Gaming is becoming more and more mainstream with every turn, and sometimes we have to take a step back to realise just how far we've come, and depending on your age that could go back anywhere between the GameCube and the ZX Spectrum.
To give you some perspective of the progress we've seen, take some typical modern teenagers and put an NES in front of them. That's the basic premise for the video below, and it's intriguing to see how differently each individual reacts to the system and the original Super Mario Bros. courtesy of The Fine Bros. on YouTube who previously showed us how a group of children responded to the original Game Boy.
Some of the guys and girls featured show more knowledge about the console than others, but the fun part is watching the less Nintendo-savvy teens tackle the tricky task of inserting a cartridge.
As a bonus, The Fine Bros. have also exposed these younglings to the less-than intuitive Punch-Out!! for the same console, and you can find that video below the first.
Are you surprised by the reaction of today's youth towards Nintendo's first home console, or is their response largely what you expected? Let us know in the comments!
Comments 167
Youth these days...
Damn, I feel old, even though I grew up with a 16-bit console (mega drive), I still know everything about the NES. Thanks to the Wii VC, i guess.
I died a little inside when they said "The Legend of Who?"
Omg, Nostalgia brah like brah!
Ok they're young, but they should know what Zelda is, come on.
@torotoid64 Well, answer yourself this question: Are you aware of video game systems that existed before you were born ? When did you know about them ?
When i was their age, i knew where gaming originated, i knew about consoles and computers that werent relevant anymore and i knew about how games have changed over time.
Even as a child, if youre interested in something, you should be curious enough to explore that subject matter a little more, in both directions, past and future.
Heck, at that age, i even knew what a gramophone was and knew how it worked because i asked. If these kids are to blame for anything, then for not thinking on their own and having lost curiosity to explore the world around them. And we should blame the world around them for not teaching them how to do that.
EDIT: "Can you imagine a system being hugely successful these days having that much problems ?"
Well, The 360 was a success, i never heard of an NES breaking down completely from heat issues. And also...THAT many problems ? Problems like what ? Putting the cartridge back in ? Sure, WAY worse than disc reading errors or OS malfunctions.
The fact that this old brick is still running is a testament about it NOT having any problems at all...
Oh hey, I saw this the other day!...I almost hated those kids as much as I hated the ones from Kids React to Gameboy. I say almost because there were actually some kids that actually knew about the stuff in the video...even then it wasn't really a lot. I mean, I'm in high school, and I know what an NES is! I guess that's probably because I actually got intrigued in the past within the first few years of being a gamer. These kids probably weren't.
@NintendoFan64 Thats what im saying, they lack the curiosity about "WHY are things the way they are now"
They just take things for granted and roll with it.
I'm a youngen and I know stuff like this
It's up to all of us to teach the gaming past to all of these children. When I was their age,having a computer in the home meant building a new room. There was no such thing as a PC or game Console for the home at that time. (Very early in the 1970's)
the girl who has an NES-styled case for her freaking iphone, but doesnt know what a NES is...
@Einherjar Have you ever thought that, maybe, there is a possibility that, oh I don't know, that some of them simply don't care about video games?
Growing up on the NES makes it a little hard to see this but it doesnt mean anything bad. I mean my father talks about playing games.on the Commador and I don't really know what that is but it doesn't make me less of a gamer. Our youth don't have to know about the original consoles or even some of the games and some might not even be gamers or even nintendo fans and I don't think its a big deal.
Its like giving kids a rotary phone. They probably don't know what it is or how to use it and some might associate it with a toy. It doesn't really matter.
Someone already mentioned it in the Youtube comments section but the kid talking about '1080p Xbox One games' If kids don't even know much about the consoles they have today, you can't really expect them to know anything about the consoles of the past.
@6ch6ris6 this is my only issue with this, I understand you. I hate when people have merchandise for something they don't even know
Very interesting, kind of cute.
When you're 16 years old, you have absolutely no reason to know what a NES is. I don't blame these people. My brother is 20 and its fair to say he won't recognize a NES or a SNES when he sees one.
I think the only comment I actually loathed was ironically the teen, blindly preferring SMB to the modern Mario game (including Galaxy 2 and 3D World). Geez.
@SanderEvers if that's sarcasm, then fine but if that is serious of course i dont really know what it is but with the power and magic of the internet I have a general idea. I doubt you know what it is or ever touched one.
I'm 17, I know a whole lot more than these people. People need to get educated. The girl with the phone case, didn't even know what the case was related to. I know video game history all the way back to the Magnavox Odyssey. I'm a little rusty on that stuff, but c'mon! They can't even recall a thing from the mid-80's!
