The latest issue of Famitsu magazine will have new information on Capcom's upcoming Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 6, including a first look at Wright and Co.'s main courtroom rival.
According to translating fans over at Court Records, the new prosecutor is named Nayuta Sadmadhi, although this name might of course change when the title comes to the West. Judging from the provided translation, Sadmadhi has a highly spiritual drive for justice that seems to sync with the culture of the fictional Kurain Kingdom in which much of the game is set:
The Funeral Prosecutor - Nayuta Sadmadhi
International prosecutor and an eminent monk in the Kingdom of Kurain with a devout belief in his/her religion. She/he believes that convicting the guilty in court means salvation for their victims. Has a soft demeanor, but has a sharp tongue.
"Let's judge upon the guilty and guide the spirits of their victims to the afterlife."
As you might have noticed, there is currently no assurance as to Sadmadhi's gender. Whether they are male, female, or non-binary will likely be revealed with further details in the future. The full Famitsu article is expected to explain more about courtoom procedure as well as the role Athena Cykes and her Mood Matrix will play in this installment.
[source forums.court-records.net, via famitsu.com]
Comments 27
She looks pretty badass!
Ohhh, new Ace Attorney!
It's definitely a she.
Get it? Because S/he is middle eastern and all middle easterns have ''a devout belief in his/her religion'' lol
There is a picture of him/her on the page. I don't think they are trying to hide the gender or say that the character is gender less, I think we just can't tell from the picture. It is common to use gender less pronouns in Japanese even when you know someone's gender
But judging from the picture, I would say it is a girl
Hmm, I say it's a guy. Guess we will find out in do time.
I think that he is a boy.
To quote Tv Tropes: She's A Man In Japan. (It rhymes!)
Of course, given what happened with Fire Emblem Fates... yep, localization is going to be hard on this character.
Definitely a guy. Or at least meant to look like one because "reasons".
Anyway, what's up with the magical floating scarf.
Betting it's a guy.
Not really feeling the direction of this new game. Feels like they've run out of any good ideas.
No chance we could get The Great Ace Attorney... right, Capcom?
@Ralizah I'll take both! Different strokes, but I think this direction is interesting. I do want The Great Ace Attorney, though.
I think this new character is a Muppet... or IS it a man?
Why is the gender of the character dominating the discussion? Is that really all that important?
I think it's a nice design but sadly it's not going to make me anxiously wait for the game. I'm still bitter about the fact that they rather release this in the West than Dai Gyakuten Saiban which is the new Ace Attorney game the series original creator is working on. Ace Attorney 6 is just not doing it for me for some reason.
This is the game that's set in the far past right?
She's a girl, probably a lesbian.
@Nego well, the article specifically mentioned it, so it inspired the comments.
@Expa0 Are you thinking about Great Ace Attorney? That's pretty old news, it's not coming to the west.
Or perhaps this game takes place in the past somehow too?
How about you guys bring over The Great ace Attorney to the west sometime soon, Capcom? At this rate NX will be replaced before this even newer Ace Attorney game comes out. :/
@Morpheel My critique was not only toward the comments but the overall discussion of the character which also includes news articles about it.
The character's gender not being talked about yet was also just briefly mentioned in the article so I don't see why that should even spawn so much discussion and speculation of the character's gender. It makes the character's gender (or lack of) their defining characteristic when gender should never be the thing to define who people (even fictional) are.
@CB85 It's really hard for them to localize Great Ace Attorney just because they can't pretend it's Japanlifornia anymore. If they were to change Ryunosuke's last name from Naruhodo to Wright, they'd just create a historical error since Japan didn't allow foreign immigrants that time (as in how the hell would the "Wright" family line, a foreign sounding surname, be there). Payne wouldn't work either. Not to mention there's an English/Japanese/Russian plot trick in there. All and all I think it's more excusable for them to NOT localize Great Ace Attorney this time.
Eh, Blackquill looks better as a rival and was more intimidating.
I think it's a girl, mainly because of her face, hair and a close inspection at her... chest.
@HADAA Meh, it's a fantasy series starring talking big-breasted ghosts, killer whales that go on trial and made-up locations, I'm sure they won't be too bothered about changing a few names here and there. I doubt they worry too much about these games being historically correct. X'D
@Nego Yep. The only reason I brought gender up at all is because the translation uses "she/he" and "his/her." Just leaving that without any mention, I felt, would have brought up even more questions and speculation than there are now.
@Nego humans like to classify things. When you present the opportunity to do it, they'll do it, regardless of your original intention.
@TimLatshaw And that's completely understandable.
@Morpheel Yeah, I know. I have to work with classifications all the time with my studies. It's just that I'd rather let the actions and words define who someone is rather than qualities they were given in birth and could not influence or choose.
@TimLatshaw How do you "leave that without any mention" though, especially in a pronoun sensitive language as English or Spanish? In Japanese, "Love (aishiteru)" is a complete sentence, but in English, it's gotta be "I love you".
Leaving he/she out won't work. "International prosecutor in Kurain Kingdom with a devout belief in (whose?) religion." Another alternative is to use the singular "they", but grammar nazis still don't like it. You just can't get around with these type of things in a natural way.
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