Yesterday, we reported on a new Mighty No. 9 trailer which featured such gems as "combo on combo action" and gameplay that will "make the bad guys cry like an anime fan on prom night."
The trailer hasn't gone down well, and currently has over 14,000 downvotes on YouTube. However, anime fans aren't the only people dissatisfied with the footage - Inti Creates CEO Takuya Aizu is pretty unhappy, too:
In case you didn't realise, "D*** *il***" is almost certainly supposed to be Deep Silver, the company handling the physical versions of the game and (presumably) the company which commissioned the trailer.
Here's the offending footage, in case you haven't seen it yet:
Inti Creates is working with Keiji Inafune's Comcept on the game, which has endured a rather protracted route to market, suffering several delays. Fans have been quick to point out that the game looks a lot different to the lush 2D concept images shown during the Kickstarter campaign - the explosions in the trailer have been singled out for ridicule by non other than Sonic himself:
Mighty No. 9 launches this June. Are you still interested?
Comments 125
The Sonic Twitter is the best Twitter account.
The trailer really is awful. Talk about cringe.
Deep Silver really haven't done MN9 any favours regarding this ridiculous trailer. ;~; I watched it and had a hard time trying not to cringe. It's like they wanted everyone to disregard the game. As if people weren't turned off already.
Hahaha, that Sonic Tweet was really on point.
Whoever runs the Sonic Twitter account is savage.
That first 2D concept art... so much promise... what a disaster
I love the Sonic Twitter, memes everywhere lol.
that is some mighty cringe
@NinChocolate on inti creates defense they said on the kicstarter that the game would be 2.5 D when it first launched.
It really is amazing just how much of a fumble and mess this whole thing has turned out to be. I'm so glad I didn't donate any money, and I genuinely feel sorry for those that did.
The more time passes, the worse this game looks.
I am genuinely interested in the game, but I'll have to wait and see what it's like to consider buying it.
Ouch. Can't tell if it is the trailer or not, but the game looks worse than I remember it looking.
I was interested in this game when the Kickstarter had just started, but I have cooled towards it since. Maybe it had something to do with the years of excuses and empty promises.
I backed this game and I still want it, however.... it's looking kind of dumb now.
Also there's a typo in the first line " such gems as gems as"
Thanks for reminding me about the trailer, I got distracted and didn't get round to watching it before. I'll agree that the trailer looks really bad imo.
I saw that Sonic twet, but I didn't realise the pizza was supposed to be a piss take off MN9's explosion graphics. I can't have been paying much attention.
Trailer definitely doesn't do the game any favors
Amazed the CEO of the company had no idea what Deep Silver was doing. I can understand why he'd be furious. I'm still going to play this game though. Ive waited too long to not to at this point.
Let's try not to hate everything before it's even released.
I backed it, I'm not happy about the delays but that's life. I'll give it a shot before I decide I hate it. Who knows, it could end being a pretty good game. The demo was good.
what a mess
It doesn't really matter. The game still looks the same, it was just an absolute humour-fail.
Who are they marketing this to? Call of Duty fans who have never played Mega Man?
And this game has looked worse in grapphics and gameplay every time they've shown it. Is anyone still excited for it? Truthfully?
Good ol' Sanic! Always lookin' out for the little guy!
Haha, but in all seriousness, the amount of press leading up to this game has been an absolute train-wreck. I honestly don't think I've ever seen a game manage to kill it's own hype in such a way before.
@QuickTimeEvent Gems on gems action.
I don't have a problem with the trailer, but then again I was never hyped up for this game to begin with.
Thank god I didn't back this.
I'll reserve judgement until I play the game, but I can see how people will connect this terrible trailer to a terrible game without trying it.
What a time to be alive.
OK, that Sonic image...XFD!
Trust the internet to find something to complain about on everything there exists. I personally think this type of trailer is hilarious. The anime fan joke is not offensive at all, given that the WHOLE trailer is an intentional joke.
I can't wait for this game to come out, and hope the best for it's creators. There's not enough megaman in this world.
