In just a few weeks, Fire Emblem Fates will finally release in North America, giving gamers the opportunity to experience the hotly anticipated sequel to Fire Emblem: Awakening. We really liked it based off of a recent preview build, and it's certainly shaping up to deliver some excellent strategic action. And with two separate versions that offer different experiences, there's something here for both newcomers and veterans of the series.
For those of you that are still on the fence, the official site for the game has just gone live in North America. Here, you can watch videos, read character bios, and learn more about the differences between the two versions at launch. It's really a one stop for just about anything you could possibly want to know about the game, most of the bases are covered. Check it out here, it's worth a look.
What do you think? Will you be picking up Fates? If so, which version are you interested in? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source fireemblemfates.nintendo.com]
Comments 37
If only they'd open pre-orders for the Special Edition...
IDK what I'm going to do if I can't get that. I don't want to be forced to choose before I buy. And I don't want to have to do the DLC thing to get the other version. I want it all on one cart.
This sucks, basically.
I usually like to pick the good choices in games. Plus, I suck at Fire Emblem, so Birthright would be an easy choice for me if I get this game.
I got the special edition pre-ordered so I should be fine unless EB Games has a mishap with the orders at launch (which would really suck). If that happens, I'll either wait for them to fix my order or buy the Conquest Edition.
I'll be going with Nohr first since lately I've mostly been going with the "dark" side in decisions like Decepticons in Splatoon's Splatfest, Genocide run in Undertale and the Conquest ending in Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2.
Normally I would collect a copy on release day but I think I will wait for a few reviews. Although what I've seen so far looks good, why 3 versions and are they all good value or is this just a marketing ploy?
How about givin us European a release date ?! God that's infuriating !
Sadly no wallpapers at least in the mobile version of the site.
I am starting to worry, with FEA we've had the Yurop release date by this point =(
Picking sides is something we've already done in the article about the petting feature. [laughs]
Both! I'm an old FE fan, but the oriental vibe from the Hoshido is more appealing to me, and general I like the "good" guys. So I'll play with Nohr tree times (no dlc no look how unlock every character, unlocking every character, and doing everything/optimal marriage), than I'll play Hoshido 3 times, and then Revelation route 3 times...so basically, I'll play Fire Emblem until E3 2017!!!
This is my first FE, so Birthright for me! 😄
Sadly I couldnt jump on the Special Edition box when it was announced for NA, but Birthright seems like the more appealing game to me so I'll get that one first.
I'm currently looking into the bundle but dont now which versions I should get physical or digital.
Getting Birthright. I'm not really good at this game so I always picking the easier route
Of note, the website doesn't mention the "Skinship" amie thing in the My Castle or Support sections on the Gameplay page despite listing nearly every other feature, making Kotaku's claims of its removal more believable for those who doubt them. I guess it's still a possibility that it's still in, but I heavily doubt it. I've always thought it'd be removed for many different reasons and it won't be missed very much by me.
Anyways, I've got the special edition pre-ordered, and will probably be going Nohr first! It sounds more like a classic Fire Emblem experience to me, and I like difficulty.
I'll pick the side that isn't censored to remove half the features. Sure, they're not key features, but they still exist.
@WingedSupernova Gay conversion is a feature?
Why write anything on this game anymore? With these oversensitive people they might get offended by you writing about it.
@Mr_Action I agree 100%. Honestly, if they don't do more special editions, I may not buy at launch and it is highly unlikely that I'll buy more than the version of which ever side I choose when I eventually do buy it.
I'm picking up Conquest. I like having a challenge, plus it's the decision I'd probably make if faced with the same choice. Furthermore, the unit types available on this side appeal to me more.
...I may get Birthright eventually, but right now I don't have the time to play both.
I haven't played Fire Emblem since Path of Radiance. I'm going to have to pick Birthright to help get myself used to playing them again...
The side where I can sexually identify as an attach helicopter... or did they also take that out of the game?
I'm downloading Conquest first. Whoever said they are canceling their preorder or not getting this game has drank the cool aid or wasn't really a fan.
I loved Awakening. I tried to get the special edition, but I was several hours too slow. I’m still not sure which one I would rather do, and I don’t want to read any more about it before hand. I’ll probably show up at Best Buy the day it’s released to see if there are any more copies of the special edition, and if not I’ll just buy it digitally so that I don’t have to decide beforehand.
