After a delay while the Splatoon Direct festivities were completed, we now have the download update details for North America. There's a much-hoped for demo (sort of), classic Mega Man, platformers on the 3DS, a whole load of discounts, DLC and a particularly quirky Indie arrival on the Wii U. There's plenty to cover, so let's get on with it.
Missed the European Download Update details earlier in the week? D'oh! Fret not, the information you need is right here.
Wii U eShop
Splatoon Global Testfire (Nintendo, free) - Announced in today's Splatoon Direct, this is a special Splatoon demo that'll allow you to play the upcoming Wii U shooter online at specific times this weekend. The Pacific times are Friday, May 8th from 8-9 p.m. PT, May 9 from 4-5 a.m. PT and May 9 from Noon-1 p.m. PT. Nintendo Treehouse will also be broadcasting during these times, and we'll be providing coverage right here on Nintendo Life.
High Strangeness (Midnight City, $9.99) - Developed by Barnyard Intelligence games, this is described as "a hybrid of 8 and 16 bit games - a 12 bit adventure", incorporating retro RPG and adventure game mechanics. Jumping between bit-based realities, with watercolour illustrations also thrown in, you need to solve puzzles and tackle the strange storyline. We're working on a review and will let you know whether this is strange in a cool way, or just plain weird.
Wii U Virtual Console
Mega Man & Bass (Capcom, $7.99) - After Capcom took community votes for which game would be first in 'Mega May', it's this Game Boy Advance title that makes the cut. Right from the off you choose to play as Mega Man or Bass - or use a save state to have both - and each has different abilities; Bass can shoot in eight directions when stood still, which sounds remarkably handy. We'll bring you a review as soon as we can.
Metal Marines (Bandai Namco, $7.99) - This takes place in the future where Earth has been savaged by an anti-matter war, which sure sounds rough. On the plus side this is a SNES real-time strategy game in which you dispense deathly justice with mechs, so that's just swell. We'll take a look at this on Wii U, but in the meantime you can check out our Wii Virtual Console Metal Marines review.
The following tables and packs will be available in Zen Pinball 2, as trials or full purchases.
Zen Pinball 2: Iron & Steel Pack (free or $4.99) - includes the CastleStorm and Wild West Rampage tables.
Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron (free or $2.99)
Wii U eShop Temporary Discounts
Angry Birds Star Wars (Activision, 50% off until 11th May)
Puddle (Neko Entertainment, $1.99 until 14th May, normally $7.99)
SteamWorld Dig (Image & Form, $4.49 until 21st May, normally $9.99)
Trine Enchanted Edition (Frozenbyte, up to 50% off until 28th May, plus an extra 20% discount if you own the other game)
Trine 2: Director's Cut (Frozenbyte, up to 50% off until 28th May, plus an extra 20% discount if you own the other game)
Dolphin Up (Rawkins Games, $2.99 until 14th May, normally $3.99)
GravBlocks+ (From Nothing Game Studios, $2.50 until 17th May, normally $4.99)
Wii U eShop Permanent Discount
Hello Kitty Kruisers (Bergsala Lightweight, $9.99 from 8th May, was $19.95)
Wii U eShop Demo
Trine Enchanted Edition (Frozenbyte, free)
3DS eShop
Bloo Kid 2 (Winterworks, $3.99) - The original Bloo Kid is a retro-style platformer on smart devices, with the sequel now jumping onto Nintendo's portable. Promising five worlds of nine levels each at a budget price, this has certainly caught our interest; we'll let you know what we think in a review.
Johnny Dynamite (Enjoy Gaming, $4.99) - This looks like a platformer with some retro style (courtesy of vertical levels) in which you collect and use dynamite to clear 54 stages. It also has a level creator with QR code distribution, so we'll see whether it's a blast to play or whether it deserves to bomb.
3DS Retail Download
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker (Atlus, $49.99) - Despite its remarkably long title and initial status as a remaster of a DS title, this is far more than it appears on the surface. It takes an excellent RPG experience and enhances it, before throwing in a new story arc that effectively doubles the content on offer. You can read our detailed Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker review for more details.