@Sadodi And ? Your overly sarcastic point is ?
Do you need to be a musician to know how Gramophones, record players etc work ? Do you need to be a Movie enthusaist to know how home TVs originated ? Why the shift to HD pictures actually was a big deal ?
One of these kids has an iPhone case in shape of an NES controller, but doesnt know what it actually is. That tells me, that these kids are raised to simply following trends without questioning them. THAT is the problem, not that they never played an outdated system or never owned one themself.
@SanderEvers I knew that. My father vividly described it as a piece of junk whose controls were hard as hell to use and was happy wheb Microsoft PCs came through with their gaming. I think he played Doom on it before even buying the SNES and the game. I only played Doom for the SNES and it wasn't until I was 15 that I played my first PC game o.o
In general its like you don't have to know about that or even the NES to like and play games just like you don't need to know a record player to appreciate music. Times change and technology advances and that is life.
More cringe worthy videos from Kids React? No thanks.
@Sadodi Them not caring is fine. What isn't is the games being designed so that can they be played by those people.
@Sadodi : exactly!
Is that Aria from Game of Thrones in NES video?!
@Diskach Yeah, Maisie Williams is Aria Stark in GoT. She's a guest star for this video.
@NintendoFan64 I don't see what the big deal about them not knowing the consoles. They didn't even grow up with them. Some young people might because maybe they seen it and were interested or maybe their parents owned it but I don't think it matters.
I find it hilarious how people overreact to this video. Yes, believe it or not, people don't know about things that were popular before they were born.
@torotoid64 I'm perfectly aware of the Famicom (or NES, but I've learned to call it that way because of Ness).
I'm younger than some of them.
What were you saying?
@KromCompany they didn't grow up with it so what. You knowing all that doesn't mean a thing either. They don't have to know or care about the old or original consoles to be able to play games. There aren't people buying CDs going, "oh gee I like this band but you.know records and stuff" or using their phone while knowing how to use or even what a rotary phone is. It doesn't make them stupid they just simply don't know because they weren't really exposed to it.
You can like and appreciate gaming consoles all the way to their start but I don't think other kids should or have to.
But I do agree with you about that girl with the phone case. Its like when kids wear ACDC shirts and don't even know the band and only are wearing it because its trending.
@Einherjar This.
If not for looking around for good games, I wouldn't have discovered about the Mother series, or Fire Emblem, or Advance Wars, know what I mean~
@JimLad exactly! Like its still a popular franchise still producing games. Must not be a Nintendo fan or even a gamer.
Could I just say, it is nowhere near right to compare a Nintendo enthusiast, like yourself to them, who these teens that were born only late in the N64 era?
@Kyloctopus No reason? They have NES games on the 3DS, Wii, and Wii U. It's not like it's an ancient artifact, and all the games are lost forever. Not saying they haves thses systems, just saying they have the possibility of playing the games.
To your second comment, I'm around their age, and I was born 30 days after the N64 launched in Japan. I remember my brother having it and a PS1, but didn't play it cause I wasn't into video games at the time. When I got into them, he already sold them.
@KromCompany im 12. I know what an Magnevox Oddysey is. I know what what a NES is. I have played a SNES. Im educated. But i am with you
If these are children of today, why are they dressed like The New Kids On The Block?
@Yasume Don't do that: "Kids theses days" finger waggle to me!
@6ch6ris6 I will agree with that one. That is really sad.
@Dipper723 Same here.
The overeaction is strong in here.
LOL I love watching these videos.
Yay,another video everyone can overreact to.
My 11 and six year olds were raised with a healthy dose of retro gaming. I think they are better gamers for it. I know it's probably unfair, but I'd really like to repeatedly slap some of those kids right in their smug faces.
Wow, are you guys really hating and calling these kids idiots for not knowing the Famicom/NES? Geez! Grow up!
@Drobotic This and the Game Boy video repost are part of the series "Commenters Overreact"
@Einherjar Err..there were no game consoles before I was born!
@BearHunger Now all we need is for someone to put all the comments in a video with that title and send it to the Fine Bros.
Dang, I'm 19 like some of the people in the video, and their knowledge of the system is pathetic. It's a shame how others my age don't appreciate the past and how far we've come, because that's what I think is so fun about video game collecting. The NES is definitely a memorable piece in my collection, and it's easy to see why!
I also wouldn't be surprised if this was scripted. It's just so cringe worthy to watch, and if they never played Zelda and Metroid, they should at least know what they are thanks to Super Smash Bros., which was always a pretty popular game in my high school.
How have they not heard of the legend of Zelda!!! In any shape or form
I'm 14, and I know more and played moar than those guys.
