One of the more divisive aspects of Nintendo's upcoming ink-em-up Splatoon is the integration of motion controls into the core gameplay. Considering shooters have been comfortable with simply using two analogue sticks simultaneously to move and aim this addition initially seemed a little gimmicky and unnecessary to many.
After getting to grips with the Global Testfire demo some fans were still clamouring for Wii U Pro Controller support or at the very least a way to turn off the motion controls that they couldn't wrap their heads around. The Wii U Pro Controller is not supported in the game – bar the 1v1 local multiplayer – but the ability to turn off these motion controls is, so how does the game perform without them?
Check out the video below where we look into the practicalities of each method of control and ultimately come to a conclusion as to which is superior.
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Comments 66
I was messing up big time when fighting in close quarters (and that almost all the time when not using the charge shot sniper ink thing) until I turned the motion controls off. Perhaps too many years of COD on twin sticks have made their damage (and yes, I do come from the mouse+keyboard PC shooters). However, Wiimote was spot on perfect on "Metroid Prime 3" so I will give motion controls a second try when "Splatoon" comes out.
I turned off motion when playing with the roller. However, I found the game to be much harder without motion when using the splattershot or the splat charger. As was mentioned in the video, the movements became much more rigid and it was hard to keep up in the fast paced turf war.
The combination of motion and right stick worked the best for me.
I can not play a shooter without Wiimote controlls...
But the motioncontrolls with the gamepad was not as bad as i imagined.
Maybe with a little bit of practice it can work pretty well but one thing is for sure and that is that the Wiimote and Nunchacku combo can not be beaten when controlling shooter or other games in the need for precision.
I really hope they add Wiimote/Nunchuk support which is a great control method in COD.
Can't wait for SPLATOON!!!
This man speaks truth! Though I think we can all agree that keyboard + mouse ('specially mouse) is the best option for accuracy in shooters!
At risk of sounding old, I'll tell everyone a story.
Several, and I mean several years ago, people were on the fence about this 'd-pad' thing... after so many consoles had joysticks, no one was interested in this weird flat dpad thing. After some time, it became the standard, only to be replaced with the analogue stick, which also caught hell when it first came out.
I'd like if I could have full use of control sticks and the motion control. I did not like that having motion controls on disabled vertical control of the right joystick.
No talk about motion controls would be complete without a picture if Robbie Drums.
@EverythingAmiibo For accuracy perhaps, though at least for me (who isn't a pro by any standards), the Wiimote-IR-pointer method isn't inferior so much. However, to me a it just feels "wrong" to aim with a mouse, which is most likely the reason why I never got into PC shooters, while enjoying console shooters. A mouse is accurate, surely, but it's just this accuracy that makes it feel so wrong to me.
Besides, I don't like it when both sticks are symmetrical. While a stick is slightly superior to buttons even when it comes to moving, I find that the layout of the GameCube controller is best for shooters (as far as traditional stick control goes).
Maybe because I didn't play many shooters in my gamer experience, but I had no trouble using the motion controls of splatoon, if anything it feels very natural to move the gamepad around for have a less rigid view of the surroundings.
I admit however that I had troubles sometimes in splatting the opponents, especially at close range, but that wasn't a problem of the controls, it's my aim that is terrible XD
@PGS_71 Agreed, they implemented it brilliantly on the Wii U.
I love motion controls, but with the global test fire after the initial training part, I turned that off immediately. I love motion controls with the wii remote but not with the gamepad.
@EverythingAmiibo no, I can't agree with that, I absolutely hate those controls for shooters My favourite is the Wii remote and nunchuck.
First of all, I differentiate between "motion controls" and "pointer control"... I find that having a pointer/cursor is wonderful, but motion controls (trying to simulate a swing or movement) are gimmicky and generally don't work properly. Albeit, a gimmick that sold a lot of Wii units...
Is Splatoon the first game to have the ability to use two sticks AND a pointer/cursor? Allowing for control of the player, camera, and reticle (aim)?
If so, that should be noted as another innovation made possible by the Gamepad.
I will say I have not played the wifi at home right now. But I have been a pretty big fan of how nintendo has done motion controls for shooters... I am more accurate with motion controls. However FPS games are my least favorite genre so I don't play them regular enough to be attached to stick aiming (i find it imprecise with the controller dead zones sizes anyway) so YMMV.
