Another week kicks off with the European Nintendo Download Update, and it's certainly one of the stronger weeks in recent times for eShop fans. Both the Wii U and 3DS have highly anticipated 'Nindie' releases, while a hugely popular sandbox / crafting adventure also arrives on the portable as a discount retail title. Throw in some discounts and 3DS HOME Themes, too, and you have a rather busy week - let's get to the details.
Wii U eShop
FAST Racing NEO (Shin'en Multimedia, €14.99 / £10.99) - Futuristic sci-fi racing games have become a rare entity on Nintendo hardware, and so the hype around this racer is certainly understandable. A follow-up to FAST - Racing League on WiiWare, this new entry makes various changes to the gameplay and has lovely 60fps performance with flashy visuals. We gave this a glowing recommendation in our FAST Racing NEO review.
Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures (ScrewAttack Games, €9.99 / £8.99) - It's taken a while, but this rather difficult AVGN action platformer has now arrived on the Wii U in Europe. It's certainly challenging and has plenty of references and nods to retro gaming and the YouTube series; we gave this a recommendation in our Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures Wii U review.
VoxelMaker (Nostatic Software, €4.49 / £3.49) - A 3D art studio that's centred around creating models and environments with 3D blocks, which can then be rendered with realistic lighting and shadows. This offers a good toolset and earned a recommendation in our VoxelMaker review, even if the end results are only good for display and little more.
Dinox (Engine Software, €4.99 / £4.49) - This is a 'prehistory' trivia game that'll support solo play or up to four players at once, promising over 900 questions overall. We'll dust off some fossils and bring you a review.
Wii U Virtual Console
Game & Watch Gallery Advance (Nintendo, €6.99 / £6.29) - A neat entry as this series of collections moved off the Game Boy Colour, this title offers a range of 'Classic' games (like Mario's Cement Factory, Donkey Kong Jr., Donkey Kong 3, Fire, Boxing, and Rain Shower) and also modern remasters utilising the GBA's capabilities. We'll watch this one closely and bring you a review.
Polarium Advance (Nintendo, €6.99 / £6.29) - The eShop is well stocked with puzzle games, though Nintendo is keen to boost the Wii U library with this somewhat unique Game Boy Advance title; your goal is to flip tiles in one move so that they're all matching colours. It should make more sense when you play it, and we'll get into it for a review.
Wii U eShop Temporary Discounts
Citizens of Earth (Atlus, €4.99 / £4.00 until 24th December, normally €11.99 / £9.99)
Life of Pixel (Super Icon, €4.99/ £4.49 until 9th January, normally €9.99 / £8.99)
Rock 'N Racing Off Road DX (EnjoyUp Games, €2.99/ £2.69 until 7th January, then €5.99 / £5.39)
ZaciSa: Defense of the Crayon Dimensions! (ZeNfA Productions, €0.99 / £0.79 until 7th January, normally €2.99 / £2.29)
TABLETOP GALLERY (RCMADIAX, €3.00 / £2.70 until 6th January, normally €4.49 / £4.09)
BLOK DROP X TWISTED FUSION (RCMADIAX, €2.00 / £1.80 until 6th January, normally €2.99 / £2.69)
BLOK DROP U (RCMADIAX, €1.00 / £0.85 until 6th January, normally €1.49 / £1.29)
3DS eShop
SteamWorld Heist (Image & Form, €16.99 / £11.99 until 31st December, then 19.99 / £14.99) - The follow-up to breakthrough title SteamWorld Dig, this adopts a turn-based 2D strategy approach for the highly stylised steambot IP. A lengthy campaign is delivered along with plenty of weapons and hats, because robots wearing hats are surely irresistible; we loved this in our SteamWorld Heist review. Free and exclusive 3DS HOME Theme included with all purchases before 31st December.
Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures (ScrewAttack Games, €9.99 / £8.99) - This version throws stereoscopic 3D into the mix, and if you like a challenge it may be well worth consideration. We enjoyed this portable iteration in out Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures 3DS review.
