As another week begins we have more Nintendo Download Update details to consider for Europe. This week brings a range of promising download-only games on both Wii U and 3DS, along with another DS title on the Wii U Virtual Console. Some varied DLC is also on the cards, along with some handsome permanent discounts to Atlus RPGs (via NIS America); let's get to it.
Wii U eShop
Futuridium EP Deluxe (Mixed Bag, €7.99 / £5.99 until 2nd June, then €9.99/ £7.99) - Originally targeting an April release, this futuristic and high-speed title has you flying and shooting through a variety of colourful environments. Think of a faster Star Fox with elements of the Death Star run from the first Star Wars movie, and you're going in the right direction. We'll get cracking on a review.
Wii U Virtual Console
Mario Slam Basketball (Nintendo, €9.99 / £8.99) - Basketball that's about as Nintendo as it gets, throwing in Mario tricks and tweaks along with stylus-based controls. We'll go for a dunk and let you know how this DS title stacks up on Wii U.
LEGO MARVEL'S Avengers: Spider-Man Character Pack (WB Games, free)
Wii U eShop Temporary Discounts
Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures (Screwattack Games, €4.99 / £4.49 until 9th June, normally €9.99 / £8.99)
Inside My Radio (Seaven Studio, €11.99 / £9.99 until 9th June, normally €14.99 / £12.99)
The Quiet Collection (Nostatic Software, €2.69 / £1.79 until 2nd June, normally €4.49 / £2.99)
3DS eShop
Infinite Dunamis (KEMCO, €9.99 / £8.99) - This publisher has brought a number of iOS and Android RPG releases to Nintendo's portable, and this is another to add to the list. This one has a bit of a steampunk aesthetic going on, and we'll see whether it's an adventure worth embarking upon in our review.
Epic Word Search Collection 2 (Lightwood Games, €7.99 / £5.99) - It's all in the name as this will offer a lot of word search puzzles on the 3DS, which its predecessor did rather well. There are five new categories, and this entry also adds a "flip controls" option to the user interface, which was apparently much requested by those that picked up the first game. We'll search for the right words and bring you a review.
Smash Cat Heroes (Tom Create, €2.49 / £1.99) — This is a top-down action title across both screens in which you bust some serious fighting moves; it'll also be possible to upgrade your cat's abilities as you play. It makes for a cute and relatively fun hack and slash experience, which we gave a modest recommendation in our Smash Cat Heroes review.
Samurai Defender (CIRCLE Entertainment, €2.99 / £2.39) - Previously listed on 16th July last year, it's included once again in Nintendo's press release. A side-on castle defence game set in the "Warring States period of Japan". You tap on enemies to attack them with your bowmen, while earning coins and levelling up boosts your abilities and defensive options. We weren't particularly impressed in our Samurai Defender review.
Fire Emblem Fates - Map 2: Boo Camp (Nintendo, or part of map pack 1) - A test of the nerves awaits in Boo Camp, when the army spends the night on a haunted mountain. Those who survive 'til morning are said to come out stronger for the experience, but is that just another ghost story?
Fire Emblem Fates - Map 3: Beach Brawl (Nintendo, or part of map pack 1) - In Beach Brawl, Corrin has been awarded hotly contested tickets to a vacation resort. With only one ticket up for grabs, it falls to the royal retainers to fight for the honour—and leisure—of their lieges.
3DS eShop Nintendo Selects Discounts
Available since 16th October 2015, listed once again by Nintendo in its press release.
Star Fox 64 3D (Nintendo, €19.99 / £15.99, was €44.99 / £39.99)
Nintendogs + Cats (Nintendo, €19.99 / £15.99, was €44.99 / £39.99)
Mario Tennis Open (Nintendo, €19.99 / £15.99, was €44.99 / £39.99)
Yoshi's New Island (Nintendo, €19.99 / £15.99, was €39.99 / £34.99)
Mario Party: Island Tour (Nintendo, €19.99 / £15.99, was €39.99 / £34.99)
3DS eShop Temporary Discounts
SteamWorld Heist (Image & Form, €14.99 / £11.24 until 9th June, normally €19.99 / £14.99)
Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures (Screwattack Games, €4.99 / £4.49 until 9th June, normally €9.99 / £8.99)
Real Heroes: Firefighter 3D Download Version (Zordix AB, €4.99 / £4.49 until 2nd June, normally €9.99 / £8.99)
Music On: Electric Guitar (Abylight, €0.99 / £0.90 until 23rd June, normally €1.99 / £1.89)
3DS eShop Permanent Discounts
Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan (NIS America, €9.99 / £17.99, was €39.99/ £34.99)
Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth (NIS America, €19.99 / £8.99, was €39.99/ £34.99)
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers (NIS America, €9.99 / £8.99, was €39.99/ £34.99)
Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl (NIS America, €9.99 / £8.99, was €39.99/ £34.99)
That's your lot for the European Nintendo Download Update this week; let us know what you're planning to download in the poll and comments below.
