent console. I can think of far worse.
Just so much drama over a simple video game machine. People acting like they're investing their life savings in a risky stock or something. Goodness it's just a low-end consumer product aimed for the masses. Get one or dont. But seems like it's become a competition to see who can pretend to be the most "concerned" and reluctant.
If Nintendo games are so bad, stop playing them already lol. Know what I mean? Nintendo's been around for a long time. Vita didn't sink Sony's ship and Wii U isn't gonna sink Nintendo's. People worry too much.
We don't know enough to speculate on Nintendo's fate. All we have to go on for the Switch is core concept and we know little about anything Nintendo's doing.
@JaxonH "I mean, come on. When did playing video games become reality TV. For goodness sakes it's just a consumer product. Don't like it? Then gtfo for goodness sake."
Spot on.
Nintendo "being on top" isn't even on my radar.
Only thing on my radar is playing games I love, many of which are Nintendo games. Again, yes I wish them well. But I'm not going to get emotionally attached to the point I'm like all worried and concerned about them. They're a multi-billion dollar company surviving and evolving for over 100 years. They can take care of themselves. They'll be alright.
I don't know, everything I hear about the Switch tells me it is not going to be a very successful product. Time will tell. I don't think Nintendo will be doomed, but I think the switch experiment will fare no better than the Wii U.
@dkxcalibur :You are spot on. Blind loyalty is what can kill a product. Nintendo damaged their brand, possibly beyond repair with what they did with Wii U. And I'm sure they lost many customers with that. They lost me. I moved over to Microsoft and have been enjoying all the backwards compatible, and new xbox games. And being able to play Resident Evil, Fallout, etc, is all I wanted. I don't think switch will have any of this. I just don't feel trotting out Mario, Zelda, and company is going to sell a system these days. People actually do want to play other types of games. I hope Nintendo does well, but I think they may drop the ball at the end of the day.
@JaxonH I want to say that the emotional investment is a point in their favor, as if they possess qualities that make them worth getting worked up over. I kind of agree with you about just playing something and enjoying it, since Nintendo still has a cartoon charm to it that only Sega at its peak has ever matched for me, but I'd also really like to hear some positive buzz around those games that I enjoy. I haven't gotten that in a while. I just want Nintendo to improve on its weak points instead of only trying to sell its strengths. I'm so sick of hearing how lousy my console's power is and how there are no "major" releases on it even as I keep finding something new to play on it.
If you ask me, Switch is the coolest and most deservedly hype console I've seen since the Nintendo Wii (and the Wii was super hype in its day).
The only thing killing the buzz is all these people who just refuse to get excited, and not just that but seem to find all kinds of reasons to dismiss how awesome it is.
I mean, think about it. I'm sure you've been gaming for many years, as have I. I've actually been gaming since I was 7 years old with the NES and original GameBoy. I've seen a lot of consoles come and go. Alot of cool ideas, some not so cool. But Switch is the first console that will bridge the gap between home console and handheld. It's the most powerful handheld gaming platform ever released (by a country mile at that).
I mean, that's serious power! Power isn't everything of course, but who doesn't like more power? I know I do. And having a device that's within swinging distance of PS4 and Xbox One that can do that as a handheld... it's absolutely incredible!
And I did enjoy many Wii U games, a good handful of them rank among the top 10 games I've ever played... in twenty years. But it was missing that pizazz like a modern Metroid and F-Zero. I think it's painfully obviously Nintendo is betting it all on the Switch (reports of workers feeling like it's the SNES again)... I mean, I am super confident we're gonna get a gaming library for the history books from Nintendo. Especially with them funneling all their games into one platform.
The excitement is there. People are just actively resisting it... I'm embracing it. This is what it's all about for me. New hardware always excites me, but I'm sorry, just seeing more PC-like consoles acting like their power is so unprecedented just doesnt cut it for me anymore... I love my PS4 Pro and X1... but neither of them managed to conjure the excitement I feel for Switch right now.
I just find that funny to say.
Just set up the pins correctly Nintendo and you're sure to get a strike.
(Bowling analogy courtesy of Kingpin, which I watched less than an hour ago xD )
Don't worry about Nintendo. I pray for Nintendo success oftenly. I'm sure they will make right decision this time.
