The current generation of home console hardware has had an interesting challenge in defining itself as 'next gen'. In the era of Wii, PS3 and Xbox 360 Nintendo brought motion controls to the mainstream while its contemporaries placed their focus on HD graphics and a drastic progression in online multiplayer gaming. In this current generation it's been tougher to differentiate hardware beyond raw power. In terms of controls Sony and Microsoft have remained rather constant, while Nintendo made some attempts to promote dual screen gaming and usage of the GamePad, but has ultimately only done so to a fairly limited degree.
When it comes to graphical power, the margins have been less obvious than in the last generation for Sony and Microsoft; objectively the latest current-gen games are a notable step up visually, and open world games are increasingly sizeable and dynamic, but the jump is arguably less dramatic. The same issue has perhaps afflicted the Wii U, to an extent - though there have been undoubted highlights with the big N's franchises being in HD for the first time, those with other systems will perhaps gaze upon the Wii U's visuals with less wonder. Naturally there are a number of beautiful and wonderfully realised gaming experiences across all systems, with some examples where gameplay has tested new ground, but it's perhaps been a smaller generational step forward.
What's been interesting to observe is how Sony and Microsoft have utilised the generational leap to fill release windows with remasters designed to entice fans old and new. The typical trend is to take a game that was HD but struggling to hit 30fps in the last gen, and serve it up in full 1080p with 60fps performance. Naturally it varies per release, but in high profile examples such as The Last of Us Remastered or Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, among various others, that has been the goal. Microsoft, Sony and third-parties have released a handful of these titles that have not only filled gaps in the calendar, but even sold systems. This writer bought two Sony systems in a row across generations that came bundled with The Last of Us - a PS3 and then a PS4.
Nintendo has done this too, of course, releasing The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD in 2013; to this day the hardware bundle for that game is the only major variation on the Wii U's external design, with some gold patterns on the edition's GamePad. It wasn't just the absence of GameCube on the Wii U Virtual Console that made it a popular release, but also the fact that it delivered; there was a step up to HD and smoother - albeit not absolutely perfect - performance. When you consider the decent usage of the GamePad touchscreen you arguably have, as we described in our review, "the definitive experience" of the game. Arguments can be made that more could have been done to justify the remaster but, in fairness, it delivered just what is typical of the market.
Nintendo has been particularly happy to remaster the Zelda franchise - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D and The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D demonstrate how the 3DS can clean up and enhance N64 experiences. Coming up, too, is The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD, which will mean it'll have been released in different forms across three consecutive Nintendo home consoles.
And you know what? It works. Wind Waker HD - certainly helped by hardware bundles - is the 9th best-selling Wii U game with 1.62 million sales as of 30th September, while Ocarina of Time 3D is 10th in the 3DS list with 3.82 million sales. At the time of writing Twilight Princess HD is the highest placed game on the Wii U bestsellers list on both and Amazon UK, based on pre-orders alone.
Beyond these Zelda titles, however, we're not seeing many remasters from Nintendo. There's Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - a tentpole release to show what the New Nintendo 3DS can do - and the rather enjoyable Star Fox 64 3D for which Q-Games was brought in to assist. There was also the peculiar Wii Sports Club, though it was part of an experimental phased release on the eShop - with a limited retail version - that also included limited-time passes. As a whole the blend of its staggered release and some elements that weren't quite right, such as the Tennis controls, stunted its impact.
Though much effort is clearly needed to produce these enhanced versions of games, they'll certainly be less effort than full new entries, and as Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft have all shown the work can be handed to external partners; not much internal resource has to necessarily be expended.
Such is the transitional nature we find ourselves in, with the NX set to be revealed in 2016 as Nintendo's next gaming system, this could arguably be a consideration for that hardware. Popular fan favourites produced in an enhanced form with a smattering of additional features, even if these are limited to utilising system-based features - rather like Miiverse in Wind Waker HD. As our headline suggests, Nintendo isn't exactly short of options.
The GameCube and Wii eras have plenty of classics ripe for a HD gloss and tweaks to controls and interfaces. In some respects a few Wii downloads on the eShop have been disappointing arrivals simply due to the fact they effectively ruled out remasters in this current generation. Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Galaxy 2 were on our minds as a potential HD bundle when the Wii U was announced, combining two glorious experiences together with a few bells and whistles. Both have already arrived in the eShop - the original is out in North America, not yet in Europe - but a retail HD bundle could have been exciting, especially as an extra release to celebrate the 30th Anniversary in 2015.
It wasn't to be, and we also hoped to see Metroid Prime Trilogy enhanced for Wii U. Yes, that would have meant the first two games featuring on three Nintendo home consoles in a row, but that's the case with Twilight Princess HD, albeit allowing for the unique release circumstances of the Wii launch title. Those games in HD, perhaps with some neat HUD features transferred to the GamePad screen, would have been nice placeholders while we fantasize about a fourth entry in the series. The list could go on and on, of course, and the argument could be made that semi-abandoned franchises - such as F-Zero - could have been market tested with a remaster.
As highlighted above, we're not advocating that Nintendo devotes substantial resources to remasters - the focus should always ideally be on new games and experiences for us to enjoy. Fresh ideas can have the greatest impact, as Splatoon has demonstrated, while advances in hardware can give franchises like Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart opportunities to show off new features. The role of remasters, ultimately, is to fill gaps and please fans, with the bonus that they can also introduce new players to classics. Sony argued that a key motivator to releasing The Nathan Drake Collection was to introduce new players to the Uncharted series before number four arrives. We'd happily apply that logic to the Metroid Prime home console games for NX, too.
The key point is that there are plenty of studios out there that can do the work and produce these games, with Nintendo simply needing to supervise. In the examples above the likes of Grezzo, Q-Games, Tantalus Media and Monster Games have done a lot of the work, while Nintendo's own development of Wind Waker HD apparently accounted for around six months of development time. Whatever approach is taken they can be projects with a relatively rapid and economical turnaround.
Nintendo has dipped its toes into remasters and done a good job with key releases - moving forwards, it can potentially do more. Yes, we primarily want new games, but Nintendo can help avoid long gaps in the release schedule with popular choices, all without breaking the bank.
With the success of some Zelda remasters and the sales enjoyed by Sony and Microsoft, we hope it's on the agenda for Nintendo's next generation.
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Comments 149
The question is... WHICH games? I would like to see a remaster of the oft-overlooked Zelda 2. Super Mario Bros 3, given the value of the game, is also a great contender.
I wonder if this technique is simply Nintendo- pushing 'darling' GameCube games on is, regardless of what the consumers REALLY want.
"No more remasters, give us new games!" in 3, 2, 1, ....
I think remastered titles will be great as long as they are done right from the ground up rather than simply upscaled engines. Look at WWHD, that game was not simply upscaled but worked from the ground up modifying its engine in HD. That's why it was simply natural to follow up with TP because it used a modified WW engine. However, it pains me to say this, (so far) TP looks more like a upscaled version of the original rather than a fully worked remastering. I'm still buying it say one, I'm just more wary of its remastering than with WW.
Well, I don't know. I rather prefer if ninty would work on new games instead of remaster/remaking old ones. :v
Or perhaps some games that need them, like old 64 games that needs better quality models.
