Nintendo of America is jumping into the 'back to school' craze, but its latest announcements are good news for fans of all ages in North America. It's expanding the Nintendo Selects range, releasing a rather nice small New Nintendo 3DS bundle, and also planning some Wii U game + amiibo bundles.
First of all, the following titles will all join the Nintendo Selects range on 26th August, all with a price of $19.99 in the US.

- Animal Crossing: New Leaf
- Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
- Tomodachi Life
- Nintendogs + Cats - Golden Retriever and New Friends
- LEGO City Undercover: The Chase Begins
- The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
- Nintendo Land
- LEGO City Undercover
Also arriving on 26th August is a neat bundle with the white iteration of the smaller New 3DS model; it comes with two cover plates and a copy of Super Mario 3D Land pre-installed. It's a good deal at $149.99, but will only be sold at Walmart and Target.

Finally, from 9th September there'll be game + amiibo bundles for Wii U; priced at $39.99 they're also rather decent deals.

- Yoshi's Woolly World + Pink Yarn Yoshi
- Yoshi's Woolly World + Light Blue Yarn Yoshi
- Mario Party 10 + Peach
- Mario Party 10 + Bowser
- Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker + Toad
Nintendo is also plugging the 2DS + Mario Kart 7 bundle at $79.99 as in stores now, though this is reiterating a previously announced price drop.
Plenty of deals to consider there - which ones are tempting to you?
Comments 193
Animal Crossing: New Leaf at that price is more than worth it. If you don't have, you need to get it!
It's here @rjejr @sinalefa, LCU is being a Select!
A local store sold Lego City for only 5 bucks.
Didn't buy it because i finished it on Wii U.
Anyway. I wonder when these hits EU, because i want Luigis Mansion.
i have not beat Lego City Undercover: The Chase Begin, so i'll plan on getting that next moth (maybe)
@DiscoGentlemen i recommend it! it's one of best games on Wii U that exclusive, it also has that GTA feel to it. but it's for everyone, then just adults (which GTA is normally), has a good story too it, for a Lego game
Hmm, maybe Toad Treasure track with that deal.
Woo! Can't wait to finally play LCU!
I might get that New 3DS for my daughter, just wonder what the price will be here. I'm glad that New Leaf is finally a Nintendo Select. Now I can download it for myself again.
I'm really glad I held off a bit for those games, I'll be getting woolly world w/blue, luigi's mansion and Zelda
Awesome news! I'll be grabbing Wind Waker, Luigi's Mansion, and Lego City Wii U.
What's the word on build quality of the small New 3DS systems? My old 3DS XL has a broken hinge and I'm looking to upgrade - but quality issues with older 3DS consoles have me hesitant.
Does the upper screen still get scratched?
Are the any general build issues to be aware of (such as loose hinges or buttons, or 3D slider problems)?
@sinalefa aw man, I was so excited to tell you, can't believe you beat me to it, it just posted. So, can I say "day 1" for a Select? I just started Ni No Kuni but maybe my kids and I can take turns playing after school.
@Grumblevolcano I think all this news means no Nintendo Direct.
As excited as I am for LCU on Wii U and my kid for Luigi Mansion 2 I really think the bigger story is New 3DS for $149. I know it hasn't really been in the US, but 3DS was a $169 system, just the fact that it's $149 with a game I think is the bigger story here. Even if it is a 4 year old game, but it's Mario.
Not too sure about those amiibo games. Captain Toad hardly has any amiibo support at all, and Mario Party is Mario Party. YWW had the best amiibo use of any game I'd seen, but it was already sold w/ the smiibo, $29.99 would be better for that one. All of these actually.
But my biggest concern is I don't think these sets sell. I still see TP HD and AC:aF on store shelves. I don't think the retailers know how or where to display them properly. Still, I guess it's effort, just misplaced.
Do you feel better about NX amiibo support yet @Captain_Gonru ?
Cool might pick the 3ds up. Don't know why NoA can't just sell it regularly. This is the third bundle so there's clearly demand
@XCWarrior Get it. It's not too long of a game, but it's a lot of fun to play!
Please put Nintendoland BACK on the NA eShop, for the love of God!
Finally, a New 3DS bundle that's not priced at a premium nor a bundle with limited appeal! (Sorry, not a fan of the AC:HHD bundle at all). I'm going to check if NintendoNYC will stock it (most likely) so I can preorder it. The wait is nearly over! :'-)
More Nintendo Selects are always welcome, though I already own the ones I would be interested in. XD I may pick up the Captain Toad bundle since I'm mildly interested in that game.
While it's nice that there's finally a new N3DS bundle, it's STILL white (I'd prefer a different color, like black or blue) and comes with a game that I already have. Seriously NoA, is it so difficult to get with the program and fully release the N3DS like other regions have done? -_-' I'll take one without a preinstalled game at this point.
Lego City on the U, New Leaf on 3DS. My kids have played New Leaf on their 3DS for ages, pretty sure they're gonna flip out when they find out I'm playing it too... Should be fun!
I'm so sorry...I know I promised I wouldn't do this...but I have no choice...
breaks piggy bank
Finally time to het LEGO City Undercover and possibly Luigi's Mansion.
@DiscoGentleman 26th August is a bit late for a Summer sale. "Back to school sale"? What? Kids are going back to school to learn, parents aren't going out to buy them a distraction. These new items will have a marginal effect with Christmas being its best performance time.
Where's the European equivalent bundles? The only one we've had out of that lot is the Captain Turd and SCamiibo bundle. Asking for $25 for Nintendo Land is a bit rich. I don't know what it's like over there but it can be bought here for €10.
The New 3DS bundle seems a good price though. Again, it could be argued that the 3DS is on its last legs with its successor about half a year away.
Edit: Just read Nintendo's press release. Here's part of it:
“These back-to-school deals are some of the best and most varied we have ever offered,” said Doug Bowser, Nintendo of America’s Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing. “Now is clearly the best time to get started on your essential Nintendo game collection.”
See this is just typical of Nintendo. Those bundles should have been released at the start of Summer when kids finished school and have free time, not now when they've to study and concentrate. And parents have the expense of school books, tuition, uniform, shoes, etc. FFS!
Happy to see LCU finally included, as that's probably in my top 5 for the Wii U. Super charming game with a great open world to explore.
AMAZING NEWS!!! If only they had done the New 3DS bundle earlier... (I'll definitely pick up Luigi's Mansion and maybe Tomodachi Life, I already have the other ones I want.)
P.S. The New 3DS for only $150 is a great balance between the budget 2DS and the high-end New 3DS XL.
I'm over it by now, but I'm still surprised they haven't brought over the black New 3DS...
If I actually had use for the small 3ds I would buy one for the pixel faceplate.
Will get the 3ds lego city. I loved the original.
Awesome Lego city! I'll get the 3ds one for my nephews and the wii u one for me and the wife. I borrowed it from the library before and it's a great game.
A little annoyed that I literally JUST bought Yoshi's Woolly World for $60 for just the game....
At least I can finally get my hands on Lego City Undercover for a decent price, that's good. I've had a heck of a time finding it. Might also jump at the Captain Toad box and Nintendogs.
Best Nintendo-related news in a while!
I recommend Animal Crossing New Leaf and Luigi's Mansion 2/Dark Moon!
Man, I just bought Animal Crossing: New Leaf like a month ago. Oh well.
I might get Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. Very disappointed by the lineup though. I thought that we'd get Star Fox 64 3D and Kid Icarus: Uprising. I missed out on those games and they are super hard to find now.
@Captain_Gonru I don't think we know anything about NX, lots of rumors, but I've read many contradictory ones at this point. I think it's just as likely to be ARM or K12 (which both sound like synthetic drugs to me but what do I know) as Tegra. But Gamepad had NFC, and more importantly New 3DS has NFC, I just don't see why they would take it out, it can't be too big or expensive.
But you are correct about it not being mentioned anywhere, except for the only Nintendo NX game we know about, Zelda Wild, which uses it for what I think so far is the coolest part of the game, Wolf Link amiibo sidekick. I'll buy the game and amiibo just for that. So its in there. End of story. They may take out 2nd screen, I'm full on conspiracy theory on the Wii U version getting castrated b/c of it, but they then can't also take out amiibo support, the NX game would be totally worthless at that point.
