This week's announcement of an early New Nintendo 3DS Ambassador promotion in Europe certainly rocked the boat, offering select Club Nintendo members an opportunity to pick up a system before its release date has even been announced. It was exciting for those lucky enough to be included but frustrating for those left out; oddly, some have been able to log in to the special product pages with their Club Nintendo credentials when they couldn't do so before, even when an email invitation hasn't been received.
It's not happening for everyone, however. We checked five accounts that weren't eligible when emails were issued earlier this week - two successfully logged to the product page, while three were still informed that they were ineligible. For those that could now get in the system was able to be ordered, and there are some on NeoGaf reporting that they've gone through and received order confirmations. Intriguingly, while our lucky new Ambassadors had access without an email, some in that same Gaf thread are stating that a fresh wave of emails has been sent out.
Even more bizarrely - and to explain the past tense in that last paragraph - both of our testers that got in without an email are now blocked with the usual message saying they're not eligible, even though just minutes prior to publishing this article they could select and in theory buy the system.
In terms of what's going on, we've contacted Nintendo which has simply said, from its perspective, "the process hasn't changed", citing potential delays in emails to some - by that same token, it's possible that emails and access for some have been delayed. As we've stated above, however, for every new Club Nintendo member with access, there appear to be many more that are still unable to access the bundle's purchase pages.
If you're in Europe we can only suggest that you check your emails once again. If there's no email you can use the links below to access a login page, but be warned that this access without an email appears to have been shut down; if you're still not eligible, you'll get no further.
UK -
Europe -
Thanks to RupeeClock for the heads up.
Comments 103
This has been handled shockingly.
I also hope the Ambassador faceplate's are available on the Nintendo Club Nintendo to just purchase with stars.
I really wish Nintendo would not do this stuff. All it does is make a few people happy but a lot of people angry and offended and wondering why they were left out.
Good luck buying one, if you didn't get an email before. There might be a slim chance yet.
@ericwithcheese2 Like the stupid ORAS codes.
I just got an e-mail suprisingly. Now its time to think about if I will actually buy it now.
i can not access it and i still haven't recieved an email from nintendo :/
Dang I need a credit card for it which i sadly dont have :/
@Ungravitify Does it have a PAYPAL option?
Remember folks, in a few months we'll have the New 3DS. So nothing to get too worked up over.
If there is anything to be mad about, it's the fact the blasted system is still named "New 3DS."
@Plainsville It does on the Nintendo UK Store, that's how I paid for it.
@XCWarrior I personally don't care about this, since I'm Australian and it's already out here, but the fact that people who don't want it can get emails whilst people who want it can't is just really annoying. Everyone should get an email just for being a freaking member of Club Nintendo.
@Teenchampion Sorry friend it only has a the credit card option available you can choose visa's or mastercards.
@Ungravitify Oh, I'm not buying it, I was just curious.
@RupeeClock Cool, yeah, I was just curious. Thanks!
My thoughts exactly.
I emailed Nintendo when the first round happened as to why I never got an email to purchase. They kindly added me to the second round but warned that stocks may run out before then. I was pleased to receive an email today to purchase
I have purchased a lot of Nintendo stuff in the past.
@Plainsville No, not everyone should get one. Should be like people have been platinum status for like 4 of the past 5 years or something. You know, people actually buy games and systems and support Nintendo.
A number of people who are complaining had no intention of buying a new 3DS day 1, but just use this as an excuse to say they are mad at Nintendo and are not going to buy the system now, even though they weren't going to anyway or just resell it for a profit.
XCWarrior there is no such thing as platinum status on the european club nintendo. it is quite different from the north amercian club nintendo
I might just wait a bit, until the inevitable "buy a New 3DS and claim a free download game". The ambassador version looks kind of nice, but more interested in actually playing on a 3DS than the faceplates and stuff
I just wish they'd announce proper release dates. This Ambassador programme is a strange tactic that isn't paying off. Plus, I want an XL so this would be no use for me even if I were eligible.
Just got the email through today. Seriously torn though, as I intended on getting the XL model, but this may be too tempting.
