Ever since more or less becoming a Nintendo handheld exclusive, it seems that the Monster Hunter series has been gradually finding better footing in the West. The series has always been a home run in Japan, but Capcom has been tirelessly working to garner similar results overseas.
According to Capcom, Monster Hunter Generations has moved 4.1 million units worldwide, with 800,000 of those sales coming from the last six months. Bear in mind that Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate took eight months to pass the 4 million mark once it launched in the West, while it took Generations only three. MH4U was also the first game to pass the 1 million mark in the West alone, but it's looking like Generations is set to reach that as well.
What do you think? How'd you like Generations? Do you think Monster Hunter will come to the Switch? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source capcom.co.jp]
Comments 29
I need that G-rank Double Cross... Oh, and yes, I'd love MH on Switch. That'll be MH5 though, surely!
As much as I love my 3ds this series deserves to be on a big screen with proper voice chat! Don't continue to be lazy Capcom and step it up for/to the Switch!
Let it Switch!
Go Monster Hunter!
Also, whoever directed MH4/4U...I want him back for MH5. lol
I've never been a Monster Hunter fan (for some dumb reason, maybe lack of time?), but I think I would definitely buy it if it came to the Switch. It would look epic on an HD TV and you would still be able to play it wherever, whenever. The Switch would sell MILLIONS in Japan if it was bundled with a new Monster Hunter, I'm sure.
That should be more than enough money to localize MHStories, right?
Doesn't Ryozo Tsujimoto direct all of them? Or is he just producer? If you have any misgivings about X (and by extension, XX), remember it's just a spinoff.
Monster Hunter on the Switch? Same game on my tv and on the go with the same save file? Sign me up! Day one purchase and 200-400+ hours of my life for sure!
Uh 4U hit 4 million a year ago...you guys reported on it.
@AVahne Um, they're both part of the main series...only spin-off going on right now is Stories.
MH should Switch around March next year.
We need Monster Hunter SWITCH!
@Pikachupwnage Fixed!
"I've been wanting to give MH a go. I know it sounds stupid but this 37yo finds MH games to look a little overwhelming 😬"
I'm not going to lie there is a great deal of depth to the game but it's also not that hard to learn enough to start having fun and playing. The depth is more technicalities and it has a very deep crafting system where you can craft hundreds and hundreds of items together in different possible combinations ( there are wikis that tell you everything you need to know but once you make a combination the first time it saves it in your item box so going forward you always know what that combination will produce again).
And honestly it's not that hard. If you just buckle up and say you know what, I'm going to play this game and I'm going to do my best to learn it. Half a day playing it and you would know enough to be rockin and rollin and hunting monsters and having a great time.
The depth is what keeps you addicted and coming back (that and the most amazing boss fights you've ever experienced in a game before). I think most people psych themselves out to the point they think it's so incredibly hard to learn, and while sure it's going to take a little more investment then just picking up a Mario game and learning how to press right jump, you'd be surprised at how quick you pick this up and once you start understanding things you realize it's not nearly as complicated as you had made it out to be in your head.
You just need to find a weapon that suits you (new players should avoid ranged weapons since it requires special ranged armor with Half defense, and also avoid massive slow weapons at first), learn the mechanics and how to dodge roll, learn a few basic item combinations for stuff you're always going to need like mega potions to heal, cooking well done steaks to replenish stamina and whetstones to sharpen your weapon... and you go out there and have a great time hunting monsters.
All the technical stuff like learning your iframes to evade through attacks, mastering your weapons possible combos and special moves and abilities, learning about skill points and how skills activate at +10 or negative skills at -10, all that will come in due time just from playing the game naturally.
I had written this game off after MH3U released, and I played for an hour and gave up cause it bored me. Little did I know if I had just pressed on a little further I would have discovered the greatest video game I have ever played in my entire life. Thankfully my friend at work bought a Wii U just to play Monster Hunter, and invited me to hunt with him online. Every day I would hunt with him he'd have some snazzy new armor he had made from the latest and greatest monster he hunted, and I would envy his armor so much that I would beg him to help me hunt that monster and make me some too! So every day we go out and get a new armor set from the next monster, and the next monster, and so on. I can't tell you how great it felt the first time I chopped off a monsters tail... such an incredible feeling.
Try it. And maybe a year from now you'll be sitting here telling some other guy on the site how you were introduced to your favorite video game of all time, a game that you avoided for so long out of intimidation.
@Pikachupwnage Try another look at the article. MH4U took 8 months to sell 4mill, MHGens took 3 months.
Proof that a game doesn't need to be a watered down, simpleton pleasing smartphone app to sell big.
Hardcore (real hardcore, not that FIFA, CoD, GTA rubbish) has an untapped market Nintendo. Get in there like a fox in a hen house.
@AVahne He's the Producer. A different team does the mainline and G rank titles, with the "B team" doing the "portable" titles (Freedom 1, Freedom 2, Freedom Unite, Portable 3rd, and X/XX) and the Frontier team focusing solely on Frontier.
@gcunit Umm... it released in Japan last November. It's taken it 11 months to sell 4 million. Remember that the games release half a year or more in Japan before coming West.
@JaxonH My Monster Hunter story is much simpler (and funnier)- it was the Ironbeard advertisements for Tri that got me into it. More specifically, looking at Gamespot for Pikmin faqs and seeing the advertisements on the sidebar. My elder brother got a PSP for MGS: Peace Walker soon after, and a tried Freedom Unite's demo. I was obsessed with slaying Hypnocatrice, and once I did I knew I was hooked. I got into Tri (which was my noob days, really) and didn't progress far. It's 3U where I really got hooked.
