Bayonetta 2 was one of our favourite releases in 2014, the action exclusive on Wii U providing a frenetic, memorable experience. There are some positive teases ahoy from Platinum Games to excite those that enjoyed the sequel and its predecessor, in that case, courtesy of an update from senior figures that worked on the games.
Bayonetta 2 producer Akiko Kuroda wasted no time in stating a hope that we'll see something related to Bayonetta in 2015. We'd love it to be DLC, though it could just as easily be something like a new anime film.
We've already began working on the next project, but it seems like it'll be a little while longer until we can make an announcement. I hope that we can do something related to the Bayonetta series in 2015 as well, so please keep an eye out for more from Bayonetta!
In addition, it's also confirmed that the team responsible for Bayonetta 2 has kicked off a fresh project, though it'll be a while before it's shown; Bayonetta 2 director Yusuke Hashimoto added the following.
Currently, a new project is in progress! We're doing our best to develop something that will make you all say 'I want to play it!' and thank you for your continued support in 2015 as well!
What would you like to see, Bayonetta-related, in 2015? Do you think the odds are reasonable on Wii U DLC?
[source siliconera.com]
Comments 75
I'm currently playing through Bayonetta 2 for my first time, and I'm absolutely loving it. I'll take more Bayonetta in any form in 2015.
More Bayonetta in 2015?That sounds great.
Heck yeah! More Bayonetta (and Platinum) is always welcome!!!
Awesome! Can't wait to see what it is.
Hopefully these won't be the only Platinum releases on Wii U.
Bayonetta 2D game. Metroidvania, beat em up or anything 2,D.
Kinda increases the rumors of the 3DS Bayonetta spin off Kamiya said he was interested in developing. But maybe it's a new game or DLC, however the last time they said they are showing Bayonetta news it was that calander
Haven't played Bayonetta yet but definitely a game I want to purchase.
Bayonetta related or non-Bayonetta related, I would love to see more works from Platinum on the Wii U or even the 3DS. Scalebound being XONE exclusive is enticing.
Just got the double pack for Xmas so can't say too much yet but looks great so far. Anything that adds value to buying a Wii u is fine by me whether I'm keen or not.
side note....any chance of a lifetime sales roundup Nintendo life?? I'd be interesting to see what has been a 'success' on the console so far and how well the 3rd party titles stack up against each other now!?!(did project platinum work for example?)
That "next project" he's talking about is likely their Xbox One exclusive title. I don't expect to see anything else from Bayonetta, which is sad, as Bayonetta 2 finally convinced me this franchise can be really, really good as I really did not care for the first game.
It also helps that, perhaps ironically, the sexism was reduced and by giving Bayonetta some actual humanity and a hairstyle that actual human women would really wear, the character became that much more appealing all-around. I found her to be a grating, annoying, unrelatable stereotype in Bayonetta 1, but in Bayonetta 2, for the most part, she actually came across as a human being. Imagine that.
I'd love to see a third game. But I don't think Nintendo fans gave it the support it deserved.
Bringing the franchise to weaker hardware would be a big step back.
@Hero-of-WiiU you'll be surprised
I just got it for Christma and playing through the first one now. So far I'm enjoying it.
Kayima said he wanted a Jeanne game on the 3DS. Maybe the New 3DS?
Whatever it is, I want it.
Bayonetta 3! (Doubt it, but it would be awesome!)
Hashimoto made a great directorial debut, so anything from him is definitely welcome.
Bayonetta Smash Bros. DLC....that is all.
Anything platinum I'm hoping platinum is the new rareware of nintendo also would like to see divil may cry / bayonetta crossover and, or, either vanqish 2 with first like what done with Bayonneta and lastly w101 sequel see what Luka gets up to as new wonder red goggles lol new mad world for wiiU would be welcome but like I said anything from platinum for nintedo I'd welcome. They make one hell of a team w101 proved it lol
Bayonetta 3 should be saved as a Wii U successor launch title.
Hmmmm they should take their time and make Bayonetta 3 and keep the series going for Nintendo. I don't think dlc would do bayonetta 2 any good unless was multiplayer levels or co-op levels.
Couldn't stray from Action Platformer Genre, but a sub story involving Rosa or Rosa's past adventure would be nice.