I've already got mine! Ordered it on Tuesday and got it on Wednesday!
Err, yeah, if anyone wants an XL instead and ARE eligible for this promotion, please let me use it.
So you're saying another round of emails have gone out and I still haven't received one? I've been a member over 10 years, what gives? I've registered every console I have purchased (every single one they've released, as a matter of fact)...if that doesn't qualify me, what does?
I'd given up hope of getting an email but I've got one today. So glad, really wanted one (I know some people weren't bothered but I really was) and good luck to everyone else who wants one!
@Baker1000 pretty sure this is totally random
It seems as though A LOT of people are getting these emails and that the minority aren't getting them. What's up with that? I feel like they should have based it off how many products you've registered.
@6ch6ris6 it probably is, but Nintendo did say it was those who met a certain criteria. I have a brother who has had an account the same amount of time and registered probably less products tbh, and he got an email. So I don't know what criteria they've selected...
Still haven't got one.
I have had my Club Nintendo account since the DS Lite days, registered at least 100 products yet no email. What gives?
If I get the chance, I'll probably take them up on it. If not, then I'll be aiming to get a New XL, if the price is right… it'll be a shame to miss out on the faceplates, but I like a big screen…
How do the New XL screen size compare to the old XL? I remember the review saying that the default wasn't much smaller than the current XL?
Still waiting for america.
It is a bit annoying how Nintendo have tackled this promotion as many Members will miss out. This is only helping some people make more money on Ebay really, where some will pay twice as much for it.
If anything, and I hope I'm right on this one, it serves as a good indication that the New 3DS is literally round the corner. Expect a Nintendo Direct very soon guys. For those who got the email, hats off guys and enjoy it as you see fit.
@ericwithcheese2 The worst thing is they haven't told us what the criteria was. I feel like that would make people a lot less annoyed that they didn't receive one. If it was random, then tell us, no-one can get mad. If there was some kind of special thing you had to do, it would be nice to know just for piece of mind.
While the people at NoE are busy sending New 3DSs to lucky Club Nintendo members, the people at NoA are busy coming up with the next killer Nintendo meme.
Didn't get the email, but thankfully, I have a few club nintendo accounts and one of them was allowed through.
It worked, I'm getting a new 3DS! Thanks NL.
Wow congrats man. I've read some of your rants here. You deserve it more than I do so I'm happy for you.
Now where's my GIF I kept on posting on this specific topic...
I got the email. I have the original 3DS and have waited till now to start thinking about upgrading. I'm glad I waited, but I wish they gave you the option of getting the New 3DS XL. Not too sure if I'll be taking up the offer, though it is tempting.
I wouldn't be surprised if a new batch of emails were sent out because they had a limited number and not everyone wanted it due to wanted an xl instead. Those that gave up their spot and others got in.
I am in exactly the same boat as you my friend hundreds of games purchased and registered tens of consoles and had me account since about the year 2000.
But I have been neglected and received no email.. I might email them to complain!
Wasn't offered and the link above says no too. Truth is i don't have money but i may be tempted by an xl version when released over here.. Just wish they'd do one with changable plates though.
Maybe they should start selling amiibo this way, select email messages and a commerce website w/ security devised by the Sony PSN team.
I like the idea of rewarding CN members, but I feel like this should have been done in conjunction w/ at least a country wide announcement that the new 3DS was being released. I know everybody on here knows about the new 3DS, but it seems like a good opportunity for marketing it's release date. Hasn't anyone at Nitneod watched Wiily Wonka and the Chocolate factory?
Subtle secrecy is not the best marketing technique.
I'm not eligible it seems, but I'm planning on waiting for the XL version
I just want it to come out before Majora's Mask 3D
My New 3DS was dispatched today (originally supposed to be dispatched on 7/1/15) so it should be here by Saturday/Monday :/
Please someone who received the mail but won't buy...can you buy it for me?!? Thanks! Still hoping to receive it but...
There's not enough personally offended people commenting in this thread. Now I have to look elsewhere for a chuckle.