Thank god for Lego City Undercover finally going into the Selects range in North America! I've been dying to get it at a good price! Don't know if retailers of the game in physical form will actually abide by the new price since even used copies I've found were over $30 in most cases, but if I have to, I'll settle for the digital copy at that price without hesitation.
Release Skyward Sword already.
@Jolt And the right time to pick it up as there'll be an update soon with amiibo and whatever the mobile game/app turns out to be functionality.
Man, why did Tomodachi Life have to become a select as soon as I switch over to the digital version to give my sister my retail copy? I feel like they were like "it finally earned enough sales because of this guy so let's discount it".
Oh well.
It's nice to see the Nintendo Selects lineup expand during the final months of Wii U. I don't have any of those 3 Wii U games in a physical form (I got WW digital from the MK8 promo). I'll probably pick those up. I'm not a hardcore collector so I don't care about the Selects packaging. I care about price. The N3DS bundle is pretty solid, too. I expect to see a 2DS price drop and Pokemon packaged with it come November.
I just bought another New 3DS secondhand, but this is good news either way. Hopefully these will actually stick around on shelves throughout the rest of the 3DS' life as a normal product. I had to pay way more than $150 dollars to get a system that didn't even have it's box.
That New 3DS bundle is sweet! If Nintendo released that last summer when my 3DS was stolen, I would have for sure gotten that!
Glad to see the New 3DS at a decent price. I'm interested but already have Mario 3D World. Why can't they launch it at a cheaper price with no game pre-installed?
Also interested in the Yoshi Bundle and Luigi's Mansion.
Finally some bundles at a price. But, why not a Gamestop too so I can trade in my 2DS?
@AVahne I get the feeling your account has tripped the profanity alarms a good few times. Please rein it in as repeat offenders are liable to bans. Thanks.
This makes it easier to buy Tomodachi Life, but it seems like a game that's best experienced in a let's play series or a livestream. Is the game fun when you're just playing on your own?
Nice to see Luigi's Mansion, that game is difficult to find and still gets full price used.
Excuse my ignorance but if we get one of these non-XL 3DS bundles in NA, we can get Japanese plates on eBay and they'll fit, right?
@kokirii Yes.
Love those yarn Yoshi bundles. I have my copy (with a green Yoshi) already, though.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE You have to play for text books in Europe? Public schools are pretty much free (beaides taxes, of course) here in the US.
Wow, the smaller New 3DS has been out of stock everywhere for some time.
$149.99 for a New 3DS with an awesome cover plate is a steal! If I didn't already have one I'd be all over that.
I want the plain white stock faceplates that come with it though. Will pay well if anyone is buying the bundle and wants $20 for the plain white cover plates.
Happy to see "LEGO City Undercover: The Chase Begins" as a Nintendo select title. I always told myself that I would only buy it when it goes on sale and I 100% "LEGO City Undercover".
Now I just have to finish my 3+ years project of 100% LCU to fulfill my 1st condition (around 82% complete).
@Mega_Yarn_Poochy Yes and they cost a small fortune.
Nintendogs, Luigi's Mansion, Lego City Undercover Wii U, Nintendo Land, and New 3DS, tons of stuff I want there!
I'll finally be able to pick up Lego City Undercover. It was only a matter of time before it was included in the Selects lineup.
Lego City is pretty expensive on eBay and Amazon , glad this is coming back for on 20 bucks : )
This comment section is killing me. And judging by the comments above I'm surprised that a lot of people here haven't played LCU... It's a great game that deserves to be played by lots.
But yeah, this comment section.
This might actually give me a reason to get Mario Party 10. And maybe even LCU.
Of course this is announced when I just upgraded my original 3DS to a new XL. At least I got more screen real estate and the system doesn't take a minute to load. Would have preferred the smaller form factor though.
@Manjushri Seems like the answer I expected. Maybe I'll get it when I get a 3DS with capture equipment installed, but for now, I'll just work on my backlog, knowing that these games' prices are permanently lowered.
Edit: Also, my heart goes out to those that wasted their Gold Coins on My Nintendo to get the game for $20.99.
Gotta say, these are pretty great deals! I'm definitely gonna get the Captain Toad's Treasure Tracker bundle, and Lego City Undercover. I missed out on those games when they first launched.
the $150 price is nice for a system and game. can anyone tell me if i need to open it to put in a larger micro sd card?
The normal New 3DS in NA? Someone mentioned above that it had been sold out for awhile, but this is the first time I remember hearing about it at all. As for the games, LCU and WWHD are no-brainers for me. I had just about given up on a $20 WWHD and had just started playing my GC Windwaker again. Time to hit pause on that and wait for WWHD.
Many great deals here. The smaller n3ds bundle is a bargain. Finally LCU goes select! WWHD, one of my GOATs, for $20!!! Nintendo should have done this a year ago but better late than never I suppose.
I've never gotten the appeal of Animal Crossing and never wanted to drop $40 to find out, so I guess I've gotta put my money where my mouth is and take the plunge at the end of this month for half that. Luigi's mansion 2 for $20 seems workable too. Might make up for this month-plus of nothing on the eshop.
Unless NOA puts FF6 on the new 3DS eshop between now and then in which case I have to drop everything and finally upgrade to the new 3DS.
@rjejr I am so genuinely happy for you and your family that Lego City Undercover is finally a Nintendo Select title in the US! We got it recently and my son and I are currently playing our own save files, the game is huge and fantastic fun I really hope you love it!
@DiscoGentleman Yaapos
Oooo, my copy of Tomodachi Life was stolen, along with my 3DS, and I've been waiting for it to go on sale so I can get it again. I sorta miss it. Not sure how much it'd be in Canada, but if it's low enough, I may just spring for it. It's too bad it happens past my birthday though.
Still waiting for pikmin 2 in europe. Probably wont happen, sigh
Now I can finally get Lego City Undercover for the Wii U. Also does the New 3DS for $149.99 come with and AC adapter? Because I have never owned any Nintendo Handheld since the GBA. Which one would be the best a 2Ds or the new 3ds don't really want to waste my money on a console that might be gone in just a few months.
Ah Ha! Finally! I can play Lego undercover. The game has been suspiciously absent from store shelves for several months now.
Might look into that n3DS bundle. The c-stick on my Hyrule Edition XL is beginning to act a little funny and I've been looking for a cheap replacement. Plus those faceplates and face buttons look fantastic.
@Andrzej777 You mean Pikmn 3.
Still no Starfox 64 3D as a Selects title??? Grrrr....
I'm glad to see Lego City Undercover finally get the Nintendo Select treatment in America, but I would have preferred Captain Toad getting a price cut instead of a pack-in amiibo. The #1 complaint I saw about that game was that it should have been cheaper.
@Ventilator Me too. I've been holding out for Luigi's Mansion. Plus if Animal Crossing comes down in price I might give it a go.
@Tops For Nintendo Land, try and get a buddy or three to sit down and play with you the first day. It's much more fun that way.
I'm just happy that Tomodachi life is a Nintendo Select! I can finally download the game off the eshop at a decent price (no offense to those who bought it brand new but the game didn't scream to me that it was worth the full $40). I might have to also force myself to get over my distaste of the Nintendo selects box art for Wind Waker HD because it's better than trying to scour ebay and amazon for this game at a decent price point.
@kokirii If you get the US standard model New 3ds then yes, the JP plates WILL fit. I have a Japanese Smash bros face plate as well as a kirby face plate which is on my new 3ds right now (I got mine as part of the HHD bundle from September 2015)
@mowerdude The new 3ds doesn't come with an ac adapter unfortunately. The adapter is pretty cheap however (usually $9-$12). As for the 2ds vs the new 3ds it depends on what you want. If you want faceplates, snes vc, 3d support, and literally 1 exclusive retail new3ds title (Xenoblade 3D) then get the $150 new 3ds. If you dont care about any of that, then get the 2ds. They both play all 3ds games anyway
@Captain_Gonru amiibo are a lock for NX. Well, I really can't say but I'm way more convinced than you. It's pretty simple to me. Amiibo helped Nintendo turn a profit when it was desperate. Nintendo likes profits. Nintendo will try to maximize profits on a new wave of hardware in every way possible.
