The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the most definitive open world game in the series to date. While previous Zelda games offered the illusion of an open world, there were often visible areas which the player would be prevented from exploring.
Speaking to WIRED, game director Eiji Aonuma explained his fears of allowing the player to have complete freedom to roam unguided - "I thought that making the user get lost was a sin".
Aonuma recalls his experience with the launch of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, "A lot of the feedback that I received from the players of Skyward Sword is that they saw these pockets of land, but couldn't explore what was between them". This criticism is something the Zelda team was determined to improve on for this joint Wii U / NX iteration of the popular franchise.
To overcome the issue of getting lost in Breath of the Wild and give players scope to explore unfettered, Aonuma says "Link can climb up high and look down from cliffs, It's kind of like 2-D gameplay". That's certainly been our experience in our own hands on time with Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Our man at E3, Morgan Sleeper says "seeing a far-off shrine in what would otherwise be the background, and actually making our way there by trekking over hills, across fields and through valleys was striking, and immediately made Breath of the Wild stand out from any other Zelda game we've seen. But equally impressive was how the game's mechanics back-up the seamlessness of that open-world design."
Shigeru Miyamoto remains a key influence, too, as Aonuma explained. "Miyamoto is God. So even when I say, hey, this is what I think should be done, they'll always question: 'Well, what would Miyamoto say?' Up until about two years ago, Miyamoto actually had a lot of comments and advice about Breath of the Wild."
There are a lot more interesting insights from Mr Aonuma into the design of Breath of the Wild in the WIRED article, including how the development team includes staff well versed in current-day Triple-A trends.
Do you relish the idea of exploring without limits in this new Zelda game, or do you fear getting lost? As always, let us know your thoughts with a comment below.
[source wired.com]
Comments 63
I want to get lost! Linear is boring
Poor Aonuma, it's years that he directs Zelda titles and yet his words count nothing without Miyamoto's okay, must be hard working with a living legend.
This has gotten very biblical very fast.
My heart wants to get lost; my backlog wants me to get a move on.
But so far this game is looking worthy of some dedicated play, so I'll try to give it the time it deserves.
Seems the bokoblins have been eating after midnight in BotW.
Getting lost is exciting though.. Especially when spelunking pitch-black, eerie caverns and abandoned structures. But you're been given modern days GPS, it's kinda hard to... Ahh.. I miss the days you had to draw your own map.
I think I prefer linear with lots of choices to make along the way, like in Chrono Trigger.
Getting lost is only fun if there are genuinely worthwhile, though dispensable, discoveries to be made, and I can't remember a game that has done that well.
Getting lost has been a problem for me in every 3D Zelda game other than Twilight Princess, but I grew up with 2D games and have never had very good situational awareness when it comes to 3D games; so I'm guessing I probably just miss a lot of environmental cues that younger players who grew up with 3D games might be more attune to. Still, I did have a ton of fun spending innumerable hours wandering around and enjoying the worlds of the Elder Scrolls games (Oblivion and Skyrim especially) so I'm really looking forward to Breath of the Wild. Getting lost isn't so bad if you're constantly stumbling into neat new things to discover, and Breath of the Wild sure seems to be packed no shortage of those. =)
More definitively open world than Zelda 1?
I just hope the controls are simple.
I personally hate having to use every button on the controller, not to mention that it's not user friendly by doing that, and could turn some people off less experienced players.
@Neon_Blues: So far it seems that the controls are a bit more complicated. Link can do so many different things that they have to use more buttons as well. They have the quick button info screens when you pick up an item you don't know how to use yet though.
@Jin15 I'm with you. I do seem to get lost an awful lot in 3D games. If getting lost means finding new areas with their own sights to see then that is fine with me. All too often though getting lost for me has meant wandering through areas I have previously visited which are essentially dead wondering where I am supposed to be going!
I just hope the world isn't too overwhelming. I actually did like Skyward Sword's worlds as there was a lot to explore and find in such a small space.
