For those of you who aren't aware, CoroCoro is a monthly Japanese comic magazine that primarily focuses on manga for elementary school children. Among the comics that appear within its pages each month are Pokémon pieces, and these are sometimes accompanied by news and screenshots that pertain to the game series. Many times in the past, CoroCoro has been the first place details were revealed about the next Pokémon game and it most recently revealed new formes for Zygarde.
In this month's issue of CoroCoro, there was a note placed near the end that referenced December's issue and said that big news related to Pokémon will be revealed. Apparently, the December issue typically contains details on the upcoming Pokémon movie for that year, but it remains unknown if that's what the blurb is referring to. We'll find out by 15th December.
What do you think? Will there be details pertaining to the elusive Pokemon Z? What else do you think could be revealed? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 48
Oh god... I'm breathing heavily.... Please be the sequel to my favorite video game of all time...
Oh god... I'm breathing heavily.... Please be the sequel to my favorite video game of all time...
Oh god... I'm breathing heavily.... Please be the sequel to my favorite video game of all time...
I'm tired of being teased at the moment.
I know I must be missing something, but why are people expecting Pokemon Z still? During the Pokemon Go announcement stream they showed an image that was clearly indicating Gen 7 would begin in 2016. I've seen almost no people mention that picture.
I understand why people expect Z, trust me, I expected it until I saw the Pokemon Go stream, but after seeing that it just doesn't make sense. Plus, they wouldn't reveal the big 20th Anniversary game through a magazine, and I doubt it would just be Pokemon Z. Reaaally doubt it.
Pokemon X2 and Y2, lol
@NintenBo Got a link to the picture?
@MitchVogel He's prob talking about Zygarde new forms.
I must be misinterpreting this otherwise everyone would have talked about it, but the way they show the year for each new generation and leave 2016 blank just immediately made me think Gen 7 would be next year.
Which game is it? You didn't say it, fearing to jinx it perhaps? I mean, if it's worth a triple post, it's gotta be something big.
However, the green blob Pokémon is related to Zygarde? Bummer, and here we thought Generation VII was going to start!
Everyone already knows Pokemon Z is happening. Even the Pokemon anime is currently called X,Y & Z.
They just don't want to announce it before Super Mystery Dungeon is released in most regions.
@NintenBo Well, to be fair the two aren't mutually exclusive. Perhaps Z could be the first half of the year and Gen 7 the second half. Looking at the space between each generation, Gen 7 is coming soon, but there's no way they'd just skip Z after all this new Zygarde stuff.
@NintenBo Sorry, could you clarify exactly what the hint at Gen 7 was? I saw nothing that indicated it was going to be announced soon.
I'd did, however, see the announcement that the current anime would be rebranded as "Pokemon XY&Z" and that Zygard's new forms were revealed. Both of those announcents, coupled with the Pokémon franchise's highly predictable release pattern, strongly indicate that a Pokémon Z title will be revealed soon.
I read that on Serebii before. I gave them time till Feb 2016 to announce a new game, but I guess this will be faster. Good, good muahaha.
@NintenBo That is indeed a valid point. Didn't see the image before and it seems to point on a new generation of pokemon games.
As for me I'm trying to figure out if the new games will be on NX or N3DS (the games have capability to run battles in 60fps in full 3D on N3DS but this isn't used right now). There are hints to 7th generation games in XY already but the current generation isn't over yet - Volcanion haven't been released yet and Zygarde forms are still un-obtainable now. Zygarde makes me belive the next game will still be related to XY - a pokemon Z game, the third instalement they tend to release after two main games.
@MitchVogel I think that would be a bit tacky TBH, to put out two main series Pokémon games with less than a year between them, reeks of a cash-grab...
A 7th gen game and 6th gen game in the same year? Sorry, but that sounds like a desperate attempt to get as much money as possible within a short timeframe.
@NESuperior There definitely will be a Z seeing how Pokémon released a new video for Tretta showong Zygarde power up and using it's Yveltal snake/tentacle parts to attack.
I hope it's a new game. We've had a new Pokémon game every year for a couple years straight. 2015 seems to be the first year since 2008 where we've not seen a western release of a Pokémon game.
No ones going to mention about the Dark Mewtwo card that's coming with Pokken? A single card on it's own that couldn't possibly be part of a massive set of all the Pokemon to be used in the next game?
Fair enough!
@Rensch That's incorrect. We've seen several "break" years that happen before or after the final "expansion" version of the first two games of the generation are released.
@MrGawain Is this the article you're looking for
Usually I'd go for my long anticipated Red and Blue Remake but with those getting a VC release, I doubt it's gonna happen any time soon. If it's Gen 7, it'd better be on a portable NX/ stay at 3DS and have a lot more Pokémon. I'd have no problem with Pokémon Z nor X2 and Y2.
I forgot Pokemon got magazine reveals every so often, I've been following Famitsu for Monster Hunter X reveals, but unfortunately I stopped caring for Pokemon because my tastes have gotten a little strict for Pokemon's standards. That and X and Y were total ass.
Hopefully the Pokemon Company can beat CoroCoro to the punch before the leaked scans appear a few days before the December issue releases. It's obviously Pokemon Z.
Maybe it's the Pokemon game they've needed to make for the last 20 years.