The component costs are the biggest factor and I admit it might be tempting to leave that NFC reader/writer out of the equation, but there are too many extra opportunities and applications for NFC besides the amiibo we've seen so far to leave it out, in my opinion.
Just the untapped ability to finally capitalize on Pokemon with amiibo should be enough to convince any internal skeptic. (no, that Pokemon rumble experiment doesn't count!)
OMG !!
LEGO CITY UNDERCOVER Nintendo Selects USA version ?!
My little wish granted !
Thank you so much, Nintendo !
Man... now i probably have more than 1 Nintendo Selects Wii U games. The red border is killing my interest but the game existence and price are temptating me.
Finally happened. Lego City Undercover really deserved better. It was a much better direction for future Lego games, in my opinion. I think you'll have good fun with it.
This is a nice set of deals. I know someone who'll like the Wind Waker thing and, once again, the 3DS tempts me. $149 for that bundle feels just right and priced to move. If it had happened at the start of the Summer before our road trip I might have just lumped a couple of those into the whole trip cost. Now? Way too close to NX release. I just have to see what the future is before investing in the past on 3DS. Kids have plenty to play and I have no time or patience for the tiny thing.
On the amiibo box sets, I think they are a solid value proposition. Game plus the little figure and they work together. It's an easier sell to parents that way I think. (some value the game more, some think their kid should get something "real")
I'd really really love for them to re release Star Fox 64 3D or Kid Icarus on the 3DS as selects because I missed them when they came out and now they're a bit pricey.
otherwise, ehhhh
Im pissed I got Windwaker at full price now
I guess the amiibo bundles are cool? Sort of? I havent used an amiibo in a game yet.
Maybe that'll make the non-amiibo versions cheaper. I hope.
@Tops Oh good. I love the game and playing it with my family made the entire cost of the Wii U a good value from the first week. So I just wanted to make sure your first experience with it wasn't sitting alone scratching your head like so many seemed to. Such a weird unapproachable theme though!
Looking over that list I'm really bummed that there's not a single game I really want on it that I dont already have.
More and more I'm starting to think that nintendo is just not for me anymore.
@TrueWiiMaster thats what I've heard. wish it was the case
@Ventilator Wow. Lego City is always super expensive here.
I still haven't been able to find the new 3DS bundle for red and blue...
Lego City Undercover and WindWaker HD are a must for me!
Why why Nintendo!? Why won't you release the black regular sized New 3DS in North America!?
LCU is a great game......I'm going to double dip and get it digital because my disk acts up and it will be easier to have it on the system.
It doesn't get the love it should because of the loading times, but as a 3D platforming collect-a-thon.......It is outstanding!
We've made it back to about 67% complete after getting about there before and having it erased.......
@JohnSReid : Nice. I hope Super Mario Land and Mario Kart 7 is in third wave of Selects.
Surprised that they still aren't in selects.
@Gerbwmu @Vee_Flames The release date didn't particularly help it (March 2013). Had for example MK8 and Pikmin 3 been holiday 2012 releases then I think it could have saw more success than it did.
@Captain_Gonru : After checking reviews, it looked like it was a scaled down version of the Wii U version. Thats why i didn't buy it for 3DS even at that low price.
If somebody somehow doesn't have Nintendoland, for $20 I'd say do yourself a favor and get it. I thought the single player mini game series of Zelda, Metroid, and Pikmin alone made the game fun, but the multiplayer games can be fun with friends too (although they don't seem as well designed and balanced). Loads of cool unlockable trinkets to mess around with in the hub. Just a good time all around.
wow! Luigi's Mansion for sure
Didn't expect this, but I'm thinking of grabbing both Luigi's Mansion and Tomodachi Life. I've always considered getting a copy of Tomodachi life but just wasn't sure if the price it was at would be worth it for me. But at the nintendo select price, its hard not to get it now.
Lego City Undercover! One of the few great Wii U games I never got a chance to play. Can't wait.
@aaronsullivan Yeah, June 26th would have been a better date for the "summer sale" than Aug 26th They could have shown all of this off at E3 so they had something else to talk about besides Zelda Wild and Paper Mario. But as everyone likes to tell me, I'm just an idiot, Nitneod HQ knows best.
Parents will only buy those amiibo and game box sets if they find them, and as I said before the problem is I don't think retialors know where to put them. Though I suppose w/ the new sets they can have a shelf dedicated to them, so that might help.
I wonder if the 2 Lego City games can piggy back some sales on the Lego D LCU set? Lego D is still on Wii U - ours crashes every 5 minutes to an hour - so they could get some sales.
$149 is good, but limiting it to Walmart and Target leaves out TRU and Gamestop and Amazon, and considering all the amiibo at TRU that seems weird. I guess TRU will stock their shelves w/ $79 2DS?
Best thing about this news - it was an actual announcement, not a leak or rumour. All hail Nintendo, sage from atop the mountain.
@ejamer Upper screen on New 3DS (small or XL) doesn't get pressure from the lower screen when closed like the older model. See the two nubs above the upper screen? They match up with the lower screen frame and stop the upper screen from contacting the lower one. When I had my original 3DS i placed some small rubber nubs from an old electronic above my upper screen to do the same thing. I remember before making that change it was annoying to have these slight imprints in the upper screen that would make the image look strange when viewing games in 3D.
@MJInnocent We are looking forward to it, I can easily see us both playing this w/ our own save files. Should be fun. Finally.
@mowerdude 3DS charger isn't included but can be had for as cheap as about $4 on eBay.
Or around $9 for an official one.
We own every single game except Lego and Nintendogs. I heard that Lego City is good but I've also heard that the load times are very bad. We have it for 3DS and couldn't really get in to it. My youngest was going to buy a copy of Nintendogs for DS the other day so maybe he'll pick this up.
The bigger news is the system bungle. Speaking about my youngest son again, he just broke the hinge on his XL and was thinking about a 2DS. Maybe he'll pick this new bundle up instead.
@Angelic_Lapras_King True. Perfect timing.
@Captain_Gonru But it isn't just wolf Link, they are making 3 amiibo just for Zelda Wild that release in 2017. How stupid would they have to be to make 3 new amiibo for a NX launch title that doesn't support those amiibo? Now, I do think Ntinedo makes some stupid moves at times, like all the time, but even they have to have some limits. You can't make Zelda Wild an NX game but exclude all 4 amiibo. They just can't.
They can't say this and not have them work:
"The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is scheduled to launch simultaneously for both the Wii U console and Nintendo’s next system, code-named NX, in 2017. The game also includes compatibility with amiibo,"
Who would buy Zelda NX missing that much?
Already have Mario 3D Land, otherwise I would have been tempted by that bundle.
My niece might be getting New Leaf for Christmas!
So disappointed there's still no black N3DS. I'd take it in a bundle with whatever at this point, but that white border on the top screen just kills it for me with these white bundle models, and the XLs are just too big for me.
None of the skins or decals or covers that change that fact either. But I'm kind of giving up hope on NOA releasing the black N3DS by now, and that 150 price tag for white is looking awfully nice.
My ambassador original 3DS is not what it once was, I've had to reattach the circle pad (simple really, it was just the thumbpad), replace the R button's ribbon cable, and the d-pad's coating is peeling, plus the battery life is now quite lacking after hundreds of charges. I absolutely love the 3DS, and would love to upgrade if NOA gave the consumers a bit more selection.
Oh yeah, I'm also really interested in Luigi's Mansion and the 3DS Lego City Undercover. For the new price I'll definitely be picking up at least one of these at the end of the month.
Must say the lack of Star Fox 64 3D is a true bummer. Not only that, but I'd have loved to see Link Between Worlds at that price point.
Nothing for me. I wished we would have got Mario & Luigi Dream Team as a Nintendo Select.
Finally, I don't have to spend 199 on a New 3DS! And Luigi's Mansion will be mine and maybe Tomodachi life! Now to wait impatiently for the 29th.
It should come with Super Mario Maker because of that yellow Super Mario Maker plate.