@JaxonH If we see incremental Switch upgrades like we did with the 3DS, which I'm very confident will be the case, it could even potentially reach PS4 or Xbone level, or at least pretty close to it. However, that begs the question of how big of a deal that will be if it goes the route of PS4 Pro and Scorpio in that all games will have to be supported on the original Switch model as well as the new one. Is it possible that we might see "Switch Pro" exclusives if system upgrades are a thing? If not, I guess whatever we get when the Switch is first released is what we'll be stuck with.
@JaxonH Your excitement is infectious! I can't wait for the reveal. I started a little after you on the Super Nintendo, by the way.
@Capital70Q It is catchy. Nintendoomed should be the title of an eshop game or something.
Power is NOT everything. We need power for better gameplay but don't be too greedy. Try to appreciate some games with low powered engine. They might don't look as crisp as PC quality but who cares ? Let me give one example. I'm interested a lot with Miitopia rather than FF XV. Just because FF XV has Ultra HD graphic it doesn't means can make me attracted so easily. Indeed, the graphic is OMG but Boring, very contrary with Miitopia. How was Miitopia graphic quality ? Less powered than PS4 but Extremely Cute, Quirky and Hillarious. Also, the gameplay is very Unusual for Turn Based RPG. It has some fresh ideas, quirky but Fun. I can't underestimate Miitopia after I watched nearly post games that has tons of Tough Bosses.
Well, try to embrace games with less powered than PC.
@Anti-Matter Power isn't everything, but more power is always a positive, as long as it doesn't have negative "side effects" like a short battery life or a system that's overpriced.
Miitopia being better than FF XV is also just your opinion. A very large of people would rather play FF XV than Miitopia, myself included. That's not to say Miitopia is a bad game, but neither is FF XV a bad game.
Uh ya, I gotta say something about that. Miitopia as good as Final Fantasy XV? Not a chance. And ya, it's not just cause the graphics. It's cause the game is infinitely more complex and awesome, thanks in large part to the power which enabled such an elaborate and complex game to be made.
But make no mistake, it's better because it's just a better game. Xenoblade is a 3DS game and just as good as Final Fantasy XV. However, I would enjoy Xenoblade on 3DS far less than Final Fantasy XV on PS4 Pro. Because of the graphics. Two equal games become not equal when one has very low res graphics on a small screen, and the other is a visual masterpiece on a larger screen.
Haha good! We should be excited. New consoles don't come around often, and truly groundbreaking ones even less so.
Um, I'm ok with upgrades. I liked the New 3DS and the additional benefits it brought with it (stable 3D and Xenoblade and SNES and 2nd analog control was a worthy addition). I also liked the PS4 Pro. I got a 4K TV and the Pro makes games look better and run better. Never thought I'd experience 4K gaming except on PC.
So ya, I'd be down with an eventual Switch upgrade. Especially given a launch price of $250 (same price the dinky little 3DS launched at) which would mean maybe $100 to upgrade with a trade in.
I just want Nintendo to shut up the trolls with Switch. Who am I kidding? That's never going to happen unless they go third-party, and even then, haters gonna hate.
Also, @JaxonH "So ya, I'd be down with an eventual Switch upgrade. Especially given a launch price of $250 (same price the dinky little 3DS launched at) which would mean maybe $100 to upgrade with a trade in."
I've pretty much said since it was revealed we'll probably see the Switch upgrade, the market is okay with the idea since product life cycles of consoles have been altered this gen.
Star Fox: horrible controls, bad graphics; DK TF: gamepad screen blanked; Mario Power Tennis: absolute joke game that was like a demo; Mario Sports Club: not more of the same... LESS of the same!; Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival: drab kiddieware; Devil's Third: indecisiveness lack of leadership; Mario Party 10: meh, people still hate the cars, Nintendo tries again to convince us we're wrong about what we don't like; Twilight Princess: the same game THREE CONSOLES IN A ROW!!; Mario Kart 8: battle mode; Donkey Kong & Mario Amiibo and Tipping Stars: stale. All of this is not to mention the incredible dry spell the WiiU's been under for the last two years, the total evaporate of third party support, the inconsistent implementation of friend lists and account / content transfer, no convenient way to buy a replacement gamepad, a step BACKWARDS from the Wii in NES, SNES, and N64 emulation (plus dramatically less VC content overall compared to Wii) and no significant price drop. And stupid Miitomo and lackluster Mario Run. No, I'm not that high on Nintendo right now.