Arguably, the super-jump could be executed with the A button to pull up a transparent map, and then pressing one of the Shoulder Buttons to jump to a different player or the spawn point, but that might be a bit unwieldy.
As for stick controls, it really just depends on how much you're used to it. For example, my first shooter was Counter-Strike, and I basically learned mouse control first. As such, I never got the precision and sensitivity right on console shooters, which was kinda frustrating (but it also didn't matter because most people online are easily tricked to compensate for aiming issues).
I definitely love the motion+stick scheme, and it's actually brilliant in hindsight, since the horizontal axis is heavily involved in movement and motion controls aren't quick enough to cover that well (though Metroid Prime 3 did a great job on it). The vertical axis, however, doesn't have much of an effect on your movement, so the more precise motion controls can be used very effectively here.
The gyro controls were very good.After a few minutes they become second nature and playing without them feels weird.I went to the Gamestop demo for Splatoon and they were turned off.I immediately asked for them to be turned on.
I found using both together the best option. That said despite the very smooth controls, I have huge concerns that the game will have a very short lifespan.
The motion was better than I thought it'd be, but it's still not a replacement for dual stick controls imo.
I have great difficulty aiming with motion, and I'm not too accurate, I played 3 games with motion only, and then 1 game with dual stick and was instantly better.
I am known to be clumsy however, so it might just be that motion controls require more motor skills, that not all of us possess. It's easier to move your thumb than it is to move and tilt something all at the same time.
I just really hope they let you also control the up and down with the right tick as well when using motion controls, I got really used to it in windwaker where you use the right stick for the majority of aiming and just move your wrist slightly to fine tune your aim.
I tried both motion aiming and twin sticks. For me it's a mix of both. Gyro controls + up the sensitivity of the right stick and you're game. It really makes the most sense for a chaotic and messy shooter like this at least for me. My aiming is more precise when using the gyro. Oh, and I'm serious about upping the sensitivity of the right stick whichever control scheme you choose.
"...much more fluid" "...kettle of fish" are a pun machine!
I was expecting to love the controls as I was enjoyed it in Wind Waker, but was surprised at how amped up the sensitivity was! Probably by default it should be a bit lower as people get accustomed and pros will steadily increase it.
@Zyph I missed that you could change the sensitivity of the right stick. That is a good idea. I found that I wanted to turn faster with the stick and go precise with the motion.
I honestly thought I'd turn off the motion controls,but after trying both methods in the test fire I think it feels smoother and faster to aim with motion on.
I have to agree with this guy. I played a bit with motion controls and felt that it was good, but just a bit awkward. So I tried one round with dual-stick and was like: "NOPE! Too clunky!" Immediately went back to the motion controls and gradually it started feeling more natural.
Dual-stick is a terrible way to play a shooter, and this is coming from someone who learned to play shooters on Halo 1.
@aaronsullivan Yeah and you could always use the Y button to instantly set the camera wherever you're inkling is facing. Using both really proved helpful in the demo.
@holygeez03 If I understand correctly, the "pointer" you're talking about is the gyro and the "motion control" is the accelerometer (which is the swinging bit you're talking about). But the motion controls talking about in this article pertains to the gyro w/c is far more precise. So you "aim" with the GamePad itself so that's pretty impressive in itself. It really works when I played Wind Waker HD. So to answer your question, yeah I guess it is.
I did way better with twin stick non-motion, but I wonder if I just turn down the sensitivity... motion might work if I do that.
@GrailUK I'm glad somebody noticed!
I couldn't agree more with the video! I went on mass effect 3 after playing the splatoon demo and omg clunky!!! I soon got used to it again but I sure missed the motion controls! Is there any other games use controls like splatoon on wiiu? Only other I can think of is wind waker but that's only for the bow etc
Personally I found the Gamepad became a little heavy and uncomfortable using the motion control after a while so will try the twin stick control this weekend.
I hope they take the same approach as with Pikmin 3 and add as many control options as possible, including Wiimote. Give the players as much choice as possible and there should be a control scheme that suits everyone. Either way my pre-order will stay in place, as I thought it was great fun.
Bring on the Wiimote+Nunchuk. it will of course be the perfect fit for Splatoon.
