Shin'en Multimedia has been a loyal Nintendo developer for many years now, consistently putting out good-looking, high-quality titles. The latest of these was FAST Racing NEO, the latest in Shin'en's futuristic racing series. We absolutely loved it in our review, declaring it as a product that's on par with the quality of first-party Nintendo games. And now, it looks as though the game is set to get even better.
Shin'en has already shown some footage of the upcoming Neo Future DLC Pack at Gamescom this year, and now a trailer has surfaced online showing off the various courses we have to look forward to. Naturally, everything's as shiny and chrome as you'd expect, and it seems to expand upon the base game in a satisfying way. Check it out:
What do you think? Will you be getting this DLC? What did you think of FAST Racing NEO? Drop us a comment in the section below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 21
Show me your moves!!
What a fun-looking game. I might buy the retail version, since it apparently has the DLC on it for free.
i have the digital version coz obviously that's the only one i can have right now. if i buy the disc - which is european only afaik - will it install the dlc and allow disc-less play? i'm assuming the disc will come out in north american markets.
@Tsurii It's not free, but I don't know if we know the price. Probably not and it's... strange, because release date is coming.
I've played the base game, and thought it was alright but nothing brilliant, and was lacking polish. Once the DLC arrives, I'll probably skip buying it.
@Tsurii Maybe I'm wrong here, cause I can't find info about price either. Someone here: https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2016/08/video_this_fast_racing_neo_dlc_footage_will_melt_your_eyeballs#comment3612964 posted a video in German (which I don't speak), but I see that... you're from Germany, so maybe you can understand what he's saying there
@Retron Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. And, I'd like an option to be able to play without having to collect any orbs too (literally removing them from the track)—I feel the orb collecting dictates your driving line a bit too much—just pure skill-based racing classic F-Zero style. Switching phase state is fine though; I kinda like that, as long as it's not tied to collecting orbs. They also need to update the landing animation so it doesn't look like you always crash land with a really heavy thud even when you land perfectly, as if you'd done it wrong. I think if you land perfectly it should be a really smooth and soft landing that totally glides and flows over the track (you know, like the anti-grav is actually doing what it's supposed to); that would feel more satisfying imo.
Regardless; what an impressive looking game.
It's going all out F-Zero!
@crimsontadpoles like what?
@Tsurii I was under the impression it was free too.I've seen it mentioned more than once in past comments or maybe it was on the forum thread.I've just read an interview with the guy from Shinen though and it's definitely not free.He just says it won't cost more than the main game and will be fairly priced.
September is shaping up to be a good month on the Eshop.Axiom Verge ,Shantae and FAST DLC.Not bad at all.
Edit: Didn't see your comment when I wrote that.
@Tsurii thanks. talk about value.
@Tsurii That's stil à very reasonable price for thé full version.
Stupid autocorrection forces me To write in Frenglish
Looks great, already have the game and love it! Got it when it was on sale (like most digital I buy) and for $10 bucks I couldn't be happier. Wonder how much the DLC will be. #Retron even thou digital download policies allow companies to have a work around AC LAW, contact Nintendo, they're actually an amazing customer centric company.
"On par" with first party Nintendo games. No, you mean "better than" considering the state of Nintendo's first party games. While most of them are good, are they getting more DLC? No? (I'm looking at you, Mario Maker!)
Stop with the DLC! Start make a new F-Zero NOW!
@Koniec There's nothing major, but there's a few minor things that can get annoying for me. It's very unforgiving if you go off the racing line, and almost impossible to come back from a crash. Plus, if you're playing online with friends, I didn't see any way to join a specific friend, and it just puts you with one at random.
@Frank90 One that's upto Nintendo not Shin'en, 2 - knowing how popular the FAST series has become, why would Shin'en want to develop a competing racer?
Niiiice, totally picking this up for more impossibly fast fun
@MaxPlastic Totally off-topic. But I love your Devil's Crush avatar! That was my jam when I was growing up. It and Alien Crush were/are the best pinball games!
Ontopic: I love the Kuipter Belt track, That will be lots of fun to play.
@crimsontadpoles yes it is unforgiving, but that's what you get when you run at those velocities! They arent carrying the player specially when there are more Modes that are insanely faster! Players can't get the luxury to crash!
I don't think of it has unpolish, I think it's just something the game needs you to master!
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