Anyone who lists "blank gamepad screen" for DKC Tropical FREEZE as a reason to not be high on Nintendo... seems like that person is really reaching.
Especially ignoring the fact it's the single greatest 2D platformer ever released. Like getting a Lamborghini then complaining the gas cap is on the wrong side.
I mean ya, Star Fox had a less ideal control scheme. No argument there. And absolutely, Mario Kart 8 should have had battle mode. If we're going to make a list of every nitpicking complaint we can scrounge up, I'm sure it will be a long list. But you can do that with any console.
Shall we do PS4?
How bout the fact my storage is capped to 2TB (which cost me $100 to upgrade) with games that are 50gb ea. No external drive support. Price increases for PS+ just because. Oh, and locking multi-player behind that pay wall so your FORCED to pay another $300 per generation just for online with Internet you already have, on a console you already own, for games you already paid for. Last Guardian, a game we waited TEN YEARS FOR and they can't even get the controls half as good as Shadow of the Colossus, a freaking PS2 game!
Then I rent games on their Now service with 2 second lag, try off TV play on Vita with 2 second lag, and the remote function requires 9 digit pin codes only valid for 2 1/2 minutes.
Uncharted, a PS3 port. Uncharted 2, another port. Uncharted 3, another port. The Last of Us, another port. God of War 3, another port. Tearaway, port. Gravity Rush, port. Ratchet & Clank, remake. The Order 1886 aka QTE The Game was 6 hour campaign and sucked. Little Big Planet 3, game still sucks always has. And what was announced at their conference? Was it new Vita games? New PSVR games? No... more ports and remakes! Best of all was Wipeout Collection, which in itself is a collection of a collection of a mother freaking collection.
And of course, just 3 years in and they're already duping day one adopters for a superior console with games that now don't even run 15fps on the original model.
See? Can do it for any console. Don't even get me started on Vita or PSVR.
Yet despite all that, I still enjoy Sony's consoles. Despite all that nitpicking trivial crap you rattled off, Nintendo has brought some of the best games I've played in decades these past 5 years. For every page of complaints I could write 10 pages of praise.
But if you're only looking to see the bad... that's all you're going to find. Like the DKC. Nevermind it's the greatest 2D platformer of all time, let's complain that it didn't have second screen support? Something no games on other consoles have?
I want ambitious games too, but let's remember that not all their games have been these huge ambitious games. Nintendo has always been a mixture of bigger, ambitious games and smaller, cozier experiences.
I don't know who thinks less ambitious games are somehow inferior, unless they have been brainwashed to think the only game worth playing is one with 50 million dollar budgets... some of the best games I've played have been ones considered sub-AAA
Baten Kaitos... great game. But Xenoblade X was far more ambitious. Even far more ambitious then the original Xenoblade.
Mario Kart 8 was far beyond Mario Kart Wii or DS. Smash Bros Wii U was the most ambitious Smash title yet. And Mario 3D World was no slouch either. One of the most highly polished, pixel perfect 3D platformers of the modern era. Splatoon was surely ambitious, and this new Zelda? It's the biggest game they've ever made.
So I don't quite understand how someone could believe that they somehow gave up making ambitious games. I like the smaller games too though. Stuff like Picross 3D 2 and Mario vs DK... I don't want them to stop making those games.
I Vote And I Excited For Nintendo Switch Launch And I Concerned About The Launch And Early Sales Of The Nintendo Switch Because Maybe The Launch And Early Sales Will Be Very Expensive, I Hope Nintendo 2017 Will Be The Soild Year And Great Year Because Of The Nintendo Switch
@TTGlider I agree that Twilight Princess didn't need a third release, but we got a cool amiibo out of it. While Mario Power Tennis on the Gamecube was underwhelming, it at least had more characters than Mario Tennis Ultra Smash on the Wii U. Maybe the Switch will finally provide a tennis game that blows us away!
