During today's Nintendo Direct broadcast it was confirmed that Kirby is getting another outing on 3DS in the shape of Kirby: Planet Robobot.
The title retains the 2.5D look of Kirby: Triple Deluxe, but adds mechs to the mix. It also comes with a special Team Kirby Clash mode:
Invaders have mechanized Dream Land. To restore his home to its original form, Kirby must use their technology against them with the new Robobot Armor. The Robobot Armor can even destroy a variety of obstacles in his way.
The Team Kirby Clash mode lets up to four players join forces to battle against powerful bosses. Players select one of four roles, and participate in a co-op quest to defeat a boss while supporting their team. Completing a quest earns experience points to level-up and grow more powerful.

The game will come with amiibo support, and four new Kirby figures will appear alongside it at launch:
The game is compatible with a large variety of amiibo figures, and some give Kirby character-specific abilities. A new series of Kirby amiibo figures that includes Kirby, King Dedede, Meta Knight and Waddle Dee gives Kirby attributes specific to each character. Tapping the Kirby figure is the only way to get the UFO ability.
The game and new amiibo figures launch June 10th in North America and Europe.
Comments 60
Never really saw the appeal of these kirby games. Id rather have more donkey kong or mario instead.
This pleases me. Kirby Triple Deluxe was solid if unspectacular, could be really really good if this improves on it.
It's definitely looks interesting, but I'm a little bitter that UFO is locked behind an amiibo.
Looks awesome! The mech suits remind me of Mega Man X a bit.
Also, this must be Torte City in the SuperMetalDave leak.
So hyped. I enjoy Kirby, not my favorite series, but some entries were pretty stellar (Super Star and its remake, Mass Attack, to name a couple)... but this looks like it's shaking up the series in a great way, excited. The battle mode looks good too if I can find friends who will play it...
Another Kirby game? Welp, I might need to grab this beauty too.
Hell yeah I'll grab it! More Kirby is always a good thing.
Looks pretty good, but we don't want another Kirby platformer on 3DS, we want a platformer on Wii U!
Is it June 10th yet?!
So happy they brought back Smash Kirby
All those new amiibo will be mine👀👀👀. I 💗 Kirby. Wish they showed Zelda U thoe😁
The amiibo was the icing on the cake, and this game looks like it could be the best Kirby game since Mass Attack. Why isn't it June 10th already?!
@Zanark You do realize that Kirby games being developed in NO WAY hinder Mario and Donkey Kong games, right? Complaining that we get this rather than those makes no sense because the development team working on each of those series are different.
Like, seriously. Don't act like one little Kirby game is that one thing standing in between you and a new Mario game. Sheesh.
That amiibo support! And the Team Clash with RPG levelling! I just wish it was online or something, because no way are my friends even going to consider playing this with me.
Still, great to hear that my Kirby Amiibo will give me the Smash ability~ I think my Ness will give me the Beam ability and my Pikachu will probably give me Spark. Would have liked access to Ice though... Ah well.
I'm not sure where I stand/sit with the robots but it's a Kirby game. So I'll probably grab/like it anyway. Really would have liked it to have been sort of custom kirby experience though. Choosing a single color and Copy ability for Kirby then sticking with it for the whole game? Yes please.
I'm going to sleep for 3 month, wake me up when this game comes out. If I stay awake I'm probably going to explode and become the physical form of hype.
As my favourite video game series of all, I'm naturally ecstatic to see that a new Kirby game revealed. Admittedly, I was hoping the next Kirby game would be a mainline title for the Wii U, but given how much I adored Kirby Triple Deluxe (easily in the top 5 best Kirby games in my opinion), I have no problem with a follow-up on 3DS.
Those new Kirby amiibo's are causing my wallet to hurt. I know I already have the SSB Kirby, Meta Knight, and King Dedede figures; but I really want the Kirby line of them as well.
On Nintendo's official Kirby Planet Robobot, I found out that you'll be able to play as Meta Knight in Meta Knightmare Returns.
Kirby games have never been my favorite- I do like them of course.
But this one looks SO good and fun. Reminds me of Mega Man X punching enemies in a mech
Sequel to Triple Deluxe? Sign me up!
And if they could get the same people who made the soundtrack of that game to come back for this, sign me up twice!
We nearly got through a Nintendo direct without any new amiibo being announced....
My absolute highlight of this direct !
Kirby and Mechsuits...what a mix
@G0dlike 3 out of 4 are just reprints, like the Super Mario line. The only new Kirby Amiibo is Waddle Dee and i can very well live with that ^^
It looks fun, and I could do with playing a Kirby game.
Plus, I like how they're using amiibo in this game. Small, minor perks that players wouldn't notice was missing if they didn't have the amiibo is great.
Extra abilities for Kirby using Amiibos.
I'm sure in the last Kirby game Kirby had these same abilities without additional cost of buying toys.
Another game on my to-buy list. Looks pretty great!