@AugustusOxy just goes to show you that people are afraid of, or don't like, change. Even if it is for the better
Only tried it w/ motion on, and it takes some getting used to, but I can't imagine the game being as "fun" w/o it. Sure maybe I could be better w/o it but I'm only playing this game to have fun. Same reason I only ever use motion controls to steer in MK8, it's just more fun. I also don't play any shooters at all so I'm not accustomed to twin sticks.
As far as the Gmaepad screen:
I found I almost always died immediately when jumping to another player from the launch pad after respawning, so I just stopped. Swimming is one of my favorite parts of the game anyway, and now I want an Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future port w/ motion controls. Man that game would look good in HD. Maybe at east an HD Endless Ocean 3?
Also, the screen I think is improtant, moreso on the outdoor level. That indoor cramped level it was always just full speed ahead, but outdoors I was always looking to see what areas needed paint coverage. Especially since there isn't any voice chat I never assumed my teammates would be making nay effortto get someplace.
An dnot important at all, but a fun ade dbonus, my 10 yr old was very excited the 1 time he finsihed the 1st level in Squid Jump on the Gamepad screen. Honestly I spent an hour the night before playing the beta and never even knew it was playable, but he played every time waiting for his match to start. Not necessary in the least, but it does give you something to do while you wait.
That said, 1 offline vs they should give us the option nto to use it - no teamamtes to jump to, ink coverage doesn't matter, and 1 person uses motion but the other person HAS to use the 2nd stick? How is that even remotely fair, if according to this video, the motion is so much better than the stick? 2 player offline vs needs Wiimote pointing and nunchuck vs for both players.
I hated the motion controls. But maybe that's because I've had years of console shooter practice.
I did not enjoy the motion controls but the sensitivity was too high on the right stick so it really turned the game into a chore of fighting with the controls to get anything done. I definitely miss the keyboard and mouse days of the PC.
I'm not buying the game because it doesn't have Wiimote & Nunchuk controls. The gyro sensor in the game pad works well enough (albeit still inferior to IR), but the controller just isn't ergonomic enough for me to want to use it for long play sessions. Wiimote + Nunchuk is the perfect control scheme, and if Nintendo wants to abandon it, I'm just going to abandon buying their games.
I tried the demo both with motion controls and with the 2 analogue sticks. I found it was much easier without motion controls. I found it quite annoying having to use the motion controls to aim while still using the right stick to turn.
Agree. I don't understand why they didn't implement the WindWaker HD controls on aiming. I hate that I have to reset the gamepad when aiming vertically on Splatoon.
I love gyro aiming. It worked amazing for me, and I've played RE Revelations with gyro controls for quite a while, WW HD was awesome as well. Every time I revert to twin sticks controls, it feels clunky. Stylus on DS and pointer on Wii worked great, gyro on current gen Nintendo also. Why are people complaining so much? As far as console shooter controls go, Nintendo has nearly outclassed mouse and keyboard! And I'm not a pc gamer, but that's an achievement from Nintendo.
I for one don't understand the whole discussion.
I probably wouldn't have bought the game if it hadn't motion controls, because playing shooters with two sticks sucks so much!
I never understood how people can play it like that, it's so impractical for the movement of a shooter!
I'll always prefer a Mouse or a Wiimote (or the motion controls of the Gamepad), because it's a simple fact that those are superior to sticks regarding any movement. You can just freely move into the direction you want, not hold the stick until you're there. And I know that people can get used to sticks so much that they actually play really good with them! Still it's like somebody getting used to run with one foot.
What really was missing in the demo and what I hope they will still implement: You can't deactivate the sticks!
I always aim by moving the Gamepad, but sometimes I accidently moved the right stick and my aim was off. Hope they fix that in the final version.
@crimsontadpoles You know you could also just use the motion controls to turn? You don't need the right stick for that.
Ah ok, my fault, I misunderstood your post.
Motion controls suck!
I guess this helps you prove your point:
Also, why isn’t this video in Nintendo Life? It's awesome!
Motion controls were great for aiming on the 3DS in games like Majoras Mask, but the screen moves with you. The gamepad movement is too hard and awkward, especially since the TV doesn't move with you. That's how I felt at least.
Not hugely experienced with shooters, but I was always fine with the single stick approach as used in Goldeneye (N64) and Metroid Prime (GC). They controlled beautifully imo.
In almost every group of people there exists those resistant to change alongside those that embrace it.
