Nintendo of America has been an active supporter of Indiecade in recent years, and recently attended the New York based Indiecade East event to showcase eShop releases and to promote the Wii U and 3DS as valid platforms for small developers of all types. It was in attendance once again, and we were on hand to catch a presentation delivered by Damon Baker, Senior Manager in Marketing and Licensing, who is a figure that's stepped up in visibility - with all-important eShop curation and developer support work - after the departure of well-known 'Indie' manager Dan Adelman last year.
The presentation showed the various tools and means of being published on the eShop, and Baker was also on hand to generally meet fans and chat to developers. Nintendo Life's Lee Meyer was fortunate enough to sit down with Baker for a chat about the eShop platforms but also wider topics that are currently relevant for the hugely valuable North American region.
The full feature and interview will be published later today, but below you can see an excerpt in which we asked Baker about the decision to only bring the New Nintendo 3DS XL model to North America at launch. We asked, simply, did he expect the blowback from fans at the announcement?
Yeah (laughs). Look, the face plates are super cool, but we're a different market. And now we have clear differentiation between those three systems. Before, there was a very limited difference between the 3DS and 3DS XL: other than size. It was the same resolution, same functionality... now, there's the 2DS, 3DS, and New 3DS XL, all of which have their own functionality and features. The different price points give it a clear message for consumers. The core audience... we weren't going to win with them on that decision. But we had to think about expanding the user base, we had to be able to market it and make it easy to pick up for consumers.
We covered a range of topics, another being the matter of how much Baker and his team follow community feedback online. With Nintendo's social media accounts typically avoiding any direct engagement, and staff not exactly renowned for talking with fans about the company, we asked for his views.
I'm there daily, multiple times a day. You have to go there with an open mind. I'd love to get to a point where we have marketing channels where we can promote direct communication with the community, where people comment on stuff and Nintendo can communicate back. That's my dream. Right now, PR is driving our social media, we're not actively engaging the community, or very rarely. People have a fascination with Nintendo and want to be close to it and we feed off that excitement. We need to be more active there.
Let us know what you think of these comments on the New Nintendo 3DS XL and Nintendo's engagement with fans. Be sure to check back later today for the full interview, in which we report on Baker's presentation and then discuss a variety of topics, including the eShop platforms, how the Indie 'team' operates and Nintendo's work with third-parties.
Comments 172
I still want the face plates... ;_;
I really want is more virtual console games.
I would have prefered the Standard Model with the faceplates.
Something about his answer ticks me off. Maybe it was the way he laughed or tried to reason away that less options are better. Either way I'm still holding off until we get the regular sized N3DS.
"now, there's the 2DS, 3DS, and New 3DS XL"
This comment seriously annoys me because if the original 3DS is so popular then WHERE IS IT??!! Finding one is a pain since stock is not being made readily available anymore. And don't forget the bottom line that the standard n3DS looks really cool with those buttons and faceplates.
Wouldn't it just be logical to stop producing the original 3DS in favor of the new 3DS, if they're worried about shelf space and confusing the consumer? I believe Japan stopped producing the original, but I could be mistaken.
I don't agree with the decision. I would get an standard size because of portability and the crisper screen resolution. Now I'm in a weird flux because I don't know if a standard model will ever come here.
Business speak essentially saying "We could have taken a risk but we didn't."
I think they reached their conclusive on faulty data or premise.
Of course they have access to sales figures we don't, but it's common knowledge that the 3DS XL sells much more than the 3DS.
But that was generally because the 3DS XL was also a much better designed system, irrespective of size the original 3DS had a lot of design short falls.
This is what the New 3DS is needed in all markets, some players do not want an excessively large system, and they want something that addresses the shortfalls of the old 3DS. They also just want the new features and the cover plates!
I disagree that there's a problem with the tone of his 3DS answer, but naturally it's fair to disagree with the logic. We complain when Nintendo gives PR style answers with no actual sense of expression, so at least there's an honest reaction. It's certainly not a negative reaction, just an acknowledgement that some would be unhappy and they knew that would happen.
If you hammer people for honest reactions, you forfeit the right to complain when they close shop.
If they wanted to clear up confusion, they should have given the dang thing a more distinctive name!! Like the 3DS Pro or something! Imagine little children telling their clueless parents they want a "New 3DS XL" for their birthday and they instead get a new "3DS XL". Nintendo you frustrate me.
Mr. Baker was very friendly, his "laugh" was more a reaction to him knowing what I was about to ask before I asked it
As much as I love Nintendo, I'm pretty upset with them. I am developing a game with Unity (the same engine that is supported by their new indie programme) but I couldn't get the authorization to become a Wii U developer because I live in Israel. I hope it'll will change soon enough since it's my dream to release a game on a Nintendo platform...
I could care less for the face plates. I was going for the XL anyways.
Oh, so now they're interested in sending a "clear differentiation" for consumers? Maybe they should have done a better job naming their systems instead of assuming that people in the US are too stupid to figure out more than one new 3Ds size. I will read the rest of that interview, but this guy is rubbing me the wrong way.
"Huehuehue, yeah, we know this move will really irritate some of our core fans. Those plates are super cool, but they can't have 'em. Surprised if they can figure out how to open the box and even determine which is the top screen. (Laughs)"
I sure wish I was playing a fun new Monster Hunter 4 on my fun new white regular size 3ds. But all I hear is Nintendo saying that they don't want my money.
Folks, perhaps you all have not noticed it but Nintendo is having trouble with getting enough shelfspace in stores as it is. In that light, a smaller product range makes a lot of marketing sense.
Can't win with core consumers, so why bother trying to meet their needs.
Sounds like a recipe for success. Or alienation. Take your pick...
I believe they discontinued the original model a while ago. No one has been selling it for the past few months
"If they wanted to clear up confusion, they should have given the dang thing a more distinctive name!! Like the 3DS Pro or something!"
We are in full agreement. I am expecting some angry parents when they buy Xenoblade 3D for their kids, when they only have the older versions of the 3DS. "New" is probably the worst word to use if they're worried about confusing the consumer. "Pro" would have been much better, plus it makes sense with the end product.
If the XL sells a lot more units then just ship a Limited amount of the standard model, to not give the option at all is only going to frustrate a significant number of customers. They know the standard model option is given to europeans and japanese gamers, there's no logic in Nintendo's decision, I'm frustrated myself and I live in Italy!
@MoonKnight7 You'd be surprised to see that even "Pro" would still have confusion.
Physically the New 3ds represented the snes a lot, they could have named it, "Super 3DS" to avoid confusion. That way it would have been better. For the limited shelf space for a regular new 3ds, they could have just offered it as an online purchase that way they don't have to deal with the stores and their limited amount of space. I mean offer it on Amazon or their official website itself and I'm sure people would be glad for that instead of not having it at all here in the States.
3DS 2 would have been the best. Apparantly consumers only understand numbers which go up.
That's fair, as there will always be confused parents no matter what. However, logically, there would be less confusion, yes? Isn't the new 3DS an alternative answer to those with a circle pad pro? I dunno, it just makes more sense to me.
Funny, I went to get my nephew his first 3DS back around E3 last year. Couldn't find an original 3DS. Ended up getting him the large 3DS XL for him so he could enjoy 3D.
So I'm not sure where he is getting that we still have the original 3DS. How do they know it wont sell since we havent had it yet, its clearly different then the original. Faceplates and larger screen.
Go to any local retail store and tell me what you see? I see 2DS's and XL's. That's it.