@CreamyDream I agree up until the hope it flops part. It's a gamble, I helped fund Shovel Knight and I don't regret it, it was very much worth the investment. Now MN9, being Keiji Inafune trying to fill the void for Megaman a lot of people thought it was win-win, until a publisher got involved that's when things got hairy; it was shady business. Ultimately it's a gamble. It paid off with Shovel Knight. I just hope it pays for Bloodstained and Yooka-Laylee. Besides kickstarters are probably the best way to play game styles that have come and gone, and give them a decent budget to provide enough features.
Talk about being tone deaf about your audience. I imagine the only people really into this game appreciate the history of gaming and like Japanese culture.... making the Venn diagram of the offending term and the people interested in this game a pretty clear sign about how this would be received. Yikes.....
Pretty Sh*t tastic. The game honestly (after all this time) doesnt look all that hot, and doesn't seem to bring anything new to the table...sad...
You know it's bad when people side with modern-day Sonic over the creator of Mega Man.
This is part of why the only Kickstarter I have supported was Yooka Laylee
wasn't there a previous MN9 trailer with the same uncool narrator as well? This one:
I think it still looks kinda cool. But I agree the cutscenes in the trailer looked awful. Like CGI from the early 90's.
Twitter Sonic always deliver.
I will refrain judgement until I actually play the game.
I have also noticed that no one is talking about Iga's "Metroidvania" for months now...
This trailer is greatness. The butthurt around it is delicious.
I mean, you got what you deserved, backers. Now only to turn out the game sucks and I will have a great laugh for entire month.
The "nerds are virgins" thing implied by the "anime fan at prom night" line is a ridiculously outdated stereotype.
And when the guy calling you out on outdated stereotype is none other than Sonic, you KNOW it's bad.
This is why I hate Deep Silver.
@MarioPhD Yeah, I mean, the "anime fans" quote could hardly be called offensive, but it was just... WEIRDLY judged.
Like, "Hahaha, anime fans are so lame - bunch of weedy nerds, lol, we're not like them, no, instead we play COOL games like this:
No... wait."
I mean, maybe it was meant to be a sort of 'in-joke' where people are expected to have a knowing chuckle at themselves. But then would help if the narrator was 'in' on the joke too, rather than sounding like he's trying to appeal to a completely different audience.
This is glorious, I love how absurd this is. The anime people need to lighten up. Taking benign shots like that so seriously is precisely why shots are taken in the first place. You really need to learn to laugh at yourself, a little self-deprecating humour is a good thing. I might actually pick this up (if it ever actually releases) purely in spite of how hilarious the circumstances surrounding it are. But hey, I'm one of those want-to-watch-the-world-burn kind of people.
Welcome to the Age Of Offense. Everyone and everything has to be treated with kid gloves because the loudest, most easily-outraged people have access to social media.
If anybody is the expert of awful, it's Sega and Sonic. They've just given away a large slice of their secret formula. Must be nice to not be the centre of ridicule for a change.
The trailer was pretty bad. If I was a backer, I'd be very disappointed. I hadn't realised the game raised so much money until I was on a forum yesterday and the figure of $4,000,000 was mentioned, which is insane. This is what they made with all that money? There are so many talented indie developers that would be grateful for a fraction of that figure.
I just don't...
How could it have come to this?
Square bracket, img, closing square bracket, URL, square bracket, slash, img, closing square bracket. As in:
Try editing your comment.
The guy killed one of his own developers, the reveal trailer shows just as much!
I think they were going for the whole "Anchorman" vibe with the narrator, because a lot of people think that's cool and someone figured it was marketable. Why are we looking so deeply into this?
@Yorumi Without wanting to go into more detail than is tasteful, I assume the "Miyazaki anime" you're referring to is separate from the works of the Ghibli creator of the same name? As far as I know, he hasn't public anything...
...Wait scrap that comment. I've just looked up what G-rated actually means, which is apparently "having no violence, offensive language, or sexual activity". Which is the exact opposite of what I thought it meant from your post.
Do people really call other people paedophiles for watching things WITHOUT any sexual content? That's absurd!
@AlexSora89 And they said old dogs can't learn new tricks. Thanks
Guys, I just came up with a dirtier interpretation of the censored "Deep Silver" name in the tweet, and despite the fact it could cause this comment to be deleted, I can't stop snickering at the idea of "D*** *il***" standing for "D@#k Milker".