Comments 90
How low can Wii U go? Dreadful week of releases and offers.
Some of the discounts on 3DS, however, look really good.
Holy discounts Batman, those NIS games are a steal !!
Wow. I'm outta here!
are the 3DS eShop Permanent Discounts correct? 😱 some dropped a lot in price!
Wow, 3DS Super Nintendo games have slowed to a crawl already. Came here desperately wanting to see something cool like Super Mario RPG :/ lame.
Do... Do I see discounts on EO games??? Permanent discounts? My godness, the day has come. Gotta tell people around here, I know someone who's been waiting for a long while for a discount to happen.
Omigods, we're finally getting some of those famed Atlus game discounts for Yurop?! Time to get Untold at last!
Now those NISA sale prices are something out of this world. Like whoa, never would have expected that level of price drops.
Had they been digital-only games, I would jump to get those all, but seeing there are physical versions available, I really have to think about if I'm OK missing out on them in favor of these way cheaper digital versions.
Now they discount Soul Hackers, after I just bought a physical copy... Mrgrgr...
Another barren week for Wii U. Hey Nintendo, how about you release Majora's Mask for virtual console??? Or the original Smash??? There's SO much to choose from, but you just UGGGHHH
Don't fret Wii U owners, it's only 10 month till Zelda,it'll fly in.
Can't wait to get AVGN tonight!
The wiiu is like a dry dessert, it's not really a problem because i have an awesome library with the best of the best games, so theres always something to re_visit
Hopefully it get better soon, though i doubt this is true :/
Ow, one more thing, Europe did still not get Pinball Arcade, does anyone hear me?
Finally getting SteamWorld Heist!
Having met and talked to the Futuridium developers at Play Expo last year, I feel obliged to buy it; I did really enjoy it by the way.
Plus it means I can leave my physical Vita copy sealed.
Those Atlus games are at an amazing price, although I already own the lot of them physically but if you're a digi-gamer; go for it!
Any idea if that discount you reported last week is going to actually happen this week?
Parascientific Escape Cruise?
Also those Atlus discounts are a bit of a slap in the face. Feels like there's a story behind that rather Drastic Permanent price drops, though definitely connected to the whole NIS no longer having the Atlus connection, it is still a little insane.
@Ballzilla these updates go from Thursday. If you buy it tonight, then you'll be buying it at the normal price.
Nintendo stopped trying.
Meh........good job for the humble bundle really because I'm burning through my back log right now.
I've yet to pick up fast racing neo and shovelknight and not long till steamworld heist but otherwise I'm starting to worry about this slowing down of the Wii u releases.
As many have said, a burst of vc releases or some 1st party discount sales on the e shop might be needed to keep things moving along.....
I think the nis games might be removed shortly hence the very low prices now.
Woah, those NIS discounts! Already have Millennium Girl but I've played it already so it's not like I downloaded it and didn't play it.
Want those other 3 for sure though, £105 of content for less than £40!!!
Holy crap, what are those sudden permanent Atlus discounts!?!
Mario Slam and maybe one or two of the 3DS perm discount but not much there this week.
The permanent discounts this week include some nice Atlus titles, it seems. Good.
I might snatch the AVGN game though. It seems like a fair #u@%in' deal!
Might have to finally get Persona Q. Can't say no at that price.
Nothing for me! Fates will keep me busy for a long time, but I do need to get Map Pack 1...
In the meantime on distant shore we got, in one week, Doom, Uncharted 4 and Valkyria Chronicles....
No surprise that WiiU don't sell at all...
@Ballzilla wait for Thursday, otherwise you will have to pay full price.
cool i almost bought persona q full price today.
@ChessboardMan @Kolzig
Thanks guys, that's what I get for going on Nintendo Life during studying
Meh, I'd rather put in Sports Mix than buy Slam Basketball again.
Holy crap! I just ordered all the discounted Atlas games on amazon this morning! Total came to well over £120. Just cancelled them all, so gonna buy them all for €50 on Thursday. Sweet!
Close one, phew!
EDIT: I'll also get AVGN for the 3ds too. I know I won't play it on the WiiU sadly.
It's a shame Steam World Heist waited until Fire Emblem Fates was release before it was reduced. Bad Marketing.
I was scratching around for something to play on the 3ds, for the last couple of weeks, but I always resist over priced games. And Steam World Heist does seem to be over priced, ok maybe not against Nintendo's overpriced download games, but in general.