Michael and the girls next to him were pretty arrogant. Not that they didn't know anything, I guess they have a reason, but that they talked down negatively about old tech :/ sigh I wish people didn't take technology for granted...
@TheWeird With a tiny ounce of fantasy, you could count the oddyseys prototype build, dubbed "the brown box" as one Released in 1967.
And fyi, im from 1988 and im pretty knowledgeable about stuff that happened before that, even as a child
And then Maisie Williams murders all the other kids and laughs.
In this thread: angry nerds criticize children for not knowing/caring about old video game systems.
Who cares? Why are some of you having such a volatile reaction to this?? I bet if some of you guys had to discuss your knowledge of sports, women, cars and music, your responses would be just as embarrassing!
@ekreig Given the popularity of Playstation and Xbox, which these kids likely grew up playing, it's possible they might have never heard of Zelda outside of a seeing the case in store shelves.
Like it or not, we have had at least a couple of generations who likely never touched a Nintendo console in their life. And that's the thing, if you live in a bubble of only owning Playstation or Xbox, then you might not know anything about Nintendo besides how its a "kiddy console" and has nothing but Mario.
@Einherjar The Magnavox Odyssey (which looks awesome actually) was released 1972 - I think that was the year we got a colour TV! I daresay there were prototypes around for a few years, but not sure they count, since very few people would have seen them. Good try though!
I think you are vastly over estimating the amount of people who play video games who also frequent video game news websites and forums.
Of all the guys I know who play games (some only casually) I don't think any of them really read about stuff online that much. It would be very easy for children who don't know much about video games to be completely oblivious to the history of said industry before they were born.
Haha! +1
These guys in comments section failed to realized that these kids on the videos aren't hardcore Nintendo gamers. They also failed to realized what the purpose of these videos all about. They were meant to give us, Nintendo fans/gamers, a laugh or a chuckle. If these kids in the videos knew all about NES, then what's the point? It would have been a boring video/show.
@TheWeird As far as i know, the "brown box" was actually commercially sold but id have to do more research to be sure about that.
Of course you cant speak of a well known and public home console release with that thing, no matter how you present it laughs
It was just to show "hey, there actually WAS something before you were born"
This video looks staged, my little cousin which is 10 she doesn't even play videogames & she knows who Zelda & Mario is.....A bit sad though..
Another good point!
This video series is designed to show off children's ignorance for laughs, much like those 'man on the street' segments on tv shows that only show answers from the most ignorant people.
I can't believe people are getting so worked up over this. It shows that they only think emotionally, not critically.
Once again @Adam comes back from the dead to slay you all.
I cringed a lot when almost all of them died to the first bloody Goomba. There's two buttons, try to see what they do before properly starting..............
Maisie Williams? How the hell did they get Maisie Williams!? Run for your life Maisie!!!
But I hate these videos. (They are SOOOO fake!)
GET OFF MY LAWN! (until you can beat Glass Joe)
I'm kinda sad. there are very obvious changes/evolution between earlier decades in fashion and mindset. a clear delineation between decades but I swear from 2000 on its like fashion and even mindset has been sorta stagnant.
Still I doubt it is really that bad with normal teenagers. Most should have at least an idea of what a NES is.
I have a five year old and he knows what the NES is. He plays it. He also knows the SNES and N64...and newer consoles also. Gotta raise 'em right!
The outfit in the pic made me not click. What have the horrible tween/teen shows of today done to the youth?
The appeal of this sorta shtick is totally lost on me. I just see them grasping for attention... I don't even think this is legit. Something about the internet age make people want to look dumb for laughs. Probably because it's among the easiest ways to stand out from the crowd.
I'm divided. On one hand, I'm happy that they were willing to play. On the other, the fact that they've never heard of Metroid or The Legend of Zelda and that "brick from 1920's" comment depresses me. Also makes me depressed that they probably don't know any other gems from the NES or SNES, like EarthBound or Donkey Kong Country or Kid Icarus. But hey, that's their loss in the end, isn't it?
@Einherjar Yeah, this entirely. If you're not a fan of a hobby, chances are you won't just automatically know about it! But these videos aren't really academic studies. Like any "Outsiders Look In" style video, they pick the worst possible examples. What would be the point of asking kids who are gamers? That would be boring, and would neither rile up the fanbase nor give ageists any self-congratulatory laughs.