Why exactly don't we have an anime yet?
There already is an anime!
My copy came today but believe it or not in actually playing watchdogs on wiiu, the online aspects are brilliant
@Poketendo What about the film they made?
I think the Bayonetta series will stay a Wii U/Nintendo exclusive given its relationship with Big N. I would be shocked to see a sequel before 2016, but certainly a DLC in 2015 would not be surprising.
And Y-E-S to Bay-amiib-o !!!
If its dlc, bring back the nun chucks from part 1 and put them in part 2. I miss those things. For anyone that doesn't know, you get them for playing 100 chapters in the original. They're awesome.
"We're doing our best to develop something that will make you all say 'I want to play it!' "
Oh, please, come on Platinum Games...isnt that a given by now ?
I grew up with Capcom games, was once the biggest Fan of them. And Platinum games is the embodyment of what i loved about Capcom back in the day (may be due to the fact that it consists of ex-capcom employees)
But seriously, Platinum is one of the best, if not the best dev when it comes to japanese action games. And im very grateful for the fact, that they seem to be one of the few japanese studios who didnt tried to "westernize" their IPs and thus, loose the one thing that made them stick out.
I would love to see how Cereza's parents got together. The second game made her father WAY more likable/respectable to me.
Still any chance to revisit that world is welcome...I wonder what her new outfit will be?
Yay, more Bayonetta wallpaper.
Sorry, I should've known not to raise my expectations about anything. I do hope it's related to Bayonetta 2, that was my second favorite game of the year.
Bayonetta 3
Bayonetta in Smash
Bayonetta 3DS
Bayonetta DLC
Bayonetta Amiibo
the possibilities are endless.
Bayonetta is awesome
Got the double pack for Christmas and was seriously regretting it. Popped that baby in and immediately fell in love with the game. I'm only a little ways into the first game but the worlds and the characters are sucking me right into the experience. I would love to see Bayonetta in Smash Bros!
I know this will be very unpopular on the Nintendo front but maybe this means Bayonetta 2 for Xbox One and PS4.
Amiibo DLC please!
Yes, hottie Bayonetta for the livingroom/shelf.
Yes, Bayonetta-3DS-Theme, YES!!!
An anime?I do not know a person who liked the story that much in a bayonetta game.I thought people just played it for the gameplay(And well,the obvious human reason)
(Personally never played the game,just going by word of mouth.)
No anime, please!
DLC PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Didn't you hear? He already denied Bayo 2 on Xbone and PS4.
Lol it's going to be Bayonetta 2 Definitive Edition on PS4 and XboxOne exclusively
Also, bring Bayonetta to Smash Bros! She'd be perfect in that game!
Realistically though, probably a new anime or some other non game related promotion
If that happens, I will sell my copy, and never buy another Platinum game again.
Edit; this is to your xbox1 and ps4 comment.
Anything would make me happy, but if I can dream wildly, I want Bayonetta 3 for Wii U, DLC of Bayonetta on Smash Bros and a Bayonetta Game on 3DS.
Maybe it'll be a different DIFFERENT spin-off for younger audiences called Bayonetta Bo0m!
I'm just kidding, it's really gonna be a Bayonetta bobblehead!!!
That's cool, Bayonetta 2 is a great game. I look forward to any game that Platinum makes. I'm sure Scalebound will turn out great on Xbox One.
Bayonetta 3DS/New 3DS?
Bayonetta Smash DLC?
Bayonetta 2 DLC?
Bayonetta 3!?!?!?
It still wouldn't sell because its not like COD
AMIIBO!!!!! YUMMY!!!!!!
Exactly, they can't handle Bayonetta, let alone understand it.
Bayonetta Mario Kart 8 DLC confirmed.
@Grumblevolcano Since the game was funded and made possible by Nintendo itself, that'll only happen if Nintendo opts to publish it for a rival console, which is so unlikely that we can call it impossible.
@kyuubikid213 haha then Mario kart would be rated m (;
@kidwalrus Probably just T. If they simply added Bayonetta as a racer, it wouldn't be that different from Cia in Hyrule Warriors. And besides that, Snake from Metal Gear (an M rated series) was in Brawl and THAT wasn't rated M. It was only even rated T because of the Wario Waft.