I am getting sick of trying to find a New Nintendo 3DS for my son and coming up empty. They need to fix their stock issues. I don't want to buy him a 2DS, he already has a broken one and needs a new one.
@Pokefanmum82 Probably gonna be the case with the Switch upon release, too. I'm leaning more and more towards preordering one because they're incapable of predicting how high the demand is for their products.
"Anyone who lists "blank gamepad screen" for DKC Tropical FREEZE as a reason to not be high on Nintendo... seems like that person is really reaching."
I'll explain why I include that in my list of shortcomings. Because it directly illustrates how a gimmick Nintendo designed in to the system caused more harm than good. You can be sure that part of why third parties didn't port more is not having any idea of something innovative to do on the gamepad screen (multiple companies said this on the record). You can also be sure the gamepad added cost- meaning either less room to lower the price later in development and/or less budget to spend on CPU/GPU/RAM. Finally, you are left with a proprietary controller (the Gamepad) that has NO affordable and accessible replacement in the event of failure. These are three KEY detractions of the gamepad. Therefore, to balance them, I darn SURE expect one of Nintendo's premier developers (or at least, what once was a premier...) to show me some benefit of this confounded albatross of a controller.
Rayman Legends at least attempted this.
Psst... Wii U gamepad still useful to display Youtube on bigger screen (TV).
Use your gamepad to choose videos, TV just make it bigger. Also you can listening music from Youtube while browsing internet on another tab.
They just need to drop the Metroid VR bomb and everything will be fine.
Ya but I don't think Nintendo has released a multi-player only game. In fact I know they haven't. EA on the other hand literally does online only with zero single player content. And nobody blasted them for it. Ppl just didn't buy the game.
But you think those games are "unacceptable for $60"? Wow. Not every game can be a mega budget blockbuster. If the only games allowed to be full price were ones that cost a fortune to make, the industry would crash. It's one thing to say you wanted your Battle Mode, that's fair, but those games are worth their asking price hand over fist. And that is compared to other games out there
No, I don't agree. Well I do, but only to an extent.
Compared to many, many other games out there, these games are just as high budget if not more. Nobanuga's Ambition, Dragon Quest Builders, World of FINAL Fantasy, King of Fighters XIV... all full price games.
Just because there has emerged a sector of the gaming market that can afford to have unscrupulous budgets doesn't mean it should be expected for all games, or that anything that cost less to make than AAA should be less than full price. That's illogical and will drive the extinction of the middle market.
The only reason games can afford to have such high budgets is because they sell 10-20 million copies. Not all games can do that. Most games shoot for 1 million, if that. But you start saying that all games have to have AAA budgets despite the fact they're not selling millions and millions of copies... you will kill off the entire market of non-AAA games.
Yes, there does need to be some threshold. I mean, nobody wants to pay $60 for Shovel Knight. But even those games like Shovel Knight or Shantae cost $20. So 1/3 the cost but probably 1/100 of the budget of AAA.
So yes, $60 games should come with retail quality expectations. Sure. But those games DO meet retail expectation. You're just looking at an entirely different sector of the market and saying all games have to be that expensive to cost full price. It's illogical. Not all games can afford those budgets. You start saying they then have to charge less, they can't survive.
You judge a game by its production only to an extent. As long as it's not some pixelated 8 bit game, there's no reason it shouldn't cost full price. Unless you'd rather spend $60 on a game solely because of its budget and ignore a much better game, that looks perfectly fine and acceptable for a retail game but "didn't cost enough to make"
For One, Mario Kart 8 season pass gave 50% more game for $11.99.
That's an amazing deal.
For two, lots of games aren't in equal value to the competition. Even games on other consoles. But only in terms of how much they cost to make, which is irrelevant.
Witcher 3 or Xenoblade? Xenoblade every time. Which just goes to show you can't buy yourself a good game. And goes to show a good game doesn't have to have a 50 million dollar budget.