I think it's really funny to watch people play old games for the first time. They still enjoyed playing Mario and Punch-Out!! This shows that you don't need the latest consoles to enjoy gaming. Any console with some good games will do. I'm sure most of these teens will take a better look at NES now and want to try other games as well. I don't really see what's so negative about this. Sure most of them hadn't heard of NES but I think it's very understandable if you are not into games and even if you are you might not be interested in video game history or old consoles. Like I have no interest in Star Wars and if you ask me anything about it I don't know the answer (other than some names).
Ya, we should all go back to wearing kickdonkey 90's fashions because they were much more grounded!
Nostalgia is both a blessing and a curse....
Well that is how time works. Kinda like if someone young were to see an ode to "The Raven" and instead think it's an ode to that one TreeHouse of Horror episode from The Simpsons.
There was a video I saw about Bioshock Infinite talking about memes....they thought "battle at wounded knee" was a Skyrim meme and not an actual battle that happened.
There are always those who seek knowledge and there are those who dont. Child or adult, it doesnt matter. Maisie Williams could probably school me on famous actors, or even current pop songs...since I dont follow that knowledge because it doesnt particularly interest me.
I like these videos and hope for more. It's always good to spread the knowledge rather than get angry that kids arent automatically attaining it from Wikipedia and buying retro consoles for the good of gamer-dom.
the legend of Zelda not knowing it has to be bullcrap, the amount of ads Nintendo used to promote both 3DS , WiiU and Wii zelda games, you at least heard of the game,
Okay I can live with people my age not knowing what an nes is. I can live with them not knowing some games exist. But part of me died when I saw some of them died on the first goomba.
Mike Tyson never fails still rock hard I remember beating him back in the day it took me ages to work out his pattern.
So funny seeing the tablet kids of today with OG systems.
@tsukipon Not to bash, but knowing nothing about the Commodore 64 is another cardinal offense if you're a gamer. If you're a casual, then even something as outrageous as not recognizing an NES can be forgiven... Seriously, though. I would recognize an Atari 2600 if I saw one, and I am too young to have ever owned one. It's fine that people are unaware of gaming history. If you're a true gamer, though, you've probably already dug back through some of the classic consoles. Many can still be purchased from used game stores.
cute idea for a video but nothing really shocking. they're young and they haven't played it before, nothing bad on them. None of them are big idiots or anything.
Then they chide them on for acting dumb about loading it for the first time with no instruction. I would do the same if I'd been shown it the first time. I spent 10m last night trying to figure out how to eject a disc from a PS4; a console is a custom computer with redesigned hardware interface like every 3 years, they're never that intuitive.
The benefit for us who grew up with it (and Atari before that) is that we knew all along that it could only get better from there we just had no idea how MUCH better. Now every time I play a 360 or PS4 or something I feel like I'm a rich person living on Mars, it's still hardly believable when I spent some days playing Combat or Frostbite, or Centipede for Hours at a time on our Atari 2600.
I don't even want to speculate about the hours I spent on R.C.Pro-Am on NES, god it's like looking back at your days as an alcoholic... Put that in front of them and then try to get it away from them 6 hours later.
You're all so funny w/ your "videogames are everything" attitude. I bet there are a lot of things in the world RIGHT NOW that a lot of these kids know that you aren't aware of and they would laugh at you for not knowing. Like Monster High dolls, or the names of all the members of 1D. Or some random abbreviation on Facebook. Not everybody cares about Missile Command or Space Invaders, they just don't.
Note to all NL writers - when given the opportunity to use "Game of Thrones" in an article title, take it.
Fake videos, exaggerated. Lame.
Every bit of this is just trash.
First, the Fine Bros are parasites, through and through. "Why make original content when we can make millions exploting other people?"
Second, look at these videos. Their thumbnail screams "OH SUCH WACKY SHENANIGANS! WE'RE HIP! WE'RE IN WITH THE NERD CROWD!"
Third, this article is pure clickbait. From the shocked expression of the girl in the preview image to the tagline, it's obvious that whoever wrote this is trying to get people to come so they can rant on it.
Fourth, everyone complaining about this is a total ass. Let's hear all of the comments about how kids today are so dumb and how back when you were a kid you were SO much better. Love to break it to you, but most of you were listening to Vanilla Ice 24/7 thinking it was cool. So take all of your stupid, baseless accusations and shove it. They make you all look like cranky old men and women telling kids to get off of their lawn.
But, fifth, these kids are pretty obnoxious. It's such a pain in the neck to see nothing but iPhone shovelware completely dominate gaming in the popular culture.
So, the Fine Bros are exploitive parasites, their videos pander to the lowest common denominator, clickbait articles like these just make thnigs worse, people who complain about these kids just because it isn't 1993 anymore are hypocritical a-holes, and the effect that Apple has had on this industry is mostly for the worse.