A full open world online rpg full home console version of Pokemon, that is also fully portable. All now possible on NX format.
A full MMORPG as an NX launch title would be HUGE and be the fastest selling home console of all time. Guaranteed. No argument.
I doubt it's Gen 7. And I highly doubt it has to do with the NX because they haven't even announced it yet and won't until E3. I would like a new Ranger game, but even I doubt that would happen. It's probably Z.
I think Z will probably end up being an add on, would be nice if we got a new game though. To whoever said about shadow pokemon being new - they have been around a while. Look up the gamecube pokemon games, they both had shadow versions of pokemon
@NintenBo That's not what the image said at all. All that image was to represent is how it will be 20 years since the original. The image has been taken out of context.
@Rensch You can blame that on the removal of localisation wait times. When going on about releases of Pokémon games, you should go by initial launches to determine patterns.
There seems to be some confusion here. Z is on the way, for sure. Look at the new Zygarde forms and the new Anime. The game will be based on X & Y with a different story just like Black and White 2.
Please please please be a whole new pokemon game. I need it.
@NintenBo That image literally just says "Look at all the Pokémon games we've announced. This is when we're releasing Pokémon GO! This series sure has come a long way". Or at least thats how I interpreted it,
Z HAS to be coming at this point. We still have had no resolution to the Strange Souvenir, Pokébank Dataminers found stuff strongly suggesting at least one if not two further Gen 6 games, and the Zygarde stuff... there's no way it's not coming.
I still think XZ and YZ due to Z basically being Zygote.
In case anybody skipped biology class that day:
My guess? Two new games. Pokemon XY (all one title) and Pokemon Z.
If that wasn't the case, why bother to call the new anime season XY and Z rather than just Pokemon Z?
@MitchVogel I just wanted to let you know that Hoopa is coming to Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon. I saw a poster of the game with Hoopa on it at a Nintendo booth in a convention.
@amiiboacid Hoopa is all over PSMD. It even has a special mechanic to it. Go check Serebii for details
How could this be anything other than Pokemon Z(ygarde)?????
@Seacliff Eehm, because Z would be the addition to X and Y...your logic seems flawed.
I mean, it could still be 2 games, but the argument you are making simply doesn't make sense.
I'm still here... waiting for my Pokemon Grey, hoping to see the master dragon for the Unova region.
@DESS-M-8 A pipe dream...
@MIDP To be fair, I'm not being serious here. Though I can't help but think how the manga titles work.
For example, the Platinum arc is called the Platinum arc, not the Diamond Pearl and Platinum Arc. So if the anime is calling something XY and Z (with no spaces or commas between XY) then it's not impossible.
Yes, the manga is not the anime. Yes, the manga had not finished it's XY arc yet. And yes, I said before I wasn't really being serious. I'm just another guy throwing out laughable ideas not knowing what to expect after B2W2.
I need a new Pokemon RPG!!!! (I'm a Pokeaddict).
Just need Mystery dungeon and I'll be happy Snivy
People keep arguing about whether we're getting Gen 7 or Pokemon Z, but has anyone considered that maybe it's both? Pokemon company does follow patterns, sure, but they also like to mix things up. Like how we got Pokemon Black2/White2 instead of Gray. A direct sequel to the events of a previous game rather than another retelling. In ORAS we had the Delta chapter which not only added onto the existing story but specifically acknowledged there are multiple, co-existing timelines (something else Black/White touched on). The games have become more narrative heavy since Gen 4, which was the last time we got a true 'middle' game in Platinum. I don't see why they couldn't make a gen 7 with about as many Pokemon at gen 6 and have Zygarde still play a major role in it. A sequel and a new game. We still haven't even explored Southern Kalos.
@NintenBo The title of your pic says "2016 ポケモン20周年" (2016: Pokemon 20th Anniversary), which merely suggests that they will be doing something to celebrate Pokemon's 20th birthday in 2016 (hence they left it blank). So it could be anything on the table — Gen 7, Pokemon Z, Pokemon Go, Pokepark, Pikachu swarming worldwide... it's up to anyone's prediction.
I seriously hope its a main series game whatever they call it, my 3DS has been getting lonely...
It'll be Z. I don't know if that means it will simply be the third iteration of X and Y or perhaps something different. Perhaps Z will actually follow a similar format that Black 2 and White 2 followed.
Regardless, one feature that I'm thinking we'll see in Z is the ability to use stereoscopic 3D everywhere and not just in battles (only if you're on a N3DS though, otherwise, 3D will stay restricted on O3DS models to just he battles). And the reason why I believe this beyond the fact that the N3DS could handle it, is in the name itself. Look at a traditional graph, when you utilize the x and y axis, you can make 2D shapes. However, when you bring in the Z axis, this is the axis known as depth, you making the 2D shape have depth, and therefore 3D. I think it would be a huge missed opportunity to not allow for 3D everywhere and not just the battles if the game is indeed titled Z.
@KTT It's nto a pipe dream. This is ultimately where Pokemon has been heading for the last 20.
NX finally produces the hardware needed to make that version of Pokemon possible. It just depends if Nintendo have decided it is time to make that game.
If they make it, it will sell MILLIONS of hardware worldwide very very quickly.
@KO-Cub I feel you.
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