Christmas is looming on the snow-covered horizon like a massive overstuffed turkey, but instead of exchanging gifts the big players in the video game hardware arena are talking trash about one another. At one end of the "Burn" scale there's Nintendo of America's Reggie Fils-Aime, who has recently stated that the Wii U offers better value for money than the PS4 and Xbox One. Fighting talk without a doubt, but delivered with a degree of decorum.
Sony's top staffers on the other hand are taking a rather more personal approach, publicly pouring scorn over the both the commercial and critical achievements of Nintendo's consoles during 2014. First up is Sony Computer Entertainment America President and CEO Shawn Layden, who clearly seems to have mislaid his copy of the worldwide sales figures for the Nintendo 3DS range before speaking to IGN:
I believe that Vita is the best handheld gaming experience, full stop, period. Nothing comes close to that. You can talk about your mobile, you can talk about your tablet, you can talk about, you know, Nintendo platforms or what have you in the handheld space. I think, pound-for-pound, buck-for-buck, Vita is the best gaming experience you can have.
Across the pond, Layden's Sony UK counterpart Fergal Gara waded in with even more Nintendo negativity when discussing the PS4's assault on the casual market — a market which he feels has been abandoned by the Wii U — with Red Bull:
I'd like it to continue with the innovation stream I just talked about, but also what we want to see in the next year or two is a bigger mass market play, shall we say. So in order to broaden and perhaps fill the void that's being left latent by, say, the Wii - which is a shadow of its former self. We need to have the kind of product that will engage that more casual consumer. I think that's a big opportunity for us, and that's not yet clear on the horizon, but something we should and I'm sure will be focused on as we look forward into year two, three and four.
Top executives talking up their own product is of course nothing new, but we can't help but feel that both Gara and Layden are being somewhat unfair to Nintendo's consoles here. Certainly, ignoring the incredible commercial performance of the 3DS and its library of solid-gold games strikes us as laughably blinkered — which is a shame, because not so long ago, Sony couldn't say enough good words about its rival. Goodwill to all men? Nope, this is what the Holiday season brings out in people.
[source, via]
Comments 236
I feel Ill from hearing the negativity!
The bit about the Wii brand being a shadow of its former self sounds like a pretty accurate statement if you ask me, but the legacy of the Wii consoles were almost bound to be entirely different from each other.
The Vita is a nice platform but sony has done an awful job at marketing it and now with there awful marketing it now has no games because the install base is small. Also where did the PSP Slim run off to? Its still only available in a bundle.
I have a Vita and I love it, but how can the President of Sony in America say that the Vita is the best handheld gaming experience when there are less games for the Vita than the Wii U. I'm also a Wii U owner and it's currently my favourite home console, only being beaten by my 3 3DS consoles.
I have a Vita and a Vita hasn't been turned on for months yet my 3DS gets almost daily use...but thats just me.
insert Tidus laugh here Who needs friendly competition when you got someone as negative as that. I like Nintendo & Sony, but there's no reason to be like that. The Vita may have the power, but it lacks interesting variety and exclusives found within the 3ds family. Not to mention they even said they would put "no more first party games" on the vita. Kinda conceited if you ask me.
That's what Reggie gets for insulting the competition. I thought SEGA was the only one that insulted the competition, but I guess not.
I just hope we don't get a PS commercial of some guy shooting a Wii U with a rifle, or a Wii U commercial of some guy throwing an XBox One out the window.
Ok, yes the wii is no longer what it was. BUT THE 3DS! I'm sorry when was the last 1st party game release on the vita? crickets chirp and how about 3rd party even more.... sorry but I think 3ds wins in handheld. While ps4 wins in household due to the third party and first. The wiiu is another "only for nintendo fans" console I wish it wasn't but it is.
@MegaManEP3 it's definitely not just you. : (
I've got both systems as well and my Vita currently has no charge because I frankly haven't had any reason to even charge it in quite a long time because I was never using it.
I really enjoyed Gravity Rush but not all that much else besides a few indie games that only set me back a few dollars and only lasted a few hours.
Basically, Sony can tell me the Vita is better than the 3DS all they want, but I'm not going to believe it until they actually SHOW me it with some solid and constant quality releases.
Seriously, is Sony even still supporting it? When and what is their next big game for it? I seriously haven't got a clue.
Why the need to bash specific devices/consoles, Sony? You're already making billions with the PS4 selling well, there's no need to be an arrogant guy in a suit that laughs at the competition. Ugh. Both handhelds are completely different and are good on their own.
The Vita has nothing going for it. You can't even say it's on life support at this point.
3DS better than Vita, PS4 better than Wii U. I own all of those except for vita. Nintendo is awesome and I bought a PS4 for Persona 5, KH3, and FF15
I love my 3DS more than any other system I've ever played; handheld or otherwise. The PSVita doesn't interest me one bit. And the only reason the PSP interests is because of Birth By Sleep.
"With friends like these, who needs enemies?"
Like I've said time and time again, I need 10+ games and a collectable value of 100 hours before I buy another console. my 3DS is starting to shape up its bulk of games too. Sorry, but the Vita isn't worth it for me, not even for the value of Region Free.
These comments aren't nearly as harsh or scornful as the topic title suggests.
But it is weird for SCEA to talk up the Vita when Sony doesn't even support the Vita anymore. It would be like Reggie talking up the Wii, and it's pretty well blatantly wrong that any Sony product is servicing an audience that the Wii no longer has. Soccer moms are all playing the newest fad on their phone now, not on a PS4.
Vita is better for indie games sure but I don't see how anybody could argue that its games lineup is better than 3DS, in that respect there really is no contest.
Vita is a more capable platform, 3DS has more & Better games. Games always wins by a landslide.
Sony heard Reggie so they quickly thought of comeback without applying logic
Everyone talks about Sony not supporting the Vita, but has anyone noticed Sony doesn't really support the PS4? I admit I may buy a PS4 for Arkham, but I could very easily buy an XB1 for the same, and Microsoft are at least attempting to secure 1st and 3rd party exclusives for their console, unappealing to me but still doing more than Sony. Nintendo lost a lot of fans with the original Wii due to lack of games support, I wonder wrapped up in console sales figures if Sony is forgetting it needs unique, stand out games to KEEP their customers. Fact: Nintendo and MS are made to work hard for our money and wow us. Theory: Sony are getting lazy and arrogant?
This and the Reggie thing posted on the same day? Surely no one expects either of these parties to have any other stance than the ones they are being paid to have?
Wait!!!!! So Sony is finally acknowledging the existence of the Vita?
@Dipper723 what was Reggie's insult to the competition? I must have missed that one.
Reggie said this two days ago, NintyLife is just posting it today.
Okay. I wanted a Vita, but there wasn't (and still isn't) enough to convince me to get one. I really would like one. It's a neat system, but there just isn't enough support for it. That's the problem I see with the Vita. When the consumer (me for instance) wants a product, but upon examining it finds that it's not worth their time or money, there's sort of a problem with the product. On the other hand, he didn't exactly say that the Vita was better than the 3DS. He just listed some examples and then said "I think the Vita is the best."
In my opinion though? Fire Emblem Awakening. Trump card.
@Emblem Breaking news! The president of the United States thinks the United States is awesome! Source
Neither comments are a big deal. Sony should say they have the best product in the Vita and the casual market is where the money is made so you want to get as much of that as you can.
Wii is a shadow of its former self.....because its now old and barely supported and Wii U has struggled so if you are Sony of course you want some of that 100 million market.
At least for 3ds I have many exclusives that Sony never had on the Vita, and I don't have to pay for an SD card when I pay money to get a system I kinda want to play.
I go to BestBuy once a week. I go to Target about half that often.
I've worked in software companies for many years now, where 90-100% of my co-workers are diehard gamers.
I've never seen a Vita without saying the words "I've never seen a Vita", and even then, it only happened twice.
Are we SURE the Vita exists?
Seriously, why. I know it's blah blah Nintendo blah blah whatever. Why.