Let's face it, Americans would just not be able to handle the awesomeness of the colored face buttons.
Simple because you're not used to them from the SNES, like we Europeans and the Japanese are.
Just should of made the XL the only model available anywhere and just called it something else.
I gotta say, I agree with their decision. I know some people wanted the face plates, but the XL just plain sells better in NA. And we've all been clamoring for them to define their marketing better. With just the 2DS and the New 3DS XL on the market in NA.. I think that's much less confusing to new customers. For me and my big hands personally, XL is just way more comfortable, but based on XL sales in NA I am not alone.
I still don't think NoA gets it. They're looking for a streamlined product range, and that's fine. But don't play it off as that's giving us choices. Plain and simple, if you wanted attention, you bring the plates in and can customize and market to segments to your heart's content. And if it was clarification of the range, then push harder on the idiotic name choices.
This is justification, and I think poor justification at that. Don't give me fewer options and tell me I have more choices. And don't tell me about expanding your user base. This is a mid-life makeover, not a new line. You've expanded about as far as you're going to with the 3DS family.
If the concern was shelf space, make the regular one available online only. Sell the plates that way, too. This isn't hard.
Can't win with core consumers, so why bother trying to meet their needs. Surely people will buy whatever Nintendo cares enough to offer anyway.
Sounds like a recipe for success. Or alienation. Take your pick...
When did it become standard practice that people hired to answer questions.... don't? Lol, this drivel contributes nothing but more deflection antics from Nintendo imo. I want to play games, not politics. lol!
No surprise that they keep making even less sense as time goes on.(where is the OG standard on their site even, anymore, if they're seemingly wanting it to be a relevant choice?)
@Mk_II Then, as noted above by others, why not just rid of the OG standard model(which already seems to be the case as mentioned numerous times) and replace that with the new standard, if they are indeed going to somehow claim that the (old) standard is still relevant as a choice?
ETA: Or just sell it online as others have suggested as well?
@TingLz I guess it would at the very least be a lot -less- confusing than 'new' 3ds XL. Asking for a 3ds pro would better end up with you getting what you want than asking for a 'new 3ds XL' but someone very easily mistaking that for a new (older) '3ds xl'. <-- good grief, heh.
@Mk_II I might be mistaken since I've never had a chance to visit the UK, but it seems this site has had plenty of articles about shelf space and stores discontinuing Nintendo systems there. But they got both sizes, so I'm not convinced that reason is very valid.
@Kamalisk 3DS SP or 3DS Advance
Sometimes I really don't get decisions Nintendo makes.
It's like the various branches lack any sort of communication.
I'm still not getting an XL. I want the base model. I'd like a system with screens big enough that I'm not squinting, but that is small enough that it doesn't pull my pants down when I put it in my pocket.
Typical Nintendo and there lame excuses. Apparently they didn't bother asking what about people who want the Standard 3DS? There are tons of people like me who still want the standard 3DS. But then again its NOA. I still think its funny on how Europe, Australia, Japan get the standard 3DS. When in Japan the XL (Old) was so popular that they had to discontinue the (Old) Standard 3DS. — I love Nintendo but there business practices are terrible.
We have handhelds to play them, not look at them. I am okay with the only XL New 3ds. The bigger the screen, the better.
^ But what about people who can't hold the big ones because of Medical Condition or something?? What about that.
"now, there's the 2DS, 3DS, and New 3DS XL"
In my area of the USA I have not seen the regular 3DS in months/close to year on store shelves. All I see are 2DS and 3DS XL. So I would say his statement is BS not "honesty".
I see lots of people in the USA with cases on their smart phones so why laugh and pretty much mock the face plates for New 3DS?
The whole New 3DS situation is a joke. The not so simple transfer process, unscrewing the back to get to the Micro SD card (Most people don't already own a size 0 screwdriver), the fact that they switched to Mirco SD (I was perfectly happy with using a regular SD card), no charger included. (Yes I know they have been not including a charger in other countries for awhile now).
Nintendo we love your games and we want to support you... but you sure like to make it hard as hell to do so. I want to be excited about getting a new/updated console, not stressed! This update takes some nice steps forward (Better 3D, Nub, Amiibo, Faster CPU) but so many steps back in design/ease of use it's keeping me from speeding $200 bucks to upgrade to one.
Actually I'm thinking of going from a 3DS XL to a 2DS. Most people say it's more comfortable (I find the 3DS XL to be uncomfortable), easy to transfer to, and no more floppy hinges. Yea the screens are small but I used to have a regular 3DS so I know what to expect screen size wise and I know it's mono speaker sound but the 3DS XL has stereo speakers and they are so freaking low I have to wear headphones anyway.
@MoonKnight7 If the kids want a sophisticated RPG like Xenoblade, they should be smart enough to hear in the trailers or articles they read about the game that it is ONLY FOR NEW 3DS. Although, if the parents bought the game to surprise the kids, I can see how there could be confusion.
I would have preferred the standard version for the portability, but I'm loving the larger screen. So it's a trade off I can live with.
@MoonKnight7 The funny part of it is is that I just came up with that name on the spot as I was typing the comment. I figured it was a more unique name that worked because of the Circle Pad Pro basically built in.
@CaptainGonru At least It wouldn't have been Nintendo's fault parents are upset if they came up with a more distinctive name. Then they could blame the parents for not having common sense rather than Nintendo taking the blame for making parents spend $180 on an honest mistake that was no fault of their own
Original 3DS was phased out and the old XL is going out the door really soon. What three models?
NoA repeatedly makes bad decisions. They think them explaining things will make them look any better?
"we're a different market"
So in other words, unlike the rest of the world, we're not worth the effort.
There are many people who want to buy this thing for this region, plain and simple. Of course many people rather get the XL and its shitty screen, but that happens everywhere else, too.
"The core audience... we weren't going to win with them on that decision."
YOUR CORE NINTENDO AUDIENCE IS ALL YOU HAVE LEFT. Most casuals left for mobile and the "hard-core" people don't care for 3DS. Of course many parents are still buying systems for their kids, but the majority of the people who actually buy the GAMES are your Nintendo fans. And every horrible decision you make is slowly making that audience dwindle.
I have a 3DS XL, but if I was in NA I would seriously consider getting the 3DS. I am in the UK and think it will be the New 3DS model I will get. So I don't get why you poor guys in America are left with only one option
And a nice little thing about the 2DS is that the "screens" (actually one screen split using software) are closer together and on the same plane. So it makes up for the smaller screens in games that allow you to move UI elements to the bottom screens like Monster Hunter since it'll be easier to see everything.
@MoonKnight7 Yeah, the new name is pretty bad still (relatively speaking)
To be fair, there are plenty of posters and ads around 3DS sections displaying the "new" 3DS.
@JasonHadouken The 2DS is very comfortable to hold...feels a lot more natural, as well, than that clamshell stuff if you ask me. It's one of those little reasons I feel kinda weird about wanting a n3ds, because I would have to go back to that. If they came out with a n2DS model(doubtful), I'd be all over that. Then again, an ideal model imo would be something similar to the 2DS design(although a bit more 'carry around' friendly) w/ 3D and the enhancements of n3ds.
I certainly don't doubt that, but it's not going to help a parent when a kid says he/she wants a "new 3DS XL" for his/her birthday and gets a regular XL.
I don't doubt the parent's intelligence, but I do doubt their lack of noticing said posters, and putting two and two together. Nintendo once again hasn't made this a smooth transition. Clearly, the same person who named the Wii U is still working at Nintendo.
