Dragon Quest is a franchise with a decent recent history on Nintendo portables, exemplified by the global release of Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies on 3DS. Since that time it's been a franchise - from a Nintendo fans' perspective - stuck in Japan, however, with a Dragon Quest VII re-release on 3DS in Spring 2013 and the upcoming arrival of Dragon Quest VIII in August. The latter is clearly pushing the portable's capabilities, too, as it won't even feature stereoscopic 3D support.
Of course, mutterings that these two titles could make their way to the West have been building in recent times - first of all we had Square Enix shutting down a fan-translation project, which some interpreted as a pre-emptive move. There were then some vague comments about hearing fan requests, but that was more minor.
However, over the weekend reports have emerged from the Paris Japan Expo that series creator Yuji Horii spilled plans to bring both games to France - and by extension Europe and surely North America, too. This is based on translations from Famitsu, with the following reported from a Square Enix event at the expo.
At the end of the DQ stage, Yuji Horii said 'I want to announce one thing. I want to release Dragon Quest VII and VIII for 3DS in France!', to which DQ producer Ryota Aomi replied: 'Wait! There is no official announcement yet!'
That's based on a translation that seems to play along with Google's automated efforts, though some excitable fans are claiming on Twitter that the games are as good as confirmed. We'll go with Famitsu's article and stick with the line that it seems positively likely these titles are planned for the West.
Are you keen to get your hands on these re-releases for 3DS? Let us know.
[source famitsu.com, via tinycartridge.com]
Comments 55
If they do come west (and more specifically, the US), I'll pick 'em both up!
I've never tried the series before, though.
I implore them to localise DQ VII and DQ VIII for Western audiences! They're two of my most wanted 3DS titles!
I will get both. I have DQ7 for the PS and DQ8 for the PS2 (the former barely touched, the latter waiting to complete the final battle, 140 hours in).
DQ is my favorite RPG series this side of EarthBound, so I'd be ecstatic with an official announcement.
Come on... I'd be happy with an Eshop release!
Of course this happens right after I buy a copy of Dragon Warrior 7 for my sister's birthday...
Dragon Quest has been my favorite RPG franchise since the beginning. Can't wait to snap these up!
DQ7 has never been released in the UK so I want that so bad. I have DQ8 on PS2 and IOS but I'd still buy it again to support the series on 3DS. All we need is VC releases of the GBC 1-3 games and the entire series would be playable on 3DS.
Dragon Quest 3DS: Federation Force
I love dragon quest so much. If the only way for me to get dragon quest 7 in states was to purchase two new 3DS XLs (I have been holding out for a Standard), AND having to cook and EAT my left shoe, I would cook my right shoe too, "just in case".
But it isn't like I am eager to give SE my money I suppose...
I'll be buying them for sure! Hell even if they only came out in Europe I'd be buying a European 3DS with the games!
I found 8 really boring, so couldn't care less about that, but I would be interested to try out number 7.
Out of 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 & 9 I've only really enjoyed 4 and (to lesser extenct) 3, so I'm not too hopeful for 7, but it would be nice to have an another good JRPG to add to my collection.
I'm definitely interested in DQ7, but I'm a little hesitant about DQ8, mainly because it's going to be a visual downgrade from the original version. I might still get it, though. I have it for the PS2, but never got around to finishing its long campaign, and no longer have my PS2 hooked up. The 3DS would certainly be a much more convenient way to play it.
DQ 9 was released on DS
Please, Please, Please, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been waiting to long Enix (Square, too). If I have to I'll buy 100 copies of each just so SE can meet their (insane) sales goal! V and IX were easily some of my favorite DS games...sure we might only get VII and VIII, none of those Monster Remakes or Rocket Slime 3, but after all these years...I'd just be happy with VII OR VIII (but both would be preferred SE )
I love the new boxart. If any game has a chance of being localized it is this one. Buying JPN version but I'll double dip if it comes stateside.
It would be great if these would come over, but I'm not putting any hope in it. It's Squenix, disappointment is their standard.
Bought and Bought should those come to North America. I'm still hoping they would also release Dragon Quest X here on 3DS or Wii-U.
Day 1 buy for me if they ever bring it to the US.
We'll see. Still waiting on a lot of other games supposedly coming west that haven't come yet.