@Freelance it will be $29.99 CAD for the games
@hYdeks That's not so bad. Thanks! It sucked that the day I found out my Mii's favourite food (turkey) was the day it was stolen (Christmas Eve)
man i just broke down and bought a replacement for my damaged Lego City Undercover disc. I was hoping for this for a long time before I gave up and paid $32.98 for a used copy just last week. I haven't even received it yet!
Yes and Yes I was really hoping to see the standard-sized "new" 3DS released in other colours. My ambassador 3DS has also been through quite a lot over the years (circle pad and shoulder button problems as well) and I've been holding out to get something that isn't white or pastel. I've even thought about buying a white one and then swapping the plastic pieces with ones from Europe/Japan!
On another note, I'm happy to see all the price drops. I'd been holding out on Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon and Lego City; Undercover, so I might pick them up this winter.
A good step on the smaller N3DS. I'd still like the black one, though. My Japanese one is white. Minor thing at this point.
Agreed about the big news. I may finally upgrade to n3ds as I prefer the smaller, customizable one.
And I saw the news as soon as they posted it so I raced to surprise you. Nintendo should have released it on Jul. 20th
Anyone have any idea how much one would be able to sell those faceplates for? It seems I'll be able to get about $70 for my Sea Green 2DS online (is it one of the rarer colors or something?) and if I can get at least $30-50 for the plates, that'll help recoup the cost of this purchase. I really wish the included game was a code though; I already have 3D Land :/
@BurningSonic Same here. I either own or am not interested in all the games in this selection.
@Captain_Gonru Patents would not have a reason to include it. You might see things unrelated to patents by accident or some tangential uses if they are related somehow but the recent patents haven't been. Also, I don't know why a rumor would mention it. They also haven't mentioned that it has a battery, what connectors it uses, whether there's an AC adapter included or plenty of other things I imagine it will have.
The nice thing about the physical figures and cards is that they have added-value and they get people to try games they wouldn't otherwise and get people to buy plastic they wouldn't otherwise.
The only reason I can see it being cut is to save costs on the system as the margin gets too thin for comfort. Can NFC components really cost so much that they aren't worth it? I don't know. Maybe.
If they are saving anything new for the amiibo in this next generation I hope it's that the previous generation of amiibo becomes available in less expensive card versions to continue unlocking old features without breaking the bank. It could be a generational thing.
There is the whole base station thing with all the unanswered questions. Maybe the NFC reader is on there to distribute the costs and sweeten the deal? Lots of problems with that though.
Dang it! Just bought LMDM for $40.00.
I wouldn't mind getting Luigi's Mansion for $20.
Some pretty good deals. May consider picking up LEGO City on the 3DS.
Recently my new(!) nintendo 3ds xl r button came off completely, thanks 2 smash (I'm grab happy) so that $150 bundle can not come soon enough
@sinalefa "Nintendo should have released it on Jul. 20th"
Or announce it at E3, release it June 26, so kids can play these games over the summer before going back to school. Ijust started Ni No Kuni, that should keep us busy for 2 months at least.
My oldest son gets braces on his teeth Sept 2nd, so we'll probably get it then and let him gripe and complain while playing. Too many people out and about that weekend for us, we usually just stay home anyway.
@aaronsullivan "There is the whole base station thing with all the unanswered questions. Maybe the NFC reader is on there to distribute the costs and sweeten the deal? Lots of problems with that though."
There are problems with all of it. Gonru just wants to see/hear amiibo get mentioned once, I understand. Though why he just wont' take my word for I don't know.
Nintendogs is already $15 on the eShop so its kind of weird their releasing it for $20.
@Captain_Gonru Well now you went and dragged aaron into it, might be time for an intervention. (It's ok, I know he just jumped in, but it's funnier my way.)
I don't think they need a rumour or a patent, it's just an NFC chip that both 3DS and Wii U have. And the way things have been going latley w/ all of this madness if it did pop up in a rumur THEN I would worry. Some guy on Twitter said NX Home would have an Ethernet port. You know, the thing that neither Wii nor Wii U had. And in a console w/ no HDD to DL stuff to. Yeah, an Ethernet port makes all the sense in the world, in a world dominated by Wi-Fi.
He has been entertaining overall though.
@Captain_Gonru Here's an idea, buy another copy of AC:NL and a new, excuse me New, 3DS and forget all about NX. You'll thank me later.
Does AC:NL have online? I've never played an AC game, and my kids have no interest, but I'm intrigued by a game that's getting added content 3 years later. Damo posted this on my birthday, it might be a sign.
@Captain_Gonru @rjejr
I have much work to do, so I'm doubly susceptible to being dragged into lunacy.
I think Nintendo has us right where it wants us. We are salivating at a hint of anything official at this point. The marketing department is leaking lies and half-truths to steer us away from the prevailing and ridiculous rumors of a PS4-killer.
When the time comes it will have saved some of the best surprises for the announcement and it will be pretty good but have a couple of flaws everyone will harp on. And NX will be either one or two or three separate new hardware devices that play games on sale in March, April, May or June of 2017 — I'm calling it right here! — or November or December...
I'm not 100% it will have NFC.
I've been thinking about this all day and it never really sat right with me until this thought crossed my mind moments ago: With all of these titles' new prices, plus the two bundles coming out ONE WEEK after Federation Force, I can't help but feel NoA is just giving up all hope for sales of Federation Force and this is their fastest and easiest way to cut losses.
I mean, honestly, I'd rather grab two 3DS games I've not been able to buy affordably for their age despite my interest in them than Federation Force, a game I can't honestly say I know enough about to sink that money.
Though if it is a wreck, I hope it'll go more Codename STEAM's route; cheaply available brand-new from Amazon half a year after release. Anyway, I'm all for the Nintendo Selects range, I just hope it doesn't end up taking away from Federation Force's (likely) anticipated lackluster sales and thus jeopardize any future Metroid games.
But that guy's source is saying it's someone close to Retro Studios and they aren't working on Metroid. That's actually confirmed I think... but I still don't want it to be true.
See, now that guy and the SuperMetalDave64 guy @ThanosReXXX keeps going on about are starting to convince me of a handheld AND a home console again. I was really warming to an uber-handheld as a good move for Nintendo. See! I'm confused again. They have me right where they want me — you know what that means though?! Announcement is right around the corner right? Before anything gets too legit! Do you hear me Nintendo!? It's time to announce the announcement of the big announcement! Everybody's doing it!
You hear the way I talk now, @Captain_Gonru? I blame you.
That new 3DS!! Do I need yet another one??? That sweet price! I don't know if I can possibly resist!
And Lego City Undercover on Wii U has been on my wish list for a long time, so getting that one for sure.
Oh man, the pixel art cover is amazing on that new3DS, but why does Nintendo refuse to release the black smaller new3DS in the US?
Kid Icarus Uprising deserves the Selects treatment. More people should play it. The game is too uncommon right now, and older than most of the current Select titles. That they are choosing so many newer games to be Selects makes me think they won't pick Uprising...
I pre-ordered that standard new 3DS. It's the first one that doesn't include a game I despise and that has a set of cover plates I actually like, and the price is right, although I would have preferred black.
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD and Yoshi's Woolly World + Pink Yarn Yoshi amiibo for me! (Might get Nintendo Land eventually though).
@aaronsullivan "I'm not 100% it will have NFC."
Oh man, did you have to type that, now he's never gonna stop.
"but have a couple of flaws everyone will harp on."
2 minutes ago I wrote on PS abut how Nitnod will announce it's 720p handheld right after Sony announces it's 4k PS4. And X1S already streams 4k and has a 4k drive. So no matter what else NX does have, that's 1 thing the fanbois will harp on, no 4k vid probably, no blu ray drive. It made me feel bad for Ntinedo. I hate feeling bad for Ntinedo.
@aaronsullivan " It's time to announce the announcement of the big announcement!"
Sept 7 at 5PM, right after the Sony conference.
I'm going on vacation next week, maybe something will happen then.
@Captain_Gonru "amiibo support, and using the cards to bring residents into town."
So, does that mean you'll be buying up all those AC amiibo in Target, I'm really sick of looking at them? Or are you waiting to hear if NX will have NFC support first?