NOA seriously underestimated the appeal of the faceplates to American consumers. They don't understand their customer base and worse yet they don't try to or seem interested in trying.
Many Nintendo customers like that Nintendo is a Japanese company and identify with the "Japaneseness" of the company. This is why these bonehead decisions like region locking and no faceplates are so infuriating. Give customers what they want!!
Here's why they didn't release the New 3DS model in America...
...because there are a bunch of morons making decisions at the company.
Just get rid of any outdated older models and have the New 3DS, New 3DS XL and release a New 2DS and then go with those three models only.
See how simple it is.
Once again, Nintendo of America's reasoning behind the absence of the smaller New 3DS alternative is pretty much restating the obvious, therefore I'm still hardly convinced on why they wouldn't bring it to America. Why can't they just further explain in a detailed manner why they went with that decision, so that we would believe they've made the right choices? Come on NOA, just spit it out!
Anyone know if there's a place where different firmware can be flashed to a new unit, EU on an NTSC console and vice versa?
Owning both a New 3DS and a New 3DS XL, I much prefer the smaller version as it's much more comfortable to hold and play. And the fingerprints that jump onto the XL's outside cover make it look cheap and beaten up. I'll be getting rid of the XL.
For the love of all that is good and holy, all I want is a 12 hour clock. Please release the 2 mb update that would give me a 12 hour clock. I don't want to have to think that 21:37 is actually 9:37. I just wanna see 9:37. Seriously, this is my only complaint.
I'm just thinking of a "what if" scenario in which NA gets the New 3ds (non xl) as well. Then due to limited supply and high demand (more so from resellers) for the faceplate and system itself gets sold out and ends up in the way of eBay like the rest of Nintendo's high demand items.
I would like it to be released later on in the year but only when they have enough of both. Don't need for some of the faceplates or system to end up like the amiibo knowing our crazy 3rd party market and internet gossips.
So now we know: we Yanks are too stupid to handle being offered too many options. Thanks ever so much.
This guy's attitude and babble is how nintendo has enabled me to no longer care.
Basically he's calling American consumers stupid lol. Kinda funny, but I'd have preferred the standard model. Oh well. I can deal with having the XL's bigger screen
Hey Nintendo, here's a crazy idea:
Some of your fans just don't want one of your XL systems
Thanks for telling me what I want though.
Suggesting that America has three choices is a slap to the face. Since when is the old 3DS still being manufactured? It's impossible to find new.
"Something about his answer ticks me off. Maybe it was the way he laughed . . . Either way I'm still holding off until we get the regular sized N3DS."
I felt the exact same way when I read that part.
"I know some people wanted the face plates, but the XL just plain sells better in NA."
True. But I'm guessing you aren't aware that the XL actually sold better in every other region than in North America. At 30% (excluding 2DS sales) and 44% (including 2DS sales), the smaller model(s) sold better here in NA than anywhere else. (And that's excluding all OG sales from prior to the XL's release, BTW.) So yeah, I'm not really understanding this decision. You can see the details here:
"YOUR CORE NINTENDO AUDIENCE IS ALL YOU HAVE LEFT. . . . the majority of the people who actually buy the GAMES are your Nintendo fans. And every horrible decision you make is slowly making that audience dwindle."
Bingo. And I am one of those fans; this decision has pushed me over the edge - I'm done buying from Nintendo, unless/until they release the white standard N3DS here.
"This guy's attitude and babble is how nintendo has enabled me to no longer care."
Same here.
Oh, and as many have already pointed out: Saying that NA will have 3 distinct choices - 2DS, 3DS, and N3DSXL? What a load! The 3DS isn't sold in stores any more, nor is it even acknowledged as an option on NOA's official webpage (as BinaryFragger cited)! Replies like his are making me hate NOA more and more, and I didn't even think that was possible.
Honestly considering buying a PAL standard new 3ds and just jailbreaking it. This whole "there's no market for it in America" is BS. Much like ALL of Ninty's decisions lately.
It's cheaper to produce and less risky to give the consumer less options for a similar product. Just say it.
You want to make it less confusing for consumers? How about not naming it "New Nintendo 3DS" for starters.
This is a bunch of PR manure.
All I know is the US market and how much of a muddled mess nintendo's products are. Naming the new console "Wii u", the new 3ds new 3ds, it's bad. They created that mess themselves, yes, but these aren't decisions that -NOA- made. All NOA can do is try to streamline that a bit for the more casual shopper, and I think overall it's a good idea.
I wish they'd do away with region locking however so that this would be a moot point and you could just grab whatever model you like online.
"I wish they'd do away with region locking however so that this would be a moot point and you could just grab whatever model you like online."
That would certainly make a lot of these problems disappear, no doubt.
What a crock of crap from Damon Barker, then he has the audacity to laugh as part of his opening statement! Way to alienate your supporters there Capitan Dumb a**.
As a OG 3DS owner, I was never a fan of the original 3DS XL, as it felt like I was playing on one of those netbooks that were popular a few years back, plus the pixilated resolution on the 3DS XL always bothered me. Here is to hoping the Standard size New 3DS will be released in NoA in a few months.
Honestly if NOA actually cared about broadening the market, they would have included charging cables in with the system. saving pennies and touting that the reason was not to confuse the new consumer is absurd and offensive.
the core market will always be loyal, but if you step on them too many times they will bite back, and hard.
"Here is to hoping the Standard size New 3DS will be released in NoA in a few months."
That would make my . . . I don't know, year.
My monster hunter cover plates came today and I am so happy i hope America gets the new 3ds
But we had to think about expanding the user base, we had to be able to market it and make it easy to pick up for consumers.
Makes sense not to include a charger then with the $200 purchase...
The no charger thing is a bit odd
I will one up you! That will make 2-3 years until a next gen. portable is released by Nintendo.
Still baffles me how the accessories like Amiibo figurine sales in America outpace the rest of the world by a large margin, but Nintendo made the major miscalculation that a faceplate accessory to go along with the Standard New Nintendo 3DS release in America would be too confusing for us, WOW!
Guess I will be waiting until E3 in June to get the announcement (Hopefully).
@Rocky2418 I'm with you 100%. I was so excited for the new system, (standard white with famicom buttons) and I feel disappointed and slightly insulted now. I was all set for a new console. I've actually been considering a Vita.
Saying you will be more engaging is nice and all, just please DO IT.
I had a Vita and sold it. The lack of support from Sony for the system is a disappointment, as the only new games for the Vita are created by Inde. developers. Don’t get me wrong the Vita’s hardware and display is a work of art, but it can’t hold a match to the versatility and vastness of the Nintendo’s 3DS and for that matter DS game library.
So think long and hard before you drop your $ on a Vita as Sony views the vita as an accessory to the PS4.
Yes! I just made the same point when talking to my older brother. The Amiibos have been selling like crazy, and they don't choose to sell the system that features all those faceplates? Makes no sense.
"The core audience... we weren't going to win with them on that decision. But we had to think about expanding the user base, we had to be able to market it and make it easy to pick up for consumers."
Nintendo: Losing the magic and going downhill since 2006.
It doesn’t make any sense whatsoever, but, the marketing genius that Damon Barker is probably is banking on the fact that the New Nintendo 3DS XL sales will slow down drastically within the next few months in N.A. Then they will announce the Standard size New Nintendo 3DS release to N.A. at a reduced price (I.e. $179.99) to bump their sales for the system in N.A.
I sure hope that's true, and they do release within a few months.
