Virtual Reality - VR - is generating a lot of headlines right now. PS VR, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive are all offering rather different options and targeting their own demographics, and a lot of talk around VR video games is down to how successful they'll be and whether the likes of Nintendo should be jumping on board.

A bit of a misconception is that Virtual Reality is new technology, whereas what we're seeing now is the realisation - and commercialisation - of a long-established concept. VR is finally at the point where it can offer high-resolution images without extensive lag and display issues, and can do so at affordable(ish) prices. Yet it's been part of the technology and gaming scene for decades, and in rather interesting ways.

The PBS Game/Show video below explains this rather nicely. Yes, there's a brief mention of the Virtual Boy, but there's a lot more neat information too - check it out and let us know what you think.