Everything people like this say is just PR stuff. This carries no more weight than Reggie saying that the Wii U is the best.
Oh come on, Sony. Yes the Wii sucks and you're right about that. But don't pretend like the Vita is touching the 3DS any time soon.
@MrGawain They don't have to, the PS4 has won on marketing by a landslide due to Microsoft tripping over itself before launch. PS4 being cheaper and "focused on games" is what allowed it to win, when things slow down expect some big hit titles to work there way out.
I agree with you. Sony is not even making AAA titles on Vita and their PS3 support is (understandably) dwindling too. So logic would dictate that they are putting a lot of exclusive games in their high selling new console. Where are they?
The abandonment of the Vita actually is making me hesitant to ever get another Sony console. And of course Scalebound and Sunset Overdrive are helping on that decision too.
Let me check, er, uh, no, 3DS still is the best selling portable console so...
I have 3DS, iPhone, Vita. Two of those get carried around with me everyday.
IMO, Sony is to Nintendo what Pepsi is to Coke; a company that won't pass up an opportunity to down-talk their competitor, even though their own product is inferior.
Geez.... As an owner of a 3DS and a Vita, I hate to say this, but as much as I love my Persona 4 Golden Machine (not really good for much else), My 3DS has INFINITELY more playtime on it, and that's not changing any time soon.
Edit: By saying "I hate to say this" I am lying, 3DS dominates.
He is somewhat right. The Vita has better graphics and is a better media player than the 3DS. However the 3DS is better in terms of gameplay and game library which is what really counts since they are both called handheld gaming platforms.
Also, he's talking about the... Wii??????? The console that had XENOBLADE, SIN AND PUNISHMENT 2, THE LAST STORY, PANDORA'S TOWER, TWILIGHT PRINCESS, MARIO GALAXY 1 AND 2, SMASH BROS, AND THE ENTIRE GAMECUBE LIBRARY??? Hardly a "shadow of it's former self" if you ask me! Unless he's talking about the Wii U.... Which means he derped up big time.
The only thing Vita has ggot for it is remote play for ps4 games, 3ds has a massive a rich library of games, and Nintendo keeps updating 3ds. whilst sony couldn't give a crap about vita.
@jjmesa16 Let's be honest, better graphics or better games? Not that 3DS isn't capable of awesome graphics.. Resident Evil Revalations and Shin Megami Tensei IV come to mind.
im sorry but "I believe that Vita is the best handheld gaming experience, full stop, period. Nothing comes close to that. You can talk about your mobile, you can talk about your tablet, you can talk about, you know, Nintendo platforms or what have you in the handheld space. I think, pound-for-pound, buck-for-buck, Vita is the best gaming experience you can have." is just bull iv had a vita from relece day (as i have a 3DS) And i berly toch the thing... its only berly playable now as i got a grip thing (the Vitas shape made my hands cramp witch is odd as Nothing has done befor...) and imo one of the only decent games on it Is SoulSacrfice Delta (and looking atit Freedome Wars witch i want to get) iv played far far more on my 3DS ...
Oh and thats not even mentioning the total RIPOFF that is the Vita's Memory cards!
The article is click bait. Anybody with ANY wits can see that. Nowhere in the interview was the Vita compared to the 3DS.
I love my Vita, play it about everyday.
While I do own both and I have been playing my Vita more then I have my 3ds as of late.
Sony has done a piss poor job on marketing it. If they feel their product is better then bloody advertise it. Make some AAA games for it. I know you just released Freedom wars (need to pick it up) but at this stage in it's release I would have expected to have seen more. The only reason to get a vita is that if you like Japanese ganes and RPG which was the main reason I picked it up.
I would have given sony the benefit of the dough with the vita after a year (like Nintendo with the 3ds) to turn things around but they didn't (like Nintendo with the wii u) and fail to advertise it and now it is more of a niche console to own.
Only good games the Vita has are RPGs and Visual novels and those are not even as good to the 3DS exclusive RPGs and Visual novels (yes the 3DS has some).
Only good game that is worth buying the Vita for is P4G and now the 3DS has PQ so not even that anymore.
I want a vita, but I think I will even end up using more my 3DS than it.
This is laughable considering that Sony has completely trashed any hope for growth with the Vita. The Vita I admit is very nice when it comes to resolution but there has been no major progress in developing for the handheld. They even said at this year's E3 that Sony has no plans to give Vita anymore First party titles as well as further putting a nail in its coffin with PS TV.
I love my Vita and my 3ds but the lather has had more growth in its entire existence than the former has.
Whaha they clearly haven't held one in their hands EVER. Vita is awesome but 3DS is absolutely killing it. 3DS's sales compared to Vita show people don't care about console games on a handheld.
There are tons of reasons to get both: 3DS has 3D, Virtual Console, amazing 1st party and eShop titles and street pass. Vita has lots of indies, PS+, cross-buy, Remote Play and PSP/PS1 games.
Then how come anyone rarely cares about a PS Vita?
Oh I's better than the 3DS
If you're gonna say the Vita is better, at least state some points why you think so, Sony. kthxbai
@Iggly They did..oh wait...they didn't
@AyeHaley Correction: PSP,Ps1 and indies are good
Vita not. <.<
He can think whatever he wants. That still isn't going to change how an individual feels about any of them. I feel like Wii U has more worthwhile games than PS4, so that's why I have it over that. There's just some stuff you can't get on PS4, and it's basically like 70% of the Wii U's library.
Yeah I mean the vita has like...
hold up... it has... um... that one game... I think... uh and there is that... one game... that uhhh... wait.
There aint squat on the vita. Lol.
"You're entitled to your educated opinion; without it, its just fart bubbles and hot hair."
@B3ND3R Agreed. In my opinion the 3DS is better because of the quantity and quality of the games available. The amount of quality 3DS games puts the Vita to shame, and that's not including all of the awesome DS games.
On the topic of the Wii. The Wii reaches out many gamers with so many different game genres (mature games are somewhat hard to find though). With the Wii being backwards compatible, it makes the game library even better with a great selection of Gamecube titles. I'm still not sure why Sony and Microsoft refuse to make their consoles backwards compatible. Also I'm not sure how you can say that Wii brand is bad, when the Wii outsold the PS3 by almost 20%.
Innovation: something new or different introduced.
Tell me how the Playstation Move was more innovative than the Wii's motion controls.
So again which is better, graphics (PS3/PS4) or games (Wii/Wii U)? Like most people I choose games, which is why I own a Wii, 3DS, and Wii U.
Note: I'm not saying that all Sony and third-party games are bad, I just think that Nintendo games offer better gameplay and replay value. That's my personal opinion.
For one I loved the PSP it was one of the greatest handheld portables I've ever owned. The Vita on the other hand is a joke, there's virtually nothing for that system besides a few notable games like Y's, Gravity Rush, and Tales of Hearts. Other than that the Vita only has obscure JRPG's which most are mediocre, and ports from the PS3.
I'm not really seeing their point. The VITA is a nice piece of hardware, but it has no direction or feature that would say "awesome game experience", because performance isn't indicative of that. It lacks an intriguing theme. Sure, it has front and back touchpad, but touchscreens aren't really new, and the backside pad is actually unfitting, because it denies hand-to-eye coordination, making it very imprecise. In fact, many games use it as a secondary shoulder button substitute. In addition to that, it's uncomfortable to hold when a game makes use of it.
The library also lacks titles that really speak to a wider audience, instead focusing on smaller, more dedicated communities, which I find really cool, actually, but doesn't help the VITA amass a proper consumer base. It's somewhat hard for the average gamer to find a good amount of appealing titles that are fun to come back for.
I won't deny the VITA having potential, but this potential is just wasted on a lack of direction and large-scale appeal. And by now, praising the VITA for things it cannot achieve is like beating a dead horse. Gara and Layden bite off far more than they can chew, and they're very close to choking on their words, seeing how the biggest active consumer base is japan, where mobiles and 3DS dominate gaming without mercy.