And the worst thing is, I can't unsee that interpretation anymore. Help me.
You're welcome, lad.
Dear Deep Silver,
The game is called Mighty No.9, not poopy No.9 .
And once again I'm forgiven for having a preteen-ish dirty mind!
Why did people defend this game again?
Because Capcom kept/still keeps neglecting Megaman.
@mikegamer because the game is made by their master Inafune-sama. They have brown noses from kickstarting it and all the praise.
Wow, even I could come up with something better than that with my Vulcan level of creativity.
@Yorumi Yeah, I mean I can understand why some (or even a lot of) anime ends up dividing opinions. Even Miyazaki himself has criticised the modern industry for being heavily produced by "humans who can’t stand looking at other humans".
There are aesthetics and themes that tend to be popular (especially among certain cliques in the West) which have an allure simply BECUASE they're so brazen and bold in ways that Western animation - or Western entertainment in general - barely to even approaches.
I think some people find that to be an emotional and/or creative outlet that's missing from their native country's entertainment, while other people find it weird, garish, foreign, and potentially even unsettling.
So I get why there's a divide. And when there's any divide, certain people will relish in making it bigger for their own amusement.
But I can't understand how Miyazaki's stuff really falls into that divisive category. I think you'd have to be trying really hard to make that the source of your ire.
My biggest bug-bear is that the term "anime-fan" is thought to have a single, definitive meaning. I don't think being a fan of "Japanese animation" really says anything more than being a fan of "American music" does. Who can claim to universally be a fan of "American music"? What do you call yourself if you find the majority of Japanese animation derivative and uninspired, but still frequently value and appreciate things that it produces?
Anyway, wonky, off-topic rant over.
Honestly, I'm going to wait for the game to come out on 3DS.
Because then the complaints about crappy graphics won't really matter because it'll fall in line with what I expect out of the system.
At this point the Sonic twitter account brings me more joy than the actual Sonic games lol
I'm gonna be in the minority and say that I liked the trailer. I do see the cheesiness in it, though... like, seriously.
That said, though... sorry to all the backers out there.
It' supposed to be corny. Its working because it's being talked about. Any press is good press.
By the way i think the game looks cool still. its not a 59.99 big budget game so I dont see why all the complaints besides the delays. Delays are a chance to play the ol' back log and breath a little. Maybe I'm crazy........maybe im just old.
I have no idea what all the fuss is about. I though the trailer was decent. People nowadays seem to overreact regarding pretty much anything. People need to chill a bit.
I kept this game in the corner of my eyes as early as the kickstarter campaign, and I'm just glad I didn't buy into the hype.
Trailer aside, this does not look like a project worth $4 Million dollars of backing and over 3 years of development. We've seen smaller indie studios do more impressive with less.
I didn't hate the trailer but I did notice the terrible explosion graphic and that did make me go "wth was that?"
This poor soul of a game just needs to arrive and be done with already. Anymore issues are just too embarrassing to handle. As if it wasn't bad enough that the Duke of Bad Games aka Sonic, has his Twitter bash the trailer.
@Iggly sonic Twitter even had some fun with Blizzard the other day and posted a meme of Overwatch. They are great recently.
Anyway I don't see what's is so offensive about this trailer anyway. I mean it's not a good trailer but I'm not offended by it at all. The anime joke was all in good fun and it was not offensive to me in the slightest.
The most offensive thing in this trailer were those explosions shudders
Perhaps he should fire whoever the hell approved the trailer. Even if Deep Silver is the one who commissioned it, shouldn't they have run it by Inti Creates before showing it?
And yikes, pizza explosions. No wonder people are hating on this game.
Good thing we at least still have Gunvolt.
Mighty Cringe.
Agreed and while I've met and befriended many great people on anime fansites, I've seen fans rip each other to shreds over truly ridiculous non-issues. This little potshot is tame in comparison to some of the horrific things said to each other, just because you don't like this character, or you "broke up" someone's OTP with their own pairing. Oy!
I think the trailer is funny, but that being said, I love you Inti-creates.
WELP, time to delay the game 5 more months to create better trailer then!