I bought my wife a 3DS the Christmas it came out, pink 1 w/ Nintnedogs bundled. Year later I got her a tablet and that was that. Just bought her a new tablet on Prime day. I should have traded that thing in to Gamestop long ago.
Almost on topic, but not really, I'm taking the kids to Play Nintnedo on Friday at the mall to get streetpass hits on their 3DS. I'll bring my wife's just for kicks, haven't payed Nintendo Drop in awhile. Should get some good photos if nothing else.
Yusss! Finally gonna get on that N3DS bundle, that's too good to pass up.
Wait, does that mean Wolly World standard will drop in price? Because that's basically the only major Wii U game I still really want, but I keep putting it off because of how well these games seem to retain their value, and money keeps tightening up on me lately...
Same here on the New 3DS.
might as well crying jordan me for spending $200 on the pokémon n3DS bundle when they're selling practically the same thing for $50 less.... very happy about finally getting lego city undercover at a good price and I'll probably also pick up Luigi's Mansion. I already have New Leaf, Nintendo Land and Wind Waker HD and the rest of the games don't interest me.
I'm sure NX will make the New 3DS obsolete, but I guess having one for the history is okay (plus, I always wanted the small one). I'm going to be one of the few to miss 3D if the NX is the next Nintendo handheld.
Part of me feels a bit bummed that we're finally getting a pretty nice New 3DS bundle a few months after I upgraded to a New 3DS XL. Ah well, the face plates aren't that big a deal anymore imo.
I might get Tomodatchi Life now with it being cheaper; I didn't feel it was worth the $40 price point for the very oddball title it is.
I think I am finally going to upgrade my original Cobalt Blue 3DS to this one! I just checked Amazon and apparently the Cobalt Blue 3DS has a value or $100 used! I probably shouldn't be putting my money toward this but I just think that Mario Maker design looks so cool and the right thumb stick would make me enjoy Monster Hunter so much more. If anyone recommends picking the New 3DS, let me know, because I am really considering doing this.
That is a KILLER price for a New 3DS, with an AMAZING game, and that NES sprite faceplate looks amazing. I never thought I'd get envious after my Pokemon edition, but dang. Anyone remotely interested in the 3DS should HOP ON DAT.
Already own most of them. Maybe I'll get Yoshi's Woolly World (When or if it reaches EU). My kid is always asking for it and I admit I'm curious about the game myself.
The N3DS bundle is also nice. Already own two XL N3DS's but it's a great opportunity for someone who wants to upgrade i guess.
@Captain_Gonru : Lego City was 22.GB big, and should have had HDD install for data like Xenoblade X.
I'm annoyed by long loading times, but this Lego got me hooked to completition. I also found over 70% of the secrets/unlocks. I think i used 34 hours in it.
As for Captain Toad game.. I loved that game, and one of my most memorable games this generation on any system.
Pikmin 3 too. Atleast Pikmin 4 is coming for NX.
@aaronsullivan Welcome back aboard the REAL hype train, my friend... (heheheh...
I love my New 3DS XL, but I'm super jealous of that plate that features 8 bit of all the Super Mario Maker sprites.
@muhep I don't know. Maybe it's just me but getting hardware makes me want to get at least one brand new game. Excitement about the platform is a rising tide that raises all ships I think.
@ThanosReXXX haha. Now I'm hesitant to accept the possibility because it's too good to be true.
@aaronsullivan Accepting a possibility where Nintendo does what Nintendo ALWAYS does, aka releasing a handheld AND a console really isn't something to be so doubtful about.
And it doesn't even exclude the Nvidia-only fanboys, it's just going to add a decent home console into the mix, is all.
An Nvidia powered handheld will be great, and if by any chance we get the Tegra X2 in it, then it will truly be the most powerful handheld ever made, but as a "connect to TV home console in-between thingie" it will still not be up to par with current gen consoles, and I just can't see that happening with any kind of logical thinking, also taking into account all the positive sounds of people that have supposedly seen what the hardware can do.
But let's focus on facts if rumors make your head hurt:
On the 20th of August, the Hot Chips conference will be held, and there Nvidia will reveal and showcase the Tegra X2.
Normally, they will also divulge any plans surrounding implementation of said chipset.
Now, keep in mind that the rumor mongers keep pointing out that Nvidia still to this day hasn't released any official statement on a single semi-custom design win, something that could be tied to them making a custom chip set for a console manufacturer like Nintendo. It's one of the stronger facts that stands out in between all the rumors.
The thing with these design wins is that they take time, money and a strategy and that entire schedule needs to be shared with the company's shareholders, which would in turn mean that this info would also be out in the open because shareholder meetings are always published, so we would know about it by now.
There's only a little over 7 months left before the NX will be released and in stores, and that period of time is VERY short to still announce official plans for a design win, start manufacturing components, manufacture consoles, set up a marketing and distribution strategy and so on, so it is VERY strange indeed that no info about this is to be found anywhere.
Now AMD on the other hand still has AT LEAST three undisclosed semi-custom design wins, which they will reveal somewhere in the next couple of months. Obviously, part of their design wins will more than likely be tied to Microsoft and Sony, but that will still leave a slot open for Nintendo.
Both Nvidia and AMD will have to release their quarterly reports soon, so some info may be gleaned from that very soon.
However, that doesn't necessarily mean that Nvidia is a definite no: let's assume for argument's sake that the home console NX version will be released first, then that could very well be AMD, and a handheld might follow later in 2017, which would mean that the time frame for Nvidia having to release any info on a semi-custom design win to their shareholders will also move further away, which could explain why there isn't any such info available yet.
All theories, I know, but at least concocted with some logical thinking behind it...
@aaronsullivan And as for the game that Retro Studios is supposedly working on: apparently that's going to be Kid Icarus. May not be Metroid, but could certainly be interesting if true.
A buddy of mine on another internet forum sent him a pm and that is what he got in response...
Here is the box for the New 3DS Bundle:
@ThanosReXXX If NX Home has AMD, does NX Handheld need X2? Wouldn't X1 suffice if it's only a handheld, even w/ TV out?
Disclaimer - I got lost in an alphabet soup of all those links you gave the other day - K12, Polaris, Pascal, AMD, ARM. Sure, I could figure them out if I wanted to, but at this point I'd rather just wait, b/c its possible only half of it will be true, then I don't have to care abut the other half.
If Eurogamer was wrong though, I may have to stop frequenting NL b/c everybody who works here was way to gung ho about it. Well unless we get a full page editorial apology. If they are half wrong, NX is a handheld w/ TV out, and a Home console - which is what we've been expecting for over a year now - well maybe I'll let it slide.
I'll be away next week in a cabin w/ my 15 person family, but surely something will be said at Hot Chips that will shed light on NX, either for or against. Iv'e been thinking that way for about a week now and decided to chill until then, only 10 days away.
What is really bothering me now though is the lack of game news. I'm 1 of those crazy people who likes when games get announced before they release so I can get hyped for them. Maybe not 10 years worth of hype like FFXV or The Last Guardian, or 3 or 4 years like No Man's Sky and Zelda, but Pokemon has it down. Every winter announce a game, spend all spring, summer and fall promoting it, then release it at the holiday. NX will launch in 7 months, yet the only game we even know about is Zelda. Where's the rest of the launch window line-up? Are they selling hardware but no games? Will it all be Wii U ports? Or 3DS ports i fit's only a handheld.
The clock ins't ticking only on the hardware, but on the software too. If they don't want me spending all of my disposable income over the holiday b/c they have a great games line-up in March they better let me know soon. I'm not laying out $400 for Wii Sports Club Portable, SSB and MK8 NX Editions. Where. Are. The. Games. What. Are. The. Games. Ports and causl, or Pikmin 4 and Luigi Mansion's 3?
@aaronsullivan @Captain_Gonru @rjejr And following up on his claim about the new Retro title, Happy Nintendo Fan has now put the info on his Twitter page:
Funny thing is that the by now infamous ms. Emily Rogers posted a tweet about the same thing almost simultaneously, except she insists that it is not a Kid Icarus game or any other known IP, but a new one.