From gamecube and up it seems they can only make them 'HD'.
I would love a Super Mario Sunshine remake.
I love how the article goes to great lengths to point out that the majority of heavy lifting on these will be done by outside studios, yet most of the comments will somehow completely miss that point.
I say, bring them on. It's going to be a slow year for Wii U so I'd totally take a slick remaster of Mario Sunshine for summer or Luigi's Mansion HD around Halloween.
Remasters is always an interesting debate.....but it all comes down to which ones and personal opinion. I'd like them to stick to N64 and Gamecube games. The 8 and 16 bit games still look good to me. My list would be.......
Eternal Darkness
Mario Sunshine
Fire Emblem PoR and RD collection
Mario 64
Luigi's Mansion
And in some weird alternate universe the Rogue Squadrons
I'd love to see some of their 8/16 bit classics given the Mario Maker treatment.SMB and SMB 3 especially look fantastic on there HD classics they could call them,with widescreen and no flicker or slowdown,that would be enough for me.It would be a pleasure to play them again.
Remastered games are the last refuge of either the fledgling platform holder or a publisher without games that are ready. See: the Last of Us, Uncharted Collection, Wind Waker HD, Twilight Princess HD. I'm fine with a few of them, but the early days of the PS4/XBone were filled with these titles and they continue to be released even now. Yeah Nintendo titles remastered for HD sound like an interesting and financially sound prospect but I'm not in this to contribute to the Nintendo profits - as a gamer I'd rather buy into brand new experiences.
It's a matter of the correct game and the correct time. The Metroid Prime Trilogy HD would be a great idea to build interest for Nintendo fans to get the NX, and introduce new fans to the franchise before a possible installment in the series. But at the same time, it needs to be something that takes full advantage of what the new console can do other than enhanced graphics. Wind Waker HD is the best example as it integrated the new visual power of the Wii U as well as the GamePad.
But the trouble with possibly leaving it to be developed by outside companies worries me. Twilight Princess HD does not look very HD in my opinion. Sure it seems sharpened up from what I've seen of the original, but it didn't get that overhaul Wind Waker's remake got. Nevertheless, I think it still has the potential to be an improvement, which will be welcoming for newcomers to that game like myself.
I would love more remasters and stuff, but only in the right hands, and when it's most suitable (sorry for the long comment).
Totally agree. In fact I posted before about how Nintendo could cash in with some remakes.
They could have had the extra selling point that they were remastering Wii games for players put off by waggle controls (Mario Galaxy games, Skyward Sword). They have games that weren't released in certain territories (Excitebots, Disaster). They have games that would genuinely benefit from a reworking as well as a coat of HD Paint (Mario Sunshine, Starfox Assault, Kid Icarus Uprising). They have games that could have benefitted from Online Play as well as HD graphics (F-Zero GX, Excitebots, Wii Sports Resort, Mario Golf/Strikers/Baseball/Tennis, Pikmin 2, Four Swords). They have games that never had a chance of selling because they were released late in their host machines existence (Chibi Robo, Last Story, Pandora's Tower). They have games that are very expensive and hard to find on their host machines (Cube and Wii Fire Emblem games, Four Swords, Kirby Return to Dreamland). They have Wii U games that could be remastered in 1080p 60fps glory (Mario 3D World, Bayonetta 2) as well as having all their DLC included (Splatoon, MK8, Hyrule Warriors). They have an audience that loves Nintendo nostalgia and has showed that it will rebuy old games. They don't take as much time/effort/money to make as new games do. Seems a no-brainer to me.
I'm cool with remakes, as long as they actually show some good improvements in various areas, and it's not taking place of what could be a new game. I just hope we see more games that are maybe harder to get a hold of remade, such as that Fire Emblem GC game that you have to pay like 100 bucks for now, or Earthbound (if it hadn't already been put on the VC) perhaps. While I'm talking about RPG's, how about a Super Mario RPG remake?
One a year from Ninty is ok, on each system. Any more and it's too much and exaggerates the issue that they're not producing enough games. Plus I want to be experiencing new ideas like Splatoon, which has been massively successful - so Nintendo can do it.
That being said, given a choice for a HD remake I would favour F-Zero GX (which would look stunning), sunshine or Paper Mario TTYD.
I look forward to the NX if only to give us less of these "what if Nintendo did this for the Wii U" articles. I agree with almost every word in it, but the NX should bring us new games, so we can stop worrying about the Wii U drought and lack of remasters like Super Mario Sunshine which by virtue of F.L.U.D.D. alone should have been rebooted to take advantage of Splaltoon like gyro controls. Captain Toad Treasure Tracker minecart levels are just like the roller coaster.
"but Nintendo can help avoid long gaps in the release schedule with popular choices, all without breaking the bank."
Hopefully Nintendo's plan is for NX and 4DS to play the same games, even if in some type of modified form like SSB or Xenoblade Chronicles and Hyrule Warriors, and in that way there will be no gaps, as there will always be games. Looking back did we really need NSMBDS and NSMBU and NSMBWii and NSMB2? Mario Kart 7 and 8? Kid Icarus Uprising would have been great on the Wii or Wii U, and Luigi's Mansion was on the Gamecube.
I doubt any portable could pull off Xenoblade Chronicles X but if the new 3DS can play the first game a 4DS should be able to play XCX in some modified form.
And TP HD doesn't look all that HD really. Neither does Starfox Zero compared to say Star Wars Battlefront. Maybe they look like that b/c Nintendo wants them to work on the 4DS? Or maybe we should call it NXDS? I'm willing to sacrifice some HD for home games on the go and on the go games on my big screen tv. Then we won't need remasters.
An HD remaster Eternal Darkness woud be great, absolutely a day one buy for me! Also the Fire Emblem games on Gamecube and Wii in a nice HD bundel are very welcome
I do love my Wind Waker design Wii U but I would rather that they remaster different games other than Zelda, like Super Mario Sunshine and a complete 3d remake of Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom. I'm sure it wouldn't cost too much to get the license off Konami.
They can, but I'll be mostly absent from buying. I don't usually buy to support our endorse, but am very aware that you vote with your wallet.
I'm buying the great new stuff. And discounts on captain toad.
"Nintendo Can Exploit Its Rich History With More Remasters"
Here's a wacky idea - why don't Nintendo exploit their rich history with new games?
Honestly, I don't mind remakes, especially if they add to the original game and/or move a portable game to the home console and vice versa. Like Ocarina of Time 3D and Majora's Mask 3D. Or the Pokémon remakes. But I rarely buy HD Remasters if I already own the original games, unless I really like the games like the two Kingdom Hearts remasters.
Most of the games I'd like to see a remake of come from the N64/GB era like Pokémon Red and Blue and Mario 64, but also Mario Sunshine or the first two Pikmin titles.