I'm not an anime fan, but I liked what I saw. Seems like everyone jumping on the bandwagon and saying how awful it is could be trending. It's honestly pretty decent looking. I'd definitely play it. Seeing all these brutal comments had me expecting something like Mega Man Network Transmission. Possibly the worst game ever during the GameCube generation if you're unaware.
Eh, trailer seemed fine. The humor is of the style I read on NeoGAF all the time. And people are upset about anime fans being mocked. Big whoop. The game actually looks a lot better than the last time I saw footage a year or so ago.
The anime fan joke made me lol but I question the wisdom of insulting a large portion of your prospective fanbase in the launch trailer.
I am sure this game will still be good despite the crappy trailer. Though my interest went to I am Setsuna (a Square Enix Chrono Trigger inspired RPG which won't be release for any Nintendo systems) over this game, I'll still give it a shot for the gameplay aspect.
I liked it.. It's funny
Pizza explosions. That is all.
Actually, no, there's something else:
There's a new trailer for the second AVGN game that spoofs MN9's trailer. It's pretty funny. Look it up, guys.
I'd rather wait for Azure Striker Gunvolt 2.
I watched the video without sound. Aside from the PS2 cutscenes, the actual game looks fine, although this is the first gameplay footage I've watched.
@CrazedCavalier Watch them screw it up anyways with a miraculously terrible framerate.
They are thinking the same thing every other marketing company thinks when dealing with video games.
Target morons. Appeal to morons. Pander to morons. Gamers=Morons.
Yeah, I dunno, I mean I backed it so I'm going to be playing it anyway no matter what so I'll keep an open mind. I'm not going to let the fact that it was delayed cloud my judgement and ability to enjoy it if it actually turns out to be good. And I'm not offended at the drop of a hat like many people seem to be due to that one line in the trailer.
I played the demo and thought it was fine, so if they've built on it a bit since then and refined it, it's going to be a fun game.
But it's the cool thing to do nowadays, hate games before they're released just because they happened to be delayed or it wasn't what you were expecting, so I'm not surprised at the backlash.
So again, I'm going to reserve judgement until I actually play it. I hope it turns out to be good. If it's not, oh well. Life goes on.
DiGiorno's OFFICAL Pizza account of officialness made a comment on Sonic's twitter post about that........I. I want to eat DiGiorno's Pizza while playing Sonic 3 & Knuckles now, I DID IT FOR KNUCKLES!
The game looks nice but the voice is horrible, ruining the whole thing.
Still I feel that first the hype and then all these delays have seriously crashed this game.
@Dave24 Fairly mean-spirited outlook, Clarence. But this all a big mess, yeah.
I don't think the trailer was TERRIBLE but it doesn't do anything to appeal to the people who backed the game.
To be fair, though, they don't have to do ANYTHING to appeal to the people who backed the game, because they already have their money. They need to appeal to a broader range of gamers at this point, which is what this trailer is attempting to do.
I've never heard about Mighty No. 9 before, but the trailer looked really good, I don't understand all the comments against it? Especially the jokes, kind of like back to 80s where all the trailers looked like that. Stop the butt hurt anime people, should the whole Germany be insulted with Kung Fury? Of course not, it's just a joke so chill up!
I find it hilarious that a sonic twitter account made a reaction to this awful trailer as it reminded me of the horrible SEGA! ads.
I really and honestly feel bad for people who backed this..."accident" in the hopes of it becoming a MegaMan replacement...
On the nitpicky side, it looks like a Dreamcast game.
On its own, that wouldn't be all that bad coming from an indie dev...The issue is, this tragedy was delayed time and time and time again. Its developer is the definition of an industry veteran. Several cheap engines out there produce more appealing games in way less time and the fact that this game was promoted with Arc Systems tier sprite work concept art still stings like mad.
Then you have to consider how out of proportion this whole endeavor was. Several crowdfunding campaigns chained together that all overshot its target, the finest example of feature creep. The ridiculous ambition of turning a new IP into a full blown franchise from day 1 and still, to this day, nothing is done.
And not to forget all the other issues it had on the sidelines. Its maniac of a community manager banning backers from their incentives (exclusives backers forum) left and right because they criticized the way she did her job.
