The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes is a nuisance for completionists; with so many outfits to obtain there's plenty of repetition and luck of the draw required to fill your entire wardrobe. That's why we've been running around in the Princess Zelda dress all this time - yes, that's the reason...
In any case an update that's now fully rolled out adds 'Hero Points' that should make getting outfits easier. If you're playing online - or locally - and get stuck playing levels that you didn't vote for you receive these points, and then they can be redeemed for materials.
Eiji Aonuma has a post up on Miiverse with the details.
Although we had the audacity to rate this as 'Not Bad' in our review with a 6, this could certainly be a fun Holiday option for some multiplayer co-op.
Are you still playing this one, or planning to jump into it over the festive period? Let us know!
Thanks to all that sent this in.
Comments 33
My opinion is that a six was an awfully low score for a game of this quality. Certainly now that some improvements have been implemented a "re-review" would be worthwhile.
@johndevine Agreed.
I'd have preferred new levels or something but this is still pretty cool~
@johndevine Agree.
I still play since it's so interesting working with other and seeing how different people minds work. Happy about this since I mostly pick "I can't decide!" anyways to help. Plus it help keep the false heroes in check.
@johndevine I 5th that motion. This should be a 7-Good by NL rating system. The amount of replay value should at least be worth more.
Personally I'll give it a 8/10
It's probably just the fans reading this article, so most people reading this will think this game is greater than a 6. There are issues with the game though and I think a 6 or 7 is fair.
This update sounds nice. If I play a level that I didn't pick, then I'll always try to complete it. It's nice to reward players that didn't get their choice. I'll almost always choose an area, but I usually let the other players pick up the items first.
I'm still playing, but it still hasn't grabbed me as amazing. It's co-op, that is the best thing about the game. Every local game I've played starts out as lots of fun, but sadly each loses steam after ~25 minutes.
With games like SteamWorld Heist invading my system, I've been playing my 3DS more than anytime in the last 6 months, but Tri-Force heroes is still only getting sporadic time.
All these little updates are nice, I'm hoping to unwrap this game for Christmas, so I'll have to see!
Geez some people are really dumping on this game. I actually loved it and want more. I feel voice chat would ruin the puzzles, as one person would just tell the others how to do it - yes, there's times I struggle to communicate with my teammates but the moment I do it feels rewarding, and finding a good team then working in sync for a bunch of missions, with nothing to rely on but 8 emoticons... It's just such a cool feeling, like you connected so well you don't NEED words. When I cleared the den of trials with two randoms, after dozens of failures that we all persisted through, we just spammed the happy emotions for several minutes, it was clear we all were so pumped and whoever those two people are, I enjoyed every minute with them, every emoticon filled minute! People need more patience, this game is rewarding if you let it be. Sadly, the abysmal sales will likely mean we won't get another game like this or much more DLC.
I'd love this new update but I have every outfit so it's useless for me...
Well, it should prevent a few people just rage quitting when they don't get the stage or challenge they want. Still think quitting with the start menu should incur a penalty of sorts though, just so it's not an easy option.
I guess I would also give a 4/10 because they STILL have not fixed the single-player mode.
I can't rate it, don't own it, but given the site feelings and those in this commentary area on the single player campaign, which is all I'd play it for, they couldn't pay me to play it. I had it on my buy with holiday money list but I scratched it. Had they made it less awful to play alone like they did with Four Swords on the Gamecube I'd still be interested.
I almost didn't get this game but decided I'd take advantage of a buy 2 get 1 free offer with this, Yo-Kai and Happy Home Designer. Luckily I ignored the reviews because I love this game. Any negatives I've experienced have mostly been due to the "community," but the majority of teammates have been great. Of course Nintendo could have implemented better ways to prevent those issues though.
I liked this game. Wasn't as good as a fully fledged single-player Zelda, but for a co-op based game it's about as good as one could hope for.
It's a mixed bag for sure, though not as bad as some are saying here
Excellent update. After taking a break for a little while to focus on other games it has me really itching to play again.
I went back to help with speed running challenges. Not sure if I can get Friendly Tokens through doing this, but at the very least, I'd like to get the rest of the materials I need for the Linebeck Suit.
Still not interested, but the idea of rewarding players who didn't pick the chosen map is a fantastic idea.
I haven't played it since the first couple of weeks after I bought it. Might give it another go now though
I loved this game. Glad it's still getting some support. Hopefully this fixes "quitters" who didn't get the level they wanted, since there is now SOME incentive.
On another note, this game is easily a 7/10, although 6 is somewhat fair too. Definitely no worse than that though, this game is tons of fun!
I haven't played the game get but I really wish they would rework the single player, I swear they made it how it is so people play multiplayer! Seriously make the single player a fun experience and I'll bite!
@DoctorOverbuild I second that! I would like a smooth single-player experience in this game. Of course, I have barely even touched A Link Between Worlds so...shutting up now LOL
@Baker1000 @cyrus_zuo @ShadJV @RupeeClock @TimeGuy @HeroOfTime32 @ultraraichu @Shazirah @ThatNyteDaez @nBoohouse @johndevine
I'm sorry for doing thread necromancy with so many people but I have to ask you guys one thing: I've just gotten this game and I'm planning to get one for my girlfriend. We live far from each other. So... if we pick the "friends" option (for online play) and it's just the two of us owning the game, can a third random stranger (as mentioned in this article) join our session in order to act as our third Link?
@AlexSora89 Sorry, wish I could help you but I played only w/ random parties. If I recall correctly...I had heard the online community is pretty sparse now. Hopefully you can find people to play with. I'm like 90% sure you can party up w/ your girlfriend and hook up with a random team mate. I would think so.
Edit: worse case scenario: you and your girlfriend use a "totem" team mate and complete the puzzles that way. Single player sucks, but it would be less dreadful with another person. (Although, I'm not sure if you CAN do this, someone else may have to comment on this).
Good luck!
Thanks! Her copy is already on its way to her home.
@AlexSora89 Nope. At least we couldn't make that work. I wish this game were easier. It is really hard to get through the latter levels.
@AlexSora89 Sorry for the late reply, was taking a break from the web out of state.
From what I can remember you can talk to the match master after you have one friend joined online to recruit an random.
Edit: Ok I double check it's in the game manual as well.
If I wasn't region locked to NA, I would join in to help. Lately I been playing locally with the download play.
What about download play? How can I get a third member then?
My friend, being more pro-Xbox, is kind of a Nintendo naysayer. But I gave him my old New Nintendo 3DS so there's that. Any chances of converting him to Zeldahood with one single cartridge?
And no need to apologize ^_^
With download play all player have to be in the same room. The one with the game host from the download play option by talking to the match master and the other 2 join from the download play app (3ds home menu).
If 2 people have the game and one don't, the one with the game (non host) can go to the match master and select join from the download play option.
Tbh this was one of the games I played with my friend to convince her to buy a New 3ds during black friday (was using my old 3ds xl). Then again she's not much of a gamer and she like to play co-op with friends, more so locally. I doubt this would sway him but worth a shot
Btw everybody have to have the same system update to play together. Learned that the troublesome way.
What if I am with my girlfriend in the same room and we both are in the same room? Can we go online with a third party member and only one of us connecting to the internet?
In that case, both of you would have to be connected to the Internet, even if you're in the same room since the 3ds could only connect through either local connection or wifi Internet at one time.
Ouch. Still, it will work! Thanks!
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