Your format of choice?

Sony Worldwide Studios senior VP of product development Scott Rohde has made the bold claim that Wii and Xbox 360 owners are choosing the PS4 as their next system.

Using stats collected by industry tracker Nielsen, Rohde explained that many new PS4 owners did not previously own a PS3, and instead upgraded from a rival system:

Everyone in this industry always tracks that kind of stuff. It's always fascinating to look at all this data. So, two of the things I can talk about - because they're true. 17 per cent of PS4 owners did not own a last-gen console. That in itself is a pretty shocking number. 31 per cent of PS4 owners did not own a PS3, but they did own either an Xbox 360 or Wii. Now, those are some pretty amazing numbers.

When you consider that the Wii sold over 100 million units worldwide yet the Wii U has shifted just over 6 million, it would appear that Rohde has a point — Wii owners clearly aren't upgrading to Nintendo's new machine in the numbers that should be expected.

Are you a Wii owner who is yet to buy a Wii U? If so, what system — or systems — have you pledged your support to? Let us know by casting your vote in the (rather large) poll below.

Wii owners - what next-gen system have you upgraded to? (931 votes)

  1. I've got a Wii U74%
  2. I've got a Wii U, but I also picked up a PS48%
  3. I've got a Wii U, but I also picked up an Xbox One3%
  4. I've got a Wii U, but I also picked up a PS4 and an Xbox One1%
  5. I went with the PlayStation 42%
  6. I went with the Xbox One0%
  7. I've got a PS4 and Xbox one, but not a Wii U0%
  8. I haven't upgraded to a next-gen machine yet11%

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