Young kids won't bash a game if it's squares and bleeps, they'll just try to figure it out and have fun. Teens are always cynical and competitive it's very annoying to watch, that's part of what makes these videos fascinating in a "can't NOT look at the accident scene" kinda way.
sure this could be dissappointing if you're a big gaming nerd then or now. but it's not appalling. Ask all the same kids about basic world geography, or some general history of some of the international conflicts going on RIGHT NOW... that could be very appalling. This thing is just entertaining.
There's so many comments saying how little kids know and that all of them are stupid and naive to old technology. That's a stupid statement, I'm 15 and own every Nintendo and Sega console and have plenty of friends who are more than aware of these classic consoles and some who even own them. I will say some of them were a bit idiotic, especially the one who said the Xbone was better as he hasn't played the system as much as it.
I knew what an NES was when I was 6. A ****ING 6 YEAR OLD (at the time) KNEW ABOUT THIS BEFORE EVEN THESE TEENS DID.
I'm sorry, but if that is really the case, then something's wrong here.
@jos: Hey, you never know with today's generation. Granted, I knew about The Legend of Zelda growing up despite the fact that I didn't play a single game (I've gotten more into the series in the past couple years), but each generation gets more and more focused on tablet and smart devices and their excuses for games - I would not find it surprising at all if their reaction was legitimate.
Come on. I'm 15 and I know everything. I never even grew up with the SNES, let alone the NES.
But anyway though, hope they now know what it is.
When that girl with the hat said like: "I'm still a kid, I sound so patronizing"
That made me lol.
I've seen a bunch of these videos before, they even have "elders react" where they put 60-70 year olds in front of stuff like Eminem videos and Hatsune Miku and get their take.
@S-Miyahon Well no, but this was made from the same people who made Kids React. Regardless I think we had enough cringe inducing videos, no?
Damn kids. -_-
@jedisquidward - Holy crap, you literally just raged at every aspect of this video. How you managed to pull this off is extraordinary:
It is truly remarkable to see a post to laden with misdirected hostlity and flailing anger. Kudos to you, sir!
@StuOhQ I disagree with this. I know it existed and I know people played games on it but I wouldn't recognize one if I saw it and I don't think that matters. It doesn't make anyone less than a gamer. If you're interested fine, but actually thinking that one is superior because they know about systems they didn't even own or play is foolish. Not everyone has to take interest in gaming bistort to appreciate modern day games.
A gamer is a person who plays games. Plain and simple.
@rjejr this comment has everything I didn't say that I wanted to
@Beetlejuice @Beetlejuice
I'm a child of the eighties but no one I knew ever dressed like that in the 90s. It was all over music videos and tv though. Fashion trends are always silly but more so are the people that feel they have to jump aboard.
Actually the neon bike shorts were much worse than that.
Just about everyone I knew growing up just wore jeans and t-shirts. No nostalgia. Though the torn jean fad did kinda take for a bit.
@rjejr These are all extremely valid and accurate points. Although I share your mindset in this situation, I can understand why everyone's getting so upset in the comments. Every user here on NintendoLife is a gamer (someone who plays games as a hobby), and thus the hobby of video games is something quite important to them (especially for those who are older). Because of this, they end up feeling a bit offended as they feel as if their hobby is being personally attacked (Not going to lie, "The Legend of Who" and "I have that as an iPhone case" nearly got me).
@Beetlejuice - Ah, nice...the "90s" that people who never lived in the 90s remember that died out largely by
Actual 90s styles may vary:
It's fun to watch these videos and while it's a little shocking that some of them don't know LoZ it's great that they have an opportunity to know this stuff, maybe some of them will research about some NES games and play them.
I'm 23, I think I'm not a teen-ager anymore, but yeah, I was born after the NES era and I've beaten some of the hardest games of its library without even owning the console, I guess VC is a blessing for the ones like me.
Also, I have a 9 year old cousin and a 6 year old nephew and they both have played NES games, I even lend my SNES to my cousin. The awesome part is that they do appreciate some of the games and they have no trouble in saying that SMW is as good as SMG. They'll be great gamers :')
I actually enjoy watching these videos. I like the kids react to DuckTales episode. The Internet episode is good too.
However, I can't wait until my kids are in a video in the future making fun of these teenagers.
I didn't watch it, but judging by the comments, some pretty dumb stuff was said..... I'm a teen who knows quite a bit about the NES. So rest assured, elders! Some of us know about the classics.
Keyword: Some...
I hate teens react videos. They all seem like they're trying too hard to be funny.
lol, GameBoy. Close, but no. xD
I'm a teenage guy too, and I don't know a single person who doesn't know what an NES is.