This is screwed up!!!! I managed to Log in to CLubNintendo and Buy an Ambassador Pack without the email! . . . . .
i already have an Imported Australian NEW 3DS. . . .
I am offended. Why am I not eligible? I have many games and consoles registered and yet I'm left out. I don't think this is being handled right. Pissing off costumers is not the way to go.
There won't be New 3DS-exclusive games for a while... Will original 3DS games receive a boost in performance?
@DarkCoolEdge on the other hand, people are also getting early access to a special edition madel of the new system. So, it really all depends on perspective. It's no different than a sweepstakes really, except there are a ton more winners. So that's the optimistic way of looking at things.
@ollietaro Yes and in some games such as Smash and MGS Snake Eater, c-stick controls are compatible.
@Sergio151 I thought it was going to be free Clu Clu Land for Wii VC
Just to clarify, no one in North America was offered this, correct?
How are you guys buying it without an email?
@Portal_King Click on the relevant link in the article above . . log in . . if you're eligible. . .do it!
Damn, I'm not eligible.
I didn't get an email, but checked the link and hey presto I'm eligible. Sadly, two weeks until payday so I can't get one sure it will be sold out by then
Got my email. Thanks Nintendo for sending it to me but banks are closed until AFTER the offer ends. Can't use it.
When does the offer end?
Nintendo really needs to stop with these lottery events. All they do is please a few people (sometimes only in one region like in this case) while everyone else is ticked off.
Do this for NA already!
@norwichred Offer ends Monday 12th @ 23:59. My bank doesn't reopen until Tuesday.
@WingedSnagret The alternative is scalpers getting all of them. I think that is worse. (See the GC adapter going back in stock in NA).
@WingedSnagret I'm having visions of in NoE headquarters there being a lifesize version of that lottery thing from Melee and after inserting a coin, a ball with a CN account name comes out that'll win the New 3DS email
Did anyone get a club nintendo registration card with there new 3ds ambassador version? I didn't
Everyone's getting emails for New 3DSes, and I'm just sitting here in North America.
I got email today, just placed order. To anyone who has already received their New 3DS. Did you currently have a 3DS XL? Are you happy with going to the smaller screen size?
I am not sure if I want to transfer all my digital content. Would like to hear your opinion
Okay this is ridiculous. 90% of these comments are people getting their emails. I am one of those people who they have really annoyed by this lottery game Nintendo is playing with us. Not impressed.
Wonder how long until this goes out of stock, mine is just preparing for dispatch for now, anyone who finds out they're eligable use the discount code MARIOCAL8 when you buy it for a free Mario calander!
I got the email but Im reluctant. Its €200 but I dont know if I want to go from an XL to a standard size. Might just hold off til the New XL gets released here. Anybody got any ideas what the New XL will cost? If its not that big a jump I might wait til then
@bezerker99 Nope. It'd be great though
@JamieH Is this bound to your account? I would love to use your mail if it's just a code. So weird they send it out randomly when it's not a gift but something people need to buy.
@Portal_King I am sure the reason for this is that Europe gets the new one a couple of weeks before US...this thing will come to the US too.
No email for me. I was really disappointed I didn't get one but there may be a reason I didn't get one.
About 2 or 3 years ago I won a 3ds from club Nintendo and just maybe be the people who won that competition are not allowed to get this 3ds or I just thinking of excuses for not getting an email. XD
Lol good luck! 😊
Please come to North America...
My sibling has another club nintendo account of their own and today got this email and isnt interested in getting another. i got my own new 3ds already. So if there is anyone seriously wanting to use this to get one, get in touch, all i ask is for 20 pounds ontop of the order for myself for doing it, thats if anyones interested. My location is Scotland's biggest city. ps no messing about just like to honestly help anyone who wants it.
Got my email last night. Couldn't resist. Just hoping I dont notice going from an xl to the smaller screen too much.
When the original DS was released Nintendo put an offer on the stars catalogue to part pay for the console with stars. That way it was a first come-first serve offer and I was able to take part. Nobody could complain (although I bet they still did) because the only way they would miss out is if they weren't fast enough. The way that NIntendo are running this promotion now excludes loyal customers while rewarding people who couldn't care less.
