Adventures of Pip

Tic Toc Games has announced that its recently-launched Kickstarter campaign for Adventures of Pip will now include support for the Wii U. The update, which can be seen below, came soon after receiving the all clear from Nintendo:

IT'S FINALLY OFFICIAL! How cool is Nintendo! So cool they called us last night to say everything is good to go and we can blast Wii U Support this morning. We are extremely happy its [sic] official!

This means the side-scrolling action adventure game will be coming to Wii U, Xbox One, PC and Mac, if it manages to reach its target goal of $90,000 in the next month. The campaign currently stands at just over $11,000 (at the time of writing) and has an estimated release date of November 2014.

The title, unsurprisingly, follows the adventures of Pip, a single pixel who throughout the game steadily evolves into a higher-resolution hero. Although he can only jump on enemies initially, collecting pixels from fallen foes allows Pip to grow and learn new abilities, such as sword-wielding and powerful combos. Of course, Pip does have a mission, and that’s to restore the kingdom’s pixels which have been stolen be an evil queen. In order to confront the Dark Queen, Pip must journey through forests, swamps and caves, whilst using his new found abilities to take on the hordes of enemies standing in his way.

Are you likely to be backing Adventures of Pip? As always, let us know in the comments section.

Thanks to Ryan Millar for the tip.