Looking at lineups for 3DS and Wii U over their current lifespans, remasters in the remainder of Wii U's life and NX would probably be a good thing given the mess of lineups such as Wii U's 2015 (e.g. People would've been more happy with New Leaf HD (Hyrule Warriors Legends is a 3DS port of a Wii U game so why not the other way around?) over Amiibo Festival or Power Tennis HD over Ultra Smash). Wind Waker and Twilight Princess were great choices as Wind Waker GCN had serious issues (Triforce quest being really dull and sailing too slow) and the definitive version of Twilight Princess is very rare (GCN) but they probably should've also added in some other GCN games too like F-Zero GX or Fire Emblem Path of Radiance (+ Radiant Dawn as its the sequel of PoR).
Remastered games can be great, but simple VC is much quicker and I sure hope that they keep doing it for NX and beyond.
Unrelated, but do you guys plan on doing the "last year in retrospect" features where each day covers a quarter of the year?
Remastering old games is always difficult to decide upon which I'd like to see get the treatment. As much as people supposedly hate them, they do allow some games to see a new lease of life.
However, to be realistic anything from the N64 can't be remastered. They'd need to be entirely remade. Technology and graphics has moved on so far that the low polygons and ultra blocky look really wouldn't hold its own today.
So I'll go as far back as the Gamecube and say Eternal Dark is one I want remastered for sure and maybe Super Mario Sunshine too.
I really have no interest at all in remasters (and I realize I might think differently when my current favorite games become retro), but I see how they apparently make money and they're mostly produced by outside studios--so why not?
The point that those remasters are done by outside studios is completely irrelevant: this is still a waste of resources when the most glaring issue on Nintendo consoles are the lack of new games. If those studios can do a good remaster under Nintendo supervision, why couldn't they make good new games under supervision? Look what Retro, Kuju and Next Level Games did.
Besides, the article completely misses that many games they want a remaster of are controlled by Wiimote + nunchuk, controllers that many Wii U owners don't have.
If they had made some sensible remasters it would have been good for Wii U. I hope they bulk up the NX's first years with games like that but I don't have much faith in Nintendo to pick the same games I would go for. Pretty much every GC and N64 first party game would have been better than stuff like Game and Wario , Wii Party U etc.
Hopefully they'll go a step further with NX and do a few full HD 3D remakes of 2D games that would translate well into 3D like A Link to the Past!
@MarkyVigoroth well you know how much in love they are with the Gamecube and seems that they cannot accept the fact that it failed
I'd say go for it. Yeah, it will be an influx of HD remasters, but at least the main crew will have their hands full with something new and awesome, that it won't be totally taken for granted. As for a Galaxy 1/2HD remake with the console, and it was done on the first Christmas it was released, Nintendo could've been printing money right now!
I would gladly take any "F-Zero" remaster. That's easy money you're not getting out of my wallet, Nintendo!
I'll second @rjejr in saying that if the rumors are true and the NX/NN3DSXLT (or whatever they call it) play the same games this becomes a mood discussion. Evidence points to Nintendo being able to crank out around 24 titles a year. Currently that means 12 for Wii U and 12 for 3DS which results in a sparse calendar. But if we are getting two games a month for the system, we will be lucky to buy them all and the gaps between games we like will be smaller.
As for the remakes, they are nice and an easy way to put content on a system but at the same time so is the Virtual Console. I would rather them just invest in actually publishing that content at a reasonable price than charging me $60 yet again for Super Mario Bros: Wii U Edition, (now with Amiibo support).
Keep in mind NintendoLife, this is the company that can't even port VC games that are already out in different territories.
While I think the TP HD looks like a huge upgrade myself, and I don't think the visuals in Starfox suggest it is also targeting a portable system, I agree with everything else you've said.
I'm anxious for the new combined hardware teams to have all their work pay off. Whether the NX is some combined portable console frankenstein or it is distinctly tailored hardware that makes use of common development resources people who largely ignore one hardware platform or the other (like me with 3DS for the most part) are going to be enjoying the effective 1.5x to 2x increase in output from Nintendo proper.
But besides reducing the need for remakes, the remakes themselves can hit both types of devices as well presumably. So even filling in the gaps like StarFox 64 3D and Ocarina 3D did will hit both platforms.
Having a combined platform to build from... I wonder if Nintendo will do a sort of all-in attempt at backwards compatibility through hard work on emulation so that NX can support Gamecube all the way back to NES and GameBoy and sell it all in a subscription or something major with the new loyalty account system. I think you've suggested that before and it seems to fit in. Seems like a natural progression at this point.
Too bad Nintendo stopped their line of 3D Classics. Thank goodness for Sega's own 3D Classics line!
The Wii U is backwards compatible with the Wii so why bother? Now N64 and Gamecube remasters I'm all for!
...Or Nintendo can just keep making new games, and focus more on adding these games to the VC. ...Seriously, remakes are the thing that Nintendo critics hit on most these days. And I really do have to agree with some of their points about this.
Square's FFVII and FFIV(If I remember correctly) remakes look like they're worth buying. None of the Zelda remakes have had anything to set them apart from their older games and make me want to buy them again. It's just the exact same game, and barely even looks different. Wind Waker changes did nothing but get rid of a good item(Tingle Tuner) and replace it with a stupid miiverse bottle. The sail looks like a great item edition but it's not worth buying the game again for. Ocarina of Time had the Master Quest and Boss Rush, but who cares about those? Majora's Mask, from what I can remember of news and reviews, doesn't have anything new except a changed bomber's notebook. I already completed the old notebook in the original so what good is that to me.
Personally I prefer remakes over remasters. But for either I hope Nintendo pulls from the gamecube era. While I'm getting TPHD since it is one of my favorite Zelda games, I want to see more gamecube games brought back either via VC or remakes.
@rjejr - I think that is Nintendo's big challenge.....making a gaming family that is both home console and handheld with games that work on both in what ever form that takes. I look at what games have been released between 3DS and Wii U and it is an amazing library of games but because it is split and 3rd party support is either missing (Wii U) or unique I guess is the best word I can think of for 3DS, the release schedules seem lacking. If the new family can be the same system but games scaled to each specifications, then the library should be large regardless of what else arrives.
This lame trend is something NintendoLife endorses and wants more of? Way to live up to every industry perception about Nintendo fans:
you only want Zelda
you only want Mario
you only want Metroid
And you want the same thing over and over again.
As a life-long Nintendo customer... make new games, because I have all your old ones.
They really should have been doing this throughout the Wii U's lifespan. One of the most damaging factors to the Wii U was the long droughts in between big releases. Without third party support this would have been a great plan to keep fans happy in between the release of new games.
I like the idea of Metroid HD coming on NX at launch. Pretty sure, judging from the past console releases that we won't see the NX until 2017. We might see the QOL project they've been working on in 2016 maybe...
I don't know about this. The Uncharted Collection, God of War and The Last Of Us were remastered for the PS4 specifically for Xbox 360 converts, and this has seemed to have worked. But are there really Xbox and Playstation fans that could be sold Mario Sunshine? Unlikely. The two gamecube Zelda games were both from an under supported system, and even if you view Twilight Princess as a Wii game, it's a pretty broken one control wise. These remakes are for Ninty fans.
Of course the Mario Galaxy franchise is one that fans will suggest need a remaster, but I think Nintendo are wary these games didn't really sell that well due to motion sickness problems. Anyone that really loved galaxy probably don't need them again, whereas those turned off by the duff camera won't buy them again.
