Though we normally wait for Media Create numbers when it comes to sales in Japan, some good news can't wait. The Famicom Mini - or Nintendo Classic Mini Family Computer - has enjoyed a strong launch in Japan; according to Famitsu it hit about 262,961 unit sales over its first weekend.
Those are very encouraging numbers, especially in light of the current trend of fairly weak numbers in the country. For comparison the PS4 Slim was welcomed with nearly 100,000 sales recently, and at present 'good' numbers for current-gen systems are about 30,000 units per week. What's not clear yet is how well the PS4 Pro has done in Japan; in any case, the power of nostalgia has certainly helped Nintendo's miniaturised system.
NeoGAF user Sammy Samusu, meanwhile, has shared a table of launch sales of various systems:
- 1998.11.27 [Sega Dreamcast] (¥29.800) - 101.490 (3 days)
- 2000.03.04 [Sony PlayStation 2] (¥39.800) - 630.552 (2 days)
- 2001.09.14 [Nintendo GameCube] (¥25.000) - 133.719 (3 days)
- 2002.02.22 [Microsoft XBox] (¥34.800) - 123.929 (3 days)
- 2005.12.10 [Microsoft XBox 360] (¥29.000 / ¥39.795) - 62.135 (2 days)
- 2006.11.11 [Sony PlayStation 3] (¥49.980 / ¥59.980) - 88.443 (2 days)
- 2006.12.02 [Nintendo Wii] (¥25.000) - 371.936 (2 days)
- 2012.12.08 [Nintendo Wii U] (¥26.250 / ¥31.500) - 308.570 (2 days)
- 2014.02.22 [Sony PlayStation 4] (¥41.979 / ¥46.179) - 322,083 (2 days)
- 2016.11.10 [Famicom Mini] (¥5.980) - 262,961 (4 days)
Considering the fact the Famicom Mini isn't even a 'new' system in the conventional sense, the numbers seem impressive.
As always we'll report on the Media Create figures on Wednesday, but in the meantime let us know what you think of these reported sales. If you want a closer look at the system, meanwhile, checking out this video unboxing.
[source famitsu.com, via neogaf.com]
Comments 30
What nice start. Nintendo's playing with power this time.
Also, [insert obvious joke about stock in US].
It sounds impressive but it could have been far higher had they more in stock. Remember it's sold at the price of a game so it's not like viewing it in the usual weekly Japanese hardware sales figures way. Also, the 4 days bit is irrelevant. Sure it might have had 4 days to qualify for sales during that week but it was sold out in less than an hour.
At the equivalent of $55, I would hope it had sold a decent amount!
Looks like it will be a nice 'stocking filler' for new and old Nintendo fans alike.
I think the US only got about a quater of a hundred.
that number is amazing! surely that now proves theres gold-dust for nontendo if they do something similar for other consoles of theres. super Nintendo next please!!!
I agree, as long as the interest remains high it would be a nice little money earner.
It cost the same as most modern games and although it might be more expensive than a BLuRay game disc to manufacture, there is still a healthy profit margin.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE As much as I am not a fan of SLIGEACH's negativity in the NL comments, he has a point this time around. The numbers are not that great.
For one thing, a good statistics analyst will always ensure that the data they have is over a consistent period (2 days, 3 days etc). This data is all over the place and is in no way reliable.
However what is impressive is that Nintendo can re-release hardware and it sells over 250,000 in Japan alone in four days. That itself shows the ability of Nintendo's IP.
More stock would have been appreciated
NES Mini passed 20 sales!
That's 100% stock sold!
Nes mini in the trump house. I mean white house
Comparing the sales of a $400-500 console to those of a $50 'toy' as if there is any relevance? It's apples and oranges. One is a major investment which will require further purchases (games) and the other is a throwaway, one time buy.
"Considering the fact the Famicom Mini isn't even a 'new' system in the conventional sense, the numbers seem impressive."
Maybe you should consider the fact that the Famicom Mini isn't even a 'system'?
Very impressive for a collectors item and nostalgia feeling for the old gits like myself.
It seems like it's off to a great start then. I'd love to see the US and European figures too. It will also be interesting to see how it does in the longer term also, seeing as it's not like there's going to be a steady stream of new games coming out for it or anything like that, and it mostly feels like a Christmas stocking filler the way it is. My thinking is it will probably do a few million by the time it's done, which is very respectable for what it is. It could do even better than I imagine though, and that would be cool too, and not entirely surprising to be honest.
If anybody else is wondering, like I was, whether @SLIGEACH_EIRE was talking truthfully about Famciom selling out in only 1 hour in Japan, well here ya go.
Don't know if it could have done 1 million in 4 days, but I don't think double what it did isn't a stretch at all. Silly Nintendo, always leaving money on the table and making their customers angry at them.
That's great but it could have been higher if there were no stock issues
This is the home console that will save Japan once again.
Those are very impressive numbers for a relaunch, and considering how easy it is to get a real Famicom still. I wonder how many mini NES's sold in the US?
I can't wait to get one they are awesome, where I live at in the states each retailer got maybe seven or eight of them and there where lines of thirty or more people waiting at each store to open .
Will surpass the lifetime sales of WII U in three months.
The question is: will they (Nintendo) in the future release a minimized version of their other consoles with built in games aswell?
Like SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii or even the Wii U?
Sigh. I want one but not for play asia's price.
@Agent721 Given the stock constraints I think we pulled worse numbers than Japan.
I just had a thought, do you think Nintendo released the Mini Famicom with those scaled down controllers to get people used to the size of the JoyCons in advance of the Switch's release?
I kind of think so too. I managed to get one, but the stock shortage seems totally out of control...yet again.
It would be incredibly hilarious if the NES Mini eclipses the Wii U in global sales. I doubt Nintendo even intended to put out 13 million of these, but demand may force their hand, cause they're going to stay sold out well into the release close to the Switch it seems.
it's very strong (in my mind) considering that it can't even get anymore games.
When's the last time a plug and play "includes 30 games!" sold a quarter million at all let alone in a weekend in one country? lol
Meanwhile, we sold all 16 of them in the States.
Can you imagine a little purple gamecube with a little handle. I need one.
@speedracer216 "When's the last time a plug and play "includes 30 games!" sold a quarter million at all let alone in a weekend in one country? lol"
Only on Nintendolife could a Nintendo device selling a quarter million in 4 days in one country be seen negatively. It's a tough crowd...
You can pretty much guarantee if it carries on like this Nintendo are bound to consider a SNES edition. I would be slightly more hyped for that.
in which case I would pay double (at least) if it had some rare ones like Chronotrigger or Lufia 2 built in AND could play my carts. SNES carts have skyrocketed in the last year. we can dream.
"How many should we send to each store?"
idk like 6? Maybe 12?
"Sure sounds good that way we can keep them stocked throughout the season because no way is more than 3 people gonna want this thing. "
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