I'd like to see them change the lead character to something that looks cool. She looks like a librarian, sounds like storm from the xmen cartoons and generally looks appalling as a less character. Lara croft she is not.
It was the look of the character that swayed m away from its original release on ps3. I've only dipped into both now after playing metal gear revengeance and seeing what platinum can do.
And the music is disgusting. Devil may cry soundtrack was far more fitting for a game of this genre. The soundtrack to this game sounds more like every gay piece of music sega ever pushed into its arcade machines, all forces into one game. Dance music has no place in the music industry, never mind video games.
I'd still rate this game over 90% because the GAME is stunning. The soundtrack and character just take the shine off it. They are also both the same things that people mention when they see it running when I play it or after I've recommended it.
Flash some stuff when she "climaxes" may sound appealing and hilarious, but it does not detract from the general unappealing look of the character as a whole. For some people it will. The shallow people and teens.
@Grumblevolcano won't ever happen. That would be like Halo 1 being announced for PS4.
Desktop/callendar for the rest of the year.
@DiscoGentleman I do worry that you may be correct. For all they know this could be a Bayonetta game for the PS4.
Make Bayonetta a playable character in Smash Bros U!
@DESS-M-8 Not true and the proof comes from the N64 Banjo games. Those were published by Nintendo but ended up on 360 later on, as Platinum isn't owned by Nintendo then it could come to XB1/PS4 eventually.
@Grumblevolcano hahahahahaha. That is no way near the same. If Sony or Microsoft bought platinum and their intellectual properties then yes they could release it later. In the case of banjo you'd be talking over 10 years. Which won't be Xboxone anymore anyway
Hey, by all means, next time read my post before you make a foolish comment towards it. I said the sexism was reduced, and noted that a big part of that was by giving Bayonetta human emotions and a hairstyle that an actual human woman would realistically wear. Compare to the first game where her hair style is highly unrealistic for any woman to find interesting and is clearly born more of male fantasy.
Also, if Call of Duty is just for dudebros and manchildren, then Nintendo consoles are just baby boxes for small children. If you're going to run with idiotic stereotypes, you might as well adopt them all. Do you have any equally enlightening views on various minorities while you're at it?
You're grossly over-simplifying rights issues and seem to be assuming a blanket sameness for all games and all ownerships. Nintendo may have published several Rare games, but if Rare owned the property, then now MS owns whatever Rare owned--hence Killer Instinct on the Xbox One. Nintendo also did not own Rare outright, as it seems MS does now, as Nintendo merely owned a controlling stake in the company (something like 55% of the stock if I remember correctly). Nintendo publishing Banjo-Kazooie may have ended there concerning their rights with the game. Similar to how several games are published by different companies in different regions. For instance, Square-Enix actually handled the localization and publication of at least one Call of Duty game for Japan. Activision still owns it.
However, Nintendo funded and produced several games, which is why N64 Goldeneye 007 required such a hassle to end up on the X360, and then was ultimately dropped--because Nintendo backed out of a deal that required MS, Activision, and Nintendo to all come to an agreement. Kind of a duck move when you think about it, as supposedly MS and Rare had completed the HD upgrade of the original N64 Goldeneye. This later prompted Activision to simply do a remake of the game as they hold the Bond license.
Rare self-published several N64 games as well. On the case with Bayonetta 2, Nintendo funded and published the game, so even if MS or Sony bought Platinum (a highly unlikely event), they would still not have the rights to do what they want with Bayonetta 2 as Nintendo has some say in it. However, Nintendo does not have exclusive rights to the Bayonetta brand, which is still (at least according to this post on Platinum's boards: http://community.platinumgames.com/threads/1829-Bayonetta-intellectual-property-rights-100-still-owned-by-SEGA) owned by Sega.
Microsoft or Sony could buy Platinum games and Nintendo could still get Bayonetta 3. They'd just have a different developer handle it.
Bayonetta 2, again, is a special case as Nintendo funded development because Sega didn't want to. So Sega owns Bayonetta as an IP, but Nintendo has say over Bayonetta 2 specifically. It's a little like if Nintendo funded a Sonic game. Sega would still own it, but Nintendo would have a say in which platforms get the game.