@Simbabbad Studios like Grezzo and Monster lack the manpower and experience to make a new 3D Zelda or Xenoblade. There is a major difference between overhauling a game and building one from scratch. Even remakes and teamsters with substantial amounts of new content can use existing mechanics and components from the original.
To a large extent, these smaller outside devs can either make remakes or smaller eShop titles. Grezzo had only released WiiWare games until Ocarina 3D. Given the choice of remaking an already liked game and making a risky new eShop exclusive, the first option may work better.
I don't mind a remaster every now and then, as long as they aren't used as an excuse to not release a new game; i.e., a Metroid Prime Trilogy remaster instead of a new Metroid.
Remasters are a great way of trying to attract customers that didn't have the company's previous consoles. I bought the Wind Waker Wii U console bundle and that was the first Wii U game I played. For me, one of the big selling points on the Wii U was being able to play the Zelda games I've been missing out on, either from remasters, virtual console or backwards compatibility.
Too many remasters, and people start complaining that not enough original games are being made. There's a certain balance between new games and remasters that needs to be found.
Top remake/remaster wishlist
Star Wars Rogue Squadron
Super Mario 64, Sunshine, Galaxy 1 and 2
Viewtiful Joe
1080 Avalanche
Wave Race Blue Storm
Metroid 2, Super Metroid and
Metroid Fusion
Xenoblade HD
Luigi's Mansion
Phantasy Star Online
And my #1 request Armada for Dreamcast
@MrGawain That's true. The reason why the remasters are so popular on Sony's system is because a lot of people didn't own a PS3 last gen. A game like Mario Sunshine would be very difficult to sell non-Nintendo gamers. There's a handful of games that could work, but yes, for the most part they would be remastered for Nintendo fans only.
Super Mario Allstars is an perfect example of what they should do.
Imagine a nice F-Zero compilation, optimised version of the SNES game plus the two GBA titles (one translated) slap on HD remakes of X, GX (with AX's courses added) and a HD translated version if the 64DD game I'm sure gamers will snap it up...heck they'd take a online version of GX with AX's courses.
Or what about Mario Kart? Even if it's DD, Wii and the three arcade titles it'll sell a's Mario Kart!
Sure we'd all like new games but I'm amazed how Nintendo hardly bothers with its back catalogues, it can make so much cash to help fund riskier projects with these releases, small teams can deal with them and they wont cost much either. Look at Wind Waker HD, it had something like 6 months in development and has sold close to 1.5 million...easy money, now imagine what Smash Bros, Mario, Mario Kart and even Animal Crossing can make.
They could do more remasters.
I would love s few more.
But the biggest criticism of Wii U and 3DS is the unoriginality of their libraries.
Most media outlets and gamers keep complaining about all the rehashes, remakes, remastered and iterative games that make up the libraries compared to the originality and creativity of the competition.
On one hand, remasters are a good way to help fill out gaps in between releases, and can give certain games a fresh new coat of paint. On the other hand, it's better to get brand new games, so you shouldn't go completely bonkers with remasters (heck, we've already gotten 4 Zelda remakes this gen...5 counting Hyrule Warriors Legends.), plus giving people a chance to play older games is kind of what the virtual console is for.
@Spin Me too. 2016 marks the 14th Anniversary of the release of Super Mario Sunshine. Here's hoping that Nintendo makes some kind of HD remake of Super Mario Sunshine for the Nintendo NX. Hell, if they release it this year (Yeah, right.), Super Mario Sunshine HD would be like some kind of launch title for the NX.
If they released for the NX next year, then Super Mario Sunshine would celebrate its 15th Anniversary.
Yay a bunch of remakes just like everyone else. See I told you guys the WiiU could stand up to the Xbone or the PS4. That's what they're doing too. Great idea.
@Yorumi Well the remasters for Wii U are for the console that isn't supported on Virtual Console, Gamecube. Sure, Twilight Princess released on Wii but the definitive version is the Gamecube one as it has the true vision of the game (correct map) and Link is left handed. While Nintendo refuses to release Gamecube games on VC, remasters of GC games are the next best option.
@Gridatttack I agree N64 games would benefit more from HD remakes. More could be done with additional gameplay features. The jump in visuals would attract more fans.
I would also prefer more new games. Maybe just one or two remakes a year to fill release gaps.
I've got and played most of the games being mentioned and am not too fussed about playing them again.
Wouldn't mind a Timesplitters geology or Skies of Arcadia remake...
I'm fine with this. Fire Emblem Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn would be fantastic redone.
Mario 64 on 3DS would be awesome!
I am fine with remasters, as long as there are a lot more new games than there are remastered games. Don't be like Sony in 2015, where the only noteworthy exclusive the company had for the entire 2nd half of the year was the Uncharted Collection.
I would personally love to see around at least another five remasters would be ideal, even if done by outside studios.
My top picks even though many wouldn't happen would be the following, in no particular order.
-Metroid Prime Trilogy HD
-Xenoblade Chronicles HD Remastered (recently redone on 3DS, so highly unlikely to happen)
-Super Mario Galaxy HD Collection (1 and 2)
-Super Mario Sunshine HD
-F-Zero GX/AX HD Definitive Edition (including both console and arcade courses)
-Pilotwings 64 HD Remastered (a new entry would likely be preferred, but still would be great)
-Mario Kart: Double Dash HD
If you look at Nintendo's competition on PS4 and Xbox One a large majority of their games for the last while have been remasters. A few remasters on Nintendo's part wouldn't be near the cash grab that the other consoles have been making lately.
PS4 titles
Last of Us Remastered
DmC: Devil May Cry Definitive Edition
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Remastered
Final Fantasy X/XD HD Remastered
Grand Theft Auto V Remastered
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition
Darksiders 2 Deathfinitive Edition
Dead or Alive 5: Last Round
Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition
God of War 3 Remastered
Oddworld: Abe's Odyssey New and Tasty
Metro Redux
Injustice: God's Among Us - Definitive Edition
Warriors Orochi 3: Ultimate
Borderlands 2: Handsome Collection
Toukiden: Kiwami
Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition
Dark Souls II: Sins of the First Scholar
Uncharted Collection
Resident Evil Zero HD Remaster
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue
Dishonored: Definitive Edition
Prototype Biohazard Bundle
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
Xbox One titles
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition
Halo Master Chief Collection
Rare Replay
... and many more, these were just a few that came to mind.
I would also be happy with more Virtual Console releases of GC & N64 games.
Pokemon DP remake pls!
I would love too see more Nintendo remasters/remakes but not too heavily relie on them tho more of a bonus or nostalgic for the fans.
The one game I would truly live to see in HD is Sin and Punishment 2. I think it would really improve a game that is already on my best ever list.
Would love to see Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn remastered. But honestly, I think it might be even better to simply release the standard definition version of the game on the Nintendo eshop like they did with Mario Galaxy 1 & 2. I'd gladly pay $20 for FERD, especially considering how expensive used copies are on Amazon & Ebay. Would be great if Nintendo released the Gamecube FE game too.
Ehhhhh, this isn't really the appropriate series to do this with. LoZ is a much - beloved series that happens to reiterate itself every so often.
