In recent weeks you likely saw some reports in which Michel Ancel teased a new Beyond Good & Evil, which was then confirmed by Ubisoft. Now a report by LetsPlayVideoGames.com quotes sources on some more snippets of information for the project, perhaps revealing details on the second entry in this series.
This report is by Laura Kate Dale, who was also the author of the Destructoid report earlier this year that claimed the new title would be an NX exclusive. Though we consider Dale to be a reporter with some solid sources, hence our coverage of a couple of LPVG's previous NX reports, we've nevertheless marked this as a rumour. Sources can be wrong, after all.
Moving on to the report, it has some interesting claims; to keep it simple, below is an extract from that article, in this case from a source 'familiar with negotiations on the project'.
According to our source, the currently planned direction for the game is that it will partially retell Jade's origin tale from Beyond Good & Evil, flesh out Peyj's backstory, then continue to extrapolate on the ending of the original game. The intention is that players who have not played the original will be able to jump into the new game, which will feature a subtitle rather than a number at the end of its title, and understand both who Jade is and what drives Pey'j. It also seeks to provide closure to fans of the original wondering what the cliffhanger at the end meant for the series' ongoing plot.
While many existing fans of the series may be upset about the new game not being a direct sequel, the idea of modernising the original tale and fleshing out the world while continuing the story beyond where it once ended offers the series a better chance of an ongoing life than it previously had.
It's an intriguing move if true, but makes sense considering the long gap since the original Beyond Good & Evil on systems such as the GameCube. It is also notable that neither Ancel or Ubisoft has used the word 'sequel' in their recent communications about it, simply calling it the 'new' Beyond Good & Evil.
Dale also states that LPVG been informed by another source that the game is indeed an NX exclusive, and will have a CG trailer to be shown as part of the system's reveal (whenever that will be). The target release window is apparently Summer 2018.
So, what do you make of these rumours? They certainly make sense and tie into those reports from earlier in this year, but do you think they're accurate? Would exclusivity on a new Beyond Good & Evil be a major scoop for the NX? Let us know what you think in the comments.
[source letsplayvideogames.com]
Comments 71
Stopped reading at "Ubisoft"...
Salt. Salt. Salt.
Still waiting on the inevitable PS4 and Xbone release announcements.
If it indeed turned out to be a Nintendo exclusive, there would be a LOT of backlash from PS4 and Xbone users, just like with Bayonetta 2.
It is ok for them to have exclusives, but Nintendo is frowned upon by so called "Gaming Experts".
Only time will tell.
Oh boy! More rumors! Just what I always wanted!
Sounds like an awesome plan!
Aaah another rumour to warm up another hot spring week in Brazil while expecting the real thing which is called REVEAL!
By the time it will come the release day, but it won't come the day of reveal!!!
@Ashthearcher Why did you click on the article if you weren't interested?
As a reminder to anyone with a PC, Ubisoft is giving Beyond Good & Evil for free on U Play. Creating an account and signing in to U Play (from my computer, at least) is a bit of a pain, but hey, free game.
This rumor is pretty much confirmed at this point. Multiple sources confirms it.
Unless if the game is funded by Nintendo, Ubisoft can make the game multiplatform. But I hope it stays as a NX exclusive. I want Bayonetta 2 to happen all over again! The salt was amazing!
Salt of course. But if true it's a straight up system seller for me.
And I would still consider this a sequel. Just because they rehash Even if they rehash some story, if they continue the cliffhanger from there and advance the story and we understand, then that's still a sequel. And I would love some Pey'j background. Sounds like a huge game if all of that is true.
Never played the original Beyond Good and Evil game. I have no clue what's going on here.
The most exciting thing about this article is that Nintendo might actually be planning an NX reveal.
Peyj looks a bit 'Nintendofied'... I can't wait
@abbyhitter As I stated above, Ubisoft is giving it away for free. I haven't taken the time to play it just yet, but apparently it's a classic.
