Starr Mazer

Last week we brought you the news that the snazzy looking Starr Mazer could be 3DS bound. For those not in the know Starr Mazer is a fusion of point-and-click adventure game and hardcore 2D shooting, with incredible pixel art and a soundtrack composed by the likes of Alex Mauer (VEGAVOX, Serious Sam: Random Encounter), Manami Matsumae (Mega Man) and Jake "Virt" Kaufman (Shovel Knight).

The Kickstarter is currently well on its way to meeting its pledge goal of $160,000, with over 50% raised already and 18 days left to go.

To be announced on its Kickstarter page later today but sent to us - and others, we assume - ahead of time, the developer has pinned down stretch goal targets - these include the Wii U at $220,000 and 3DS at $300,000.

Would you be interested in seeing Starr Mazer on the Wii U and 3DS eShop now that the stretch goals have been revealed? Let rip with your laser cannon in the comments below.