We're not taking Super Metroid and putting it into jaw - dropping 3D and atmospheres,
We're not fine-tuning Kirby Superstar's graphics and physics,
We're not even talking about taking a classic like Final Fantasy 7 and updating its references, story, and inner workings,
We're probably talking about taking an "old" (when it's not really) game and slapping one graphical effect on it, because that's exactly what Nintendo has done with WW and TP.
OoT and MM were given 3D renditions, and some gameplay improvements. That's fine, and I bought (and traded) both.
But not the lazy updates to WW and TP.
Again, LoZ gets "remade" more or less with each entry. That's the charm of this story. Frequent remaking would cheapen the series' value, not enhance it like Metroid Prime and Kirby Superstar Ultra did.
I wouldn't mind a few more remakes. As long as nintendos main team makes new games and tries to release more games in a shorter time then im okay with remakes.
What i want for them is to recreate pokemon red and blue with the same plot( you are either Red or Leaf, Gary is rival, Team rocket) but with an extended storyline explaining more things (cinematic cutscenes) and best of all; no more turned based battles but a more actief RPG with gameplay based on Pokken tournament.
I'd be fine with more remakes... IF Nintendo stopped charging full, new-game price for them! They haven't taken up anywhere near as many resources as new games. I'm not paying full price for a touch-up!
@aaronsullivan Yeah, I still want a mash-up of PS+ and Nintendo Selects/Players Choice, but if it's taking them this long just to get My Nintendo out the door - after almost a year of closing up shop on the old one - I really don't have much faith in that subscription service. Or a PS Now type rental service, like Gametap which I played on PC about 8 years ago. But thy really should be capitalizing on their back catalog, I think Rare Replay sold really well. The demand is there.
And it's ok if you think the HD graphics are ok, but I'm not impressed. And I think a handheld could handle them.
@Darknyht "NN3DSXLT"
Is that "Newer New 3DS XL"? That's awesome, but what does the T stand for, I'm stumped?
Metroid Prime, F-Zero GX and Paper Mario TTYD would be my picks
'You want the same thing over and over again'.
That's not just Nintendo fans chief. That's gamers. Look at the sales of COD, Assassin's Creed, sports games, and all the remakes on current-gen consoles.
And? The PS4 and XB1 constantly get criticised for the number of remakes and the lack of new gaming experiences and guess what? They sell.
@Gerbwmu I kind of look at it from the Sony side of things. So many games - not AAA ones, mostly indies - are playable on both Vita and PS3, and more comeing to PS4. So the model is already set, Nintneod just needs to expand it to AAA games. And not put a very expensive propriatery format memory card in the NXDS. IF it is a separate system at all, and not simply a Gamepad witht he Wii U built inside for portability. I'm still hedging my bets.
Remasters are a gold mine for Nintendo, GameCube in particular. I think Nintendo are more than aware of the demand for it, but the user base I Wii u doesn't warrant breaking this new ground now. If gamecubevirtual consoles served up at launch of NX, that demand is realised and is another big tick against reasons to buy NX. The more the stack is in their favour at launch the more chance they have to right with NX what went so wrong with Wii U.
Feeding some more n64 and Wii this gen would certainly garner more of my money. But a full attempt at virtual console with perfect HD remasters from launch and at a steady rate in NX would drain my wallet faster than anything else.
I really just want Xenoblade Chronicles remastered on the NX with some of the improvements from X.
C'mon Ninty, milk us dry! You know you want to.
And it makes fan happy. Who wouldn't take Super Mario Sunshine HD. These also take very little dev time compared to new titles.
Remastered games are fine as long as they have a price point at least 35% below the price of a new game.
But the idea of a new console (NX) is new games better graphics and more power.
I am not paying £300 for the NX to be charged full price for an old game. Yes Windwaker sold well because Wii U gamers were starved of games.
But Nintendo is criticized for being far worse than those 2. NPD has claimed that 3DS and Wii U libraries are putting consumers off in the west.
Both have the stigma of not having anything new.
Most remakes and remasters are struggling to sell on PS4 and Xbox One out side of TLoU and MCC.
But they are known for having new and exciting games.
Is it fair? No but that's how the West has been responding to Nintendo since GCN.
I have this sudden urge to skip work and playthrough Twilight Princess again..
The only remastered games I would consider buying are my two favorites which they absolutely refuse to do: Secret of Mana for SNES and Earthbound for SNES. I want those to be done specifically for 3ds. Or even just released in their original form on the 3ds! And honestly, I'd also love to see Board Game Top Shop from PlayStation come out on 3ds.
As long as they make sense. Don't remake current gen games, and actually improve it, not port it.
No they're not criticised more than the other two. That's just paranoid nonsense.
Anyway criticism on the internet isn't a reason not to do something. Nintendo are a company that openly admits they don't listen to campaigns by their own fans so why would they care that somebody on Neogaf gets annoyed at them putting out a few remasters? They have an incomparable library of games and should use it more.
@Dark-Link73 Wind Waker to me is a basic remaster, for all intents and purposes 1080p30 with a few new shaders doesn't really make a remaster - more of a port - especially when you look at OOT and MM. Alot of claims online report that the textures are newly redone from the ground up. But they clearly aren't. They just look cleaner and sharper due to the game rendering at 1080p. It has also polarised the fanbase.
TP is another story, which is a cheap HD texture project - which unfortunately looks terrible compared to the best fan HD texture packs on PC.
Remakes are fine in moderation. Arguably, Nintendo has been touting it too often recently. What I simply don't understand is why Zelda has been the flying flag of remakes recently. I can explain Twilight Princess HD though, as that is simply an apology letter to Zelda fans because the new Zelda has been delayed well into the distance, for reasons Nintendo doesn't want to say.
Many people have been demanding Nintendo remake TP, because they claim the game was gimped by Wii and Gamecube.
There are very few Remakes on Wii U from Nintendo.
Remasters as a mean to fill in gaps seem like a perfectly fine idea; so long as it is not overdone and it makes sense for there to be a remaster. For instance, I feel the upcoming Twilight Princess remaster to be a poor choice for remastering, given that it is yet another Zelda remaster (we've had quite a few of those across Wii U and 3DS) and that it is playable through the Wii version and Wii U's backwards compatibility.
So when I think of fitting remasters, I wouldn't put forth any Wii games, unless they were accompanies by another game not previously available on the system such as remastering the two Batallion War games or the GC and Wii Fire Emblem games as a remastered compilation of sorts (much like the suggested idea for Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2). I'd also consider games that folks may have missed out foremost, or titles that currently lack an entry on the Wii U (or 3DS) and are unlikely to get a new one in the near future (it can be used to test the waters if need be). When F-Zero is discussed, a lot of people seem to mention that they'd just want a HD, online F-Zero rather any new innovation added to it, so a HD remake of F-Zero GX with an online mode would make sense. Games that didn't come out worldwide originally would also be worth considering, although that would have the added task of translating.
My personal choice for a HD remaster would be a game like Odama; a game that would be able to take advantage of the Wii U hardware thanks to the Wii U gamepad's built in mic. It is also a pretty obscure title, so for a great many people, this would be a first time experiencing it.
I'm not being paranoid.