Laura posted a more in depth video on her Youtube channel http://youtu.be/B90ZSN0TrKM
Well worth a watch:)
I mistakenly read "The NX reveal window is apparently summer 2018".
And I wasn't even surprised.
Any backlash will be unjustified.. the original didn't set the charts on fire for the og Xbox / ps2. Actually.. bayonetta sold like crap on the ps3 / 360.
As someone who missed the first game, the prospect of it being more of a reboot is definitely appealing. As for the exclusivity, well, fair enough.
An NX exclusive? I doubt it. Even if it was announced as an exclusive, I can see Ubisoft pulling a Rayman: Legends-esque move and make it a multiplatform game.
2018 sucks! Wish they had been working on it as a launch title tbh. Either way I'll be glad when and if it will be NX exclusive. A date that far off means Nintendo definitely had a large hand in it. By then we will know where the NX stands as far as system sales go.
It depends who is funding and publishing it. We haven't seen Twin Snakes rereleased on any other format because Nintendo part-made it.
You mean like how they kept Rayman Legends an exclusive? ;P
I don't think Ubisoft would jump right back into a Nintendo system after everything that wasnt Just Dance made them mostly abandon ship. Unless the NX really WOWed them, I don't see it happening unless Nintendo threw some money on the development.
Sigh. I just need Nintendo to say something about this system soon. This isn't funny anymore.
2018 release.....
It only sounds "plausible" b/c of the "summer 2018" date, nobody would make something up that far out.
If it releases in May 2018 that will be the 10 year anniversary of the announcement of the game coming out, putting it in FFXV and The Last Guardian company.
And if you watch the 2nd trailer from 2009, it's like watching a trailer for "Mirror's Edge"
Or the helicopter scene in "Uncharted 2"
Edit: Too bad this is all just rumours, if Nitneod would reveal the bloody NX already we could be excited for this stuff for real, it's like Nintendo knows it has stuff that would make us happy, but it's keeping it quiet just to torture us. I know 3DS owners are looking forward to Pokemon, and maybe SMM and Yoshi ports, but Wii U owners have nothing this holiday. A BG&E remaster reveal would go a long way to help with that feeling of total abandonment. I don't need exclusive, I'm not a fanboy, I just want a game to look forward to playing.
Awesome news if true and I'll be there day one whenever it releases. They'll keep it exclusive as long as NX is selling, plain and simple. Anyways, Nintendo you need to reveal this damn console as I have friends who keep asking about it but also have money to spend and are contemplating other systems. I wouldn't wait too much longer.
I'm freaking out now every day I come home get on my iPad check this site to see if there is any NX info AND THERE NEVER IS driving me crazy here
Oh wait, we don't even have NX info yet so... enthusiasm deminished
Nx exclusive. Sounds good for nintendo. Personally I didnt like the game that much. In fact I despise Ubisoft a little and decided about 9 years ago not to buy anymore ubi games. Imho they are just rehashed games on a yearly basis, milking the cow as much as it gets. Not saying bgav fits into this category but its certainly not a must play for me.
When i saw the rumours you could detach the controllers on nx i thought of this game and watch
Full exclusivity depends on nintendo's participation here.... And if they opened their wallet to fund development, we will see another Bayo 2 or The Twin Snakes situation.
If not, then yeah, most likely it would be a timed exclusive and then they´d port it.
@MrYuzhai It's not just about the sales, bruh, just ask Shawshank Redemption.
They said the game is in pre-production, now there's enough content for a full blown trailer? Doesn't make sense. Rumors are too much at this point
@NinChocolate Read the article again - it says CG trailer i.e. won't be gameplay footage.
If it's a NX exclusive, I can only see it being a TIMED exclusive, for maybe 6 months.
There is only 2 weeks left of October. SURELY they have to reveal it this month. Don't go full Sega Saturn on us Nintendo, you NEVER go full Sega Saturn
So, a game that's been in development on some level for almost as long as FFXV, if not longer, will be released exclusively on a Nintendo console that no one knows anything about?