Etrian Odyssey games for just 49 PLN each? It's a total steal! I've been dying to play this game, especially after trying the demo version (it does remind me of ye olde times, as I was a PC/DOS gamer - Anvil of Dawn, Dungeon Master, Eye of the Beholder, Lands of Lore... ah, good memories), but never had any chance, as both the digital version and the boxed copy were so damn expensive in Poland.
Nintendo has a VC service with tons of options. And if we get a game that week, it's a game almost no one cares about. 😡
Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan (NIS America, €9.99 / £17.99, was €39.99/ £34.99)
Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth (NIS America, €19.99 / £8.99, was €39.99/ £34.99)
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers (NIS America, €9.99 / £8.99, was €39.99/ £34.99)
Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl (NIS America, €9.99 / £8.99, was €39.99/ £34.99)
Either there's a mistake in the article, or the pricing is wonky. Surely they should all go down to €9.99/£8.99?
@alasdair91 Well spotted - let's wait and see - fingers crossed for some £8.99 all round. They're all games on the periphery of my radar, with the Etrian Odyssey games being a bit closer in, but these discounts have brought them all into my inner circle of irresistibility.
@readyletsgo What a coincidence!
@gcunit Hopefully. I fancy Entrain Odyssey IV, but not if UK folks are having to pay more than double the price over EU folks...
I'll definitely be picking up Persona Q. Wanted it for ages, but didn't want to spend like £40 on it.
Presumably, if you're starting out with Etrian Odyssey, Untold Girl is the place to start due to it being a remake of the 1st?
And I wonder if Etrian Odyssey 2 - Untold: The Fafnir Knight will get included as a discount at some point (too new for now, I guess).
Damn those prices are great for both EO games and Soul Hacker. I rather have them as physical but for that price it is a steal.
Those permanent discounts are pretty amazing. If I didn't already own them I'd jump all over this.
I'm one of those people, getting Persona and Untold. As an added bonus eshop cards are 10% off at EB Stores in Australia.
Yeah bit early, same, I think for Etrian Mystery Dungeon
I'll be getting the Fates DLC because I have map pach 1 and AVGN at that price, Once I'm finished with fates I'll pick up one of those Atlus games 😀
@gcunit Good question. Is Etrian Odyssey IV twice as good as Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl? I played the demo of EOU2 and loved the dungeon crawling and mapping but the town section and dumb anime talking heads was dull. Which is best for the actual gameplay here?
EDIT: Oh! Persona Q has mapping too - although not as pretty as EO I think.
Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures for me and I'll look at the Etrian Odyssey games as I'm new to the series.
Nothing for me this week. Those are sweet Etrian Odyssey discounts, but I've already got them. Persona Q is tempting at that price.
Just a reminder. If you are picking up 2 or more of the atlus games buy one on Thursday and then buy the rest on Wednesday to take advantage of the gold coins for this month and Junes (too bad there is no cart feature on the 3ds).
I'll take the AVGN discount.
Just the FE Fates DLC as I bought the map pack.
Woah! What's going on with NIS America? Is this something to do with their Atlus deal changing? https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2016/04/nis_america_no_longer_publishing_atlus_games_in_europe
@SilentHunter382 still can't make heads or tails of this whole Gold coins malarkey but I'll take your word for it, thanks!
The Nintendo Selects discounts were most likely mentioned again as they will now (finally) be available in Australia.
FINALLY. I've been waiting for that Persona Q discount for so long. Grabbing Devil Summoners and Etrian Odyssey IV seems very tempting too with those prices.
Any idea on DLC prices for Fates? I'll probably get the pack, but individual prices are nice too.
One of those Etrian Oddysseys will be mine, just need to figure out which one.
@davidevoid From what I can tell, it's a last hurrah before their licenses run out. Might as well, you know, make as much money as you can from the arrangement while it lasts by making them all dirt cheap to convince an influx of impulse sales. I'm quite sure developers of licensed games have done this on other stores before to get around the fact a licensing agreement is due to expire.
The Beach Brawl DLC sucks. But the boo camp is useful if you are playing Conquest and are a wimp like me 😉
@tudsworth Yeah, I think it happened with the Sayonara Umihara Kawase team. They just dumped all their games on Steam a week or so before they were going to go out of business.
I wonder if instead this is more a case of Atlus having full control over digital distribution in Europe and making the most of it. The Atlus digital only games do tend to be on sale often (Citizens of Earth, Conception, SMT IV) in comparison to these that received physical release which basically never are on sale.
Etrian Odyssey sale? I've waited for so long that I don't even care anymore. Does that even make sense? I guess I have so many other games to play that I can't find time to play EO. Well, it's permanent discount so I'll get them once I have more time.
Which one of the EO games should I take first? I never played any game in this series.