The pretentious way Comcept announced how many game ideas they wanted to "save", like picking up MegaMan Legends 3 and turning it into Red Ash, failing their Kickstarer, getting funded by Fuze and still haven't delivered nothing at all.
I'm not a fan of the "trainwreck meme" but here, its in full effect. This project derailed so darn hard, it took the entire railbed with it.
If you look at the games they actually made, its equally laughable.
Not a single solo project and (YMMV) a single decent game in the lineup.
The sonic tweet was savage, hilarious.
What they can't back up though, is the past 10+ years of mostly bollocks Sonic games.
Also that "Big Announcement" hype which turned out to be a sham.
As for the trailer, yeah it's not brilliant at all.
But people are far too critical of everything these days.
I still want to play it to judge myself.
What a cringe inducing mess. Who on Earth writes such crappy dialogue? The actual game; while not as pretty as the initial concept art; looks okay. The gameplay looks fun. Just lose the narrator completely and let the game do the talking instead of digging your own grave.
Ha. I hated this project from the start. Good to see that it's finally getting exactly what it deserves.
@allav866 I believe it was Renegade Kid who's in charge of the port; I have more faith in them than Comcept.
i agree with him, that trailer was awful, just like the last trailer was awful when Deep Silver upload that. for a game that i hope isn't awful. like these trailers were
I have no reason to get this game now. All of the delays, and this is what we've been waiting for?
I've noticed that if you watch it with the volume turned down it's much better in general, although there's still an awful lot of just dashing back and forth.
The game doesn't look bad, other than I'm not getting the appeal in constantly dashing to absorb stuff, but the trailer isn't doing it any favours.
Lastly, once you see it with all the HUD/GUI stuff it also loses quite a bit of its appeal for me personally, which is actually the case with a whole lot of modern games. The art of creating a simple and nonintrusive HUD/GUI has apparently been lost.
This seemed kind of interesting to me, but I never got really invested in it. Now they officially lost me. It could just be a (really) bad marketing decision, but it indeed doesn't look that good in general. To all the backers, my sincere apologies.
I'm still interested but not hyped anymore I'll get the Wii U version for something new too play.
Worth a $24 pre-order via Amazon Prime? I think so. Actually think the trailer was pretty witty (even if the amine/prom night cut a little too close).
I backed it during the kickstarter so I will play it.
However this has taught me one very valuable lesson.
Even if something is a spiritual successor to something great, it does not mean that in turn it will be great as well.
As a matter of fact... usually it isn't. Usually it's bad. And I fear that this will be too.
Pillars of Eternity and Wasteland 2 unfortunately were both so goddamn good that they have forced me to have faith in kickstarter still.
Eh, doesn't look that bad to me. The visuals look kinda bland and dated, but the gameplay seems fun and I thought the narrative had some good humor. Then again, I'm not a Mega Man fan, nor have I been backing this game or even keeping up with it, so my say really doesn't matter.
I can't help but find it ironic that the peeps behind Sonic the Hedgehog-- who brought us system-selling gems such as Sonic Boom and Sonic '06 that were received SO well-- are now even poking fun at this.
WARNING! This game WILL run at 30fps on Wii U!
@bluedogrulez I don't know...
"Hey you! Do you like awesome things that are awesome!?" is pretty far from my idea of wit. In fact, it's intentionally stupid. But not wittily intentionally stupid. Just derivatively intentionally stupid. The strategy of 'cram the word "awesome" into a sentence a many times as possible and hope the cool kidz will like it' isn't exactly breaking new comedic ground.
People are inevitably overreacting to this trailer, but it's hard to call it 'good'. It's also in the awkward position of trying to be knowing and self-aware, whilst ignoring over its own (now infamous) development failings. At least Sonic (or at least his Twitter account) can poke fun at himself as well as others.
In short, it's throwing stones in glass houses, and people don't seem to be taking that too kindly.
@Yorumi Its just really really sad overall.
This project had potential in spades and came just at the right time too. For a game dev, its the opportunity of a lifetime !
Think of it:
Capcom cancels 2 major MegaMan releases, pisses off fans by choosing "Bad Boxart MegaMan" for Street Fighter X Tekken, leaving any incarnation of MegaMan out of MvC3.