I think it depends on that middle ground of moving the story forward. XC was fairly linear but still had some open areas and exploration, but the story was so good you just kept wanting to move forward. The story in XCX took a back seat to an open world design built for exploration.
I know Zelda isn't really about the story, it's about the puzzles, but it still needs a story. We still haven't seen any sign of one though.
I'm not too worried about methods of keeping from getting lost though, XCX offered you a navigational ball, Tomb Raider reboot had a way point on a map - I really wish I could play that game on Wii U I'm on the map so much - and Lara's "survival instinct". I'm sure they'll come up with some navigational tools to help when the time comes to move forward.
I like going back and forth myself - story point, followed by exploring for a bit.
What's the save system like in this very open world, can we save where ever and whenever?
@LegendOfPokemon It's 9 times the size of Skyrim's world.
@gcunit I agree, but thankfully, this world looks promising. There is always something going on, whether it's a camp of bad guys, secrets, overworld bosses (!), or one of the 100+ hidden grottos to explore. I like that they seem to be more than just caves with a chest.
@rjejr How far did you get in XCX or are you still playing it? I've started it again just last week as my first time I wasn't really sure what was going on. I was only paying it in bits and pieces and had totally lost track. This time I know whats what though. I'm only on chapter 4 but I've done loads of exploring. At the rate I'm moving though I may never see it all.
The Lost Woods: The Game!
Can't wait to get lost in Hyrule! Really enjoying reading and learning more about this new Zelda title. So glad it's non-linear!
Getting lost means very little to me without surprises. If Nintendo is truly taking LoZ into a new age and not just introducing a new open-world gimmick, they need to consistently surprise us. When I'm well into the game, instead of thinking "oh look, another shrine" I want to still be wondering what is waiting for me. At times I want to forget that I'm playing as Link but be reminded by the end credits why this series has shaped my love of gaming. Open worlds mean nothing if they are still repetitive.
I can't wait to get lost! In XCX I loved the exploration sense, looking at every Nook and cranny available.
I hope they do revert the trend of making easy Zelda games, with hand holding from some side character (Navi, Fi, etc). Give me something hard, that makes me learn though trial and error.
I KNEW IT! Miyamoto is more than a legend! He is a divine influence, come to bring The Word to us lowly mortals!
@SolidRemco RE4 wants to have an argument with you.
You know what would be a cool game mechanic that could prevent players getting lost? You know how in Game of Thrones/ASOIAF some people are wargs and have the ability to "jump in the skins of animals". Maybe Link can have an ability like that with an eagle, or some other bird. That way, if you get lost, you can just fly up and see the world from a bird's eye view.
Not to mention that flying would be fun in itself!
Gotta be better then MapQuest. XD
It's not like they haven't done open world in The Legend of Zelda and numerous Metroid games. I look forward to this.
I don't think Miyamoto should have control over everything.
@rjejr yup that worries me too...im glad the world is open to us right away but I love the story and of course the lore...to me the beginning of Twilight Princess didnt bother me as much as everyone else but in Skyward Sword it was brutal...and yet both stories were amazing with Skyward Sword being my absolute favorite...but maybe they are holding back story information as much as possible which to be honest im ok with
And I also prefer the original Xenoblade than to X....because of the story....in XCX you can get more story depending on the side quests but it never felt like a full unique story like in the original...
I personally would have loved to explore the world of the Last of Us...exploring for items, setting up shelter, booby traps to defend against the infected and truly survive...and the more you explored the more you would be prepared for the story missions ahead....wow...ok now this better be in the sequel!
I want to get lost, I want to wander as a lost soul in an unknown world, discovering my purpose as a blue-shirted 14-year-old boy. I'll be playing a ranger/assassin. Livin' life like a renegade! ey ey ey ey Livin' life like renegades!
What if I get lost forever
Miyamoto needs to retire.