@Dipper723 He never insulted competition, he just stated why Wii U is the best choice.
This feels a tad bit insulting but definently worse than what Reggie ever said.
He does know that his company has completely abandoned the vita right, or have they not broken the news to him yet that it is a failure.
The Vita is much more powerful then the 3DS, it has a better form factor that fits better into your hands, it has the ability to play movies as well as playing games. The Vita is a great system in every single category expect the one that matters most, and that's games.
The 3DS blows the Vita out of the water when it comes to games, and it has support the Vita could only dream of. Which is a shame, since the PSP was such a great handheld and that did have Sony's support.
The Vita does not even have Sony supporting it.
I think the Vita has the best hardware out of any handheld on the market today. Its just a damn shame that hardware is wasted and not being taken advantage of. All the power and features in the world is worthless if there aren't any games to play on a system.
And that is the category where the 3DS beats the Vita hands down.
Ehh. I think the Wii U's a better deal, it's a lot cheaper and has quite a few exclusives. Vita is probably more powerful, but that doesn't mean jack squat. The nintendo 64 was more powerful than it's competition, had tons of amazing, breakthrough games that are being remade to this day, but still sold like crap. The key is mostly in marketing. Vita's marketing was bad, so it sold poorly. PS4 had great marketing, so it sold well. Wii U had bad marketing, so it sold poorly.
Whenever these companies assume that the console will magically sell itself it costs them a ton in potential revenue.
Nothing to get flustered over, of course they're going to say that. It's their job.
No need to feel threatened when we know it's not true, they know it's not true, and the consumer knows it's not true.
As for the Wii, he's right. The Wii U is indeed a small shadow of the once almighty Wii. HOWEVER, the Wii was so great because the mass casual audience supported it. So while it was a smashing success, it left much to be desired for gamers like us. Ironically, while Wii U leaves much to be desired as far as commercial success is concerned, it's loaded with core software specifically designed for the habitual gamer.
I'll take core software and little sales over sales and little core software any day.
Did you even read what was said? Where was the 'ten year old insult'? This was the direct quote...
I believe that Vita is the best handheld gaming experience, full stop, period. Nothing comes close to that. You can talk about your mobile, you can talk about your tablet, you can talk about, you know, Nintendo platforms or what have you in the handheld space. I think, pound-for-pound, buck-for-buck, Vita is the best gaming experience you can have.
They didn't say anything bad about Nintendo. There were no insults. There wasn't even a direct comparison. They said they feel the Vita is the best handheld console available. That is all. How is that worse than what Reggie said? It's not.
That was absolutely unnecessary here. Don't do it again -Lz
"...this is what the Holiday season brings out in people." Couldn't have said it better, Damo.
Sony's Butthurt
@andrea987 I thought the holiday season was supposed to bring joy and happiness to all. I guess not.
Good corporate speak.
The Vita had an opportunity. MANY OPPORTUNITY'S, but they never used them. The Vita has amazing features, but an extremely small amount of "Good Games". Just a bunch of cheap decent indie games. Sony doesn't even support the Vita. The 3ds has far more games and features that are better.
For me anyway only 60fps games are worth considering which discounts most stuff on the 3DS or that Sony has. (Wii U is much better).
There are no valid excuses whatsoever for the PS4 not being 60fps all the time. (I refuse to believe the people making these games do not realise that it is always better).
@Dipper723 Reggie didn't insult it, he said the value the Wii U bundle offers is better and he was right. The current price drops on the other consoles are only for the holidays. The Xbox One $50 price drop will go back up in January. Take it from a person with a PC, Xbox One and Wii U.
Only Wii U will have Splatoon. . .Period.
Only 3DS has a gorgeous 3d function - oh, and we get a PAL NEW ads upgrade this week (importing). Also, in Japan - you never see Vitas on the Subways - everyone has a 3ds! My GF got a Vita then carried on playing her 3ds religiously lol
Sometimes I think I am the only one in the world that loves my Vita and think it of my favourite gaming system. I love the countless rpg games and fighting games that it has and I can play my favourite psp (another personal favourite) and psone games on it. Also it has the best screen and controls I have seen. Of course I would love a new Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Final Fantasy or Castlevania, like what happened in psp, but I can bear without them.
I love my 3ds as well, I like Layton, Ace Attorney and Pokemon but it feels way outdated compared to the screen and web capabilities of the Vita. It may be that Ninty franchises don't appeal to me as they used to but that's a different story.
As for the second comment I enjoy the Wii U way less than the original Wii and my PS4. When I mostly play VC games something is clearly wrong.
So basically, one guy ignored every fact out there and pushed the Vita, and the other guy said Sony's trying to get the casual market the Wii had, the same market many Playstation fans hated... What were these guys trying to accomplish?
Sigh.... Let me not lie, I want to play Gravity Rush, Tearway and LBP, but after that, what? 3DS all the way.
The Wii is a shadow of its former self though. That is not an insult, it's a fact. It's no different then Nintendo saying the same thing about the PS2, or the Xbox. Also, I've never heard a ten year old use the phrase "shadow of its former self" as an insult either...but I am the dumb one, right?
Would you make the argument that the Wii is just as popular today as it was five years ago? Is it even being manufactured anymore? Are there still a bunch new games coming out for it? Does Nintendo still actively promote it?
So yes, its safe to say, its "a shadow of its former self". There is nothing at all insulting about that phrase, let alone in the context in which it was used.
Take the time to get past the sensational headline, and actually read the quotes in question. There was nothing insulting said.
Looks at upcoming games list for 3DS Sees Majora's Mask 3D Yep, 3DS already has the Vita beat. Truth be told, the Vita seems like an interesting handheld that may be worth a purchase at some point...
That the 3DS beats the Vita goes without saying, but I can't think of a single reason to own a PS4.
Well obviously the Vita is more powerful but which is better depends entirely on the player. It's subjective. I have a white Vita, a red Soul Sacrifice Japanese Vita, and a red 3DS XL. I actually like them all equally, and I have almost all the best games on each system. I mean sometimes I want an HD console experience like Killzone or Borderlands (which BTW there are no more blockbusters coming to Vita). But at the same time, Sony has NOTHING on Mario Kart 7. It all depends on the player.
@VolcanoFlamesNL Tearaway and LBP are both WAY overrated, don't bother with them. Tearaway is painfully short and LBP is drab, at least the Vita version is. Gravity Rush is awesome though it is short, but it's so old now that it's on discount.
Vita is awesome. What's not awesome is Sony's lack of support for it (and those horribly-priced memory cards). I'd say Vita and 3DS are equal in terms of enjoyability. Though, Vita currently has more games holding my interest (NEPTUNE).
But anyway, these Sony folks be pretty damn aggressive.
@MikeLove I wouldn't say a shadow of it's former self. More like, I find the Wii U to be more interesting, that's all. Before the Wii U released, the only game I played was Mario Kart Wii, for a solid 2-3 straight years, no joke...
@AVahne Wii U had a similar problem last year with very little support from Nintendo going into it, however, Nintendo is fixing and has fixed quite a bit of the Wii U problem, but Sony unfortunately is not sorting things out with Vita. I feel bad for the Vita because it was the brainchild someone and is getting pushed aside by the company that created it...
@Dipper723 Reggie didn't insult the competition though, he stated why Wii U was the better option moneywise to get. It's exactly what Sony are doing here, they are simply trying to get people to buy the Vita, nothing more, except the part about the Wii, that was a bit of a low blow...
@TwilightV At least it seems like Wii U has a chance...
"I believe that Vita is the best handheld gaming experience, full stop, period."
He forgot to say "If you're on drugs".
@StitchScout I wouldn't even say crickets even chirp for that question.
Quick question! Isn't the so called Vita absolute
That's why Sony's churning out all those first party Vita games then! Right, Shawn?
@MrGawain Sony has a ton of 3rd parties to make games on PS4. I guarantee, the PS4 will be littered with shovelware that Wii was constantly recieving last generation. Why? because it will be the best selling current gen console...