I mean, my 6 year old brother has played Super Mario Bro's before!
These teenagers sadden me.
@BieberBlows The avatar is awesome here(your's).... The Offspring, for the win!
@JellySplat I feel bad for 'em.
I couldn't agree more!
@Beetlejuice Haha, yes!
Uhhh...honestly, I'd like to defend the teens here by saying stuff like "THE NEW GENERATION DOESN'T NEED TO KNOW ABOUT OLD STUF!!!!1!"
But...I'm 17 and I know about the NES and SNES since I was a freaking kid. I'm not alone here, either, just check the comments section for that video, 90% of the comments are stuff along the lines "How do they not know what a NES is?" and "HOW DO THEY NOT KNOW WHAT ZELDA IS?!"
Ironically, I never beaten Super Mario Bros. yet...and I'm 27. lol
How can they not know what The Legend of Zelda is?! The games are like every where my nieces and nephews know what Zelda is and they are younger than they are.
@tsukipon I guess I was using the term gamer to apply to those who are into the lifestyle/scene/culture of gaming. "Core" or "true" gamers are also terms for what I was describing, but core comes with it's own subset of stereotypes which don't apply broadly, and "true" makes it seem as if other gamers don't really like to play games.That's the main reason I noted that "casuals," who are also part of the gaming demographic, need not worry about entrenching themselves in the history. When I say "gamers" should know the Commodore 64 or NES, I'm referring to the informed minority - such as a "cinephile" should know their silent films, or a beer aficionado should know their Trappist quadruples. Sorry for the confusion of terminology. You don't have to know the C64 to enjoy games. If you're active in the gaming community, it's not a bad idea to research the classics...
@tsukipon Oh my god that makes me so annoyed. There are kids in my class who have Game Boy phone cases and I asked them what it was and guess what they said. "Oh its erm... a..... er...... DS Case". It just shows how kids these days (And this is coming from a 19 year old) are so spoiled... I guess it is out of our interest to like Nintendo but if you insult someone over something they like, that isn't really fair. The worst was when the kid said " this looks like a brick from the 1920s".
Maybe I don't know everything about what you like, but I wouldn't go as far as to insult it because it is unfamiliar to me.
@NintendoFan64 The same thing happened to me
@SphericalCrusher You are such a great parent! You kid is gonna be a good one
Sorry but this is a couple of ignorant teens they selected from the crowd. They DO NOT represent the youth as a whole. I'm 15 and knew how to turn the NES on and how to put in the cartridge the right way the first time I encountered one when I was 7 or 8. It's not complicated. This doesn't prove anything other than that a lot of parents(not all of them; I won't be categorizing every parent in the world into a group like many people are categorizing every teen in the world due to this video) are spoiling their kids and not giving them the necessary history lessons.
Blame the parents, folks.
My wife is 33 years old and she's never heard of Mario & Luigi until I bought a Wii U last November. You guys have a problem with that? Jeez... At least IGN comments section is more entertaining to read than here in Negativity Life.
I actually think that the people who are complaining in this comment section are less aware of the world than the teenagers are in the video. They seem to not acknowledge the fact that there are people out there who aren't gamers. These people just simply don't care about video games. Shocking isn't it?
Ugh, the React series. barf Scraping the bottom of "news" barell, huh?
Teens React no thanks, I have a wall I need to stare at instead...
True dat.
@Action51 I'm sorry, but it really is true. I really would prefer for something like this to just have not been made. Despite understandable circumstances, I don't want things like this to come out just to complain about it. The amount of people this video has angered in comparison to the amount of people it has entertained makes it really not have been worth making in the first place. I mean, Jesus, look how many comments there are on this one article in such little time!
Heh, at least the girl in the beanie got close to the top of the flagpole, something I probably wouldn't have been able to do haha. She seemed like the coolest of the girls in the video; the rest were kinda (unsurprisingly) annoying.
@StuOhQ I understand what you mean like people who enjoy movies don't have to know silent film classics but moviebuffs often do and watch them and I know that the C64 was a thing and that's all that should matter because I don't have to play it or know the titles of games you could play on it to validate myself as a gamer, hardcoee or otherwise.
I consider myself a game because I play a broad spectrum of titles for more than 20 hours a week. Some are competitive. Some are casual and I've been playing games literally since I was 2 years old. Including some learning games for the PC my father showed me. I played every major console in the US besides any PC types except for the Sega Saturn. What I'm basically saying is that games been a Parr of my life forever. I grew up near the start of the console gaming systems like Nintendo and Sega and PlayStation. I wouldn't know what to do without video games. And there are kids like that whose earliest system is probably the PlayStation or the Xbox and theyve played games all their life with probably no access to any other console. At that age, those kids can only know about wbat theur parents buy into the hkuse. My friend has never owned a Nintendo product in her life albeit she knows what one is cuz she is my friend but there are other people who probably never experienced it and would not know what it is.