3DS Retail Pre-Load
Puzzle & Dragons Z + Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition (Nintendo, $29.99) - Buy before 22nd May to pre-load and speed up the download when the full game is released. Download purchases before 31st May will also receive a "free Immortal Dragon Relic Present Code", which we're sure is rather useful. Our review will be with you very soon.
3DS eShop Temporary Discounts
Angry Birds Star Wars (Activision, 50% off until 11th May)
Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth (Atlus, $39.99 from 11th May to 25th May, normally $49.99)
Brunch Panic (CIRCLE Entertainment, on discount until 28th May)
KAMI (CIRCLE Entertainment, on discount until 28th May)
Sweet Memories - Blackjack (CIRCLE Entertainment, on discount until 28th May)
SteamWorld Dig (Image & Form, $4.49 until 21st May, normally $8.99)
Aqua Moto Racing 3D (Zordix AB, $3.99 until 14th May, normally $7.99)
Zombie Panic in Wonderland DX (Akaoni Studio, $4.99 from 9th May until 9th June, normally $8)
3DS eShop Permanent Discounts
Balloon Pop Remix (UFO Interactive, $2.99, was $4.99)
Johnny Hotshot (UFO Interactive, $2.99, was $4.99)
Johnny Impossible (UFO Interactive, $2.99, was $4.99)
Johnny Kung Fu (UFO Interactive, $2.99, was $4.99)
Zombie Slayer Diox (UFO Interactive, $2.99, was $5.99)
Samurai Sword Destiny (UFO Interactive, $2.99, was $5.99)
Disney Frozen: Olaf's Quest (Avanquest Software, $19.99, was $29.99)
Scarygirl Illustration Kit (Square One Games, $2.99, was $5.99)
Tangram Attack (Square One Games, $1.49, was $2.99)
3DS eShop Demo
The Legend of Dark Witch (CIRCLE Entertainment, free)
That's everything on the way to the North America eShop stores this week. Let us know what you plan to download in the poll and comments below.
Comments 81
Splatoon for me
The demo is a lie
Glad to see the more recent Zen Pinball tables... Now where is Starwhal!!!
Aaaaaah don't call it a demo, guys. It's a server stress test they're holding this weekend...
Mega Man & Bass for me.
They could have at least included a tutorial to get everyone familiar with controls and such...
Heh, Glad to see Megaman and Bass out first!.....because that game'll leads to massive frustration when you play it.
Don't know why the Johnny series is back.
Splatoon demo, Mega Man and Bass for me
Server stress test is about right...
Maybe Splatoon...I dunno, might not bother and just wait for the full game instead. lol
I'm all for Devil Survivor, but I will wait. I voted for Splatoon but I have prior engagements this weekend. That sucks. I think I will be all about the instant gratification that Megaman will give me.
Waiting for metroid zero mission :/ the only metroid game I haven't played.
It's my birthday, and while the Splatoon demo we got isn't exactly what I was hoping for, it's still awesome. Hopefully it entices me to pre-order the game once I'm able to actually play it.
Still no 3DS VC... ugh.
Splatoon "demo-ish"
Thanks TW, best laugh I've had all day. Is it ok to click on "downloading first" if I've already DL'd it before I clicked?
OK, going to go watch that Splatoon commercial some more - spla spla spla spla spla spla spla spla spla spla spla Splatoon!!!!!
I would download the Splatoon demo but I will be busy during those times. Will pick up Mega Man and Bass though.
Yeah that no 3DS VC is making me mucho mad because I bought the New 3DS last month. Give us more already. It is not fair. I do have the WiiU so It is Ok but that is super annoying.
Getting the Splatoon demo.
Metal Marines seems interesting is it any good?
Just the server stress test for me.
Mega man & Bass for me. I've been wanting to revisit this one for a long time! Thanks capcom!
@River3636 3ds virtual console sure could use a shot in the arm. Maybe sega could bring over some more Game Gear games.