Many gamers accept the need to adapt; it's part of accepting that games will eventually run out their lifetimes and force the gamer to adjust to a new online environment.
For those that don't, they're typically apprehensive solely because they've come to rely on their competencies as a core component of their identity... To risk adjusting to new control schemes (in particular) is to risk losing one's sense of competencies, and therefor to face the limits of one's value.
I thought the motion controls were confusing because I naturally want to use the right thumb stick. I wrecked when I turned them off. Just wish you could use the pro controller.
@Nictendo64 point in case... Rather than "wrecking" for a while to get comfortable with a potentially superior control scheme, you'd have preferred the designers tailor the game to meet your existing competencies.
I dunno if I'm just too stupid to get my head around them, but the motion controls just befuddle me. I turned them off and have since gone back to them, only to find the whole set up really awkward and fiddly. I can appreciate that they offer additional precision, but having to constantly move the GamePad around becomes annoying very fast.
I'm buying the game regardless ...but really do wish they would add pro controller some of u may know from my miiverse posts, I think ALL games that don't require the touch screen ,should support the pro controller. There's no reason not too, and it's such a comfortable well designed controller,probably the best nintendo ever made,besides the gamecube/wave bird ...
I'll be dominating live on twitch this Saturday WITH motion controls.
Dual Stick will always suck. Dual Stick with Gyro aiming like in Splatoon is better. Mouse/Keyboard and WiiMote are best. End of discussion.
After looking at the video comparison between the control schemes, I didn't realize how influential the motion controls were. But then again, that's because I had it turned off after noticing it wasn't like the Zelda attraction in Nintendo Land. I'll probably give motion controls another go once it releases as I'll have more time to practice unlike the demo.
I'd love the option of the Wii Remote and Nunchuk. Metroid & Medal of Honor experience was great with them.
Maybe there is a reason motion controls are better for newer players. It might mimic a players desire to move the whole controller to adjust movement. Kind of like when a person that has never played a racing game turns the controller to turn more, even though it doesn't help. Or when they flick the controller up when they jump.
Maybe with motion controls in Splatoon, it makes it more intuitive for newer players to aim, and that's why more seasoned players find it more difficult. They are already used to using two sticks that motion controls throws them off. Just throwing that out there.
I think the Wiimote & nunchuck control method used in the Metroid attraction from Nintendoland would be perfect for Splatoon.
Using the gamepad's motion controls felt like aiming a gun with a brick
Please pardon my pontification:
Motions controls will immediately benefit two groups of players: new ones that haven't had years of habit engrained to the contrary, and adaptable ones that chose to work with them in the Wii era.
For those not immediately benefited, I'd advise thinking about where you think the genre is headed... Perhaps you'll want to keep in mind this one thing: the way motion has been adopted in Splatoon, it has literally added one more layer of articulation to the shooter genre.
Articulation. Like the opposable nature of our thumbs.
If this is like RE: Revelations, it will be Motion Control from the beginning till forever.
Sniping with motion controls? Hmmm, I'll try it before I pass final judgement.
@Damo Yep!
Plus when i get home from work/gym/sports... The last thing i want to be doing is flailing my arms around.
@AbsolutSnake You won't be flailing the gamepad around. You only need to tilt it slightly up or down (only needed for vertical aiming)
@Nintendo-64 Agreed. Gamepad in a stand would address the map/jump function whilst giving you superior camera control using the IR sensor on the remote. Gamepad tilt for up/down is great, but having to take your thumb off buttons to tweak left-right isn't as intuitive.
There's not too many buttons so remote+nunchuk is possible; hopefully we'll see that as an option by launch or in a future update. If there was a Miiverse group for the demo I'd already be asking for it!
The only reason id want other controls is due to the battery life on the pad. I dont always sit close to the charger when i play certain games. The map on the pad though is another reason why i understand they went only pad right now. I had trouble myself activating certain specials in the middle of a fight though.
Wait, so the motion controls are with the GamePad, and you still need to use the right stick?! That's dumb! I hate dual stick controls. Just give us Wiimote and Nunchuck controls like all the best shooters on the Wii.
Oh well, I wasn't going to get this anyway since it's nothing but a lame turf war instead of focusing on actually attacking your enemies like 99% of the other shooters out there. Where's the Wii U's true FPS killer app? I'd still be playing "Conduit 2" and "Water Warfare" if the online play hadn't been shut down.
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