Oh, and I participated in that Operation Faceplate campaign, too - sent in my letter on the templates they provided. I've also called and left formal complaints two different times, sent a couple of e-mails, sent in about 4 Customer Service online "tickets," and even sent in another physical letter, prior to hearing about the one for the campaign. Whatever comes of it, at least I'm trying.
For anyone interested, I've managed to run into Damon Baker's Linkdin.
I'll be messaging him about the situation.
@Funbunz If you like JRPGs, it's a blast. I do. I've also been playing the original trilogy of Ratchet and Clank games and Samurai Warriors 4. And MLB 14. And Runner 2. I have as many games for the Vita as I do for 3DS. For me, there were a lot I wanted.
That said, yes, Sony basically thinks it's a toy for PS4 owners at this point, which is disappointing. They could have done better/more for the system, but when stripped down/poorly done AAA games didn't sell well, they didn't consider what would work and gave up.
I'm just importing a Japanese N3DS in white. I'm learning the alphabet anyhow. And they have a bunch of games I'd like to try. Might as well go native all at once.
Basically feels we're too stupid and that they made the best decision for us, AND THEN their dude Dimon cites a desire to connect more with the user base? If they connected with us in the first place, they wouldn't have made such a poor decision!
Here's an experiment
Q: Walk into a Verizon Wireless. What's the first thing you see?
A: Otter boxes with sports teams logos on them.
Hello? People are taking perfectly adequate phones and attaching them to giant hunks of inert plastic with their favorite sports team logo on them.
So get onto that faceplate badwagon already!
That means you really want the face plates
In my opinion, releasing a fully customizable 3DS with faceplates caters perfectly to the goal of "expanding the user base"... do people see how obsessive people get with iPhone cases? It's like a fashion statement for iPhone owners. Our generation today is all about customization. A customizable 3DS works perfectly to cater to that casual audience that focuses on their mobile devices over console gaming.
And yeah, I agree with some people that, honestly, if they were that concerned about confusing the user base, then just stop producing the original XL. The New 3DS hardware is far superior to the original, and honestly, people who are buying a 3DS for the first time should definitely buy the New 3DS as it's the definitive 3DS experience. Plus the stupid naming convention is confusing as it is. "I got a New 3DS XL!" Are they talking about a new standard XL model or the New 3DS XL model? It's silly. If they released the standard New 3DS and discontinued the original 3DS XL, then you'd have the 2DS, New 3DS, and New 3DS XL on store shelves, and that way, you can just refer to the New 3DS/3DS XL models as simply the 3DS and 3DS XL.
I'm not a businessman but when the outcry is this bad at a decision Nintendo has made, I think it's worth playing devil's advocate for yourself from a business standpoint and listen to what the fans have to say.
@electrolite77 and @Nintenzo
Crap. I didn't meant to say that. You guys knew what I meant.
Damn my broken Engrish.
Faceplates would've been a great alternative to those lackluster color choices that they decided to launch with. I'm also not a MH fan and I didn't bother trying to get the Majora's Mask edition because I hate gold, so those two had to be written off as well.
@sainzep thanks for the tip. I'd heard Sony's support has been a joke. I just love how much better the screen is, and maybe I will consider a PS 4 later. It has a much brighter looking future than the Wii U.
Just made a LinkedIn account and sent a message to Baker (had to sign up for the free one month upgrade to do so). Thanks for posting that. And I'll check out that forum, too.
Unfortunately the forum was already taken down. They don't allow large movements on their forums here. :
Yeah, I saw that. I had just attempted submitting a post (with the 3DS vs. 3DS XL sales info that Sparx was asking for), but it was too late. :-
I’m sorry, Nintendo, I just don’t buy that lame excuse. Call me stubborn or childish, but I won’t even consider getting a New 3DS unless Nintendo decided to sell the regular one. I just don’t like the XL, especially its size.
Or just unlock them....
At this point there's not much over there that isn't already translated, so importing a Japanese N3DS might not be worth it. In fact, all the Japanese games I own (save for a couple of free eShop titles) have been translated and are over here.
Not to mention that even if you can read the kana and Kanji, you have to know what the actual word means; it's not going to just be a simple "wii aru furomu za puraneto assu" ("we are from the planet earth").
It's your money and choice, but there's my warning.
@Buob I appreciate you taking the time. Yeah, it won't be an easy thing, but I am a bit of a language nerd (thank you very much, grad school sigh). We'll see. I'm up for a promotion, so it might be a treat if I get it.
Ah, well good luck then.
I forgot that two physical titles I own actually haven't been translated and probably never will be: an Anpanman game for children and a dating sim... Maybe I should have kept quiet about that one. And who knows if Project Diva Magical Mirai 1 and 2 will ever make it over. I guess there's some hope.
UGH, but what about those of us with launch 3DSes who were excited by the prospect of a normal, new 3DS? Because I've never been interested in the XL, and so will just hang onto my 3DS and ignore any games that won't work with it instead of buying a new system and embracing it if they had released both sizes here
The people in charge of marketing to the US and western markets are out of touch. The decision to release only the XL because in order to reach a wider demographic and make it easier to distinguish between types of 3DS/2DS is a nonsense excuse by an uncreative group of people who are incapable of solving problems.
They could have EASILY please everyone and not only achieved their stated objectives, but could have achieved them even better by...
1. Changing the idioti name of the "New 3DS" to something like "Super 3DS" or any number of names that would make it impossible to confuse it with the older 3DS models. Naming it "New 3DS" is the SOURCE of the problem with product confusion! The problem is the marketing team, NOT the market!
2. Release the smaller version for the core and non-core fans whp want customization! As stated, the new name would make it impossible for he consumer to confuse the products, so releasing the regular "New 3DS" would be no problem at all. And Nintendo would have the added bonus of not pissing off their core fans.
3. BONUS STRATEGY: Make faceplates for the XL version, because people can and do like both larger screens AND customization!
Why do they not understand this? What idiot is making the final choices? So annoying.
I don't get the anger. The smaller 3DS always left my hands feeling cramped when I used it. I was so glad that the XL line was reintroduced for the 3DS, I felt like I was getting carpal tunnel with the old ones.
Also, faceplates are so 2005-2006 anyways, ask Microsoft, even they've acknowledged faceplates for their consoles were a failure too. If Nintendo made them available to NA, think about how often you'd see new ones anyways with scalpers snatching up $14 Amiibos any chance they'd get, the even cheaper faceplates would just end up being an online only commodity and it'd just be another thing core consumers would complain about.
Besides, who really cares what the outside of their 3DS looks like anyways? It's not like we all just sit there admire the outside of it.
goes back to playing with the New MM 3DS XL
1. It's been said here before, but the people at NoA and NoE are simply pawns. NoJ is the one who makes the names of the systems, and in order for everything to make sense, NoA and NoE decided to keep the names, even if the people think the name is stupid. 3DS > 2DS > New 3DS and even Wii > Wii U. These are all terrible choices, but no one has brought that fact up to the name-making people at NoJ.
2. I both see his point on not bringing over the N3DS -XL, but at this point, after bringing over Streetpass and the rather Japanese Tomodachi Life, I think they should have taken the plunge and brought it over.
3. They would have to do another design change and resell the N3DS XL since the N3DS XL doesn't change faceplates at the moment, but that seems unlikely as this would make many fans unhappy.
Really, we're in a damned if they do, damned if they don't situation up until NoJ releases their Quality of Life console (which might be the final straw for many gamers).
@sykotek (and places like Etsy) would like to have a word with you.