To be fair they are not calling it demo, but Global Testfire
I can tell you what I'm not downloading this week....the Splatoon Demo. I'm not even wasting my time downloading it unless I'm free Friday night.
No games just just a inky stinky disappointment.
I'll grab puddle at that price and finally check it out
I will pick up Trine, I already own it on PC but my PC is unable to run it properly. Since I apparently get a 70% discount it is hard to pass on it. Also will pick up the Global Testing gimick just to try it out.
@Superryanworld - they sure could. It is ridiculous . I mean come on it just has been forgotten for months. They could release a generic one that I wouldn't buy and I would be ok. They need to release something. I want more RPGs. That would be awesome. Sega gave us that like 2 years ago and that was it. Squareenix could make a killing. Handhelds are the RPG magnet. I wish that Nintendo would stop and think for a minute. Now I'm just getting mad, at least I'm still loyal.
I remember enjoying it back in the day, though I love strategy games. I'll be grabbing it first.
So...this whole talk about Nintendo having moved on from SNES releases on VC is apparently bollucks/overexagerated?
Would you recommend it to someone who never played it?
Nice to see Metal Marines on there. Wasn't Natsume just scaring us with talk of no more SNES games on VC last week?
Natsume should release Lufia 2 on SNES then. Wait isn't that ip own by Squareenix.
R.I.P. 3DS Virtual Console. We hardly knew ye.
/me goes back to waiting for Metroid Zero Mission.
@River3636 I hear ya. More rpg's would be welcome.
@bezerker99 Same here. Unbelievable.
Well, hard to say. I would recommend it if you are familiar with old-school/SNES strategy games. It can definitely be repetitive and limited compared to more modern games. But if you have $8 to spend, you could definitely do worse.
Darn, I was hoping Mega Man Battle Network 3 would get released first for Mega May this year. :/
Oh well.
I hate to join in complaining, but there are too many unreleased VC games for there to be nothing on the 3DS. As for Wii U, Still missing Metroid Zero Mission and Mario RPG at least here in the US, and a Wii game or two. Megaman is cool though, just not into.that sort of difficulty.
Pretty bad week... Downloaded the Splatoon demo, can't wait for my 1 hour .-.
Finally going to play Megaman & Bass. I've meant to get a hold of the game for years...
@Whopper744 The sporadic & anemic VC releases irritate me. I don't understand why they release Mario Galaxy 2 but not 1. I would like to see Pandora's Tower, The Last Story and Xenoblade Chronicles released on VC, but doubt that will ever happen. I don't plan on getting on a new 3ds so I can't imagine it would hurt XBC 3D sales to any big degree.
Also save states are huge help in Megaman.
And... garbage. I should have guessed... this is NoA.
Does NoA even care about the 3DS anymore...?
Already downloaded High Strangeness yesterday. Has been pretty good so far. I got the demo and Megaman and bass today.
No reason the bother with the demo-ish. Nintendo is not telling me when to play games. Nice to see a SNES game pop in there again. I will probably pick up Mega Man & Bass sometime in the future.
Mega May, but no discounts on Mega Man games or Mega Man related DLC? That's disappointing.
So what was the last time 3DS had a VC game? Was it S.C.A.T.? Nothing again for me. Guess I'm looking forward only to Sega 3D classics.
maga Man and Bass is one of my favorite GBA carts and mega man games and now it'll be on my game pad of glory. So make 7UP yours, game pad haters!
@sinalefa - I don't know how to capture a screenshot of the Wii U main menu but mine says "Demo" in big letters across the top of it. Not the actual game when it is open, that "tile' or box, whatever you want to call it, on the Gamepad you use to start things. I really need an Instagram or tumbler account or something. Maybe I'll put it on Twitter later
Good thing tomorrow's first stress test is at 11PM EST. Girlfriend and I have nothing planned, so I'll be playing Splatoon. It would be nice if there was an actual demo or tutorial to get familiar with the controls though.
Steamworld Dig!
Splatoon for me
It's funny how everyone thinks he is an Splatoon expert and claims it isn't a demo.