Another point is that Nintendo fans like to think of The Last Story and Pandora's Tower as "Nintendo" games, but they aren't. Nintendo published them in Japan, but they weren't funded or anything else beyond that by Nintendo elsewhere. XSEED actually handled publication in the US of both of those games. Nintendo also published several Square-Enix games in the US, but that doesn't mean they own them. Bravely Default, if the series continues to be successful, may indeed go multiplatform in the future.
Rights and ownership are much more complex than you seem to think, and there is no blanket statement that describes them all equally. For a lot of games, they have clear ownership--Far Cry belongs to Ubisoft, for instance, and is made by the developers of their choice. But for most games, especially over long periods of time, rights need to be understood on a case-by-case basis. Ownership of the Homefront IP has now changed hands with three different companies, and it's rather unclear who may own several old Atari properties.
(Edit: I just double-checked, and it seems Nintendo had a hand in development of Pandora's Tower, so the game will likely have some befuddled rights issues in the future. What this usually means is that if you want the game, find it now for the Wii, because complicated rights issues usually mean the game is unlikely to ever be released again on another platform. See also: Project X Zone, which involved cooperation of Nintendo, Sega, Capcom, and Namco-Bandai, and was at least partially developed by Monolith Soft, who is owned by Nintendo!)
@Quorthon I disagree there. I think the Nintendo crowd have given the series the support it needed and missed on the PS3 and 360.
It's already at 500K sold, it took numerous discounts, deals and years to pass the million mark on the PS3.
I have seen no accurate numbers on Bayonetta 2's sales. Where do you get the 500,000 figure? I mean outside of Kotaku noting that the sales in Japan were depressingly low. I also don't think the original game sold a million on the PS3 alone, indeed, the PS3 version was notably the worst port of the game and likely the lowest-selling.
According to Wikipedia's 2011 reference, the combined sales of the first game only totaled 1.35 million. It's obviously unlikely to break a million on the Wii U, but I have doubts that it will actually be profitable.
I'm quite certain Xenoblade Chronicles X won't be profitable. They've been working on that thing for, what, 4, 5 years already?
@Quorthon http://www.vgchartz.com/gamedb/?name=Bayonetta
It's not 100% accurate down to the last copy sold, but it's good enough to get a ball-park range on where it's at.
The PS3 port is not as bad as people say it is, it's a bit rough, but I have it and I loved it. Even got the Platinum Trophy. I also don't pay any attention to Wikipedia articles, especially when it comes to tracking sales on anything. The links on that site are very rarely updated.
Do Nintendo only have rights to Bayonetta 2? I would think that a third game should be ordered and funded by Nintendo to keep her only on Nintendo consoles
Flappy bayonetta minigame: shake the gamepad to avoid demon walls and press a at a quicktime event to drop the panties.
Watch it sell a million times over!
Wikipedia is probably better for sales than VGChartz, which has been shown to make really insane guesses just to have web page hits. This Gamasutra analysis of the site (http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/109870/Analysis_What_VGChartz_Does_And_Doesnt_Do_For_The_Game_Biz.php) does not bode well for it. I used to use VGChartz a lot, but when new information comes in that is increasingly counter what I previously thought, I had to change my view.
VGChartz has a history of making pretty obvious guesses and constantly retracting numbers when actual information (such as from NPD) is released that proves them wrong. While it's good that they will change (at times) when known number prove them wrong, they also tend to fly fast and loose with numbers and have never been clear as to where they actually get their information.
@Quorthon That's a 2008 article, it really doesn't mean much today.
Like I said, "It's not 100% accurate down to the last copy sold, but it's good enough to get a ball-park range on where it's at."
I personally despise VGChartz and the all-knowing experts that use it. It's almost single handedly turned the video game community into zombies who only care about sales and think that they know what will and won't sell.
But it's the only site that provides a stable enough source.
There was this new game coming to Xbox One but I really wasnt to see another Platinum title on Wii U after two great ones.
@Luffymcduck As much as I'm looking forward to see Scalebound on Xbox One, I would love to see Platinum Games and Nintendo make a Bayonetta 2 spin-off with Jeanne as the main character.
Ha ha smash dlc was what he is talking about
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