@mariovslink62 Meaning???
@TrueWiiMaster Lack of logic...
I know this is just corporate talk and all that, but why talk it up so much when Sony's pretty much given up on it? The Vita still gets some localized JRPG releases but Sony themselves has said they won't support it with games like Killzone and Uncharted...
For the record I like my Vita, I prefer 3DS but this is just silly even coming from a Sony employee. If this is supposed to be some sort of "comeback" from what Reggie said earlier, than.. swing and a miss.
@drewb0203 Indeed, Vita could have been SO MUCH MORE than what it ended up as...
If Vita is better, then why is Sony abandoning it?
Well, at least there is a Wii brand to be a "shadow of it's former self." Sony has no brand in the handheld market. Both the PSP and Vita have been failures.. Especially the Vita, which even Sony themselves have given up on. Sad, because the Vita is a nice piece of hardware, but Sony has completely botched it. Big time fail.
Nintendo may no longer be the king of video games, but they also have the distinct honor of being the ONLY company to be successful in BOTH the home console and handheld/portable markets. Many have tried to take Nintendo's crown in the handheld arena over the years, but none have succeeded. It's really quite impressive.
Lol at the Vita saltiness! Seriously guys, if you thought it was better, you would put triple A titles on it!
@ObviouslySheik Ah.. I know about the GR length issue... but I think that sums up my point. Vita may have impressive tech, but the 3DS is king, hands down.
Say what you want about the Wii brand but saying the PS Vita is better than the 3DS is pretty delusional lmao.
I will say this about the comments. Sony obviously doesn't know about the new 3ds and new 3ds xl which might just have superior graphics then psv and is still considered a 3ds.
To everyone, despite the headline and "insulting" comments, let's not insult each other. If you don't agree with Sony, just say "nay" and move on.
Anyone else laugh while reading this?
Or am I just a "fanboy"?
I think the Vita really is the perfect handheld experience. Nice screen, great controls, lots of cool features...
Yet my Vita is gathering dust in a drawer, while my 3DS has a dedicated space next to where I sleep. You can beat Nintendo for hardware, but you just can't beat em for games.
Ah, the holidays.
If I could only have one console/mobile handheld ever, it might just be the 3ds. We'll see what Nintendo's next iteration will be, but until then...
I wish I could afford a Vita... So that I could buy a bunch of 3DS games!
The Vita is a joke, a port- and indie-portable at most. Keep losing those billions Sony, and hope that your apologists in the gaming media remain loyal.
LOLZ!! I couldn't agree more!
I love a good PS game, but there's no reason for Sony to be such A-holes.
See more on Know Your Meme
@StitchScout How does PS4 win in home consoles? It has nothing but overhyped (read: disappointing in the end) games. And ports.
Tons and tons of ports. Available in every single console.
Lesson of the day, get a PC.
Okay, okay, you can kick the Wii U when it's down. I love it, but I know it hasn't been a huge commercial success. But the 3DS is awesome. I don't think there's been a system with as many deep, interesting, and diverse titles as that one since the Super Nintendo. For whatever reason, RPG makers love the handheld systems. I mean, Fire Emblem and Smash Bros. alone are enough to keep me busy for an entire gaming generation. I've been wanting to buy Bravely Default forever, but have too much else to play to get to it!
Seriously, pound for pound, the 3DS has become one of Nintendo's best ever systems, and I've been in the game since the NES. I've long given that title to SNES, but 3DS is gunning for it.
@vio Even more impressive that the 3DS has still been successful in the face of a massive revolution in handheld gaming in the form of phones and tablets. It was easy for the Game Boy to be king when there were at most a few marginal competitors. That may have been true up to the DS. But the 3DS has faced more headwinds than probably any system in Nintendo's history.
Well, what is he supposed to say? "Even though the 3DS is miles better than our handheld and clearly offers more to gamers, you should still buy ours because its more powerful and we want your money"?
I had a Vita but I never used it so I sold it to get money to buy a Wii U back in March. I've never once regretted that descision.
Is this why the Vita sells about 10% of what the 3DS sells?
>best gaming experience for the buck
pick one.
@Takerkaneanite6 Yeah, even if it's not everyone's go to system you'd have to be insane to think the Wii U isn't doing well anymore. And things are only looking to get better for it.
Vita is a nice piece of hardware but it has no software. I like to have a good ten or fifteen games I really want on a console before I invest and Vita doesn't have that. Neither does Xbox One or PS4. Wii U and 3DS are great machines with incredible content. If only Nintendo would tell people.
Yeah....well, at least Japanese game development for the Vita is healthy. It's still a great machine for people who love Japanese games.
No software that appeals to you, really. I personally have more retail software for my Vita than I do for my 3DS, but I love both systems equally. Now if only the 3DS was as comfortable to hold as the Vita Slim.
Sony: PS Vita Is Better Than 3DS And The Wii Brand Is A "Shadow Of Its Former Self"
Specs wise the Vita is better than the 3DS, who's hardware is very outdated. Game library wise, probably favoring the 3DS, in number at the very least.
The Wii brand is a a shadow of it's former self, through a miscalculation of Nintendo's own doing. The Wii U was designed not to appeal to hardcore gamers, but to appeal to the causal market the Wii thrived on but lost almost completely to smartphone games, but the casual market didn't come back when the Wii U was released, and they still haven't. They are NEVER coming back. I can only hope Nintendo accepts this fact and moves on.
We can only hope Nintendo's next system isn't the "New Wii U".
Seriously? I thought these guys were actually respectable people, but no, they had to say something out of a hater on the internet.
Also, these guys really need to hear what they say when they talk about their own dead beat console. I mean I own the Vita and love it a lot, but the only reason I got it was because of Persona 4 Golden. Sony should've at least made a few games on the darn thing, but no, they let the Vita depend all on the 3RD party/indies to save the console.
That's why New 3DS is going to be a thing, so Nintendo can have some more powerful hardware in there. The New 3DS will also have DLNA PC data management, 3D visual tracking, and NFC. That means PS Vita still doesn't have some of the stuff New 3DS will have, or we can go to 3DS and still have 3D or SD cards. Sony isn't offering that stuff, and it matters to people, It's the same reason why people are choosing Android over iPhone, except in the this case, Nintendo is actually doing better, which is why they can make New 3DS a thing, in the first place.
Also. Wii U is supposed to appeal to everyone. Alot of people are saying that either "hardcore" Nintendo fans are buying it, or that it appeals to casuals. It can't be both, or either, because people saying either one contradicts the other opinion.
This just in: OPINIONS!!
I sold my VITA. it had 2 good games. Gravity Rush and Persona4
I have curbed my Sony hate slowly but surely over the last year and even picked up a Vita and PS3. The Vita is a nice system, but I only own 4 games, and those I enjoy. The main reason I play it is for the free content that comes from PS+ which of my countless downloads 3 were actually fun. The system is great, but the quantity of quality games is lacking. I am sure my "fanboyism" plays a role but I log waaaaay more time on the 3DS and I can't even catch up my backlog when another "must have" game comes out for it. Wii thing may be true, but I love my WiiU as well.
Eh, comments didn't really strike me as that harsh. The Vita should be excellent, but it never got the support it needed. And Sony could damn with faint praise by saying the Wii U is the perfect secondary console to the PS4. It would be true for one, and it would send the message I think they're going for.
I seem to remember some arrogance from Sony when the PS3 was heading to market, about how they could charge whatever they wanted because it was what true gamers wanted. I hope they don't go back to that mindset. We need robust, diverse gaming choices, and we don't need all 3 shooting themselves in the foot: Microsoft with their launch debacle, Sony ignoring the handheld market , where they always should have been killing but never have, and Nintendo with anything considered marketing.
@Vineleaf - You are very right, except that they were actually charging less than what it cost to make PS3. HDMI, having a full PS2 in there, Linux, etc was very expensive at the time. It cost them like over $800, IIRC, to make the thing, then their arrogance thought people would pay $600, in hopes of selling alot of software.
