Regardless of who wrote them, fans are the ones who can really tell the story of a game better than anyone, and that statement is no truer than in this video which pays homage to the Mother series, which sadly still only exists as a single game outside of Japan.
All of the peculiarity, all of the charm, and all of the appeal of the series has been summed up beautifully in this fan-made video below.
It's a difficult piece to put effectively into words, so you're just going to have to watch it for yourself!
Are you a fan of the Mother series? Still heartbroken by having only Earthbound officially released? Let us know your feelings in the comments section!
[source youtube.com]
Comments 20
I'm sure I shouldn't have watched this due to spoilers but it was wonderful : )
The music is really cute too.
I never played Earthbound, but there was a really lovingly created English fan-translation of Mother 3 which you could play using an emulator - hands down one of the best games I've played! With so much of the groundwork laid out, it's beyond me why they don't endeavour to bring this to Western audiences as a downloadable title, as I'm certain it'd sell fairly well.
That, was beautiful.
Oh God, I need to play Earthbound again. I took a little break from the series after Summer ended because I played a LOT of Mother over the Summer, but I need to play Earthbound again. And mother 3. And what the heck, Mother 1. And even the Mother 4 fangame when it's released. Also, that Ninten cameo at the end was a nice touch (for those who don't understand, there's a picture of him in Ness's house.)
There's not a day goes by with Earthbound nostalgia on this site lol
A poignant video for Nintendo's most poignant series. The one thing I want the most in the video gaming world is a Mother sequel for the Wii U.
This brought tears to my eyes.. absolutely beautiful.
Amazing just amazing.
Oof, that horrible choral music! Bad flashbacks to The Snowman right here. I just played Smiles and Tears from another YouTube tab, it worked a lot better. Dig the actual animation though, and the sheer number of references is astounding.
This is the best :3
I've listened to the vocal version of Pollyanna (I Believe In You) before and I love that they included that in this. So many memories playing this game!
Happy 20th Anniversary EarthBound~
That was great.
Love this. My favorite moment was when Ness woke up from Magicant and Paula hugged him. So cute!
Love it. Love it so much. To think that back in 2004 I barely knew who Ness was besides his presence in Smash...fast-forward ten years later and I am a huge fan of EarthBound. Now if only if we can get the entire Mother Trilogy remade on 3DS, that would be a dream come true.
Same here, bro, same here.
Man, that'll be awesome!! Mother on the go!!
I just realized that Jeff sleeps with his glasses on. O__o
Anyway, loved the video and the music. Already watched it several times. I need to play through the game again sometime!
Also, I'm probably just forgetting something from the game, but what is that stuff in the container that says "Life" on the table at 2:50?
@Giygas_95 cup of life noodles.
@Subie98 Ah, yes...Can't believe I forgot that, having used so many of them. Thanks!
Very nice.
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