Here are two follow-up videos on these separate claims:
And here's another nice bit of info, especially for @aaronsullivan...
Nintendo has posted several new job openings, and those heavily support the theory that there are indeed going to be two separate systems. And apparently, the Operating System is going to be Linux, so there goes ms. Rogers' theory about Android-based:
So, they are looking for a Linux engineer and two separate marketing specialists for both handheld and home console divisions.
As an operating system, Linux is really interesting because it is compatible with both ARM technology and x86 technology and it would coincide with the whole shared OS philosophy that mr. Iwata was going on about and that mr. Kimishima has also hinted at.
Would also make porting games between the two a whole lot easier...
And for easy listening, PlayerEssence also made a video about that very topic:
@ThanosReXXX Or here's good.
I thought we decided HappyNintnedoFan was just an insane fanboi?
Are we just referencing E. Rodgers to go w/ the opposite of whatever she says?
I think PlayerE forgot to light up before making that vid, he sounded almost normal.
I'm just putting 1 here to cover my entire post.
@rjejr Well, X1 could be enough to support it, but it would not be enough for certain games and not for a long term strategy because by the time the NX launches, the X1 will already be over 2,5 years old, so it'd better be X2.
But it isn't going to be a standard version of either of those two anyway, since it will be a custom chipset based on Tegra X1 or X2. And the Tegra X2 chips will be Pascal based, so that's a little bit of your confusion solved. Pascal = Tegra X2 tech/architecture.
@rjejr I haven't decided anything, actually...
I said maybe he's just an insane fanboy, but the things he posts keep checking out and are up til now mostly verified by mods on various sites and forums, so he does seem to have the right contacts within Nintendo.
And then there's the job applications thing. At least these are factual and they point strongly towards their being 2 separate devices. And EuroGamer has definitely been wrong before, so until someone with some actual authority speaks on the matter, the EuroGamer "report" is also nothing more than a speculation or a rumor.
As far as launch games go, here's my theory:
Obviously there are the confirmed ones such as Zelda Breath of the Wild and the Wii U remakes, and third party efforts Just Dance and Dragon Quest X.
And then there are continuously returning rumors of Pikmin 4 and Luigi's Mansion, so these are on my list too.
What else to expect? At first we'll probably see some third party efforts from EA, Warner Brothers and Activision, and if Nordic Games saw fit to put the original Darksiders game on the Wii U, then they will probably finish the trilogy and put the third one on NX.
And to finish off, we'll more than likely see a final game in the Bayonetta series too.
I could come up with some more games, but all these here will surely last them for the first half year to come, and throw in some indies and VC games to pad it out and we'll have a more than reasonable portfolio of games for the first six months of the NX's life cycle.
And PlayerEssence actually sounds normal on quite a few videos, especially if he is discussing factual info. He mostly goes into rant mode when it is an opinion piece.
@ThanosReXXX @rjejr I'm predicting that everyone has been wrong most of the time.
What's going to be frustrating to many is Nintendo is probably not going to reveal: "It's a Tegra X2 in the handheld and it's an AMD in the console!" They don't really do that, do they? At least the first announcement will focus on features and games. So, there's going to be a storm of accusations about who was right and wrong and screaming about Nintendo owing them details for days afterwards.
Perhaps a tipoff or two may happen when the strategy of keeping it all one platform for compatibility comes up. If we get to see both at the same time or if there is even more than one piece of hardware to begin with.
Ugh the more I think about it the more ticked off I am that I bought windwaker and twilight princess new.
TP isn't even that fun.
@rjejr Mentioning ms. Rogers was just to point out that she is being vague again, while the other tweet by HNF posted at the same time gives more specific info. And that info really doesn't seem to be so far fetched, while most of ms. Rogers' musings do seem to be just that.
@aaronsullivan Well, Nintendo might not give us any of that information, seeing as they have never done so, but NDA's will have been lifted by then, and you can bet that some site like Ars Technica, Anandtech or Digital Foundry will open up an NX device to give us all their expert opinion on what's inside.
And developers will also be free to talk about it. Me personally, I'm watching Nvidia like a hawk, to see what their plans are, if they will spill some beans on the Hot Chips Conference, and if they are ever going to come up with some proof of any semi-custom design wins, which are a definite necessity for them to be able to be in the race for a spot in the console market.
If all this info remains absent or lacking, then it should be all but confirmed that a lot of people are going to be harshly and continuously ridiculed by yours truly, because by then, the EuroGamer report, and more over: their so-called "trusted" sources, will be so ignominiously wrong that it deserves no less.
I think the Nvidia rumor could contain some truth, but only as a handheld component. The job listings support the theory that there is NOT going to be any hybrid device and that we can truly expect two separate devices, much like both mr. Iwata and mr. Kimishima have continuously stated, but apparently they are liars and we'd rather listen to unconfirmed "trusted" sources from third parties that offer no proof of their claims whatsoever, instead of to the actual source where the confirmed info is originating from and which actually can be confirmed, from a multitude of sources and official documents and shareholder communiques. Go figure..
@aaronsullivan "I'm predicting that everyone has been wrong most of the time."
Well, would that make you wrong, meaning the rest of us were right most of the time? (you saw that coming, didn't you)
I said about a month or 2 ago I don't even care about the innards, I just want to see the thing, and that still stands. 1 console or 2 I think is enough, don't care too much about the hardware. Really don't care about what hardware CAN do, b/c we get a tech demo of Zelda TP HD that looks nothing like Zelda Wild, just like what happened on Gamecube. So they can keep their power or flaunt it, I just want the games. And the more they make me wait for the games, the more I want to know if we're talking another casual Wii or a gamer Gamecube for the majority of games. Wii U didn't get nearly enough games, so more than that would be nice.
@ThanosReXXX "we'll have a more than reasonable portfolio of games for the first six months of the NX's life cycle."
Well that might be true, but I can't get excited for what I don't know. I know we played Wii Sports for a year straight. Played Nintnedo Land for about a week. So the probably given casual game could certainly be hit or miss. Lord knows I've been waiting on a amiibo-centric game long enough, so that could be there too. Or not. Pikmin 3 was a launch window game, came out 10 months later. So all those games you mentioned could be out Feb 2018.
Basically what I'm looking for is, how soon will we need to buy an NX? Thats' not dependent on ARM, x86or Tegra, that's on the games.
"he is discussing factual info"
Well since 90% of what we know is rumours or supposed leaks, that explains most of the videos I've seen him rant in. Guess I skimmed over the "maybe" for HNF.
"A bit of sarcasm there?"
Sarcasm, and it shows I still have a smidgen of self control left. I am the boss of me and all that.
MS. Rogers - 1 too many leaks.
I think Google will make more on Youtube NX leaks videos than Nitneod will make on the actual Wii U. And yes, that is sarcasm.
@rjejr You may not want the power, but nowadays it is simply a necessity, for the multitude of games but more importantly: to make the console future proof. It is supposed to last at least 4 or 5 years and starting out with hardware that can only just support current gen games will certainly mean that it won't be able to keep up anymore when more advanced games come along that will be more demanding.
Or perhaps if the SCD's are really a thing (I must be a fan of them since I keep mentioning them, probably because of them being the only cleared patent), that will be Nintendo's way of future proofing code name NX and they will then have their own equivalent of a certain prince called Adam after his transformation:
Ugh. I just wasted some of my Gold Coins (?) to use for a discount a few months ago on Wind Waker HD. I think it infuriates me even more that I had to do a download, rather than have a physical copy.
@rjejr And how soon would you need to buy an NX? (as far as one can "need" a video game system in the first place)
Seems to me that it would depend on how big of a Zelda fan you are and if you are going to skip the Wii U version in favor of the superior NX version. If that is the case, then come March, you need to grab your sleeping bag, thermos can, mini barbecue and frankfurters (or marshmallows) and get ready to stand in line for a day one buy...
@redranger4 yea this is the year of Nintendo being uncool jerks with all around dumb timing.
I wish they had announced this selects run at e3 instead of the sale. Would've taken the sting out of it for people like me who came away from it totally unimpressed.