Sony basically burnt a ton of money, especially once they had to drop the price. They just couldn't compete with Xbox 360's price and more accessible hardware.
EDIT; It was ambitious, yet arrogant. It's like the story of Icarus flying too close to the sun, but surviving. PS4 is a different story.
@Yorumi but most of the games that the Vita are ports though. 3DS has a really great game library. I was thinking of getting a Vita but not with the games it has and those memory cards horrendous.
That sony even remembers their own systems to compare them to others is exceptional.
I mean, they have pretty much the worst supportet plattforms out there. PSN is a mess, the regional differences on the PSN Store are a joke and, well, their current line up consists of "smash hits" like Drive Club, a game so hyped and praised, that i still wasnt able to go online with a game made for online play....on servers where you pay for access....on a console which only innovations are "stuff with internet...and stuff"
Sony, youre a joke. Before attacking others who are doing far better, try to get your own stuff together.
Vita better than the 3DS?
Uh, last I checked, wasn't there some lame-brained petition to get Smash Bros. on the Vita?
Didn't Reggienator start off the fight a few days ago?
Now he just got something in return.
But do I understand that Sony guy right? Sony is now copying Nintendo's last gen strategy to get casuals on board and that's the reason why they have the better console at the moment?
Nintendo has already released the most innovative and most comfortable console with loads of amazing exclusives and other great games plus they're always looking for the next fun innovations they can bring to gaming (and yes, I'm aware Nintendo is still not perfect), but Sony goes back to 2006 to copy the success of Wii? Flattering! Why don't they go back and copy the success of the PS2?
You know it's christmas soon when the console wars begin.
Delusional Sony at its best.
@Takerkaneanite6 That's some pretty expensive shovelware when you think about it. The potentially higher dev costs may make it not very cost effective to put out shovelware compared to the Wii. Not to say it won't get shovelware, but chances are it'll be less percentage-wise.
@unrandomsam Really? I'm actually surprised. I thought with the hardware they have in place for the PS4 there shouldn't be any issues at all running at 60fps.
Wow... I'm a PlayStation guy but I'm definitely not one of those corporate nut-hugging wh*res and quite frankly if I were somebody working in the PlayStation division with the way this year has played out, I'd shut the hell up. If it weren't MS' own idiocy things would be going much differently. With the exceptions of inFamous: Second Son and the very niche MLB 14 The Show, none of its exclusives were great, the best one was actually a re-release of a PS3 game. Now, MS has the re-release problem as well but at least we got Forza Horizon 2 and Sunset Overdrive for X1 this year. DriveClub was a fail, people were jumping off the ship left and right earlier in the year and the company as a whole is still bleeding money. The PS4 did have some games worth playing this year but they were all third party multiplats. This isn't the PS2 days anymore, PS4 may be front running now but there are a lot of variables that could reverse this situation next year. What these corporate clowns need to do is zip it, enjoy the success and try to work on ways to maintain it. The exclusive lineup for next year isn't exactly impressive with only Uncharted 4 and Bloodborne seeming worth it. Complacency appears to have set in, and that's never a good thing.
The whole comment about Vita being the best handheld is just too stupid for words. Say you're proud of your product, understandable, business PR, and leave it at that. I like the Vita as well but it doesn't even come close to the 3DS.
The Vita has a couple of fantastic games (I loved Gravity Rush for instance and 100%'d it, including all the DLC) but better than the 3DS? Only in terms of specs and (largely useless/not used much) features. The 3DS absolutely destroys the Vita in terms of it's software library. It's not even close.
The Wii brand is a shadow of it's former self, sure. But look at those preorders for Smash Bros U, Sony. and still quite a lot of great looking announced games to come. Sure, the PS4 will continue to dominate, but I don't think Sony will get those casual gamers that Nintendo lost either, they're gone....they've moved onto tablets and smartphones now.
And I think it's also pretty fair to say that the Xbox brand is a shadow of it's former self as well. I'm not sure how they're marketing the XO in the USA but here in the UK Microsoft are practically giving it away at the moment, £329 with Halo Master Chief Collection and Forza 5 is just one of the many deals doing the rounds.
Okay, the statement about the Vita being better than the 3DS is complete and utter crap - it's nothing more than jealousy that the 3DS holds a 35 million unit lead or so.
But some truth lies in the "Wii brand is a shadow of its former self" statement. Let me just get it out of the way that the Wii U is an incredible gaming system with amazing games and is 100 times better than the original Wii ever was, to me. I'd recommend the Wii U to anyone in a heartbeat. But the facts cannot be denied - the Wii brand name really has slipped away. We're two years into the Wii U's lifespan and people still don't know what it is. And all those people that bought the Wii clearly aren't flocking back to the Wii U. The Wii U is a totally different animal - sure it has every reason to essentially be "Wii 2," as it really is - as much as we hate to admit it - not much more than an upgrade, but at the current time, the Wii U and the Wii are two VASTLY different consoles in terms of the content offered and the gameplay possibilities. Sure we have all the same series that we've always had, but they've evolved, and in some cases, the casual side has started to slip away - the side that defines the Wii name.
Essentially, the Wii U does not live up to the Wii name. That does not mean the Wii U is a bad console - just inappropriately named.
So basically, the first statement from Sony is complete and utter crap, but the second one does hold some relevance.
I wouldnt call it negativity as much as i would call it a fair exchange. He's responding to a bunch of crap reggie said in the story under this one.
A company figurehead cant say that their product is a better value and expect their competition's ceo's to just be like 'yeah, he's right. We kind of suck, honestly.' Tit for tat and etc.
Yeah I'm almost positive you can't have a VIta and say that.
Honestly, I feel people's tastes are just at a minimum. You can never say Wii U has more games unless the count is actually over the VIta. Which I feel is not true especially when you count Japanese and US territory. Heck, even the western territory with it's stateside releases of Japanese games still has a ton of games. Play more games =/
HAHAAHAH Yeah. Well I can't believe companies are subtly taking jabs, or speaking up for their product in competition! Oh nuuuu!! Gracious me!! It's....NOT FAIR LOLOLOL
COme on now. "not fair"? LOL How can you be so butthurt when Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony always take jabs at each other. No matter how "friendly" they are, they are still rivals. Nintendo (Reggie) JUST made a comment about X1 and PS4 being similar and that was way more direct than this. At least the SOny rep mentioned it as a viable portable gamign machine. THey didn't even put them down.
I won't claim to be the biggest Nintendo fan but, I feel people feel entitled as Nintendo Fans. As if, the world revolves around Nintendo and nothing should ever be spoken bad about them. I know Sony and Xbox fans can be nuts but good lord, what kind of reaction is this XD
THEY ARE COMPANIES MAKING MONEY. THis isn't new. Get over it and play good games. Whether you like ur 3ds or Vita, or God forbid....both DX. play good games and move on.
I have about 10 games for my 3DS that I enjoy on an every day basis. Off the top of my head, Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, Star Fox 64 3D, Tomodachi Life, Pilotwings Resort, Pokemon Y, not to mention all of the numerous DS and Game Boy VC games that I play, and I have plenty more on my to-buy list such as Smash 3DS, Fantasy Life and Bravely Default.
The only games the PS Vita has that I am even remotely interested in are all ports of games I can get elsewhere, like Earth Defense Force 2017, Persona 4 Gold, Borderlands 2 and the Sly Cooper games (which I already have on PS3 so moot point.)
The PS Vita is certainly better than the PSP, but the 3DS is still king as far as traditional handheld consoles are concerned. I have not seen ONE person playing a Vita in public, it's always either a smart phone or a 3DS. Everyone will just wait until the system dies next year and winds up in bargain bins, then hack them to play emulators and PS1 games anyway.
wow, Sony really thinks there all that, don't they? Well it's been awhile since they said something pompous, so sure why not? Give me a break on the Vita being better then 3DS and that though, the PSP was crap and even that system was WAY better then the Vita has been
Vita certainly is a fine handheld and I love it, but it really doesn't compare to 3DS when it comes to software library. As for the Wii brand being a shadow of it's former self - they have a point and Nintendo only have themselves to blame for that.