@Ootfan98 Hey dude, I'm in the same boat as you. I upgraded from my 3DS to an XL about 6 months ago. I have been in two minds about getting the New 3DS or the NewXL, gearing towards the XL because I was so used to it. I only got the small version because of this ambassador deal.
The screen's a bit bigger than the regular old 3DS, so I'm hoping I manage okay with it.
If there are more games released and the New 3DS does well, perhaps I can get a New 3DS XL in a year or so.
But yeah, I've gotta do a system transfer in a bit... Kinda nervous/excited! =D
@Moon I still have Ocarina of Time Cart and I have digital version on my excel, so I'll do a back to back when the new 3DS arrives. Hope you have no probs with your transfer.
wait a second.
the whole time i was thinking emails would only be sent to people that were part of the 3ds ambassador programm. you know the people that bought the system at launch or shortly after that and before the huge price cut. is that correct? or does this ambassador program have nothing to do with the other??
The good news is I got an Ambassador promotion email. The bad news is I'd prefer the New 3DS XL
@Monsti Linked to my account unfortunately. If it was a code Id be more than happy to give you it. Try the link at the bottom of the article and put in your Club Nintendo details if you havnt already. I got the email yesterday and the offer expires midnight on Monday so it might become available to more people before the end of the weekend
This is great I got one! Ordering it today so this should be delivered on Monday if it is still delivering fast! Only problem is that I just transfered so I can't transfer till next Saturday so I'll have to be patient to play all my downloaded games
Although it says 'Credit Card' this includes any Debit Card which has the VISA symbol on it - this also applies to the eShop where a Debit Card can be entered into the 'Credit Card' info. This applies to the UK, unsure whether Europe have debit cards?
There is also the option to pay via Paypal.
@6ch6ris6 No, the 3DS ambassador program is completely unrelated. Many people who didn't participate got an email and some who did participate didn't get an email.
@Great_Gonzalez Wow, you're much more entitled than me! Since 2000? That is rough. I can't believe they're neglecting some of their longest account holders like this.
I checked my account and it was actually 2002 I joined the website but still a long time! I just find it ironic how they've rewarded these "loyal fans" with the opportunity to buy one but then they go and sell it on ebay.. some fans eh??
I just don't get it!! I've bought and register hundreds of consoles,, all the way from the NES and including teh Virtual Boy, tens of thousands of games and been a Platinum member since the 80's!! I even bought Nintendo games back when they were solely selling gaming cards and such!!
(Satisfied ;->).
By the way, I live in the US.
I've heard of several member complaining to Nintendo and receiving a link. Go for it!!
Has nothing to do, according to most users and even Nintendo.
I'm still waiting for it to come. Orderd on Wednesday.. But i live in The Netherlands so maybe thats why..
@JamieH Thanks anyway The link didn't work for me but I found someone via our streetpass community who let me log into his account and order it to my addess. So at least I get one.
@McRokert Yes, Germany gets most of the stuff from NL (my last VIP reward for example) and we don't have it either yet.
@McRokert Yes, Germany gets most of the stuff from NL (my last VIP reward for example) and we don't have it either yet.
@McRokert Yes, Germany gets most of the stuff from NL (my last VIP reward for example) and we don't have it either yet.
As far as I can tell I have had no e-mail but the link let me log in with my Club Nintendo details add it my shopping cart and then checkout with my Nintendo store account, and have just had a order confirmation e-mail. Wasn't going to try but pleased I did.
@Monsti Thats good Im glad you found a work around. Happy gaming
@Great_Gonzalez It was always going to happen. The best way they could have handled this is to announce the Ambassador edition and have people register their interest in getting one. Yes, you would still have people looking to make a profit but far less people who got an email and didn't even want one (wanted the XL or black version) and those people wouldn't be able to take advantage by buying one anyway and selling for profit. Plus there would be more chance of people like us who actually want it, getting one.
Notice North America, Nintendo-senpai...
@PinkSpider I was wondering the same this morning, having sent mine up last night for the first time... Anyone else noticed the same?
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