@crimsontadpoles So why have in game Amiibos, why not just sell them as toys for children and collectors.
Looks pretty interesting, I might give it a buy.
@Einherjar unfortunately, I have a horrible problem and absolutely must have them all....
Oh, thank God! After that Paper Mario game, this is exactly what I needed. Don't really see the point in UFO Kirby being locked behind an amiibo, but still, it's a new Kirby game, so I'm still happy!
Looks pretty great, the visuals are top notch. Love the city stages and the robot stuff is interesting
The box art for this game is amazing.
@IceClimbers Ah, it's giving me Triple Deluxe vibes. And have you noticed that Kirby has been angry on his covers lately? XD
Looks great sold, I can't not have kirby.
Kirby isn't taking a trip anywhere. His planet was invaded. Re-watch the video Nintendolife!
@G0dlike Same here, obsessive collector and perfectionist.
Though fortunally, the whole understock debacle from earllier gave me time to "de-train" myself
I only go for Amiibo with a specific purpose, say, Wolf Link for the extra dungeon in TP HD and such.
@IceClimbers oh my goodness looks like I'm going retail on this one
I am SO looking forward to this, Triple Deluxe is my favorite Kirby game. Day one purchase.
Oh I will eventually be getting this...not day one, but it will be purchased!
Not a Kirby fan but this actually looks really good. Great way of shaking up the series.
@ShadJV Uhh, Mass Attack was not a Super Star sequel or remake. They are totally different games, IMHO.
@maceng I wasn't saying it was, I was saying Super Star (which I lump with it's remake) and Mass Attack were both good Kirby games in my opinion. O.o
I'm disappointed that they're using that stupid foreground/background switching gimmick again, but it's less of a focus this time while the new story and mechanics sound pretty cool, so it still might be worth getting.
@Ketchupcat SAME HERE!! OH MY GOD I WAS FREAKING OUT WHEN I SAW THIS IN CLASS! I had to keep quiet so no one would give me weird looks. The only thing that somewhat bothers me is that the UFO ability (one of my favorites) is tied to the new kirby amiibo. I'll be getting it anyways but still it sucks for people to be locked out of that ability if they have no interest in amiibo. Here's hoping there's enough supply!
Looks like that previous 3DS Kirby I got free with Smash Bros 3DS. That Kirby was... good I guess, but I'm not getting this one. I would more excited for more DKC or Rayman, those are the best platformers.
Looks awesome don't usually care for Kirby games
Meta Knight Amiibo! Always hyped for a new Kirby game.
Looked very good!
This looks excellent. I might have to finally get an amiibo reader for my 3DS.
It just now occurred to me that we could be given Yo-yo ability with Ness and Beam ability with Lucas. I wonder if Mewtwo. Greninja will probably give Water, Charizard - wing (since Mario already gives fire) and Jigglypuff for Microphone. Naturally, I expect Captain Falcon to give the Fighter ability. What else~
I'll be honest, Kirby games are not enjoyed in my house. We always want to like them but can't get into them. However, after watching the direct, this was one of our highlights. We may give 1 more Kirby game a try.
Kirby's back, angry as hell, and in a mech!
I wonder what the ganondorf amiibo gives Kirby.
I know it won't happen, but just imagine a Shovel Knight Kirby.
I never played Kirby Triple Deluxe. I don't know why, but the trailers and reviews just failed to impress me. Kirby games and I have been through a rough patch. Super Star Ultra is one of my favourite games on the DS, then Mass Attack was all right, Adventure Wii was all right too, and Epic Yarn was very dissapointing (though I only rented that one). I still love the series though, and maybe it's because I haven't played a Kirby game in a while, but I'm very excited for this!
@Zanark Copy abilities from Kirby add a lot of variation to gameplay and replay value to levels, things that I've never found nearly as prevalent in Mario and Donkey Kong.
Kirby: Triple Deluxe was alright but not amazing and pretty forgettable.. still cautiously excited about this but I really hope it has more content than the first one as I felt that was over too soon (and I didn't really mess with the rhythm or Smash lite modes). Besides SNES > n3DS this was my favorite reveal. Oh and the fact that Star Fox looks fantastic compared to how it was first shown.
edit: ugh and those amiibo! I already have the ones from the Smash series but I'll be getting these as well and I'd been hoping for a waddle dee so yay
Maaaybe. I wish I'd known about the Kirby series amiibo. I don't much care for the plain sitting position of his Sm4sh trophy. This new one on the Warpstar is much cuter. I'm sure to get that, but the game remains a maybe, for now.
Ah, who am I kidding? I'm sure to buy all sorts of crap with Kirby's mug on it. Who could resist that adorable Doctor copy ability?
Ah cool, a new Kirby! Looks like eggman is invading Dreamland, and Megaman X (eh, I mean Kirby) is saving the day! Looks nice with the mechs, and new transformations! It uses the Triple deluxe engine, and that game was amazing. Looking forward to it.
Every. Single. Amiibo. <faints>
Day one purchase 😍
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