EnjoyUp Games has announced that it will be publishing Quaternion Studio's Rock Zombie on the Wii U eShop.
Billed as a tribute to classic arcade combat titles like Final Fight and Golden Axe, Rock Zombie features three playable characters — all members of a female rock group — who have to brawl their way through hordes of the undead. It would appear that it also has driving sections which include a car and motorobike.
Here's the full and gory press release:
What would happen if a concert of a female rock band was invaded by a horde of zombies? The answer to that question can be found in this videogame which combines both, classic gameplay from the Arcade Golden Age with modern 3D graphics.
20 levels filled with addictive action where you will fight all kinds of enemies, ride motorbikes, drive cars and much more.
- A terrifying story told through 300 comic strips inserted between the action sections of the game.
- Three awesome characters to choose from: Zoe, Sasha, and Crystal.
- A wide range of weapons, costumes and concept art, and loads of unlockable collectible material at the Zombie Museum.
- An OST that combines Hard Rock, Nu Metal and Alt Rock that will immerse you into a really dark and rainy urban atmosphere.
EnjoyUp Games aim at releasing Rock Zombie in time for Halloween in North America. Do you think arcade brawler will turn out to be a trick or a treat?
Comments 48
The comic book angle is kinda cool, but the combat seems pretty bland...
Hmmmm.......wonder if the guitar player has a "golden axe"
Ok I'm in on this one.
Looks interesting, but it doesn't look like you can do much attacks unless you need to unlock them.
I feel pain when I see a guitar used as a weapon.
I watched some gameplay on YouTube and it looks terrible
Could do with a serious layer of polish, and I think the camera's shudder upon every hit is a bit superfluous, but otherwise looks like an interesting venture.
Yeah this doesn't look at all engaging...
Looks like a solid 6-7 stars game. I will give it a try, this should be fun
If the price is right and it's not a glitchy mess, I'm in. Just because I love the concept.
Generic rock sound, stale gameplay.. count me out.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y31uYY88fBk The tutorial of the game and first level.
Would be a definite buy for me if only the model animations were smoother, the voice acting(grunting) less stale, i keep hearing the same 2 grunts repeating again and again, the camera giving much better angles, I mean this game'd look sexier if the characters acted much more bad-ass. but nonetheless i may buy it when it comes out.
@NL Any word on when they plan to have it out?
As much as I love a good beat em off game, I'm just going to wait for Mad Men Football
Looks really bad, especially the over-use of the main attack throughout the trailer. Grunt + Guitar overhead swings ad nauseam.
Most of the fun of Golden Axe and Final Fight was couch co-op and that seems to be missing from this game entirely....
Read the last paragraph
I do love me a beat-em-up. Hopefully 1-2-3 guitar string combos will be implemented, though it's looking unlikely from this trailer....
could be right up my street, but the combat does look a bit bland, will wait for a review
I like my mindless brawlers, but that looked hilariously bad.
The only vaguely good thing, is that the trailer isn't actually for WiiU, so who knows, maybe it'll see some improvement by Halloween?
However it does seem to be committing a console beat-em-up sin. All the way through watching, I was thinking "why only three characters? A band can have any number of members, so you'd think they'd include enough for each potential player?"
Then it hit me. This game is single player only.
When you're porting to a console which has such a strong couch multiplayer line-up, then not of including it, in a genre that has always been so much better when played with friends, is either really stupid or lazy.
If they add it, then they'll have a chance of being fun. Within it, I can't see myself picking it up apart from when seriously reduced.
Wow this caught my interest for some reason.
It dosent look to bad I would definitely consider if the price is right
(Cut to generic rocker chick [red] repeating a single swing)
I'm all for arcade brawlers, but this looks awful. Those jerky walk cycles, the samey characters, no co-op, and worst of all, the band has no drummer!
Shouldn't one of them be using drumsticks instead? Never heard of a rock band with 3 guitarists and no drummer!
Well, this looks rather dull.
This looks like some horrible iPad app game.
"Let's make a game that has N64-like graphics, in the most boring genre ever conceived. We're not going to do anything to expand upon the genre, but rather keep it generic and simple. And then let's add an uninspired and repetitive guitar riff to the whole thing."
I hope this gets to EU. Looks fun enough.
They seem to all play the same. If the one who is on drums could use an attack style similar to Arnise/Kali since she is on drums, that would be a good way to make one of them different. I'm not to sure how different you could make guitar from bass. I guess the guitar could be an axe, and the bass could be a mace?
Love me some beat 'em ups so I will keep my eye on this.
pretty generic (zombies everywhere...) but the music and gameplay looks really cool, i hope the price is not too high
Hopefully at a reasonable price and download size and I'm in!
Wow, those animation are more terrifying than the zombie apocalypse itself!
Kinda sad, really - bland visuals, bad gameplay, and inconsistent framerate meet awesome metal tunes!
It's gonna need some polishing and actual DRAWN comic strips to pique my interest, though the nice metal sound kinda got me.
I want to buy this, but I think I'd be wasting my money. Maybe on sale, or if a better trailer comes along and shows more moves then an overhead guitar smash, and is there local co op? That's a must have for a game like this.
I was interested in the idea, but if the combat is that simple then it's not worth it at all. Not even SNES brawlers had attack streams that simple.
This looks an awful lot like an hi-rez N64 game. I love me some metal and scantly dress women but I must say I'm going to pass. The production values of this just don't seem to work. Maybe if it would have had a more old school art style it would be a bit more appealing. As it stands now though I think this will most def be a pass from me.
Willing to let them finish the game, but from the get go, there is ZERO difference on the 3D builds of the women (other than hair color, outfit, etc). There is also zero difference on the attacks. Sidescroller fight game 101: Strength person, Speed person, Magic person. This games seems to have the characters as all the same, with slight 'Mario Kart' differences, not true differences in character.
Nice concept. I'll probably wait for a NL review, hopefully it turns out well.
The problem with this game is that I would totally enjoy playing it...10 years ago...on a Game Cube
i like the pitched idea and background but the animation looks awful and the characters ahve ps1 style blocky polygon bodies look at their shoulders and arms when moving this is not acceptable and the fighting looks bland at best. it reminds me of freedom force on the pc from about 2000.
Nice rack!
looks promising.
The only thing that could save this, would be if it weren't three guitarists. Have the Guitarist/Vocalist, Bassist, and the drummer can slice up Zombies with her cymbals. It took me watching this trailer to realize that. I'd be surprised if the devs didn't think of it, too.
EnjoyUp is becoming one of my favorite companies publishing for wii u! With Unepic and Abyss already downloaded I can't wait for this game
This doesn't look good at all.
Finally a game with good music.
@Beetlejuice Whoa, what kind of game?!? Is that part of Nintendo's QOL platform? This is why you're my favorite NL user. Go Lester, it's your birfday.
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