Just like the Reggie statement. You can't expect genuine statements from these guys, they just say what they have to in order to make their machine look good.
Sony is attacking a console that has been dead for three years.
The numbers speak for themselfs
50 million 3ds Vita 9 million..Nuff said
@WiiUPS4Gamer you beat me to it bit its only 46 million 3ds units not quite hit that 50 million mark yet
Wait what's a Vita
Theb3DS series is better than PS Vita. How many games does Vita have annyway?
I'm an owner of over 50 3DS games (I have 71 right now) I don't think Vita can come close with games that interests me
@EsperStarr I was sort of being sarcastic, as I mentioned though, I do really love my Vita and there are a good few games I want to get for it but I can't afford at the moment. I recently got Freedom Wars on it and it's great. Also, my NNID and psn name are both the same thing twadepsvita. If that isn't a sign that I have a Vita, then I don't know what is.
PS Vita has like 8 million sales, now for 3DS... 44 million sales. Anything else Sony?
Sony is right, the Vita is better than 3DS... but only in terms of hardware. I bought it day one and apart from Uncharted and Wipeout, it didn't really offer me anything exciting and has collected dust ever since. Whereas the 3DS always has new games coming.
The problem with the Vita is that you can't bring the home console experience to on the go platforms like the Vita so easily. Look at what Sega tried and failed at. Nintendo merely released Tetris with their Gameboy and it sold millions because it is a game that works on the go. Uncharted type games don't.
Them's fighting words round these parts.
Neither console is better than the other. They both have their pros and cons. They both have some good games. I personally own both and have enjoyed games on both systems.
Who cares what these people say, if you like and enjoy a console, who ever made it, is all that matters ! I own both handhelds and think there as good as each other.
Right now, I seem to be the opposite of people in these comments. My 3DS collects dust while my Vita gets played when I can. Not trying to be a Sony apologist but for a gamer who doesn't own a PS3, a machine with JRPGs and PS3 ports plus PS1/PSP games suits me fine.
This is pretty stupid PR though. If you love the Vita so much, can you not convince your development teams to make more games for the system?
My 3DS has collected dust recently. My Vita is played on every day. I agree that Vita is the best handheld on the market today.
I own VITA, and its a good handheld.
Note that Sony officially abandoned VITA as of Summer 2014. They said they would never make retail games for it again.
Nearly all third parties dumped VITA in 2012/13.
Indies its what left. Games which basically only uses 10% of VITA's power.
Personally, the 3DS is absolutely smashing it! No more needs to be said on handhelds. Nintendo own that market.
As for consoles, the Wii-U is brilliant. Zombie-U is such a great game and uses the pad superbly. I think the only thing needed is a few more games that use the pad in a unique way that will shut down the Xbox and Playstation versions and 5 get a few more big names. Not necessarily exclusive to Nintendo, but like Watchdogs. Bring out a game on all consoles at the same time. We've seen from the popularity of Minecraft that graphics don't make the game. I don't know why more developers aren't coming Nintendos way.
Tell me, when's the last time the Vita had a notable exclusive?
@Bolt_Strike Last week with Tales of Hearts.
@Tobias95 I have more games than you on my Vita, including Plus games of course.
The "Vita has no games"is not true and it is Sony's fault that everyone believes this due to bad marketing. If someone likes games made in Japan, jrpg games, fighting games, indies he will love the system. Clearly Vita is not for everyone, maybe not even for an average game though.
I have a vita, since launch, worst choice ever.
only people are buying it is that they own a ps4.
I wouldn't say trying to entice casuals is necessarily copying the success of the Wii. Sony had a console with huge casual appeal before the Wii; the PS2; Buzz Quiz, Guitar Hero, Singstar, motion-controlled EyeToy party/fitness games, etc. about sour grapes.
Some people do & say things in style, with grace and as Damien stated in the article, "with decorum". This Shawn Layden muppet has none of these things and has only made himself look like a complete and utter pathetic sour moron.
Technically the Vita is more powerful than the competition. But is it better? Well that's down to personal preference and the voice of the consumer. And since the voice of consumer clearly thinks the Vita is a steaming pile of garbage, as shown in the sales figures, then the Vita is clearer not the best portable gaming experience.
I wonder if this joker would say the same thing about the PS.
@Warruz Even with decent marketing, It still doesn't have exclusives like Mario. PSP was far powerful than the DS but the DS won the competition because of the library of exclusives it has. Sure Sony has quality games but I don't know why but somehow, Nintendo dominates in terms of quality if you ask me.
I like the Vita but I hate how Sony isn't doing much to support it. They pretty much just turn that thing into a microconsole or a PS4's equivalent of the Wii U Game Pad and to me that doesn't help the Vita much. I do like remote and cross play but don't have a PS4 as I see no games I like on it yet.
Well Sony preaching the Vita as the best handheld is as silly as Reggie preaching the same about Wii U. Okay...its much more silly. No matter how big Sony grows in the console gaming world, it does not have anywhere close to the staying power Nintendo has in the mobile/handheld world. If you are a fan of RPGs or lesser forms of PS exclusives the PSP/Vita are great systems. It just lacks the diversity and volume of titles that the GB/DS/3DS line have brought. Nintendo also has a strong sample of 1st party titles that work great for handheld gaming, and has a strong contingent of 3rd party developers putting out top tier stuff that Sony lacks.
Its a bit of a bizarro world. What Nintendo doesn't do on does on its handhelds. What Sony does on its doesn't really do on its handhelds.
@Ernest_The_Crab True, I see it as the console that is the most successful, get's the abundance of shovelware. Maybe higher game selling and production costs will turn away some from putting quick cash games on PS4...
Of course Sony exec's would push their own product over the competition. But sales do not lie, the 3DS trounces the Vita and personally I'd say Nintendo maybe got cocky with the Wii and is making good on any mistakes it made when it foolishly released the Wii U without much third party support. Right now Nintendo has heard the shouts of its customers and is just getting better
The Vita is a great handheld, it's just that Sony did absolutely nothing for it. If it wasn't for the cheaper development compared to consoles and popularity of handhelds in Japan it wouldn't be sold anymore.
From my point of view Sony is a shadow of it's former self. Their first party games have been on steady downward spiral to shallow interactive movie experiences and away from their gaming core. That's why I got a Wii U, because it has games that are meant to be played, not just experienced.
The PS4 isn't going to sell like the Wii, they aren't going to get young families picking up the system when it's priced so high and the less said about the vita the better. Sure EA and Ubisoft have abandoned the WiiU, Sony have abandoned the Vita!
@MegaManEP3 same here, i think super smash bros was responsible. And fire emblem, tomodachi life and more awesome others.
Wow, taste those sour grapes from Sony. They know that the 3DS is still selling like hotcakes but the Vita.. actually, what is the Vita? More to the point do Sony even know what the Vita is? It's a part of the PS4, right?
Actually, I do own both the Vita and a 3DS. I buy a game at least once a month for the 3DS. I can't remember the last time I bought a game on the Vita. With all the wonderful support Sony gives to the Vita, just like Nintendo does for the 3DS, I can't understand why. Wait a minute...
Oh, people still are getting paid by Sony to say this crap? Also the sky is blue and grass is green. And having all of the new generation of consoles, I can say that the PS4 is definitely the worst. Don't even get me started on the Vita.
Vita = 3DS - No. Just no.
Wii & Wii U brand weakened - Yes, that's true.
As simple as that.
You can't compare previous reactions of Sony's president of Worldwide studios in Japan with those people of the American division. These American CEOs are obviously just a bunch of a**holes, purely working for marketing
I'd be more inclined to believe this if Vita had more than 2 games worth playing.
While I dislike all this competitive marketing stuff, this one in particular made my jaw drop.