Comcept had all the tailwind they could ever get.
Then, Smash4 acted as some sort of bizarre "interest gauge" in MegaMan, in that the hype for this game literally exploded once the MegaMan trailer hit the streets. The Capcom mockery for their "meh, people arent interested anymore" (Which were the reasons for the aforementioned cancellations) policy was at its absolute peak !
All they had to do was to make a MegaMan game...just without the license. They already had their cute mascot characters, their base game concept (Focus on dash attack chaining and such)...and i have no bloody idea what could have possibly backfired so hard to delay this simple game so much...
Lets face it, in the time of its announcement and its "supposed" release, how many MegaMan fangames have been completed ? If im not totally mistaken, it was Rock Force, Super Fighting Robot and Unlimited (Please, correct me if im wrong or missed some).
All made by hobby programmers and fans of the series and all on par if not above original quality.
If fans can beat them at their own game, without these insane fundings and in way less time, why the heck does it take so darn long for an industry veteran who partook in development of EVERY SINGLE MEGAMAN GAME OUT THERE for crying out loud to produce a game with the most basic premises in this industry ? Its literally "Jump and ShootMan"
Don't get me wrong. Im fully aware that game making is far from being a cakewalk no matter how simple the game or how big your studio is. My point is: We're talking about the man who is known as the "Father of MegaMan" and he struggles with creating such a game after working on them for 29(!) years...
Can you imagine being so bad at your job ?
For me, it just shows how utterly important all these other people were that worked on them and who never get mentioned or received any form of praise. Its insane.
Returning to necromance this thread because I noticed one thing... are we seriously cringing at this while another, way bigger company pulled the exact same PR stunt last week?
Like, this was totally the same, dude. Well, maybe not exactly the same, but the mindset behind the approach was mostly similar.
So let me get this straight.
Gamers call out people, feminists, whatever, for being overly sensitive and offended by everything, and now gamers who are anime fans are being sensitive over a joke too.
Learn how to laugh at yourself.
@AlexSora89 I think the elephant in the room are the myriad of other problems surrounding Mn9. This "trailer" was just another layer of icing on this sh*tcake.
@Yorumi Yeah, the whole netcode thing sounds extremely fishy.
Not only does the engine used offer a plethora of "quick and dirty" solutions to this, its also not the most difficult game to synch up over the web.
I mean, even if they had to license 3rd party netcode, do the math:
Delying your game yet again, thus creating even more negative press and drive away even more customers when your phenomenal hype train has already derailed long ago.
Or just spend a little to license someone else's netcode, get your game out there and rake in the cash.
Im pretty confident in saying that Inafune is a complete gumba when it comes to leading a company.
I've seen plenty of young, inexperienced startups having a better time and recourse management than he had. And again, hes been doing this for at least 29 years now.
He may not have lead a company, but he worked for them over several decades, he has seen the industry change and evolve first hand.
You would expect someone like him to at least somehow know how all of this works...
@Not_Soos i'll give 06, though it was a learning how to make a game in hd for the team. but boom, why yes it's under sega it was western dev big red button who made the game. and by that i mean they redid the cast and made the lore and pushed out a ok game at best, i say ok because at launch it worked. (for me i beat it in less than a day with little to no bugs, my theory is people used the jump glitch to brake the game tbh.) you can finish it, i've had far worse experiences with games like fall out 4 and witcher 3, bugs at launch that made it 1 unplayable and 2 just not that fun to play.
@AlexSora89 You can find all the cringe for that trailer here:
I think most people are glad to have got that out of their systems.
In fact, the comments got a fair bit uglier. At least with MNo.9 there's pretty unanimous agreement about its failings.
@kenrulei Well to be honest, I haven't played either game. Sonic Boom doesn't look half bad to me, and I even really enjoyed the Rise of Lyric demo. I may buy the full version if I ever happen to find it for cheap, say, in a Wal-Mart discount bin or something. The majority of Sonic fans were pretty upset by both games, though, and my point was just that the Sonic devs don't have much of a right to joke about Mighty No. 9 when they're guilty of the same things. But I totally agree with you that Sonic Boom doesn't deserve the bad rep it gets.
