Here's a fun fact that fell under the radar on a rather busy day - the NES turned 30 in Europe on 1st September. It celebrated the equivalent North American anniversary nearly a year ago, but the system took a while to arrive in Europe and, actually, struggled to gain much of a foothold - initially at least - in territories like the UK. From that perspective the SNES fared better in the region.

It's a neat landmark, in any case, and the Nintendo Classic Mini: Nintendo Entertainment System / NES Classic Edition also got highlighted in the European and North American Nintendo Direct broadcasts. There was a neat trailer in the EU show:

As the anniversary has passed and it's Friday, we thought we'd let you vote on some of your favourite NES games. 30 is a good number with the Anniversary, and also happens to be the number of games on the Mini NES. We're passing the buck, in other words - don't tell us what games are missing from the list, tell Nintendo...

In any case, we hope it's a bit of fun picking just three games from a list of 30. Tough choices ahead.

What are your three favourite games on the Mini NES?

(You may select up to 3 answers)

As always debate your votes in the comments, and we are still planning to do some pretty articles showing the results of this vote and the recent SNES poll. Later today we'll also be posting polls gauging your views on this week's Nintendo Direct, ahead of some editorial content on that very topic over the weekend.