...Bring 'er in, boys:
Targeted for a summer 2018 release, but only if the NX is actually out by then... or revealed by then... or given a reveal date by then...
@gcunit a Sony-like segment amid a sizzle reel of Nintendo footage which reliably shows little CG and mostly gameplay. Still makes me hesitant to believe it'll be a trailer for the new system reveal, but then the industry's standard for game trailers is so very low these days
If it is an exclusive then it will be a timed exclusive. Remember that Rayman Legends was touted as a Wii U exclusive when it was first revealed. That did not last long. Ubisoft goes where the money is.
The exception could be if Nintendo are partially funding development in order to keep it exclusive. Considering how poor their 3rd party support has been in recent years, throwing some money at big studios to get exclusives is not a bad idea.
Kinda similar to how Bayonetta 2 came to be it seems. And just like Bayonetta 2 it doesn't have the mass market appeal people who frequent sites like these believe it has. That doesn't mean I'm not supportive of- and extremely happy with- Nintendo picking up franchises like these, but ultimately BG&E won't sell systems like an annual CoD, FIFA, Madden or Pokémon does. There's a perfectly good reason Ubisoft still hasn't made the sequel to this game after all these years; it's a game that will probably cost Assassin's Creed kinda money to develop if they wanna do it justice, but isn't likely to sell 1/5 of the units AC would.
@Nintendude789 oh yes it was! Like some fancy pink Himalayan salt!
Well, if this isn't salty enough, the tears of fans of the original that don't get to play it will salten things up. For their sake, I hope it's going to be multiplatform. For budgetary -, attention to details' -, and getting the most out of a system's sake, I hope Nintendo does Bayonetta all over again. To avoid disappointment, I try not to hope too much, and for now I'm happy they didn't forget that there are those who are expecting a sequel to the amazing original.
Seems legit!
yea, at this point we don't even know what the heck the NX is, so it's really hard to get excited over more rumours of a game coming to something we know nothing about. Besides, I doubt it will be a exclusive, unless Nintendo did the same thing they did with Bayonetta 2 and threw money at it to be made.
Seriously Nintendo, just reveal the freakin NX already, this is getting tiredsome.
So we have more 3rd party games rumored/confirmed than 1st party. With Just Dance 2017 at launch, Sonic launching Holiday 2017 and both Dragon Quest XI and the rumored Beyond Good and Evil 2 coming in 2018 (DQ11 is my guess). I hope Kingdom Hearts 3 will be coming to NX as well.
@Oubie pretty sure Square reconfirmed DQ11 for NX and that it, the ps4 and 3DS version will all launch at the same time
EDIT: heres the IGN link http://uk.ign.com/articles/2016/08/22/dragon-quest-11-confirmed-for-nintendo-nx
Assuming details are even close to accurate, given Ubisofts record - 2018 is plenty of time to omit features, delay for multiplayer development and release last. Lol.
No that's just Uplay. It's an odd, odd app to be sure.
Nintendo does have a talent for "popularising" products and concepts. That's really all that needs to be considered.
@gcunit my point being the other 2 ain't got much to moan about especially when considering that the GameCube version sold better and was the better version of the game.
@abe_hikura Ah yes, I actually meant the 2018 release year.
Not really all that excited for this, I've never played beyond good and evil. Still, it makes one wonder if other exclusivity deals have been struck.
@akaDv8R Just like the thousands of multiplats that never see the light of day one Nintendo consoles? I dont understand what you're trying to say.
I highly doubt it will remain NX exclusive. More like a timed exclusive, or even (hopefully not) a repeat of Rayman Legends where Ubisoft's executives arbitrarily decide to delay the Nintendo exclusive to make it multiplatform. It will end up on PC eventually, one way or another.