Do you have a crystal ball or work at Nintendo and already have seen the Demo? If not, just STFU and let's wait until the Demo is released.
I already downloaded the Demo and can't wait to try it out.
Also I am thinking about getting Puddle since it's reduced to 1,99€... has anyone played that game, is it good?
Downloading splatoon of course, but surprise of the day is megaman & Bass!
Splatoon most likely Server Load Testing. great idea. More games should do this in some form. Almost like a beta demo or something. EAs Simcity should have done that. I like how it is split inti three sessions. That way you can tweak them in the downtime.
Splatoons actually looks fun. If they released Lemmings Paintball 3dx2 it would totally blow away splatoons ( which is what Lemmings Paintball was ).
Same concept. either way we could play paintball in real life. Splatoons is basically just doing extra things. All that is missing is the bombs from bomberman. Sad this game is not from HudsonSoft. It feels like it.
Fair enough. Thinking about it, Global Testfire almost sounds like a subtitle for a COD game.
It's gonna be Mega Man & Bass for me. I'm super excited for Splatoon, especially after the Direct, but now that I know the Global Testfire has no gameplay component outside the alloted timeframe for server tests, I've lost all interest in the demo.
@rjejr Sadly you can't take pictures of the homescreen or the eshop using the Wii U screenshot tool.
Still waiting for Wario Land Shake it,Ocarina of time and Phantom Hourglass.I feel like this is gonna take a while
Splatoon and I'll probably download the Trine 1 demo, although 50% off both, and an addition 20% off the other if you buy them is ridiculously hard to bypass.
I hope there will be a Trine 3 Wii U version anouncement at E3.
@KeeperBvK: This Mega Man & Bass is actually the GBA ver. of the title, & was released in America. The original was on SNes. As for the end of SNes VC on WU, you are probably right, & that it is nonsense, or Nintendo is, at the moment, considering themselves close to getting the WU VC library full of every SNes game they planned to put out on it.
@Super08mario: ZM is awesome! One of my favorite Metroid titles!
@TreesenHauser: Happy birthday, God bless, & have many more!
@Rjejr: Kind of related to what you're talking about, but in Miiverse, you can use, I believe it's the x, or y button to view the last image on the screen, or the Gamepad.
@Everyone_Else: I'll be d/l-ing Splatoon, & when I get the cash into my e-Shop, I'll be getting MM&B, though I really wish it were the original SNes title translated, rather than the GBA remake/port.
No love for puzzles & Dragons? This will be available at retail, correct?
I thought Natsume said Nintendo moved away from SNES games on the VC?
Again wake me up when NoA finally decides to release Metroid: Zero Mission on the Wii U eShop. I feel like they only decide on what they think 'classifies' as a 'classic video game' will sell well on the eShop which I think is horrible decision making.
@StarDust4Ever Yes, on May 22 I believe.
Oh my god, yes, Metal Marines! I didn't think Namco would remember that one! Guess I'll grab that.
At such a low price, I think I'll give Puddle a shot. The graphics look very sleek.
Splatoon demo does me no good since I'm gone all weekend.
Don't know why I even check these anymore, 3DS eshop (VC in particular) is pretty much dead.
Anyone have any input on Persona Q?
Currently at the moment of this comment, there are 14 articles mentioning Splatoon on the front page of this website.
I can't believe Splatoon is 60$. I know it's Nintendo's big May blockbuster but it looks more like a 50$.
Dang I'll be missing out on the splatoon demo. Ah well at least I'll be in Vegas watching metallica!
@Grumblevolcano - "or the eshop"
Nintnedo is probably afraid it migth help advertise their games
@Hero-of-WiiU more like $40
This demo will decide whether or not I buy the game. I am leaning towards no (Witcher 3 this month), but I would love to be proven wrong.
Got the P&D preload.
Aside from Splatoon's Test Fire, it's a pretty bad week. I am looking forward to getting Devil Survivor 2 Break Record, although I'm getting it physically, not digitally.
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