Rytmik Ultimate (Cinemax, €17.99 / £15.99, or €9.99 / £8.99 for those with The Keep on the same Nintendo Network ID) - This music creation tool will include the sound samples from its predecessors on DSiWare along with new content, while there'll also be options to share, listen to and collaborate on music online. We'll create some tunes and bring you a review.
Petit Novel Series - Harvest December (CIRCLE Entertainment, €11.99 / £9.19) - The eShop platforms have hosted a few storybook series, and this is the latest to stake its claim; this one has 13 short stories following a teenager called Masaki Konno, one for each month and culminating with Harvest December.
The Magic Hammer (Wobbly Tooth, €4.99 / £4.49) - This is ambitious in nature, promising an open-world RPG with customisation and exploration featured. Throw in local and online co-op alongside a 'Creative Mode' and there's plenty to offer on paper, though in the end we thought the execution and final experience was average in our review.
3DS Retail Download
Terraria (505 Games, €19.99 / £16.99) - This 2D platformer / resource / sandbox game has become a huge success since it took off as an Indie title on PC, picking up 505 Games as a publisher and arriving on a host of platforms. The 3DS version will deliver some welcome portability, of course, with the touch screen put to good use. You can check out our hands on impressions to see more, and we'll dig into a review.
3DS eShop Temporary Discounts
Shin Megami Tensei IV (Atlus, €9.99 / £7.40 until 24th December, normally €19.99 / £17.99)
Citizens of Earth (Atlus, €4.99 / £4.00 until 24th December, normally €11.99 / £9.99)
Adventure Bar Story (CIRCLE Entertainment, €3.99 / £3.19 until 31st December, normally €4.99 / £3.99)
Brunch Panic (CIRCLE Entertainment, €2.99 / £2.49 until 31st December, normally €3.99 / £3.39)
KAMI (CIRCLE Entertainment, €1.99 / £1.59 until 31st December, normally €2.99 / £2.39)
Sweet Memories Blackjack (CIRCLE Entertainment, €2.99 / £2.39 until 31st December, normally €3.99 / £3.19)
Zombie Panic in Wonderland DX (Akaoni Studio, €4.99 / £4.49 until 9th January, normally €7.00 / £6.30)
3DS HOME Themes
Happy Holidays with Mario & Luigi (Nintendo, €1.99 / £1.79)
Le Qpiz superoine nella notte! (Zodiak Active, €0.99)
Pedalate Qpiz! (Zodiak Active, €0.99)
Le Qpiz e la neve: bel lancio Liebe! (Zodiak Active, €0.99)
Plenty to choose from this week, so let us know what you'll be downloading in the poll and comments below.
Comments 63
FAST Racing Neo but also there's Smash Wii U and 3DS maintenance today so I think Smash DLC too.
Definitely Fast Racing Neo. That game looks amazing.
@ThomasBW84 Was it always possible to select multiple answers in the weekly Nintendo Download articles? If not, great addition!
Possibly Fast Racing Neo if it reviews well. I really hope it turns out well!
I'm really not into racing games, but I'll het FAST Racing Neo to support the dev. I'll also grab Game & Watch Gallery Advance, as I love those games. Especially as Virtual Console has save states, makes the gameplay much easier.
Other than that, I'm interested in Steamworld Heist, but I'll rather get it on Wii U.
@Octane I added that this week. It was pointed out to me that it'd be better that way, so I made the change
FAST Neo Racing, Steamworld Heist and Terraria, in that order. Too many good new games to be spending on for this time of year, especially as I got the discounted Xenoblade 3D last week, too....
Fast Racing Neo for me and maybe one or two other things.
@ThomasBW84 When will the review for FRN be out?
I didn't realise Terraria was a retail title! I might try and procure a physical version then.
This is a huge week for 3DS though!
Edit: It looks like that the digital release is an early release, with a physical version in February? Fine by me!
Wow, that's pretty packed. I'm hoping to do a review on at least one of those Wii U downloads, but we'll see if the PR Gods shine upon me for a review code.