I think for the most part gaming is more than just knowing the oldest system and I wouldn't call someone a true gamer just for knowing that. Its more of a lifestyle in my opinion and if you have a passion for gaming, you should be considered a true gamer.
Gamephile (like cinephile) is what I'd call that person who knows those things simply to know rather than those that actually experienced it.
It really didn't sound that bad to me. The only one one that seemed ugh to me was the girl who was with her brother. The guy who made the xbone comment was just used to a different style of gaming, that's all.
As someone who is 17, it shames me of having to admit of being in the same generation of these people. Seriously, how do they not know ANYTHING about the NES?!
Watching this made me feel like there's no hope for 80% of our youth.
Better than those brats playing the gameboy!
Looks like the world has passed me by...
@Dark-Chespin Thank you for your kind words! I love my boys very much. Once my son Evan is older (He's 1), he'll be playing also.
The Punch Out video was genuinely pretty hilarious.
Well, to give you guys some hope, I let me nieces, and nephews play my NES, and they LOVE it, despite being into modern stuff like "Angry Birds."
My 8-year old niece LOVES "Duck Hunt" surprisingly.
I literally died inside when they said the "Legend of who". I get the fact that they don't need to know what a NES is but come on there's a common trend in these comments of teens knowing what it is including my self.
The 1080p xbone comment was really funny though it made me giggle.
I love watching these react videos; both the kids/teens and elders ones.
I thought this one was particularly good:
Note: Giving these kids a slightly broken NES without any instruction manual for basic setup and stuff is cheating a little bit however because it paints the system in an unfair and unrealistic light (as if you'd give them a Wii U, Xbox One or PS4 and zero instructions), so their reactions aren't quite doing the system justice. I mean they go on about it being complicated but lets be honest here, it's an order of magnitude less complicated to basically connect up and get an old NES system running and then start a game than it is to do the same on ANY modern home console; with their day one updates, accounts and sign in, avatars, credit card information, controller syncing, online, user interfaces with system menus that have multiple different icons applications and other stuff, controllers with around 14 different buttons and whatever else...
I actually think virtually all of them would in fact learn to appreciate and really enjoy the system if they actually had one setup and working perfectly in their living rooms with a bunch of the best games to play it
I wanna kick their butts because they dont know what TLOZ is.
I'm 14 and I know alot more about retro gaming than these idiots. Pft.
Oh don't be ridiculous! "disgusting! how dare not knowing a very old game console". seriously? you are that stupid and arrogant now?
Grow up.
Seriously? My school is full of hip adolescents who can't tell gaming from an XBox apart from an iPad and yet I bet that they, at least, recognize what an NES is and what it looks like. No one could be that ignorant about gaming unless they lived in a shell throughout their entire lives.
I hate these react videos so much. I remember the brats in the game boy video, especially that one who said he would throw away a game boy his parents gave him no matter what the sentimental value. That pissed me off so much on a personal level, considering my first gaming system was a hand-me down Sega Genesis, given to me as a toddler and all of the happy memories playing it. The comments here were quite enough to tell me to avoid this one. I can understand not knowing or caring about nintendo, but don't have a phone case of something you don't know what it is, that's just like those girls who wear pikachu shirts, and hate pokemon!
If they don't know Zelda, they probably don't know Megaman, which is just as sad
Clearly, some people are taking these videos way too seriously.
They're supposed to be a bit of fun, not a social commentary on our hobby or whatever.
Don't get so upset by the fact that there's people out there who don't know much about gaming.
Gaiz, Im onli 16 and i no wut an nes is, gawd ppl r soo stopid.
That was very entertaining if not a bit difficult to watch. I mean, I love Nintendo and the NES and it's hard to imagine young people who don't get warm-fuzzies when they look at it. Also, I flat out disagreed with some of the statements made but I can't deny it's an old piece of tech that is outdated. It just happens to play very well designed (if not technologically cutting-edge) games.
I'm 15, and I'm ready to puke. This is why I have barely any friends. I don't WANT these kids to be my friends.
first thing I noticed, even before watching the video.
I loved this video, it cracked me up. I would talk to any of these kids, they all seemed pretty cool. I totally lost it at the last comment about "Starbucks and The Fault in Our Stars" though, too, too funny. I guess all the cool kids who would play NES are pretentious hipsters!