@ThanosReXXX Well I may not need 1 ever if it turns out to only be a handheld, b/c I''m not a handheld gamer. If it's a powerful home console w/ Pikmin 4 day 1 then I might need it day 1.
"to make the console future proof"
Future proof compared to what? Maybe no HDD, Xbox One S has a 4k blu ray drive, NX Home may not even a disc drive. We'll know what Neo has in 4 weeks, then Scorpio will dominate that next year.
No matter what NX is, home, handheld, some combination thereof, it's already obsolete if you compare it to Sony and MS consoles. I don't even need to see it to know that. Trust me, it will be obliterated by all the fanbois in all the forums.
@rjejr Fanboys aren't interesting or important so I don't really care what they blab on about.
And future proofing is needed for the games, as I already explained in comment #190. It's to assure that IF third parties want to make them for NX, that they are not going to run into any bottlenecks in the later stages of its life cycle.
Not having a disc drive or a hard drive is no handicap at all in that aspect. I'm pretty sure it will have some solid state memory and/or SD card slot for storage, and if they truly are going for cartridges, then the rest is automatically solved by those: no need for discs or game installs, much less a disc drive. And for the hard drive obsessed, I'm pretty sure that there will be some USB ports to connect one to...
And Nintendo consoles are at their best doing that one thing that they are designed and destined for: to play games. No need to muddy the water with all kinds of silly and mostly inferior multimedia capabilities, so those are no loss.
In my opinion and those of other purists, convergence is the death of quality. I always buy dedicated equipment, especially to be able to watch and enjoy my extensive movie and TV series collection to the fullest.
And you're wrong concerning it being obsolete because of the NEO and Scorpio: the base models of the Xbox One and PS4 will remain leading in game development since the games must be able to work on ALL models of these consoles, so if the NX can go along with that, then it will be just fine.
LCU is the bets Lego game ever and one of the very best Wii U games period! The gamepad use puts most other titles to shame. The good clean and really adult aimed humor is awesome! We so need a sequel! If you haven't played this yet go get it! Check this review!
@rjejr Well, what do you know? AMD just released a road map for its Raven Ridge/Zen mobile APU's:
And please take note of the extremely low wattage/power demands. All those that oppose the AMD theory keep using the "fact" that AMD/x86 processors can't be put into handhelds because of cooling issues and power demands of the CPU. Well, this spec sheet definitely proves that wrong.
Between this and the job openings that Nintendo has posted, I'd say that this could very well be strike two in favor of AMD, or at least separate devices with AMD still playing a major part, as they have always done...
It's not an official information release, it is actually a leak that wasn't supposed to be shown yet, but it is indeed from AMD and more than likely these chipsets will be shown in action at CES 2017 which will be held in January. Before that time, chipsets could already be on the production line, so who knows where they will end up being implemented in?
@ThanosReXXX "And you're wrong concerning it being obsolete because of the NEO and Scorpio: "
Maybe so, but NX is due out in March 2017, PS5 will be due out when, Nov 2018, maybe Nov 2019? So NX will still be obsolete in 2-3 years and won't be getting any 3rd party games. Well except Just Dance. Wii will still be getting Just Dance 10 years from now.
They're mid-cycle now from the other 2. I partly think it's on purpose, they just don't want to compete. Better to crush Nvdia Shield and Amazon Fire than get crushed by Sony and MS. OK, crushed by Sony, MS they can keep up w/.
As much as I want and expect a home NX, part of me still thinks a portable w/ TV out is the way to go. They just need to make it work somehow from a power and price and multiplayer perspective, and I'm not sure it can be done.
@ThanosReXXX Its late and I'm tired so I can only understand about half that right now, but Raven sure looks good, and I've seen Zen mentioned before. Don't like the timeline though. I'd beleive something halfway between Stoney and Raven. Maybe whatever the non-Pro match for Raven is, maybe Ntineod made them leave it off the graph b/c is a proprietary secret? 4 watts in the handheld, 35 in the Home.
Now go to bed or go to work, whatever crazy schedule you keep.
@rjejr The most important thing to take away from that road map is that contrary to popular belief, it is VERY possible to put AMD hardware in a handheld device and still let it be powerful enough to run demanding software. And have no power issues...
And what's a PS5? Is that what you call the NEO?
There is a VERY big chance that there isn't even going to be a PS5, as even discussed by Sony's CEO. They may well go full digital/streaming, and that won't necessitate any hardware that will be more powerful than what the NEO will offer.
And even if there will be a PS5, that won't come until 2019/2020. They are not going to release the NEO in 2017 and only give it a 1 or 2 year run. That would be utter insanity and will cause them to bleed money like crazy, and Sony has already been through such a storm and it is the PS4 that helped them out, for the most part, so that's just not going to happen.
And besides that, you're betting on the wrong horse between the other two: Microsoft is the one that will be doing the crushing, with the Scorpio. It completely blows the NEO out of the water, even taking into account the rumored redesign that Sony now wants to do because of the Scorpio. That redesign is still weaker than the Scorpio, so apparently the hardware has some limits that they can't surpass if they want to keep the NEO and the base PS4 compatible with each other.
I also don't know why quite a few people (you included) keep struggling with the whole price/performance thing when it's so simple.
Both this AMD solution and the Tegra X2 solution will be offered at competitive, mid range prices, so $199 at the most for the complete chip set, so if they incorporate that into console hardware they could easily keep the consumer price to around $300-$350 at the most, and with that kind of hardware in it, it will be a very capable system that will be of interest to a large audience, whether it will be as a main or a +1 console.
And my schedule is currently slightly warped: I should be in bed by now, since it is in the middle of the night over here, but it is also the summer holiday season over here, so my work is hampered by that. Calling companies to sell them stuff only to find out that the decision makers aren't present and won't be back until the second half or even the end of this month isn't really a good motivator to get up early and go to bed on time...
So, I've given myself the week off, and next week we'll start afresh.
@ThanosReXXX "going to release the NEO in 2017"
Well except Neo will probably be out next month in Sept 2016, ahead of PSVR Oct. 13, not 2017, so that gives it 3 full years until Oct 2019. But that will only be 2 1/2 years for NX, which would be mid-cycle if it has a normal 5 year lifespan.
And I don't care how powerful Scorpio is, neither does most of the rest of the world outside of the US. And people who want Scorpio power in the US will just buy, or build, a PC. With Neo and NX Scorpio is too late to the party, It well sell like Wii U, to the aficionados.
Up until recently I did consider no PS5 as they just built it into their TVs and ultra disc players, but if PSVR takes off, and that is a big IF after Playstation 3D Display and Kinect failures, then they'll want a PS5 just to do VR right. PS5 would be the last needed home console as PSVR could be self contained like Hololens or run off of a smartphone by 2025. NX could be ahead of the curve there as a handheld w/ TV out, especially in Japan, where people eschew home consoles but will buy anything portable, even this.
If your taking the week off go to the beach or the mountains and turn off your internet, relax, we'll be here when you get back.
@rjejr Sony doesn't need anything more powerful than the NEO to "do VR right", the NEO has actually been made specifically for that very purpose, and so is the Scorpio. Difference between the two is that NEO will only stream 4K video and will not offer 4K gaming, but the Scorpio will, and in native resolution. The redesigned NEO still won't do so, which is why I think that Sony is gambling more on multimedia and just offering their games in full 1080p and 60fps, which will also be a big step up from what they're currently offering.
And trust me: Europe cares about the Xbox. Right now the PS4 is outselling it, like everywhere else in the world, but Europe is for the most part quite US-minded as far as media and so on are concerned, so if the Scorpio does well in the US, it will also do well in Europe. Of course the Asians won't cooperate, as seen in the latest sales report, where the Xbox is still firmly lodged in last place, as it always has and probably will always be.
What's that gizmo in the picture?
And as for my week off: remember where I live?
No mountains to be found here, and currently it's raining, so it's hardly a great time to go to the beach. And as a startup, reserves haven't yet grown to proportions that are sufficient to pay trips from, so I've still got a ways to go...
Besides, the Olympics are on, so I'm already getting enough entertainment.
@ThanosReXXX "the Olympics"
A fantasy world filled with pools of emerald green.