For me, I don't care that we're only getting the N3DSXL, as I felt that both New 3DS models were a waste of money. Why would I spend $200 on a simple stopgap upgrade when I know damn well that Nintendo will release the actual successor to the 3DS family within a couple years? Not wasting my money on a New 3DS when I can just wait a couple more years and get a next gen handheld that will more than likely be backwards compatible with all 3DS games, including N3DS exclusives.
This whole industry is a mess. Anyone who tries to deny it is foolish. Anyone who says it can't crash is even more foolish. In the past I said that this industry will crash and burn at some point, yet I came under attack for spouting things according to my agenda. Well, it looks like people are finally waking up. This industry WILL crash and burn, and the sooner it does the better.
@Buob I, for one, like your suggestion that those complaining about the lack of faceplates in NA simply goes online and buys from decalgirl instead. That doesn't conflict with what I said about faceplates not necessarily being a good business decision here in NA. I personally have had no want to further decorate my shiny New MM 3DS XL.
Just because your hands get cramped doesn't mean everyone's does. Just because you aren't interested in the N3DS over the XL doesn't mean some of us aren't.
See how that works?
I don't give a rat's about the face plates. I want the smaller unit with the bigger screen. Nintendo becoming more and more paternalistic is not my cup of tea, either.
The link I posted sort of had a double meaning, and I understand both sides of the issue. People have been decorating their consoles with those decals for a long time. Now that there are official decals, they want those too, possibly for collections. Now, someone will make a decal that emulates the MM3DS XL and then any N3DS XL could be either a white, black, or gold MM3DS XL, obviously the gold ones being official.
Also, I hate you (not really). I had to settle for importing a Japanese MM3D N3DS XL cause of all the stupid scalpers. Excuse me as I go kill some things (in a game).
So now they're calling us dumb, unable to figure out the differences....this division sucks.
@k8sMum I get what you are saying, but I know it's a bad business decision. Nintendo doesn't want to be your dad or mom, they want to make money for their investors to be happy, stay out of controversy, and maintain their position in the market. There's already a low price point kids and small hands friendly 2DS on the market and the uber successful 3DSXL. Could Nintendo rerelease the smaller, unpopular middlechild version here in NA and would that even sell? Would it's associated accessories?
My analysis: that'd be too many separate SKU sections for the market. Take into account the further shelf space needed for faceplate displays at retailers if they want to give you a decent choice or selection. You'd have Wii U games, 3DS games, Amiibos, Faceplates, Consoles, Handhelds, Accessories, Handheld accessories, Points cards, and sometimes Preorder cards for both classes too.
Let's say the faceplates sell like Amiibos as I'm predicting, mostly to scalpers. Then there'd be entire sections dedicated to unmoving or empty slots of product. Generally, that's shelf space that is paid for by those occupying it, Nintendo. The core would end up needing to go online to places like eBay for those anyways and complain about Nintendo and scalpers here anyways.
I get that you want the New 3DS small version. I'm saying, it's just bad business. On the retail level, they would need to discontinue the 2DS and add shelf space to make room for faceplates which doesn't make a lot of sense since it's their low price point model and there's no incentive to spend more than they need.
On the bright side, Nintendo could release everything, the New 3DS and faceplates through an online store though, but they'd likely need to set limits on purchases and again that would likely only be for the core and would probably be another thing the core would complain about, not being able to just buy it in store. Of course, the negative side to that is it could damage relations between them and the B&M retail sector.
@Buob For a person that posts in double meanings, you have a hard time realizing that I joked twice about no one caring about how the outside of their 3DS looks only to follow it with me playing with the New MM 3DS XL.
Also, your hate should be reserved for those that bought the stock of the New XL to resell and those that pay ridiculous prices to scalpers to allow this to continue. I don't scalp, I just put forth the effort and persistence to preorder the New XL after I just missed my opportunity the first time online after the announcement for my own personal use.
I accept your envy. ^_^ .|/
Following on from what @khunnie01 has said I think it's a great idea for the naming on these refreshed 3DS consoles because it would make it easier to tell the difference like, for example "Super 3DS" "Super 2DS" and "Super 3DS XL" I think those names would work perfectly for the Americas plus the name sounds much better too anyways. Also, not everyone wants the XL sized Nintendo 3DS. They need to think about other markets as well.
"Could Nintendo rerelease the smaller, unpopular middlechild version here in NA and would that even sell? Would it's associated accessories?"
I posted this link above, but I'll do so again:
Even excluding the selling period prior to the old XL's release, the smaller model(s) actually was responsible for a higher percentage of total sales here in NA than in any other region (30% excluding 2DS sales, 44% including them). So even going by just "the numbers," yes, it would likely sell at least as well here. (And the old 3DS didn't even have the cover plate customization to help out its appeal.)
"My analysis: that'd be too many separate SKU sections for the market."
Well, it's not too many for Europe, which has everything we do, plus the standard size New 3DS. I understand it's a different market; just saying it can be done.
A whole lot of doublespeak that contradicts itself.
Anyways, It seems every time Nintendo of America makes a decision that will "affect the core audience" they make the decision that will affect the core audience on the possibility of the wider market maybe coming back. Meanwhile that "difficult decision" each and every time pushes more and more of the core fan base away.
Personally, I only upgraded to the new 3DSXL since after trading in my old one and a stack of games(That I now own digitally due to my then abundance of Club Nintendo coins) it cost me about $30 to upgrade.
Obviously you don't get that I want face plates, because I said I don't. The 3ds xl sold better all over. Shelf space isn't any more spacious in the UK. Since the original 3DS is personnae non grata anyway, the excuses are bs.
QoL software, being told in games to take a break, being told we are too stupid to differentiate different hardware, being told basically what we want...oh yeah: Ninty thinks they are our daddy.
You said 'and would probably be another thing the core would complain about,'
You believe we are brats whinging for what we can't have. How long have you worked for Nintendo, cause your attitude is right in line with theirs.
@Rocky2418 From the data I saw, I saw overall declining sales for the standard 3DS vs the XL. Also, take into account that given the choice, would most projected consumers, that 66% XL owners, would they upgrade to a New XL or take a perceived downgrade to the smaller version, I just dunno about that.
I guess time will tell with overall EU sales whether it was even worth releasing the smaller version along with the new XL, time will tell. NOA hasn't not been wrong before as with Xeno, but I personally doubt they are this time.
@k8sMum I realized that after I posted that you mentioned you specifically didn't want faceplates. I took the time to re-edit my post and left that bit out. One of the things I erased was the fact that I think if the New 3DS were released to the retail market, the faceplates would have to be as well. As for shelf space, I don't live in the UK, but think about how shelves were formatted at your local stores vs the introduction of Amiibos and if Nintendo doesn't purchase more shelf space, how they would appear with faceplates as well, it ain't pretty.
Nintendo doesn't want to be your daddy, nobody thinks you are stupid, they're just going by average shopping habits and chances are your intellect and tastes are higher and more sophisticated than the average consumer.
You said 'we are brats whinging(*whining) for what we can't have.' No argument with you there, your words, not mine.
Why not just stop producing the original 3DS and 3DS XL. That would stop confusion.
Oh, I wasn't implying that former XL owners would switch to the smaller New model. (I mean, some would, but probably not a lot.) I was merely saying that if 33% of consumers bought the smaller old 3DS, then about 33% would probably buy the smaller New 3DS as well. And one third of all buyers - that's a LOT of buyers. Other regions had lower percentages of people who bought the smaller old model, and still released it for the New one; because, hey, 25% or 30% is still a lot of people to just ignore the preferences of. That's all I was saying. In a nutshell, it seems like they could've made it available, but only half as many of them as the New XL or something.