Sony DIDN'T forget they made a handheld? I have a Vita, and a few games for it, but there's an obvious lack of quality software, and even of FIRST party support... All I'm looking forward to now, is Grim Fandango being remade.
And them talking about Nintendo being no longer innovative, and THEY filling the void, with an outdated gaming PC with a controller... Sorry, no. Just no. Nintendo may not have fully used the Gamepad that much, but they at least provided a platform that allows innovation. And that plays previous gen games as well, supports the controllers too, and is inviting for local multiplayer. You know, REAL 'social' gaming.
@Takerkaneanite6 Definetly. There is one good game I REALLY enjoy in the Vita which is LBP, but I don't want that to be the only thing...but it is.
Someone's jealous.
He's in the same boat with the people on this site that only judge based on hardware specs. Sony has the specs by a long shot and the Vita is impressive but you wouldn't see me ploping down $250 for the thing with only a couple of games I'd be willing to play.
Sony sux.
really? Like when Reggie speaks, this should all be shut out. Neither party will ever claim success of the other. Even while Wii was blowing away the competition last gen, Sony (in the same boat with MS) claimed that few people even played the Wii... I guess it's all sour grapes for a while, at least until the holiday season is over. I'm sure Sony is making tons of cash... Oh wait, they're not. So I guess this is all just a big load of carp!
@Punished_Boss_84 the Wii brand was never weakened... It passed with flying colours... By the time PS3 and Xbox360 caught up, we were all moving on to next gen... Except for nintendo. They chose "sort of" next gen. what I don't get is that if neither MS nor Sony had any real games in development or ready for launch, why bother releasing a new console? The PS3 rarely (if ever) used its maximum capabilities, and the X360 had yet to reach its full marketing potential (Ifeel they had the best chance to overtake the Wii)
And here we see Sony in its natural habitat, making an utter fool of itself.
Dude, dude. You got it got practically EVERYTHING backwards.
Hey Sony, how are those Xperia phones you love doing ? Ok, thats what i thought
checks calendar its no where near april 1st Sony!
The Vita IS a great handheld, but that really is no thanks to Sony, who seems to have dropped it like a rock in the West. If Sony thinks so highly of the Vita, they should support it with more Western first-party content.
I don't really have a problem with this. These execs are just doing their job, you need to believe that your system is the best, and to try and sell it as the best. The sales numbers will speak the truth. I really wish we could get NA/UK NPD figures weekly like we do from JPN....and not have them hidden from the public.
Neither the PSP or vita has touched Nintendo dominance in handhelds. The PSP may be technically superior, but library wise the 3ds is king.
Nintendo will eventually fail on the handhelds, since all these (casual) games are slowly going to tablets/smartphones/smart-TVs/whatever devices ... and only 1st party support will not be enough this time, like is mostly the case with Wii U.
But that is future. Until then .. well, be happy and play you Nintedo handheld consoles!
I like the games in 3d. So that only leaves one console to play them on.
Zelda Ocarina of Time was the best example of a game in 3d.
Trouble it that was it. Nothing else has come close. Ok may be the new Majora's Mask will be good, but it has been a long wait.
Well I have everything except X1, and while I used to play quite alot of the Vita, I'm more inclined to pickup the 3DS or Wii U pro controller. All the good PS4 games I bought it for are either delayed or still in development. That is the only reason I haven't parted with it. If they don't keep me interested after those games I could well say goodbye to Playstation.
Oh for crying out loud stop whining Sony!
that's sony overconfidence of their products cringe worthy
@PinkSpider But it has ..That was just america and the rest of the world's not counting japan..
Corporate hullabaloo. I really like my Vita, but it doesn't have the draw of the 3DS, which pretty much demands you take it everywhere with you--though both systems are lacking in strong 3rd party support and physical game releases.
I think Reggie and Miyamoto's "boring" and "better deal" comments were still vastly dumber, especially for a company that is stating this from a losing position. Sony has reason to gloat--the PS4 is destroying sales charts, and for all the mockery the Vita receives, it has better sales than the Wii U--and, you know, Minecraft.
At the end of the day, it's all corporate mumbo-jumbo, and still not as bad as what Microsoft constantly touted over the last generation. Sony, though, is saying this, not just from a leading position, but they'll be lapping the Wii U soon enough. And when the Wii U starts including a built-in 500GB harddrive, then I might be able to agree with Reggie's sentiment on "value."
This comment sounds incredibly childish when you realize that Sony has no reason at all to "fear" a barely noticeable bump in sales for the Wii U due to Mario Kart. Sony has almost sold twice as many PS4's as Wii U's--and in half the time.
There has not been a single month when the Wii U outsold the PS4, and frankly, I don't even think that Smash will cause this to happen.
It's typical corporate propaganda. It's true from a certain point of view. The Vita is a better experience than the 3DS in terms of sheer power but not as a platform. It's a neat piece of hardware and feels nice to use, but there isn't a ton going on with it. As for the other point, I agree. The Wii brand was weakening even before the Wii U came out due to the fact that the Wii was a bit of a fad when it was new.
@TRON I think the PSP or DS (Or GBA even) have much better titles than the 3DS or Vita.
(And more variety and loads more of them).
Almost all 3DS stuff is Wii technology not properly optimised.
(Smash Bros / ALBW show what it should be like).
Thinking about it again today, I still don't understand Sony bothering to say this. If they've given up on the Vita and the PS4 is killing it, they don't have to say a word. Push games out there. Your console is destroying the competition. No need to say anything.
I also saw a Sony commercial the other day. Something about a screenwriter, using a Sony television, a film shot on a Sony camera, screened with a Sony projector and Sony sound... it made them sound creepy, not quality. But maybe the rest of their business needs the boost. PS4 doesn't. Keep quiet, hold onto the edge in the market, and start planning the PS5. You've won.
"which is a shame, because not so long ago, Sony couldn't say enough good words about its rival."
That comment was from a japanese guy. I've used to reading more polite comments from them, which I prefer and give more respect to.
I've played one game on Vita, Gravity Rush, which was a fun game and almost wish it was on PS3 too. Any Vita users here, are happy about PS Vita's library or is it lacking? Tell me because I don't know too many Vita owners.
"which is a shame, because not so long ago, Sony couldn't say enough good words about its rival."
That comment was from a japanese guy. I've used to reading more polite comments from them, which I prefer and give more respect to.
It's people in suits, nervous about their money. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a call from the shareholders somewhere to answer this charge from Nintendo that the "competition is boring" or that a Wii U without a harddrive and two games is a "better deal" than a console several times more powerful with a game and a harddrive built in.
It could also be pride in the company to show up another hardware maker who is flashing around hubris with little to back it up (and yes, I mean Nintendo here). Miyamoto and Reggie foolishly called the competition boring and lesser bargains while having little to no reason to suddenly chime in with this nonsense. Reggie is flatly wrong on a financial level:
Wii U bundle: $300, two games, no harddrive, Xbox 360 equivalent processor, 2GB of RAM, 32GB of storage, almost no third party support. Backwards compatible to Wii.
XBox One: $350, one game, 500G hardrive/internal storage, several times more powerful than the Xbox 360, 8GB of RAM, extremely extensive and involved third party support. Optional subscription service with two free games a month, better online infrastructure, Blu-Ray player, far more apps and TV/movie streaming services than Wii U.
Sorry, the only way for me to see the Wii U as the better deal there is to be ignorant of the industry and marketplace, or to be wearing my fanboy blinders at the time.
@Quorthon I'm sorry. I never intended to be childish. I'm just saying that if Sony flat out states that PSVita is better, then I think that's a little weak. While Nintendo did say what they had to offer compared to PS4, they never offended them. This sounds to me like Sony does. It's OK to praise your own hardware, jut don't overdo it. Now that I think about it, my comment indeed was a little childish. But that was never in my intentions
The only good thing to take from that is apparently someone at Sony knows what the Vita is. It's difficult not to laugh when you see them talking it up given they've not bothered to release any games for it!