@CrazedCavalier Umm... you can try another look at the article too if you like: "Bear in mind that Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate took eight months to pass the 4 million mark once it launched in the West"
To be honest, MHGEN was the worst Monster Hunter game ive ever played. the styles were useless, the monster WAY too easy, and they butchered the upgrade system. They need to put it back to what it was in MH4U or before.
Just stumbled upon this:
Yeah, it's a random 4chan user, but they predicted the title XX. I'd be lying if I didn't say I wasn't a bit scared.
@gcunit ...Ah. Missed that.
@Zaiaku Did we play the same game?
Somebody hasn't tried Deviants. Or somebody's suffering from Dark Souls syndrome- you're that good at the game that nothing is super challenging, so instead of realizing that you've gotten better you whine about the devs making the game easier. Monster Hunter has a sizable learning curve, but once you've gotten through it the series isn't super challenging.
Styles are useless? What? Seriously, what? They completely change things and give a ton more variety. Aerial Switch Axe, Striker Switch Axe, and Adept Switch Axe all play differently from eachother for instance.
"They butchered the upgrade system"? More like they improved it. You are teased about branching paths from the start of a weapon tree, and upgrading the base weapon to see what's next doesn't lock you out of other paths.
The one thing that Cross/Generations lacked was the polish of a G-rank title- and that's exactly what Double Cross is.
I'm just looking for a Stories release date in NA, I don't really care for MH. I can see the appeal, but it's just not my thing... maybe Stories can woo me like the main series can't and then who knows...
@CrazedCavalier Thanks for speaking truth on the matter of MHX/Gen. So many people complain about the upgrade system when it is essentially the same with some improvements. And the styles are anything but useless. If anything should be complained about, it's the inclusion of Cephadrome right after 4U. That thing needs to die and never come back! Oh, and Gun Lance being nerfed into the ground
@CrazedCavalier its not an improvement to add 90% more grinding to the upgrade system.
Well yeah ive played a ton of hours across all the monster hunter games but it is a general acceptence that it gas gotten easier in the new games. Even 4u was easy but gen makes it look hard.
And yes, useless. I tried those styles and most of the skills (minus sakura slashfor ls) are useless. I never use a single skill and wreck everything.
One of the styles takes away the ls easy buff gage so you get a slight amount of diffulity back...when you destroy online monsters with basic weapons with no issues, its too damn easy.
@Zaiaku No, it's not more of a grind. Each upgrade requires less materials than it does in the past- and the ability to use materials within a specific category alleviates the grind further.
The only time where the series got easier was FU to Tri- where they rebuilt the game from the ground up, improved the camera, and tightened up monster's hitboxes.
I have no idea what to say to your insistence that the styles and arts are "useless" other than you have no freaking idea how to use them. Unhinged Spirit- giving you temporarily unlimited spirit gauge- is useless? Energy Charge- allowing you to completely refill the switch gauge on SA -is useless? Lion's Maw -powering up the next attack for GS- is useless? Shoryugeki- allowing the SnS to semi-reliably KO monsters- is useless?
Adept LS- allowing you to evade attacks and charge back in -is useless? Striker SnS -dropping a few moves that nobody really used so you can use three hunter arts- is useless? Aerial SA- allowing you out IG the IG in the mounting and DPS department- is useless?
And what "easy buff gauge" for the LS? The Spirit Gauge has been there from the start of the weapon's introduction.
It seems like "useless" is code for "I don't know how to use them".
Or maybe when you're dominating monsters with basic equipment, you're pretty damn good. Generations has very few new monsters- you've got their patterns down and know what to do. Plus, basic weapons don't exactly suck anymore due it taking a while to find elemental weapons.
This really sounds like the plight of a whiny veteran Dark Souls player. Except Monster Hunter is a cultural phenomenon in Japan and is catching on here- it was never really meant to be ball-bustingly difficult.
If you are so dedicated to your opinions, I think you're going to have accept the facts that you've gotten better at the game and the series is evolving. Arguing about it won't do any good.
I really need monster hunter on switch it's the main reason why I would by a switch but......it needs voice chat!
Oooh okay, thanks for clearing that up.
Oh really? I've been counting it as a "spinoff" in the same way that Frontier and Online are spinoffs, since it's not a numbered title, not directly tied to MH4 despite being considered a 4th generation MH game, and not being the center of its own "generation" like the original, Dos, Tri, and 4 were.
@BlastClaw Kill the Cephadrome. I Nibelsnarfing hate that thing. It's just less fun Nibelsnarf. I actually completed every quest in 2* just to avoid fighting this thing, but it turned out it was a key ;-;
@Niinbendo Get it. I got Monster Hunter because I just wanted something to play on my New 3DS, and the reviews were rave. The only people that don't like Monster Hunter when they try it are graphics snobs and total scrubs. It's relatively difficult, but you get a hang of it. Grinding system is actually fun. Cycle of armor creation will keep you invested for hundreds of hours. Online play is seamless. Awesome game. I put 400 hours into 4U and I'm not even finished. Have 150 in Generations so far.
@happylittlepigs Thankfully, Cephadrome wasn't quite as irritating as it was in 4U (at least in LR) but boy howdy could I live happy never seeing another one again. When juxtaposed in the same game with the newer monsters, the older ones really show their age.
CrazedCavalier Thanks again for speaking truth. I've heard countless complaints about the games getting easier when a lot of the difficulty of the PSP titles came from wonky hit boxes and the like. 3U was absolutely easier than 4U and Generations both so the difficulty is definitely on the increase. Saying Generations is worse because it's easier than a G-rank outing without having G-rank itself is ridiculous. XX will let us truly compare and will hopefully be the end of this.
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