@Kirk You're right, it was so much easier to set up these old systems and get them to play. You could literally set up an NES in under a minute and be playing games that fast. I'm getting a PS4 tonight at the Destiny launch and I can guarantee it will take me three or four hours to be completely set up because I never had a PS3 so I don't have any accounts set up. I doubt I will be able to play on my new console until tomorrow.
The girl in the backwards cap has the derpiest face I've ever seen in my life. I couldn't care less about what her opinion is on anything.
@AkDeath Doesn't matter. She's a successful actress on a popular show and is rumoured to be in The Last of Us movie. She has a fanbase of thousands, and will likely peak to hundreds of thousands (if not, millions because as an actress she is taking the right steps).
But it isn't right to judge her on her hat and a face anyways. That's called stereotyping and it only brings the human race steps backwards.
These aren't even funny. I facepalm so hard my face hurts. =/
25 years old and im feeling stupidly old with this video, amazing !
love this videos
@Turnip-Forest True, I personally hate it when people have that attitude towards those who don't know anything about their hobby. I also cannot stand the Kids/Teens/Elders react series because it puts bratty people on a pedestal and misrepresents what they react to. Both sides are wrong, but seeing how the average every day person is, I agree with the people angry at this 100%.
I'm 23 now and NES titles we're the first games I've ever played (can't remember how old I was when I first played it, maybe 4-5 years old). Couldn't get past Cut Man's stage in Mega Man and always failed that hard jumping right at the beginning of Gutsman's insane level. Then there was of course Super Mario Bros. After that, Donkey Kong Country games on SNES. Oldest Nintendo systems I have are GBA and Gamecube so I play retro games on Wii. Virtual Console was a great move from Nintendo. It's been great to experience those titles I couldn't beat as a kid.
Wow... I'm younger than some of them, and this even embarrasses me...
Pretty amusing, some of the reactions were sorta cringe worthy, but the positive outlook towards the end was nice to see. Their answers to "would kids today tolerate it" was actually pretty surprising, in a good way. You wouldn't expect to hear that from people their age.
I think people are over-reacting a bit though. Yea, theres no reason they have to or should know much if anything about old systems, but there isn't any reason they couldn't either.
They could easily have still owned or at least played them. One guy even called the NES the "vinyl of gaming", which puts a damper on the "before their time" argument. That would be just as unreasonable, but somehow gets a pass in favor of calling out people for sounding like crotchety old geezers. Chances are most people know about and even take interest in things from before their time. Gaming is no exception.
I don't get the way people are reacting badly to them. They had a perfectly reasonable amount of NES knowledge, I wouldn't expect more or less. I don't get what's worrying about this generation. If anythings worrying, it's that they just flip the bird like that. That's more if an issue than not knowing about old video games.
I can take people not knowing what it is sure but the guy at the end saying if you own one you're a hipster? How does that work? Its weird how these kids never heard of an NES especially in this day and age of the internet that makes it so easy to learn about things. I don't consider you a gamer unless you know the history behind it.
They released the bonus video with deleted scenes... and one girl said "Look it's the pipes from flappy bird"...
... I can't even...
The guy who talked about XboxOne: Oh, what can it do? You can watch Netflix on it! Oh, that's possible on any device! Besides, your XboxOne probably dies in a year, while your NES keeps working!
This video just made me frustrated with these kids
I was disappointed that the people behind the videos didn't plug the Virtual Console when some of the kids showed further interest in playing NES games.
I love the Fine Bros( the youtube channel that made this video), they always make awesome videos...
Also people need to just get over the fact that not all the teenagers knew every game. Seriously. I mean, just get over it.
@ryanator008 Your comment is perfect. 5 stars.
"i have an iphone case like this" best quote ever hahaha
I remembered playing Mario Bros when I was like 9, and then I felt lots of games were better than Mario Bros (e.g., Wonderboy, Bio Miracle Bokutta Upa). But after playing Mario 3 I felt like it is one of the best games ever made - definitely better than the Boner games nowadays.
Honestly, you can still play Mario 3 nowadays and experienced how amazing it still is (as compared to recent video games)? The problem of recent video games was that they are too easy (i.e., no challenge) and probably for kids only.
This makes me sick.
@tsukipon I wasn't exposed to this stuff, I had done research all by myself. I like nintendo, so I only wanted to know more history.
@tsukipon Posers. That's what they are. I love 70's & 80's metal and rock bands, so I wear those T-Shirts.
Well, I got admit, I'm almost 30 and I've never seen one in real life. Not judging thoses kids. People that are into video games can't avoid hearing about the NES, but that doesn't mean they ever had one.
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