Nothing appeals to me this week. Usually, I don't care for racing games unless they are truly special, and Fast Racing Neo looks ok but not spectacular for me. I might enjoy Steamworld if I got into it, but there's too many games I'd prefer to play instead.
I thought Terreria was a Wii U title... darn, I know it is coming for NA this week but if it is 3DS, there is no way I m going to get it.The Screen is just too small.
Ok, now that I looked it up, it is not until April when the Wii U version comes out....
FAST Racing NEO for me.
@ThomasBW84 well better late than never. I think this has been pointed out for years now
It still will be, but the 3DS version is being treated to an early release.
Steamworld Heist!
FAST and Steamworld for me. Great that these guys are organised to have you guys able to review prerelease, however, bar game breaking bugs I feel i'll be downloading no matter what..
FAST Racing NEO.
It would be useful to know whether either of the versions of Terraria (3DS and WiiU when it releases) will have all available content/are patched to the latest version. Does the multiplayer actually work? I see Ultimate Editions elsewhere and a 1.3 edition, but ports like this for Wii U and 3DS often get slimmer editions as in Child of Light. Are there any advantages or disadvantages to the Nintendo versions and are they the same for both platforms? (I could get it cheaper on Vita or PC)
Otherwise, Heist.
Seems like Wii U has more GBA games now more than anything else lol!
Fast racing neo for sure, but also, just because the game is so damn amazing. Please buy Xenoblade Chronicles X people! Show Nintendo we love the imersive jrpgs and adventure games! GOTY for me, and yes I also have Fallout 4, Rise of the Tomb raider, The Witcher 3 and Bloodborne. And Xenoblade Chronicles X is entertaining me more than even those gigantic games. Thats how good it is.
@RCMADIAX That's a bit weird, can you email me the exact pricing (Euro and British Pounds) and I'll add them in?
A really huge week for releases.
Day 1 for Fast Racing Neo, perhaps also for Steamworld Heist.
Terraria looks awesome, but Minecrafty games are not for me so I'll pass that.
Would buy AVGN Adventures if it was cross purchase enabled, but since devs did't do that. No purchase.
@Marshi just seen last week's chart...XCX came in 28th place what is wrong with you guys! Buy the game!
Big, big mistake to release Harvest December in one big, expensive chunk Circle. The main attraction of the series in Japan seemed to be its periodic cheap release of different parts.
I hope it still sells; we need more visual novels.
FINALLY! I've been waiting for AVGN Adventures FOREVER!
Fast Neo all the way and maybe steamworld heist
For me : Terraria and SteamWorld Heist !
Is SMTIV still good after all these years? I just bought Disgaea DS, so it's not as if I need an RPG to sink 1000 hours into, but price looks okay.
I'd be tempted by Citizens of Earth at that price, I've already got Terraria on PC, I've got too many music apps on my 3DS to want to get Rytmik Ultimate as well (Rytmik, Rytmik Rock, Rytmik Retrobits, both KORG 3DS apps...), and racing games aren't really my bag.
I like RPGs. Atlus RPGs. I already have Shin Megami Tensei IV though.
@Andyliini : I'm not that fond of F-Zero clones either, but i will buy Fast Racing Neo on release to support the developer. I also know that this game is polished and high quality.
And besides.. I also bought Wipeout HD + DLC on PS3 years ago and played it for a few hours.
I just bought Code Name STEAM when it was on sale but like I said when I bought it: "You can never have too many strategy games." so I'll be picking up SteamWorld Heist. My hype for it has slowly decreased over time but I'm happy it's finally here.
That GBA games are NOT on the 3DS eShop really aggravates me. They look AWFUL on TV, and not fantastic on the Gamepad.
Months of nothing interesting, now Fast Racing and SteamWorld in the same week I got Xenoblade.
Come on guys, a little planning would be useful.
@ROBLOGNICK most GBA games look amazing on TV. One of the best reasons to play. Did you ever use an original GBA? The screen was even worse than the 3DS! I know! Amazing, right? Anyway, they should be on both. Always. So I'm not in disagreement about that but playing on portable screens that are as ugly as any Nintendo portable so far should be out of portable necessity only, in my opinion. It's a huge compromise that other devices no longer make. For years now.