Why on earth would you care if a game cost less than others to make? Who cares what it cost to make. What matters is how appealing it is and the level of enjoyment you'll get from it. Ya, I'm not gonna spend $60 on an indie game, but just because AAA games cost a zillion dollars to make, doesn't then mean every game that doesn't cost that much to make should be priced less. Otherwise no other games could exist.
And Smash can have DLC all they want because the game already came with a larger roster than every other game in the series... out of the box Why do you ignore that?
Every single Nintendo game has had higher production values than that game's predecessors. Every single Nintendo game cost more to make than the last. But because a AAA mega-budget market exists, you're confused into thinking that's the norm. That all games have to be equivalent or cost less.
Like saying mobile games that cost X amount to make are free, so all games that cost that much to make should be free. No they shouldn't. It's a different market and that doesn't work for other games. Same here. You can't be selling full retail releases for clearance prices just because some games exist that cost a zillion dollars to make.
All games are not created equal. That's to help way it's always been. You start using AAA games to dictate what other games should cost, and developers will go bankrupt.
Not to mention the added costs of actual AAA games, which all have $30-50 season passes and additional DLC beyond that.
Dude I am not biased lol, you are biased.
Xenoblade is one of the greatest RPGs of all time. Witcher 3 is not. It's a good game, I love it, but there's no competition here. Xenoblade flushes Witcher down the toilet.
That is a true, unbiased statement. But you, acting like it's such a fact Witcher 3 is better just because it was made with a AAA budget? Budgets have absolutely nothing to do with how good a game is!
And you call me biased lol? I own every console and handheld of the current gen. I've played games across all spectrums, all budgets, all genres. I have a balanced and unbiased opinion.
"mediocre at best like it or not"
Well I guess since the mighty yomanation has decreed it better I can't argue!
Xenoblade and Xenoblade X are better than The Witcher 3. So if they're what you call mediocre then Witcher 3 must suck hard.
Funny thing about games. Higher production values are lovely, I'm all for em, but they don't mean poop when it comes to how good the game is.
For the record though, I do love Witcher 3. I'm not here to argue which is better.
The point is, even if it was better, it wouldn't be because it cost more to make. If the game was truly better, it would be because it's simply a better game. And would hold true even if it didn't have a AAA budget
Lame cop-out, same old crutch ever perpetually pissed off member uses.
You probably won't see me do anything other than praise Nintendo. I'll tell you that straight up. I don't have to bash Nintendo just to prove to you I'm not a fanboy
I don't bash Sony or MS either, in fact I'm always praising them on PushSquare and even here. But I'm guessing you won't accuse me of being a Sony loyalist cause that doesn't fit your weak argument to discredit me
Dude, I play games. And I'm not some AAA sellout that things all AAA games are superior.
The only fanboys here are people like you who complain about everything Nintendo does, but everything anyone else does is the golden standard. Get off it dude
I praise Nintendo because I like Nintendo. And I'm not ashamed of that. But you sure want me to be. I'll call BS where I see it, and you're full of it
"if you prefer XCX to TW3, you simply have poop taste, I'm sorry"
In your opinion. Which is the opinion of someone with poop taste so go figure
Wouldn't know a good game if it smacked you in the face.
@JaxonH ....No swearing please. -.-
You're kidding right???
He swore. Not me!!!!
That was his post that swore. Go back and read it
Actually no.
I was disappointed in the single player modes of Smash. I liked Smash Run, but the Wii U version sucked. But that doesn't mean the game "wasn't worth full price".
And no, I wasn't happy about the battle mode in Mario Kart 8, and I've said as much.
I never said I was ok with any of that. What I said was those games are still full price games, that's all I said.
@yomanation Yeah, no swearing on here please...
@JaxonH Still, you quoted him and still used the word yourself, so...and censoring doesn't count.
Ya that was a mistake. Was just quickly quoting and didn't think about it
@JaxonH Well I got onto him as well, so...yeah. Just didn't do so before because he seemed more like a random user, and you're a regular here. lol
@JaxonH No good games have ever been made for less than $75 million. Just remember that.
I never understood ppl who said that.
Fates was loaded with content. It was only 6 chapters shy of Awakening. Now sure, you wanna complain about 6 chapters... go for it I guess. But to pretend the special edition wasn't even 2 games worth is just a lie. It's just not true. You can count the chapters and mathematically prove it.