@SilentHunter382 What do you mean? Surely you get the same amount of Gold Coins per purchase regardless of whether you purchase them in May or June?
@alasdair91 Yes but May coins expire in November meanwhile June coins expire in December. Given My Nintendo is very weak currently, you may want to save coins for after the NX reveal.
I'm currently playing Strange Journey and I'm liking it so far. Now that Soul Hackers got a perm discount I'm thinking of buying it!
"Available since 16th October 2015, listed once again by Nintendo in its press release."
hahahah... so why even list it again... Not even Nintendo knows anymore what to offer? Call it "Retro" week and while youre at it, why not a "Celebrate the 3DS" week, going back to launch day. Like for one week only, you can purchase all games at the price of launch day back then! and DIGITAL only (so you can finally throw away these huge heavy cartridges)
Seems to be in line with the reward-strategy. Top notch quality as usual.
How about this, for next week, I have an idea for more rewards and discounts. So from next Monday on, for 500 points you will receive a "Free eShop Pass" Reward. That entitles you to visit the eShop for 48 hours starting from the moment you entered.
Holy moly, those 3DS permanent discounts are tempting!
@ThomasBW84 Just a heads up that you have May 26th in the title of the article rather than the 23rd.
Soul Hackers! Permanent discount? Oh god. I hope they're not losing rights to distribute these games. O.O
@SlayerG That's deliberate, it's the day the update goes live on the eShop
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Oddly enough the Wii U is the gaming console that is getting more / better releases in North America...go figure. xD
Nothing for me again. Fed up of waiting for some decent retro games. May go for a gpd xd...
I bet you haven't downloaded all the decent retro games already on Wii U and 3DS.
Looks like NIS is tying to make up for all the hatred to Europe
@ThomasBW84 Oh, my bad, I thought Nintendo released gamed in Europe on Mondays and North America on Thursdays. My mistake.
Just in case any one is waiting, the Lego Avengers Spider-Man Character Pack is now up on the eshop
I'm still hoping those prices above for the Atlus game reductions are typos and that Etrian Odyssey IV isn't only going down to £17.99 while everything else is £8.99.
Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan (NIS America, €9.99 / £17.99, was €39.99/ £34.99)
Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth (NIS America, €19.99 / £8.99, was €39.99/ £34.99)
Those prices just make no sense, but who knows...
@alasdair91 Damn never noticed that and i went out and got a £25 e shop card.
It's live! And Persona Q is £17.99 and all the others are £8.99
So if EOU and EOIV are the same price then which to get?
I know EOIV is newer and has more but I liked the story led approach of EOU with it's pre-loaded parties... and yet....
@riChchestM from what I've read EOU came out after IV and is a remake/re-imagining of the first game for the DS. I've heard that is the best place to start as it integrates elements from IV anyway.
@davidevoid Thanks. I played the EOU demo to the end and wanted more but now I'm playing the EOIV demo through the airship stuff to compare. To be honest I like both.
@riChchestM It's good to see these games actually permanently at £8.99, I swear there have been games labelled as 'permanent reduction' but then it turns out to just be a sale price. Eventually I'll get these, good to know there's no made rush! Maybe the physical copies will start going down in price? We can hope.
@davidevoid I would say get them now rather then later as Atlus and NIS are no longer together which will lead these game to stop being sold on the eshop aswell as cause the physical carts to increase in price.
Which reminds me I still need to get overclock.
@SilentHunter382 Surely there will be some kind of warning beforehand though right? At least some rumblings. Like what happened with Tetris and that DSiWare game (can't remember the name!).
Eshop has them under a sales banner on the front page but not in the special offers section. So who knows? Perhaps I could get both so I can switch when I get bored or frustrated, but by golly I've got a huge backlog already. This would scratch my dungeon crawling itch.
@davidevoid When games lose their license the publishers may release a few weeks warning or they may not and it just disappear.
So if you want to hold out then just hope they do release a warning. For me I bought them because I don't want the risk of forgetting and have no warning.
@SilentHunter382 That's definitely a fair point and is a worry with digital releases. Still, a fair amount to splash out in a short period of time for me at the moment sadly! Will save up the pennies.
Grr. I was looking forward to Persona Q at £8.99... How annoying. I was going to buy all 3 Etrian style games. Now I'll just buy 1.
Not sure where the prices are from but Persona Q is £17.99 in the UK
Still on the fence with regards to purchasing it.
I just noticed that the Sale banner on the eShop shows Devil Survivor 2 rather than Devil Summoner... (Yeah, I get them mixed up, too.)
I already have Persona Q on cartridge, but I was thinking of replacing it with the download version if it had been £8.99. Never mind. I've picked up the two I didn't have (EOU and Devil Summoner).
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