The U.S. business publications:
Fortune (I have a subscription) published a few articles claiming Nintendo's systems were focusing on reusing the same franchises, while Sony and Microsoft were focusing on new experiences along with their 3rd party partners.
Forbes on a regular basis calls out Nintendo for milking their existing IPs instead of creating new IPs and experiences, while praising Sony, Microsoft and others for pushing the boundaries of gaming experiences.
Time is regularly running stories about Nintendo sorely lacking new experiences, while all the innovation and new games are on Xbox One and PS4.
Wall Street Journal is heavily critical of focusing on their past, instead of letting to and moving forward like the rest of the industry.
Newsweek regular covers E3 and each E3 for the past 15 years they constantly remark about Nintendo sticking with tried and true experiences, while the competition offers new and engaging stuff.
As for main stream media:
USA Today (most circulated newspaper in the U.S.) has constantly published articles about Nintendo remaking their established IPs at the expense of new IPs, while Sony and Microsoft bring next gen experiences.
NY Times always makes a remark in their gaming stories and reviews about how [insert Nintendo game] sticks close to tradition and formula , instead of trying new stuff.
All of BBC's stories on Wii U and 3DS have talked about how Nintendo has focused on their traditional game types, instead offering new types of games like Microsoft and Sony.
Kotaku, IGN, Gamespot, etc... constantly run editorials about Nintendo clinging to the same IPs and same gameplay formula instead of shaking it up and giving out new IPs like the competition does.
You can easily find mainstream articles and new stories about how Nintendo doesn't ever do anything new with their software.
Though to be fair Nintendo doesn't blacklist media organizations that runs negative press against them.
Microsoft, Sony and the rest will literally blacklist your organization if you run stories about them they don't like without their permission.
Kotaku was recently blacklisted by Ubisoft for publishing their articles on how broken the recent Assassins Creed games were (that's what Kotaku says).
They've also been blacklisted by Microsoft, EA, Bethesda and others for reporting negative stories about those companies at one time or another.
The other gaming companies do pull ads, revenue, and other horrible stuff if you give negative reviews and/or negative stories.
You also run the risk of being sued (it's happened many of times).
Nintendo is literally the only one that doesn't censor and strong arm the press.
The point is it's not paranoia, it's actually true to a large extent due to how gaming companies treat the press.
NeoGaf is literally taken seriously by most major 3rd parties and the 3 platform holders, as they have all stated in numerous interviews over the years.
They all have people hired to read NeoGaf and other forums/sites.
Remastered Prime Trilogy and Galaxy 1&2 would be instant money makers for Nintendo. If they made those, I'd be there on day one.
I rather prefer if ninty would work on new games instead of remaster/remaking old ones.
They are doing. And its not Nintendo's core developers handling the remakes. Third party companies are.
I'd like "Donkey Kong Classics HD"
The original arcade Donkey Kong games, the Game N Watch Donkey Kong games and the Game N Watch Gallery remakes all in one download with new modern HD graphics for every one, even the G&W games. No retro or retro inspired graphics here. Also Popeye reskinned to be a Donkey Kong game, called Donkey Kong 2, but would play exactly the same.
I am not strictly saying the Wii U. I am saying this generation. Even the article references this, why are you just bringing up the Wii U? And no, Nintendo hasn't made many remakes themselves, but they have however, dumped plenty to other developers. That's simply dancing around the point, trying to call out a technicality in my post. That's neither here nor there. The point of my prior post however, is that I don't understand why Zelda keeps getting the remakes. TP is the 4th one in this generation, that's arguably two too many.
I don't know where you're getting the fact that many Zelda fans wanted a remake to TP. If it's the internet (and I'm assuming it is), that is never a clear indicator of what many people want, as select people are often very vocal online. You can even play the cheaply sold "Nintendo Selects" version on your Wii U. This isn't something that was begging to be remade. And before you tout that TP is at the top of the charts on Amazon, remember that there really isn't much going for the Wii U, and Zelda fans are hungry for anything. The last home console game was nearly 5 years ago.
Are you arguing my point that TP HD is an apology letter? I assure you it is. It's playing a slightly different tune that Wind Waker HD played, as that game was made to keep people occupied while they waited for Zelda U. Zelda U then got delayed, and what a surprise, another remake showed up, and arguably, not as pretty.
Though it'll never happen, I'd love a Cruisin' collection. USA, The World, and Exotica. Not like there are any arcade racers out there right now, well not a lot of them.
Can you point to anything that says TP HD was unwanted?
There is more stuff showing demand than a lack of demand for it.
People complained horribly about how bad the Wii version of TP controlled and those who played the GC version complained about that version too.
TP HD has been in development for ~3 years according to Nintendo and Tantalus, it just happened to coincide with the Zelda U delay.
Tantalus said they were working on a remaster major game for Wii U back in 2013, which had been in development since 2012.
Tantalus revealed after the reveal of TP, that Nintendo came them in 2012 with an offer to remake TP in HD.
Granted we haven't seen much of TP HD to see how it's shaping up.
You obviously cannot remake/remaster a game as big a Zelda in such as short time.
Zelda U was said to be delayed due to Aonuma and Nintendo taking all the critical feedback from Majora's Mask 3D, that asked for many features to be incorporated into Zelda U.
Also Aonuma and Nintendo have taken all the criticism/heart to heart from Windwaker, TP, and Skyward Sword to make Zelda U.
They want Zelda U to be free of the hate the last 3 games received at launch.
Add open world gameplay, you get a hugely long development cycle.
Hate to break it to you, WB co-owns the rights to the series when they bought Midway.
...Well, my next video game purchase is Gravity Rush Remastered on my PS4, so, yeah...
I'd rather more DLC courses for Mario Kart 8 than to remake one of the older Mario Kart games outright.
It is paranoia. A Google search finds articles critical of and praising console manufacturers all over the media. People only see bias where they want to see it.
For example, from Forbes I can find "Nintendo is a beacon of fun and fresh ideas in an industry overrun by superhero sandboxes and grimdark shooters. This is true, and has always been true". then this article....
There is no media conspiracy against Nintendo, and even if there was internet criticism isn't a reason not to do some quality remakes. If internet criticism was a reason not to make a game, no games would ever get made. Nintendo admitted they don't listen to campaigns by their own fans let alone critics so as with everything else they do, their decisions are their own.
@MoonKnight7 I'd argue that it's not so much that Nintendo is touting remasters too much lately, it's that they've been touting Zelda remasters too much (and I expect a Four Swords Adventures Anniversary Edition to be announced for later this year, making it the sixth Zelda remaster in the past few years).
I'm not against remasters, just use franchises that aren't Zelda please.
I agree with most of what you say except when it comes to Wii games, I personally think HD Graphics plus being able to play them on a traditional controller without the waggle would be a good enough reason to remaster a few. They weren't shy about putting GC games basically untouched apart from new Wiimote controls out for example (though I get your point re.Wii backward compatibility I'm thinking more of NX)
"Can you point to anything that says TP HD was unwanted?
There is more stuff showing demand than a lack of demand for it."
You want links to people not showing demand for a TP remake? That's a lot of people not doing something. Might be tricky to link to.