Lovely hardware and I like mine a lot but the 3DS software library is way beyond Vita's and the way Sony have abandoned it is an insult.
The Vita is better--hardware power-wise. It's a gorgeous, well-designed handheld system--it's powerful, it's smooth, and it's very enjoyable. But outside of that, for as much as I love my Vita, Sony screwed up so many things, it's depressing. Sony's support is lackluster, it's missing solid exclusives, and ugh, the memory cards. Too small and too expensive AND proprietary? Open palm, insert face. It's not without its issues.
But even with this, the PS4 is killing, and Sony has nothing to fear from Nintendo--the PS4 appears to be outselling the 3DS and Wii U combined. Really, I can't help but wonder if these comments were inspired by the much more ridiculous comments from Reggie and Miyamoto.
I agree that these companies SHOULD praise their hardware (not like the "shuffle feet, don't know what to say or do" that MS exhibited for the better part of a year), but we always look better when we do it without trashing the competition. There are better ways to compare to the competition without snide comments.
And people in both companies are guilty of it right now. Frankly, I really enjoyed watching Sony slap around Microsoft for a while because MS came to the fore with so much arrogance, and half-information, they were practically asking for it.
Why is Sony bothering saying any of this when even they don't support the Vita anymore?
My vita makes an excellent Minecraft machine. That's pretty much it.
@MegaManEP3 Where's your Wii U?
@Webby-sama You make the best points out of everyone here
Reggie says something with a few brain cells as possible, then Sony replies with a response composed by an equal number of brain cells... Beautiful.
@Quorthon why the heck do you need that much storage for?
@Quorthon so its OK for sony trash talking the competition. They should be glad that Nintendo isn't awake right now.
@opeter people have been blabbering about that and yet handhelds are still selling and will continue to sell.
This is actually pretty dumb. Of course they would say these things they work for Sony. If they worked for Nintendo I guarantee they would be on the otherside. Simply put they have a. Product to sell they will say anything. Sometimes true, sometimes ludicrous and sometimes just wrong. For consumers its a matter of opinion and taste. But these guys will try to make you feel bad by making you think you play something inferior.
Nothing has surprised me more than the fact of my 3DS being my most played and near favorite console of all time- I've had my WiiU for over a year and absolutely love it- being so much I sold my 360- NOW I have been really wanting a Vita to fill in some other game niches- I had a PSP and loved it but right now the Vita isn't worth the $$$, especially since the N3DS is around the corner- I'm hoping to find a sweet deal on a Vita via pawn/CL/or blackfriday- otherwise the title selection has me not wanting to spend full price.
Do they? Because Vita is well down on PSP sales and 3DS is well down on DS sales.
@electrolite77 I find it pretty crazy when they say there will no longer be handhelds.
Smash Bro's Say's Hi!
I'm sorry, but didn't you see the articles where both Reggie and Miyamoto were talking trash first?
I'm sorry, but the 3DS seems to be outselling your sh*tty Vita 5-1... Whaddya think about that?
@AVahne I'm sorry but it isn't just me. 3DS sales vs. Vita sales are evidence of that. I can understand getting a Vita to play JRPG's and some imports but that is it. I honestly haven't turned on my Vita in months and a lot of other people are saying the same. It just doesn't have a lot of great software if JRPG's aren't the only genre a person likes.
Well that's that then. Personally I think it's a great handheld that's starting to get much more playtime than my 3DS. I don't play many western games anyway.
EDIT: Just saying, it's also great for people who want normal fighting games and rhythm games on the go, much better than 3DS in those regards. Honestly I think 3DS is for people who want Nintendo games, life sims, and JRPGS while Vita is for people who want everything else plus JRPGs.
How did I miss this?! Obviously this a "Imma get you back for what you said" type of deal here. I'm going to give my honest opinion on what was said here.
As a handheld by itself, there's no question that the Vita is better. Just the hardware by itself. Overall experience is certainly going to the 3DS. The brainer, 3DS all day. Why would Sony even mention their worst selling product to Nintendo's best selling. The 3DS is annihilating the Vita by a country mile. Heck by a 2 states or 2 countries, depending on where you live. If Sony supported the Vita, then the things might be different. Still, since they don' was rather stupid of them to mention it in the first place!
As for the Wii. LOL I think we all know that the Wii is a former shell of itself. Damn shame that Sony completely skipped on mentioning the Wii U as if it doesn't exists. I won't go on about the Wii though. We knew that. Sony should have tried harder there instead of a immediate response. Mention the Wii U, not the Wii. That's like Nintendo mentioning PSP or something right now.
@Quorthon so you are actually saying its OK for Sony doing it but not Nintendo? I dont understand that.
@AVahne Hey man, it is awesome that you love your Vita. But most people who are into rhythm games can get any number of them on their smart phone or tablet, even though 3DS also has some great rhythm games. As for fighting games, 3DS has Smash Bros, an excellent version of Street Fighter IV, Dead or Alive Dimensions (probably one of the best entries in that series), Senran Kagura Burst, BlazBlue: Continuum Shift 2, Tekken 3D Prime edition. Without a proper fight stick I don't really play fighting games but 3DS has some good ones. I also think you are selling the 3DS's variety short. 3DS has a lot of variety, and of course one of the reasons you buy the machine is for Nintendo games. I think personally that Nintendo makes the best portable games. But I would say almost more important than Nintendo games is Pokemon. Although not my cup of tea people do love their Pokemon. But its great that you love your Vita, you just aren't in the majority and that is great. Enjoy.
I've owned my 3DS since 2011 and have a 2DS as a backup unit, so I know full well what kind of variety the 3DS. You are right in saying that I'm selling is variety short, but I believe most people do the same for the Vita. And while 3DS has plenty of fighters, most of them pale in comparison to fighters on Vita (not to mention the Vita's superior d-pad...somehow). 3DS does have Smash Bros., yes, but I don't see a point in that when the Wii U version exists.
Don't get me wrong, I love my 3DS as well. It's just at the moment my Vita's getting more playtime.
And no, I'm not in the minority that loves their Vita, I'm in the minority who loves 3DS and Vita equally (also Android, the Shield rocks!).
EDIT: Curious, will you be trading in your Vita to get the New 3DS?
@AVahne I honestly am going to wait and see what kind of connectivity between PS4 and Vita will have in 2015 before I decide what to do with it. Connectivity between console and handheld has been disappointing with both Nintendo and Sony imho. This is an area I think Sony can differentiate itself and add enormous value. Personally I'd love to see a PS4 and Vita Slim bundle with cross platform games on shelves. Right now money is tight so I doubt I'll be able to afford many games in the next couple of months and certainly won't be able to afford the new 3DS. I am really happy with my launch 3DS though so I don't mind waiting to see what games besides Xenoblade will be exclusive the new 3DS. I pick up Smash Bros. for Wii U tomorrow and that will likely be it for a while. Are you going to get the New 3DS? It seems to be kind of an expensive upgrade to me for what it is.
The Vita is AWESOME for fighting games. The 3DS really can't compare, in this regard.
Yeah I'll be getting it. Any kind of performance boost to the 3DS hardware line is welcome in my eyes. Menu loading is sometimes painful with my current 3DS, plus I hear the new ones are more comfortable as well. But anyway, judging from Japanese prices the new 3DSes should be priced at about the same prices as the current models, so it shouldn't be TOO expensive after I trade in my current unit.
I'm a bit of a handheld console fanatic though, so for me it's a question of when I'll get it rather than if.
@polivar4 sitting in my living room waiting for me to come home and play Smash, lol
@MegaManEP3 lucky dude. I don't get out of work until 4 then I go to Gamestop and pick up my Smash Bundle!
And now Vita died.
Yeah, because Sony and Nintendo employees will be completely fair judges.
Wii brand no longer has any strength, but Vita being better than NIntendo's handhelds is ludicrous. Vita simply hasn't got a good enough library- The more expensive 3DS's are more worthwhile than a PS Vita, and 2DS has such good money value
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