Fleshing out the original is probably a better idea than making a straight sequel, since it's been over 10 years. A proper reboot would be needed after such a long hiatus. I'll certainly be looking forward to it- Michel Ansel seems better equipped to make classical Nintendo quality games than Miyamoto himself at this point. Beyond Good and Evil was a classic, Rayman Legends is excellent, and this is looking like another hall of famer.
If these rumors are true, the "partial" retelling of the first game suits me since I missed out the first time around. The recent rumblings about the new title encouraged me to research the series, and it looks like something I would enjoy.
It's not going to be an exclusive. We know that for a fact. Ubisoft does not make exclusives. They are a multi-platform company. They have tried supporting Nintendo in the past and it didn't work out. People need to accept reality and acknowledge that third parties simply are not coming back.
Don't say I didn't tell you.
@PlywoodStick You're assuming Nintendo didn't pull a Bayonetta 2 on the game, in which case it would remain exclusive unless Nintendo gives the go ahead.
I also know the release date: whenever the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Scorpio versions come out.
Sorry Mr. Ancel, but I don't believe in exclusives from you. This thing happened two times already. But still, I'll be very excited if new BG&E will be on NX.
@LiamR You've got me there! The thirst for anything NX related at all is just too great. A hungry man may complain about the food he is given, but will eat it anyway.
"it will partially retell Jade's origin tale from Beyond Good & Evil, flesh out Peyj's backstory, then continue to extrapolate on the ending of the original game. "
That sounds like a sequel to me? Unless they're changing the back stories if it continues the ending of the original game is it not a sequel with a re-cap of the story so far and some flash-backs?
No, the bulk of 3rd parties aren't coming back. By and large no one cares about their games on Nintendo platforms.
But that doesn't mean NO 3rd parties will ever release a game on NX, or that absolutely zero 3rd party exclusives will drop. Ubisoft put Red Steel and Red Steel 2 on Wii, along with games like Far Cry Vengeance and No More Heroes 1 and 2 and Shaun White Snowboarding, Ghost Recon Shadow Wars and Rayman 3D for 3DS, as well as Rayman Legends and ZombiU on Wii U. And while Wii U's exclusives from Ubisoft did make it multiplatform, that's only because of the abysmal sales. None of their Wii or 3DS exclusives ever made the jump, while Assassin's Creed 3 Liberation was ported from Vita. It all comes down to the low sales.
Ubisoft especially likes to bring new games tailored to new hardware, as we see time and again be it Red Steel on Wii with motion, ZombiU on Wii U with dual screens, Eagle Flight on PSVR in virtual reality, Ghost Recon on 3DS with 3D...
The NX will surely be home to one, if not two Ubisoft exclusives. And unless sales dictate otherwise, there's a good chance they'll stay that way too. Even more so if Nintendo was involved (which seems plausible given how thankful Ancel was he was given the opportunity to make the game).
@IceClimbers If that were the case, one of these sources should have revealed such an important detail by now. It was known very early on in Bayonetta 2's development that Nintendo footed the publishing bill when no one else would, so it was expected to remain an exclusive. Ubisoft doesn't have such a reliable recent track record for upholding exclusives like that (ZombiU, Rayman Legends), and they're not a Japanese company working alongside another one, so I wouldn't expect an exclusivity deal to last for too long. Not to mention, PlatinumGames didn't have the funding to self-publish Bayonetta 2, while Ubisoft has more than enough to publish Beyond Good & Evil 2.
@JaxonH Ironically, the Wii U version of Rayman Legends handily sold better than the other versions. Not to mention it was the best version by far.
Thing is this game was actually on a Nintendo platform before. Bayo, not so much.
Sounds like a remake, which does have prequel and sequel content. If done right, this could be quite interesting. If done wrong, we all would have wanted a proper sequel (or prequel).
Summer 2018 is still a looooong way to go, sadly!
Summer 2018? Should have been released Summer 2008!
I like what I read though, hope the graphics are more cartoony than in that picture.
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