This is the comment section of a site devoted to video game news. Of course this stuff means nothing compared to real world problems; but this isn't a place to discuss real world problems. I imagine doing so would even go against this site's Community Rules.
"It baffles me to no end that people continue to whine and complain online yet they do nothing to actually make a difference. You want change, you need to do something about it"
I . . . wasn't aware that there were a whole lot of things we could do that would actually make a difference. I'm not buying the XL (simply because I don't want it, not as a boycott or anything); I've signed petitions, I've sent NOA letters, e-mails, and online Customer Service "tickets," and left formal complaints via telephone twice. Yet even I know that none of that may make any difference. The truth is, there's not much we can do that they take notice of. So beyond not purchasing the model we don't want, I guess we just like to empathize with others who share our disappointment with this decision. As long as we aren't insulting to others or disruptive, what's so awful about that? (Again, this is a video game news site. Video game news is all we're allowed to talk about here.)
No matter where you go on forums, there will be arguing and 'heated' discussions. YouTube comments are the worst! That said, this discussion is about the decision for not releasing the standard model so this is where people explain their thoughts, though often, it may seem like complaining.
I am also very disappointed too in the fact that they are not releasing the original model; I'm not upgrading from my standard 3DS.
Got Ninjaed o.O
@TeeJay Or the parents think, "you already have a 3DS XL, why do you need a new one?"
Either way I appreciate his response on why we don't have a standard new 3DS in the States. He's acknowledging the concern, but likely has no power to do anything about it. Lest we forget, Nintendo is a Japanese company with little input from Reggie or anyone else here in America. That may change someday, but as backwards as the decisions may seem sometimes, we still enjoy the brand and the games.
I wish to pose a question: why are so many of you claiming that this guy needs to go? Is it because of this quote that you don't like?
We frown upon advertising petitions -Lz
Nintendo just doesn't want my money. I'm not going to buy a "New" 3DS XL. I already have the old one, I want the smaller white one so wuv em!
I don't understand how some people are defending Nintendo of America's decision. You can buy decals online, the bigger screen is better anyway, etc... I for one am not a fan if the XLs. I feel that they are too big, for my personal taste, to have as a portable gaming console.
It's not the faceplates. It's not the colored buttons. That is but a factor of what makes a regular N3DS. It fits better in my pocket. It has new features, new buttons, and better processing power. I had already saved for one when we received the terrible news. Now if they don't release one I'll just wait until the next handheld console. The 3DS I've had since launch still works fine, thank you very much Nintendo.
This is stupid. But from a profiting standpoint of making money it makes sense. I never liked the XL, and having the "same resolution" on a bigger screen isnt the same, it doesnt look as good. Id rather just get an Australian regular New 3DS or somethin.
"I for one am not a fan if the XLs. I feel that they are too big, for my personal taste, to have as a portable gaming console.
It's not the faceplates. It's not the colored buttons. That is but a factor of what makes a regular N3DS. It fits better in my pocket."
Exactly how I feel. I like a more compact system for my portable handheld. I mean, I love the Super Famicom buttons, and the cover plates are a nice bonus, but for me it's just the size of the system (and the white color).
I second the handheld/compact idea! The XL just isn't pocketable for me. I like the compact 3DS. The resolution is also better and it overall feels better in my hands. The Faceplates are a plus as well. Customization is a large factor in technology and this is no different. #OperationFaceplateNA
I understand the reasoning behind their decision in marketing, but they really did a damage to their reputation among knowledgeable fans. Yes, there are a lot of general consumers who might’ve gotten confused, but at the same time who’s fault is it in the end? Nintendo. They chose to release so many iterations of the 3DS. You have the 3DS, 3DS XL, the 2DS that plays 3DS games, and now the new 3DS and new 3DS XL. That’s a lot. However I could confidently assume the MAJORITY of the core fan base purchasing such systems is a knowledgeable fan base (aka people who KNOW the differences). So their reasoning is sort of null and void. ALSO, what makes the other countries different marketing-wise? I’m sure the other markets are similar to ours when it comes to console purchases and knowledge. Ugh SO FRUSTRATING. I don’t want to (and honestly shouldn’t have to) PORT the standard version to the US. That’s ridiculous. Secondly, why can’t they provide an online ordering service or another alternative to shelf space (I’m pointing this out because that was another poor reason of theirs)? They fail to understand their fan base YET AGAIN and have chose a COMPLETELY unfair business practice towards North America. They've favored the regular consumer over the people who appreciate them and support them most: the core audience. It's a shame. I mean heck, there are people in the UK/AUS/JPN that feel bad because of their stingy decision. I for one won't settle for an XL... sorry Nintendo, but the money I had ready for you isn't going to be given to you until we see smaller n3DS's available in North America.... on shelves or online. #OperationFaceplateNA
Well said. By the way, you're the one who headed up this whole Operation Faceplate thing, right? And organized the letter campaign, with the templates? Thanks a lot for all your hard work! I've participated in everything, and can only hope for the best.
I'm actually not the head of it all lol. I'm just a strong supporter and spreader of the information! I also have my own petition working along side Thiago Silva's petition on I seriously think with enough effort from people we can at least get their attention and have a chance of seeing change. Even if it means change for future console decisions. They can at least look back be like "let's not do that again." You know?
Ah. Well, either way, it's awesome to see so much support for this.
Boy, I hope it won't just be for future decisions. This decision of theirs is pretty much the final straw for me. If this one doesn't get changed, I'll be saying bye-bye to my 25-year-long relationship with Nintendo. I'm just so tired of being disappointed by them.
Though I was interested in the smaller (sexier) model, I can see why they're skipping it on the Americas. 6 out of 7 friends I asked, said they were buying the XL. We're just a different market, the smaller model didn't make that much sense over here.
Anyways, I'll buy the XC new 3DS XL when it comes out
I'll post this link one more time:
It shows that - at 30% to 44% of total sales - the smaller models of the old 3DS actually sold better here in NA than in any other region. So to have it excluded only from NA is the opposite of making sense.
Nintendo overthinking everything per usual.
@Syrek24 The issue here in my eyes is not about the products themselves. It is more about Nintendo's ingrained corporate PR tactics and feedback integration, both of which sometimes contradicts on the ground reports from end users, including this case. Not that the dismissal of outside information or dissent is surprising coming from any corporation- that's just a fact of life.
I'm really just more disappointed that "The Treehouse of Nintendo of America", which 20-30 years ago more closely resembled a small business in operating procedures, built upon the backs of people pushing around Donkey Kong arcade cabinets, has been bulldozed in favor of "The Skyscraper of Nintendo of America", so to speak. This is not the behavior of the small American branch of Nintendo I grew up admiring. This is closer to the behavior of an Apple or Microsoft.
Well, I guess technically the old 3DS is still an option if you like doing your own electronics repairs (I've already replaced the R button circuit attachment on my own), adding 3rd party devices (such as the best battery life for any Nintendo portable console), and are interested in the modding scene... If they're going to throw the elder and it's lessons into the refuse bin, then it will be picked back up by those who still care about it, and reformed in ways that run counter to their current path.
I've already taken almost 3.5 million steps with my vanilla 3DS... it broke my fall when I slipped once, and has survived through my treks during inclement weather, among other events. Why would I give it up for some young, pretty thing after all of that? And how much further will it go, I wonder?