@OorWullie I played for about 155 hours and saw the "ending" and them played a litle bit more but then I got frustrated and bored b/c I knew there was more to do - so many unanswered questions - and people online were tlaking about higher level skells but I didn't know how to get them. Maxed out my character at level 60 and it felt like spinning wheels after that. Finally decided to move on.
Just to clarify - this is in X - not the original. I finished the main story line in the original, also around 150 hours I think, and did a litlte bit more leveling and battling after that, think I completed everything I set out to do except maybe for 1 high level blue ice dragon.
@WanderingPB I think the sequel to TLoU is called Gone Days.
I decided this morning they are saving the storyline in Zelda:BotW until the NX reveal so they have something exciting to show besides just a piece of hardware. It will almost certainly be a launch title. And if NX has a Pro controller, no screen, then Zelda NX may actually be inferior to the U version. NX may work w/ the Gamepad, or w/ NX handheld, but Zelda w/o a 2nd screen isn't going to be the same game. Playable, but not for me, I'm a map junkie, no joke. So how do you make a game w/o a 2nd screen look good? Show off the boss battles and a story mode trailer.
They still have AT LEAST 9 months, they are in no rush. Wii U has Paper Mario and the Olympics left in 2016, I'm more worried about Christmas then 2017 at this point, and so apparently are they.
@rjejr Agreed,
and the cross-console release maybe some "possible" information on the NX. It's highly likely that it will feature some sort of a second screen. I've also been digging through patents and seen quite a lot leaning towards full digital media, which in turn leads me to believe it will have a high hard drive capacity.
@starcatcher77 Large HDD could make sense, but Ntineod rarely makes sense. Newly redesigned Xbox 1 S has a 500GB HD for $299. 3 year old Wii U is $299 w/ 32GB.
And I keep changing my mind on NX. Will it work w/ the Gamepad? Will it have a new smaller screen Gamepad? Will it work w/ a new NX handheld. Or an NX tablet. They have enough app games now to make a Nitneod branded tablet that doubles as a controller, maybe w/ a detachable grip like Nvidia Shield. Amazon has a $50 tablet, they aren't that expensive to make.
But I don't know what NX will be, and I've kind of burned out on guessing. A $200 no disc drive no HDD no screen box was my last guess when I stopped. Like Amazon Fire Gamer Ed but w/ the power of an X1. $200 NX handheld doubles as a 2nd screen controller.
@PowerStar They did that in windwaker. You could control seagulls and fly around as the seagull. You couldn't get to far from Link though. I agree that flying would be awsome. I am kind of hoping Loftwings will make a return but I kind of doubt it. I am sure at the very least there will be an item that lets you warp to any shrine you have been to or something like that.
@rjejr I must admit I felt disappointed that the WiiU wont have its own Zelda and only hope that they consider doing something like LoZ Oracle of Ages and Seasons where both versions are similar but also very different and by completing both you can unlock the true ending regardless of which game your playing...but thats just wishful thinking on my part
I completely agree with your surmise of them revealing the story details along with the NX info and release date. also will be disappointed if they take out gamepad use to accommodate NX...sounds very un-Ninty but still a concern of mine...I'm also a map junkie but love exploration. In XCX if found the ewok bridges in Noctulium before even completing the Chapter where we meet "L" and also died approching that unique monster in the water that appeared to be off line...ah the magic of finding places not on the map! LOL!
I agree xmas is pretty much non-existent for Ninty unless they holding some secret hd remasters of sunshine or thousand year door...I was finally going to break and get a PS4 for Last Guardian but with the ps4k/neo coming next year i might just focus on my backlogs which is why im not as angry or disappointed as most
Part of me is excited to explore a seamless Hyrule, but I also like to feel like I've made some progress in a game. Due to my schedule, I sometimes can't sit down for long gaming sessions and like to feel like I've accomplished something in the time that I do get to play a game. I'm worried that after, say, an hour of gameplay, I won't feel like I've accomplished anything.