First, they need to properly learn how to remaster a game.
@CHET_SWINGLINE They just screwed Prime with forced Motion Controls (no option for classic), let's hope they do a better job next time.
@Dark-Link73 Uhhh you do realize that WWHD is just an upscaled/uncompressed conversion of the old game with added lighting and shading correct.... TPHD is the same thing minus WWHD's lighting and shading effects.
Making remasters is a cheap move and are ok every once in a blue moon. But its a moot point when your pc can run the "remastered" game at a better frame rate and upgraded internal resolution.
@renaryuugufan92 It's not just that, the Swift Sail and less Triforce maps makes the game significantly more enjoyable.
@rjejr You hear about Scalebound's delay? Didn't take long for the first delay of the year to happen.
I'm fine with remakes bc i never played many of the originals. But I can see how people would might not be fired up about them if they already played them.
^This guy got jokes.
@IceClimbers I sort of read about it on Pushsquare, though it wasn't an official announcement there, more of a shadow of a rumour. But I couldn't recall it ever having a date, so I didn't think much of it coming out in 2017.
And somebody had to take the karma hit for Squenix saying FFXV would be out this year. The balance must be kept. And supposedly The Last Guardian as well, but I still don't believe it.
Microsoft is going to have to step it up or Xbox One is going to start being compared to the Wii U more than the PS4. At least us Wii U owners have NX announcements to look forward to. And I personally still have about 100 more hours at least in XCX. And Zelda U on the horizon. I've never owned any Xboxen, nor do I plan to, but it may be in for a rough year.
Mario64HD seems like it would be a slam dunk.
@rjejr Given the track record of FFXV and The Last Guardian, it shouldn't surprise anyone that people are a bit wary of them supposedly coming this year. If they do, then the 10 year wait can finally be put to rest.
I wouldn't be surprised if Horizon Zero Dawn got delayed to 2017. Fair trade off if The Last Guardian does release this year though.
looking at some of the screenshots and video of dolphin emulated games, nintendo might not need to yet. all they need to do is put those glorious old games in the eshop and then use the wii u's hardware to upscale them with better resolution, anti-aliasing, texture filtering, the works. then they can judge by which have the most downloads the ones to get the hd treatment. it doesn't even have to be a whole new game price, just a texture pack for the wii u download.
I would love a proper remaster of both Zelda Seasons games, perhaps also including that third one that was never finished.
@IceClimbers Did Horizon get a 2016 date? I've given up on anything releasing on time. I don't even care about the Zelda U delay, just the fact that it went MIA for basically the entire year. If it was supposed to be out in 2015, it should have had a name by now, and shown some cities, and some NPC. We've seen almost squat since E3 2014. That bothers me more than the delay. Though back to your original point, I haven't seen much of Scalebound either.
@Salnax: Monster Games are excellent developers, and I'd rather have them making new games than having their talent wasted on remasters. And why are you talking about a new Zelda or Xenoblade? Excite Truck and Excitebots were godly, I'd rather take the latter than a new Mario Kart any day, or any other new game they'd like to make. Next Level Games aren't making Zelda or Xenoblade either, and their games are all outstanding. I don't care about old stuff I beat already, I already own them.
I think getting games we've never had, such as Mother 3, Seiken Densetsu 3, Treasure of the Rudras, and other lost classics would be awesome in official translations or collectors editions. So many great games we have missed out on in the United States...
@Gerbwmu Too bad that we don't live in that weird alternate universe...
If there's any Zelda game(s) that I'd love to see remastered/remaked/reimagined, it would be Link's Awakening, the Oracle games, and the Minish Cap. Not that there's anything wrong with those games, but I want to see those worlds in either a 3D or HD 2D visual approach, because they're my favorite Zelda games.
But the one game remaster/remake etc. that would make my life complete is an HD EarthBound remake. Or Mother 3. Or all three. I know Itoi said no more new Mother games, more specifically, no Mother 4, but I don't think he said anything about a remake.
I have a feeling remasters will be a big part of the NX, mainly GameCube and Wii remasters. Personally, I'm hoping for a Mario Galaxy 3 and then an NX remaster of 1 and 2. Maybe we'll get a 3D Zelda pack too---Skyward Sword's the only one left.
I can't wait to see what Nintendo will do in this department. I'm hyped about the NX already!
I just wish they'd put up everything on the VC as opposed to remasters. I don't want to pay full retail price for updated graphics. Nintendo did games well the first time around, so even if the graphics are dated, older games still generally play well (and if that wasn't true, nintendo wouldn't be able to get away with full-priced remasters that are 99% graphical upgrades and 1% actual game changes/improvements). It also takes a lot less time and resources to make VC games than completely remaster them. The whole dream with the VC was I wouldn't have to buy disc complications of my favorite games every generation - I could just transfer the digital files. Even the $1-$2 transfer fee is fine with me, since we did get a lot of new features when upgrading to the WiiU versions of VC games.
I guess I must be the odd one out though, since Nintendo seems to pretty much ignore the VC as much as possible....
I think the reason that they made the remakes is because when they release their newer consoles, simply demanding a remake of an old game for the newer consoles is just not worth upscaling further so by doing the remakes now, its best to just port those remakes to the newer consoles digitally.
I'd like to see remasters and new games of series that hardly ever get love. Like StarTropics, Metroid and Kid Icarus.
I'm a little tired of Zelda, Mario and Pokemon.
okami hd with the wiiu gamepad would be lifechanging!!
i'd love a majora's mask hd also!!
You'd think they could remaster Galaxy, Xenoblade and Skyward Sword all at a fairly small cost. Just higher res and add some new graphical effects like Wind Waker.
I'm guessing the chance to do Galaxy and Skyward Sword will end with the Wii U though as I doubt the wiimote will be compatible with the next console.
They aren't calling Sony and Microsoft out specifically, nor any developer for that matter.
They are just making a general statement.
It really isn't worth risking being cut off and face possible legalities from the other gaming companies to please
Also that Forbes editorial received a huge backlash on gaming forums and the gaming media as it was relayed on IGN, Gamespot, etc...
The person who wrote that piece is supposed to be a "casual" gamer that is "detached" from reality.
Also we have more clamoring for TP HD than those demanding Nintendo cancel it.
There is has been a good amount of people and press demanding TP in HD that fixes the textures, controls, and load times of both releases.
It was widely talked about how badly TP controlled on Gamecube and Wii ruining the game for plenty of fans and gamers.
(if you don't remember this, then you weren't following the game at launch).
Plus all those who preorder it get the Soundtrack when they pick up (the soundtrack is really good).
I'm hoping the remake has good controls this time.
Skyward Sword is one of the most hated games of recent memory with it being called out for being all around horrible and too gay looking.
It's seems some have forgot what outsourcing means
That's an entirely rectum-derived claim. As is it looking "too gay". I remember it being distinctly heterosexual.
It was part of the controversy of the game, when VentureBeat claimed the game was too homosexual and should be kept away from children.
The author went on a big social media defense blitz and it blew up on him.
He was fired and eventually the review and story was redacted.
That was a fun month...
Also Ghirahim was also controversial because he was perceived as being gay in the West.