Ok, I agree that the trailer is bad. The game doesn't look so well for something that has been in development for a long time and the voice is total cringe. But are people seriously making a big deal about the "anime fan on prom night" bit? There's more offensive stuff to anime fans on YouTube and no one hates it.
I know, it's just dawned upon me - the latest TMS#FE trailer was similarly "totally radical", yet the troubled Mighty No. 9 production earned the trailer that much more snark. As our brilliant German fellow NLer eloquently put it, it was the cherry on top of a very much fecal cake.
@AlexSora89 Oh... I'm not so sure! I think both trailers have seen their fair share of snark! I'm don't know precisely how the snark levels compare, but I feel a bit less sorry for this game on account of how edgy and aloof it tries to be whilst completely ignoring the game's own failings.
At least TMS#FE (excuse the hash, I don't have easy access to a 'sharp' symbol) didn't go out of its way to mock things. It received its fair share of mockery, but there was generally less schadenfreude involved, as it hadn't tried to pick fights in the first place. It was just really dorky, but in such a way that you felt more sorry for it than annoyed at it.
However you look at it though, it's certainly been a vintage week for cringey trailers. : )
@Yorumi I sadly have no clue how this store functions in terms of licensing fees for grand scale commercial use etc. But lets say that it is actually a "pay once and its yours" deal....that would be embarrassing....
@AlexSora89 TMS is still a game the majority doesn't even know what its actually about. Every trailer and gameplay snipped almost send a completely different message with the first announcement trailer looking more like a SMT game, the next one focusing more on the pop idol theme etc.
So such a "radical" trailer doesn't stick out like a sore thumb.
With Mn9, it not only has to cope with the baggage of being a "MegaMan successor" but also with very conflicting messages over its course.
MegaMan never was overly cutesy. Its stories were actually pretty grim if you look deeper into them.
The character was always portrayed rather heroic too.
MN9 started off with this short teaser for the cartoon, depicting Beck as a complete goofball. Then you have snippets of him donning cutesy, silly outfits depending on the power used.
Now its all topped off with a trailer, that tries to play it off as radical and cool...and it focuses on a very very young audience...
Basically NO ONE that backed the project i assume. This thing was brought to live by people desperately wanting to see a new MegaMan game. The initial fanbase, now mostly adults.
That's pretty much the conflict here. People payed for a game in advance that now doesn't even acknowledges them. Actually, it mocked quite a few.
Its PR hell, whatever they do, they do it wrong.
I thought the trailer was amusing. I mean the announcer guy. I didn't find anything offensive. That's just me. I have thick skin and anything over the internet is no bother. Say it to my face and sure, I'll respond in an appropriate manner. I don't see a problem. You anime fans are a passionate bunch. I like that.
I'm sure Tokyo Mirage Sessions #MightyNumberNine will be announced before you know it. You heard it here first!
That makes sense to me, mein freund. Didn't notice why one cringey trailer stood out and the other did not. Although I shudder at the thought of Pokémon Conquest doing the same a few years ago.
@AlexSora89 Lets face it: We survived kids turning into pokemon, a talking detective pikachu...we will survive a "totally rad dude" trailer too
The pokemon franchise is actually pretty robust when it comes to that. It attracts so many different people and offers so many different angles because it itself is pretty diverse in terms of its overall tone.
You have your tear jerker movies, your goofy cartoons, the main games that can be either a light hearted RPG or a balls to the wall, no holds barred competetive monster breeding game with one heck of a meta game to boot.
Pokemon made it pretty clear that it actually is "for everyone". No matter the age group or interest, you find something interesting in it. Thus, i dont think that a cringey trailer would do it any harm ^^
Besides, there are already people, like, in the games talking totally like this, dude.
A product demo that makes fun of the fan base they are going after........SMOOOTH!
It wouldn't be as bad if the game measured up to the hype surrounding the Kickstarter.
Oh wait, Deep Silver. Right.
These guys couldn't promote a light hearted 2D game if Dead Island were in the title.
They're a one track, one hit wonder and Inafune will be buried beneath his failings.
All the more reason for Capcom to drop Megaman XX and blow this turd out of the water.
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