@Rocky2418 That GameFAQs link is quite telling, considering Nintendo of America came to this N3DS conclusion based off of their own data! However, it is a .jp link... and the data report goes all the way back to 1998. To me, that suggests the data was gathered and prepared primarily by Japanese branch employees.
I suspect that Nintendo of Japan was ready and willing to make smaller N3DS units available for North America, but someone making the decisions for the American branch didn't want to go along with it for some unknown internal structuring and politics reasoning. This couldn't just be caused by some marketing misunderstandings...
"Unknown" is right. :-
Honestly while I question some of NoA's decisions lately, the XL only thing personally doesn't bother me. I definitely want the larger screen, and I'm not going to flip over not having a colorful piece of plastic that I really don't need to spend my money on stuck on the back off system. My personal preference.
What's worse is that in the article he even acknowledged that there was a lashback against the decision to JUST release the 3DS XL in the US. They don't care.
It's technically not even the XL version anymore - it's the American standard 3DS because the other versions are no longer sold. I'm really close to just buying the XL version.
Honestly, I would probably prefer the larger screen if the screen resolution was actually any greater than that on the original 3DS. If you switch from a regular-sized 3DS to an XL, the screen is repulsive, at least to me.
Not only I want the faceplate, I also prefer the better dpi and better portability of the small one compared to XL....
"You said 'we are brats whinging(*whining) for what we can't have.' No argument with you there, your words, not mine."
I said 'YOU THINK we are brats...yada, yada...'
Makes quite a bit of difference, doesn't it? If you are going to quote someone at least do so in a way that doesn't alter the intended meaning. Less editing of your own posts needed that way.
@IceClimbers I don't think that's a gaming industry exclusive issue, because the concept of planned obsolescence is a far-reaching tenet of modern industry. It would take a paradigm shift of how we produce things and operate our economies (and perhaps even of how our societies are run) to really change the underpinnings behind planned obsolescence.
Although, we as Nintendo gamers might be more resistant than the general population against planned obsolescence, since we tend to have a legacy of preserving our older consoles and games, rather than tossing them. Nintendo has also traditionally not been as susceptible to this as other tech companies. I think the erosion of that traditional resistance was mainly caused by the move from manufacturing products locally in the Japanese workforce over into outsourced Chinese labor; beginning sometime during 2000 with the manufacturing process of the GBA, the first Nintendo console to be produced outside their homeland.
So if giving consumers "options" is the reason, then why not just discontinue the original line (besides the 2DS) and replace it with the New 3DS versions? There can't be much confusion if New 3DS's are the only option, besides why its called "New" in the first place. The only difference would be one is 'XL', a term most people are familiar with.
We're a "different market" but somehow not different enough for the original 3DS to still be sold? Even if the original 3DS wasn't discontinued, there's no point in selling it when a newer, better version exists. His logic makes no sense, and just reeks of canned PR some other guy in the PR department wrote.
@Nico07 The American branch of Nintendo was founded by former President Minoru Arakawa, the husband of the daughter of former Nintendo international CEO Hiroshi Yamauchi, so that "all our base are belong to Japan!" stuff hasn't necessarily applied to Nintendo as much so as it has for Sega or Sony.
@DLevene17 I think the New XL is cooler. I think Nintendo rigt now want to focus on new market rather than just selling another console to someone who already owns one.
"I mean, I understand WHY they did it, I just don't like it."
Whereas I both don't like it and don't understand it. It can't be about "preventing confusion" - by retaining the name "New 3DS" for, well, the new 3DS, they clearly showed that preventing confusion wasn't a priority. And it's not because of sales numbers for the old 3DS - based on those, NA should've been the most likely to get the smaller New 3DS.
So yeah, I can't even begin to understand or guess what the real reason is.
I wanted the standard version. But since it isn't coming, I just wanted to get the Majora's Mask edition. And I can't even have that. Thanks a lot, Nintendo.
"For a person that posts in double meanings, you have a hard time realizing that I joked twice about no one caring about how the outside of their 3DS looks only to follow it with me playing with the New MM 3DS XL."
Point taken. I just thought you were being a stuck-up jerk. Give me a break--it's hard to read sarcasm on the internet.
"Also, your hate should be reserved for those that bought the stock of the New XL to resell and those that pay ridiculous prices to scalpers to allow this to continue. I don't scalp, I just put forth the effort and persistence to preorder the New XL after I just missed my opportunity the first time online after the announcement for my own personal use."
Yes, the fact that you are actually using your MM3D N3DS XL is laudible. Yes, my hate was more directed at the scalpers, you're just in a very narrow margin of that window. Maybe there will be more stock later and I can pick up a US copy, who knows? Regardless, I do have an N3DS, so it's not like I'm missing anything important, it's just... I wanted a Special Edition one (I'm super jealous about the Club Nintendo PAL N3DSs, too).
"I accept your envy. ^_^ .|/"
You would.
tl;dr - You're a pretty cool guy. 10/10 would hang out with
Well, if they keep this up, I'll just buy a European New 3DS and then they won't get any game money from me either cause of the region locking. Good on you Nintendo, you're pissing off a lot of faithful customers here.
>Before, there was a very limited difference between the 3DS and 3DS XL: other than size
Am I wrong in thinking that XL refers to the size of the product, and nothing more? This is a really stupid comment.
"... now there is the 2ds, 3ds, and New 3ds XL..." ??
Someone in NoA needs to let him know that this isn't this case. Their website clearly shows the options are " Nintendo 2DS (A treat for your kids) and New NIntendo 3DS"
I know I haven't even seen the standard 3DS in stores anymore, so realistically its 2DS, 3DS XL, and New 3DS XL.
The strategy he is talking about may make more sense, but that's not even what NoA is doing, so.....
Does anyone buy the standard size in NA anymore? I never get people at gamestop asking about it (even used ones just sit on the shelf). I get why some people want it... for choice reasons but I can see from a production stand point why Nintendo axed it. I'm still buying the zelda faceplates because I have a problem and I need help but I'm cool with my XL and LL.
I don't agree and if I were American I'd be angry.
Not making the "Core" happy is one thing. But I've been a Nintendo follower since the NES. Not having the smaller model means I'm not buying their system. I'm not a "core" buyer, I'm one of the few who have been keeping them afloat during their stupid years. But not anymore, no sale. Laugh at that, Damon.
"Does anyone buy the standard size in NA anymore?"
Yes. I am one. And actually, a higher percentage of people bought the smaller models of the old 3DS in NA than in any other region, as shown in the link I've posted above 3 times. So yes, plenty of people buy the standard size here - more here than anywhere else.
"I can see from a production stand point why Nintendo axed it."
For the reasons I've just stated, I absolutely can't see why they withheld it only from here.
@MoonKnight7 I think New is the worst possible word, as it will not be new for long. Pro is also PROblematic. My choice? Super 3DS! The Super draws attention to the larger screens and number of new features. In addition it would have been a clever nod to the Super Famicom/Super NES with the colored buttons. It's almost so obvious Nintendo should be kicking themselves for not thinking of it.
I have to say, if I was in the US (and wanted a New 3DS) I'd be fuming about this. Instead the 'shooting ourselves in the foot' department is busy in my region following up the Captain Toad launch debacle with an inexplicable Kirby Wii U launch delay. I can echo those who feel like they're close to having enough of Nintendo.