A lot of people were offended by the colorful graphics on top of it.
As I said a thousand times, the Wii U would be perfect for basically any touch controlled DS highlight that would get a boost with amazing HD visuals and better tech. Remakes or sequels of Prof. Layton, Phoenix Wright, Another Code, Hotel Dusk, Nintendogs, Animal Crossing, Trauma Center, Dr. Kawashima, Style Boutique... I think they did good sequels to Art Academy, Kirby's Power Paintbrush, Mario vs DK, and Pullblox World but that wasn't enough. They also did outstanding sequels to Wii games (Xenoblade Chronicles X, Mario Kart 8), and amazing new games (Splatoon, Super Mario Maker), but more Nintendo brands would have helped selling the Wii U.
So a hybrid console that doesn't divide Nintendo's content into two consoles, but one that plays all of Nintendo's releases is very welcome. Just don't rush the system, bring the games.
People use this remaster thing as an excuse to basically crap on nintendo & the fans (dunno why, the ones criticising are usually hypocritical) but for someone like me (last nintendo system I owned or played was the n64) missing out on 2 generations of first party games, I'm glad those remasters exist.
No way am I paying $150 for some obscure game out of print or whatever.
f-zero 64 needs to get done
@BestBuck15 A load of the best GC games are very expensive so for example you could buy an XB1 or PS4 for the same price as Fire Emblem Path of Radiance + the Wii sequel Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn.
It makes sense to remaster stuff from an economical point of view, but I'd argue Wind Waker HD was a failure. The bundle was supposed to sell consoles, but how many people want to buy a next gen console to play a 10 year old game?
It is one of the highest charting downloads but only because it was in that bundle and as a MK8 freebie. Very few people are willing to pay £40+ for a remaster.
I really hope an Eternal Darkness rerelease is in the cards, they're coming into the final year they have to use the trademark.
I like remakes but new games should come first. We don't know if NX will be compatible with Wii controllers so Wii remakes might be out of the picture for some time.
Sunshine HD would be the ideal remake for me.
I'm down for some more remasters- as much as people complain about all the ports/remasters on PS4/X1, I was kinda glad to get updated versions of so many top-tier games. I definitely wouldn't mind a few more Nintendo remasters- it's all in the games they pick.
Like an F-Zero X 3D or F-Zero GX HD, or heck port the Metroid Prime trilogy to 3DS. Or let me get an HD Pikmin collection, or HD Fire Emblem collection.
Remasters are fine so long as it doesn't take away from the actual new games development though with Nintend, it does seem like remaster are taking away... like we are going to have 2 console Zelda remasters before the next official console Zelda... technically 3 in total if you include the Majoras Mask remake.
While increasing resolution and textures are great, It still takes time to do this well, when I'd rather see new games, or new games in a particular series. It's fine once in a while for a game that didn't get enough fanfare and is looking for a new audience (Wind Waker was a great choice, a lot of other gamecube games would also be great). I don't agree that Nintendo should just cash out and re-release a ton of Wii games in HD.
Reason 1: its a money grabber and a cop-out, potentially shying away from producing new games (but still stating they have many games). PS4 has been doing a ton of this, and while popular, makes their lineup somewhat unimaginative.
Reason 2: Wii U is backwards compatible with Wii, so all Wii games are accessible. PS4 isn't, so it makes sense to see more ports of PS3 games (sort of).
It's all about choice, but I'd rather see Gamecube games revisited rather than touching the Wii Generation.
Would love to see a Fire Emblem: Radiant Saga remaster which includes Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn in one package.
Seeing the cast from those games upgraded to look as good as Ike's Smash Bros character model would be worth the purchase price alone.
Here is what I think should be done by Nintendo.
Mario Party 1,2, and 3 HD (either separately or one nice set.)
Super Mario Sunshine remake
Port of N64/GCN or original Animal Crossing.
Fire Emblem Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn HD
Pokemon Snap remake or sequel
Wind Waker HD was a good example of a remaster. TP though, is not. It's even worse than the remasters on other systems since not only do those other remasters tend to do more with the graphics, they usually include more games and are sometimes lower price. TP HD looks to be made with absolutely minimal effort, and has a way too expensive price for just one 10 year old game and a meh quality figure that barely has any uses.
I'd rather Nintendo not do anymore remasters as they're starting to treat the idea as an easy cash in.
If they can fix their approach to remasters, an HD collection of the Tellius saga would be nice. Updated animations and effects would be nice and some better lighting. Only changes to graphics though, please, we don't need them ruining some of the best FE games with casual bullcrap from the new games.
Great topic, great article. Certainly stirs the most-wanted lists up in everyone. For me personally, I would love to see an HD remake of the original NES Zelda, SMB3, and Super Metroid.
I'll be honest, I always get excited when a game I like gets remastered. However, I usually don't replay them! I purchased Wind Waker HD because I loved it when I played it on the Cube. It's definitely better and an awesome game, but ultimately I quit playing it shortly into the game. When it comes down to it, I don't have a ton of time to play games like I once did and when I do, I want to play new games.
On a side note, it's awesome when they re-release games that I never played Xenoblade 3D!
At the moment I'm planning on buying the TP remake but we shall see. Like others, I wouldn't mind playing Sunshine again.
To be fair we haven't seen enough of TP to make a complete assessment.
Never use Youtube and Twitch videos/streams to make a judgement, because they both are heavily compressed and run at 360p by default.
@AVahne Fixing up the Dawn Brigade's stats I'd say is even more important than the graphics for a HD remaster. Meg and Fiona are useless for the whole game while Brom and Astrid (same classes as Meg and Fiona respectively) are pretty good choices for even the endgame of part 4.
The more they bank on remasters, the less reason I have to buy new hardware from them. I don't buy new hardware just to play old games. Leave that crap with the near-death Virtual Console.
I'd prefer real remakes for more games, not mostly identical versions of old ones with upscaled graphics. Super Mario Sunshine with Mario 64 DS like extras? That's more like it!
I would love to see an HD remake of the original NES Zelda, SMB3,
I want to see the original NES Zelda remade in full 3D with modern graphics, say using Zelda U as a basis but with the original NES map layouts, altered slightly but still completely recognizable. And Super Mario Bros. 3 to reuse New Super Mario Bros. U's graphics but with the original stages, making use of the much wider screens that are twice the length of the original NES game.
I don't buy new hardware just to play old games. Leave that crap with the near-death Virtual Console.
What about buying new hardware to buy good games? Wind Waker HD is a very good game even if you've played it on Gamecube, but especially if its a completely new experience. And there are games I own on the Virtual Console that I still want to see given a remake, such as Super Mario 64. The DS version doesn't give the game the justice it deserves. It needs to be even better. Ever since Super Mario All*Stars, there has been something special about seeing an old familiar game look completely modern.
Super Mario Sunshine with Mario 64 DS like extras? That's more like it!
Such extras should be optional. You should be given the choice to either play the original game with zero changes to the gameplay with modern graphics or the game with the same graphics but changes to the gameplay to make it more fun, entertaining, fairer, longer, fresh, etc... It should never be just one or the other ideally.
"Nintendo Can Exploit Its Rich History With More Remasters"
I rather see NEW games!
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