@WanderingPB "also will be disappointed if they take out gamepad use to accommodate NX"
According to Alex in his video - you should watch it, its really funny - you can play Zelda U w/ the Pro controller, which means you dont' need the Gamepad screen, which means you can play on NX w/o a screen.
I'd bet a lot that the game was made to ONLY be played w/ the screen, the version that was supposed to release in 2015, and then somebody said to Anouma - "uh, hey Anouma, NX won't have a screen, better and in Pro controller support on the Wii U version as well."
IGN said Anouma said "Same experience" but he never actually said w/ the screen or w/o.
@WanderingPB @rjejr Treehouse and/or Anouma said specifically that all villages/settlements and NPCs were completely removed from demo to avoid spoiling the story this early. I'm remembering what looked like villagers/shepherds in the field in the very first reveal.
I expect there to be plenty of story elements throughout. Zelda is maybe the one franchise where Nintendo has explored this and increased story over the years.
@BakaKnight Of course take this with some balance. He is being respectful but at least one anecdote from the Treehouse presentations shows a give and take. Miyamoto commented how he originally didn't like all the collecting that it felt too much like work, but he likes it now as it's much more fun when all the parts are in place and it has purpose to it. Anouma has a backbone and a vision for the game that he apparently fights for.
@gokev13 You are right, I'm pretty sure "warps" were mentioned in a Treehouse discussion when Bill Trinnen and Aonuma were showing the outer edges of the plateau. Would love there to be loft wings. Maybe by the end. We have been shown SO little (less than 2% they kept repeating). Ostensibly all those outer areas aren't empty!
@rjejr They did take out Gamepad use... At least the screen part of it. Word from the show floor is that the bottom screen is just black. Then Aonuma made a comment about how "If you had [a GPS] down in your lap [when driving], you’re going to get into an accident!" This is super disappointing as a Gamepad map is my favorite feature in an action adventure game! 😢
Bokoblins. We haven't seen any Moblins yet.
"What is a king to a God" Am I right?
@gcunit GTA V did a decent job of it. Drive/Walk around, see random event marker pop up on map, go to event, crazy crap ensues. My favorite was always that one spot off the side of the highway where everyone killed each other and you just walk in after the fact and take the suitcase like in No Country For Old Men.
@Popful Multiple endings are always awesome. Funny thing is.. people keep talking about non-linearity when I haven't seen a game truly like that yet.
You mean how the player always ends up following the path the developers intended? Only there's an illusion of freedom provided by the side activities along that still preset path?
@TechJunkie69 Not played GTAV yet, but thanks for the spoiler
Something like that, yeah. Even then, those side activities don't have multiple avenues on how to be completed. Not that I'm complaining.. I like narrative stories.
I could only see something truly non-linear with somekind of very advance A.I. that interacts with you on every aspect. Paving a new road for you.
Beside, even every geek's dream, a star trek holodeck, has to be played within the writer's parameter lol
I think he did a great job at it. This looks unlike Metroid prime 1, where I would constantly get lost and soon bored because I was lost. Having a high vantage point or destination which I can visually see at all times, like with a beaker is a lot more appealing than going through a lot of rooms.
Having multiple ways of doing the same thing in a game is the best non-linearity I can ask for. I'd get a headache if it's anything more complex than that. Also, a feeling of missing out on countless things would set in and poison the experience for me.
@aaronsullivan "to avoid spoiling the story this early."
This early? A year after the game was supposed to release?
Don't take that personally, I know what you meant. This is the kind of stuff they should have shown us last E3, when they didn't show the game b/c it wasn't "coming out in the next 6 months" or some Reggie nonsense. Here we are w/ yet another year delay and the game still doesn't have a release date. Nintendo people almost whisper "2017" like they aren't even sure it will make that.