That gizmo is a "Pokemon Ring it's a kids toy for the upcoming games. Not Go, Sun and Moon.
Guess we'll see how the battle of the big 3 goes.
@rjejr Yeah, even though I enjoy some of these rumors, and especially the ones debunking the other ones with simple facts, I'm really kind of done with them all and just want to hear the official word from Nintendo.
As for the Olympics: although I am enjoying some of it, and had a good laugh at the green swimming pools, I'm a bit torn: it's a very mixed bag and although I'm obviously happy with all the US medals, I'm kind of sad that the Dutch aren't doing that well.
In some sports they are, but in the sports where much was expected from them they are all failing for some odd reason. And since I've been living here for so long, I really do have a soft spot for them, so I had hoped they would have done better...
Anyways, just a few more weeks to go for the Nintendo Megaton Announcement...

@rjejr It is fascinating to see the biggest swarm of discussion about intimate internal hardware details in Nintendo fan circles. I think your sentiment is common though. In the end, we are all just trying to project what the games will be and what overall message about the future of Nintendo gaming will come from the initial line up.
For that, though, I think we already have a good picture from the Wii U successes (over a million sales):
1. Mario Kart 8 - multiplayer (local and online)
2. New Super Mario Bros. U - 2D Platforming Mario (bundle penalty)
3. Nintendo Land - Creative ways to play local multiplayer (bundle penalty)
4. Super Mario 3D World - 3D Mario can still grow
5. SSB - Local multiplayer fighting (and online), DLC
6. Splatoon - Online only multiplayer, brave new IP, DLC
7. Super Mario Maker - Consumers get keys to the car gaming/sharing, DLC
8. New Super Luigi U - DLC, 2D platforming
9. Zelda: Wind Waker - Zelda investment, HD remake
10&11. Mario Party and Wii Party U - Local multiplayer Party game (poor quality can still make money)
12. Yoshi's Woolly World - accessible 2D platforming, creative visuals, uber-cuteness
13. Hyrule Warriors - Strategic collaboration can pay off, DLC, DLC, DLC
Add to that something with intense positive internet reactions:
Zelda BotW - Departure from conventions in franchise
Pokemon GO
So that list is what customers voted on with real $$$ (that and 3DS stuff that I'm ignoring). To get the full picture we can't forget Pikmin 4 and Star Fox which show that Miyamoto gets to try whatever he wants.
Anyway, that's a decent picture to me:
I see some possible continued moves in risky new IPs.
I see Nintendo already rewarded for ambition and challenging conventions in their popular franchises.
I see room for more 2D platform action games.
I see multiplayer both local and online being natural to continue
I see NSMBU and Mario Party 10 as the only two games that succeeded at a value ratio I don't wish to see continue (too expensive, not good enough).
I see DLC done pretty darn well for the most part.
I see future exploration of letting players create
So that is not a bad place to continue from.
There are worrying things:
Already mentioned NSMBU and Mario Party 10, but the good news is those last couple games that dumped on us with poor value, Tennis and that Festival thing, also failed to make money.
Third Parties made some great games and didn't get the success they maybe deserved in some cases: Rayman Legends, Bayonetta, Xenoblade. @ThanosReXXX says this can be all fixed up this time around, though.
Metroid is nowhere, F-Zero is nowhere, WaveRace is nowhere, Star Fox seems dead again. In other words, the franchise diversity is lower than ever for Nintendo. The combining of platforms one way or another should help here. Luigi's Mansion, Kid Icarus, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, and others have a bigger chance of living on the home console again (especially if they are one in the same, but even with two, the public intent has always been to combine the platform so games could more easily be made for both. Even with the differences you can see Nintendo working hard for SSB so this is a given really.)
For me at least, this makes all the hardware discussion almost moot. For me at least, the games are "looking" promising. Still, the hardware could undermine the potential of the games, so I'm going to care.
@aaronsullivan Well, that's an extensive list, my friend. You have done your homework.
Don't know what you mean by saying that I said it would be fixed. I only gave my list of games that I suspect to land on the NX in the first half year. But nothing will be fixed if the NX doesn't sell, so first they will definitely need to make it a big, successful announcement and the continuing marketing campaign needs to be a MASSIVE improvement over the Wii U's. And then there is the thing about it having to be a capable, easy to develop for system.
All of those things have definitely been rumored to be included and personally, I like to believe that Nintendo isn't stupid enough to let this be another Wii U, but only time will tell if that is actually the case or if we have to mourn yet another original video gaming giant.
Luckily, the beginning of that time is only a few weeks away and we will finally be able to put all those crazy rumors to rest...
@aaronsullivan (that and 3DS stuff that I'm ignoring)
That was a big problem w/ my game list as well, I don't know 3DS well enough. If NX is primarily a handheld does that mean we get less home console games and more handheld type games? No for the most part they are the same - SSB, MK, Kirby 2D platformers - but 3DS has more free-to-start games then Wii U - Pokemon Shuffle and Rumble, Rusty, SubDiver, Badge Arcade. And w/ the DeNA alliance, a handheld NX would likely get more of those types of games than a home NX.
And while causal games will continue to exist and be available at launch, I would like to see Miis either go away or evolve. They are TOO casual at this point. And we shouldn't even need Mis when we have amiibo. If toys are too expensive, sell amiibo cards. I'd rather play w/ Mario or Link than my Mii. Who wouldn't?
BTW, XC and XC are first party, not 3rd, Nintedo bought Monolith years ago. I know what you mean, those JRPG aren't really Ntinedo games, but technically and factually they are. But if NX is a handheld will we get another XCX? Level 5 is my 2nd favorite JRPG company after Square, and now all they make are mobile and app games, so it's possible Monolith could go small as well. I'm playing Ni No Kuni now, NX better get the sequel after all that money they make on 3DS.
Off topic - even moreso - turned on my wife's 3DS today and went into Streetpass and found the originator rabbit of Coindexter from Badge Arcade. But more importatly he showed me stuff on a tablet. He was flicking pictures to the left with his finger. NX tablet confirmed.
@rjejr You and your infernal NX tablet. Not gonna happen...
@ThanosReXXX Who knows, maybe the tablet is your "special secret" you keep waiting to hear about.
And last time I checked the NX was supposed to have removal controllers. If you take the controllers off of a screen that leaves you with a tablet. So I'm already halfway there.
And the 2DS can't get much cheaper, so it will ave to be replaced w/ something for the kids. And that something will be a tablet.
So maybe tablet possibilities, I have to be right about 1 of them.
black n3ds
@rjejr Nah, you still can't let go of the EuroGamer rumor. That just doesn't sound and look like anything that Nintendo would do.
And as I have already said many, MANY times before: none of what has been shown is new, revolutionary or never seen before. It has all been done in some way or other: Nvidia Shield, Razer tablet, etc. etc. I want and need to see something almost out of this world or a combo that has truly NEVER been done before and that oozes that Nintendo magic. A tablet with detachable wiimotes certainly doesn't.
By the way: Nvidia is slowly trickling information, probably in the run up to the Hot Chips conference, and all they talk about is the hardware they want to put into cars, which contains a motherboard with 2 Tegra X2 chips on it, for cars that can monitor and drive themselves. Nothing on consoles or handhelds, still no news of design wins...
HNF is going crazy with all this and also posted some new stuff. Don't know if you're still following him, but even though I'm kind of tired of all the rumors, it is still kind of intriguing since he must either have really solid sources or a really inventive imagination combined with a good knowledge of how things are supposed to work, because he simply lists too many things that could be applicable and have a basis in fact, so at the very least he seems to know his stuff.
Hmmmm may have to get up on that 3ds deal.... The l button is starting to go on my xl, and with sun and moon coming...
HNF on the left, SMD on the right.
Animal Crossing New Leaf and Luigi's Mansion 2/Dark Moon! is a must buy.
Just picked up my new 3ds Mario edition. Super impressed. The new 3d is wicked. Can you imagine how many 3ds would have been sold had it worked this good at launch.
@rjejr I'm dying xD
@TheNinGuy Is that in reference to my Fisher King pic of HappyNintnedoFan and SuperMetalDave64? Didn't think anybody on here would be old enough to get it.
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