I wasn't the biggest fan of Awakening, but after someone who imported the game who felt the same about Awakening tell me that this game is better in terms of balance and gameplay I'm pretty excited now.
Censorship or no, I'm still getting the games. I'll probably be downloaded Birthright first. However I'm more excited to get to Conquest.
Will pay off my preorder this week. Let the countdown begin!
Starting with Birthright, then moving on to Nohr and the 3rd storyline after that. considering the fact that I haven't stopped playing Awakening since it was released in the US, this new one will be played for years!
Won't support game until special edition is available again. Screw you Nintendo...and scalpers.
"Which side will you choose?"
Which copy of the game will you buy first?
I'm getting Birthright because it retains all the features of the series that I've enjoyed since Sacred Stones, such as an overworld map, bonus battles, the ability to grind for EXP(useful for building up weaker units like Clerics), and some other features that I love in modern Fire Emblem games.
Nohr looks like a throwback to the first GBA game as well as the earlier ones before that, were bonus EXP was rare to come by, weaker units were often thrown to the wolves to fend for themselves, and the game is linear with no chance to play bonus chapters or missions outside of the main storyline.
I'm not sure having different victory conditions and a harder difficulty is worth losing some major strides that series has made in recent years. I loved the first GBA game, but I thought Sacred Stones was better. I might consider Nohr is they added in Bonus EXP like you got in Path of Radiance, but I don't think you get event that. From what I read all the EXP and Gold is only earned from the chapter battles in the Nohr path.
Do arenas even return in the Nohr path?
So, it looks like Birthright it is for me. I'm sure I'll be labeled a casual Fire Emblem fan, but Sacred Stones and Awakening(which improved many of the basic ideas Sacred Stones had) are my favortie games in the series with Path of Radiance being a close third.
So, I'm spoiled on bonus EXP, overworld maps, bonus battles, and other stuff like that.
The Nohr path is just not for me.
I was going to get this... the censorship stuff really discouraged me, Opted for getting an old psp to mod it and play the old games. Sorry ninty, you ain´t getting my money until you fix your wreck
I have had a look at the site and the price of the Games and DLC from Amazon.
The two physical games and the two packs of DLC comes to a total of $100 (£70).
What I hope the reviews tell us is.....
Are the two games really the same game played from opposite sides, just one set on an easier setting, and should this really be just the one game (on one cart) with a choice of settings.
Each of the two games are about $30 which suggests good value or a lot less content in each of the games. It makes me think that both games should be on the one cart and sold a the normal $39.99 + price mark.
And there is the four Amiibo's . Is content being held back from the game or is the stuff the Amiibo's can open just window dressing like costumes which other similar games include without the toys.
Neither side, they're both full of idiots. Invisible Kingdom/Revelation Path for me. But it's locked behind DLC... Which is DRM. So either I get the special edition, or I pirate the Third Path.
Nintendo needs to fix their stock issues with the physical edition of all 3 paths in one game, one cartridge. It's sold out almost instantly every time it's gone back up for preorder, so I hope they respond to demand, instead of using the classically heavy-handed Nintendo tactic of "keep supply low to drive up demand."
I'm still trying to decide which game I'd like to get. My hardcore gamer side wants Conquest, but at the same time i'd really like to have the option to replay mission with Birthright...
Anyone else having trouble deciding?
So excited for this! Gonna be the best games on 3DS this generation, and it's almost here.
Got several copies of the special edition preordered through BestBuy for 20% off, and I'm buying all 3 digitally for my on-the-go New 3DS with Fates faceplates. I'll transfer my main account from my New 3DS XL to the LE Fates XL when it releases.
I'm playing Birthright first, then Conquest, then Revelation, then the DLC map packs.
Even in the special edition you need to beat Conquest or Birthright before choosing Revelations, if I understood right from the Japanese copies.
I got the special edition, so I'll beat first Conquest, then Birthright, then Revelations.... If I don't get caught in replaying Conquest again and again, of course.
The only missing thing from the website is the main theme, Lost in Thoughts All Alone. It was an excellent chance to show the localized version!
Dang, Queen Mikoto is really hot for being a mother of five ranging from younger teenager to young adult!
While I personally would stick with the people who raised me, I think I'm going with Birthright-I loved Awakening compared to previous entries and this seems like a logical stepping stone
@Xjarnold Even if you found out they kidnnapped you from your real family, and your "adoptive dad" is a huge b******?
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