As a girl gamer I was looking forward to having a system where I could use cute face plates. I find his comments insulting. They knew they were going to upset the core audience! Way to treat your fans! Nintendo has forgotten that its the fans that fund their paychecks. I for one am not going to buy any more Nintendo products until I see a real change in how they treat their fans, and actually provide there products for everyone. I am tired of the North American market not getting the same products or treatment that the other markets get. I have been a Nintendo fan for 20 yrs- but this is the straw that broke the camels back. We are not stupid over here we know the difference between the systems despite the fact that a 3yr old is naming the systems. We have the internet and can see what you are withholding. Get with the times!
@Samuel-Flutter I am holding off too! I have the "Old" 3DS XL and feel the medium screen size of the regular is just enough..and those dang FACEPLATES!!!!
I will not cave unless there is some mega amazing release like Metroid Prime Hunters 3D as an exclusive
Please?? Nintendo, please???
"I have been a Nintendo fan for 20 yrs- but this is the straw that broke the camels back."
Funny, I used the exact same expression in a comment in a different article. That's what this decision was for me, too, and I also have been a loyal Nintendo fan for 20+ years.
"And now we have clear differentiation between those three systems."
This is the dumbest excuse EVER. How is the New 3DS XL more differentiated from the 3DS XL in comparison to the standard New 3DS?
The New 3DS XL has extra buttons. That's all the uninformed consumer would notice that differentiates the New XL from the old ones when they see the new ones on store shelves for the first time. The standard New 3DS is WAY more unique than ANY previous model due to the face plates. No other 3DS model has anything remotely similar to that feature.
This guy is shoveling out BS by the truckload.
Stupid. I thought they were discontinuing the original 3DS? why continue to produce it instead of the vasty superior "New" version?
I find it amusing that the US market would apparently find it too "confusing" to have 2 different New 3DS systems. Yet the entire rest of the world have no problem with it.
@Syrek24 I think most of us who are complaining here are doing so because these comments are under an interview by a marketing guy at Nintendo, and there is some small hope that someone at Nintendo may look through the comments. I don't think that's so unrealistic. That's why I'm complaining here. I know, first world problems, right?
Any article having anything to do with New 3ds is going to be fiiled with people venting in the comments. If all of this "whining" bothers you so much, I suggest you avoid this site. After all, aren't there better things to do in life besides get upset and be a sad, pathetic whiner in a video game news forum?
"I thought they were discontinuing the original 3DS? why continue to produce it instead of the vasty superior "New" version?"
It is discontinued. Go check out NOA's official 3DS site:
It advertises the 2DS and the New 3DS XL. That's it. There is no third option. This guy knows that. Hence, his entire argument is fallacious.
Exactly. I was thinking the same thing.
Jeeze.... this is more of a mess every time I look into it.. It's sad really.
and @Rocky2418, I feel your pain. And I'm sure a HUGE number of others also feel it. : It sucks so damn much. I tried playing my friend's XL today at school and I just couldn't settle for it. There's no damn way I'm buying that large of a handheld... it's ridiculous.
Like....what if Apple decided to sell iPhone 6 and 6 Pluses everywhere but NA only gets the 6 Plus? People would FLIP a poopitypoop. Whether the market isn't good for it or not. It's just a matter of taking away variety and choice. That's the last thing a company should do to it's LOYAL customers. Casual consumers aren't the loyal people who always go back and support Nintendo. Of course I'll still buy Nintendo products. But if they continue to disrespect the value that we all have in them... I just might buy something from a competitor. They've lost potential sales... big time.
To those who are annoyed with people complaining about that matter.... I'm sorry. Our frustration and envy is completely justified. The last thing I would do to a fellow Nintendo fan (who lost their chance to get something EVERYONE ELSE in the world gets.....) is call them out and make them feel worse about it. Hell, I'd probably do what I can to HELP Nintendo change their mind about the decision.... the core audience is a lot larger than I think Nintendo realizes. Damon Baker directly recognizes us.... but he fails to recognize the WHOLE of us. He only recognized the part of us that despises the decision, not those who can care less. But if our voices were to work together, we can definitely create some mighty waves. I'm just saying I think we, the core audience, should have more support for each other. If we're not happy about it, let the company that feeds off of us and learns off of us KNOW we're not happy.
Rant done. :3
Also I hope everyone had a decent day! xD
Thanks, I appreciate the sentiments.
As opposed to you, this decision of NOA's has actually pushed me over the edge, and I will not be buying from them anymore (assuming they never release it). It's not a boycott thing - nor would I pressure anyone else to not buy from them. No, I'm just tired - tired of being in the minority with regard to my preferences, which, at this point, means being ignored by NOA. First there was Nintendo not allowing any non-Ambassadors to even purchase the GBA games - like it was somehow our fault that they overpriced their system. Then there was them not releasing the deluxe Wii U in white here, like Japan got, which was disappointing to me. But I'm a reasonable person; I realize that's merely a difference of color, which most don't consider a big deal, so I rarely complain about it. This current fiasco, though - I guess this just did it for me. I'm no longer a customer that Nintendo cares about, so I have no wish to support them anymore; a shame, since I've been a loyal Nintendo fan for 25 years since about age 6 - my whole life.
: It's sad. It really is.
@Rocky2418 Wow thats exactly how I feel! I'm not going to try and pressure anyone to not buy from Nintendo, but I'm done. They don't seem to care about those of us who have been loyal fans almost our whole lives. They could make it so the New 3DS is not region locked so those of us who really want one could just import it, but no they won't do that. So I'm looking into buying gasp a Vita- didnt think I would ever say that!
HUGE shoutout to @Nintendolife for making today's video on the matter. They've made some awesome recognition to #OperationFaceplateNA that will surely help! Thanks guys! Here's the video for people interested.
Very nice video - glad to see that Operation Faceplate has so much support and recognition.
"What's going to happen in reality is people who don't know the difference are going to buy a 3DS because they want the small sized and then be mad when they later realize . . ."
If they can manage to find a 3DS in a store at all, then my hat is off to them.
Interesting how this guy forgot to mention the normal 3ds XL in his wee list of choices there...
I can't believe the entire situation. If you have the time to read this, get comfortable... I know a lot of you commenting on an article like this may be feeling the way I am, or, you might not. But if you are, you're extremely disappointed by Nintendo at the moment. They are restricting only the NA region from purchasing an entirely new console that they have basically been indirectly advertising to us for roughly 6 months now. If Apple made the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus available everywhere but only NA got the 6 Plus, they would be lynched. The last time around, the only difference between the XL and Regular was PPI and size only. The XL vastly outsold the regular because those were the only differences and it made more sense to buy the larger model for a relatively insignificant price difference. This time the differences are huge! Faceplates, Colorful Super Famicom themed buttons, White/ Black colors, portable and compact size (yet larger than the original 3DS). They play the same games, but are DIFFERENT systems. I still have my original 3DS as my main handheld because the XL and NewXL have blurry picture quality due to low PPI. I have contacted NOA on the phone now probably 5-8 times asking about the N3DS Regular just hoping that I could get a hold of a rep that actually cared! I did ONCE. He said he had been encouraging others to call to create call volume because he cared that much! He is probably risking his job to do so. Nintendo needs to re-think this horrible decision and let us have a real HANDHELD not this blown up non-portable mess!
never trust whos first name is one letter away from DEMON
Who cares. The bigger screen is obviously needed for older audience like me who have vision problems. The same stich is done with Comics in Japan, where the more mature reads are printed on cheaper but bigger bound paper.
So, they wanted a difference between the 3DS and the 3DS XL, and decided to make one in the most dickish way possible.
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