The Nintendo of America download update is always a popular arrival, but the region's habit of announcing future arrivals is also a neat bonus. It helps when the announced Virtual Console games are enticing, too, which was certainly the case last week with confirmation of two Castlevania titles making their VC débuts.
This week's equivalent announcement is arguably equally pleasing, especially as both the Wii U and 3DS are included this time around. Details of new games on the way, and both also making their VC début, are below.
- Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance — Wii U Virtual Console (16th October)
- Harvest Moon 2 — 3DS Virtual Console (16th October)
Harmony of Dissonance is the second Castlevania title from the Game Boy Advance to come to the Wii U, and will follow hot on the heels of predecessor Circle of the Moon which arrives on 9th October; we certainly hope the trilogy will be promptly completed with Aria of Sorrow before Halloween. Game Boy Color title Harvest Moon 2, meanwhile, will be a popular arrival with fans of the farming / life-sim series; its GBC predecessor arrived last year.
Are you excited by either of these future arrivals? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 56
Definitely picking up Harmony of Dissonance when it shows up in Europe. It's hard to tell what that will be though. Sometimes these games show up in both regions within weeks of each other, and other times it can take 18 months (Mario Golf).
I've put in a ridiculous amount of time playing Advance Wars and Fire Emblem but I would happily sacrifice all handheld games on VC for N64 games.
Still waiting on Nintendo 64.
Come on, what are you doing Mr. Shibata!? Bring them Europe!
Looking at the VC is like stepping into the Twilight Zone. It's almost all 3rd party games. Nintendo has published like 3-4 of their own games on the Wii U VC in the last 6 months.
Dawn of Sorrow, and I'll happily give up one of my kids.
I'm a big fan of Castlevania HOD
Still waiting for Pokémon TCG on 3DS.
Keep them coming Nintendo.
I really hope these come to Europe, as well. Circle of the Moon is insta-buy since I haven't played it, and Aria of Sorrow is insta-buy because it's great.
Hmm I don't think I've played these. I think I'll pick up an eshop card. Though I do hope the US gets Fire Emblem/7 soon.
Id love to see Symphony Of The Night on Wii U VC someday
Pretty excited for the GBA Castlevania games as I didn't play them the first time around and I adore the DS trilogy. This month would also be the perfect time to give us Gargoyle's Quest 2. Just sayin'.
@Reverandjames Because the Gamepad is like a big 'ol Gameboy Advance.
@ichiban: SotN will never come to VC as it was never released on a Nintendo system. Best we can hope for is an Eshop release.
Harmony of Dissonance was the weakest Metroid-style Castlevania game of the lot. It felt to me that it was trying way too hard to be the "new" Symphony of the Night, so it become much too convoluted as a result.
Loving all the Castlevania. Aria of Sorrow on the VC would be AMAZING.
This is great but now is a perfect time for Capcom to bring on the Firebrand!
Konami don´t launch any game for Wii U but bring a lot of their retro games to Virtual Console. Easy money for Konami, please lauch the same games of PS4 and X1.
Castlevania HOD was good but in my opinon not as good as Circle of the Moon and Aria of Sorrow. Might have to play all my GBA Castlevanias when I finish Dawn of Sorrow.
I couldn't agree more with your comment.
Good job Konami, keep the classics coming.
Still no SNES games on the 3ds...
Oho, Harmony of Dissonance! Let's see if I can finish it in less than 10 minutes!
So... There are two games known as Castlevania HD?
@Tasuki SOTN could be release as a Sega Saturn VC ... If it ever exist ....
How is HOD compared to Aria of sorrow. I really can't wait for the latest ! Really hope we get the 3 ds games as well on VC
@CaviarMeths It is the best thing about the Virtual Console service at the moment, there is (somewhat limited) third party support.
@Reverandjames Maybe that will change once the New 3DS is released, got to do something with all that extra processing power.
I really got in gaming at the N64 so I don't know much about Castlevania. What kind of game is it?
@Yurikun Its a great series but imagine Dracula and gothic theme and at times very hard difficulty for some and there you go but it has practically made its on genre of gaming. but if you ever feal like starting the series its good to start with lament of innocence if you want to play the series in chronological order of when each game takes place in history which makes it nice to understand the history a bit more but theres a time frame on Wikipedia that shows the year each game was made and they have one that shows which year each one takes place.
Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance!! What a good GBA game!!
Do GBA games on the VC still come with the scanned-in manuals? Hope so. Love that feature. I'm a big fan of handheld games on the Wii U GamePad, surprisingly. If you were to choose one between Circle of the Moon and Harmony, which would it be?
@Yurikun The original games on NES and SNES were more or less straight 2D action platformers (2 was... different, but was generally 2D platforming).
Since the Playstation's Castlevania: Symphony of the Night game was released, the 2D games have taken the Metroid series - particularly Super Metroid - as an inspiration, with RPG embellishments (items, levelling up, stories/text).
Essentially they became games about exploration, with platforming, fighting monsters, gaining XP and collecting fallen loot for good measure.
All three of the GBA titles are pretty good titles and worth getting IMO.
@LittleIrves: I would Circle of the Moon first. It's my favoirte of the three GBA games.
@Ichiban Me too. But I think it's highly unlikely though. By any chance it is coming though, I would much prefer the Sega Saturn version. Since it has more content and stuff.
cant wait for these Castlevania"s
Aria of sorrow was excellent but Dawn of Sorrow on DS was just magnificent. I REALLY hope we get another title in that series. The DS was good to castlevania. The 3ds entry was prety awesome but the boost in graphics came at the cost of longevity and overall size.
Here's hoping for Friends/More Friends of Mineral Town for the Wii U VC.
I'm really excited for the GBA Castlevania games. I have never played them. I did beat all 3 of the DS Castlevania games. Would love to see SOTN.
Very cool i played HOD on ps3 and loved it.
The GBA had so many great Castlevania games. Hell, the GBA had a ton of great games period!!!
this is awesome
Would love to see SOTN.
One may say no because it was only on the PlayStation and Saturn. But it did come to XBOX 360 so its up to Konami really.
CotM is the only one of these I've played. I'm getting them all eventually!
actually i was going to tell everyone we are getting all the castlevania gba games by the end of october. sorry about that.
Harmony of Dissonance sucks, though.
I want the DS Castlevanias on the WiiU!
Iike a castlevania fan miself I love them all but it would be amazing to have Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night ., fingers crossed...
@xj220_afiles That's a great point and I hope someday we do get the Saturn games in VC form. Megaman X4, Megaman 8 (you gotta admit Nintendo deserves that), the Panzer Dragoon series. Man, I hope it happens someday.
The need to bring out Aria of Sorrow on the Wii U VC and the Dawn of Sorrow. The gamepad would be perfect for drawing the seals in DoS.
Loving this. I hope they put the DS ones up too. Would make for easy footage capture.
castlevania rules !
Aww man... although HoD is not my favorite Castlevania I almost died a little when I saw it was on WiiU only
The only real problem with Harmony Of Dissonance is the music...after the first area, it's absolutely awful and sounds as bad as something on the old Sega Master System (I'm deadly serious)......but the gameplay is brilliant with nice visuals and a really well designed castle layout.
Overall though, I did enjoy Circle Of The Moon and Aria Of Sorrow a little better.
I was going to say exactly what @ToxieDogg said. Harmony of Dissonance is a good game, but for a Castlevania game the music is really bad quality, seriously.
Yes! I love Harmony of Dissonance! One of the most underrated Castlevania games for sure.
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