3DS games are so good that I always bemoan this situation. Sorry.
Why is Fast Racing Neo Single Player only?
Conclusion: Nothing for me this week.
Just checked the German press release and despite the fact that IARC is now working on the eShop, which makes the rating process fast, streamlined and FREE for all countries participating (which includes Germany), we are still not getting:
-Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures
-Petit Novel Series
-Life of Pixel
-Adventure Bar Story
To the publishers of those games: You know what, don't bother bringing any of your games to Germany in the future. It's apparent you don't care about your customers here and I sure as well won't buy anything from you again.
@scamander Aber das gute ist, dass wir auch nicht den ganzen Müll bekommen, der im US Wii U eShop abgeladen wird
@Tobo9279 What are you talking about? FRN has local and online multiplayer.
I'll hopefully be getting Terraria. Pretty hyped about it, despite it clearly being the worst version of the game ever.
I would love to get game & watch advance...on the 3DS and Terraria would be something to keep a eye on once it's in NA.
ah I wish terraria was 15 euro :/ really annoying that I need to buy 2 €15 eshop cards don't have a credit card maybe it will be on sale someday.
What the hell are the Qpiz doing among the home themes? Seriously, if you haven't watched the animated series, it can be summed up as an animated version of The Sleepover Girls... on crack.
@scamander Well if German just used the PEGI like the rest of the European countries, that wouldn't be an issue. I have heard that you can create a separate account on the Wii U, set it to the United Kingdom, and you can buy and download titles that way,
Definitely getting AVGN and Polarium Advance.
@RadioShadow Google IARC
And yes, you can create a second NNID on Wii U (not on 3DS!), but I think it's understandable that I want my purchases connected to ONE NNID and not a bunch of them.
I would download Life of Pixel again if I didn't already own it twice (PS Vita + Steam).
Get this game ! It's great !
Heist. Shin Megami I picked up in the last sale...I'm waiting for the others to go on sale!!!
FAST Racing Neo and Life of Pixel for me. I have the feeling that if Shin'en puts up a demo - like they usually do - FRN might become the best selling post-launch eShop game. I certainly wish it does because it deserves it. Having the game coming out in different regions the same day will definitely improve the sales.
As much as I'd like to support Fast Racing Neo, my mixed history with racing games, general aversion to purchasing digital releases at full price and that the Christmas run-up has proven very costly buying gifts for everyone; means I'll have to wait till the New Year before giving it another thought.
If only G&W Gallery 4 came out on the 3DS. That was one of the games I'd love to have on the 3DS, but that will never happen. Thank you, Nintendo.
Heist! So cloooooooose.
There a quite afew games too get this week but the two must have are Fast Racing Nero n SteamDig Heist for me.
AVGN! Finally! I'll get that alongside FAST Racing NEO, and Game & Watch Gallery Advance during a quieter week.
I'll definitely be downloading F-Zero.
The three of you who don't yet have SMT IV on your 3DS, now's your 35th chance.
Lots of cool new stuff this week. Rytmik on 3DS, finally. A series of visual novels (I'd really like to know more about that one). A good-looking voxel art tool. FAST. Steam. Great week.
@Tobo9279 It has local and online multiplayer. Probably not your type of game if you haven't been following it.
I wonder how many of these won't come out in Australia.
about time on AVGN, was losing hope
Oooo I'd like pick up fast racing neo, steam world heist and voxelmaker!
Polarium is worth your money guys! Personally I got it from the Stars-catalogue, but it was very good. Many very challenging puzzles, and relaxing music. I still have to finish it though, later puzzles are very hard.
So what price is the real one for Heist? This page mentions one, and the information page for the game mentions the date and a cheaper price.
Best update in ages,Too bad I'll be busy playing Xenoblade X for the next month, So only Heist for me.
Rytmik Ultimate seems to be a very powerful music studio. It seems to be better than Korg DSN-12 & Korg M01D. Looking forward seeing a review of Rytmik Ultimate!
Grrr, AVGN still not out in NZ and Aus!!! I give up!
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