Is that to say I thought Fates was perfect? No. I thought it wasn't as good as Awakening. I think they stretched themselves too thin and the game didn't get the attention it should have. But it was still a great game, and the volume of content cannot be questioned.
That's probably why you think people are defending them. It's because people ARE. Including me. I have no problem with valid complaints or concerns, but when people stretch the truth and flat out lie to have something to complain about, I will most definitely contest that.
It's one thing to express certain disappointments with a given game, when the issue arises. Very few games are without fault... on any console. But it's a whole other story when you exaggerate because it shows you're specifically trying to go out of your way to find something to use as ammo to gripe about and take swings at a company, in this case any game that happens to be from Nintendo.
You talk about them "getting away with this". Getting away with what, exactly? Selling a game with 50 some odd chapters for $39.99? Oh the horror! Meanwhile, companies like Ubisoft making all their single player require online, or Sony selling their 17th PS4 remaster, or EA and Activision splitting games in half and selling piece meal... let's not complain about those issues, no, let's just focus on the 50 chapter game for $40 as the poster child for Nintendo's anticonsumerism.
Maybe Nintendo won't ever rise to the top. Beats me. Not really my concern. All I know is I like their games and will continue enjoying them. And griping about the volume of content in Fates, when it was just as big as its predecessor, is just looking for a reason to hate.
Nobody's saying Nintendo is perfect, although some people make it their life's mission to remind us of that fact constantly.
But a good game is a good game is a good game.
Best Games I've Played This Gen
*Xenoblade X
*Final Fantasy XV
*Fire Emblem Awakening
*Pikmin 3
*Gears of War 4
*Valkyria Chronicles Remastered
*Titanfall 2
*DKC Tropical Freeze
*Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
*Civilization 6
Games across all platforms, in all genres and all manner of budgets.
No, having twice as many chapters probably doesn't make it worth twice as much. No argument. But buying twice as many chapters didnt cost twice as much. It was only $19.99 for an entire full retail game as DLC.
"would be fine if Conquest was a cheaper DLC similar to Revelations"
But it was. It was exactly as much as Revelations as DLC. Half price despite being a full game of content.
"sucked it up like the good boys they are"
Suck what up? Suck up full games for half price... Better believe it. Only a fool and downright brain-damaged moron would be stupid enough to mistake a full retail game worth of DLC for $20 as anything less than amazing
By the way have you actually played any other game beside Witcher 3? You keep mentioning it, figure it's cause you know it's the only AAA game that hasn't robbed consumers blind
No, I don't think it had three budgets. It's always cheaper to make a 2nd and third game as DLC than a brand new game from scratch.
But it was certainly more than one. I mean, pound for pound, both Birthright and Conquest were each equal to Awakening in content. And cost identical at $40. So buying either one got you as much as the last game, and nobody complained that the last game was short. In fact people gushed over how much content was in the last game.
And if you opted for a second game, once again you got just as much content as Awakening, only this time for half price. Same for Revelation (The best deal was the special edition which gave you content equal to 3X Awakening, for only 2X the price)
The content was never an issue. The issue was that while their intentions were good- Awakening split the fanbase into pre-existing fans who wanted hardcore difficulty and new fans who wanted an easier playthrough, so they decided to attempt appealing to both groups with a separate game for each.
It was a fantastic idea. I applaud them for their... what's the word I'm looking for... ambition. The only issue I had was that by attempting to create three times the content they spread themselves too thin and the story suffered as a result. The characters and narrative suffered as a result. It wasn't a catastrophe or anything- it was still a great game and definitely great bang for your buck... but it wasn't as good as Awakening. And I would like to see them go back and just do a single game next time, But I have no regrets over Fates and their dual-game approach.
And of course buying the other DLC for half price is reasonable. It's more than reasonable- it's fantastic. Nowhere does this imply single price is not worth price of admission. Again, Conquest was just as big as Awakening. Birthright was just as big as Awakening. It can't not be worth admission if Awakening was worth it. It can't be worth it for one and not the other.
That's what we call a double standard
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