Here's the truth - from July to Dec Nintendo has 1 Wii U game - PM:CS - releasing. And who knows how long after that until Zelda U (yes I'm still calling it that to differentiate it from Zelda NX)? So it's not too early, they just need to milk it for all it's worth over the next 7-9 months b/c they have nothing else to talk about on Wii U.
And it will probably be the selling point for NX. I'm not believing that "Same experience" nonsense for a minute, any more than I'm believing PS4 Neo will be the same as PS4. Hyrule Warriors Legends speaks volumes in that regard. At the very least Zelda NX should have all the amiibo DLC unlocked, can't expect people to buy a new console, a new game, and 4 amiibo. The 100 million people in the world who skipped Wii U won't have TP HD, so no amiibo.
I'm expecting a story too, and a hook - animal control more than a hot air balloon at the moment - but I'm just not buying the "Too early" line from them, the game was due out last year.
It's even funnier if you think of that as a Gamepad in Vegeta's hand.
You know, I was considering that you were just trolling me, I know some people on here don't like me b/c I'm usually negative on 98% of what Ntind does, my avatar kind of says it all, but then I found this:
"“Previously, when I was playing with Mr. Miyamoto, you might have seen that the map was on the GamePad screen,” Aonuma said, referring to a demo he did of the game two Decembers ago. “But after developing the game and playing the game we realized that having a smaller version of the map on screen is actually better so you know where you are at all times. So we decided to take it that route. Obviously if we find that there’s a great feature we could add to the GamePad, there is a possibility that we could do that.”"
Holy #$%## Ninteod? The cake is a lie! Now THIS is a lie!!!

Well, thank you for not trolling me. NX has no 2nd screen confirmed. You following all this @WanderingPB I may have misspoken before.
@rjejr ..................Et tu, Nintendo?.................
"you broke my heart Fredo...uh I mean Nintendo....YOU...BROKE...MY...HEART!"
......Im very disappointed...but that Vegeta pic says it all.......damn it ninty
@WanderingPB Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, I'm still thinking I must be mistaken, you know I always think the worse, it's just who I am.
This ones for you PB.
@Popful That's... very true. I'm a bit obsessive compulsive like that as well. (Like Metroid Prime, spoiled a lot to me because of the endless things to scan and to read.)
@16bitdave If you get lost forever, then you become a skull kid?
@rjejr...look how Nintendo massacred my Breath of the Wild Wii U
@rjejr Yea... I think it does confirm that NX has no second screen. Why else remove it when WW and TP had both Gamepad maps and mini maps? Even the 3DS games had always on maps... And now it's too distracting? It is very upsetting to me personally. I've loved the Gamepad maps so much. Every time I've gone back to play PS3 games with maps I've missed not having to constantly pause to get my bearings... Truthfully, if they had a map screen for Wii U but not for NX, I would definitely get the Wii U version... So I guess it does make business sense, but I'm upset nonetheless.
@Shadowkiller97 My apologies for doubting you before, it just seemed too unbelievable, even with your avatar I needed confirmation.
I'm playing the Tomb Raider reboot on PS3 now - unbelievable game, up there with Uncharted 2 - and I keep wanting to look down at the controller for the map. Just finished Guacamelee, used the map on that too. XCX was all about the map, once I really figured out how to use it. I'm really bummed. Actually more like angry, that maybe they purposely stripped it out for NX compatibilty, and that is not cool.
@WanderingPB "massacred" actually fits if you take that early video footage into account. If not for that, I'd be happy to just call them "lazy", but now it's more like sabotage the Wii U version for the NX.
@Shadowkiller97 Just in case it looks like I've been plagiarizing your post #63 all over the site w/o giving you any credit, I didn't mean to steal from you, I think we are just both viewing it the same way.
@DeltaPeng perhaps
"Up until about two years ago, Miyamoto actually had a lot of comments and advice about Breath of the Wild."
Lol, after that they where probably shutting him up because he was upending the wrong tables again! The game looks great!
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