Please. Do this yesterday already. I will buy both these games Ina heartbeat.
9 was pretty much my fave DS game, bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This would be awesome. Instant pick ups for me on release.
I think I will support these is they come west. I was not a fan of DQIX though.
How about a Western release of "Dragon Quest X" for the Wii U???
Make it happen Square Enix!!!
Dragon Quest X on the Wii U would be a dream come true!
I'm confused. Square Enix is listening to fans too much...Something is wrong...
DQ7 was meh, but DQ8 was fantastic — and the 3DS version appears to have two new playable characters?!
@OneBagTravel They can release a teaser of the tutorial game: Slime Ball.
Please say this is trueee!!! I'd be happy with just an eshop release. Do Monsters 1 + 2 as well... possible slime too
If this is true, then it would be the best 3DS news that I have seen this year! I would definitely buy both.
There's more Dragon Quest games that needs localization than just these two, Terry's Wonderland remake and the DQM2 3DS remake also needs to be localize too.
I really dont care about these games.... Where is Dragon Quest Rocket Slime 3DS in America?
After what happened with the North American importation of FF: Type-0 on the PSP, I am hesitant to voice support for Square Enix.
However, if retail copies of these titles did hit my shores, I would purchase them.
DQIX is the only one I've played, but I really liked that game. I could really do with playing more Dragon Quest games
Guess they looked at their bank account and decided listening to fans might be a better business strategy than FFVIII part IV: Lightening Re-returns.
@LoveSugoi ....I'd actually play that so long as it isn't mobile.
What happened to VIII-2 and VIII-3?
I was exaggerating but I meant to put an 'X' there instead of a 'V'.
@Peach64 Having the GBC DW 1&2 and DW3 on 3DS is also my dream! That GBC DW1 is a nice, smooth remake. It's a great, pleasant RPG that can be beaten in about 7 hours. I go back to it every few years.
I would love to have all the mainlane Dragon Quests all on one device (and you know, not with a touch screen controls).
Sadly, my money is on an eshop only release. Which is a shame as I really love physical boxes games. But I'll probably take what i can get
@Mus1cLov3r If you haven't played any of them before - 7 is gong to be a hard hard game to get into - understand before you play it that it is HEAVY on the item collection - and wash/rinse/repeat game play. That game benefits from a walkthrough as much as any game ever. It took me over 4 hours to get into my first battle - but I hear the 3DS version cuts that time in half or something. But it is a great and fantastic game. It is a slow burn though.
Just because they might release them in Europe does not mean they will get released in North America. Remember Pandora's Tower, Xenoblade, and Last Story almost did not make it, and Fatal Frame 2 for Wii never made it here.
My brother and I played the heck out of Dragon Quest VIII. The only games that saw nearly as much play time were Kingdom Hearts II and Champions of Norrath.
If this gets localized, I'm buying it instantly.
@vitalemrecords That shouldn't be too much of a problem for me, but thanks for letting me know.
@Mus1cLov3r I just thought it would be best to go into the game knowing that. You travel through two time eras - so you are going into towns twice to gather the items in each - and if you miss something - good luck finding out what you missed and where it is - I'm just saying the best way to go through it is with a fine tooth comb. The game has a different game play loop than most RPGs.
I've already played through VIII on the PS2, so maybe just VII then.
Gotta start with the first Dragon Warrior. LOL. Easiest game to get ahold of too. You can find the NES cartridge easy, I usually see multiple copies at old game stores. The GBC cartridge includes DW2 and may be a little bit more expensive, but is a bit spruced up since the NES release. The gameplay is a little more accessible (i.e. on Dragon Warrior NES, when you walk up to a door or stairs, you have to open a menu and select "Door" or "Stairs.") The iOS version was pretty true to the original game, and is literally only 2-3 dollars if I remember correctly. I enjoyed it.
@VR32F1END I don't have an NES, but I have a GBA and and iPhone; I'd rather have the GBC version than the iOS version, but I don't know.
The first one translated well on mobile. I only played that one (mobile wise.) If you dont like it; its only a few dollars of a loss compared to hunting it down on Gameboy. I actually thought of buying more Dragon Warrior on my phone as I was impressed by the quality. However; I already own the GBC carts... And DW1 is the only dirt cheap one.
Dragon Quest 7 and 8 on the 3DS would be fantastic.
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